Don't Jinx Me! (ClearSight x Javorcek)

From her position of towering over Jinx, Vi could make out a few silhouettes of people a stone's throw away from them. Knowing that there were others so close to her while she claimed her Ally cat sent a shiver of excitement through her...but there was also a very real spike of fear that those people might turn around and see them if they made too much noise. "Shhh..." Vi hushed softly as Jinx let out her first guttural moan. The lowness of the noise had not drawn attention, at least not yet...but the second, high pitched cry as Jinx backed up and took the entirety of her cock in one motion definitely turned a few heads. Vi grabbed the girl and yanked her away from the balcony, falling backwards with Jinx perched ontop of her and still impaled on her large strapon.

"You're...wha?" It took a moment for Vi's sluggish, alcohol soaked brain to realize what Jinx was talking about by her 'first time'. But once she did, it was like a splash of cold water to the face; 'don't stop' was not a request that was going to be followed now, not when Jinx was a virgin! Fuck, she was a virgin, this was her first time, and here Vi was, still clothed like she was too in a hurry to strip (which she technically was because of their location) and fucking the girl like she was a cheap prostitute. Even a psychopath like Jinx deserved better than that... This knowledge actually took a hard shot to her pride; Vi had been with a couple of virgins before and she had always wanted to do it right, go slow, and limit the amount of pain a girl felt so that she'd end up screaming in pleasure by the end of it. She didn't want to ruin Jinx's first time and turn her off from sex forever! "Ally...why didn't you tell me?" Vi slurred as she sat up, hissing softly in pleasure as she shifted inside of Jinx in the process. Part of her wanted to put a stop to this all right now, it felt so good to be buried inside of Jinx while she was having this serious conversation that it was making it hard to concentrate...but that was just stupid; Jinx wouldn't go back to being a virgin if she pulled out and it wouldn't make this situation any less of a cluster fuck.

The only thing she could do was try to salvage the mess that the two of them were in. At least in this new position, with Jinx sitting in her lap, Vi was limited in her movements so that she couldn't hurt the girl further by going too hard all at once. Usually Vi liked to be the one on top...but she could make an exception right now, just for her Ally Cat. " about you ride me for a little bit? Jus' to get used to it...then I'll fuck you all you want once it stops hurting." The drunken cop nuzzled lightly at the base of Jinx's neck as she spoke, then gave her hips a roll upwards to get the girl going. Since this was her first time, Vi's hands came to rest on Jinx's hips, guiding the girl as she began rise and fall on her shaft. Once it seemed like her lover had a rhythm developed, Vi snuck a hand around her front, easily finding the girl's clit to play with in an attempt to make this first time feel a whole hell of a lot better.
Being yanked backwards and slamming into the ground, all while still impaled on Vi's strapon, didn't feel great, but the new position was perfect. Not that Jinx was completely against being in the bottom position, but she liked the idea of having an advantage over the more powerful woman, who was now on her back and shaken by the revelation of Jinx's newly reaped virginity. Jinx took the time Vi used to question and ponder to get comfortable, wriggling atop Vi a bit as she grew accustomed to her new place atop the gorgeous cop, hands brushing along her powerful legs. "I didn't tell you... Because you've always been the one I wanted to have take it..." She paused, slightly embarrassed by the admission, but it shouldn't have come as a huge surprise to Vi. After all, Jinx had been around her constantly as a kid and even now she terrorized an entire town for a little of Vi's attention, it was an obsession, and if Jinx was normal and could use words like love... Well, her obsession with Vi had a lot in common with "love", or at least a really unhealthy type of like.

Even Jinx, in her infinite uniqueness, needed to be treated lovingly. Vi's patience and guiding touch made the younger woman smile softly, her body relaxing atop Vi as she slowly started to rise and fall. At first it was awkward and painful, but as she pushed forward she began to feel more pleasure than pain, the level of each changing in an inverse manner. Without the threat of pain her mind cleared, allowing her to focus on her actions and not resisting the urge to whimper and whine like some weak girl with every painful movement. Now she could focus on other things, like gyrating her hips as she moved, no longer just going up and slamming back down but getting into a very graceful rhythm that she was sure would have Vi shuddering with pleasure. If there was anything Jinx was, aside from insane, it was graceful.

"Vi... It feels so good..." She panted, not going quite fast enough to cum but instead caught up into an almost teasing pace. "F-Fuck..." She whimpered as Vi's hand found her clit, her tiny, firm body shivering as a bolt of pleasure shot through her, almost stopping her from moving. As it went through her Jinx once again had a thought... That being with Vi, whether it was flirting and kissing... Or sex... Was the most pleasurable experience she had ever experienced... More so than blowing things up, which seemed impossible but was clearly felt. It made sense, she had been happy back in the day, before Jinx was born, but it was also strange. Jinx defined herself by her actions, she was what she did with little more to define her than being a menace, aside from the whole stupid league champion thing. So, realizing Vi meant more, it was a bit unnerving, even if it felt amazing. The very same pleasure that made her nervous was also what caused her mind to go blank and stop thinking, the first orgasm hitting her suddenly and causing Jinx to let out a loud, intoxicated moan, she was drowning in the pleasure of it.

Jinx had fallen back on to Vi when she climaxed, and afterwards she was panting heavily against Vi's chest. With a groan she sat up and turned herself around, before falling back onto Vi's chest, this time looking her in the eyes as she lay there. "Thirty seconds for the aftershocks... And then you better grab me and do horrible things to me." She grinned, leaning forward and biting at Vi's jaw, and the towards her ear, and then down to her neck just to tease her with a few licks and nibbles before marking Vi with an extremely hard bite to her neck. She giggled playfully after, she liked the idea of people knowing she was with someone, even if she knew Vi would never say it was her. Jinx had known all of that from the beginning, no matter what they turned into after tonight, her reputation and Vi's were far too different now, even if they came from the same place... Vi had risen, Jinx had made the opposite choice.
It filled Vi with a strange sense of pride to know that she was the one that Jinx had been waiting for this whole time; it was kind of nice to know that someone felt so strongly about her...even if it was a little creepy. She supposed it wasn't all that weird and made sense in a twisted sort of way though; Ally had always been around her as teens and Vi had been the only one to never kick, or throw things at her. She'd cursed at Ally, sure, whenever the girl did something dangerous or destructive in Vi's shop, the mechanic had always bellowed at the clumsy Ally Cat just as she would shout at any other nitwit that would screw around in her place. But Vi was never mean for the sake of being mean...and maybe that was what separated from everyone else in the gangs back in Zaun...that was what Ally had been waiting for all this time, just for someone that was different and didn't treat her like garbage. Vi definitely didn't treat a woman anything like the boys she ran with would; she wasn't a selfish lover by any means. Having a woman cum -because- of her was better than getting off herself. So even though it KILLED her to ignore the needy throbbing in her cock from months of celibacy, she did so because she wanted to make sure Jinx had a good time, that even though this may hurt like hell to start, it would feel a lot better really soon.

"Mmm... Good girl, keep going..." Vi cooed sweetly as Jinx began to rise and fall in her lap. At first it was difficult for Vi to concentrate on the pleasure she felt; she was concerned about the girl's well-being and was focused more on guiding her lover and torturing the little bud of her clit rather than the way Jinx's silken folds trembled around her thick length. Guh, and when Jinx finally began to get good at riding her, the mechanic thought she'd have an aneurysm with the amount of self control she had to muster just to keep from muscling the girl back onto all fours so that she could brutally fuck her. Thankfully the graceful way that Jinx rolled her hips soon ended as the girl began to shake and tremble in her lap. The girl let out a loud moan and Vi was pulled out of her own pleasure and back to reality, that they were up here, on this balcony overlooking the gardens, and there were no walls around to mute the sound of the girl's voice. She quickly clapped a hand over Jinx's mouth, trying to muffle the noise before she let the whole party know where the two missing revelers had ended up. "Shhh...come on Baby Girl, you need to be quiet." Vi murmured into Jinx's ear, but didn't do anything to help the command as she continued to rub the tight, pulsing bud of Jinx's clit in fast, sure circles. Only when the girl had enough did she stop, hands switching from their duties to merely hold the girl. All her friends might pick on her, but Vi was definitely a cuddley drunk, just holding Jinx here like this and receiving a bunch of nibbles and licks to her jaw made the inebriated cop grin stupidly.

"That was quick." Vi grinned smugly as Jinx came down from her high. She tilted her head to the side, relishing in the attention she was receiving. "Mmm...ack! Hey! Come on!" Vi growled and nipped at the girl's ear in response to the bite to her neck. "Some of us got work in the mornin'" The cop huffed. She -hated- buttoning up her uniform shirt all the way, now she was going to have to in order to hide the mark. Damnit! Well, now Jinx was going to get the horrible things she wanted because Vi was a little irked that there was a big ass bite mark on her neck.

"Troublemaker." Another nip and then she was forcing Jinx into a new position, trying to keep the pair of them joined as they moved but failing. She hissed softly as she slipped out of Jinx's tight sex and as cold air hit the toy. Vi gave the girl a light smack on the rear, one that was more noise than pain, just to get her into position faster because it ached to be outside of her. "Go on, on your hands and knees." The cop demanded as she knelt behind Jinx.
Jinx wasn't surprised at all when Vi managed to keep her cool throughout the agonizingly slow start the tiny virgin needed. In her eyes Vi was the kind hearted girl she had been in Zaun, the unique existence that treated her well no matter what happened. To Jinx, Vi was a special existence, she trusted her completely despite the many years between the time they had been semi-close as street rats of Zaun, and their current intimate encounter. Whether it was then or now she didn't consider an alternative to Vi treating her well, because there was no ruthless Vi in her memories. Back when they were young Vi had been all bark and no bite, kind despite Jinx's attitude, and it had let Jinx be her energetic self, as opposed to all of the other people that would vent their frustrations on the young troublemaker. Giving her first time to Vi was easy, because the same expectations carried over, and Jinx was completely sure that Vi wouldn't be rough with her or hurt her...

It was stupid and perhaps naive, but it ended up being true. Vi, clearly fighting her urges, was reassuring and patient, letting Jinx grow accustomed to the large toy instead of forcing her to. Even when Jinx started becoming a vocal mess, Vi simply covered her mouth a bit and urged her to quiet down, but yet never stopped touching and pleasuring her. Even when she was nervous about being caught she was attentive. It was a small touch that made all of the difference. Not that Vi was without her charm and the cocky, teasing attitude that Jinx adored. No, Vi was still the tough, aggressive, and highly possessive woman she had always been, and Jinx could only give her a bite and an exaggerated pout as Vi teased her... But she wasn't mad, or sad, or even just pouty, but happy. Jinx liked the teasing, she liked Vi as a whole, and was already quite confident at pushing the right buttons just like she had when they were younger. "Silly Vi, making fun of a virgin for having an orgasm..." She chided, chewing on her lower lip as she watched Vi go from smirking to irritated after the bite, Jinx only growing more proud of herself after seeing Vi's reaction. Yep, tomorrow and for days after she would have to hide the mark or let people know she had a lover. Hah, stupid Cow Tits would probably pout.

As amusing as the pain in the ass lawmaker or Piltover's dejected expression was, at least in Jinx's mind, she couldn't enjoy it for long. Vi wasn't going to let her have any time as she moved them both more or less into position, demanding Jinx get on her hands and knees and scooting up behind her. On one hand, Jinx was nervous, but it wasn't a normal person's nervous. It was Jinx nervous, which was more exciting jitters than gut wrenching butterflies. In fact, the very idea of being on her hands and knees for Vi was enough to make the manic thing jump up like a puppy and get in position, shaking her ass for Vi and looking over her shoulder with unnecessary exuberance. How many times had she fantasized about it though? Too many. She didn't continue staring at her lover but turned her head forward and lifted her behind as far up in the air as she could, letting her head sink over as she gave herself over completely. Jinx knew what she was doing, she was giving herself over to Vi, submitting. Jinx wasn't sure about kinks or anything, she knew about them from porn and from what she had heard from her sister and other people over the years, but her lack of experienced stopped her from having much of a personal identity... She only knew that she wanted what was happening right then, and she wanted Vi to do things to her... Lots of things.
Bright blue eyes hungrily gazed upon the slight but still tantalizing swell of Jinx's rear. The light smack had left a bright streak of red color on the pale flesh, a sight which stirred Vi's dominant side. A thoroughly spanked ass would ache for a day or two, and she preferred that sort of marking to a hickey on a neck. She wasn't ashamed of the small purple bruise on her throat; bite marks were great for showing others that the person wearing them was claimed...but it was easy to forget they were there unless you looked in a mirror. Doling out a good spanking would soothe the mechanic's possessive streak and remind Jinx that Vi owned that ass every time she sat down. No! No spanking...not this time anyways... Don't wanna scare her... Guh, this was the problem with sleeping with virgins rather than a woman who knew what she was doing. Not that Vi was regretting this (at least not yet), there were just a lot of things she wanted to do but couldn't because this was Jinx's first time: it was about her virginal lover and -her- pleasure alone. Vi had to make this feel good so that the girl would want to do it again! ...not with her but with someone else next time.

"You need to tell me if I'm hurtin' you...I don't wanna hurt you when I get rough." The cop slurred and swayed a little bit as she gave her warning and got into position behind Jinx. She rucked up the girl's dress a little higher, exposing her hips so that Vi had bare flesh to hold onto and bruise with her fingertips. Then she settled in and guided the flared tip of the toy back to Jinx's entrance, groaning softly as the receptors in the dildo transmitted feelings of heat and tight flesh enveloping the length. The first thrusts she gave were short and slow, Vi savoring Jinx's slit as she slowly sank deeper and deeper until their hips were flush and she was buried to the hilt. She could get so much deeper in this position...stretch and fill Jinx up more than anyone ever had or could hope to. The thought sent a jolt to her core and her hips bucked forward, ensuring that there was nowhere left that she could possibly go; it was only then that she withdrew and slammed back in, eliciting a high pitched moan from Jinx. "Ally! I told you you had to be quiet." The cop growled and then grabbed at her tie, yanking the red strip of satin off and balling it up. Her hips still for a moment as she reached over to gently jam the fabric into her lover's mouth in the hopes of keeping her noise down.

"There, see if you can moan through that." Vi withdrew, then slammed forward again. Jinx still moaned but the noise was dulled quite a bit, hopefully it was enough to keep the sound from wafting down to the people in the courtyard. It probably wasn't, but drunk Vi had much fewer cares than sober Vi. And with every thrust, every brutal snap of her hips forward, her heart began pounding faster, sending alcohol laced blood through her body all the quicker.


"Staaahhhhhpppp" Vi gave a whiney growl as someone nudged at her and tried to get her up. No! No she was not going to get up. She didn't care if it was cold and the surface she was sleeping on was hard...or if the clothes she was wearing to bed were uncomfortable as fuck. "Sleep." The cop muttered and grabbed at the person poking at her, wrapping the lithe body up in her strong arms and preventing it from bothering her until she blacked out again.
The slap to her rear was an epiphany on a deep level for the tiny troublemaker, Jinx's entire body shivering with pure delight at the physical chastisement. It probably shouldn't have been so large a surprise that Jinx enjoyed a little punishment, especially of the corporal variety, but nobody had really had a chance to try before. She knew she didn't like being hit when she was younger, but it was clearly two different things even if the basic premise of hand on flesh was the same... One was violent, the other enough to make Jinx chew her lip and nearly beg for more. It triggered something and she was shaking her ass playfully right after, almost daring Vi to spank her again... But her big strong Vi never did, being far too fucking considerate to just spank the shit out of Jinx and let her experience something magical, hmph! She wasn't so disappointed, mainly because the next words out of Vi's mouth foreshadowed rough on exactly the level Jinx wanted, but she wouldn't be forgetting about the smack... There would come a time when Vi would do all kinds of things to her, because Jinx's mind and desires were far past the usual virgin's sensibilities.

Jinx was about to say something like that, antagonize the intoxicated Vi and ensuring she wasn't treated like some fragile thing... Because she wasn't! Jinx was tough! She never had a chance before the large toy was pushed deep inside of her, causing her to lose control and let out yet another deep, loud moan. Fuck, she made Vi mad... Which led to... Gagging? Yet again Jinx found herself swooning, excited like a pet receiving a favorite toy as her ability to make sound was controlled in the kinkiest way currently possible. Jinx wasn't stupid, even if she lacked some self-control and social awareness, she was getting a few hints of what Vi was like in bed. Not that this was her only source of knowledge, Jinx had been following Vi around for a really long time, but first-hand truths were better than second-hand conjecture... In the end though, thinking was stupid! Jinx just wanted to enjoy each powerful thrust from her muscular lover.

"Oh shit!" That was what Jinx said, not that it came out as more than muffled nonsense, but any noise got the point across, Jinx was in heaven. It wasn't just from being filled and pounded by Vi's toy, even if that was a lot of it, but also feeling Vi's hips slapping into her ass, the calloused hands gripping her waist and thighs... The occasional low groan from her childhood crush. Vi was her obsession, the woman she had been in love with from the time she knew what love was, and it made every touch and second of being together special. Really, it was strange, few people meant anything to Jinx, very few, and Vi probably meant the most. Guh, feelings, why were feelings interfering in pure sensory bliss! She wouldn't let them any longer...


Jinx's plan had worked, the rest of their time had been one, incredible experience together. Jinx found the rhythm and started pushing back, she managed to rile Vi up a little with whimpers and ample moaning, even through the makeshift gag, and she had been treated to another orgasm... And a half. Yep, Vi hadn't really made it that much longer, seeming to not slow down and then crash to a halt... Right after her first orgasm. She hadn't just fallen asleep on top of Jinx, luckily, instead she had rolled to her side and cuddled the tiny troublemaker in a strangely loving way, but it was still on a balcony, they were half naked, and at a party. Jinx, after getting over the original disappointment that it was over, still didn't move immediately. Instead she turned over in Vi's arms, buried her head in Vi's chest, and just took a moment to enjoy it, smiling stupidly to herself and letting those pesky things called emotions settle down.

"Big, dumb Fat Hands." She finally muttered and sighed, wriggling free from Vi's comforting embrace and getting to her feet, only to look down and put on an expression to match the feeling of ridiculousness she got from the situation. How was she supposed to solve this!? Size alone was an issue. Jinx sighed and let her shoulders droop for a moment before muttering something about how Vi had always been irresponsible about this kind of thing and how she remembered finding her out cold at her desk more than once when they were young... Then she was smiling. Yep, this was her Vi. "Okay!" She gave a random shout, not caring who heard her as she quickly got both of them presentable again, even shoving Vi's gloves back on before hoisting her up with maximum effort and using her tiny frame to support the much larger woman. Not. Fun. At. All.


Getting Vi out of the building was... Not easy. Even for Jinx, who had quite the knack for escapes, had to stop and think a few times before managing to get through it without someone seeing her dragging Vi out, and even then she had help. Specifically, the stupid blonde thing Vi was always hanging around, Ez... Guh, needing help was horrible, and finding another tiny person was doubly dumb, but Jinx was pretty sure Ez and Vi were friends, and thus perhaps he wouldn't be as likely to blow everything when it was Jinx that asked him for help... Even if Vi had a nice mark on her neck, and both had the slightly disheveled look about them... Not that Ez being her friend had kept all questions from being asked. He still started poking his nose into what happened, even if he didn't run out and tell the world, but only managed to get a rather adorable glare and a "Shut your mouth blondie." Before Jinx huffed and continued pulling Vi out of the building and towards her place.

Still suspicious of Jinx, as everyone would be, Ez decided not to leave her alone with Vi, possibly thinking it could all be some big plot to remove one cop of Piltover and make her life easier. That or Ez just wanted to crash at Vi's and not make the trip all the way home as the alcohol started to wear off and the headache moved in. Jinx... Cared. She didn't show it when Ez ended up snuggled in Vi's arms, okay that was a lie, she was livid. In fact, seeing Vi and Ez so comfortable in the bed made her eye twitch and she about threw him into the floor... But she was too tired, dragging Vi home had exhausted the tiny thing... Among other activities. Instead she got in bed as well, snuggled up behind her Vi, and had the best sleep of her life... Which was something considering sleep was often impossible for the manic creature.


The next morning was different. Waking up and realizing Vi wasn't only snuggling Ez but somehow she had lost all of the covers to the two drunken asshats, Jinx gave a frustrated little huff and jumped out of bed, only to find both of them snoring and unaffected by her rough departure. All Jinx could do was let out a sigh, looking at both of them and shaking her head before calming herself and deciding to take the tour of Vi's place she didn't take the night before... Because Jinx was curious, and she couldn't help sticking her nose in other people's business... An urge that only increased as she made her way around Vi's place. It was... Unsettling. "So messy!" She shouted, the neat freak in her almost exploding instantly. Jinx had always liked neatness in her home, if the warehouse or any of her previous places of residence could be referred to as a home. She loved chaos in the outside world, and her workshop was more organized madness than neat, but everything else she kept spick and span. Even the warehouse was kept tidy, no junk or empty containers anywhere, a made bed with lots of bright pillows... And now, thanks to Vi, a broken fucking wall she had to do something with. Thus, seeing Vi's place an utter mess, Jinx couldn't help herself. She started cleaning up...


It had taken a few hours but Jinx had things looking nice, she even had some breakfast being made... Which would be fun considering she never cooked, ever. Still, it felt right, even if she didn't know how to, or why it would feel right. She was cooking! That was all that mattered about that. Well, she was cooking and reading. Her book of the month club! No, it was something she found in Vi's room... Something, graphic. It was porn, yep, porn, Vi's porn... Very, telling porn. It was some odd lesbian daddy and daughter stuff, which made no sense when Jinx first saw it but started making a lot more as flipped pages... And started grinning like a little idiot. She was tiny... Pigtails... Kind of hyper and... Vi had a fetish just for her? At least that's what her silly mind was telling her, causing the tiny pain in the ass to jump up and down giddily, and make breakfast with more enthusiasm than ever... Too bad she still had the same cooking ability. Maybe it wouldn't be horrible... If she could get the mixture in explosives perfectly right she could follow a recipe! Probably...
" want me to believe that you just 'found' Vi like this?" Ez snickered as he looked down at his unconscious friend. At first he had been skeptical when Jinx had bounded over to him at the bar and asked him for his help with Vi, but, well, his friend had been gone a long time...and had been known to have hook ups at these kind of things...or to just get drunk and pass out. Judging by the way Vi wasn't tucked properly back into her pants, some novice had tried to re-pack her after they had fooled around. And since Jinx looked so disheveled, he could only assume that that novice was her. "Sure you didn't, you know..." Ezreal trailed off, his grin only getting wider when Jinx told him to shut up.

Well, he'd have to tease Vi about this all later. Right now they had to get her the hell out of here before Caitlyn saw her like this. So Ezreal helped heft Vi. "Hrrrggghhh! Drunk muscles!" The lanky man grunted as he swung one of Vi's massive arms over his shoulder. "Geeze, couldn't we jus' leave her gauntlets here?" But a glare from Jinx told him that no, no they could not just leave the insanely heavy, even with a hydraulics pack running, gauntlets here. And of course, because they had to bring the gauntlets, that meant that they had to -walk- several blocks from the mansion to the small but nice house that Vi owned. Ezreal was a sweating, huffing and puffing mess by the time all was said and done and he was not going to stay awake for a cab ride home. He was all set to grab a spot on Vi's couch for some sleep when he saw the opened box and packing materials strewn about the living room.

"No way! She has an MN-10 Techmacouple!" Ez ducked out from underneath Vi's arm and practically ran over to the couch to inspect the old piece of tech. "This thing belongs in a museum; they're really old and really rare- Oh, shit, sorry." He whipped back around when he heard Jinx yelping and struggling to hold up Vi. He quickly grabbed his friend before she could topple over and crush Jinx and then carried her through the messy house (it was mostly filled with empty parts boxes and clothes), then tossed Vi onto the bed. Then he went off to the kitchen to grab a glass of water because he knew his friend would get a massive hangover if she didn't hydrate before bed.

"Vi, hey" Ez poked at the cop and, seeing her not moving, he set the glass of water down on the nightstand and went to shake her. "Yo! Vi!" You gotta drink something or-hey!" Ezreal yelped as he was abruptly grabbed and snuggled like a teddy bear."

"Mrrrph... Shaddup. Sleep..." Vi grumbled before her breathing changed back into a light snoring.

"Not again..." Ezreal groaned. This was like the millionth time he had ended up in this position! Vi always treated him like a stuffed animal when she was in blackout mode. So with an indignant grumble he tried to make himself as comfortable as he could and fall asleep.


Bright light streaming in through her window the next morning drew Vi out of her deep sleep. "Uggh...fuck..." The cop cracked an eye open, only to see a field of blonde hair with bright light from the morning sun reflecting off it. Her mouth was dry, her head was pounding, her stomach was upset. She was too uncomfortable to sleep any longer and so untangled herself from her sleeping friend and grabbed the water off the nightstand to chug.

"Vi..." Ez croaked. "Shut the curtains."

"Lazy ass." The cop muttered but shut the curtains anyways so Ezreal could sleep longer. Then she stumbled sleepily out of her bedroom, rubbing her eyes as she went out into the living room...and stopping dead in her tracks as she looked around. What the hell? Where was her stuff?! She had had a bunch of books and manuals out on the coffee table, a couple of parts boxes with warranties that she still needed to mail in strewn about the house, and a bunch of pairs of pants and shirts with pockets that had stuff inside of them. "What the...where the fuck-?" Vi started to panic. Her living space was always a mess (her workshop was immaculate but she needed a chaotic living space to function), but she knew where things were! And now...where the fuck were her things?!

With her stomach growling and feeling more upset, the smell of bacon only made her feel worse. She hurried off to the kitchen, wondering who the hell was here and making breakfast...only to see Jinx standing there, wearing one of her shirts, cooking some eggs, and...reading one of her graphic novels?! "Ally? What the hell are you...hey! That is mine." Vi was bright read as she lunged over the table once she saw just exactly what Jinx was reading.
Jinx was oblivious to everything aside from the book... Graphic novel... It was porn. Yeah, she kept trying to call it something else, for Vi's sake, but Jinx giggled and went back to porn time after time, enthralled in the rather interesting reading held in front of her face. Jinx, despite her recently lost virginity, was not a mewling kitten that didn't know how things worked, not in regards to kinks and fetishes... She was not as they would say, vanilla... But she was still a virgin, and her knowledge extended as far as some reading and stories from others could take her. So, with something new in front of her she was a curious ball of energy, absorbing each little facet of Vi's assumed kink like it was of the utmost importance. Of course, about ten percent of her attention was split to breakfast, and the bacon was crisping up nicely... Just, her attempt at over-easy eggs had become scrambled somewhere along the way, and she had completely forgotten about the first batch of toast, which was now burnt to a crisp and sticking out of the top of the toaster. Yeah... Priorities.

Vi's appearance was a larger priority than anything else though, causing the hyper creature to look back with a wide smile on her face and a minor expectation of praise. After all, Jinx had done work! She got Vi home, put her to bed, cleaned the house, was making breakfast... So maybe half of those things weren't asked of her, and maybe she had made herself at home in Vi's place without asking permission, but they were good things! Yep, good things. Besides, Vi's shirt was super comfy, much more than the tight Chinese dress she had arrived at the party in, these were all things Vi should have been fine with. Only... She didn't look thrilled, she looked confused and perhaps a tiny little bitty smidgen of horrified mixed in as well.

Nothing could damper Jinx's mood however, because she was in Vi's house after being together the night before, in her clothes, reading her porn, and making her breakfast. It was a jumbled cluster fuck of fantasies Jinx had pondered over the years, all being crammed into less than a day, it was magical. With a graceful spin she kept things going, and dodged Vi's attempt at lunging over the table and wrestling away her seemingly prized possession from Jinx's curious grasp. Then it was there, her mischievous grin... "Don't be mad at me Daddy... I just... I just wanted to make you breakfast..." From mischievous and overly excited to a glorious little pout and sad eyes that could break any heart. Then, true to form, she put her hands and the book behind her back, let her head droop down and watched her feet as they scuffed nervously against the floor. "I just wanted you to wake up to a good meal, Daddy." She whined after, her entire body seeming to tremble, but whether it was more perfect acting or her bodies reaction to trying to hold in uproarious laughter, even Jinx wasn't sure. It was very hard to keep a straight face calling Vi 'Daddy', but in light of the graphic novel she couldn't help it... Especially when she recalled Vi calling her 'Baby Girl'.
Vi was not a morning person.

The grumpy temperament she usually sported in the morning, before she had her coffee, was only made worse by the fact that she was hung over. Her head was pounding, her eyes hurt from the natural light of the kitchen, and fuucckkk was she hungry. Jinx was basically poking a very angry bear that had just come out of hibernation, and the usually patient Vi was not going to stand for it this morning. It didn't matter that Jinx had tried to 'help' by moving all her stuff to places she'd never find it, or that she had burnt some toast for breakfast, or had repurposed one of Vi's dress shirts as a pajama top; what mattered was that the girl was picking on Vi. Nobody picked on Vi, least of all for her fetishes. Normal people would get embarrassed and that would be it...Vi would go into a rage and smash half her own house down.

"ITS NOT FUNNY!" The mechanic roared because even though Jinx wasn't laughing just yet, Vi was pretty sure she was about to burst out with it. Her fetishes weren't something to laugh about! Vi liked what she liked and that was all there was to it, she shouldn't be picked on for the slightly off things she desired in the bedroom! And having a daddy kink worked out for her better than anything else, after all, she liked being a top but hated all the stupid rules and regimentation that came with BDSM. She loved having a title but hated being called Mistress because the tomboy didn't -feel- like a Mistress all the time...sometimes she felt like a Master which was an equally shitty title because she didn't want to be either of those things! She didn't want a slave that served her for no other reason than that she was stronger. She didn't want to constantly have to punish a pet. Spanking was fun sometimes, yeah, it kept things interesting, but submissives alllwwaaayyyssss wanted to just be tied down and tortured. It was just...not what she wanted.

Vi liked to create, she liked to build, (yes, she was a little reckless and tended to break things, but she didn't do that all the time!) she didn't want to be a part of the -constant- tearing down that she perceived BDSM to be. Plus, all the costumes and gear and rope and knots and was all -so much- work. So a daddy kink fit her better...something that was a tiny bit more natural and required a hell of a lot less structure was perfect for Vi. Having a 'baby girl' that needed discipline but also to be taken care of and protected - those were the things Vi craved. She didn't want to be served, but instead wanted -to- serve whatever woman she was with by making her feel good and making her a better person with a firm hand if that was required. But no one ever understood her kink! And she always got teasing about it, so she rather hide her kink and live vicariously through the characters in her graphic novels and short stories rather than tell a woman about what she liked anymore.

"Don't you ever call me that again." Vi snarled as she moved closer, eyes narrowing dangerously. This time she grabbed Jinx by the shirt to keep her from dancing away, then fished around behind her back to grab the graphic novel...probably generating all sorts of creases and tears in the process that would piss her off later.
Jinx was nowhere near used to seeing Vi actually angry. In her mind, no matter how badly she pissed the woman off it would end up fine and there would be a little anger but nothing extreme. In fact, Jinx had seen days where Vi wasn't so angry after Jinx destroyed buildings or when they were young and she would mess something Vi had been working on up... Which meant a lot with how tight resources were for street rats in Zaun. So, when she realized just how angry Vi was Jinx froze up, lifting her head and watching as Vi stomped over and grabbed her, snatching back the graphic novel and practically threatening Jinx to keep her mouth shut. It seemed Jinx had made a mistake, and even her brain was capable of making that discovery, which meant it was abundantly obvious, because Jinx never really caught on to that sort of thing. She had made a mistake... Her fantasies never had moments like this in them, because in her fantasies it would have become something sexy, or they would have just sat down to eat. Vi wouldn't be mad, she wouldn't be in trouble, and things would go more like they did in the old days. Okay, she was a tiny smidgen delusional, this was normal, this was reality, and the old days were more of the same, her pissing Vi off. Worse before it got better.

Jinx wasn't willing to step backwards now though, and for once she decided to put a little effort in. She released the graphic novel without a struggle and pounced forward to press herself into Vi's chest, wrapped her little arms around the woman, and pressed her face into the nook of Vi's neck. "Sorry... I won't call you that again if you want, but I wasn't making fun of you..." She mumbled, lying a bit but deciding to focus on the little bit of truth, if only her mouth could stop moving. "Okay, maybe a little, but I was more happy than anything." She followed up, tilting her head up, nuzzling Vi and licking the mark from the night before in the process. "Because... The girl's in the novel... Kind of remind me of me... And I thought, maybe you've liked me for awhile and last night wasn't just a spur of the moment hook up." She murmured, each time she got to something semi-real within her words she would quiet down, as if saying honest things was the most difficult task in the world. It kind of was, Jinx preferred to hide from real or emotional, but Vi was a rare exception, Vi was the only real part of her life that had yet to disappoint her. Well, aside from leaving Zaun, but Jinx had just followed her so that didn't count so much.

"So, uhm..." She got a bit of her vigor back at that point, done with the awkward honest mush and back to being cute and playful and herself. Thus, with a bit of forwardness, Jinx stood on her tip toes and nibbled at Vi's ear, "I don't think it's weird... So don't be mad at me, and instead just have some breakfast, which you have to savor even if it's awful, and then take me into the shower and see if you can not pass out this time." She hinted, not saying anything outright but as long as Vi remembered the night before she could probably see where Jinx was going with it. Still, she wasn't truly confident, not with Vi being so mad, and clearly regretting the amount of alcohol from the night before, so she pulled back, looking at Vi with an adorable little smile, "Okay?" This time she wasn't close to laughing, she didn't push her luck with the whole daddy thing, and just looked up at Vi with the innocent little Ally Cat act she had been using since they were young, a pain in the ass right up until the moment she wasn't.
Vi was about to continue on her tirade, to shout at Jinx to just get out, go home, and leave her the hell alone, when she was suddenly pounced upon by the smaller woman. She froze, totally surprised by the move because normal people didn't just throw themselves at Vi when she was pissed, everyone just backed off and went away so she could cool down, even her closest friends knew that when she was in a mood, they better turn tail and run. But Jinx wasn't normal, she hugged her and nuzzled at her neck and did everything in her power to be adorable. As the apology fell from her lips, Vi opened her mouth to call 'bullshit' because she -knew- that Jinx had been picking on her....but her little Ally Cat owned up to the fact that she had thought Vi's kink was amusing.

"I..." The cop didn't know what to say. What could she? As mad as she still was, Jinx was being soooo cute and apologetic that even Vi couldn't stay furious. Plus, after Jinx made the connection that the girls in her graphic novels looked like her, Vi couldn't think of anything to say because her brain was overloaded with the prospect that she had had a crush on Jinx this entire time. It was true that the characters in her books and the young woman in her arms shared similarities...but Vi had never thought of Ally as someone who was her type before. Ally had been to young to attract her attention, and Jinx had been too much of a pain in the ass to catch her eye either.

Vi sighed softly and closed her eyes as the serious moment passed and Jinx leaned up to nibble on her ear. She allowed her arms to instinctively wrap around the girl and rub her back. "Alright...alright..." The cop grumbled begrudgingly and kissed the top of Jinx's head. "I'm gonna be mad...just a little while longer... Just...hungry, and have a headache, and I know my kink is weird so I hate hearing bullshit about it. I like it anyways and you don't have to indulge in it if you don't want to, that's what my books are for." The corners of Vi's mouth twitched into a smile as Vi looked up at her with that adorable smile.

"Sorry about last night...I just...had a lot to drink. I don't usually pass out like that. And I'm mad at you for not telling me that it was your first time"

(Not done)
This was the old Vi she knew and adored... The one who melted and calmed down after a few cute actions and honest words. Jinx wasn't tricking her or anything, she meant what she said, but Vi had always had a soft spot, and Jinx had been sheltered by it more than a few times when they were young. Of course, she was always in trouble and didn't manage to escape by being adorable every time, but Vi would just tell her to leave at that point, and even then it would be temporary and forgotten soon enough. So, whether her gamble of honesty and being her same strange self had worked or not, it was all going to be fine anyways. Jinx didn't want to leave however, so not being forced to was the desired outcome, and the one that made her grin from ear to ear when Vi calmed down and let it all go. Sure, she said she was going to be angry for a bit longer, but that kind of anger was cuter than it was scary, the truth was clear, the larger woman was already perfectly calm.

"I think you misunderstood something." Jinx giggled, not releasing Vi just yet as she leaned up again and nipped at Vi's jaw, "I never said I wasn't interested." She gave another excited giggle before releasing Vi and bounding back towards the stove top, very aware that the food was probably more done than either of them would like, and pouting when her suspicions were found true. "Awwwww... Breakfast..." She gave a light sigh and put the food on a plate before starting to make a few more eggs. The bacon was okay, it would just be Jinx's extra crispy morning hangover bacon! But the eggs looked dry and yucky, Ez could eat them. Yeah, heh, that would be funny... Though for some reason she felt like he would be slippery and find some words to get him out of it, damn blondie.

"You know, you shouldn't be mad about last night. Telling you would have just made you stop, and I didn't want you to stop~" She sung, happy as she could be, thinking about finally being with Vi. She didn't stop humming or singing after that doing little spins and dancing gracefully about the kitchen, and then finally, after what was probably an agonizing amount of time to listen to constant noise for someone with a hangover, Jinx slid in front of the table with a plate full of food, a cup full of yucky black coffee, and a smile! "Here ya go... Oooo, what would it be like if I were in one of those classic diner uniforms right now, with skates!" Because skates indoors was Jinx's idea of a fun time... And highly amusing when she thought about it, causing the tiny thing to laugh a bit as she sat Vi's food down and dashed back into the kitchen to make the consolation plate for Ez and then clean up. Only when the mess was cleaned up did she sit down with Vi. There was no food in front of her, only to the side for Ez, the dry eggs, the "crispiest" of the bacon, and the well-done toast. Jinx was food free, but full of smiles and thoroughly satisfied watching Vi eat, and in the knowledge that the kitchen remained as spick and span as it had been since earlier that morning when she cleaned EVERYTHING. She needed things to do... Because now that she didn't have any she was content watching Vi eat... Waiting for praise, or at least until she heard it wasn't awful. Her warehouse didn't have a kitchen... She never cooked.
"I didn't hurt you or anything though?" Vi frowned a little; despite Jinx's sureness and cheeriness, Vi had a few misgivings. She didn't quite remember what had happened last night, lots of things were still fuzzy, but she could recall some things...mostly how Jinx had whined and trembled when Vi had first claimed her. And the mechanic knew how she was...rough, dominant, possessive...she -must- have hurt Jinx last night. So she watched the girl carefully as she bounded around the kitchen, eyes more fixed on how she moved than how she was mutilating breakfast. At least the girl didn't seem like she was in pain...she wasn't limping or walking funny or anything. I guess she's okay... That was probably due to their time spent at the Rift, being around all that magic had increased their health regeneration abilities, even when they were away from the magically infused lands.

"Heh, I feel like you would end up spilling food all over everyone if you were a waitress on skates." Vi grinned at the thought of her clumsy Ally Cat on rollerskates. "You would look cute in that outfit though." The cop could concede on that point at least. Jinx would make an adorable waitress...even though she was apparently a terrible cook. "Thanks for uh...making breakfast..." Vi didn't look too enthused about the slightly burnt toast, brittle bacon, and dry eggs on her plate, but she sat down and started to eat it anyways. All food was better when suffering from a hangover, so she didn't notice the off taste of the food. After a few bites of eggs and sips of coffee, Vi was feeling much better. Her headache was slowly receding and the rolling in her stomach soon faded to a dull hunger that was quickly being sated.

When Jinx finished puttering around the kitchen and then sat back down without food, Vi frowned. "Aren't you going to eat?" She pushed her plate closer towards Jinx, just as she would back in her gang days, so that they could share food. "Go on, have some." Vi could have probably finished her plate no problem, toting around her gauntlets was a lot of work and the mechanic ate a lot to refuel her body. But she could just make herself a snack later...something that wasn't dry...or burnt.

After breakfast, Vi stretched out and finally allowed herself a smile. It felt good to have company in the house again...even if that company was Jinx and this was all a bad idea. But for now she just chose to ignore the fact that she had a wanted criminal in her house and focused on the brunette with green eyes who was her Ally Cat. Vi wasn't the type of woman to sleep with a girl and then just toss her out...not without a shower and a little fooling around anyways. " about a shower, hmm?" Now that she wasn't distracted by her hangover, Vi could feel the discomfort caused by her fitted trousers and stiff dress shirt; she was itching to get out of these formal clothes and into something more comfortable.

Vi got up from her seat and headed off towards the bathroom, tugging her vest and her shirt off over her head and tossing them towards the hamper, missing it as usual so that her dirty clothes landed on the floor. Then off came her undershirt, revealing a sleek, muscular upper body. Perhaps it was a little surprising that when the sport's bra came off, Vi's breasts were rather large. The tomboy spent a lot of time hiding them, especially because she felt like they got in the way all the time. Then she undid her pants and shimmied out of them. For a moment she contemplated getting out of her harness, she didn't usually shower with it on...but, well, Vi actually preferred to wear it when she was around others.
Hurt? Jinx found the concept of sex hurting her amusing. Not that she didn't understand, it was common knowledge that a woman's first time hurt, but Jinx and Vi were anything but common people, they were champions. Those chosen to be champions had been exceptional prior to the rift, it was why they were selected, and the constant presence of magic in their lives only increased their natural gifts. Most league champions, due to their exposure to the rift and its wonders, could heal from serious injury in a matter of days outside of the rift, so the pain of her first time had been healed up quickly. Even if that wasn't the case, Jinx was accustomed to pain and didn't have a problem pushing it aside, making her quickly adjust the night before, and everything since then negligible. She didn't say anything, Vi could see for herself that Jinx was fine, but it was amusing nonetheless, and made her laugh a little. If only she were normal enough to find that painful.

No, compared to watching Vi's face when eating her food the night before had been nothing... Not that Jinx was upset when Vi failed to hide her discontent with the mediocre breakfast. "Hmph, I'll just have to cook a ton and then one day you'll beg to eat my eggs and bacon!" She retorted, to thanks... Yeah, she didn't do the whole smile and move past it thing, Jinx was always active and responsive, though it did make seriously pissing her off difficult. Something like breakfast, while she would pout for a second, would pass just as quickly, and it did. "Hmmm..." She stared at Vi after being offered food, waiting until the woman picked up another piece of bacon before lunging forward and eating it out of her hand with a stupid grin. "Got it~" She chirped, following her bite of bacon with a sip of Vi's coffee and then bouncing up from the table. "Don't worry about me though, I already nibbled on a few things while I was cooking, and I don't really do breakfast anyways." She giggled, seeming to find something about it funny, though it wasn't really funny but instead satisfying. She giggled but was only happy, thinking back to the days Vi would offer her some snacks, albeit begrudgingly, and make sure she ate something. Vi had always been a secret softie.

Jinx didn't stay up from the table long, just long enough to bound into Vi's room and practically kick Ez off the bed, a little wake up reminder, Jinx really wanting everyone but her and Vi, so Ez, out of the damn house. Sure, she was also on the 'temporary' guest list, but Jinx never considered that, not even a little. Instead she pranced back to the table and took her seat, smiling happily over at a reinvigorated Vi and chewing on her nails a bit as she did, a bad habit that was never going to get fixed. It had started before her and Vi had met and it persisted until now. "Shower?" It did stop as a shower was mentioned, Jinx perking up and almost rising from her chair on instinct, ready to scramble to the shower at any given moment, and she was. Jinx loved the water and if there was one thing she REALLY hated about all the shitty places she had lived, it was not having a decent shower. The idea of having a really nice soak under hot streams of water, and having Vi in there with her, Jinx was already ecstatic.

Of course, as excited and energetic as Jinx was, she was still the random little thing she always was. On the way to the bathroom, while Vi was stripping, she followed behind practically drooling, but also cleaning up behind Vi as they went, picking up her scattered clothes before sitting them in a neat pile by the door, and then putting Vi's shirt down right on top, quickly getting herself naked in the process. Of course there was a little more to it than that... Jinx also had to take out the color contacts and let down her hair, but it took seconds before she was jumping into the shower, turning on the hot water, and waiting for Vi to join her! Though she was starting to look a little more like Jinx and a little less like Ally Cat... Even if they were one in the same, it was still a little difficult on the nerves as far as the tiny hell raiser was concerned.
"Hrrrmph. Hey!" Ez grunted as he woke up to find himself teetering on the edge of the bed due to a rough shove from Jinx. "Get outta here!" The explorer growled and glared at the girl. This was -his- best friend's bed and he could lay on it if he fucking felt like it! "Unbelievable." The blonde muttered to himself as Jinx pranced off as though she hadn't just assaulted him. Then he rolled back over with a sigh, wanting to just doze for a little while longer before he made any attempts to get his hungover self out of Vi's very comfortable bed.

When Jinx hopped back into the bathroom and Vi turned around to look at her, the first thing she noticed was that her clothes were no longer scattered all over the floor like they usually were. "You don't have to do that you know... " In fact I wish you wouldn't because I know exactly where things are when I put them down like that. I have no idea where the fuck any of my other shit is because you cleaned. But Vi held her tongue about it for now, dropping a hint rather than yelling at the girl who had moved all her things. Vi knew that she was a mess, but she was an organized mess! Ask her where anything was and she could tell you! Except for now...because Jinx had moved all her things and now Vi would have to go find them later.

Jinx was already jumping into the shower while Vi was still working on undoing her pants. The older woman chuckled softly and shook her head, part of her still amazed at how much energy Ally had, especially this early in the morning. She shimmied out of her trousers and her boxer briefs, contemplating taking off her harness but deciding against it. Vi wasn't trans or anything... She was a woman and she liked being a woman, she had no urges to turn the removable strapon into a more permanent attachment. Sometimes, yeah, she felt a little more boyish than girlish, but that didn't mean she actually wanted to be a boy. She just felt more...comfortable with the harness on....confident maybe. The cop always associated feminine things with vulnerability; after spending so many years as a homeless orphan on the streets of Zaun, the last thing Vi wanted to be was vulnerable. So wearing a fake cock almost all the time, as strange as it may seem to others, was something that was normal for Vi and something that she wasn't going to change just because she had company.

So, with her pants off and strapon still on, Vi hopped into the shower behind Jinx. Even though the girl had taken out her contacts and was looking a little more like Jinx, the mechanic knew that it was still her Ally Cat...and so wrapped her arms around the smaller woman, tugging her close and letting out a soft, relaxed sigh as the hot water ran over them both.
Jinx didn't respond to Vi, mainly because she was really bad at taking hints, but partially because her actions were more impulsive than intentional, and trying to change impulse would be too difficult, at least for the lazy little miscreant. Okay, so cleaning wasn't the most chaotic thing a firebug like her could be doing on such a fine morning, but it was something! Instead she had hopped in the shower and nearly melted in the hot water, unsure of how long it had been since she had bathed properly. She used soap and shampoo and cleaned herself daily, if not more when she got dirty doing stupid things... Like blowing stuff up or failing with a new piece of weaponry, but she didn't have a shower. Jinx had two options for bathing in her life, one was a bath, which took time to prepare heating water up in pots or dropping hot stones in a big tub, if she had a tub to begin with. The other option, and more frequent truth, was using a hose or cold water to bathe, doing nothing more than keeping clean and not enjoying it at all. As an orphan from Zaun she was used to that type of bathing, but it didn't mean she enjoyed it... A girl just wanted a hot bath... It was natural! Even Jinx had things she wanted like normal people, a place to soak in hot water and relax was one such thing... But not often a possibility, as squatters didn't really have east access to conveniences like a bath. Maybe she could rig something up... Or just use Vi's all the time, that was the easier option, less effort and more Vi.

Jinx made no efforts to resist as she was pulled back into the gentle embrace Vi offered, leaning her body against the woman and letting her lithe form sink in to the muscular safe-haven that was Vi... Nobody had ever made her feel as comfortable as Vi did. After a moment of reveling in the comfort that was Vi's embrace, Jinx had a familiar grin spread across her face, her eyes opening slowly and her head tilting to the side so she could turn and look up at Vi, her gorgeous hex-morphed eyes giving Vi a playfully sultry look. "I see you kept a certain something on..." Her small hand moved between them and took hold of the toy, slowly stroking it with deft fingers. As her hand began teasing Vi below she rose onto her tip toes and planted a kiss on Vi's lips, only pouting slightly as she realized there was no way to include tongue from the current position, but a bit hesitant to turn around. If she turned around it meant more foreplay... Which was nice... But she rather craved being bent over and given a repeat of the tail end of the previous night. Still... Yeah, she wanted to kiss and tease Vi first, at least for a bit.

With her mind set on the kiss she couldn't accomplish without changing positions she didn't hesitate to turn herself in Vi's arms, only releasing the toy for but a moment before gripping on once more, tighter and more sure than before. Slowly, agonizingly, she stroked, hand never stopping but also never pushing forward... She only paused for a moment as she used every ounce of height she could manage to press her lips against Vi's, this time letting her tongue slip past her lover's lips. She didn't rush, never became impatient, and showed restraint that simply didn't belong in the same universe as her... And then stopped. Jinx was panting slightly, her pale cheeks flushed from the hot water and her slight arousal, hair matted to her soft features... Only Vi got this Jinx... Ally Cat... The sweet, albeit misguided girl from Zaun. She herself didn't even understand what changed, why she went from a bit of a pain in the ass to the Jinx that terrorized Piltover, but she did. It was just... For the moment that wasn't who she was, she simply wanted Vi... And leaned up to bite at the woman's ear. "I am yours... I've been yours since we were young, for all that time I've had nobody but you on my mind... So, no matter what happens after today, for today... The rest of today... Let's be the Vi and Ally Cat we could have been if we were still in Zaun... And make me your little girl... Daddy." Yeah, she wasn't delusional... Even if she planned to act like she was... Perhaps this was her only chance, might as well make it one she could remember.
Vi had missed this...missed having a woman to wake up in the morning to. It had been a long time since she had had a lover stay for breakfast, let alone stay for a shower. The near year that she had been dating Caitlyn had been fun, but the sheriff was usually out the door in the morning, sometimes before Vi even woke up. Jinx had stayed...and even though the girl was a wanted criminal, Vi still cared for her and wanted her here because all she saw was her Ally Cat, not the menace to Piltover. "Mhmm..." Vi hummed an affirmative that she had kept her cock on. It needed a light cleaning after last night anyways, and a shower would do just fine. She'd take it off and give it a more thorough maintenance check later, but she'd wait until she was all alone for that. Guh, she had a lot to do today. Clean the toy, unclean her house, find the- "Fuck..." The mechanic was drawn out of the mental checklist she had been working on when Jinx's hand wrapped around the toy, sending a pulse of pleasure up the shaft and straight to her clit. Just like a real cock, the dildo slowly stiffened and grew erect when 75% of the sensors were triggered from pressure or heat stimulus for more than 30 seconds; the mods that Vi had made herself made the toy more versatile: she could easily pack it without drawing too much attention between her legs, but still got a responsive, realistically hard cock to use on a lover without having to change the attachment.

"I see that I didn't fuck you nearly as well as I should have last night if you're already ready for another round this morning." That was something she was going to have to fix, especially if Ally kept stroking her and teasing her. But not yet...she liked this position. As tall as Vi was, her last lover had been even taller...but Jinx was small and fit perfectly into her. And as long as the girl was facing frontwards, Vi could tease her better than she could. So her hands began to wander, up the flat plane of Jinx's stomach and towards her small breasts. She was gentle as she played with them, knowing that her calloused, mechanic's hands took some getting used to for some women, especially when the rough pads of her fingers worked over sensitive nipples.

"Hrrmph..." Vi let out a soft, displeased grunt as Jinx decided to change their position, the smaller girl turning in her arms to face her. She let out a soft huff, but wasn't left to pout about the change for long as Jinx took hold of her length once more and began stroking, hard enough this time that Vi actually moaned before their lips came together. The mechanic's hands now came down to Jinx's cute little rear, easily palming the fleshy backside and drawing the girl up onto her tiptoes as they kissed. While Jinx seemed content to go slow and to tease, Vi was set on devouring her. Ever the impatient one, Vi's grasp on the girl turned rougher, more possessive, and the kiss slightly more frantic, the light playing of tongues turning to Vi nipping at the girl's bottom lip by the time the two of them had to part for air. Panting softly as she stared down at Jinx, Vi could only marvel at how beautiful the girl was. How have I never noticed this before?

"Then we're going to do it right this time, baby girl." Vi purred sweetly, her tone becoming especially endearing as she gave Jinx her new title. Much better than the 'pet' Cait always wanted me to call her. "I'm going to take good care of you...and I'm going to start by doing what I didn't get to do last night." And with that Vi urged Jinx to take a few short steps backwards until the girl had her back pressed against the cold tile. But rather than be the dominant and aggressive Vi that she had been last night (there would be plenty of that later), Vi sank down to her knees. She planted a few kisses over Jinx's stomach and thighs as she got herself into a comfortable position. Then she coaxed one of the girl's legs over her shoulder so that she could have better access to work her lips along the toned thighs. "Mmm... I don't want you to cum until I say so, okay? So if you're getting really close and need me to stop, tell me." Vi looked up to Jinx to make sure she understood, and then finally worked her way towards the girl's petaled open sex, her tongue giving a light initial lick, just so her inexperienced lover could get a sense of the velvety warmth and wetness of Vi's tongue. But she didn't tease Jinx with soft laps for long, soon Vi's tongue was swirling and exploring, teasing at the girl's tight entrance or sweeping upwards to flick the swollen bud of her clit.
Part of the reason Jinx had changed so much over the years was due to being on her own. As a kid, while Jinx was arguably as big a troublemaker as the current her, there were boundaries, things she could and could not do. She had supervision from Vi, and even her sister even if it was highly liberal and barely acceptable as far as supervision went. There was also the fact that Zaun was a much harsher place than Piltover. Jinx found Piltover boring, at least that was her favorite excuse for causing mayhem, but the main difference was consequences. In Piltover, chaos only had Vi and Cait, as well as a few less capable deputies, chasing after her. If Jinx were to cause as much trouble in Zaun, one of two things would happen... She would be ignored since she didn't actually harm people, or she would die for irritating the wrong person. Zaun was corrupt, and disgusting in the perverseness in which laws were carried out. So, between the two places Piltover was the only place Jinx could do whatever she wanted without fear of anything horrible happening... Even being rewarded with Vi's attention and the rather amusing Caitlyn chasing after her. Hmph, Cait... She would be kind of fun if she didn't have her eyes on Vi... Vi was Jinx's! Damn Sheriff Cow Tits.

Really, Jinx used most of what she said as an excuse to do whatever she wanted, letting her chaotic desires run rampant while gaining Vi's attention and playing the never ending game of chase with her love rival... And to jinx it all really was a game. She finally felt like she was winning... Though if she had realized Vi had a crush on her, which was what she got out of the daddy thing, she probably could have avoided quite a bit of trouble... Nah, she liked the trouble! Trouble had led her exactly where she wanted to be... And Vi seemed more than happy to create a little trouble as well, making promises she was going to have a very difficult time delivering. Actually, Jinx would probably crumble like a house of cards the moment Vi took her, she had no resistance to the pleasure she had finally experienced the night before... But she was confident in her tenacity... And her ability to learn. She had always picked things up quick. She had picked up most of her hextech knowledge just watching Vi when they were younger, and the rest was self-taught, she just needed some hands-on experience.

Jinx wanted to say as much, tell Vi not to be too cocky and that she would return the favor double the moment she figured out what she was doing, but there was no chance. After the passionate kiss and Vi's promising words, she pushed Jinx back against the cold tile, eliciting a soft gasp, and then sank to her knees. The very imagine drove Jinx to silence, staring down at Vi as her heart beat furiously and her teeth chewed at her lower lip. Now that was a sight, even if it was one she barely got to enjoy before a multitude of kisses were pressed against her stomach and hips. Jinx wasn't ripped, she didn't have Vi's abs or definition, but she had spectacular tone and smoothness, a gorgeous pale white skin and explosive strength. Not that she had a chance to compete with Vi with strength, but stamina... She was going to need stamina. Fortunately Jinx wasn't the kind of woman who lived an easy, soft life. Jinx was a champion of the rift, she was strong enough to survive the streets of Zaun and make it alone, and she had enough hidden strength to wield her large weapons with ease. Jinx could keep up no matter what Vi did, she was confident.

Confidence shattered. It only took another sentence before her swelling pride and ideals of "I can keep going no matter how many times she takes me" and "I can give it back as good as I get it... Eventually!" were crushed. Why? Because Vi was a butt-head... And Jinx had overlooked something pivotal that changed everything. Jinx had some concepts of top and bottom and dominant and submissive... She was even quite sure she lay on the submissive side despite her unruly nature, mainly because it sounded like a lot of fun... But those concepts hadn't taken root until Vi said three little words... Until. I. Say. Simple words, easy to understand, but highly revealing about where Jinx stood and what Vi expected. Jinx's immediate desire to defy any order aside, it meant she was playing at a disadvantage. Vi planned to tease her, to not let her cum, but Jinx would never be able to demand that from Vi! She wasn't disappointed with the lack of power, but her plans had quickly fallen into ruin... Then there was the mere fact that she was about to be denied a pleasure she had just recently experienced. New sensations were always the most exciting, the hardest to resist, and yet Vi was going to make her... If they could her ears would be drooping, and the few whines and whimpers that echoed from her throat made her reluctance to endure clear. This was not something solvable with stamina or gusto, it was a matter of willpower, and Jinx had the most selective willpower in existence. One moment she had it in excess and the next she would blow something up because the thought fluttered across her mind. It was even harder to imagine stacking willpower and enduring when all she wanted to do was climax... A desire present in her from the first lick.

If Jinx didn't know better, which she never knew better about anything, she would think Vi was thrilled by the whimpers and whines, barely even taking time to tease her before delving in and pushing towards the edge of Jinx's resolve. "Mmmmph" the smaller woman moaned as Vi's tongue explored her, tiny hands trying to find a place to brace herself, first trying the wall, and the reaching for anything sturdy close by, and finally settling on Vi's powerful shoulders. It hadn't been more than a minute before her moaning became desperate, and her toned thighs pressed together, forcing Vi to stop for a moment as she let out a heavy, panted sentence. "Stop Vi... I can't... Hold back... I'll cum..." With a moment of reprieve she let her grip on Vi's shoulders loosen and leaned back onto the cold tile, head tilting to the side and eyes closing as she tried to calm herself. Vi was such an ass... How badly she wanted it to finish, to reach that perfect peak she had finally tasted the night before... Only to stop it herself and feel like a damn idiot. Mean.
Maybe it wasn't the most dominant thing to do, getting onto her knees and pleasuring a girl with her mouth, but Vi enjoyed the soft whimpers and whines from the woman above her. Plus the way Jinx's thighs trembled when she ran over a particularly sensitive spot, the way she struggled to figure out where to hold onto and what to focus was such a turn on; watching and feeling her lover become overwhelmed by pleasure was much more exhilarating to Vi than physically overpowering her. And so she licked more fervently, eager to find out what Jinx liked the most...which was hard to figure out because every little thing Vi did had the girl moaning. Her skilled tongue tried everything: swirling circles around the girl's clit, lashing the little bud from side to side, even delving into her tight sex, pushing inside to get a taste of the sweet nectar that Vi was quickly becoming addicted to.

It wasn't long before the mechanic felt thighs pressing against her head, locking her in place. Vi let out a disgruntled whine at being forced to stop. She had barely gotten started! Her knees didn't even hurt yet! "What!?" The mechanic blinked up at her panting lover. Jinx was flushed, her chest was rising and falling rapidly, her nipples looked hard and as though they desperately needed attention, and when Vi looked back down, she could see the girl's sex was swollen and dripping with more than just water; how was she so close already?! VI HADN'T EVEN GOTTEN TO FINGER HER YET! "No, no no no. No break. You're going to have to try harder to not cum. Show me what a good girl you are and how hard you can try for Daddy."

There were so many more things she wanted to do, and in order to 'help' Jinx last, Vi reached behind her and turned the water to cold. She jumped slightly as the frigid spray hit her shoulders and back, but quickly grew accustomed to the cold as she refocused herself on diving back in between her lover's legs, prying her thighs apart if she had to this time. She wasn't going to be satisfied until she had Jinx delirious with build up pleasure. Perhaps the more experienced woman was being a little cruel as she lightly took Jinx's clit between her teeth and began to suckle on the poor, oversensitive bud...but she knew she was definitely being a bitch as she slid a finger into the girl's tight little hole and curled her finger forward, trying to find the one spot that would make Jinx scream.
It became more and more obvious how poorly Jinx was resisting her baser urges as Vi continued to explore and enlighten her, each different sensation bringing pleasure with similar but also differing sensations. Vi didn't seem lost on her journey of discovery however, as it didn't take long for Jinx to start losing herself, putting a quick stop to the activities, trying to be obedient as best she could and not indulge herself in a much wanted orgasm. Vi didn't like Jinx's plan however, insisting Jinx hold herself together, bringing a very audible whine from Jinx, one wrought with worry that pushing forwards would give her what she wanted but make it impossible to do what Vi had asked... It was just like when they were kids and Vi would tell her not to touch hextech... And then make something really cool and leave Jinx alone with it, even if it wasn't intentional. Vi was mean! She knew what she was doing... Damn... Stupid... Vi!

Tiny, but surprisingly strong, hands reached out and grabbed Vi's shoulders, gripping hard enough to leave little nail marks as Jinx attempted to hold herself together in the face of incredible pleasure. Simply getting a firm grip and "trying her hardest" were enough to curve the building flood however, and as Jinx started to do anything and everything to maintain her composure she found her hands making the trek from Vi's shoulders up into her hair, getting a firm grip, though being careful not to pull too hard. "Daddy..." She whimpered, almost reflexively mimicking what Vi had called herself moments before, an adorable little expression on her face as she used her utmost effort to resist... But her mind was much more active, calling Vi a stupid-head, an idiot, fat hands, dumb-butt, and everything else she could possibly thing of short of an actual name or preferred title. That was how Jinx chose to resist! And it was working... Kind of.

The cold water helped more, as the moment it hit her Jinx's eyes opened wide, she jumped, and she gave a little 'eep' sound. If it wasn't for Vi holding her still she would have scrambled out of the shower to escape the cold water, but as it was she simply endured, shivering slightly as her entire person cooled down, goosebumps spreading across her gorgeous pale skin and the short woman looking at Vi beneath her with narrowed eyes as she gave off a soft hiss of displeasure. Cold water, while effective, really made her irritated. Fortunately, as helpful a distraction as pissing her off with freezing liquid ended up being, as far as the impending orgasm was concerned, Vi didn't let the sensation linger. No, she ripped control away once more, leaving Jinx to take yet another firm grip on Vi's hair, slam back against the wall as her back started arching and she moaned loudly, and almost getting her to curse as she felt the pain mixed with the immaculate pleasure. She hadn't cum but she had skirted the edge, just barely managing not to let the surprising finger ruin everything. "Oh... Oh daddy..." she moaned, a certain neediness noticeable by the way her words seemed to cling to her throat, and the low whine that followed shortly thereafter. "Daddy... Please let me cum... Please..." She whimpered, panting and wriggling between words as she did everything she could to hold on, almost seeming to be trying to escape with each movement.

Jinx didn't want to escape though, she wanted more... More pleasure, more roughness, more pain... More of everything Vi was doing to her. What she wanted most of all? She didn't discover until Vi hit a particular spot inside of her, causing her legs to practically buckle as she let out a surprised moan and her body leaned over atop Vi, using the sturdy woman to keep herself upright. "There... There... Please... Please daddy... Let me cum... Please..." Her hips started rolling gently the moment she got control back, her voice cracking with the pitiful sounds of her begging... She wanted nothing more than to cum... Over and over... To throw aside the game of "let's see how long you can hold out" with the game they were supposed to have played the night before, the "how many orgasms can you have" game. She didn't know what she would be getting herself into either way, but Jinx had never been one to think about what she wanted, her wanting it was enough to do anything to get it, consequences be damned!
The biting sting of nails digging into her flesh sent a thrill of excitement down Vi's back. Rather than scold Jinx for hurting her, Vi relished in the implied meaning of the marks: Ally was losing her fight with pleasure and desperately needed something to hold onto to help ground herself; and Vi loved being the source of that undoing...though right now she may be causing a little more pain than pleasure. She knew that self-control was hard for her Ally Cat and was actually surprised that the girl was keeping it together this long, especially when Vi had let her lips seal around the girl's clit. The mechanic was being merciless, especially with her hands, well, one hand that kept searching for that damned spot. She curled her finger once more, her lips spreading into a smug grin as Ally doubled over and cried out. "Right here?" Vi had stopped the work of her wicked tongue long enough to tease. And as she taunted Ally, she eased in another finger so now two digits were mercilessly rubbing the girl's most sensitive spot.

"Fuck, baby're so needy and so wet..." Pulling away to speak finally had given Vi a chance to admire her handiwork. Her hand was drenched in more of Jinx's juices than water from the shower, and by now she had licked the girl's delicious sex until the lips of her slit were pouty and open, and the bud of her clit was swollen and needy. Ugh, how could she deny her adorable little doubled over Ally Cat when her whole body radiated need and her voice cried out so beautifully?

Deciding that her lover had had enough teasing (well almost enough), Vi slid her fingers out of the girl so that she could grab her by the hips and yank her already boneless body down. "Come here, I want you to cum on my cock." She was quick with lining up the toy, knowing that Jinx was probably not pleased by the sudden loss of contact...or the full on spray she was getting of cold water in this new position. But Vi held her, blocked as much of the cold water as she could, and helped the girl get seated onto her cock. Vi was already so worked up from listening to Jinx beg and from devouring her delicious pussy that she didn't even last long herself, a few short, jagged thrusts up into tight clinging heat were all she needed to achieve her own orgasm.
Teasing... Something about being teased and toyed with made Jinx shiver in delight, her entire body responding to the provocation by clamping down around the fingers inside of her. Just a few more well placed thrusts of those rough digits would do it, would provide Jinx with the pleasure she was begging for in every possible way... But they never came. Instead she felt them withdrawing, causing her to whine desperately and hug Vi even tighter, just short of demanding she finish what she started right then and there. Fortunately she was too close to climax to form words, making her do nothing more than whine and whimper as her previously full slit was left empty and in need, otherwise Vi may not have done what she did next... Impaled her. Before she could process what Vi had said she felt the large, familiar heat of Vi's cock delving inside of her, the glorious, rough thrust found the entire toy deep inside of her, and a high pitched, throaty moan echoing in the shower. It was bliss, pure pleasure. Jinx had a lot of activities she enjoyed, sex was easily her favorite, and she knew enough to know she still knew nothing. Instantly she was cumming, arms wrapped around Vi's neck as she cried and moaned and whimpered into the woman's ear, every sweet sound presented for Vi to hear... Jinx held nothing back, she wasn't the modest, shy type after all, not at all.

Vi climaxing right after barely passed the threshold of Jinx's post-orgasm haze, registering but her reaction being delayed by her own aftershocks and extreme satisfaction... Well, temporary satisfaction. Jinx was never good at moderation, she was the indulgent sort, a single mind-blowing orgasm just wasn't going to cut it. Still, for the briefest of times she was sated, enough to slowly relax in Vi's arms, let her face nuzzle into Vi's neck, and let her death grip around Vi's neck loosen, as to let her face and lips in, nuzzles and soft, almost weak kisses peppering Vi's neck. She was going to try to say something sexy, or sweet, or anything, but Jinx didn't really want to say anything when it came down to it, why narrate everything in life... At least out loud, in her head it was completely different, but that was just in her head. In her head things kept going and going, barely ever stopping... Though around Vi she seemed to be able to slow down, a bit more at least. She could savor things, fill her mind with the woman in front of her... Being around Vi made her happy.

Of course... She was Jinx, and Jinx stood for Jinx, and Jinx... Well, Jinx was kind of an idiot. Why? Because one of the first things to cross her mind after the haze of ecstasy drifted away... Was how quickly Vi had climaxed. It wasn't a big deal, she honestly couldn't care less, quick orgasms meant more orgasms and who wouldn't be thrilled about that? But... Cait also crossed her mind... The gun totting Sheriff of Piltover... Vi's partner... And... And... Didn't that make her Deputy Quick Shot? The very thought made Jinx, despite her current state, let out a few light chuckles into Vi's neck, her body shaking slightly, almost bringing another moan as she moved ever so much on Vi's cock. She knew not to say it out loud but... Right in Vi's ear she mumbled it, she couldn't stop... "Deputy Quick Shot..." And then, as if knowing she was in deep trouble, she leaned in, nipped Vi's ear, and whispered, "At least you know how to hit your mark, if you weren't good with it... Now that would be embarrassing." She giggled, amusing herself before tilting her head down in a leisurely manner and starting to suck on Vi's neck... There was a bite mark on one side, with her gear, she needed another mark... A hickey, because Jinx wanted everyone to know, more than ever, that Vi had someone! Yeah... Because after the quick shot comment she was either going to be shown just how long Vi could last and be fucked until she couldn't think about anything but how to properly walk... Or thrown out... At least the latter wouldn't be anything new, and the former... The former sounded like a plan.
I am so fucking screwed. The thought flashed through Vi's mind as Jinx clung to her tightly, the girl's wonderfully petite body trembling against the mechanic's muscular form in the most perfect way as she rode out her orgasm. She is too good to be true. Her new lover was so -vocal- and nothing turned Vi on more than a woman who wasn't too shy to beg, whimper, moan, and scream. And the way Jinx called her 'Daddy'...Vi had never gotten to truly live out her kink before; her previous partners had either had to force the word out or couldn't say it with a straight face. But Jinx was really getting into satisfying Vi's dirty little kink and it was making the cop not want to give up this sexy little criminal in her lap.

As the pair of them hit their climax, Vi made sure to keep her hips rolling, wanting to prolong Jinx's pleasure for as long as she could. Finally, Vi came down from her high. Panting hard and smiling to herself, she rested the side of her head against Jinx's and closed her eyes. "Mmm..." Vi purred as her lover dipped down to start nuzzling at her neck and leaving a few kisses. This was all perfect...except for the fact that ice cold water was still beating against her back. Vi reached back behind her, blindly fiddling with the knob until nice warm water began to pour from the showerhead once more. Then it was back to holding and cuddling her Ally Cat, the mechanic perfectly content to just snuggle for a little bit with Jinx.

"Mmm? What's so funny?" Vi perked up as she felt Jinx shake and heard her snicker...only to find that thoroughly satisfying the girl wasn't going to save her from a bit of teasing. "Deputy Quick Shot?!" The mechanic repeated with a glare. PFFT! She could last as long as she wanted! Just...she didn't want to... Why did she have to anyways? She may have a cock right now, but she wasn't limited to one orgasm like a man. Vi could have as many as she liked!

"Grrrr... No more hickeys!" Vi growled and nipped at the arch of Jinx's ear, hard. "I hate buttoning my uniform all the way!" She couldn't go patrolling Piltover with a bunch of hickeys all over her neck!!! Damnit! Caitlyn already gave her crap about all her tattoos and her hair style/color, she didn't need to hear scolding about how unprofessional hickeys and bite marks looked. Ugh...and she's going to want to know who they're from... That was probably the worst part: explaining she was seeing someone else. It wasn't like she was holding out to be with Caitlyn...Vi wasn't about to hide the fact that she was a lesbian from Caitlyn's parents anymore; but the two of them did still hook up from time to time, the terms of their break-up had been pretty amicable after all.

"Hrrrmph...quick shot...I'll show you quick shot." Vi grumbled and gave Jinx another nip to her. "Come on, up. We're going to finish this shower and then go to the bedroom."
Jinx let out a happy purr as hot water rushed out and over her chilled skin, the spreading warmth enough to lull her in to a relaxed state. "That feels good." She sighed, shifting a bit in Vi's lap to get as comfortable as possible, a low moan escaping her lips as she did. Jinx was so comfortable... And after realizing Vi had no intention of getting mad she was in an even better mood. Why shouldn't she be? Shots that would have infuriated Vi a day ago were now more amusing than irritating, the power of feelings. Jinx couldn't help but giggle a bit more as Vi continued to become more and more like the woman she remembered... The complaining and loud girl that always treated her so well... No, that wasn't right, it was different but in the best way, there was true affection now. "Hehe, but hickeys will ward off big breasted bimbos!" Jinx said with more enthusiasm than such a sentence ever deserved, before going back in to add one last suckle to Vi's neck, growling playfully herself before pulling at Vi's earlobe with her teeth. "Don't button your uniform all the way up then... I'd prefer it that way." She grinned, absolutely serious... Though as usual Jinx failed to consider any consequences of such an action, aside from those she was excited about. Selective thinking, it was one of her abilities.

Jinx was a bit nervous about Caitlyn though, because as much as she poked at the Sheriff she couldn't deny that the woman was gorgeous, tall and great proportions... Cow Tits... But still, she was attractive, and a hell of a lot more stable than Jinx was. Probably easier to go out in public with as well, seeing as the public viewed Jinx as an absolute undesirable. So, marking Vi would help, even if it didn't, because Jinx would believe! And believing couldn't do much in reality, but it could do a lot in her mind. It would help her ignore the question of whether or not Vi would just play with her once or twice before going back to the Cupcake Princess of Piltover, or whatever Vi called her... And Vi would revert from Vi or Daddy to Fat Hands of Stupid... And Jinx didn't want any of that! So yeah, she marked, and used the mark to ignore the nagging in her head about how Cait and Vi would probably still get together. Bleh. Stupid mind, thinking about stupid things.

"Oooo, the beeeedroom~" Jinx laughed, getting up off of Vi's cock, rather reluctantly, and standing back beneath the streams of warm water. Guh... Even when standing she felt like a midget, Vi was too tall so at standing height it was till pelting her in the damn face! "Viiiii" She whined, turning around as Vi stood up, and burying her head in Vi's chest, pouting slightly but recovering as she placed her face in the taller woman's breasts. Idea! Heh... She wanted her turn to be a pain in the ass. Her ideas were always amazing. Before Vi could do much of anything, as far as an actual shower went, Jinx moved her mouth over to the peak of Vi's breast, capturing a nipple in her mouth and giving it a playful nip, pulling on the hard node of flesh with her mouth. There was no lingering involved, she moved down right after, right to the defined midsection she drooled over, letting her tongue follow the contour of Vi's muscles, down and down... And then right back up. Kisses were placed continuously as she started her move back south, each slow kiss followed by Jinx looking up and making eye contact with her gorgeous daddy... With no plans on stopping unless specifically told to, and even then she would considering not doing that. Jinx didn't think she would get told no though... And moved far enough sound to find the large toy, Vi's cock, as hard as could be. It was really a marvelous piece of tech, and Vi's fingerprints were all over it, but she could admire the artistry behind it later... She had more diabolical plans in mind... Plans she didn't delay in the least as her tongue began licking and swirling around the head. If Vi wanted to rush out of the shower and to the bed... They could... But she would need the willpower to do so while receiving the very clumsy mouth service Jinx had to offer. Just because she was graceful and learned quickly didn't mean shoving a giant toy in her mouth didn't give her some trouble! Duh!
"Whhhaaaatttt." Vi chuckled as Jinx whined and wrapped her arms around her shorter lover, letting the girl find refuge in her breasts from the spray of water. Guh...dumb breasts...the stupid things were a lot larger than she would like them to be, but Jinx appeared to like them well enough as pillows. At least snuggling them was keeping the girl quiet for the moment, that would give Vi time to grab some shampoo and actually -clean- herself rather than just rinse herself off. Unfortunately before she could grab the soap, she felt a warm, wet mouth and blunt teeth encase one of her sensitive nipples, eliciting a low groan from the cop. Before she could relax and enjoy the one good thing about her breasts (that were so sensitive that even a novice could pleasure them), Jinx moved down lower, playing her tongue over the definition in Vi's abdominals. Constantly hefting around those hextech gauntlets required a lot of core strength so that she didn't throw out her back...well, it pretty much required a lot of total body strength, leaving Vi lean and muscular all over.

A soft sigh left the cop's lips as she basked in the worship of her baby girl. For some reason her brain thought that this was all they were going to get, a few licks and kisses to her midsection, maybe some attention to her thighs; but right after that, Jinx would get up and they would finish their shower so they could play in the bedroom. When a velvety tongue lapped at the sensitive head of her cock, Vi nearly fell over.; she definitely had not been expecting that "Shit..." For as realistic as the dildo felt, looked (except for the glow that could be seen when it was darker), and behaved, there wasn't anything Vi could do about the taste, it still tasted like silicone rather than flesh. Jinx didn't mind it though, or if she did she gave no clue of it as she began to take the tip of the toy into her mouth to suck.

Vi knew she wasn't going to last long...which was complete and total bullshit because she rarely came during a blowjob, much preferring to finish other places than a girl's mouth. The difficulty she was having when it came to holding on was stemming from the scene before her: the clumsy Ally Cat from her childhood, now a beautiful young woman, peering up to her with bright, playful eyes that had a touch of hopefulness in them. The more she thought about Jinx as her Ally, and Ally as her baby girl that just wanted to please her, the less control Vi had. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I am going to cum. Fuck! Her lover barely had half of her cock in her mouth, but the visual was leaving the mechanic light headed. Ally on her knees. Ally sucking me off. Shitfuckgoddamnit! STOP THINKING ABOUT IT! "Bed" Vi's voice came out as a much needier whine than she intended, and she quickly cleared her throat and tried again. "Bedroom, now." Yeah, that didn't sound so desperate, asshole.

Desperate or not, Vi didn't give a fuck. She reached down and grabbed Jinx, barely refraining from breaking down and crying as she pulled the girl's mouth off her cock in the process. Later. Later. Cum in her mouth LATER. Right now, she had something to prove, and she was going to prove it by fucking Ally into oblivion. Vi quickly turned off the shower and scooped up her lover, cradling her her arms because she didn't trust Jinx to not start trouble if given any freedom to move. Having the both of them soaking wet and making a mess as they went through the house and towards the bedroom didn't matter to Vi, it was just water, it would dry off. To keep Jinx from complaining that she was messy though, Vi captured her lover's lips as they moved through the hallway and into her room, kissing her Ally Cat with renewed fervor as they got closer to the bed, where she dumped the girl onto a comfy looking pile of blankets.

"Blarghfg! Wha tha fuck?!" Ezreal erupted from the blankets, flailing as something wet and heavy hit him. "What the hell is wet?" The hungover blond blinked bleary eyes open, just to catch sight of a naked Jinx in the bed...and a very angry looking naked Vi.

"How are you still asleep?! HOW ARE YOU STILL HERE?!"

"BECAUSE ITS THE WEEKEND!" Ezreal barked back. If Jinx weren't here, this wouldn't be so weird. Usually him and Vi would sleep in after getting plastered, then Vi would make them both breakfast and the two of them would hang out. "Fuck, seriously. Why are you both soaking wet?" Ezreal wiped off his arm that was somehow dripping in water before looking over to the two women. Immediately his eyes were drawn to Vi's breasts...not like he meant to...they were just...the same size as Lux's. Different though, Lux's were a little more fleshy and hung a bit more heavily on her petite frame while Vi sported the breasts of an athlete: firmer and sitting higher up her body. He shook his head, trying to look somewhere else...but then his eyes fell on naked Jinx and all hell broke loose.

"DAMNIT EZ!" Vi growled, her possessive streak making a show as she caught her friend's eyes looking at HER Ally Cat. She moved to smack her friend upside the head, to which the agile young man scampered away before she could land the strike.

"Whoa! Whoa! Calm down. I can't help it if everywhere I look there are titties."
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