Don't Jinx Me! (ClearSight x Javorcek)

An actual full night's sleep in her own bed was exactly what Vi needed after a week spent on the couch, a brutal match on Summoner's Rift, and 3 days searching for her lost Ally Cat. The cop was exhausted, more exhausted than she had realized once she set her head own on a nice soft pillow. Mmm...Queen sized bed... She had almost forgotten what it was like to be able to sprawl out on a mattress as opposed to being crammed into a narrow couch. So of course as soon as she fell asleep, her body tried to take up as much room on the bed as humanly possible. Vi ended up tossing her arm and leg over Jinx in the middle of the night, ruining the whole 'let's just be roommates' thing by cuddling with the girl until morning.


Fridays were a good day because on Fridays, Vi got to sleep in. Instead of working her usual 7am - 3pm shift at the precinct, the cop took the 11pm - 7am shift. Friday nights were the most likely time for crime in Piltover and Vi didn't want to miss a chance to punch some faces in! It was worth an upside down sleep schedule, as long as she got to actually do something other than write up dumbasses for speeding. So today her alarm clock was off and Vi was still snoozing away as light began to pour in from her windows. She was comfy in her bed, comfy with a warm thing next to her...though she did huff softly and squirm a little bit when the warm thing next to her moved.

All day, the cop wore boxer briefs and her strapon...but at night she usually took off the harness for cleaning and then donned a pair of panties and shorts. With the amount of tossing and turning Vi did every night, wearing a harness to bed was impossible. Everything always got shifted around and she'd end up waking up because either the sensation plate got shifted and sat uncomfortably over her clit, or the straps of her harness moved and dug uncomfortably into her flesh. So as much as being just herself left her feeling vulnerable - wearing a cock to bed was just not a possible way to fix that feeling of insecurity.

Vi had no wish to be a man. Yeah, she wore a strapon for two thirds of her day, yeah, she was a huge tomboy, but that didn't mean she actually wanted to -be- biologically male. Having her harness on was just a confidence booster that made her feel more comfortable...the same way her hextech gauntlets were. So now that she wasn't packing, wasn't quite comfortable, and had something warm and wet flicking over her bare, sensitive slit, Vi jolted awake immediately. "GAH!" Blue eyes flew opened and she immediately shouted and squirmed away...though because she was laying a bit diagonally on the bed, squirming away just got her closer to the edge and she tumbled right off the mattress and onto the carpeted floor.

"Ow, fucking... what the fuck?!" Vi squirmed around in a mess of blankets and sheets as she tried to pull her shorts back up and cover herself. She looked up at Jinx who had managed to stay on the bed, though was holding her head (probably because Vi had kneed her in her hurry to get away). "What the flying hell do you think you're doing?!"
Jinx had her fantasies, and while most of them were unrealistic, the current one seemed more possible than most. She was envisioning Vi waking up, moaning softly as she woke up, not sure enough that it wasn't all a dream to immediately realize what was going on. Maybe she would writhe a bit, reach down and stroke Jinx's head or maybe try to go back to sleep... Then she would figure it out, and despite being upset that Jinx was doing something so mind boggling so early in the morning, she would be too horny to say no and just lay back and let Jinx finish. All of that was wrong. First of all, Jinx didn't know enough about giving oral, and nothing that didn't come from watching porn. Second, well, second was that Vi wasn't exactly the, eh it's happening, let's enjoy it type. Jinx should have known that pleasure from an unknown source, something all up in her unharnessed self, would violate the obsessive condition Vi had about being in control. She should have, but not a single fiber of her being had prepared to face rejection, even if it was unintentional. So, when Vi awoke and reacted... Unfavorably... Jinx didn't have time to react herself, and frankly wasn't in her top condition to begin with.

Not being prepared caused two things. It caused Jinx to take a uncomfortable knee to the top of her head, and it caused her to instantly glare daggers over at Vi, albeit very cute, pouty daggers. "Viiii!" She whined, rubbing her head beneath the covers, half of the sheets still hanging over her head as she gave off an image of absolutely bloody adorable. She whined softly as she continued to rub her head, until she eventually got over the remaining pain and reached down to grab the sheets, pulling them down and letting them cover her head. At the moment Jinx was in Vi's large shirt, her hair was down, and her cheeks were puffing up, all framed by the covers that had ended up draped over her. "I was trying to make you feel good!" She cried out, throwing the covers away as she did and huffing and puffing her way out of bed, glaring with pouty lips at Vi, who was still looking at her from the floor with accusation in her eyes, or maybe it was just disbelief... Because someone licking her pussy was sooooo unbelievable. "Guess after cuddling all night and wanting to thank you this morning I got what I deserved..." She went slowly from angry and pouting, to a much heavier dose of pure pout, even adding in some sad kitty eyes and letting her head hang down... Continuing her little over-dramatic cute display up until the moment she felt her legs grow a bit weak and had to go sit on the edge of the bed. Still weak... A lack of energy over the course of three days would do that.


Before Jinx could make more of a case as to why Vi overreacting about the oral wake-up call was silly, and probably trying to make a case as to why she should continue, there was the sound of someone at the door, causing Jinx to quiet down and her ears to perk up. It probably wouldn't have been possible for her to hear a normal person opening a door, but whoever was at the door was entering with a less than graceful manner. Only when she heard Cait's familiar, but inebriated voice, did she realize what was going on, and begin to panic a bit. Jinx wasn't scared of Caitlyn... But she was scared of being forced away from Vi, and she didn't want to be the reason Vi got in trouble.

"Vi! I know something is going on with you..." The voice from the other side of the door was Cait's, but it lacked its usual tact, and the slur hinted at the night she had. As the sound of the door finally opening caught Jinx's ear she turned to look at Vi, not speaking but asking the older woman what she should do with her eyes. Ideally, in her fantasy world, she would saunter out and grin at Cait and proclaim she had won in every possible way, but that wasn't even true, much less going to happen as long as Vi had anything to say about it. One because they didn't have a functional label yet and also because that would mean jail time for her and at least a firing for Vi... But was not being found out even an option now? Jinx had things in Vi's place, she was standing right there in the bedroom... It would be hard to remain unnoticed with Cait knowing what Vi had and didn't have. "Vi!" The drunken voice called out again, almost a whine this time, the charm and confidence of the sheriff lost after a night of gulping down liquor. "We need to talk..." She trailed off, and in the other room she was looking around, feeling like something was off, but not quite sure.
"Well don't try it that way!" Vi's face was beet red as she looked up at the injured Ally Cat. The only indication that the flustered tomboy was embarrassed rather than mad was in her voice had risen to a pleading whine, rather than a bellowed command. "Yeah, well...sorry I kicked you in the head...but you know...really not a good way to wake someone up in the morning. Especially someone who is trying to be your roommate and not your lover." There, she said it, and maybe it was a little mean to tell Jinx that...especially when she knew that she herself cared for the girl. But she didn't like oral sex without her harness! And so she pushed Jinx away with her words, harder than she intended to because it just...made her feel weak...and she wanted to be away from anything that made her feel weak.

Even before she had started wearing her strapon on a daily basis, Vi had been uncomfortable when she was on her back with her legs spread open. Just the thought of it made her shudder a little bit... It wasn't like she didn't play with herself without her strapon (she did nearly every night), and it wasn't like there was anything weird going on with her sex (it was a lovely, perfect, pink slit with a carefully groomed strip of hair over her mound), Vi just didn't want strangers going around her pussy! It was hers and it was sensitive and delicate and feminine and she wanted to guard the one very undeniably girly part about herself ( strangely enough, she didn't see her large breasts as something she should be hiding...though did prefer to have sex with her sports bra still on because they bounced all over the place when she was fucking someone, that was more for function rather than form though).

Before Jinx could have hurt feelings over what Vi had just said, the two of them heard the front door open...well not really open, but slam shut, followed by the sound of unsteady boots clicking on Vi's hardwood floors. Then there was a voice, a perfectly polished voice that belonged to someone from the highest echelons of Piltover's well off families...well...maybe not perfectly polished right now, Caitlyn's words were slurred slightly from the effects of alcohol. Vi couldn't help but groan and run her fingers through her touseled hair, gripping the strands a little bit and pulling slightly because she felt like she was in a fucking mad house right now. First she had a morning fiasco with Jinx, now she was going to have a drunken debacle with Caitlyn...Fridays were supposed to be her good days! What the fuck was going on?!

"Fucking a..." The mechanic muttered as she looked up to Jinx, who now was looking scared and panicked. "Just stay here, okay?" Vi whispered as she got up. She leaned over and gave Jinx a soft kiss to the top of the head to hopefully soothe some of the nerves away, then she made her way towards the sound of Caitlyn's drunken voice, making sure that she closed the bedroom door behind her so that the Sheriff wouldn't see that Jinx was in her bedroom. Not like it would help...there were still fucking neon pink throw pillows on her couch and every picture that had had Caitlyn in it (including the group picture of Piltover P.D.) was taken down from the walls.

" drunk are you, Cupcake?" Vi rubbed the remaining sleep from her eyes and then took a good look at Caitlyn...who seemed pretty damn plastered, judging by her posture. Primp and proper Caitlyn was weaving in place and slouching just a bit, a sight that made Vi smirk because it was so different from how Cait carried herself in public... Though behind closed doors with Vi, everything about how Caitlyn carried herself in public got turned on its head. "Did you not give me your key back?" The first thing Vi decided to do was change the subject. She peeked around Caitlyn's body to her front door which hadn't been forced...which meant that the Sheriff still had her copy of Vi's house key.
All of the energy, all of the enthusiasm, all of the joy... Was crushed under the weight of what could only be called reality. Vi... Vi didn't want to be her lover? At all... Sure there were some subtle signs, like the sleeping in the other room thing, but Jinx had ignored those and focused on everything else. How much fun they had, how comfortable she felt around Vi, their night together, which had been fantastic for her... She even felt excited when she got into it and started calling Vi daddy. It was different, though perhaps different for a recent virgin didn't count for much, but it made her feel happy and warm. She wanted to be with Vi, and she had held on to this hope that Vi wanted to be with her, at least a little. It was all random thoughts that she hadn't spoke aloud or taken terribly seriously, Jinx didn't know about love and relationships to be too crazy about it, but she knew enough to feel disappointed when the option was yanked off the table. Even if Cait hadn't come, if fear hadn't taken over, Jinx would probably still have been speechless in that moment, her breath would be caught, her chest tight with loss, and pain on an emotional level few would believe she had.

Cait's appearance staved off the heartbreak for the time being, fear causing the smaller woman to freeze a bit as she looked to Vi and only nodded her head towards the instruction. She wanted to bolt, to get away from what Cait finding her vulnerable and half naked would mean, but she trusted Vi... Even if the woman had just stepped on her heart as if it was any other sentence. Still, after Vi left the room Jinx let the covers fall from atop her head and sat on the bed, staring at the door with a lost expression, trying to figure out what to say, if anything, about the roommate but not lover comment... Maybe it all depended on what exactly that meant. Whether Vi was attracted to her, that's what really mattered, right? If Vi liked her, roommates could lead to more? Maybe... She was counting on something of the sort, because to find a situation where she was happy only to have the dream shatter with a single sentence, it was quite the dreadful situation... And it was irritating... What was so bad about her! No, she didn't want the answer to that. But, really, why wasn't Vi interested? It didn't make sense, not at all, not at all! She was a catch! Or maybe just hard to catch, regardless, Jinx didn't like it so it wasn't right.

Cait looked at Vi with slightly narrowed eyes, though it was difficult to tell whether the expression was due to the inebriation or anger. "I gave you back 'a' key to your place..." She started, raising her other key to Vi's up and about to go on about how that wasn't important and some other very important thoughts drunk her had been going over. Then, out of nowhere, a tiny thing in a large shirt bust out into the room with an angry expression and stomped over to both of them, glaring from her to Vi, back to her, and then staying on Vi with clear displeasure about the situation. Cait's first thought was to get angry, but even drunk she was aware that Vi had ended whatever they had been even if she didn't accept it, so it wasn't cheating. Her second though, laughing, because the disproportionate shirt to body ratio was adorable, but it was about that time that it all clicked and she both realized who she was looking at and how she should actually react. Before she could show any outrage or even get her bearings, Jinx was going off.

"Cupcake?! Is this why you only want me as a roommate? Do you still have feelings for Cow Tits?!" Jinx fumed, though her voice almost sounded more sad and pouty than scary, because Jinx was only scary when she was down and acting like her sister... She just wasn't all that scary otherwise. She was more like an angry cat that destroyed furniture and gave some scratches but was cute two seconds later. This time she was trying to be angry however, and so even if she was cute or easily distracted, it didn't matter, she was furious. "It isn't fair Vi!" She shouted, stomping her foot as her arms extended straight down by her side, tiny fists balled up and eyes scrunched in fury. She wanted to be with Vi, she could accept having to put in some effort, but not if Sheriff Cow Tits was the reason, she even had a key!!! Aaaaaand, that very knowledge was enough to make her both ignore her own fear of being captured and locked up, and to completely ignore the fact that Vi had clearly been surprised to see Cait still having a key as well... Still, Sheriff Goody Goody had one at some point, that was bad enough.

Cait, who had been relatively quiet had stiffened up a bit at the new nickname Jinx had for her... Cow Tits... They weren't even that big! Vi's were probably bigger, she wasn't a cow! That was only her focus for a moment, her alcohol soaked mind not capable of keeping her attention on a nickname for long, because in front of her, in Vi's home, the woman she had feelings for, was Jinx, a wanted criminal, the terror of her town, and the last person she ever expected to see with Vi. Yet, a lot of things started to make sense. Why Vi had ditched her at the ball, why she had been running home every day, and why Jinx had suddenly quieted down recently... But what?! "What is 'she' doing here Vi? And how the hell could you pick a damned criminal over me..." She muttered the last bit but even Cait looked more pouty all of a sudden... So maybe she was still a little drunk, whatever! She was still a logical officer of the law, her reasoning skills were spectacular, and she wanted to know the answer to both her outspoken question and her softly muttered curiosity.
Only Caitlyn would be neurotic enough to make a copy of spare key. The cop shook her head in disbelief...not because she didn't believe that her boss was anal enough to duplicate her key, but because she couldn't believe that the law abiding sheriff would hold onto property that wasn't hers to have any longer. "You're supposed to give me back -every- key to my place when we split up." Vi sighed and held out her hand expectantly, waiting for Caitlyn to give her back this key as well....but the exchange was suddenly interrupted by the sound of the bedroom door bursting open and light feet scampering over to them. Oh for fuck's sake...

"I thought I told you to stay in the room." Vi glared, obviously not liking when her orders were disobeyed. But, well, it wasn't like she could do anything now that Caitlyn had caught her harboring a fugitive. Now they were both fucked... The least she could o was at least make Jinx stop pouting. "No, that's not why. And no! I don't. I mean she's my boss, and my friend, and we are- er - were- kinda fuck buddies. But Caitlyn and I aren't dating anymore. And stop calling her that!" Vi pinched the bridge of her nose, trying to fend off the oncoming headache and failing. "Life isn't fair Ally! You know that."

"What do you care what she is doing over here?!" The mechanic was growing exasperated. Caitlyn didn't care because Jinx was a criminal, Vi could tell because Ally would have been arrested already if the sheriff did. And yeah, maybe she was going to arrest the girl eventually, but right now it seemed like Caitlyn was more upset with the fact that Vi was finding a replacement for her than anything else. Vi moving on permanently seemed to bother the sheriff the most. "I didn't pick anyone over you. And I'm a criminal too!" Well, Caitlyn had met her after Vi had left the gang and had become a sort of Robin Hood of the streets (though she stole from the worst and most violent gangs rather than the rich). So the cop probably didn't have a real feel for the extent of criminality that was a young Vi.

"We are broken up. We have irreconcilable differences! You know we do." Vi huffed as she looked at Cait. They had had this conversation many times already! Vi wanted to go public with their relationship, or at the very least be able to go out with friends and let them know, but Caitlyn wouldn't let her. Plus there was the whole bondage thing... While Vi liked doing it from time to time because it pleased Caitlyn, she wasn't really comfortable being a Mistress every day like the kinky sheriff craved. "We've had this discussion before, Cait! You know why we can't date anymore." She didn't want to have the list the reasons why again, especially infront of Jinx.
Caitlyn didn't like the idea of giving up her last key to Vi's place, which would have been a great thing to figure out before she went marching through the front door with it. Maybe her drunken state was causing her to do a few things she wouldn't ordinarily do, and stopped her from truly thinking her decisions over, but that didn't make it any easier. The key was one of the few tethers she had to Vi, at least those that pertained to their personal relationship and not the professional one, which she was completely ignoring for the sake of what she was doing... Showing up drunk early in the morning with her illegally possessed spare key. She just... She didn't want to lose Vi! She liked her, a lot, and while it wasn't love the friendship and the companionship they shared, it made Cait happy. So what if she didn't want to yell out to a bunch of people that she was a lesbian, and into bondage, and having relations with a co-worker... A subordinate at that. It was selfish yes, but knowing something was selfish and giving up her desire to keep their messed up little relationship going were completely separate matters.

Complicated didn't begin to cover what was happening though, because her drunken selfishness was only a tiny component of what was about to become the most fucked up morning of Cait's life... Because Jinx, always Jinx. Jinx was Cait's thorn, the little prick she felt every day on the job when she realized she still hadn't stopped the most wanted criminal in her city, the prick that antagonized the entire police force... Her failure... And now, apparently her replacement! No! Not Jinx, anyone but Jinx! Actually, nobody, she didn't want to be replaced, especially by the tiny, psychotic, terror of Piltover. The worst part? The words coming out of both Jinx's and Vi's mouths, familiarity, affection, and from what her slightly addled mind could tell, a relationship was behind those words. They had done things, and Vi was calling her... Ally... No, no, no... She was dreaming, yes, she had passed out at her place after drinking too much, or she was hallucinating, because she was sure Jinx wouldn't be at Vi's, and even more sure they wouldn't have slept together, because that was crazy. Ignore the fact that Jinx was literally the most wanted person in Piltover, and forget that she was a tiny childish looking creature, but it wasn't Cait, which was the big problem. She didn't want any replacements.

Then they started speaking... Both of them, at the same time, in loud voices, in Vi's ears, without any desire to shut it. Caitlyn started going off, "Why do I care? Fine Vi, I'll be the one to say it out loud, because I want to be with you, and don't want to see some tiny, psychopathic slut in one of your shirts!" She shouted, losing composure completely, not sounding like her usual, forcibly reserved, self at all. This is what happened when Cait didn't get her dose of discipline and bondage, or sex in general, she started cracking, becoming unable to keep the proper rich girl sheriff routine going and showing the frustration beneath the surface. It was hard being fair and just... She needed her release, and she wasn't getting any, not since her and Vi had broken up. Jinx, on the other hand, was more hyper than explosive, instantly catching on to all of the Vi and Caitlyn sitting in a tree, 'k.i.s.s.i.n.g.' they were both oozing. Boss, friend, fuck buddy... Dating! Vi never tried dating her! She dated Caitlyn and they were fuck buddies, but she sleeps with Vi and she gets roommate?!

"Yeah, I know life isn't fair, stupid Vi! But why can't it just give me what I want this one time?" She asked almost desperately, though didn't wait for an answer for even a second. She instead looked at Vi with a pouty expression and then looked over to Cait, "What's so great about cow tits anyways?" Jinx asked, giving a 'hmph' before running over and grabbing Cait by the collar, pulling the off-guard woman down just enough that she could stand on her tip toes and kiss her, giving a soft, energetic kiss to the tall sheriff. Jinx was determined to find out for herself what was so special about Cait, that sleeping with Vi landed her dates and not roommate status... She had known Vi longer after all, and they had great sex! For like an entire 24 hours, and she was Daddy Vi! Stupid Cait couldn't be that special. Of course her desire for discovery only caused Cait to stop speaking mid sentence, cutting her off as she tried to pretend to not only be jealous but also concerned, though really she wasn't concerned, Vi was always capable... She was just jealous.

Being kissed by the smaller girl was enough to quiet her down though, right up until her drunken brain told her to kiss back because it felt good, and she did... Cait managed to start kissing the tiny terror back, moaning softly as she did, only waking up after the perverted sound came out of her mouth, pushing Jinx back and turning a deep shade of red afterwards. She had... Jinx... Guh, she was so damn horny Jinx had turned her on! New low. New. Low. Instead of yelling at Jinx, Cait turned to Vi, "You see... This is why you can't just cut me out! I'm so horny now I'm losing my mind! Why can't we just keep having sex? Because this whole putting up walls thing is straining everything, I barely see you, and apparently I'm so out of the loop that Jinx can move in with you and I don't even notice..." She stopped for a second, some of her detective skills having kicked in. She had gathered enough to realize Jinx wasn't just sleeping over, not with the changes she could see around Vi's place... She didn't want to be edged out! Apparently she had said enough to confuse Jinx though, because once Jinx heard Cait ask about sex, and after a kiss that felt a lot better than she expected, Jinx turned back towards Vi, stomping her foot like a petulant child and quickly shouting her own, unnecessarily straightforward, demand... Okay, demands. Restraint wasn't Jinx's strong suit. "I want more sex too! And to sleep in the same bed all the time... And dates!" She quickly added, as if afraid this was her only chance to make demands. Then added, "And to be your baby girl, daddy!" She forget everything about not saying it outside of the bedroom in her panic to make demands like the grown ups, only to cause Cait to stop again and try to let her brain catch up.
"She's not a slut!" Vi glared at Caitlyn as the sheriff threw the insult at her new...whatever Jinx was; the girl was a psychopath, maybe, but a slut, not so much. It was a typical Vi reaction, so pissed off should be no surprise to Caitlyn. The mechanic always got angry and defensive when someone insulted something that was least she liked Caitlyn enough to not punch in her the face about it. "And I told you to stop calling her tha-" Vi's jaw dropped as Jinx suddenly crossed the distance between her and Cait, yanked the tall woman down, and stole a kiss. It seemed that Caitlyn must have been in a dry spell because rather than retreat from Jinx's assault, she started kissing the girl back. Usually watching two women make out was kind of hot (Vi was a woman who liked her porn after all), but when the two women were her ex-girlfriend and her new girlfriend-not-girlfriend, Vi just found herself with her eye twitching in aggravation that -her- Jinx, the girl that she had been the first person to ever sleep with, was kissing -her- Caitlyn, the woman that she had been the Mistress to for over a year.

The shouting match wasn't over, despite the small break that the kiss had caused. Once the two women had broken apart, Caitlyn went back to yelling and decided to include actual demands in all that shouting. "What?! You seriously want to just go back to fucking again?" Vi was visibly flustered by Caitlyn's demand for their fuck buddy status to be reinstated. She would have thought that the sheriff would want to try dating men if she didn't want to come out of the closet, or at least find a woman who was okay with keeping their relationship on the down low.

"And you too?!" Vi gawked at Jinx in disbelief. By saying 'too', Vi thought that Jinx meant she didn't care if Vi slept with Caitlyn, as long as she slept with her too. But even if she didn't care about sharing she wanted something more...she wanted dates and a relationship. And Vi wanted that stuff too, truth be told. While Caitlyn hadn't specified whether or not she wanted something more emotional than just the cathartic release caused by a mindblowing orgasm, the two of them had talked at length about how Vi wasn't going to let her guard down and let Cait inside if she wasn't going to at least come out of the closet. So maybe...this insanity could work... If Jinx didn't mind sharing and Caitlyn didn't want anything more than sex, then it could work.

Really, she shouldn't be trying to rationalize this minefield of a possible threesome in her mind. This was a bad idea! A terrible bad idea. Threesomes didn't work, and Vi would know because she had been in a couple of them. Someone would always end up feeling left out and then it would just blow up into tears and shouting and ugh, Vi didn't want to deal with all that bullshit.

However, Jinx calling her 'daddy' had short-circuited her brain, and now Vi was busy thinking how this could work. Fuck, she hated her kink sometimes. It had made her instantly cave whenever Caitlyn had whimpered a 'please Mistress', and was now making her relent as Jinx pleaded to be her baby girl again. Even when she knew what she -should- do, Vi couldn't bring herself to do it because now it was about what she -wanted- to do. She had had a 2 week dry-spell and, well, Vi just didn't have it in her to say 'no' to sex when two gorgeous women were in her room, fighting over her.

"You know what? Fine. Fuck it." It wouldn't do to argue with these two anyways, both women were so damn stubborn and needed a firm hand to deal with their hard-headedness. "Cait, if you want to be fuck buddies again, fine. But we're not dating, clear? I like you, you're a good friend, but I don't want to be hiding in the closet with you...and you know...the uh...other thing." Vi looked at the other woman pointedly, hoping she'd pick up on that she meant the 'Mistress' thing. Vi didn't really want to air out Caitlyn's secret kink if she didn't want Jinx to know about it. "I'm not really...I mean, you know I like to because you really like it, but I still want you to be looking for a permanent one if we go out to those clubs or anything again."

"And you," Vi turned to Jinx, her voice softened a little bit because Jinx needed a little more nurturing than Caitlyn. She placed a hand on the girl's hip and gently tugged her close, tucking her protectively into her side because she was going to deliver some bad news. "You know we can't go on dates... And you shouldn't get so attached to me either. I'm your first...and I don't want you to get so attached just because I'm your first."
Things had become complicated, or perhaps simply troublesome. In fact, it wasn't complicated at all because Caitlyn and Jinx were laying out their demands so bluntly it would be impossible for Vi not to realize what they wanted... Probably. At least Cait's wasn't so difficult, she just wanted to have sex, which she would never had come out and said under normal circumstances, but the perfect storm of alcohol and finding Jinx in her ex-girlfriend's home had been just the right amount of insanity to cause the stubborn sheriff to admit exactly what she wanted. So they couldn't date, so Vi wasn't a huge fan of bondage, so Vi was harboring Jinx... Why did all of that have to mean that they couldn't be friends still, and why did all of that and wanting to be close with Vi, as friends, mean they couldn't have incredible sex? Maybe a rational person would have a rational, reasonable answer to that question, but Cait refused to let any form of logic enter the equation, she was working off of desire rampant rationalization. Yep, it could work. Apparently it would include Jinx, but it could work, she would have her friend and she would have fantastic sex, and nothing would possibly go wrong. Nothing... Except, well, Jinx was involved and the psycho couldn't go five seconds without causing some sort of disruption.

Oddly, for the first time since Jinx had appeared in her life, her disruption wasn't horrible or criminal, it was... Adorable. Alcohol... It had to be the alcohol right? Because there was no way the pain in her ass for so long could be cute... Right?! Fuck, but she was. Just her demands were so childish and adorable, almost sweet even. She wanted dates, had she even been on a date? Probably not... Then there was the daddy thing. Cait had been around Vi long enough to have an idea about her secretive kink, it wasn't her thing, but her and Vi's kinks intersected in such a way that they could both play together and feel some satisfaction, even if it wasn't perfect. On the other hand, in the few minutes the cluster fuck of a drunken visit had been happening, Cait could see Jinx being the baby girl type... And it was a bit strange imagining the "Terror of Piltover" as an adorable little thing, nuzzled up against Vi... Not an image she had ever believed she would have. As if that weren't bad enough what happened next even melted her resistance to the situation to practically nothing, her reservation of having Jinx connected her in any way washing away as she caught a side of the tiny psychopath she wouldn't have believed existed if not for it being right in front of her...

Jinx was crying, the moment Vi pulled her close and told her they couldn't date she started crying, and it was the most heart-breaking scene Cait could imagine... She seemed... Fragile, innocent, and a whole bunch of words that couldn't be associated with the usual destructive criminal. More and more she was picking up on some truths that shouldn't matter, but did. Jinx wasn't some lawless lost cause... She was just a kid, maybe an adult in age but there had always been hints that Jinx had been... Unfortunate in her life. Cait would definitely be talking to Vi about it later, but for the moment she just found herself watching, feeling pity for the small woman.

The tears that had started forming and slowly slid down Jinx's cheeks weren't accompanied by sobbing, not immediately. They started and Jinx just looked at Vi, her voice catching in her throat and her little hands gripping Vi's clothes. For a moment she seemed about to handle the news, but that was only because in her mind Jinx was already detached, so crushed by the news that she zoned out of the current predicament and found herself asking why Vi didn't like her... Not enough to date... To give her a chance. She started blaming herself, her own actions causing her to be so unattractive... Was it too late? Could she not be happy? Suddenly Jinx snapped out of it, her big, tear-filled eyes looking up at Vi with pure desperation lying within. "I don't want to be with you because we slept together..." Those were the first words out of her mouth, heavy words, barely making it out of her mouth. "I slept with you because I've liked you since we were kids... And I followed you here because you meant more to me than you'll ever know... And yeah, I felt like you had abandoned me a little... But I realize now, that to you, I wasn't important enough for you to consider leaving abandoning me..." She sounded defeated, and her head dropped down and her little hands released Vi's clothing, a silence filling the air, and the words enlightening to Caitlyn. They knew each other as kids... Jinx followed Vi... That was, love right? The kind of thing that would be romantic to people who understood it, but to Jinx it was impulse and to Vi it was confusing... Fools the both of them.

Jinx took a moment before looking back up at Vi, swallowing and trying to gather the courage and proper words to make her plea... Because as sad and defeated as she felt, she didn't want to give up. Vi wasn't throwing her away, but restricting what they could be... She still had a foothold, somewhere inside Vi cared for her... Somewhere. "I'll be good Vi... I'll be good... I'll stop doing bad things, and stop calling her Cow Tits... And I'll be a good baby girl... Please don't dismiss my feelings using that one night... Don't make me regret the happiest moment I've had in a long time... Please..."
As soon as Vi made her desire for no emotional intimacy known, she quickly regretted it. Jinx began to cry...silently at first, but soon she began to actually sob. It broke her heart to see the girl in such a state...but it also helped her realize that her choice to keep them 'just friends' or 'just roommates' was a good one. If Jinx was so broken up about this when they had only been 'together' for two weeks, how would she behave if they broke up after a few months? A few years? And Vi was pretty certain they would break up because no one ever stayed with the first person they dated. "Aw, come on, Ally. Don't cry. It's not a big deal. There are plenty of people who would love to date you." Vi pat her side gently, a little awkward with her attempt to cheer the girl up.

"I didn't abandon you guys... You were all grown when I left." Well the youngest in the gang had been 12 and 13...but when most people living on the streets only made it to their early 20s, 12 and 13 was pretty well grown. "You guys were really important to me...but I needed to get out for my own sanity." The mechanic sighed sadly. She didn't want Ekko or Ajuna or Ally, or any of those kids to think that she had abandoned them without thought or regret. It had bothered her to leave...but at the end of the day, Vi left because the gang was going in a direction she didn't like, she left because it would be only a matter a time before Jinx's older sister usurped her, probably killing her in the process. Getting out had kept herself safe while saving the gang from a messy revolution.

"Shhh...hey, no crying, Ally. You remember what I said about crying when you were a kid?"


"You shouldn't cry, not out here." Vi said matter of factly to the two girls she had stumbled upon. She had heard the crying herself and had come to check it out. At best she had hoped that it was some woman who had broken up with her boyfriend or something stupid, someone who would be easy to worse she had thought it would be a kid who was crying because they were lost or their parents had dropped them off here because they couldn't take care of them anymore. Unfortunately for Vi it had been the latter, and extra unfortunately - there was a little kid with an older girl, probably sisters the two of them.

"She can cry if she wants!" The older girl barked back with such force that Vi could see that she was overcompensating, see that she was scared.

"Yeah, I guess she can," Vi shrugged. "If she wants to get you both into trouble."

"T-t-trouble?" The little girl sniffled and looked up at Vi with the brightest green eyes that the teenager had ever seen.

"Don't listen to her Ally. Mom's coming back. She wouldn't leave us here."

"Everyone knows that people who cry are weak." Vi almost felt sorry for the two of them, clinging onto the hope that their mother was coming back. They had obviously been out here for a few days, whatever nice clothes the girls had been wearing were dirty and ruined. Zaun's police force was a joke, but even then, they looked for kids in the streets when they were lost...Vi hadn't seen a patrol out here in weeks... "Your ma probably did leave you out here. Couldn't afford you, right?" The older girl looked at her suspiciously and Vi clarified, "Lots of parents just dump their kids off down here. I hear the orphanages are all full cause of the war." Vi studied the two girls for a moment, looking at them both the way she may survey a piece of potential salvage. It wouldn't hurt to have two new members to the gang...especially if they had something to offer. "You get taught to go to read and go to school and all that stuff?"

The older girl hesitated before nodding.

"So a trade. I'll give you a place to stay so you don't die out here. It's not a house but its better than the pavement. And you teach me how to read."

"You can't read?" The older sister laughed at that. The stranger looked a few years older than her, how could she not read?!

"I can do a lot more important stuff than read. And will you stop cryin' already?!" Vi snapped at the little girl, who whimpered and cried even more. "It's not safe, makin' noise like that. People around here know what weakness sounds like, and it sounds like that. You wanna get us all robbed and killed by someone bigger?! Crying is for people who are weak, and I don't take weak people into my gang."

"O-o-okay." The little girl stammered out and slowly forced herself to stop crying.

"So we got a deal or what?"

"Yeah...we got a deal..." The older sister said begrudgingly before offering her hand. Vi looked at her in bewilderment for a moment before figuring out that the girl wanted to shake her hand. "I'm Cady...this is my lil sister, Ally.


Vi had always told the kids in her gang not to cry. Crying for people who were weak, and none of them were weak because she didn't bring weak people into her gang. Some of them weren't physically strong...but Vi had a knack for seeing potential in people and things. Jinx had been weak, still was weak, but the girl grew to have an amazing talent for hexmaturgy.

But right now, she supposed Jinx wasn't being weak...the girl was just hurt so bad because Vi was taking away something that made her so happy. "Ally, come on, before that moment you were living in a warehouse." Vi tried to tease a little bit, to show Jinx that her 'happiest moment' was that way because she didn't even have anything nice to compare it to because her life had been so shitty. Vi had been the same when she had been the girl's on the streets of Zaun sucked so bad that anything other than that was amazing in comparison. Jinx was just so new to all this, so naive, Vi didn't want to take advantage of the girl just because she knew nothing else.

But so was so sad...and she pleaded so earnestly that Vi didn't have it in her to refuse. "Ally...I know youll be a good baby girl, you're the best baby girl. I just...want to do what's right for you. You haven't gotten a chance to experience anything. The mechanic frowned, her words not hitting their mark at all, if anything they seemed to make Jinx cry worse. So she leaned down, doing something she was more familiar with (consoling with physical touch) and pressed her lips to Jinx's. At first their kiss was slow, unsure, but soon Vi opened up a little bit and kiss the girl deeper, with more passion. "I don't want to hurt're a good girl. But...I guess..." Ugh, fuck, here came the crumbling. "I guess if you guard your heart, and we go slow, and you are very careful...we can... And I mean...maybe sleeping with Cait a little bit will help you see that there's other stuff out there, other stuff besides me. I just don't want you to pick me because you don't know anything else, okay?" Another soft kiss to the top of the girl's head and Vi figured they had discussed enough heavy things for the moment. Caitlyn was still here, and Vi knew she had to take care of the naughty sub soon before she acted out even more than she already had.

"Caitlyn." Vi's voice became harsher and clipped as she doled out orders. "Leave us for a moment. Go get your toy. And if you want, you can get my outfit that goes with it." There was another toy that Vi used in her harness sometimes...a thick, imposing, black dildo that Cait really liked because it went with the black leather jacket Vi always wore out to bondage clubs. "And...if you don't mind sharing with Jinx what you can get anything else that you'd be willing to play with infront of her." Vi had bought a few tools for BDSM which were stored on the top shelf of her closet (a place her sneaky little Jinx shouldn't have been able to reach). Just simple things like rope, cuffs, and an idiot proof black paddle (they had tried a flogger once but Vi had drawn blood and now didn't want to use anything more difficult than a paddle). "Just let me make sure my baby girl is alright, then we'll come in to play with you"
All of Vi's attempts to console Jinx were ending horribly, and at best it was causing the tiny thing to cry the same amount as she had been before... None of it was making the waterworks lessen, well, actually, she seemed to sniffle a little more but cry a little less recalling her past with Vi, but it wasn't very effective overall. Who it really benefited was Cait, because the more she listened the more the last bit of time in Piltover made sense. Jinx and Vi knew one another from Zaun, from when they were kids. Jinx had always had a crush on Vi, clearly, but Vi hadn't been able, and didn't want to, stay in Zaun. It was the correct decision, especially from what Cait knew about Jinx's sister, and if her and Jinx ran in the same circles it meant she was contending with a true monster. Luckily Vi escaped, and for awhile that was fine, until Jinx showed up in Piltover. Different name, probably a different look after growing up and messing with so much hextech, and desperate for attention, because it was obvious Jinx didn't just look young but had been stunted emotionally from her time on the streets of Zaun... Just like Vi, just in a more childish way. That night at the ball, it was probably Jinx that Vi had gone off with, and it was probably that night that she found out who Jinx was... Ally? She could have sworn Vi had mentioned her while drunk before, because she only talked about her past when she was too drunk to filter herself.

Those were deductions made by the sheriff. She wasn't sure they were correct, nor did she care too much how true her speculation was, because the main point was the picture it painted, the new perspective she viewed Jinx in. She wasn't a psychopath, Caitlyn took her job too seriously not to know what made someone a psycho... She was a sociopath at most, someone who didn't understand emotions and how her actions affected others, or someone incapable of caring. Maybe Jinx wasn't even that, but it fit well enough. Clearly Jinx cared for Vi, clearly she wasn't the monster her sister was, and clearly Cait was going insane because each moment of contemplation led her to actually feeling sorry for the small woman, she even smiled a bit watching Vi crumble under Jinx's crying and adorable pleading. Cait wasn't as capable of moving Vi, and they were quite close, as close as Vi would let someone... Probably, she had always felt Ez may be the closest. It was probably just because Vi could punch him to shut him up and not feel bad about it. Yeah, that had to be it.

Caitlyn was abruptly awakened when she heard her name in that tone that made her shiver, her entire body lighting up with expectation as she looked over to Vi, already chewing on her lip in anticipation. "Yes... Mistress." She hesitated for a moment, hesitated about whether or not to let Jinx know about her kink. In the end if Jinx could call Vi, Daddy, and not die in shame, Caitlyn could call her Mistress with pride, and a dash of pleasure. There should have been other reservations, like how her job should make her arrest Jinx, and how just because Cait saw her as kind of cute now didn't excuse things... But it kind of did? And Cait was so horny she wasn't in her right mind! With that, Cait walked off, though her pace was a bit more rushed than the usual calm swagger she moved around with. She was excited though, and too horny to hide it with false anything, choosing to instead embrace it and go grab everything she needed to have a pleasurable and cathartic afternoon. That included the toy, the outfit, the paddle, and her fuzzy cuffs... Because while everyone knew she left her fuzzy cuffs at home, none knew she left them at her lesbian Mistress' home.

Jinx was a much different person after Vi finally crumbled. Throughout the entire process she had either been crying or pleading or listening with endless hope that Vi would change her mind. It was only when Vi made an acceptable compromise that the waterworks stopped, almost instantly. The tears were real but they quickly vanished and were replaced with a silly smile the moment Jinx got her way. She laughed and jumped up and hugged Vi the moment they were alone, mostly because her brain, already exhausted with crying and the mental anguish associated with that, had taken more than a few seconds to digest both Vi's new proposal, and the fact that Cow Tits had just called Vi by the title Mistress... And that there were toys she hadn't found hidden somewhere in the bedroom she had explored thoroughly while cleaning and rearranging things. No doubt up high! Clever Vi, Jinx would have to go find a step-ladder... It was kind of humiliating needing a step ladder at her age, but she wasn't getting any taller, ugh.

The important thing was Vi's promise, and after giving her the hug and wiping her eyes she began nodding her head as she thought of all the things that they would have to do together. "So... We can go on dates, and I get to stay here, and we snuggle, and we eat dinner together... And in order to have all of this all we have to do is play with other people?" She asked, almost as if she were confused and then added quickly, "Oh yeah, and take it slow... Slooooow..." She paused against smiling wider as she did. To Jinx, while strange in regards to what she had grown up thinking was normal, wasn't bad. She wouldn't mind playing with others, as long as Vi and her were also roommates, and they went on dates, and Vi took her relatively seriously. It was better than having no chance at all, which could be said about anything but particularly when it came to the current situation. They were going to be together, well, them and other people, but porn had taught her that could work! And it always looked fun! The taking it slow was a bit more confusing, because they were going from sex to threesome to dating each other and other people at the same time? Kind of? And there was the fact that Jinx didn't know enough about relationships to understand what that meant, but she agreed with it anyways.

It was only once it all finally sunk in that Jinx gave one last, firm nod and looked back up at Vi with a grin and bright, excited eyes. "Daddy~" She chirped, hands moving from around Vi's neck now that the kissing was over and entangling behind her own back, her body twisting side to side as she looked up innocently at Vi. "I'll be the best baby girl ever! Just you wait!" She said, after a brief moment of silence, her voice full of energy as she ran over and hugged around Vi's powerful body, nuzzling her face into Vi's breasts. There were things Jinx still had to think through, like what in the hell she was going to do with all of her free time when she had to be good... But at least she didn't have to be scared, especially with Cait waiting in the other room... For a threesome... If Vi and Cait no longer hunted her down to arrest her... Well, she was going to be fine. Jayce was a joke anyways. Besides, there was something much more important on Jinx's mind, and she looked up from her position hugged up against Vi, chin resting in the valley between Vi's breasts... One important question on her mind... "Hey Daaaddy... Am I also Mistress Jinx, or are you going to be my Mistress too?"
"Well we can go on dates, and you can stay here. But I'm not sleeping in the same room as you every night, we're going slow, remember?" Vi didn't mind the couch, especially if it meant that she could keep up the ruse of 'roommates'. "Couple nights a week, max. I want us to still have our own space sometimes, okay?" The cop specified, figuring that that little bit of distance between them would help Jinx not get too attached, well, more attached than she already was anyways. Vi was still nervous about the whole situation, she didn't like to be in the position of being with a woman because she knew that the other woman needed her; she didn't like to be trapped in a relationship. But hopefully being with Jinx wouldn't feel like being had actually been quite nice so far. Their mutual love of hextech gave them plenty to talk about, and with Jinx now sharing Vi's kink, it let their sexual attraction build and grow. Maybe it could work out. That is a big fucking -maybe- Realistically Vi knew that Jinx was still very immature for her age...but perhaps being in a better place than Zaun and being around more positive role models would help her grow. But a cop with a daddy kink and a sheriff with a huge submissive streak probably aren't the best role models...least we're not the worst either I guess.

"You want to be Mistress Jinx?" Vi chuckled at that thought. She saw Ally as about as imposing as a Yordle, especially if she was going to top someone like Caitlyn who was nearly 6 foot and very athletic. How was someone like Jinx going to get a woman like Caitlyn to submit? Hell, even Vi had a hard time topping the sheriff sometimes. Thankfully she was a wall of pure muscle which worked to remedy that situation, otherwise Caitlyn would be too unruly for her to handle in the bedroom. The sheriff was smart, too smart for Vi to play mind games with; plus she was too patient too for someone as impulsive as the mechanic. Usually their dynamic degenerated into rough treatment really quick, and Vi didn't think Jinx would be capable of that. "No, not Mistress Jinx. And I'm not your Mistress either...well...I guess if you want to try it, we can. But I don't like that stuff -all- the time. I like to be a little rough, and sometimes it's fun to tie someone up and tease...and I do like being called Mistress on the rare occasion. But I like you a lot better as my baby girl." Vi smiled a bit and leaned down to give Jinx a light kiss on the top of the head. "Come on, can't keep Caitlyn waiting, she becomes a very bad pet if you make her wait too long."


After donning her strap on, as well as the leather jacket and pair of dark wash jeans that Caitlyn had left out for her, Vi was feeling a lot better and a lot more confident...especially considering that both her playmates had stripped down to nothing. There were still many things about being a Mistress that eluded Vi, but the power difference when she wore clothes and her lovers were left bare was something she had caught on to quickly.

Now, she had Caitlyn wrestled down and bent over the bed, a hand on the back of her neck to keep her from getting up. Jinx was playing the part of her trusty assistant, handing off the black paddle to her so that Vi could rub the leather coated tool threatening over Caitlyn's rear end. "Someone has been a very naughty pet by keeping my key." CRACK! The first strike was hard, probably way too hard for a first hit, but Vi figured that Caitlyn was drunk and therefore would need a little more force in order for the punishment to sink through. Sometimes scenes were hard to create because Caitlyn usually wasn't misbehaved (stressed out and therefore annoying when she was stressed out, but otherwise she was good)...but today Vi had it easy because there was actually a reason for her to be punishing the sheriff.

"Keeping my key..."CRACK! "Showing up here drunk..." CRACK! "-Demanding- sex..." CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! Probably the worst thing that Cait had done today was make demands. Vi didn't like to be told what to do... Infact that was how they had gotten into this whole mess to begin with, Caitlyn had told Vi to do something at down at the precinct rather than ask her, and so of course, Vi being who she was, got into the sheriff's face about it. Though instead of being fired for insubordination, Caitlyn had basically jumped her and Vi had reciprocated. Now here they were, years later, with Vi paddling the sheriff while Jinx helped.
Jinx wasn't entirely satisfied with not getting to sleep in the same room every night... But she was still grinning like an idiot, mainly because of all the points Vi could stress, that was the least concerning one. After all, they weren't sleeping in the same room now, allegedly, and yet every night they ended up in the same room, cuddled up next to one another, and Jinx couldn't be happier. As for the other things, those were the real worries, and now that Vi was going to give her dates and she was now officially living with Vi... A part of their deal they hadn't really discussed but seemed to be added in like a bonus... As if they didn't both know it had happened the day Jinx's hyper colorful stuff popped up throughout the house. Heh, yep, that had all been decided and it wasn't Vi's decision to begin with, not really. Besides... She wouldn't be able to sleep alone... And it was her daddy's job to keep her happy and healthy... She was getting the hang of the kink! Yeah! And it was useful!

Not useful enough for her to be Mistress Jinx though, even if the tiny creature liked the way it sounded. In her mind being a Mistress was eeeeasy, because it meant people doing whatever she said. Once again, porn knowledge. Her sister had been in to that kind of stuff and she had seen a few magazines that focused on bondage, though despite what her usual attire would suggest she had never considered it much herself. Jinx was more, curious. She had instantly been interested when Cait had said the word Mistress, and all the lovely images of Sheriff Cow Tits bound and gagged... And submissive. It made Caitlyn seem so much more appealing to Jinx, because after all of the huffing and puffing and upholding the law... Cait enjoyed being put in her place. Jinx was looking forward to seeing it in person! "Hey! I would make a very, very good Mistress." Jinx wagged her finger at Vi and tried to be as serious as she could be, which still came off playful because her tone and that ever-present spark of mischief in her eyes wouldn't let it seem otherwise. "What I lack in muscle and height I make up for in creativity! And teasing, so let's pretend that's a quality and not an action, because I would be great at that!" She insisted, her finger going from wagging to pressing against her lips as she thought to herself for a moment. "I can be a baby girl and other things... And you said you wanted to go slow and have me try things... So don't be afraid to let your baby girl play other roles... Because the moment their over I'll go right back to being... Your. Baby. Girl!" She exclaimed, pausing between the past few words as she moved closer and closer to Vi, ending it by jumping up and pecking her on the cheek.

"Ooo, bad pet, bad Cow- I mean, Cait!" She grinned, sticking her tongue out and knocking her head with her first, a little "Oops" expression... It was going to be hard to break the habit. "Since I'm Ally Cat she has to be the puppy!" Jinx said excitedly, as if they were really getting a pet... And in Jinx's mind she was, kind of...


The atmosphere changed drastically between the moment they entered the room to the moment Vi was ready. Everything seemed more serious, and Vi took on a much more sure and strict role. Even Jinx, while still excitable and eager, was waiting for Vi to tell her what to do. Cait was in her own little perverted world, so lost in desire that everything strange about the situation was dismissed, all so she could enjoy what was happening. She didn't give a damn that she was being held down in front of Jinx, in fact it turned her on even more to have someone watching... Jinx was... Well, the best part about Jinx being the other person finally in the loop about her preferences and relationship, was that Jinx wouldn't tell anyone. Maybe she would shout it to the world if she wanted to be a pain in the ass, but nobody would believe her... So for where it counted, Jinx was the perfect addition. Plus, as much as it killed Caitlyn to admit, seeing as they had been enemies for so long, Jinx was adorable. She had a cute body and could be rather sexy when she wanted scampering around like a maniac.

So with an audience, it felt better than ever. Being held down, being hit with the paddle, each and every smack was met with a deep, throaty moan from Caitlyn. She was already dripping, trickles of her desire moving down her inner thigh, and her ass wiggling for more punishment. She deserved it... She wanted it... She needed it. "Mistress, I'm so sorry, punish me more, please~" She finally spoke after the hits stopped, her ass stuck up in the air and her usual struggle or attempts at manipulating the situation were lost in the euphoria of finally being dominated again. Her first time being taken in front of Jinx and she could do nothing but moan and beg like a naughty slut.

Jinx had been captivated from the start, and as everything began to get rolling she found herself getting in to the 'game'. She was enjoying helping Vi, but Jinx didn't forget to also take it all in. She was fascinated, her eyes roaming over Caitlyn's body and realizing just how much better it was in person, as opposed to looking at porn. Vi was sexy and absolutely delicious, and Cait was a tall, gorgeous woman herself. They were both stunning. It made Jinx shiver with delight. A virgin not so long ago and now this, she was super lucky! And she couldn't resist getting involved, not for long. When a break finally occurred in the hits Jinx moved forward and gently stroked and licked at Cait's ass, being very gentle for someone usually unable to show restraint. "Such a naughty puppy you've been, making Mistress have to punish you~" She chirped, kissing the paddle marked ass a few times before moving upwards and lifting Cait's head enough to give her a small kiss, pulling back and showing that usual exuberance in her eyes. Sex was definitely amazing, even better than blowing things up! "If you weren't so bad you could do this too~" She chirped again, grabbing Cait's attention with the caressing and the brief kiss, before moving back to Vi and leaning up so her lips were inches from Vi's, only stopping to do what porn told her was right... To ask permission... Because that's how it worked! And she had to follow the rules when they played a game! Okay, lies, Jinx hated rules, but if you broke them right away it was no fun, it was only fun when it was expected and THEN you broke them... So for now, before kissing Vi, she stopped, lips barely an inch from Vi's, and asked, "May I kiss you, Mistress?"
"You want more punishment?!?!" Vi barked out a laugh because she had forgotten about this paradox: Caitlyn needed to be punished for being bad, but the girl actually -liked- being punished so was her punishment really a punishment or was it a reward at this point? Eh, she's missing out on all the good stuff. Still a punishment I guess. True, Caitlyn didn't get any soft, slow kisses like her baby girl got. Naughty pets didn't get their Mistresses to draw them into their strong arms and stroke the small of their back as Vi was currently doing to her little helper, Jinx. "Yes baby girl, you've been good today, you can kiss me." Vi smiled as she pressed her lips to her lover's in a kiss that started off slow but quickly turned passionate and dirty. The mechanic was panting by the end of it and after looking over at Caitlyn who was staring at them with hungry eyes, she had a feeling that her pet was finally realizing why it would be in her best interests to start behaving.

"Hmmm...I know just how to punish my naughty pet." Vi grinned as an idea began to take shape in her mind. "Come here, baby girl, we're going to punish your new puppy by teasing her with treats but not giving her them." Vi smirked as her calloused, strong fingers began to slide through her old pet's folds. The good thing about being with Caitlyn for so long was that the mechanic knew -exactly- with the older woman liked: she could bring the sheriff to orgasm in five minutes flat. "Now watch closely because you're going to edge her next. You're just going to take two fingers..." Vi eased her index and middle fingers into Cait's welcoming pussy as she spoke. "Hook them and find her g-spot...if you don't find it right away just watch her close and she'll let you know." Vi knew her old lover's sex just by touch and easily found the sheriff's most sensitive spot. "And this pet is a particularly kinky little slut, loves it fast and hard." With that, Vi started to pound into Caitlyn with her fingers, mercilessly abusing the secret spot that she knew. "When her greedy little cunt starts to squeeze your fingers hard and her voice gets all high pitched, you know she's about to cum...." Vi's voice tapered off as she focused less on giving instructions and more on Caitlyn's body which was rapidly approaching it's limit.

Vi got Caitlyn -right- to the edge. She knew one more thrust would send her soaking wet and moaning pet into a blissful orgasm, but rather than give her what she wanted, the mechanic quickly withdrew her fingers, leaving Caitlyn's pussy empty and clutching at nothing as she grabbed the paddle and began to rain down harsh blows to her already beet red behind. CRACK!CRACK!CRACK!CRACK!CRACK! The strikes were harder this than the first round, Vi wanted to make sure that Caitlyn reset entirely, that there was no residual pleasure in her core but only a pain radiating from her bright red ass. She knew that the sheriff wouldn't be able to handle too many rounds like this, but this was a punishment after all, and would hopefully teach the cop to not keep her fucking house key and barge in here with her ridiculous demands.

While the sheriff whined and whimpered from her denied orgasm and the pain in her perfect ass, Vi motioned to Jinx. "Go ahead baby girl, try to bring her to the edge. I'm gonna be the one to give her the spanking though." Vi leaned over and gave her smaller lover a light kiss to the cheek. Then, being the big softy that she was, she gently caressed Caitlyn's ass to give the older woman just a little bit of relief from the pain before Jinx started overloading her with pleasure. Later, she'd be properly caring and rub down the sheriff's bottom with a healing salve, then snuggle her and take good care of her like Vi always did. But for now, she'd be the harsh Mistress that she knew her friend needed when she was drunk and lonely.
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