Monster Integration Program (wiki234 and PastelCreme)


Jul 21, 2016
Beside the AC
Name: Chione
Age: 18
Species: Yuki-Onna

Name: Sanura
Age: 17
Species: Neko

Chione felt a little nauseous as she was driven to her host's home. The AC was on full blast but it was still warmer than she was used to up on the snowy mountain where she was born. Could that cause it? Was it the movement of the car? Or maybe it was nerves? Chi had never left home before, and this was far from home as she would be surrounded by humans. She looked out the window as they drove, looking at the unfamiliar streets and oddities of the human populated areas.

Life on the mountain was predictable and unexciting. Staying there she would never get to learn or experience anything new. That's why she wanted to participate in the program. In addition to the fact that her mother pressured her into doing so. The women felt that if Chione was forced to meet new people then perhaps she could open up a bit. The young girl was rather quite, shy and had difficulty expressing herself. It was her mother's biggest fear that Chi would end up lonely.

Eventually they reached the host home and she stepped out of the car. Instantly she felt worse under the sun and she couldn't wait to get inside. Apparently the government helped renovate a room so that it could stay comfortably chilly for her. As she stepped up to the door she nervously held her arms close to her body and bit her lip. Beside her was a friendly government agent warmed up to a bit.
Name: kairu
Age: 18

The life of a human, it had its good and bad and at times it was hard work or a large pile of boringness to him, but for him it was more hard work than being able to just stay at home and be lazy watching tv or doing something else. He could understand the struggles, and it definitely hit him fast when he had to do everything himself now other than study or be stuck in someone else's problem when he was at school.

For now at least he didn't have much to do other than hearing an odd knock, with a feeling that his troubles were only the beginning now being stuck as a host family to something he thought that was crazy and couldn't possibly exist. He sighed looking back toward the stairs remembering the chaos that had happened when a group of workers started inside his house, took one of his spare rooms and turned into what he would call a babysitting room. It turned out he was taken to being someone who would make a home for a monster in a program he faintly heard about.

Even worse for him now was the window was slightly open behind him, there was no escape not answering the door as the beings outside could just look through and see someone standing their. " oh god why me..." Kairu facepalmed and sighed as he slowly opened the door wearing black shorts and a plain white shirt, "yeah what do you want..." Asking as his head was a bit low he really wasn't too thrilled with what he was gonna hear next and he was too busy freaking out a bit in the inside to notice he younger girl standing next to the agent.
The agent gave a reassuring smile to her before the door opened. She turned, noticing the male at the entrance. The female agent continued to smile at him "Kairu?' she questioned as she continued "This is Chione, she will be the one staying with you for a while." as she spoke her hands motioned to the pale female to her side.

The girl looked up at the male and stared for a moment. He looked to be the same age as her. The agent did say he was quite young but Chione didn't expect that. She noticed when he first opened the door that he seemed just a little irritated. Was it just a bad time or was he not happy to be housing a monster. She looked down at her feet for a moment when she realized she was staring. She peeked back up "H-hello, it's nice to meet you, thank you for having me." She offered a bit of a shy smile. Her polite words were very soft spoken which was typical even among acquaintances.

"Can we come in?" the agent asked as she stepped through the door into the house. "We have a lot we need to discuss before I let the two of you go." As the agent headed towards the living space, Chi shuffled in behind her, glad his house was a little cooler than the outside. The agent made herself comfortable in one of the chairs and sat on the couch, straightening out her long white robes. "First lets talk about your expectations as a host."
He stretched and leaned against the door a bit with crossed arms as he looked over at the girl now, a monster? she seemed like a normal girl who seemed like she had her parents move her overseas, it wasn't possible she was a monster with any horns or tails or anything. He moved to the side as they walked in as he gave a slight nervous chuckle closing the door, "umm...yeah nice to meet you...guys...." Kairu had no idea how he would get out of this if he even could and he had a strange feeling he was being dragged into taking care of a monster girl on purpose.

Finally he walked over and sat down with them, great just like in high school he was gonna have a lecture about keeping her safe and watching over and feeding her. " your probably gonna tell me it's a big responsibility to watch over and protect her and make sites she's happy all the time, am I right?" He asked wondering if what he said could get her a moment to not start talking about something boring yet important so he could think a bit more. " and what is she anyway then...maybe something to do with cold? Maybe she's some ice monster right?" He asked now noticing a bit, "anything else then?" He asked leaning back a bit.
The agent smiled "Your on the right track but it's not like your adopting a dog. You need to teach her about human society as part of the integration project." she started "Chione has a few specific needs but I'm sure she can explain them as time goes on." The agent then went on explaining the rules, stressing certain ones of particular importance. "... In addition to no violence allowed between humans and liminals, there also should be no romance or sexual relations of any kind." The agent smirked just a little bit "Your young so I pray you have good control of your hormones and remember not to lay a finger on her." The current topic of conversation made Chi incredibly nervous and she blushed deeply as a chill swept through the room.

The agent continued talking for a bit before standing. "I suppose now is a good time to stop and let the two of you get to know each other." She began to head out but before she opened the door she turned and mentioned "Don't forget, I'll be checking up on the two of you to make sure everything is going smoothly. See you guys around." And with that she was gone.

Chione began to nervously play with her hair as she recalled their previous conversation. "Yuki-Onna" she said to him nervously. He had suspected she was some kind of ice monster, specifically she was a Yuki-Onna, a snow woman.
He couldn't help but blush a bit as well, "what do you think I am! Some sort of prevent, your the one that pushed her onto me like that!" He swiftly replied seeing she had no faith in him and that she had to warn him against that like a child. He sighed, "fine fine..." He crossed his arms and sat up a bit, annoyed on the inside to showing she had little faith in him, " God please don't appear randomly as well you know..." He warned going over to lock the door and turning to look back at the girl " hmmm well I think I got it, at least their the same right?" He asked with a smile.

"You thirsty? Want any tea or water?" Kairu offered standing up with a stretch and going over to the kitchen and already going ahead with making the tea. " go ahead and watch tv then if you want.."
Chione smiled just a little bit back at the other. She liked his smile, it was warm, friendly and put her to ease just a bit. He offered her tea and she replied "Oh, ah... tea please!" adding nervously as he walked off "And if it's no trouble to you, c-could I get a few ice cubes?" Chi hated asking for anything. More then anything she hated being a bother. "It's fine if you don't have any!" she made sure to add.

The other told her she could go ahead and watch TV. She knew what it was, one of her neighbors had one and watched movies. Most of her neighbors didn't own a tv because there were no channels available to them in the mountains. Additionally there were no stores that sold movies near by. Special items like that required a long trip down to the nearest human village. The same went for the internet, there were no providers even close to where she lived.

She looked at the tv sitting across from her, she had no idea how to even turn it on. So she sat there, quietly looking around the room. It was actually a very inviting home with several interesting objects all around. Her own home was very simple though had several pieces of art decorating the walls.
He came back out with a tea kettle and two small round cups, simple looking lines that wrapped around the base all the way up, setting the things down on the table and sitting with her. Kairu poured them both then turned to look at her once she asked, " sure, no prob I'll be back again...and it's no trouble for me, don't be afraid to ask for something when you need help even if it happens all the time." He paused for w moment standing up, " I like being useful to other people so please don't be scared to ask if you need help with anything..." Kairu still kept his smile toward her as he slowly took the remote and turned on the tv.

Taking her cup he walked into the kitchen and went for some ice slowly walking back and placing the cup down on the table again as he sat down again and turned to watch tv, " so...are you pretty new to what humans have like a tv?" He asked having a feeling of observation, " have you lived in the mountains away from people and no electricity or anything?"
Chione smiled brightly at the other "Thank you so much!" she said to him as he left to get the ice, reassuring her that it was alright. He turned on the tv, and she felt a little sheepish after seeing how easy it was. When he came back she took the cup and sipped the drink. "Delicious, thank you."

He asked if she she was new to tvs and electricity. A deep blush spread across her face. It was kind of embarrassing and she hoped he didn't think she was from the wild or something. "Well... my neighbors have a tv, and a few others have solar panels but my house doesn't have that. Our little mountain village is small and far from people so we don't have electricity but we have everything we need. Maybe someday you can visit? My mother runs the local bath house from the hot springs and loves visitors." She felt like she rambled a bit, for being not so chatty usually it was. Quickly she took another drink of her tea, turning her attention the the screen as her blush deepened.
" glad you like it.." He leaned back a bit more as his arms were rested on his lap casually watching to tv with her and having some talk, "hmm geography..." He said thinking a bit " and of course your different from regular people..." He took his own cup and drank the tea with a relaxing sigh, " springs that would be one hell of a trip, I've never been to one so I'm sure it would be awesome...yeah maybe someday I could.." The young man felt happy to at least getting to know pretty well someone he had to watch and it seemed she was slowly more comfortable with him. " you hungry? I could maybe order something..." He offered wondering what to do now seeing as it was soon already about to be dusk.
Chione sat her tea down when he talked about ordering food. "I could go for some food. What sort of things are on the menu?" she asked smiling. She was sure that their diets were quite different. "I'll try anything as long as it isn't too spicy." she mentioned, making sure he knew she didn't have any difficult diet restrictions. Chi ate her food colder than most people and spicy food made her feel ill but other than that she could eat whatever. On the topic of food, she wondered what ice cream was like for humans. Back home her mother would make ice cream all the time however they were limited on flavors and certain ingredients. "I heard that humans have unlimited flavors of ice cream available to them, is that true?" she asked curiously. While down here, if that was true she would make it her duty to test out every flavor she could.
"Of course..." He said thinking it obvious since she use the element of ice and water that she wouldn't like anything hot, food or drinks. "Hmmm well I didn't really have plans, maybe we could go to a fast food place nearby or something, mmmm maybe a burger place.." He stood up and stretched, " oh man there's so many, even some crazy ones..." He said with a chuckle, " after we eat then we can go for a walk for some ice cream does that sound good? I'm just gonna go change then we could go..." He nodded and turned to leave her as he went up the stairs to his room and after a few moments changed into something new.

" ok then let's go if your ready, I usually bike to places if you don't mind, I have a seat on the back of the bike that you can sit on while I take us their..." He scratched his neck a bit embarrassed then turned to go to the backyard to take his bike. "Go ahead and meet me at the front I'll be there in a bit..."
When he was done talking she nodded her head. It all sounded good to her. She had never had a burger before but was eager to try it. Mostly she ate a variety of cold soups and stews, or some kind of meat and sauce combination over rice and roots. Her mother bought lots of wheat and rice from the neighbors who went to town on occasion and stalked up on those kinds of goods for the village. Things like that didn't grow at all in the snow covered mountains but stored very well making it a staple of their diet.

When he told her to go wait out front, she did so, standing patiently at the bottom of the steps to the house. The sun was going to go down, and already the outdoors were cooling off. Chione felt much more comfortable at this temperature than earlier that day. She hoped with time she could grow more accustomed to the warmer climate.
Finally he took his bike and stretched seeing that the day was closing as the stars started to appear now above him. He smiled looking back at what just happened, having to take care of someone he hardly knew of course at first and the fact she was a monster. Slowly he took his bike out, a regular colored dark green bike with a silver seat at the back. " so shall we head out?" He asked getting on and looking over his shoulder with another of his casual smiles.
When he came around with the bike she walked over to him. Nodding with a blush, Chi gathered and raised the white dress in her hands revealing her incredibly long and pale legs. Bikes were not made for dresses and she felt awkward as she kicked her leg over it. She sat still holding the fabric in her hand to prevent it from dragging or wrapping in the wheels. "Ready." she said, wrapping a hand around his waist to hold on to him and leaning against him lightly for support. Her blush deepened and she was glad his back was to her so he couldn't see. A chill could be felt emitting from her body as she held him. "I'm s-sorry it my chill can be uncomfortable for you." she said with a bit of embarrassment.
He nodded with a a small smile as he felt her arms around him, slowly moving the bike a bit then stopping for a moment with a slight shiver as he felt the air suddenly colder around him. " it's fine, I have a jacket." He told her having it wrapped low around his waist to where she couldn't see it much even when she was sitting behind him. Slowly he started to push the bike then put his feet on e pedals starting to ride it better as they finally started off now down to the city for a bit of fun. " I think I'll be ok..don't worry about it..." Quietly he headed down through the streets until they finally saw an outdoor mall with many shops and people, stopping the bike and waiting for her. " ok then let's go in...."
Chione felt bad for making the other chilly, but was glad to see he had brought something to keep warm. Most Yuki-Onna were able to have control over the chill their body released. Some of her kind could even maintain a normal human temperature. Chi was still a bit young however, in addition to that, inexperienced with controlling her body temperature as it was never necessary before. It appeared as though her body temperature was linked to her emotions. Feeling any strong emotions seemed to send chilly waves from her body. At the moment, Chi had been experiencing several strong emotions, mainly happiness and embarrassment.

As they biked through town, she looked at all the buildings. Everything was so different to the small village where she had come from. When they came to a stop at the outdoor mall, she hopped off the back of the bike and let her long robe fall from her hands, the end just barely about to brush against the ground. A delicious smell hung in the air coming from the building right in front of them. She hummed lightly, taking a deep breath. It smelled similar to the venison they often ate but almost stronger and more savory. Following her nose she headed into the burger joint.
He sighed as he started to get warme a bit, putting his jacket on but not actually having his arms in the sleeves, the fabric just laid on his back. He got off and looked up and around seeing so many different colors of lights as well from the other shops, slowly walking in behind her and going into the line. He didn't really go out much so this wasn't anything weird to him for now even having to bring her around to show her the differences from what she had in the mountains.

" go ahead and choose something then before we get there..." He simply told her looking up himself and seeing what he would be getting now. As they ordered he slowly put a hand in his pocket, paying for the food, " go pick a table then if you want..." It felt a bit weird almost like he was talking father to daughter. But whatever he didn't ask for this anyone so the thought quickly slipped away as he sat down at the table she chose.
As the two stood in line, she looked up at the menu. The female read through the list of items but had no idea what most were. Everything on the menu was basically one form of a burger or another except for a couple of little items. She had no idea how to narrow her interests so she said "I'll just have whatever you get." When she was told to pick a table, she choose one by the window so she could look out and watch everything happening outside. Though it was getting dark, the lights outside illuminated the streets making it easy to see the people passing.

When the other came with the food and sat down she smiled "Thank you very much." Chione admired the other's hospitality and was so happy that he was accepting of her, putting up with her for the most part. She took her burger, unwrapping it and began blowing on it. She wanted to cool down the fresh sandwich before taking a bite. There was some silence between them for a bit and to break it she asked "D-do you come here often?"
Kairu ordered then two do the same, waiting for it and of course coming back to her as he sat on the other side and put the tray down taking his own and slowly doing the same as he waited a moment before he would start to eat now. " no prob, it would be interesting to see what you think about stuff here than over there..." He shrugged seeing that she was getting comfortable with things quick and easy for now. " not really mostly sometimes when I wanna eat out but that's really it, and sometimes they do a live band out here which is there anything you wanna do tomorrow's?" He asked leaking back a bit wondering what they should really do himself.
When the other asked what she wanted to do tomorrow she smiled. She liked how much Kairu took interest in what she wanted. She had a few things on her list that she wished she could see and do while among the humans. She hated asking for things, especially now as she had no idea if they were difficult to accomplish or not. "Well, I had a few things I wanted to do here..." She started as she played with her thumbs. "I've always wanted to look around malls and try on other types of clothing. I've only worn robes like this so I was curious..." A blush spread across her face as she said that. It must have sounded pretty silly. "And I'm fascinated by plants and animals, but we don't have a large variety in the mountains. I heard humans have these things called zoos where you can see a whole bunch of things from the natural world in a small space." The more she talked, the deeper she blushed and the colder the air became.
" your a curious little kitten aren't you.." He teased with a chuckle, " well basically a tour of everything in the human world, "well miss chi, if you would like a guide to show you all those things and plan a schedule to do those, then I could offer to be your guide then..." He asked pretending to be a guide advertising his service. "Well of course I'll show you them but just wanted to ask if you'd want me...tomorrow we should stock up your room with regular clothes then the day after that we can head for the zoo how about that?" Kairu finished and stood up to go and throw his stuff away. " we can walk around and see the shops then or if you wanna go home.."
Her blush deepened when he teased her, she did feel a little silly. Chione smiled when he played the part of a guide "Yes! I wouldn't want it any other way!" Between his enjoyable company and knowledge of human life, there was no way she wouldn't want him guiding her. Normally, she wouldn't want people to buy her things and would have refused the offer to get new clothes right away. However the agency running the program would pay him back, and she did want to try dressing more like the humans so she agreed. "That all sounds wonderful!" agreeing to their itinerary.

When Chione finished her meal, she too stood and threw it away. "Well, you did say we could walk around and get ice cream after..." she reminded him sheepishly. "Can we eat ice cream and... what is it called? Window shop?" She remembered hearing the term before. At first she had thought it meant buying new windows, but was quickly informed it meant looking through windows at items available without buying any. Chi beamed at the other, taking self pride in the fact that she knew some human slang.
" hmm ok then that's fine...I know I did..." He gave a smile and walked out holding the door out for her as they both came out into the dark sky and cool air. " sure wouldn't mind buying something if you find something you really like.... It would be cool anyway to have a souvenir anywhere you go...." Giving her another smile and a warm aura to him as he offered to spoil her more and more. " so the plan is ice cream and shopping, then tomorrow get you fixed up with more comfortable clothes and how about I suggest we could go buy you a few decorations to make your room less boring..." He turned and slowly held out his hand for her to take, " does that sound even better and fun?" Giving a small friendly chuckle enjoying the interaction a bit himself.
She loved how the other offered to spoil her, but she was a simple girl and didn't need much to make her happy. "Maybe if I see something extra special, but I'm going to be here a while so I don't need everything now." When he held out his hand she grabbed it, lacing their fingers together. Her hands were cold, but not uncomfortably so. "That sounds like fun!" His hand was warm in her's. Usually she hated the feeling of warmth but right now? It was comforting, and she felt safe by his side. Her own hand becoming a little less chilly from the contact.

She remained close as they walked outside together, hand in hand. it was such a beautiful night though there were far less stars in the sky then back at home. Chione looked to him and asked "How do people normally decorate a bedroom? Can I see yours?" Her own room back home was very simple. Besides the necessary furniture she had a pretty mirror, some paintings and on a shelf was some books and a cute tea set.

It wasn't long till they reached a little ice cream parlor. "What's your favorite flavor?" she asked curiously as they stepped inside together. "Mine is cinnamon." Her mother always made plain ice cream and mixed in flavors from teas, roots, and sometimes spices like vanilla, cinnamon, and a few others she didn't know very well. Looking across the board her jaw dropped a little. "Woah." There were so many flavors she had never heard of, none of the ones her mother made were on the board. "There are so many different kinds of chocolate flavors alone. I don't think I'll ever be able to try them all." she said with a giggle.
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