Don't Jinx Me! (ClearSight x Javorcek)

Vi was definitely the same woman Jinx had adored from childhood... Well, perhaps not entirely. She definitely had a better body now, more defined and full-chested than ever... And she seemed to have gained some extra confidence and sexy arrogance. Yet, there were some nice constants, like the fact that Jinx could get to her with a few adorable looks and some charm. Yeah, that had always been their dynamic. Jinx would do something stupid, Vi would be furious, Jinx would be cute, and then Vi would calm down or keep her anger restricted to shallow yelling... Or perhaps just lose steam mid sentence like an adorable idiot. The situation was a bit different but the formula was the same. Now Vi was trying to be all big and bad and sexy and confident... And Jinx only needed some cute looks, her own sexy action, and Vi was a complete mess moments later. It really was a very short amount of time that she needed to make the confident "I can last forever" attitude to crumble into noises of pleasure and obvious signs of breaking. It. Was. Adorable. At least to Jinx it was, especially when Vi whined out the word bed, it almost made Jinx giggle with glee, but she managed to keep her cool as she gave a few more teasing swirls of her tongue around Vi's cock, fake or not, the toy clearly made Vi go nuts.

Vi definitely couldn't handle the situation, and Jinx was soon being pulled up and carried like a princess, causing Jinx to giggle excitedly and wrap her arms around Vi's neck. It probably didn't help that she was kicking her legs, but she had to get her energy out somehow as she buried her head into Vi's welcoming neck. Still, excited or not she couldn't help but give a tiny pout, they were getting the floors soaking wet and she had just cleaned. "Daaaaddy..." She whined, nipping at Vi's neck lightly as she did. "I'll have to cle-" Denied. It seemed Vi was ready for her whining and put an end to it before she had a chance to truly start, little did she know Jinx much preferred the kiss, soft moans escaping her lips as she let her tongue play with Vi's. Jinx liked to whine, it was kind of fun to be a pain in the ass... Okay, actually, Jinx was born to be a pain in the ass. If she wasn't blowing things up she would whine or play pranks or tease... It was just fun, and she was good at all of them. Still, as much as it came natural to the small firebug, she would chose kissing every time... And not just because it was a new, or because she had fantasized about it for years... Because it was Vi! There were feels! As annoying as random spurts of emotions that were counter intuitive to Jinx's entire way of living were... She enjoyed them.

Nothing could ruin the moment, her in Vi's arms being carried to a bed, only to be thrown down and ravaged. Almost nothing... Ezreal could... Blonde bastard! Jinx was fuming, not really mad, because they should have remembered Ez was still in Vi's bed, but enough to be glaring at him with an almost adorable scowl, her expression throwing so much blame at the half-asleep playboy. As Vi started questioning her friend's very existence, Jinx's mind wandered off for a brief moment, to the woman Ez was with... Lux. Everyone had heard rumors of little miss sunshine, and her hobbies, even Jinx. Usually she wouldn't care about anything like that but she had always found Lux interesting, especially in the moment she looked back over and noticed Ez staring at her breasts, she doubted the smiling ball of sunshine he dated would like that.

Jinx gave a "hmph" sound as she pulled some covers over her body. She wasn't modest, not by a long shot, her usual attire could prove that. She also knew her chest wasn't much to look at, but it didn't take a genius to figure out Vi was very opposed to someone else looking at her, and if she acted like she didn't like it there would only be more trouble for the idiot blondie, because an angry Vi was not someone just anyone could soothe. "Vi, don't hurt him..." She started off, seeming to be on his side, then uttered words the next moment that betrayed the interloper entirely. "Just tell Lux what he saw and let her handle it, I'm sure she won't even need names to settle on a suitable way to react." She didn't know how much was true as far as what she had heard about Lux, but there was rarely smoke without a fire, and as an avid pyromaniac she could attest to the saying, heh. They could just put the fear into Ez that way, and Jinx could let that fear be her payback for interrupting her morning with Vi! Stinky pit diver, needs to just butt out and not snuggle with her Vi all night!
Living on the streets hadn't been so made Vi thankful for all the things she had, gave her the ability to sleep wherever without any trouble, and, most importantly, had honed the mechanic's powers of perception. Most people would have been too concerned with their own nudity to notice their lover was trying to hide theirs, but Vi picked up on the cue right away. Believing that Jinx was made uncomfortable due to Ezreal's lecherous gaze only fueled the jealous fire that roared inside of Vi. "Not gonna hurt him. Just gonna kill him." Vi's eyes narrowed dangerously at her friend as she lunged for him once more, this time Ezreal had to use his magic to phase away before Vi could get a hold of him.

"Shit, Vi, come on! It's too early for magic." Ezreal groaned and rubbed his temples, usually shifting didn't hurt him, but with a hangover, casting such a simple spell made him feel like someone was drilling into his head. Fuck, it probably would have hurt less just to have Vi punch him. Jinx wasn't helping the situation that was happening with his friend either. She may be playing innocent, but Ez wasn't fooled, he knew that she was just manipulating his big dumb friend! "Come on Vi, chill, you know me, I would never do anything, I love Luxy." Which was true, though whether he wouldn't do anything with another woman because he loved his girlfriend and felt a sense of duty to his Mistress orrrrrr because he was afraid of being fried by Lux's magic and then chopped to bits by her brother's sword was debatable. Just because he would never do anything though didn't mean that he could help his eyes from wandering...a fact that Lux would not be happy about if she were told. "Heeeyy! Hey hey hey...let's not get hasty and say things we regret here." Ezreal laughed nervously, the young man blanching slightly at the thought of Lux finding out that he had seen Jinx -and- Vi naked. He wasn't even allowed to have porn anymore! What would Lux do if she found out he had basically watched live porn?!?!?!?! "Look, fine, I'm leaving, everyone calm the hell down." Ezreal backed up from the room, keeping his eyes trained on Vi while he did so. While he knew that Vi had a sense of honor and wouldn't attack him from behind, she made him nervous when she was pissed off.

"Unfucking believable." Vi grumbled to herself as Ezreal bid a hasty retreat. She moved closer to Jinx and placed a soothing kiss to her temple. Then she wrapped a protective arm around her lover, hugging her close. "Sorry about that, baby girl." The mechanic murmured and nuzzled affectionately at her lover before planting a few kisses to her neck, and a bite mark or two of her own to the pale skin. "Mmm... Now...where were we?" Remembering that she had something to prove to Jinx, Vi prowled forward to knock the smaller girl onto her back before gently tugging at the blanket to reveal her lover's gorgeous, nubile body.


Usually Vi was good for three hours or so of sex before she felt sated...but today she had gone for nearly eight straight. They had taken a few breaks, mostly just to eat and to try to take an actual shower, but even then, they had ended up fucking on the kitchen table and in the shower again. Eventually they had had to stop, League champions or not, the two of them still got tired after hours of physical activity. The couch was the only clean surface left in the house, and that's where Vi ended up collapsing with her lover, little Jinx perched ontop of the muscular mechanic and snoozing away like the little Ally Cat she was.


When Vi woke up, the first thing she noticed was that there was no warm body near her. The house was perfectly quiet, and without even getting up to check, the mechanic knew that Jinx was gone. She sighed softly and got up, part of her actually wishing that Jinx had stayed through the next morning. Maybe it was for the best though, Vi had to go to work today, she had to be responsible...and being responsible was a hell of a lot harder when her Ally Cat was around.
Jinx didn't really want Ez to get hurt, though she wasn't entirely against tattling on him if he decide to be a real annoyance... Well, having information could often times be better than actually using it, the power much more useful than the one-time payoff. Still, she wasn't malicious, she just wanted to make Ez realize he had done something wrong... Both by stealing the night of cuddles with Vi, and for sleeping in and interfering in their morning together. Vi, well Vi just didn't like her friend looking at Jinx, and Jinx couldn't help but grin at Ez when Vi turned her back, a playful little expression on her face as she watched him retreat, rubbing it in a bit as he did. Yeah, her and Ez would probably never get along... Even if they were similar in more ways than either would want to admit.

Jinx laughed softly when Vi chased him off and turned back around, getting comfortable in Vi's arms before releasing a soft sigh and nuzzling into her, only to be marked a moment later, drawing a long, needy moan from her lips. Guh, too good... Vi was treating her so well, it was almost strange... Jinx wasn't used to having someone like her in such a way, and instantly she felt a bit guilty... "Mmph, don't think about Ez anymore, I actually didn't mind too much..." She murmured, enjoying the kisses and bites but deciding to add that soft comfort to Vi before she leaned in and nibbled at Vi's ear, "And we were at... You throwing me down and showing me just how big and strong you really are..." She growled, letting the covers be ripped away and falling back onto the bed, stretching out and showing off her body in its entirety. Jinx was... Satisfied with her body. If she had bigger breasts she would love it, but as things were she had an incredible, if not a bit petite, figure, but very flat little breasts. Fortunately she was sensitive, which still made them fun, but everyone seemed to look at her like some petulant child because of it... Her attitude had nothing to do with it! Nobody would be telling her otherwise, it was all her cup size's fault. Not that Vi seemed to mind one bit.


Not only did Vi not seem to have a problem with Jinx's chest, she seemed infatuated with every part of her, and intent on proving she could go for hours without end... Hours. Jinx had never been so tired in her entire life, her body so exhausted that staying away was impossible, even for her. The first night she fell asleep when she tried, thanks to Vi, and after the second day together she wouldn't be able to stay awake... The cure to insomnia, Vi... Or sex... But Vi and sex came together so either answer was sufficient for the small woman. Yeah, she had strange thoughts as she lay curled up atop Vi, body pressed comfortably against Vi's as they both tried to fight the weight of their eyes. It had been an amazing day. Great sex with her lifelong crush... Or more accurately probably love, Jinx just didn't know enough about what the difference was to differentiate between the two... And in those moments they weren't having sex it was like a life she had dreamed of, one she didn't deserve. Jinx wanted that life though, even if Vi had managed to ruin every ounce of cleaning she had done over the course of a single day... Jinx wanted to be happy, and it seemed Vi was what made the difference between misery and joy. With one final nuzzle and a soft yawn Jinx fell asleep, perched atop her Vi and content.


When Jinx woke up she had been confused, the thoughts going through her head not so easy to navigate. Vi had abandoned her, at least that was the way Jinx had taken her defection to Piltover, as a personal abandonment. Vi leaving had... Hurt Jinx. She had changed since that day, and when she came to Piltover it was for a few reasons... Mainly for Vi, but whether it was for attention... Or to just do anything she could to make Vi's life difficult after being left by her... Well, that was up for debate. The truth was probably somewhere in between. Jinx wanted attention, wanted Vi, but never thought it possible to have her. So, with enough anger and mental anguish to crush a person, she had done the next best thing, caused mayhem for the woman. Maybe Vi didn't know that, but there were people who did, Ekko for one. He still had feelings for Jinx, but he had seen what happened to her when Vi left, the darkness that was lurking beneath her wildly energetic surface. Jinx was... Damaged. Yet, with Vi, by Vi's side, she didn't feel damaged. She felt more herself than she had since Vi left, some of her chaotic and unsettling desires receding. It was... Hope? Did she dare hope?


Those were the thoughts going through her head when she woke up. She tried to fall back asleep but couldn't settle her mind, choosing instead to find her clothes and slip out, getting some fresh air on the long walk back to her place. Jinx had a lot to think about... Though it wasn't as bad a line of quandary as Jinx usually found herself traveling down. It was one that she didn't find quick answers to though, taking hours to finally reach a decision she was satisfied with. However, Jinx being well... Jinx, the moment she made a decision she was set. As if every ounce of weight had been thrown off her shoulders she jumped up from her bed, in her little warehouse, where she had ended up after arriving home, and dashed over to her workbench. "I'll need this, and this, and you..." She started gathering some things, shoving them into a large bag before bounding off across the room yet again, filling another bad with her clothes, and then yet another bad with nothing but pillows and a single blanket that was worth keeping... And finally she grabbed the picture of her and Vi from way back when, gathering the few things she cared about together and running out the door, only taking one last look back at her refuge. She was leaving the behind her bed, some tools, and enough blankets to survive, even a change of clothes... Just in case... But everything else, well... Jinx was happy with Vi, she wanted to be happy. Besides, Vi busted up her place, she had to say yes.
Today was soooooooooo boring... Usually chasing Jinx was the highlight of Vi's day, but it appeared that the little criminal was either too tired to cause mayhem or too busy fixing the hole in her home to cause shenanigans. The only thing that Vi got to do today was chase down a kid that thought he was going to outrun her motorcycle in his piece of shit, rusted car. She could have slammed him for evading police, but, eh, he was just a kid, so she gave him a ticket for speeding and told him if he ever tried to run from her again, she'd pound his car into scrap with her fists. He was an ungrateful idiot about being let off the hook, of course, but Vi remembered being that age and being a cocky jackass too.

On days when Vi didn't have much to do but patrol Piltover on foot or on her motorcycle, she always went to the gym to make up for lack of physical activity. Today was the same routine: patrol the city, get no calls, abuse her body at the gym down at the precinct. After a little bit of cardio to make sure that she could still run down a criminal if need be, Vi switched to weight lifting.

"So...who is she?" Caitlyn's refined accent chirped from the threshold of the gym.

Vi nearly dropped the barbell right onto her chest. The startled cop blinked, caught off guard by how blunt the question was. "W-what?" The cop had buttoned her navy blue uniform shirt up all the way all day...but now, stripped down to just her bra and a pair of shorts, her neck was totally exposed. Caitlyn must have seen the bitemarks, and, judging by her judgmental eyes, didn't approve of the hickeys one bit. "Why do you care?" The mechanic deflected automatically, setting the barbell back onto the rack with a soft grunt of effort. It was none of Caitlyn's business who she was seeing/not seeing/ sleeping with/ not sleeping with!

Caitlyn glared at Vi. "You know exactly why I care! It''s unprofessional!"

Vi shook her head and sat up. She knew that Caitlyn was more concerned with being permanently replaced rather than what a delinquent Vi looked like. If she had cared about her appearance, she would have demanded 'Cover up that hickey' and not asked 'Who is she?' Caitlyn was jealous, Vi knew it, but she wasn't in any sort of mood to face this unfounded jealousy. "Sorry, Cupcake, I'll make sure to cover it up better when I'm on duty." Then the cop moved to wipe down her equipment really quick so that she could bid a hasty retreat.


By the time Vi pulled her bike into her workshop, the cop was ready for a nice, delicious dinner and a hot shower...until she noticed that there were a bunch of tools, parts, and guns that were not hers in her precious workshop. "What the..." With a furrowed brow she examined the materials closer, quickly noticing that they were Jinx's. With a growing feeling of dread building inside of her, Vi jogged out of the detached garage turned workshop and then up to her home. As soon as she got inside, she was hit by all of the bright pink things assaulting her living room. "JINX!" Vi bellowed in outrage. Her house had been nothing but greys, blues, and there were a bunch of neon pillows on her couch!

Storming into the bedroom to see the extent of the damage, she found her previously jade green bed spread replaced with red blankets and pink pillows. And laying ontop of that bed was Jinx, book open, probably going through Vi's porn again while she waited for the cop to come home. "Jinx! What the- what the flying hell have you done to my place?!" Vi looked around, trying to find more changes. Any picture of her and Caitlyn had been taken down, and now the picture on her nightstand was of the two of them, of young Vi scowling and Jinx climbing over her shoulders with a big grin.
Boring... Boring... Boring... So boring! Jinx wasn't sure of the last day she had spent doing absolutely nothing, but sitting around was the most dreadful day she could imagine. Even after bringing all her stuff to Vi's, cleaning, rearranging, and making some food, barely a few hours had passed. Usually this was where Jinx would start letting her random thoughts and ideas take hold and lead her on some fun adventure of madness and mayhem, but it was different. While Jinx had the same urges as usual, to cause fire and explosions and all kinds of trouble, she had an even more convincing voice telling her to behave, and it was Vi's. She knew if she went out and caused trouble it wasn't going to lead to a nice night with her Vi, especially when the woman returned home to find her house invaded by a little Jinx. She knew, Jinx was well aware of the irritation she was going to cause the cop, because Vi had always been particular about her space. Even back in the day, as kind as she was to Jinx, messing with her stuff had always been the quickest way to get thrown out of her workshop... But just like back then Jinx didn't pay heed and did what she wanted anyways.


Being bored and staying out of trouble eventually led Jinx to one thing, porn. Not masturbating, just reading. She wanted to know more about what Vi liked, how to turn on her childhood crush and which buttons to push... She couldn't resist the kind of trouble that Vi would allow... Even if heavily frown upon. She was going to learn everything she could, and that was a perfect excuse to read and peer at the pictures in the books Vi had, especially the daddy and baby girl stuff. Jinx had some ideas what all it entailed but upon some closer inspection she picked up a few more aspects of the kink, grinning from time to time as ideas formed. The least she could do when Vi let her stay at her place, because she would, was to put in some real effort and give her what she wanted. Well, maybe.

It was about that time, as Jinx was leisurely reading her porn, that Vi returned home, announcing her arrival with what seemed like outrage... She was so silly. Jinx just continued reading, waiting for Vi to make her way to the bedroom, and only then did she put down the porn book and turn over on the bed, rolling to her back and looking at Vi from the comfort of the newly improved bed. "Like it?" She asked with a giggle, clearly knowing the answer but amusing herself with the question. "Don't worry silly, I only moved some of my stuff in, it can all be moved right back out the moment you go and fix the wall at my place... And install a shower!" She added in hurriedly, realizing she had some power, swearing she could see Vi's eye twitch as she caught sight of the pillows and what not. "I mean, you did break my wall... And after experiencing your shower I've realized I cannot live without one now. So yeah, you do that and I'll go back to my lonely, cold, depressing warehouse." She seemed to sink down with each word, a small pout on her face as she grabbed one of her fluffy pillows and hugged it to her body. Then, with an almost trembling voice she added, "A good daddy wouldn't even need to be asked... It would just get done..."

Maybe it was a little much, using Vi's daddy thing to push the issue, but Jinx had no plans of backing down. One, because she really didn't want to fix the wall herself, mainly because she had absolutely no clue how. She could fix weapons, build elaborate things... But handy? Not at all. She was a savant of sorts, absolutely brilliant when it interested her but an idiot when it didn't. Second, and more importantly, after spending time with Vi and realizing Vi at least sort of liked her, Jinx wasn't willing to go backwards, especially not with Sheriff Cow Tits on the prowl for HER Vi. That was the reason the pictures of Cait were gone, jealousy, pure and simple, but unlike most people Jinx dealt with it by being childish, mainly selfish, and hiding anything that wasn't her from sight. The pictures were still in the house, but they were shoved away, not destroyed because they were Vi's but not within plain sight because Jinx didn't want to think about her Vi with anyone else. Just letting her go to work was going to be bad enough. Maybe she would have to cause some trouble and get Vi's attention during her next shift... Otherwise she would die of boredom, she would just die.
"No! No, I do not like it!!" In what world would Vi like blindingly bright and feminine bedsheets?! Yeah, her hair was dyed pink which was kind of girlie, but it wasn't the same! Part of the reason Vi kept the unnatural hair color because that was how she had always remembered her hair being...and part of her was still holding out that maybe someday, someone from her past would recognize her because Vi couldn't remember any of the people from her childhood. It was a dumb hope to find whatever family she had had before her gang, she knew it was (if no one recognized her from the League of Legends broadcasts, no one ever would) but still, she clung onto it because the one thing Vi wanted to more than anything was where she had come from.

Well...perhaps the thing she wanted more than anything right now was for a fugitive to not be in her bedroom, and for that fugitive to not have redecorated her whole house. "Fix your wall?!?!?" Vi's eye twitched in annoyance. There were too many things that she didn't like happening for Vi to be able to keep her cool, so of course she kept yelling. "A SHOWER?!?! SERIOUSLY?!" Walls weren't hard things to fix, Jinx could easily repair the hole Vi had made if she wanted to, hell, she could probably even build her own shower if she could put together a sophisticated gun like Fishbones out of nothing. Vi had a job! She had things to do! She didn't have time to fix walls and play plumber.

All of the mechanic's huffing and puffing seemed to die down a little as Jinx's shoulders drooped in misery and a little pout creased the girl's features. It wasn't like she was totally out of steam though...she still had a few more things to carry on about. "Don't call me -that- outside of the bedroom!" Ugh, she couldn't even call herself -that-. Realizing that they were indeed inside the bedroom though, Vi quickly added. "I mean, when we're not having sex! Which, you know, probably should not have anymore of. Ever again." See what happens when you have sex with virgins?! They always want to move in. Just stop. No more sex with virgins. Ever. Never ever again!

Growling and flailing her arms wildly at Jinx could only last Vi for so long. The cuteness of the smaller girl as she peered up at her with big, hexmorphed puppy dog eyes broke the mechanic's there was a headache developing right between her eyes from annoyance which was also wearing down her resolve to be pissed off for an extended period of time. " can stay here...." Vi grumbled, hating herself, hating her inability to turn away people who needed taking care of. It had always been this way, ever since she had been younger: Ally, Ekko, Ajuna...they had all been useless as children, a drain on the gang's food supply and an aggravation to everyone...but Vi couldn't let them just wander the streets and starve to death. Ugh, she had taken care of her Ally Cat once, now she couldn't just let her childhood pain in the ass go back to a 'home' with a hole in the wall... "I will fix your place up when I have a day off, okay? But if you're stay here, you're going to behave. No blowing shit up. No harassing the citizens of Piltover. And no drawing attention to yourself...I can't have everyone knowing that I'm harboring a criminal."
Maybe it was too much to expect Vi to be thrilled about the multiple changes throughout her place, but that didn't stop Jinx from having a few, tiny expectations. She wasn't expecting love, Vi falling head over heels and unable to live without her, that would just be silly. She was, however, expecting some attachment... At the very least at the level they had been at during their many years in the same gang, where Vi treated her well and let her be an annoying pain in her ass day in and day out. Besides, she wasn't being unreasonable! About the wall... Maybe the shower, but she wanted it so there was no point in even arguing, she wasn't going to budge. She would NOT go back to shitty soaking in a tub of water that she could barely get hot enough to be enjoyable. No! She wanted a damn shower... And she wanted Vi to build it, because she wanted to be a pain in the ass and never leave... So yes, unreasonable... But only if Vi could see into her head, past the innocent desire for a shower and fixed wall, which she probably could. Jinx had always had trouble hiding her deviousness from Vi, the older woman seemed to see right through her.

"What? No more daddy? I thought..." She didn't know whether to end with "you liked that" or "I was your baby girl". Both seemed silly, and yet she found herself wanting to hear something back, to be embraced and have her hair stroked, to be kissed, to cuddle and feel Vi's hands exploring her. She didn't... She didn't want it to stop. She wanted to shout "No" and demand they continue, but she knew that wasn't a great idea. Jinx knew Vi, she knew when she could be defiant and be cute... And when she could try and be defiant only to make Vi lock down harder on something... She wasn't going to give Vi any excuses! Stupid fat hands. To top it off, while denying her sex... She was demanding Jinx be... Good.

Jinx could be good, she could not go out and cause trouble, not easily but she could do it, especially with the proper distraction. Yet, in her infinite wisdom, Vi was taking the best possible distraction, herself, and putting up the red tape... No sex. Guh! It was like saying, you can't go outside and play but I'm also taking away all the games and books... Have fun! It was hell. Jinx found herself becoming a little more smartass for a second, grumbling about in her head about expectations and what Vi thought was going to happen when she cooped her up. She managed to keep calm, mostly, only looking over at Vi with a less than pleased look on her face. "Well, while I'm not out having fun, and while you're clearly off-limits, what is it you expect me to do fat hands?" She asked, the little shot clearly a slip of her current irritation. "Can I use part of your workshop?" The moment the words came out of her mouth she perked up, sitting up on the bed and sliding to the edge, her eyes excitedly peering at Vi, eager to find out if she could.

Vi's workshop... It was the taboo place Jinx always wanted to be as children, and as an adult, in age even if not in mind and body, it still had an allure. If Vi said yes... It could definitely keep her busy for a few days! Just on the thrill of being in there alone, before permission burned the fun out of it. Truthfully... She was going to be in there no matter what, because it was practically her holy land... And because her fanaticism with hextech was on the level of Vi's, and she knew Vi would have some good stuff. She would just cook and clean as an apology... For whatever she ended up doing. And now there was a mischievous smile plastered on her face... She just couldn't control herself.
"I don't know, take up sewing or something constructive." Vi shrugged, not seeming phased at all by Jinx's irritation because hey, SHE was the one who was entitled to be pissed off here. "Or you could read? Something that's not my porn?" She had a large collection of books...mostly porn...but the ones that weren't porn were books and manuals on everything from hexplosives to techmaturgy. Jinx could become a first rate mechanic if she just buckled down and studied the workings of hextechmaturgy rather than just cobbling together parts and hoping they worked. But Vi knew that wasn't going to happen...Jinx loved to create things so much that she probably wouldn't be able to take the time to trudge through all the more technical aspects of hextech.

It was only seconds later that the cop's biggest fear came true: Jinx was going to ask her to use the workshop. Vi knew that there was no point in saying 'No, you can't use my workshop' because there was absolutely no way that she could enforce such a rule. There were sixteen potential hours a day where Jinx would be totally unsupervised, where she could do whatever she wanted whether Vi wanted her to or not, she couldn't possibly police the girl at all times. Plus, Vi was aware of the fact that Jinx needed an outlet for all her energy and she had basically gotten rid of her one way to vent by demanding she behave while she lived here. So as much as it PAINED her to share her precious workshop space, she knew she had to give her kitty at least something to play with. " can use part of the workshop. But absolutely NO touching the magical essences or power cores." That rule was mostly because she was pretty sure that Jinx still wasn't wearing safety goggles when she worked and would probably go blind one day...and the other reason she was laying down that rule was because she didn't want to come home to a blown up workshop later in the week. "And don't touch any of the bikes parked in there either...they're not mine, they're getting built for clients... I do commissions now...not a ton, but just a couple a year."

Truth be told, Vi could probably quit the police force and just be a mechanic. Maybe she would when she was older, much, much older, but for now she liked punching faces too much and chasing down criminals on her own motorcycle to want to give up being a cop. She still loved to build though, and because she could only do so much work on her own gear, she had started taking orders for custom hextechcycles so that she could be productive on her off time.

"Now that that's hungry? I'll make us some dinner."
Reading, being constructive, not causing trouble. These were things Jinx could do... Maybe, but definitely not all at the same time. She needed a release, something akin to releasing the pressure built up from being good for a majority of the day. Surprisingly, sex seemed to do it, and blowing things up definitely helped relieve the urges... But little else was as effective. She could tinker, but unless she had some inspiration it wasn't as useful as Vi seemed to think it would be. If she was inspired, or just had an intriguing idea, she could keep herself busy for days. Without that drive she would fiddle around a bit, clean her weapons, do some maintenance, and then fuck off to go do something else... If her mind didn't wander from current time wasting project to something more colorful and mischievous. This was especially true when she heard the ban on the fun stuff. Magical essences and power cores were the best, they had a lot of energy and could be used to make the most entertaining of contraptions and mixes, and they made her eyes absolutely gorgeous. Jinx wasn't fond of her body in many ways, like her stupid tiny breasts, but she loved her eyes... Even if it was a mutation and not meant to be an eye color.

"Boooring..." She whined, puffing up her cheeks slightly and pouting at Vi, making sure the woman knew her mandate had not been received well. "I could toooootally help with the bikes... Imagine how fast they could go if you built an essence converter..." She mumbled to herself, curiosity sparked, though she knew better than to mess with commission work... And this time enough not to disobey, like she would have with the workshop. "I won't touch any of it though... As long as you make an edible dinner." She gave a small grin before pushing off the bed and putting herself right in front of Vi, only to lean up and give her a peck on the lips, following the gesture by putting her hands behind her back, swaying back and forth with a coquettish grin on her face and bounding out of the room. Jinx probably wouldn't push sex... Even if her newly discovered need for it was begging her to, but she wasn't going to let Vi off so easily. Vi liked her! She did, there was no point in denying it, and since that was the case she might as well make things as difficult as possible for the cop... Tempting her in every possible way, which was much easier now that she was practically naked, her usual attire much more revealing than the dress she had worn to the party, and even more so than Vi's shirt.


When Vi had arrived in the kitchen, moments after Jinx had bounded out of the room, Jinx was already in an apron and waiting by the stove, a smile on her face and an unending supply of excitement seeming to pump through her veins. When Jinx was up... She was really up. "Sous chef!" She shouted, grabbing a knife from the counter and lifting it into the air. She didn't keep it, putting the sharp object down moments later, but Vi was going to have a little sous chef by her side all night... And the apron was Jinx's weapon against celibacy. That had been the rest of the night... Then Vi pulled a fast one. Separate rooms for sleep. Jinx had whined and protested immediately but Vi had held fast, insisting on giving her the bed and taking the couch, like a chivalrous butthead... Jinx had... Given in. Her giving in lasted an hour, an hour of her rolling around and unable to sleep, and finally jumping out of bed and moving swiftly to the couch, looking down at a sleeping Vi with a sad look on her face.

Jinx slowly walked up to her side, dragging her feet across the floor and arriving right by Vi's side, and crouching down to look at her face, only inches separating the two of them. At first she just looked, then reached out and stroked her cheek softly, then kissed her gently... And then, found a way to squeeze into her arms on the couch, finding the little bit of space she could and nuzzling her way inside. If Ez could get snuggled all night, so could she. Only, she never stood a chance of not waking Vi up, and when she noticed Vi waking she just sighed softly and cheated, nuzzling into Vi's chest. "Sorry... I know I wasn't good at sex... I know you don't want me here... But... Is it okay if we just sleep together? Just sleep..." She murmured, her voice getting lower as she spoke. Jinx's tiny body fit inside Vi's embrace perfectly, as if it were only natural, and perhaps it was. For a long time Jinx had wanted to be near Vi, adored her from afar... How could she not be willful now, now that she was in a position to secure a place in Vi's life. Whatever it meant... Whatever she had to do... Jinx wanted to try, even if she failed. It was better than giving up or never knowing if her dream could become something real.
"As long as -I- make an edible dinner?" Vi smirked at the challenge. She had -always- made edible dinners when they were living on the streets...even when her ingredients consisted of only squirrel or rat during the hard times. Now, with a fully stocked pantry and fridge, making a delicious meal would be a breeze. "Deal, I'll make an amazing dinner, and you will keep your hands off anything that is really expensive and/or explosive in the workshop." Now in agreement, Vi was set to go to the kitchen and rustle up some grub...but apparently Jinx wanted to pause in order to seal the deal with a peck to the lips. It was as chaste a kiss as Vi had ever received...but it still made her blush a little bit and look at Jinx with surprised eyes. Guh... Damn Jinx, making her brain turn off! Fuck! It'll never work out. Just. Don't. DON'T! Don't get yourself tangled up in another mess like you did with Cait. No more virgins or girls in the closet, those are the rules.

Shaking her head a bit to clear it, Vi followed after Jinx a few moments later, opting for a leisurely walk, rather than her guest's brisk jog. She found the girl already in the kitchen, in an apron that Vi had picked up awhile ago to wear while she cooked for Caitlyn. The Sheriff of Piltover couldn't be seen going on dates in public with a known lesbian troublemaker like they would have date night at Vi's house with the mechanic dressing up and wearing the apron to protect whatever nice shirt she had put on. No more having to do that at least. It had been nice to cook for Caitlyn, she loved to do it, feeding people good food and making sure they were taken care of just fit so well into Vi's caregiving nature...but having to hide out in her house all the time with her girlfriend had been stupid. Yet another reason why Jinx and I shouldn't sleep together anymore: we'll always have to hide it from everyone else.

Vi picked something easy and quick for dinner: steak, sliced potatoes seasoned with rosemary and garlic, and broccoli. Cooking outside on the grill made it so that the cop didn't have to do that many dishes (and Vi absolutely HATED doing dishes); plus she figured the slight char on the food would remind Jinx of when Vi used to cook them food over fires when they were kids.


Sleeping in separate areas just made sense to Vi. Sex was off the table, so no reason to tempt fate by sharing a bed. And because Jinx was her guest (as unwanted of a guest as she may be, she was still a guest), and because Vi was the chivalrous sort, the girl got the bed while the mechanic took the couch. Not like Vi minded the couch, she passed out on in often enough; sometimes when she was working on a small piece of tech on the coffee table, she'd work well into the night and by then, couldn't be bothered to walk the 15 feet to her bedroom. Plus the couch was comfortable...once you took off the neon pillows that Jinx had tossed all over it. Vi set the offensive pillows down on the recliner, treating Jinx's things with a little more care than she would have her own.

She fell asleep quickly, and had probably been asleep for an hour or two when soft lips woke her up. The cop awoke with a start, fists balled up and body in a half crunch so that she could start swinging...but then she quickly realized that it was just Jinx and laid back down. The cop sighed softly and pat the girl lightly on the back as she crawled ontop of the muscular mechanic and nuzzled at her chest. "Couldn't sleep?" Vi murmured as she look at the girl, a frown creasing her features as Jinx apologized for something so stupid. "You were fine at sex, Ally...don't be silly. Anyone would be lucky to have you as a lover..."

At the request to sleep together, Vi hesitated. Of course she wanted to say 'yes'...she liked having her Ally Cat around to take care of, to hold and protect....but she knew that this was a bad idea. If Jinx got attached to her again, it would make leaving and going back to her own place that much harder. And Jinx -needed- to go back to her own place...Vi couldn't just harbor fugitives. Saying 'no' and doing what was right was impossible though...part of her cared deeply for the girl that had followed her around for most of her childhood.

"Just...for tonight...okay?" Maybe if she just let Jinx sleep with her this one night, the girl would get used to the house and then be able to sleep in Vi's room by herself tomorrow. "Tomorrow you go sleep in the bed." Vi mumbled as she settled back down to sleep. With nowhere else to put her arms or her hands, she wrapped them around Jinx, holding the girl protectively as they slept.
Jinx could have slept alone, it would have taken forever and may have been brief, but she could have managed. Jinx didn't want to manage though, getting up and wandering in to Vi was a choice, one she had always wanted to make when she was younger, and one she had the ability to make now... Finally. As for everything else, that wasn't important. As she nuzzled into Vi she stopped caring about everything else, barely able to respond as she let her eyes close, the heavy lids left to fall soundlessly down. It left Jinx alone with her thoughts, Vi's soothing voice, and the sound of the other woman's breathing. It was comfortable, blissful even. Plus she was good at sex, exciting... If only she wasn't growing so tired so fast that even her thoughts had slowed. She should have been thrilled to be good during her first time, but she just smiled happily into Vi's bosom and nodded in confirmation, as if Vi could see her nodding into her breasts. "Kay... Only for... Tonight..." She mumbled, moving her body to get perfectly comfortable, not bothering to respond any further as she quickly fell asleep. Sleep deprivation... With how easily she fell asleep in Vi's arms it was hard to believe she could go days without sleeping prior.


Promises made by a sleepy Jinx were promises she could pretend she didn't hear. Those were the devious thoughts of a habitual troublemaker, though hadn't been her intention at the time. Still, after snuggling all night she wasn't going back! A phrase she had been saying a lot recently, with Vi in general, with showers, with snuggles, and honestly with Vi's cooking. It wasn't amazing... But it was better than the crap Jinx usually ate. In fact, aside from her favorite little noodle joint, she survived off crappy junk food, and sweets. Still, no matter how many times she said it or what she said it about, Jinx was determined. So, for the next week, every night, she would make her way into the living room, to the couch, and find her a place in Vi's arms. At first Vi put up a fight, saying it had only been for one night, this was the last time, blah, blah, blah. By the end of the week it was nothing more than a front, as if they were both going through the motions and Vi was trying to feign an attitude of "I don't want this to become a thing, so this better be the last, last time." She wasn't fooling Jinx, but the effort amused the smaller woman, made her smile and call Vi a big, adorable idiot in her head.


Good things didn't last forever though, even the string of blissful days had to come to an end... With a league match. Jinx hated the league, hated being a champion, hated everything about it. She understood the concept of avoiding war, which was... Fine. Yet, what about those who fought? Some didn't seem to mind by using the excuse of being a hero of some sort, or vying for resources for their nation, but for Jinx it was hell. She was from Zaun but lived in Piltover, and was disdained by both sides... She hated people taking control of her... She liked the violence more than she should have at first, but after awhile it had lost its flavor, and the pain and torment of being a champ was harder to ignore for her... She just didn't have a true investment in it. It helped with some of the urges, she wasn't oblivious that she got a rush from all of it, but the rush would wear off, and fast. Even under normal circumstances this was difficult for her. It was only made more difficult when she was dragged into a match between Zaun and Piltover... Against Vi.

Nobody on the team liked Jinx, except Ekko, but even his fondness of her had waned after the change, his affections for her clearly diluted, even if they were still present. Ekko liked the idea of Jinx, who she had been, which was probably why he seemed so excited at the party, it had been like Ally was back, she wasn't. It just made it awkward now that she was back to her usual self, standing in a room with a bunch of people from Zaun, all of which who looked at her with indifference or disdain. Well, not all of them. It wasn't as bad as it could be. Singed was going to be their top lane, and he was disgusting, but their jungle was Ekko, Janna was the support, and Viktor was mid. Viktor and Janna seemed indifferent to her presence, Singed wasn't pleased, and Ekko seemed to be somewhere between happy and trying to remember who she now was... Flake. Most of the disgust came from Piltover, from people she toyed with on a regular basis, and from the crowd looking at them, ready for the champions to be teleported to the Rift. Jinx had a fan base, sure, but there were plenty of citizens who hated her, especially from Piltover. Or maybe it was her imagination... Who knew.
The rest of the week went by in pretty much the same way: Vi would go to work, hit the gym after a fairly mundane patrol, make dinner with her little sous chef, then shower and collapse onto her couch for bedtime. Before taking on a guest into her home, she would have inserted some tinkering time into her schedule...but with Jinx around, she found herself talking to and spending time with the girl rather than retreating into her sanctuary to work. Sometimes they would just play games; cribbage or backgammon (with prison rules) or would try to cheat eacho ther at dice (despite her 'fat hands' and years out of the game, Vi was still pretty good at sleight of hand). On one evening, Vi tried to teach Jinx how to play chess (she wasn't very good at it herself, Ez and Caitlyn were the ones who liked to play), but neither of them could sit through the long games and they would end up playing checkers instead. Sometimes hey would talk for hours...half the time about absolutely nothing. But there would be brief periods of silence as well, one nights when they both just grabbed a book and relaxed in each other's presence as they read.

Once bedtime rolled around, Vi would always insist that Jinx go lay down in the bedroom and try to get some sleep. Then the cop would chivalrously take the couch and fall asleep nearly as soon as her head hit the pillow. Of course she would always get woken up again at some point at the night, and by now it had happened so many times that she awoke with less of a start by the end of the week. Now she would just adjust herself a tiny bit to make sure Jinx could find a comfortable spot, wrap her arms around the girl, and then settled back down to sleep.


Vi had totally planned on fixing Jinx's wall and installing a shower that would run off of rain water this weekend...only to have her plans dashed by being summoned to the Fields of Justice. The cop liked being a champion, loved having a purpose and getting to punch a few faces in...but she -hated- when she got called in on her days off. It was bullshit! Now she'd be sore for the rest of today and tomorrow, then have to drag her tired ass to work on Monday whether she wanted to or not. Today's match featured Zaun versus Piltover, which meant that half of Piltover PD was here and there wouldn't be anyone to cover her shift; they would all be exhausted on Monday. Jayce was supposed to be facing off against Singed (a matchup that Vi already knew was going to be trouble because Jayce was a pussy and always got drained about 30 minutes into the match, ugh, what shitty stamina); Ezreal was going to bust out his magic skills against Viktor, leaving Cupcake and Orianna in the bottom lane. Ever the picture of grace and poise, Caitlyn seemed to be handling the fact that she would be laning with Orianna quite well... Personally, the clockwork creation gave Vi the creeps.


Jungling was pretty cathartic for Vi: wander around a forest, beat the shit out of giant monsters, and trust that the Summoner's consciousness who was linked to her own was competent. (Not all Summoners were as skilled as the one she was currently paired with; there were plenty of matches where she had been paired with a novice Summoner, someone who didn't see the map as a whole and just sort of let her die or let the team die. She hated those guys.) Vi had helped in the jungle a few times, mostly chasing off Ekko because before she got her power up, she was kind of useless. Every fucking asshole on the Zaun team had some sort of slow or stun, so if Vi wanted to kick some ass, she'd have to just grab enough experience so that the magical governors on her gauntlets would give her some power back. Ducking into the brush, Vi popped out by the Blue Sentinel and his little buddies. She had beat down the little guys no problem, now just for the big guy so that she could start helping the lanes out...

"Hey, sellout!" Ekko threw his timewinder at Vi, causing the woman to get caught in the slow field. "What are you even doing over ont he Piltover side? You forgot your roots, Vi."

"I haven't forgotten, I just grew out of them." Vi could feel the Summoner in her mind, feel the pull, the desire to move back, to run away. Vi herself could not see anything besides what was immediately around her, Summoners had views of the entire map, but even though she did not know what lay in the bush, she was not scared. The entire nation of Zaun could be hiding in the jungle, but Vi did not care. All that mattered to her was standing her ground, was letting Ekko know that things hadn't changed because she had left. Vi was still the boss, and no one called the boss a 'sellout'.

"You can't just turn your back on your home!" Ekko growled, now, growing angry at his old hero's indifference. Like you could just grow out of your home! Of your family! "Grrrah! You're so selfish! You left and now...and now look at us!" Ekko brought his sword around, striking hard at Vi. "You ruined everything when you went away! There was no one to protect us anymore. Everyone is messed up. Jinx is crazy and Ajuna is...Ajuna is gone." Another swing. "This is all your fault!"

"You were old enough to take care of yourself when I left!" Vi barked as she blocked a blow with her gauntlet. She never let herself regret leaving because she had done everything she could for those kids. She had taught them useful skills (how to swindle, how to salvage scrap, etc), taught a few of them how to fight, and had -definitely- taught Ajuna to not pickpocket rich people (always pickpocket the lower middle class marks - they are less likely to have a gun). "You think I had anyone protect me when I had been your age?! I gave you little bastards more than anyone had ever given me. What happened to Ajuna sucks, yeah, but it's not my fucking fault."

Talking about Ajuna seemed to send Ekko into more of a frenzy. He was reckless with his strikes, and not mindful of his mana or his health. By the time Vi had beat him down, he was too tired to feed anymore of his body's magic into his Chronobreak. When the mechanic finally hit him this last time, the boy didn't get back up. It pained her slightly, seeing his crumpled body there, but soon his body was magically lifted away, back to his team's Fountain where he would be brought back from the dead and sent to fight again.
For Jinx, having to fight for Zaun was already bad enough, and her not having a choice in the matter didn't really help much. Seeing the teams made it all the worse. Them being against Piltover was bad enough, but their lineup looked so much stronger, with Singed sure to crush Jayce up top, and then against Viktor mid there was Ez... Ez... Not Heimerdinger, not Orianna, but Ez. It was another dumb pick by another summoner who thought they knew what they were doing. Instead of mid, Orianna was bot lane with Caitlyn, against Jinx and Janna, and while Jinx could give Cait some credit for being a good shot and keeping safe throughout a match, they weren't even close when it came down to it. Jinx was stronger, plain and simple. Maybe she didn't have the same accuracy Cait had at long range, but her custom weapons let her switch between even longer range than the rifle wielding sheriff, or something faster and more devastating if anyone made the mistake of getting close. Combine that with a stronger ult and a comp much more suitable for team fights and Cait was in trouble. Plus there was the whole... Jinx really wanted to beat her thing... Not that her own emotions did much to help, it was up to the summoner after all.

Of course as much as Jinx would have liked for her concern over the match and easy lane to be the main concerns, they weren't. Her main concern was Ekko, and the fact that he and Vi were competing in the jungle. Jinx could be oblivious to some of the more obvious things in life, but she knew enough about Ekko and Vi to understand what was going to happen when they met. Yes, Ekko was difficult to fight against, but once Vi got on him he would lose... And knowing the two of them it wouldn't be calm, friendly competition. Ekko still blamed Vi for everything, and truthfully Jinx did as well, but her blame was selfish, it was because Vi left her, because she had feelings for Vi, because she had been abandoned. It wasn't the same as Ekko's hate, the blame for Jinx's change, the blame for Ajuna, blame for his own weakness and lack of control over his life. They were forged from the same event but vastly different, because the emotions behind them were entirely different.

Jinx was too busy dodging a constant stream of Orianna balls to think about it too hard, ignoring the fact that Ekko had already been taken down by Vi in a one on one as she mentally urged her summoner to dodge better, wishing desperately that her own instinct and reaction speed could be used instead of the clumsy handed summoner who, apparently, didn't know that Orianna would be spamming her ball all day and that he should keep moving. Time after time again she was smacked by the ball, and while Janna's shields were being applied well they had a much longer CD. Combine the lack of evasion with absolutely no return fire when Cait came to poke and the seemingly endless bad luck with the traps, nets, and subsequent headshots, and Jinx was taking a beating. Yet, despite that, the summoner never recalled. The same bad plays kept happening, and eventually, Jinx was poked down to death. It seemed, innocent? Ignorant for sure, pinpointing her summoner as a bad played, but innocent. That death did. Ten minutes into the match it had happened twice more, but the third death... Well, it had been a little more curious. Jinx had returned to lane, immediately hit a trap, and then started firing at the ahead Cait behind the minion line. Immediately after the summoner said lag, a faulty mental link that caused his previous command to not get cancelled, but after three deaths Jinx was getting edgy.

Jinx hated dying, it was painful and humiliating, and really it shouldn't have been happening. With her slow, traps, rockets, and mega rocket, Jinx could sit back and farm until she became a hyper carry, but none of that was happening. Instead, the summoner controlling her was constantly getting her killed, causing Jinx to grow fidgety and irritated. That was at first... But soon, the pretenses stopped and the summoner began leading her under towers, into other people's lanes... Into Vi's jungle, and while Jinx had yelled and complained at first... Even that had stopped. Jinx became quiet, the usual excited light in her eyes had died out, and she seemed... Different. She wasn't laughing or pouting or being playful, she didn't call Vi fat hands or make fun of Caitlyn, she just... Accepted it. Accepted her fate as her summoner took her to her death over and over... Trying to ignore the people calling her a feeder and garbage and worthless and saying they would be better off if she left. She just, shut down.
No matter what Vi did, it seemed like she couldn't get her team ahead. After her scuffle with Ekko, she had made a loop around top lane several times to try to help Jayce... but the nitwit had Singed cornered under his own tower. No matter how many times she signaled for him to back off, the cocky son of a bitch left the cop with very little room to maneuver. Neither Vi nor her summoner were stupid enough to go charging under an enemy turret, so she swung back down towards the middle of the arena. She ducked into the tall grasses that grew in the river, impatiently waiting there for Viktor to come up a bit further. Ezreal tried to help by taunting Viktor; telling him that he belonged in a museum and causing the older scientist to become so flustered that he missed a few of his lasers. She smirked and shook her head at her friend's antics. It was a good effort but she ended up backing off because she didn't want to waste more time hiding in tall grasses that may or may not be warded.

"An ally has been slain."

The sound of the announcer calling a teammate's death caused Vi to turn to the scoreboard. Jayce had just died to Singed. Alright. No big deal. Just one death. Caitlyn is wrecking her lane and we're going to be fine. There was nothing she could do right now about it anyways. Jayce's lane was pushed up, Ezreal and Viktor were both in base, and Orianna and Caitlyn were busy dominating the bottom lane and didn't need her help. So, she went to clear her jungle quickly and then ran over middle again to help Ezreal take out Viktor.

"An ally has been slain." was called yet again, right as Vi and Ezreal took out Viktor.

"An ally has been slain." was called as Vi counter jungled Ekko, turning a losing fight in the bottom lane into a win.


"An enemy is GODLIKE!"

"STOP FIGHTING HIM! FUCK!" Vi roared as she upercut the Golem, causing it to shatter into a bunch of pebbles. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck Jayce is a fucking idiot fuck.


By the end of the game, Vi's lungs burned and her stomach was rolling. Singed's poison was meant to kill, and it was only the magic of the stadium that was keeping them from dying right away. But even with their Summoner's magic bolstering them, even with their tremendous lead in all the other lanes, they had lost, bad. Jayce had just spoonfed Singed to the point that no one could touch him and now the mad scientist was wreaking havoc with his toxic gas.
Somewhere, somebody was cursing that their plan had all but failed, that making Jinx feed wasn't going to have the desired effect of Zaun losing miserably and Jinx's sister being extradited. Yep, that was the point of the match, to see whether or not Jinx's older sister was going to be thrown over to Piltover to face judgement for her many crimes, and she was a much larger problem in Piltover's eyes than Jinx. Jinx was a nuisance, a loud, destructive, slightly scary nuisance. Her sister, now she was a terror. She had charges like murder under her belt, usually not the best people but none of them deserved death, even if Jinx's sister rationalized that slightly dirty individuals, individuals in lines of work that intersected with her own, or an employer, weren't worth thinking about. Not that she would have cared either way. That was who Jinx could have been, but the good person in Jinx stopped her from following in those particular footsteps, even if she had lost a few screws after Vi left, she was still a decent person deep down. The point though? That despite Jinx being forced to die over and over again, Piltover was dropping the ball. Jayce, who was a weakling, had fed Singed to the point of nobody being able to stop him. Even Vi and Ez, combining their kiting and CC, couldn't hold the mad scientist down long enough to end his ridiculous spree, and sending a third always ended with a long chase and another tower down from the other 3 functioning members of team Zaun, Jinx not included.

Jinx, while all of this was happening, was still being controlled to die, though the enthusiasm in "running it down mid" wasn't as high as before. It was clear to the corrupt summoner that his efforts were in vain, and that Zaun was going to win no matter how many kills he gave the other team. Why? Because none of them could solo Singed, even if they were as fed. A fed Singed was a nightmare. Yet, while Zaun wasn't going to lose there was something changed by his actions, Jinx. Jinx had looked a bit pouty at the start, but still full of energy. Now, now Jinx looked miserable, unresponsive, and dead in the eyes. She was unfocused and had stopped paying attention to what was happening. Jinx was simply trapped, trapped in a body that wouldn't obey, trapped in the nightmare that was dying over and over again, and nobody could help her.


The match eventually ended with Zaun winning by a rather large margin, but Jinx couldn't enjoy the victory like everyone else. One, because Jinx went back to Piltover when it was all over, and two, because Jinx had fallen into a place so low that no amount of anything could bring her back up. She was done, and the moment everyone arrived back on the platforms she took off, shoulders drooped and mind numb to everything. Even if someone called out to her she wouldn't have stopped, instead walking out into Piltover and as far away as she could get. She didn't return to Vi's, she didn't go back to the warehouse, and she didn't go to a favorite place to eat or park or anything... She just walked, making her way towards what seemed like nowhere, walking until she just couldn't walk another step, and finally leaning over against a wall and sliding down to the ground, staring at the cement. Where she ended up? Not even she knew. It was an alleyway, dark and way into the back streets, but it was so far off her usual path that Jinx had no idea, and didn't bother trying to figure out. She just turned her body, hugged her knees, and started crying. There was no sound and no quivering shoulders, just tears that streamed down her face and then down her legs as her head touched the top of her knees and she shut her eyes.
After the match, Vi quickly left because she knew that if she stuck around, she would blow up at Jayce. Stupid fucking jackass. Cost us the fucking game. GAH FUCK! Fuming over Jayce wasn't a rare occurance; Vi lost her temper with that cocky, spoiled, narcissistic son of a bitch pretty goddamn often...but with Caitlyn around, she knew that she would get an earful if she didn't keep her mouth shut. And she didn't have time for such nagging when she had to hurry home so that she could meet up with Jinx. Even though the girl's team had won and all of Zaun was in a state of celebration, Vi hadn't missed Jinx's final score. She wanted to get home as soon as possible to see if the girl was okay.

Unfortunately, once she got home, Jinx wasn't there.

I hope she's not waiting for me... No, no, that was silly, Jinx wouldn't wait for her like a lost puppy... well, maybe she would. But! Jinx had enough sense to know at least that Vi could not be seen fraternizing with her infront of half of Piltover P.D. Maybe she's out celebrating with her team... That too seemed a bit unlikely, but it was the only excuse that Vi could hold onto. Jinx wasn't hers, she wasn't hers to keep, wasn't hers to worry about. If the girl didn't want to come home or had other things to do, who was Vi to care?


On the second day, Vi actually started to worry. When she had been the leader of the gang, she had made sure that the kids checked in with her at least once a day (this was mostly to make sure that no one had died). Even though Jinx wasn't a kid anymore, she still expected the same habit. Well, she didn't come home last night, but all of her shit is still at my place. Soooo...what the fuck is going on here?

Deciding that it was time to search for the girl, Vi hopped onto her bike after her shift and took a ride down to the warehouse that was Jinx's home. No light streamed from the gaping hole in the wall, but still, she went inside and checked to make sure that her Ally Cat wasn't there. Nothing...where the hell is she? Left with no clues, all Vi could do was search around the abandoned buildings and call Jinx's name until it became too dark to look any further. Guess I'll have to wait until tomorrow...


On the third day, Vi used some of her personal time so that she could launch a proper hunt for Jinx. It was a pain in the ass taking time off because she hardly ever did and so when she used a personal day, Caitlyn grew suspicious. But she didn't have time to worry about her ex's ridiculousness right now, she had to find Jinx!

It took some doing, and Vi had to call in some favors from some pretty shady people she used to run with, but finally she got a tip that Jinx been seen hanging around one of the more unsavory parts along the Zaun/Piltover border. Vi had made sure that her gauntlets were ready for a fight if one arose, but most people just stayed out of her way. She caught a few sketchier characters eying her bike, probably appraising the machine for parts...but after they saw her gauntlets and who she was, they turned their gaze elsewhere.

After nearly an hour of driving up and down alleyways, Vi finally found the curled up form of her Ally Cat. Jinx was just sitting there, back pressed against the brick wall, hexmorphed eyes staring off into the distance. "Ally!" Vi allowed herself a sigh of relief as she shut off her bike, hopped off, then hurried over to the girl. When Jinx seemed to remain in her catatonic trance, Vi gently nudged her with a cold, metal finger. "Hey..." Her voice turned soft and she knelt down, making sure to take up the girl's view in hopes that she'd focus. "What're you doing out here? You haven't days." Vi hesitated to use the word because she didn't really want Jinx to think of the cop's house as home. But Vi could see that Jinx sort of needed a picker upper, and maybe the mention of having a place she belonged would cheer her up.
Jinx didn't sit in the same spot for the entirety of her missing period, but she didn't move far from the original position she had stopped at. In fact, aside from scrounging for some water and listlessly walking around she really didn't accomplish anything. Why would she? Jinx, in her current state, was lost, and having trouble motivating herself to do something as simple and basic as eating, much less going back to Vi's or her old warehouse. There was even one time someone had made trouble for her... She had barely resisted, luckily the person recognized her before it went anywhere and reputation alone had scared the sketchy individual back into his hole. Regardless, Jinx was disconnected, content to sit in one alleyway or another and gaze, unfocused, at a brick wall or the distant streets. It was a similar scene in her head, a few thoughts of Vi and the joyful days she had been living, which caused her to show a moment of clarity or a smile on the outside, but mostly nothing, emptiness... Or despair.


It continued like that for Jinx, right up until the moment a familiar voice began calling her name. Yet, even that voice didn't snap her back to reality, not immediately. Instead she sat in place, legs hugged to her chest, back pressed against the cold brick wall, and eyes gazing past Vi into the distance. Even as Vi tried her hardest to engage Jinx, it was unsuccessful and Jinx continued to look unfocused ahead of her. Her brain was taking time to catch up to what was happening, probably because she hadn't slept in the days she had been gone, not at all. Jinx always had trouble sleeping, it wasn't new, but being at Vi's had rid her of the problem completely, she felt comfortable and safe... It felt like a home, if Jinx was capable of making a distinction between a place to live and a home. Vi could probably tell how the past few days had been for Jinx from her appearance. Her eyes, aside from being unfocused and lacking in life, were heavy, signs of exhaustion playing at them. Her knees one of her elbows had scuffs, some dried blood and dirt showing that she had fallen at some point, and her dirty clothing making it quite clear that she had been on the street the entire time. Even her hair, while usually kept neat was showing signs of not being cared for.

It had only been a few days, so she didn't look too miserable, but it wasn't difficult to see, and would be especially noticeable to someone who lived on the street like Jinx and Vi had, people familiar with the look of a street dweller. Home... I don't... I don't have a home... When Jinx's mind finally caught up to what was happening, a minute or two after Vi had actually spoken the words, her response was one of self-mockery. She didn't have a home, her place in Vi's home was forced, and in her current mood she was more inclined to believe that Vi didn't care about her than to think she did. The usual desperate confidence she had when dealing with Vi, the emotions she felt and insisted Vi would feel... They didn't hold up in her current state. She still adored Vi, but in the harsh spiral of negative emotions she was drowning in, Vi wanting her was a joke. Her eyes did focus though, enough to make it clear she noticed Vi, and she looked up into Vi's eyes, a sad smile slowly spreading across her face.

"Why are you here?" It was all she could ask in her current spot, because if Vi didn't care for her she had no reason to come find her... Unfortunately Jinx didn't even have the presence of mind to wait for an answer, turning her head away and looking off in another direction, only for a moment at first but she became lost in a haze once more without realizing it. This time though she was muttering to herself. "Maybe I should just go back to Zaun..." It was so low, barely audible, but those were the words that escaped her mouth. She didn't mean to say them, she didn't even know she had, but as her eyes looked towards Zaun, and she thought about the dreadful experience during the league match... And about her sister... Maybe she should just accept it and go back. She was a citizen of Zaun after all, another criminal birthed from the streets of Zaun... She couldn't escape it could she. Just another Zaunite. As depressing a thought as it was, she couldn't deny it. What had she really been doing in Piltover, aside from confirming the words she had just thought, being a fucking terror that everyone hated. Hell, someone hated her enough to kill her over and over for nearly an hour... That was proof, right?
"I'm here because I haven't had an Ally Cat blanket for two nights and didn't want to deal with a third night wondering where my Ally Cat was and if she was okay." Vi wasn't good at this serious stuff, so making her reasons for being here into a bit of a joke helped her cope with the fact that she had actually -missed- Jinx. She liked being around the girl...of course taking care of Jinx appealed to the side of Vi that craved to nurture and protect something, but still, she actually liked the criminal's company.

"No, you shouldn't just go back to Zaun." Vi frowned at the very suggestion that Jinx should go back to that hell hole. The Zaun now was different from the Zaun from their childhood...more drugs now, more crime (well, more deadly crime anyways). She had spent so much of her time making sure those kids in her gang could get out of that life or at least not spiral into hard crime... She'd taught Jinx and the others how to salvage scrap so that they didn't have to become drug mules or sell their bodies as prostitutes. Vi didn't want Jinx to go back to that scene, she didn't want to think about what would happen if Jinx went back onto the streets of Zaun. In Vi's eyes, coming to Piltover and wreaking havoc there was a step forward rather than a step back.

"Hey...remember when we were kids?" An idea popped into Vi's head, a way to get Jinx to cheer least enough to get the girl up and hopefully coming back home with her anyways. "And you used to come into my shop and sometimes you'd chatter on about what you would do if you got rich?" Yeah, surprise, surprise, Vi had actually listened to a few of the things a hyper Ally Cat had said. "All you ever talked about was getting a home...a real home with a yard and a place for you to garden and grow your own food. A place with a fence so you were safe and with a great big workshop so you could tinker and be a mechanic like me." Vi smirked a bit at the memory. If she remembered correctly she had told Ally something like 'You'll never be a mechanic like me if you don't wear your fucking goggles and go blind.'

"So, well, I got a doesn't have a fence and the yard is kinda small, but it's a real house, Ally. much of a pain in the ass you can be sometimes... I would rather you stay in that house with me while you try to get yourself back on your feet than to have you go back to Zaun."
Jinx didn't seem to notice what Vi said, but her brain caught it, caught it with some serious selective hearing. Basically, Jinx heard, 'Because I missed you, idiot.' It was as if she had a Vi translator between her ear and brain, taking in what Vi said and turning it in to what she thought Vi meant, or prhaps just what she wanted the older woman to mean. Regardless, the end result was nice. On the outside it didn't seem to register however, the depression Jinx had caught herself in keeping the bit of joy bottle up beneath hazy eyes and a foggy mind. Still... It was nice to know Vi missed her enough to look for her... Who else would look for her aside from her sister, and even that was only if she needed Jinx for something. Vi did it for no other reason than worry, or maybe just because she cared. Either way it was a step up, a big one.

It wasn't long before Vi spoke out against the idea to go back to Zaun and even started talking about their childhood, both nice things to hear, because Zaun was a horrible place to live, especially as a young woman, and there were no happier memories for Jinx than her childhood, especially when Vi was involved. She had always been fond of those times, and her crush on Vi had started early, so early it was probably more admiration at first, just a younger girl looking up to the cool older girl. They had talked about all kinds of things, well, Jinx had talked. Vi listened, something Jinx had never been sure of until that moment, but she had. Yeah, it hadn't been a crush then, just admiration... And it probably wasn't just a crush now, no it definitely wasn't. It was a bigger word, but Jinx didn't immediately jump to love, she didn't trust love... It was attraction, a very deep one. Vi wasn't talking about attraction or a crush or admiration however, she was talking about one of Jinx's dumbest rants, or dreams to the young version of herself. The dream of having a nice home with a beautiful yard where she would do girly things like garden, and with a really nice workshop where she could play with anything and everything mechanical... Where her and Vi could be together. In her younger naivety she imagined them still being close, no romantic notions, merely working together instead of her watching on and Vi doing everything.

Never, even after hearing it, had Jinx ever imagined it would be Vi's idea that they share her childhood dream. That finally snapped Jinx's focus to Vi, causing her eyes to regain some life as she looked up at the woman with utter disbelief. "Together?" She asked, as if she hadn't already moved all of her things to Vi's. Being invited was different though, and the happiness that should have exploded turned to a sad expression, tears beginning to roll down her cheeks as her chin quivered and she lunged forward to wrap her arms around Vi. "I want to stay with you... I want to have a small garden and play in your workshop, and make horrible food for you... And I want to sleep next to you and take baths with you..." She was sniffling between rapid spurts of words, barely making sense as she choked up and tightened her grip around Vi's neck, pulling herself close. "Please don't abandon me Vi... I'll be good... I'll be good..." In that moment she almost seemed like the old Ally Cat... Like a young girl who didn't keep up with her aging self, as fragile and uneducated about the world as she had been all those years ago. Jinx was an adult, she knew how to survive... But who she really was, her emotions, had been stunted early on, a defense mechanism for a young girl growing up in a place as disgusting and dangerous as Zaun.
Vi was starting to grow afraid that Jinx would spiral further into this depression...just like the girl's sister would. Jinx and her sister had both been hyperactive, reckless as hell kids growing up. When they were on their highs, they were super high; but when they were on their lows...fuck...they were a bummer to be around. Jinx's sister was worse though; when she got depressed she would eventually turn violent, as though frustration at her own mental illness would build up until she just exploded and went on a rampage. With Jinx sticking to this sadness, Vi became worried that she might be more alike her sister than either of them had thought, that eventually the sweet little Ally Cat that she knew would turn feral.

Thankfully, the offer of a place in her home seemed to snap Jinx out of whatever darkness was inside her head. " know... You're stuff's already at my place, we're kinda already together." Vi offered a smile, that quickly turned into a frown and furrowed brows as Jinx began to cry. "Hey, what-?" The older woman started but was soon silenced by surprise as Jinx pounced onto her and flung her thin arms around the mechanic's neck. "Hey, hey, don't cry..." Vi's voice was soft, but tinged with nervousness rather than comfort. She didn't really know what to do with people when they cried. You didn't cry in Zaun, you didn't show weakness of any sort in Zaun, so to have Jinx crying into her chest in a sketchy alleyway on the border of Piltover and Zaun really took her aback.

"Well you can't play in the -whole- workshop...and I wish you wouldn't make such horrible food." Vi teased gently as she wrapped her arms around Jinx. "But I'm not going anywhere, okay?" The older woman gently rubbed Jinx's back, trying to soothe her. "Shh... I know you'll be good baby girl... I know..." The 'baby girl' term slipped out naturally because of how Jinx was behaving: like a fragile child that needed taking care of. It wasn't meant in a sexual way, not this a more nurturing way that still satisfied Vi's odd kink. "Just stop crying Ally... everything's okay...we're gonna go home and everything's gonna be fine." A soft kiss was placed at the girl's temple, and Vi grimaced a little bit as she caught the taste of alley dirt and 3 day old sweat. "And I'll draw you a nice warm bath so you can get washed up, then I'll make you something to eat, okay?"

Jinx didn't really seem to want to move her head from Vi's chest, in fact the cop sort of suspected that the girl was dozing a little bit as she kept muttering 'I'll be good'. "Come on...let's go before someone scraps my bike for parts while we're not looking." Vi murmured softly as Jinx's breathing slowed and calmed. Noticing that Jinx was sluggish, and assuming that the girl hadn't eaten anything or slept in a few days, Vi picked her up, cradling her gently in her arms as she walked back to her motorcycle, which thank god was still in one piece. Driving back to the house was a little difficult though because she kept feeling Jinx fall limp behind her. Vi would lean the bike a little bit every time, startling Jinx with the sudden shift so that the girl didn't just fall into a deep sleep and fall right off Vi's bike.


Once they got home, Vi picked Jinx up yet again and carried her into the house, setting her dirty little kitten on the couch. It pained her a little bit to do so, as 'messy' as Vi was, her mess was usually pretty clean - usually just some laundry and mechanical parts...not dirt and grime from the streets. But she let Jinx snooze for a little bit while she drew her a nice warm bath with plenty of bubbles. Once the tub was full, Vi went back out to the living room to gently shake the girl awake. "Come on, it's time to wake up. You need a bath and then you can put on some pajamas, have a snack, then go to sleep, okay?"
Most of the words blurted out by the smaller woman were muffled, whether by her own crying or Vi's neck. The only point that she could really get across in her condition, was that she wanted to be in Vi's life, and would do anything she had to for that to happen. She would be good, no longer doing the things that weren't allowed and being the best little Jinx she could be... She didn't want to be that person if it meant being alone and miserable. Her sister was the perfect example. Jinx's sister was charismatic, beautiful, intelligent, everything Jinx was but a level up, and emotionally mature enough not to come off like a child at first glance. She was also violent, to the point of being ruthless during her bad spells. Some weeks she was fine, almost caring, acting like a real big sister would towards Jinx and making some actual progress in her own life... Then the next week she could be a raging psychopath that hit or sliced whatever got in her way. Jinx wasn't so bad but they had a similar tendency to jump from one track to the next with minimal warning. Jinx didn't want to be like her sister though... Because, unfortunately, her sister enjoyed the down side a little too much, never staying up for very long before finding a way back through the depression and back on the violent high.

Maybe Jinx had been the only reason she ever tried to get better... Jinx liked to think so, liked to think that her sister loved her enough to get her shit together on those rare occasions... But the younger woman had learned long ago that her sister, while important to her, wasn't the role model she should strive to imitate. Vi was. Vi had always been the better influence, the reason she could survive her sister's bad spells and the reason her own had always been mild in comparison... And they were... Together. She said it, and regardless of what she had meant Jinx had heard together in a way that hinted at a relationship, something real. Maybe it was meant a something else, an innocent restatement of the fact that she was staying with Vi, but she chose a more pleasant interpretation... They were together. None of the comforting made her stop crying immediately though, it took some time before she finally calmed down, her sobbing slowly becoming sniffles as she wore herself out, the tanks already on empty after days without nourishment or rest.


Jinx vaguely remembered the trip from the alley to Vi's, but she had only been conscious for bits and pieces, waking up with her body pressed against Vi's, on her bike. It was enough. It showed that Vi cared about her more than she deserved, because if people realized what they were looking at it would be hard to explain away. Yet, still knowing that, Vi had taken her home... Home. She wasn't entirely better but the thoughts of togetherness and home were enough to lift her spirits, enough to jump start her battery and give the usually hyper girl back a bit of her eccentric pep, even if the amount of energy was still tiny. It was enough, enough to make her wake up and look at Vi when the woman attempted to wake her, giving a very gentle smile as she looked into Vi's eyes. "Thank you..." She murmured as she reached out her arms and wrapped them around the bent over Vi, using what little strength she had to pull Vi in for a hug. She didn't say anything else but she let a few final tears roll from her eyes and down her cheeks. She had a home, and she had Vi, it was enough. "Can you carry me in? And wash my hair for me?" She asked, as shy as Jinx could ask anything... And then continued, finally back with some of her usual Jinx form, no moderation. "And can I sleep in one of your shirts..." She wouldn't be Jinx if she didn't have demands, even while she was weak, famished, and exhausted.
Vi was caught speechless as Jinx murmured out a 'thank you'. Manners weren't something that street kids really learned, leaving 'please's and 'thank you's as phrases that were saved for special occasions...or no occasions at all. "You're welcome," the older woman replied as she returned Jinx's hug and gently pat her back. The girl still felt so frail in her arms...without any energy to back up the sinewy, it was easy to notice how scrawny and small Jinx really was. Awareness of the physical vulnerability of Jinx caused Vi to hold the girl just a bit tighter.

"You want me to what?!" The mechanic chuckled and shook her head. Of course Jinx wouldn't hesitate to ask for a bajillion things right off the bat...but rather than say 'no' like she usually would, Vi merely nodded. Her Ally Cat had had a rough few days, the least she could do was pamper her a little bit. Though this will probably come back to bite me in the ass... Ugh...possible repercussions or not, the fact still stood that Jinx was very tired and needed to be helped to the bathtub. So Vi scooped up the smaller woman in her arms and carried her off to the bathroom. Eventually she had to put Jinx down so that she could help the girl out of her clothing, and when she did, Vi tried to keep things as platonic as one could while undressing someone they had slept less than two weeks ago. Roommates could work. Romantic relationships are a fucking minefield.

Once Jinx was undressed, Vi helped the girl into the tub. But rather than climb in with her to wash her hair (which would be inadvisable for more reasons than just her wanting to keep this platonic - ie her strapon was not supposed to be submerged in water), Vi just knelt down next to the tub. She carefully took Jinx's braids out so that she could start shampooing the girl's hair, nails scritching her scalp lightly in an attempt to help her Ally Cat relax.
Jinx had never felt safer than in the moment Vi's arms wrapped around her, the strong woman she had looked up to all of her life was holding her, it was enough to cause the younger girl to relax. Her stiff body felt relief for the first time in days, and she tightened her own hug as much as she could, which wasn't impressive with her current weakness. Her tightest hug was barely noticeable, the strength in her body utterly drained as she finally relaxed, to the point that sitting up would probably be hard, if she wasn't already. Maybe that was exaggeration, but to a street kid that kind of exhaustion was dangerous, it could mean the end if one wasn't careful. But... Jinx wasn't worried, because she wasn't on a street, she wasn't even alone, she had Vi, and no part of her believed Vi would let her get hurt. Perhaps it was naive, the normal Jinx, the girl who had grown up in Zaun, knew that trust was foolish. Even more so, her sister's voice and that of any other Zaun resident, would find humor in the fact that she was placing her trust in a person that should be turning her in... Laughing that the moment the reminiscent feelings wore off that Vi would realize her own lifestyle was most important and find a way to rid herself of the ticking time bomb that was Jinx... Because eventually her being Ally Cat wouldn't be enough. Yet, she didn't even flinch. She trusted Vi.

Jinx didn't say anything else after Vi agreed to her willfulness, only giving a small smile, mostly to herself, and hanging on to Vi's neck as she was scooped up and carried to the tub. Ugh, a bath... She wanted a shower... It was easier. Standing would be difficult though, perhaps a bath was the only option. At least it was warm, and Vi was there watching over her. For once Jinx was content, not shooting Vi any looks or making playful comments or advances, but getting undressed, getting into the tub, and letting herself relax. She dropped her guard. Well, she didn't make any intentional sexy sounds or advances, she couldn't help it if she let out a pleased purr as her hair was let down and her scalp scritched. Jinx even pushed her head up into the pleasant touch, rubbing gently against Vi's hand, it was instinctual. In that moment her eyes were closed and a light smile began to rise on her lips.

Aside from pleased moans and purrs from a content Ally Cat, Jinx was well-behaved, even recovering as much as was possible in the limited time she she arrived at Vi's. Her mood had improved somewhat, she was clearly enjoying her bath, and being clean in general, and she continued to think about the things Vi had said and her actions, unable to stop a joyful expression from exploding on her features when she looked over at the older woman. It would have continued too, if exhaustion didn't trump joy. By the middle of her snack she was dozing off, heavy lids closing and her body jerking each time, jolting her away just to repeat the process of trying to eat and be awake, and failing each time. At some point during that Vi decided it was time for bed, and she once against helped Jinx move, taking her to the bedroom and lying her down on the bed.

Despite being out of it, Jinx was still alert enough to see Vi begin to turn around after laying her on the bed. Her hand reached out, grabbing at Vi's clothes as her little eyes looked up at her, sleepiness evident but a certain desperateness shining through the fog of utter exhaustion. "Don't leave me Vi..." She muttered, barely audible as she let out a little yawn, her tiny hand still gripping at Vi's clothing even as the young thing let her eyes drift closed once again. She didn't want Vi to go, and who was Vi to refuse her Ally Cat? Especially when she hadn't even been able to convince her to put on real pajamas, and instead given in and brought her a Vi shirt, her favorite oversized sleep garment. So there she was, half-asleep, hair down, nothing but a large shirt covering her lithe form, and a tiny, fragile hand gripping as hard as the current her could manage... Vi could leave, she would still fall asleep, but Jinx wanted nothing but Vi's presence by her side, one last comfort to help her get a restful night's sleep.
Vi let her mind wander as she got lost in the monotonous task of washing Jinx's hair and cleansing the girl from the remnants of the streets of Zaun. Never in a million years would she have thought this scene would ever play out: Jinx naked, in her home, taking a bath and moving in for an indefinite time. Jinx and her hadn't been exactly close when they were kids, so ending up as roommates now had been pretty far-fetched. Yeah, Jinx had been in Vi's workshop almost every single day, annoying the shit out of the gang mechanic/leader; but the two of them hadn't really least Vi hadn't. Their relationship had been very one-sided back in the day. Now, it was approaching something more towards equal as Vi -allowed- the stray Ally Cat into her home.

Of course Ally was adorable as she hummed and sighed and purred, and it was nice for Vi to have someone to take care of...but this girl really was a danger to the cop's current lifestyle. As sweet as Jinx could be when she was occupied, when the girl was bored she was an absolute nuisance. Case in point was her long criminal record: Unprovoked Assault, Disturbing the Peace, Public Indecency, Unauthorized Property Recoloration, Unflattering Impersonation of an Officer, Reckless Hexplosive Detonation, Destruction of the Peace, Really Petty Larceny, Exorbitant Weapon Size, Inciting Mass Hysteria, Making Fun of the Peace, Aggravated Jaywalking, and Forging of Official Wanted Posters. If anyone figured out where the girl was, she would be taken away to a Piltover prison and Vi would probably be joining her for harboring such a dangerous fugitive. Taking Jinx into her home was probably the worst thing Vi could have done to her professional career...and yet she did it anyways because the cop still held the core values of a gang member: this gang is your family, you take care of family.

"There we go. You look a little less like hell at least." Vi smiled a bit now that Jinx was all cleaned up. She helped the girl get rinsed off and then scooped her up in a towel. Then it was off to the bedroom for a nice big pajama shirt that Jinx looked absolutely ridiculous in. When Caitlyn had stolen her shirts, it had been kinda sexy to see the taller woman slightly dwarfed in something Vi owned. But having Jinx in one of her shirts just made the cop chuckle softly and shake her head. "Nice...real nice." Jinx was so short and so skinny that Vi's shirt ended up going down to her knees and her sleeves nearly touched her elbows. But, wearing it seemed to make the girl happy, so Vi couldn't argue. She helped her little Ally Cat off to the kitchen and had her sit down in the breakfast nook. The cop didn't bother taking time to make her something new, so just heated up some leftovers really quick so Jinx could at least get something into her body to help recharge it. The poor girl was exhausted though, nearly falling into her food a few times. Though Vi would have liked her to eat some more, she decided to call it. "Alright. How about we get you to bed?" It wasn't much of a question as she bent over to pick Jinx up and carried her towards the bedroom. Vi laid her down and pulled the comforter over her, then turned to leave...only to be grasped by a weak hand.

"I'm not leaving...I'll just be in the other room." Vi murmured softly, to which she got a crinkled brow and sleepy frown in response. With a sigh and a great deal of reluctance, she then amended. "Just let me change..." Vi left for just a moment, just long enough to put on a pair of shorts and a tank top. Then she slid into bed next to Jinx, after a long day of searching for her lost Ally Cat, she was pretty tired herself and could use a nap.
Jinx didn't have any problems sleeping, which was unusual for her. Even when she was with Vi she would wake up every once in awhile, at least to go and crawl into Vi's arms on the couch. So when she woke up to what was clearly morning time her first thought was that her exhaustion had caused a great mishap of her not sleeping with Vi, only to start to move and reach up to rub the sleep from her eyes and realize that her body was so tangled up with the older woman that just moving an arm had been risky. It was at that moment that she was thoroughly awakened, eyes staring at the gorgeous face that was inches away from her own. Well, the side of it was. Jinx, like a tiny monkey, had entangled herself around Vi, going from that last image of grabbing at her clothes to having her legs wrapped around one of Vi's, and each arm threaded through a different opening. The upside? She felt terrific. Clearly she had slept well despite the two becoming one scenario playing out... And Vi had stayed. Vi had decided to be with her all night... Progress!

Jinx was feeling more... Jinx... Or maybe more Ally Cat? They were different personalities to be sure. Ally Cat was energetic and annoying, but she was sweet and caring as well, more mischievous than anything else. Jinx was... Violent, destructive, and while she didn't find pleasure in hurting people, at least not compared to her older sister role model, she was a burden to everyone around her. She liked the name Jinx, but there was a lot of negative associated with her current persona. Vi was looking past it to an extent though, taking care of her and coming to find her... It was special, and regardless of which name she used she believed Vi would treat her the same. Jinx... She wanted that, Vi's attention and care, and waking up beside her was a nice bump to her mood, making the smaller girl smile and nuzzle Vi affectionately, another thank you resounding in her head, even if she left it unspoken. Jinx knew how she could get, if it weren't for Vi finding her and taking care of her... Well, she probably would have stayed in that alley until she passed out, or ended up back in Zaun with her sister, being told that she belonged there, with her family, with the gang.

Jinx didn't entirely disagree with that, she cared for the gang and her family, but a tiny part of her had followed Vi, after a kernel of happiness she had in her mind, an imagined life that actually made her smile, allowed a light to shine at the end of some cliche tunnel. She was finding it... And that was enough to keep her sane. So for awhile she stayed still, watching Vi sleep, admiring the beauty that was often hidden by Vi's attitude and choice of clothing... And fat robot hands... Looking at the woman she had admired for years. Vi really was gorgeous. She had amazing curves, tone, and soft skin where it counters... A charming face... Even her calloused hands were sexy to a hextech junky like Jinx... Yeah, she was a strange little thing. Strange enough to go from being a catatonic mess the day before, to a weak, fragile thing last night, to a still rather weak, but very... Jinx like thing that morning. Yeah, her personality was settled back down, and the moment she finished staring like a little voyeuristic creeper she untangled herself and slid her entire body underneath the covers, almost giggling to herself as she thought up the words blanket shark.

Blanket shark, it wasn't funny as merely a name, it was funny because Jinx's mind went right to, Every blanket shark needs liquid to survive. And there it was, going from catatonic, to weak and needy, to voyeuristic and thankful, straight back to playful and naughty... Like it was normal. Yep, normal, that and Jinx just didn't work. Normal enough to realize she finally had Vi in the bed with her, sleeping peacefully and taking a step forward, and immediately go from that to sneaking under the sheets and between Vi's legs, using her dexterity to move Vi without waking her up, drag her panties down, and delve between her legs... Because yeah, boundaries are for losers and Jinx was no loser! She needed a poster that said that... Put it on the workshop... Or inside next to the cores. More important things! Important because Vi was without her harness, and that opened brand new doors to the curious little Jinx, who spared no effort in leaning down and sliding her tongue across Vi's sex, a giddy grin on her face as she did.
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