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Last Movie You Saw...

Avatar: The Last Airbender

I've been working through all of Shyamalan's films and this entire thing was a mind boggling catastrophe. I can't even begin to explain why, haha!
Avatar: The Last Airbender

I've been working through all of Shyamalan's films and this entire thing was a mind boggling catastrophe. I can't even begin to explain why, haha!

There is no such movie.

Detective Pikachu!

It was a nostalgia-inspiring trip that hit just the right notes, in my opinion. It didn't try to be something bigger than it was, or set you up for a zillion-installment series, or the like. Just the live-action Pokemon movie with a millennial-styled main character and his Ryan-Reynolds-as-a-pikachu partner you always wanted. The plot is a bit... Weak and weird, but tbh it doesn't really matter. Also it's visually stunning, especially with all the attention put into the details of the background of every single scene.

You don't need to know anything more than the general concept of the Pokemon universe and "what is a Mewtwo" to understand it. There are some of the newer Pokemon around, but knowing what they are is completely unimportant to the plot or the adventure. You'll know that they're Pokemon, and that's all that matters.

I only finished watching it to see how it would end. It was disappointing for a horror movie. Not even watching it at midnight with no lights can make this movie scary in the slightest.
Godzilla: King of Monsters

It’s surprisingly good but too bad they only highlights four monsters :((
Spider Man: Into the Spiderverse

Normally I'm not a huge fan of superhero movies, but Spiderverse has some really great animation that makes me like it a lot. Of course, this time I wound up only watching about half of it while on a plane flight.

Another thing: every time I've been on a plane recently somebody sitting near me has been watching Bohemian Rhapsody, what's up with that?
Brightburn. I was kinda let down. Kinda just turned into a generic slasher flick rather than going full on with the 'Superhero horror' shtick it was marketed as.
Gore effects were cool tho...
But then the credits music was that 'Bad Guy' song by Billie Eilish which is just goofy as hell

Hm, Pokemon: Detective Pikachu.

I enjoyed it even though the plot was predictable. For Hollywood, they didn't do too bad of a job on the Pokemon.

I plan on seeing John Wick 3 and Godzilla next.
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