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Would you rather

I'd rather be whatever everyone around me is so we can relate to one another better.

Would you rather be with someone and miserable, or alone and happy?
Alone and happy, definitely! I think theing with someone (in a relationship) only has a purpose if it brings both people happiness :heart:

You're an adventurer and are forced to give an intense, passionate blowjob (to completion) to one of two monsters in order to get a powerful magical item you need to continue your journey. Do you choose to fellate the orc or the minotaur?
Well, this is a rather shit end of the stick for me. If I have too, I'd go with the orc as minotaurs are not centaurs.

Would you rather never use social media sites / apps again or never watch another movie \ TV show?
Tough one but I love the cinema (TV can go).

Would you rather lose the ability to hear or taste?
Oh, good question! I guess it would depend upon how much I fancy the person or dislike the other. lol

Would you rather travel by train or ship (water) to a new and exotic vacation destination?
And here I thought that this game didn't exist on this blue moon...awkward...

Ship, then I can take a lot of pictures from the deck.

Would you rather swim with sharks or jump out of a plane?
I'm cool with swimming with sharks, if they're Nurse sharks. :p

Would you rather have a blind date at a coffee house or pizza parlor?
That's a hard one. I'd say pizza parlor unless the coffee house serves tea too. If not, then I can stil drink a double-chocolate chococino.

Would you rather work at a power plant or on an oil platform?
(Coffee house serves tea too, all types even rooibos tea)
Hmm, power plant. Oil Platform means being away from home and having to bunk with others who might not believe in bathing.

Would you rather have breakfast, lunch, or dinner as your main meal?
Who not believe in bathing...that's a good one.

Breakfast because it's like a sacred meal for me. And if I miss it I can still have brunch.

Would you rather bath in sludge or not clean yourself for an entire month?
Isn't bathing in sludge just getting dirtier? I think I'd go with not cleaning myself for a month but that would be torture. I don't think I could last. lol

Would you rather have dark chocolate or milk chocolate?
That depends on my mood, I like al kinds of chocolate as long as there aren't any raisins or alcohol in it. I'll take milk chocolate.

Would you rather be a cloud or a rock?
Um a cloud, easy travel and able to discover new people and civilizations.

Would you rather be Kermit or Miss Piggy?
Moth, elevation sounds like a better environment than low to the ground.

Would rather eat fruits or vegetables for the rest of your life?
Fruits because I like their juices and smoothies more.

Would you rather lose your legs but become super fast or lose your arms and be able to triple jump?
Lose my legs but get bionic ones....because they have the technology....they can rebuild me, make me faster...

Would you rather have Gabrielle Union or Halle Berry for a one night stand?
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