Don't Jinx Me! (ClearSight x Javorcek)


Sep 20, 2013
United States
“Hahaha, burn, burn!” Jinx laughed maniacally as she crouched over a rat in the alleyway, magnifying glass in her hand, positioned over the creature in an attempt to use the power of the sun to create one of her favorite things, fire. It wasn’t a well thought out plan, and it wasn’t going to work no matter how long she waited, but even knowing that she still put on a pout as no signs of smoke rose into the air. “Boooooo” she whined, narrowing her eyes in concentration as she willed it to happen, spontaneous combustion or some freak accident the top of her list of hopes. Alas, nothing. It didn’t matter, it wasn’t the main point of her day, only a tiny distraction as she waited for her latest game of cat and mouse to begin, the rat her practice run for her role of cat in a sense. Yep, she had a plan, another of her dastardly plots to throw Piltover into chaos.

BOOM! A loud explosion shook the city, Jinx looking up from her hidden position in the dark alley and grinning as wide as she could. That explosion was precisely Vi’s favorite donut shop, closed of course because as psychotic as Jinx could be at times she had yet to cross that particular line… She knew well enough that her reign of good times could only continue as long as she didn’t do a select few things. Besides, the rift had soured her towards a great deal of things, and revealed the lack of joy that came with killing… And the pain of death. Jinx shivered, her grin turning to a snarl as she thought about it, thought about the fucked up little game they were being used in, like fucking puppets. The only thing was… Losing meant more dying,

Jinx shook her head rapidly, as if emptying her head of such useless thoughts, focusing back to the matter at hand. “Heh, time to go.” She chuckled, eyes shining brightly as she watched the smoke rise into the night’s sky. “Burn… Burn… Hahahah” She muttered to herself as she dashed out of the alley and grabbed a can of spray paint, turning to the wall and doing a quick rendition of “Vi’s Head” and put, ‘Dear Fat Hands, you have been gaining some weight, I took it upon myself to eliminate your biggest temptation. –Jinx” and then, in an even more grand a fashion, while everyone around her took off in horror after realizing who she was, she set up a little stationary cannon. She aimed it into the air, loaded it with a special little rocket, and shot it into the air directly above herself, just to give away her position.

Jinx didn’t run though, for two reasons. One, running before Vi arrived was boring, boooooring. Two, she had to see her work in action! Boom! Another loud sound as the rocket exploded, lighting up the night’s sky with color and a peculiar image, the firework like blast imprinting Jinx’s face in the sky, a clear provocation, ‘It was me!’. Jinx clapped her hands together and swooned, it was brilliant, and it wouldn’t be long before Vi arrived, she always came as quick as she could when Jinx was involved. Not that they had similar motives… Jinx had been rather obsessed with Vi since she was 12, enamored with the criminal side of Vi that had shined with such charisma… Even now her brand of crime was pointed towards Vi, though it was more out of disappointment that Miss Fat Hands had sold out.

That wasn’t the point though, the point was, Vi didn’t even remember who the hell she was, or seem to. The annoying kid from back then, the one she had turned down, it was Jinx! She had grown taller, gained a few tattoos, and her skill with everything weapon had grown substantially… And maybe she had given in to her manic side a bit more, but she was still irritated about not being recognized. As she waited Jinx contemplated a few things, spinning her ingenious little pistol in her hand, the electric based weapon able to slow anyone it hit, if it hit. The damn thing was kind of obvious, a pink little line showing up as she charged it, fucking ion bullshit, she needed to fix that. Oh well, it was still a fun toy! Jinx started to pout though, where was Vi? “Hurry hurry…. I’m booooored Vi.” She whined, tilting her head back and sighing with an exaggerated huff following suit.
“You should have seen this Teemo. I mean, why does anyone even bother summoning THE most useless Yordle?”

“Mhmm” Jayce hummed, half listening, as he adjusted the laser sight on Caitlyn's scope.

“Seriously he just ran around in circles, throwing mushrooms.”

“Uh huh.”

“Are you even listening?!?!” Vi huffed, already annoyed that they had lost a match on the Fields of Justice due to the stupidity of a Teemo who couldn't fucking watch his fucking stay alive to that uppity bitch Fiora. UGH! She hated snooty Demacians! Hated losing to them even more when she had wrecked so many of their faces...only to have her and the rest of the team's efforts be shot to hell by a stupid scout with a fucking blow gun. Seriously, who brings a blowgun to sword fight fight? “Now the Demacians can come over and mine whatever essences they wanted from Piltover's section of the Ironspike Mountains and Bandle City's section of the Sablestone Mountains. Don't you even care?!” Despite all her bitching about the decision, she guessed that the Fields of Justice were a better way to resolve these matters than all out war. (War was what had made her into an orphan after all.) But it was still infuriating to lose and then have to sit around while uptight Demacians came over here to mine her essences and hang out in her city and cause issues that she would have to respond to as an officer of the law for the next month.

Ugh, and Jayce didn't even care! So now she was EVEN MORE annoyed that she couldn't even vent down at the station because Caitlyn was somewhere doing something stupid (probably ticketing some poor bastard for jaywalking) and Jayce was here being a sheriff suck-up by modding one of Cupcake's rifles. “What on Valoran are you even doing over there, pretty boy?” Vi looked up from her own workbench where she had been cleaning her gauntlets to see what Jayce was doing and sure enough, the inventor/deputy was about to do something incredibly stupid. “Hey, you're going to blow the transformer if you turn that energy output up any higher.”

“Look, Vi. I know you're a top notch mechanic, but when it comes to arcane-” A sudden flash of light an and angry crackle of electricity, followed by the acrid smell of smoke let Jayce know that he had indeed blown the small transformer that was converting the arcane energy into hextech energy.

“And that's why I don't mess around with that arcane garbage. Good ol' hextech engineering is enough for me.” Vi grinned smugly as she looked at a soot-covered Jayce. Silly snooty Jayce thinking he knew better than her!

“You know many hextech inventions have arcane power sources-” Jayce grumbled and began to argue as he wiped his face on the sleeve of his uniform.

[“Standby Piltover PD”] The radio crackled to life with the tinny voice of the dispatcher and both of them fell silent to listen to the pager go off with its whistles and beeps before the voice continued. [“Piltover PD, please respond to the Fried and Frosted for a structure fire. Fire and ambulance services have already been dispatched. Be advised, arson suspect has been sighted on the scene and is armed. I repeat, suspect is armed.”]

“When I find out who the hell blew up the Fried and Frosted...” Vi narrowed her eyes and pulled on her gauntlets. Even though the gloves were huge, she had worn them enough to have enough dexterity to operate her radio. [“PD-5 En Route. ETA 10 minutes.”]

[“PD-1 En route. ETA 20 minutes.] a brief pause and then Caitlyn's staticy voice came in again. [“PD-1 to PD-5, wait for me, you will need back-up.”]

[“I've got it, Cupcake; I'm my own backup.”] And with that, Vi clipped her radio to her belt and turned it down because Caitlyn would give her an earful about not 'going by the books'. Then she rushed out to the garage for her motorcycle, slid her goggles over her eyes, and kicked the beast of a machine to life so that she could speed off to the fire.


Vi had long outrun Jayce (her bike was a hell of a lot better for weaving in and out of traffic and taking shortcuts down alleyways than his squad car) and so arrived at the scene first. Her face fell as she saw the black plumes of smoke rise up from the building.

“Vi!” The fire chief waved her down and jogged up to her. “Hey, Vi. No one was in the building when it blew. But here, come look at this.”And then he lead her to one of the walls that was still left standing, one that had a cartoony looking picture of her drawn out, with a brief message.

“FAT HANDS?!?!?!” Vi roared as she charged up and swung, knocking a hole clear through the offending part of the wall. “When I get my hands on that brat, I'll show her fat hands!”


The sound of a rocket going off kept Vi from destroying any more private property and making an already bad situation worse. “See ya, Chief.” Vi darted away, off towards where she had seen the rocket shoot up from: not even a block away and down a small alley where she knew Jinx would be waiting for her, but this time she wasn't going to let the criminal escape. Blowing up her favorite doughnut shop had been the last straw!
Waiting for Vi was the most boring thing Jinx could imagine, so dreadful, she hated it! Okay, it wasn’t so bad but she quickly started entertaining herself, and when Vi finally showed up she was leaning against the brick wall and checking on her fingernails. With her thumb still pressed up against her lips she smiled, a bright almost cute smile, and she started shaking from excitement. “Vi! Over here!” She jumped up and waved her hand, looking more like a teenage girl excited for a date than a criminal who had just burned down a donut shop. It was exciting though! Vi’s arrival meant the chase was on, and for a boring place like Piltover the only forms of entertainment were her own rampages and Vi’s attention. Her mind made police chase into something much stranger.

Knowing Vi wouldn’t disappoint her Jinx grinned and shot off another rocket she had prepared, sending it up and watching the words ‘Catch me if you can, Fat Hands!’ before turning around and taking off. A girl needed a head start after all. It wasn’t going to be like usual though, Jinx didn’t want to just run, she wanted to get something akin to a victory. Jinx wanted Vi to not only fail to catch her but be the one captured. She didn’t think any of it through, even her plan was a flimsy joke, but she was determined and was already reaching for her pistol, spinning it around as she looked back to see if Vi was in hot pursuit… She was.

“Hehe, don’t be mad Vi, you should avoid being a donut loving cop cliché anyways!” she laughed, amused by her own reasoning before stopping in her tracks, giving Vi a little wink, and firing the pistol, a small trail of pink ions illuminating the alleyway before a shot was fired. Jinx didn’t wait around for the results, turning around and dashing off towards stage two of her grand plan. Stage one, blow shit up and lure Vi, stage two was just as simple, lead Vi to the trap she had the utmost confidence in! It was comprised of a few nets, some zappy stuff, and a few other weapons she could build but not explain.

It wasn’t easy, but Jinx was so happy about what she imagined was going to happen she didn’t give it a second thought, even ignoring the fact that between her and Vi she was the slower person, she always relied on her toys and the incredible adrenaline rush, and more toys. “Hey Vi…” She spoke as she ran, turning around with pistol in hand again and fired the freshly charged weapon at a Vi that was much closer than expected. Instead of getting nervous or scowling she grinned from ear to ear, exciting! Vi was the only loser that could keep up with her. Yeah, loser equaled cop in her mind. “Present!” She laughed, her hand reaching down and tossing out a set of traps, attempting to snare Vi and gain some distance, and using the zap of her pistol to make it harder for the silly copper to dodge. “Hehe, better keep up!” She teased, turning and popping into a building to the side. Just a few more blocks… And the building was the quickest shortcut.
It didn't take long before Vi heard a "Vi! Over here!" followed by the impatient sounds of a little kid jumping around. Sure enough, there was Jinx, hopping about and flapping her arms excitedly. What the flying fuck is wrong with her? It would be almost cute if the criminal wasn't such a complete and utter pain in the ass. Me as a cliche. Hrrmph! "Grrrrrr. If I want your opinion, I'll beat it out of you." Vi growled as she approached, only to see Jinx' ion pistol pointed towards her. She quickly moved to side step the shot, but in the small alleyway, she ended up getting clipped by the bolt of ions anyways. As soon as it connected, the officer felt her left side go tingly and numb, like the words fucking pins and needles ever. The numbness in her side impeded her movement, but not enough so that the stubborn cop was frozen in place. She forced her body forward in pursuit of the little arson, unwilling to let her favorite doughnut shop die in vain.

"Go on Jinx! Resist arrest! See what happens." The cop barked. Caitlyn had made it very clear that she wasn't supposed to use 'excessive force', not until the last complaint against her blew over. But obviously the sheriff would have to see her side when she was obviously in pursuit of an armed and dangerous psychopath who just happened to keep a bunch of stupid hextech chompers on her at all times. "Fuck!" Vi snarled as one of the mindlessly snapping mechanical snares caught her boot.

This alley was really starting to piss her off, there was nowhere for her to move! "That's it! I'm done being Ms. Nice Guy" As much as she loved to punch things, even she felt bad throwing a swing at a girl half her size like Jinx. Still, she was sick of this tiny alleyway bullshit and this annoying chomper attached to her boot. Unwilling to 'play by the books' any longer, Vi quickly flipped a few switches in her glove to turn on the guidance system and lock on to Jinx. Right before the girl could disappear from her line of sight, Vi engaged the gauntlets' tracking. Blue and white energy poured out of the vents along the sides of her gloves, propelling her forward at a steadily increasing velocity (even though she was knocking trashcans and dumpsters to the side and breaking a few windows in the process).

Once the gauntlets had put her within range of Jinx, she uppercutted the girl to stop her forward movement. With well practiced precision she switched their direction mid-air and forced them both downwards, smashing Jinx into the ground and forcing her gauntlets to shut off in the process. "That's it Jinx!" Vi snapped as she grabbed the wounded girl by the arms and hauled her up. Ugh, she could already see the trail of destruction around them...most of it had been Jinx's fault...kinda... Cupcake's going to have my head for least I finally caught Jinx. "You're going away for a long time." Vi growled as she held the girl by both her arms, keeping them pinned to her sides so that she couldn't reach for more weapons.
“Oooo, so scary, but you have to catch me first.” Jinx giggled excitedly, enjoying every moment of the adrenaline high Vi was providing her. “Hahaha. Piltover’s dumbest chasing me down the street, F-A-I-L-I-N-G to catch me, to catch me.” Jinx had a decent singing voice, but her self-made lyrics left much to be desired, the young little terrorist absolutely committed to making every move and word a shot at Vi. She wanted her chaser to be nice and agitated, because the more irritated Vi became the more fun Jinx would have! Probably. There was also the chance that pissing her off meant that she would try extra hard, but even then Jinx found it more appealing than the alternative of not trying hard enough, an adrenaline junky needed a challenge.

Upon hearing Vi curse Jinx turned around, a bright smile on her face before she turned and shook her butt at Vi, “Poor little loser, are you ready to cry?” She asked, giggling as her unlimited source of manic energy bubbled over. Right up until the point she stopped and genuinely burst out laughing, “Wait… Ms… Nice… GUY!? Hahahahahaha, are you a tranny?” She asked with a fit of uproarious laughter, steadying herself using the wall, barely able to stay on her feet as she thought about it, much more amused than she should have been given the situation. She only stopped when she noticed blue flame coming out of Vi’s gauntlets, a soft gasp escaping her mouth as she gave one last laugh and attempted to flee around the corner, dashing off and tossing a few more toys backwards in an attempt to stop Vi in her tracks.

“Oh wooooow!” She exclaimed, not panicking, even as she was given a painful uppercut and smashed into the ground by the much larger woman. “Awwwww… Ouch.” She murmured, pouting now that she was caught, but finding the sensation of Vi pinning her down quite arousing. She grinned soon after, going from disappointed back to excited at a pace on Jinx could manage. “So scared… Pinned down by fat hands…” She stuck her tongue out and gave her a playful look. Jinx had never been scared of getting caught, for two reasons. One, prison life wasn’t worse than growing up as a street urchin in Zaun, in fact it was nicer in Piltover, she could do worse. Two, she would escape. Three, she was a league of legends chosen one, which was a bunch of bullshit but gave her privileges, including making it difficult to keep her locked up even if she did happen to be caught. Not that she believed their game was over… She didn’t think that at all.

Vi yanked her up and Jinx let out an excited giggle, as if she wasn’t aware that she was under arrest but was instead about to be spun around in circles or pushed down on a bed. Jinx looked into Vi’s eyes, her own full of energy as she smiled at the woman. Then, suddenly, she leaned forward and did the most random thing she could think of, and what she had wanted to do more than anything since she was a young girl following after VI’s footsteps in Zaun… She kissed her. It wasn’t a, ‘I’m Jinx and this is today’s random act!’ kiss either, it was passionate, and she even let out a small moan before pulling back and grinning at her captor like an idiot, an almost innocent look on her face.
"Oh you should definitely be scared." Vi smirked, practically daring Jinx to resist arrest further so that she'd have a reason to pummel the suspect to a bloody pulp. Vi -hated- people who used guns and tech to fight from a distance. Such tactics were cowardly in her eyes and meant that such people employing them deserved a good pounding. This wasn't the first time the two of them had been this close to one another (though usually there was a cluster fuck of other people ganged up around them); Vi had tracked down this little brat many times on the Fields of Justice.

"League of Legends champion or not, you're not special, Jinx. You're gonna to spend all of your free time in a jail cell rather than harassing the people of Piltover from now on." Vi's eyes hardened as she looked down at Jinx with all the authority she possessed, making her look like a true officer of the law for once...rather than the destructive vigilante with a badge that most of Piltover saw her as. But still, her authority had no effect on the little psychopath who was smiling up at her as though Vi had just praised her for what a good girl she had been. Well, maybe a reading of her rights and the charges against her would help the criminal take things more seriously. "Jinx, you're under arrest for reckless hexplosive detonation, arson, the unflattering impersonation of an offi-" Vi was abruptly cut off her long list of charges speech by soft lips pressing against her own.

She froze, absolutely stunned. This wasn't just a little peck on the lips to throw her off her game, no, Jinx's lips were warm and soft, her tongue was playful as it slipped past Vi's slackjawed mouth to explore. It was actually kind of nice...freakily of the best kisses she had ever had and Vi had barely done a damn thing because she was too surprised to move!

"What the hell...?" Vi blinked and tried to pull herself together. Right as she did though, the sound of sirens blaring and squad cars speeding down a nearby road made her turn her head and lose focus. By the time she looked back, Jinx had slipped right through her hextech gauntlets and was gone.
The list of charges being levied against her was cracking Jinx up, each charge floating through her mind, replaying like it had just happened and cracking her up. Good times. Jinx didn’t let the list continue, the idea of kissing Vi had taken priority over everything else, and when she noticed Vi seemed to like it she only intensified the locking of lips, letting her playful tongue go out and explore, it was perfect. Okay, not perfect, if she had set up some explosions to go off in the middle of it that would have been spectacular. Yeah! Explosions, or at least something more exciting than a simple kiss, but at least she finally had her chance. Vi… Vi… She would usual say it stood for stupid, mock her, but not right then, Vi was her fucking obsession, from day one. Vi had been the reason she left Zaun, why she chose Piltover, why she did a lot of things.

Jinx wasn’t going to let her obsession ruin her fun though, she got her kiss in and then took Vi’s confusion to slip out of her hands and slip away, giggling as she took off. “See ya later Fat Hands!” Okay, she couldn’t resist, angry Vi was cute. Vi wouldn’t be able to catch up again, not after using her trump card, especially with Jinx quickly making it to the ambush and bypassing it. Even if Vi caught up she would be kept in check until the trickster was long gone. “Heh…” She felt great, and her heart was beating so rapidly… It was a rush.

Jinx managed to calm herself down a bit after getting back to her hideout, after a quick victory dance, the abandoned warehouse repurposed by Jinx to be the ultimate workshop. She stayed in the open area of the large warehouse, the very middle of the large open room containing a few tables with a massive amount of items and tools, for both mere entertainment and fooling around with her weapons. There was also a ton of her original artwork all over the walls, most featuring her, some sort of catch phrase she was playing with, or Vi. Her bed, which was a glorified name for the tiny stuffed mattress in the corner, had a ton of colorful pillows and a gorgeous comforter, but was also covered in tools and components. What there wasn’t? Trash. She was cluttered but it was all tools and parts, it was very clean otherwise.

For the next few days Jinx got by adjusting her gear and screwing around. However, there were plenty of times she would just start giggling as she thought about Vi and the look on her face after the kiss… And the moments where she would suddenly blush or chew on her lip as she thought about how it felt to kiss her childhood crush. The most normal Jinx was her by herself, where she could focus and didn’t put on a show. She was still energetic to the degree of being manic, and random, and weird, but Jinx was more than that… Maybe.

“Guh! Fishbones! I’m going to replace you if you don’t start working properly! Stupid gun.” Jinx was looking at her rocket launcher with her eyes narrowed, a bit sleepy and irritated about the difficulty she was having with her favorite weapon. With a huff she turned a few bolts, the gun finally activating properly and making her smile. “Good.” She yawned, stretching her arms behind her head, her lithe body going straight before she bent her back over the chair she was in. Jinx always looked a little sleep deprived, but she usually was. “Sleep…” She murmured, “Then mayhem.” She sang the last bit, a small excited, but tired giggle. She needed to get out and play, she just needed a little nap…
"Son of a bitch!" Vi hissed and stomped her foot in agitation. Gah! How could she be so stupid and let Jinx get away?! She shook her head, trying to clear it of all the warm fuzziness that Jinx had put there with just a kiss. How had that little sneak distracted her like that?!?! Because you haven't gotten laid in forever, stupid. Well, yeah, that was probably it. Her last girlfriend had been Caitlyn and that whole matter had gone up in flames after Ms. Prissy Pants made it clear that she wasn't going to come out of the closet to her parents. It was a shame...Caitlyn was actually a lot of fun behind closed doors when she stopped trying to keep up appearances and was herself for once. But that whole mess had been declared over months ago...even though they were kind of on again off again still.

"Vi! Where is the suspect?" Caitlyn called out as she approached, gun drawn, sweeping the area like a good cop...and then there was Jayce behind her, following the sheriff like a lost puppy like he always did.

"Got away...slipped around the corner and my tracking lost her." Yeah, not going to admit that I had her and then let her go like a dumbass.

"She got away?" Caitlyn stared at her in disbelief. "You caused all this...this destruction." The sheriff motioned at the building and towards the alleyway. "And let her get away?"

"Yup. So I guess you can just have the department put it on my tab." Vi rolled her eyes and started to walk back towards the doughnut shop. Yeah, she had caused a little destruction, but in her mind a few broken walls and damaged property was small price to pay for saved lives. Granted, Jinx had gotten away this time...but Vi was sure to catch her next time.


A tip had led Vi to an abandoned warehouse that was too close to the Zaun border for Vi's liking...but she responded to it anyways. Jinx had been sighted in the area and Vi wasn't going to let the girl get away this time. As she hid her motorcycle and then began to walk through the decrepit industrial area, Vi was reminded her of her childhood. The young girl had frequented abandoned industrial areas on the outskirts of Piltover many times as a kid in order to strip down any left over tech and parts she could find. Selling 'rescued' parts had been enough to keep her alive when she was fact she couldn't remember a time in her life when she hadn't been working with hextech in order to get by (not like she could remember much of her early childhood anyways...all she could remember was being scared of bombings during the Piltover War and a person... a shadowy face, one covered in blood and dirt, either a father or older brother telling her to run). Her innate ability as a mechanic had gotten her picked up by a gang when she was older...but gang life wasn't for her. The protection was great and stealing machinery was fine, but when the cost of that machinery was another person's life, Vi couldn't bring herself to be that cold hearted.

She knew what it was like to have her family taken away, even if she couldn't remember that family very clearly, she wasn't willing to do that to anyone else.

That was why Jinx had to be stopped. Jinx was insane, dangerous, and constantly blowing shit was a wonder that no one had been killed yet. The girl had to be stopped and she had to be stopped now, search warrants, back up, and permission be damned. Vi didn't feel bad that she wasn't doing this operation 'by the books' like Caitlyn would want. The sheriff's method for justice took too damn long and there was waaaayyyyyy too much paperwork involved. This was easier. All she had to do was get in, get Jinx, then go soon as she figured out what wall would be best to knock down first to get this show on the road.

Vi circled the abandoned warehouse, trying to get a feel for the space she was dealing with. It was a huge, rusting, rundown eyesore that she couldn't believe hadn't been demolished yet. Plants and trees seemed to slowly be overtaking it...maybe the idea had been to let it go back into nature rather than waste tax dollars on a demolition; it was on the outskirts of the city after all, few people had to see it. Unfortunately all the doors were shut and all the windows were either boarded up with plywood or too high up for her to get a look inside...but she supposed that wasn't the worst thing. Those two features meant that this place probably just had one central room with a bunch of small rooms/offices near the front door.

Common sense dictated that Jinx would be in one of the smaller rooms...after all, what kind of normal human would want to stay in a giant, presumably empty room all by themselves? But Jinx is a nutjob so she's probably in the main room doing whatever it is that she does when she's not being a pain in my ass. With that in mind, Vi chose a wall that was near what she thought was the back door, charging up her gauntlet and letting a hard punch fly. A section of the wall that was big enough for her to easily walk through exploded forward and she stepped inside, arms up and on guard...only to find herself in what looked like a...bedroom? Not a bedroom, just a bed with neon bright pillows and a comforter...and a picture on the nightstand. Vi froze immediately recognizing herself in the picture. She was younger, a lot younger... 16, maybe? It must have been taken before she got her gauntlets, she looked so scrawny, so yeah, around 16. And there was another girl hanging off of her...a hyper little thing with choppy black hair and bright green eyes. Vi remembered the girl, Ally, she thought her name was, from when she had run with her old gang.
Jinx felt out of sorts the days following her little spurt of forwardness. Vi had always been an obsession for Jinx, ever since she was a young girl. Back then, Vi was the charismatic gang boss, young but talented. She was smart, tough, and unlike all of the other people out there she was a decent person. She didn't hurt people for the sake of it, she didn't get worked up over someone's affiliation with a different gang, and she wouldn't be harsh to someone like Jinx... Who was or did all of the things Vi stood against. As a young girl, around the age of 12, Jinx never actually knew how old she was, she had been... Alone. She was part of a gang but it was a nasty gang, one she was in only to survive. She did what she was told for food and a place to get away from the cold, desolate streets of Zaun's slum, which was larger than the wealthy area of the city by a large margin. Jinx didn't know any better, and she was often in trouble with people, her eccentric personality starting off early and bringing a lot of trouble her way. Vi had been the first person that was different. She would get angry but not violent, and sometimes she would smile... It was so warm. She always told Jinx to leave but never forced her to, and she had inadvertently introduced Jinx to hextech, leading to the budding weapon smith she currently was. Vi had been a big part of her life.

Vi didn't remember Jinx though, because Jinx was not the little girl she knew, the little girl had been Allison, or Ally Cat, Vi's little irritating nickname. She had hated both her real name and the nickname, and Vi had used that to tease her constantly, repaying Jinx's manic energy and constant pranks with 'Ally Cat' this and 'Ally Cat' that. Jinx... Who she was now, Vi didn't know her. Vi's memories, if Jinx had been worth remembering to Vi, would be as a young girl with black hair and green eyes that clung to her constantly. It wasn't a fun thought and Jinx had been down about it for days, even forgetting to go out and be a menace while she sulked and pouted over her weapons, not even having the energy to tinker. That had lasted for long enough, Jinx suddenly rising from her slump and smiling widely, she was going to make a trip right into the border of Zaun to a great little restaurant. It was actually a cover for an assassin's den, but the food was amazing, and they served just about anything. Jinx went there for noodles, the homemade deliciousness more than her measly cooking skills could hope to compare to, even the sauce was heavenly. So she made the trip, skipping in and out of the building full of murderers and leaving with noodles and a smile on her face.

By the time she got back to her warehouse it was early evening, and while there was still some light out it wasn't much. Only... That wasn't what caught Jinx's eye, but instead it was the hole in the wall that made her stop in her tracks and tilt her head to the side. Now that was a thinker... Did one of her weapons go off without her or was it Vi? Because aside from her there was only one other individual who went through walls instead of through doors.... Vi. The very idea made her brighten up. She wasn't scared or nervous that she had been found, Jinx had never really tried to hide anyways, an abandon building was just closer to her Zaun homeland than anything else. No, she was more thrilled than anything, walking quickly towards the broken wall with a mouth full of noodles and poking her head in.

Vi! Vi was there and she looked irritated, maybe? It was hard to tell with her sometimes, but usually when they were both in close proximity, irritated was a given. Jinx on the other hand looked like a kid on Christmas, a mouth full of noodles and a wide grin making the entire scene look ridiculous. "Wi, hwat a wou doin here" barely audible with the food in her mouth, and seeming to realize she made no sense Jinx frowned and slurped the noodles hanging out of her mouth down, wiped her lips, and then looked back to Vi with a stupid grin. "Vi! What are you doing here?" Delusional, well not really, she was well aware of what Vi would be doing there and her own actions and the consequences, she just chose to ignore reality for the more fun version, Jinxality, where only her perspective mattered. "Noodles?" She suddenly offered, holding an entire bag full of several orders of delicious noodles, "Can have dinner with me!" She jumped in place excitedly, as if her energy had just exploded with the idea of having dinner with Vi, causing her to jump and then dash over to one of the tables full of spare parts and shove all of them off onto the floor, putting the noodles down and running to grab another chair.
Back in the day, Vi only had two rules with her gang: don’t kill anybody and don’t steal from poor people. The ‘don’t kill anybody’ thing was mostly for her gang’s protection; police investigate a lot more thoroughly when there’s a murder involved. Plus, kill the wrong person and you might start a gang war, so it was best to just avoid murder all together. They carried weapons and had traps around their base for protection, sure, they weren’t stupid, but most of the shitty little hextech weaponry they were outfitted with had stun features. The ‘don’t steal from poor people’ rule was mostly to satisfy her own conscience (which was extraordinarily rare for a gang boss). The street urchins of Zaun had enough trouble to deal with without fighting eachother for scraps.

The kids from other gangs would come and go between their homes and her workshop because a lot of them wanted to learn from her. She didn’t mind it…usually. Most of the kids were quiet and just liked to watch her tinker for the sake of something to do. But there was one kid, Ally, who would always be over her shoulder, chattering away, asking a bajillion questions, and touching things she shouldn’t be.

“Ally, get outta here! You need to put on goggles if you’re gonna look at the power crystal.” Vi barked at the young girl who had managed to pick the lock to her workshop door yet again. Usually the door was left open and inviting, but today the young mechanic was working on building her motorcycle and installing the power crystal.

“Why, so I can look like a nerd like you?” Allison giggled as she caught Vi glaring at her through her tinted goggles.

“At least I won’t look like an albino freak and fry my retinas.” Vi growled. Ugh, these kids were so annoying! A lot of the younger ones in her gang and even other crews liked her…she didn’t know why, maybe it was because she didn’t kick them around or beat them up like some of the older members. “Go be a good Ally Cat and go back to your alley, I’m busy today.” The mechanic grumbled as she dug out an extra set of goggles from her workbench drawer and set it on the tabletop. She knew Ally wasn’t about to leave and she wasn’t going to take the time to –make- her leave because it would take forever to get the kid out of here. So she left out some goggles out for her and then went back to work.

“Hey, what’s this do?”

“Don’tturnthaton!!” Vi shouted too late, the crystal began to vibrate in her hands. Without it’s casing, it was incredibly unstable, so the mechanic dropped it and ran. She grabbed Ally by the wrist and vaulted over her work table, ducking behind the bench just as the crystal blew, bright orange energy filling the room and blowing her motorcycle to pieces. “Goddamnit, Ally! I’ve been working on that bike for months. Months!” Vi roared as she surveyed the damage. Ruined. Everything was ruined and her workshop was a mess. She was mad. So very, very mad right now…but she still didn’t hit, didn’t beat the crap out of Ally even though she really wanted to.

Vi remembered this picture. Ally had given her this picture with, ‘I’m sorry I blew up your motorcycle. Can we still be friends?’ scrawled on the back of it and a takeout container of noodles. Her and Ally had never been friends, but whatever, she had kept the picture in a drawer in her workshop anyways because at least the kid had tried to apologize. But that’s where the picture was supposed to be…back at her old hang out in Zaun, not here, in Piltover, on Jinx’s nightstand.

When Jinx bounded into the room, mouth full of food and excitement plastered all over her features, Vi looked up to meet her. “No, I don’t want any of your dumb noodles.” Vi muttered distractedly as she looked at Jinx, -really- looked at her this time. Hair color could be changed, so that wasn’t a good indicator of who the girl really was. Eye color on the other hand was harder to transform…but…if someone played with enough hextech explosions or worked with unrefined essences and arcane shards without protective eyewear, it could fry the pigment in their eyes, turning them pink. The insanity was new, but the smile…the excitement, the offering of noodles, that was all Allison. “Ally Cat?”
Jinx and Vi were both standing there with wildly different expressions. Vi seemed to be contemplating something, though Jinx was sticking by the irritated guess, it seemed the most likely given their history both when she was younger and recently. Jinx was simply happy, thrilled even, that Vi was at her place and didn't seem to be preparing to jump at her and do the whole 'you're under arrest' bit. Part of that came from knowing she would lose a lot of her work if she ran from the warehouse, the rest was because Vi was there at all. "No noodles?" She asked with a frown, unable to understand how anyone could resist them, they were delicious! "You definitely want noodles." She said with a rather matter of fact tone as her eyes stared intensely at Vi. Who wouldn't want noodles? She didn't really get that Vi's answer was more about, 'figure out the situation' than whether she was hungry or thought the noodles were tasty. Jinx even nodded when Vi looked at her more carefully, thinking Vi was reconsidering her noodle stance, to which Jinx sat noodles down in front of both chairs, one for her and one for Vi, and then played chopsticks beside Vi's, her own still between her small fingers.

"Don't call me that!" She bristled, the nickname Ally Cat causing her to react more like a cat than she would like, turning her head with narrowed eyes and taking a step back as if running from the name itself. Yet, seconds later, she smiled. Vi remembered! Vi remembered who she was! Jinx was so excited that she ran over to Vi, ignoring every ounce of reason that tried to dissuade her current actions, and leaped at her, arms going around Vi's neck as she spun around the woman's stable frame and pulled her own lithe body tight against Vi's. "Hehe, I thought you would never remember me, now that you went from Vi to Fat Hands and I went from... That to Jinx." She wasn't even willing to say her old name and instead moved on without a care. She didn't stay stuck to Vi and let go as quick as she had pounced, bouncing back over to the table and taking her seat, hungry and still under the impression that they were going to eat together, which caused her to take a bite of noodles and then look up with adorable, curious eyes at Vi. She expected Vi to join her now that her past was revealed. They knew each other! They were friends! Jinx had a long-standing crush on her! These were all good things.

As Jinx looked back down and ate a few more noodles she started humming happily, munching on her food before sitting up and looking at Vi again, still wondering when the woman would sit, but not bringing it up again, already having moved past it the moment it passed through her mind. "I was beginning to think you had forgotten about me. I mean, I know I've changed a bit but coooooome on." She teased, knowing it was probably impossible for Vi to figure it out without some help. After all, her hair was dyed, her eyes had been changed by too much hextech exposure, and she was pale and more than a little sleep deprived with all the time she spent indoors, and her insomnia. Jinx had yet to find a good way to get to sleep and stay asleep, it was a bit of a pain in the ass, but she had grown accustomed to it.
"You -are- Ally Cat!" Vi couldn't help bursting into a grin at the realization. It was exciting that Ally was still alive! (Even if the kid was still a pain in her ass...) So many teenage gang members died in Zaun every year; Vi hadn't thought anyone she used to run with was still alive. Not that her and Jinx had really run in the same circles, but still, it was nice to know not everyone she had grown up with was dead. It was a shame that Jinx was still in a life of crime though... but hey, what else was the kid supposed to do? Hell, Vi herself probably would still be out there, standing up to and beating the crap out of the more violent gangs in Zaun if it hadn't been for Caitlyn. As much as it would pain her to admit it, Cupcake was probably one of the best things that had wandered into her life.

"Hey! My name is not 'Fat Hands'" The cop growled at the insult, but didn't do much else to dissuade the warm hug from Jinx. She even actually returned it...just a tiny bit though, wouldn't want to get Jinx too riled up. A light pat on the back was all the girl would receive before she bounded away, going back to the table which was now set for two. Vi didn't join her though, she didn't want to get too comfortable. While she seemed inclined to talk for the moment rather than arrest Jinx on the spot, that could all change at any moment. Part of her saw Jinx as the adorable little wannabe-mechanic-pain-in-the-ass from Zaun...and another part saw her as the hellraising dangerous criminal in Piltover.

"You changed 'a bit'? How about a lot." Vi smirked as she looked at the girl. She was barely recognizable as Ally, but Vi could still see some similarities...especially when Jinx smiled. If she hadn't seen the picture of the two of them together, she wouldn't have been able to put two and two together though. "I see you still don't listen to me, fried the pigment right out of your irises like a dumbass. You're lucky you haven't gone blind you know." Vi scolded. "So why are you here, in Piltover? Isn't your sister still back in Zaun? Your old gang too?" Jinx's sister was absolutely fucked in the head, but family was supposed to stay together, right? Jinx didn't have any reason to come to Piltover all by herself. Unless... Unless she followed me here.

Really? Could it be that simple? The whole reason that Jinx was here and causing chaos was because she wanted Vi to pay attention to her, just like the girl had done back in Zaun? When they were kids, Vi had just thought Ally was a ditzy clutz...or like a stray kitten who destroyed everything it touched but you couldn't be mad at because it was a stupid little adorable fuzzball. She hadn't realized that Jinx had been bothering her on purpose in order to get attention. But why would she even put up the effort to annoy Vi in the first place? Vi had made it clear on -many- occasions that they weren't friends, that Vi was older and hadn't wanted a little kid as a what the hell was this kid's deal? Why follow someone all the way from Zaun, harass them by calling them names, pull a bunch of crazy stunts to get their attention, and keep a picture of the two of them together by their bedside pillow?

"Oh my god. You -like- me." Vi couldn't help herself, she burst out laughing.
Jinx wasn't thrilled at all that her nickname was making a resurgence, and she would be furious if people in Piltover learned what she had been called at one point, it would absolutely ruin her image. Still, Vi said it was a level of familiarity that made the adorable little sociopath smile, looking at Vi with more softness than anyone else would ever get from her. Yes, she had a family, well a sister, but they were only close because they were related, and had been together for so long. Jinx's sister was much worse than her when it came to the whole 'insanity' thing, which was really just a nice mix of nature and lack of nurture, with a few sprinkles of what would be best described as, a history of mental health problems from the family neither of them had ever known. For Jinx it all came through as manic energy, a high degree of dissociation with her own actions, and a fascination for chaos in all forms. For her sister, it was darker, and while Jinx loved her sister they had some differences of opinion... Possibly because of Vi all those years ago. Jinx didn't kill, not outside the Rift. Rampant destruction? Sure, but not murder.

"Not right! My eyes are just fine... I only happened to like this color and so I decided to make a change." She fibbed, making it obvious and giving a little pout to Vi in the process, clearly not liking to acknowledge that Vi was correct any more now than she used to. What she really didn't want to do was talk about why she was in Piltover though, and even though Vi asked she had no intentions on saying anything, she refused! "Bleh, let's not talk about my sister, she's the same as ever. That stupid gang of hers runs all over Zaun like a group of idiots. A big group of dumb idiots." She huffed, thinking back to the last time she was with her sister, and the little fight they had when she said she was leaving to come to Piltover. Hmph... As she let her mind wander she continued to enthusiastically eat her noodles, looking over at Vi and taking note of the fact that she didn't seem to want to sit down. Jinx couldn't help but think she would have to take off after all, because if Vi insisted on taking her in she wouldn't just go happily. It would be so horrible to be without her toys, even if she would still be dragged into the Rift and reunited on occasion.

Then, out of nowhere Vi began burst out laughing and finally said something that wiped the smile off of Jinx's face. The little sociopath stood up from her chair and slammed her hands down onto the table, a loud bang interrupting Vi's outburst. "What's so damn funny about that?!" She roared, not denying it at all and seeming genuinely hurt that Vi's first reaction to her feelings would be outrageous laughter. Jinx finally had that look, the one other people would get but Vi hadn't received, a look of anger. Yeah, she had feelings for Vi! She always had, and it wasn't funny! It wasn't! She growled and jumped on top of the table before launching herself over at Vi, not thinking for a second about what she was doing as she tackled the much stronger woman to the floor, her hands at Vi's shoulders as she looked down at her with quivering eyes. "I've liked you since I was young, don't laugh!" She almost sounded like she was pleading, the anger that had shown in her eyes, the almost scary look, gone, and replaced with a pained expression and the faint presence of water in her eyes. Then, as if wanting to prove it, she leaned down and captured Vi's lips. Jinx wasn't experienced, she had never had anyone aside from Vi who interested her, so a kiss and some forward actions were about all she could do. In fact, even with Vi beneath her she didn't know what to do. Close range wasn't her expertise to begin with, her light body probably weighing nothing atop Vi and her strength negligible to someone of Vi's size and strength. So she kept the kiss going, tongue playfully darting around as her surprisingly soft lips stayed glued to Vi's. It was the only thing she knew to do, and as she committed even further to the act her hands went from Vi's shoulders to wrap around her neck, Jinx determined to kiss the stupid cop until it got through her thick skull that it wasn't funny! She wanted Vi to take her seriously, for once.
This was the most ridiculous thing that had happened to Vi in her ENTIRE life! Jinx, Piltover's number one chaos causer was actually the mischievous Ally Cat from her teenage years. And to make matters even more absurd, the kid had a crush on her! Hah! All the destruction, all the insults and unflattering caricatures were just Jinx's way of sending her flowers and chocolates. Unfucking believable. "Everything is so damn funny about it! This is just so insane." Vi laughed, even as Jinx hopped up on the table and glared at her, she laughed. What else could she do? Either she find amusement from this debacle or she try to pull her hair out in frustration...she'd pick the reaction with less hair-pulling.

"Jinx, I'm like a decade older than you!" Vi chuckled even as she was pounced upon and tackled to the ground. She would have probably teased Jinx for being more like a kitty cat than ever with that pounce, but saw the tears at the corners of the girl's eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down because her laughter was making the young girl upset. "Aw come on. Don't be-" The rest of her words died on her lips as Jinx captured them. While it was still a surprise to get kissed by Jinx, it didn't cause her to freeze like a deer in the headlights this second time around. Her massive gauntlets came to rest atop the girl's back instinctively, the 8,000lb gloves feeling as light as her own hands would. As much as Vi loved being on top, it wasn't so bad being in the bottom...not when Jinx's lovely little nubile body was pressed so enticingly against her...

That nubile body...

...that was probably not of legal age...


The thought of messing around with anyone under the age of 18 made Vi's eyes snap open and the officer begin to pull away. "Mrrrph...alright...alright. Come on, don't kiss me. You're just a kid." She gently pushed Jinx back, eager to put some space between them so that she could get her head on straight. Jinx had always been kind of a runt which made her look younger than she was and Vi would rather be safe than sorry when it came to flirting with someone on the brink of consent. "You have no idea what you're doing or what you're getting yourself into." Vi scolded, sounding like a big sister telling a younger sister not to have sex because she wasn't ready.
Laughter. While being laughed at was upsetting, because nobody liked having their feelings made light of, even Jinx, there was something even worse. That worse thing... Being called a fucking kid, and Vi hit her right over the head with quite the taboo, for Jinx anyways. Kid, everyone always treated her like a fucking kid! Her old gang, her sister, even the public that feared her kind of looked at her and thought, it's just a kid. She wasn't a kid! She was a fucking adult, a young one, but an adult. So what if she wasn't super tall... Or... Or... Or filled out! She didn't have a chest! FINE, but that didn't make her a fucking kid. Jinx stopped and looked down at Vi, furious. Of all the things Vi could have said to put a stop to the kiss she had chosen the one thing that could set Jinx off worse than ever. Of course, once she calmed down she would realize that other than her being young Vi seemed to enjoy the kiss, but that wasn't going to happen anytime soon, she was about to lose her shit.

"Kid? I'm not a fucking kid!" She growled, gritting her teeth and looking down at Vi as her mind raced. "I am only four fucking years younger than you, you... Stupid Fat Hands!" She roared, somehow using anger to power through Vi's attempts at distance and capturing her lips again, in a much more aggressive kiss, even biting Vi's lip at the end of it and giving her a self-satisfied grin to go along with it. "Hmph, just because I don't have cow tits like Sheriff 'Cupcake' doesn't mean I'm some fucking child!" She sounded almost adorable as she continued to go on, huffing and puffing about not being a child and the fact that her chest didn't mean anything! That she had cute little breasts and didn't need big ones, and that Vi was stupid, and blind, and that her big, fat hands wouldn't be able to appreciate her chest anyways. All of that had led to Jinx, within the storm of muttering and being unintentionally adorable, pushing Vi right out the hole she had created in the wall and telling her she needed to leave. Of course... After pushing Vi out she went back in, grabbed a serving of noodles, and returned to hand them to Vi with a little "Hmph" before going back inside and pushing a crate in front of the new hole in her place of residence... And then going to gorge herself on noodles that had become comfort noodles in such a short duration. Stupid Vi.


Jinx's Vi trouble had just begun. After their little visit something had changed with Jinx. The idea of going out on the town for rampant destruction was still appealing, but much less so than normal. The preferred method of entertainment seemed less... Exciting. She did go out once, set up a bunch of things for a big night of exploding buildings and colorful fireworks and street art, but ended up sighing and packing up her shit to go back home. It was... Depressing. The manic little thing had become much more quiet, spending a vast amount of time bored out of her mind, working on weapons in the warehouse or trying to sleep, and failing miserably. It was a period of peace for Piltover, even if only about a week, and a period of horror for Jinx. A girl couldn't blow shit up every day though, and Jinx's current mood wasn't dedicated, there was no use acting without dedication. She would just have to wait a bit longer and it would all feel right again, probably. She would get back to work right after the next league event... Ugh, monthly meeting bullshit. Just because she lived in Piltover she had to show up at the Piltover one... With Vi, and Sheriff Cow Tits, and all of the other colorful bores of Piltover... Fuuuuuuuuun, just thinking about it made Jinx reach for an explosive on instinct.
Four years? Really? That was it? Jinx seemed so much younger than her...though maybe that was more because of the child-like curiosity, mischievousness, hyperactivity, and juvenile insults she kept flinging at Vi. "Hey I don't have fat-!" The officer was cut off yet again by determined lips capturing hers. A soft hiss left her as teeth sank into her bottom lip and she gave a little growl when Jinx pulled away. Obviously she had run out of patience being on her back and being at the mercy of the much smaller Jinx. "What the- She doesn't have cow tits! What the hell does that have to do with anything?!" Vi confusedly got picked up and shoved towards the hole in the wall as she questioned Jinx. What the hell did Caitlyn's breasts have to do with anything?!?! Had she missed something? She hadn't even mentioned Caitlyn! And no one was supposed to even know that they were dating! Why were women so confusing?

It didn't matter, Jinx was shoving her out the hole in the wall and too busy pouting to answer her. After putting a serving of noodles in her hands, Jinx blocked off the makeshift door, leaving a very confused Vi standing outside the building. "What the hell just happened?!" Vi muttered to herself. She sighed, shaking her head and looking down at the noodles in her hand. She should go back in and arrest Jinx for all the crimes she had committed over the years...but she knew that she had really upset the young woman by calling her a kid. She'd let the girl have this one for free...but next time she saw Jinx, she was definitely going to make that arrest.


"Excuse me, Vi." Caitlyn poked her head into the station's workshop which was thankfully Jayce-free and Vi-only at the moment. It was hard getting Vi alone to ask a very important question. Piltover's police department had been pretty quiet over the last week, so Jayce and Vi had spent most of the time in the workshop. Today Jayce had gone off to the Yordle Academy to talk with Professor Heimerdinger, leaving her and the one girl wrecking crew. "I was wondering... Would you erm...would you perhaps like to escort me to the to the League Gala this weekend?"

"What?" Vi dropped her wrench and looked up from her workbench where her parade gauntlets were laid out in several pieces for cleaning. "You want to go" Vi raised a skeptical brow. "Wouldn't you like Pretty Boy to take you?"

"Jayce? Er, no. I wouldn't actually. I don't want to give him the wrong idea..."

"Hate to break it to you, Cupcake, but he already has the wrong idea." Vi chuckled. Even she could see that Jayce was really into Caitlyn. She was tempted to say 'no', after all, Cait and her had been broken up for a couple months...but she supposed that it wouldn't be so bad to save Cupcake from Jayce's advances, maybe she'd get owed a favor. "Alright I guess, I'll meet you there, okay?"


Vi had shined up her parade grade gauntlets (which were basically useless for punching anything harder than a fleshy face) and tossed on one of her nicer sets of navy blue police shirts and trousers that tantalizingly hugged her rear for this evening's outing. To dress up the outfit a little more, she pulled on a form fitting white vest and a yellow tie that brought out the gold in her gloves. Dresses weren't her thing, not by a long shot...but she didn't want to go full butch either. A little eyeliner to bring out her bright blue eyes and a touch of lipstick had her looking a little more femme. After inspecting herself in the mirror to make sure she looked presentable, she went out to her bike and rode off towards the Gala.

As soon as Caitlyn caught a windswept looking Vi coming in through the grand doors, she relaxed and allowed herself a smile. Then she approached the other woman, moving to 'help' by tucking a few wild strands of pink hair back behind Vi's ears. "You clean up quite nicely...though I do wish you had left the gauntlets at home. Weapons aren't necessary at this event you know."

Vi ignored the slight chastising, choosing to preen at the compliment instead. She allowed Caitlyn to fix her hair for her and took a moment to let her eyes rove over the sheriff dressed in a police-blue gown that hugged her curves quite nicely. "Heh, calling these weapons is a stretch." Vi hardly took the gauntlets off anymore, she felt naked without them when she did. "Besides, none of the summoners would recognize me without them."

"Hmm...I suppose not." Caitlyn slid her arm through Vi's offered one and then went off with the other officer toward their table for dinner.


"Hey Vi. Bored out of your mind yet?" Ezreal sidled up next to Vi who was standing on the outskirts of the ballroom.

"How'd you guess." Vi took another glance around the massive room. The dance floor was full of people who would rather cut loose rather than talk business...of course that wasn't where her 'date' was. Caitlyn was busy chatting with some cloaked summoner and the mayor of Piltover. "Wanna get hammered, Ez?"

"I thought you'd never ask." Ezreal grinned. "Time for a true display of skill."

The pair made their way to the bar, where a few of the more reclusive and older members of the League had holed up to ride out the rest of the Gala. "Hey tender!" Vi called. "Can I get three fingers of Dragon's Mark, neat?"

"That's my girl! Hic!" Corki slurred and hiccuped as he called from a few stools down and raised his glass to Vi. "Nice to be 'round another whiskey lover. Most of you youngins have no idear how to drink. What with all yer flavored vodkas and nonsense."
Jinx had made the world's quickest recovery between remembering the 'Gala' and actually attending, her mood shifting from downcast to chipper without any time in between, as if someone had flipped a happy switch hidden on her back. Part of the reason was Jinx managing to make a rather significant mod to her rocket launcher, and turning into a giggle machine at the idea that summoners would be crying left and right to nerf her using the suppression power in the rift to tone down the explosive magnificence. The second, and main reason, was because she started thinking about Vi and had came up with a few ways to make the woman look her way... And get what she wanted, because Jinx was never happy until she got what she wanted. It may sound strange that a girl from Zaun would be spoiled but she definitely was, whether it was her sister or Vi, they had both spoiled her back in her Ally Cat days, and anything else she wanted she was taught to just go take it. For Jinx, the words "No" and "Wrong" didn't exist, at least not in a vocabulary she had been taught. This wasn't her fault, not entirely, but even if she understood that wasn't the way things works she preferred it that way, it made life easier.


Carrying the "I get whatever I want" vibe she prepared for the event, going as far as to think back to her Ally Cat days and make some effort to become the girl from Vi's past... Even if more in appearance than spirit. She dyed her hair black, "bought" some colored contacts, and dug out an old, red Chinese dress that suited her quite nicely. Okay, the dress was from her younger days when she was even shorter, but it looked nice and the shortness only showed off her legs, which were one of her best features, and with the right accessories, and a streak of green in her newly dyed hair, she was satisfied.

What Jinx hadn't been expecting was how satisfied everyone else would be. Jinx showed up, as usual, by herself and without much regard for ceremony. What greeted her was a large amount of stares, some puzzled expressions, and the finally a bunch of people whispering with surprised looks on their face. Idiots, it took them forever to realize who she was. It wasn't so surprising, she wore as many bullets as she did clothes most of the time. It didn't matter if other people recognized her though, the current look was targeted at a specific person, someone who had already arrived... With Sheriff Cow Tits...

Whatever, she wasn't going to act desperate... Yet... Maybe she would just blow something up to get Vi's attention, yeah, that way she wouldn't have to seem desperate. No! No, that would make her more mad than anything, and then Miss "I'm Fucking Perfect" yeah, caps, proper name, otherwise known as Caitlyn or Sheriff Cow Tits, would ruin her good time. Jayce would probably help too... His big stupid head was always sticking itself in her business, or anything Sheriff "Do Good" was interested in. That left her with one option... Wait... Like a desperate person... Which instantly made her find a nice corner to pout in and steal glances over at Vi, what a night she was going to have.


It wasn't until well into the event that someone finally came up to her, Ekko. They hadn't seen each other in awhile and the last time had ended rather awkwardly... Ekko had an upbringing similar to her own but came out of it completely differently. Instead of rampant destruction he played the vigilante, and he constantly bothered her. She knew why, and had told him she wasn't interested in more than one blunt way, but he always came back around, lecturing her about changing her ways and all that bullshit. Now, at the gala, he seemed to want to make another annoying attempt to get her attention, and for once she had let him do something, specifically get her a drink. As for why... It was totally not because Vi was drinking at the bar and would possibly notice it, especially when she heard someone order some grape juice... Yeah she didn't drink, it didn't make her a child. It was just a bad idea, Jinx was bad enough clear headed, if she could ever be considered clear headed.


At the bar a few people had noticed Jinx, one of which was Ez, who thought he could handle liquor but definitely couldn't. "Guh, Lux would kill me for saying it but Jinx is looking good..." He mumbled, half slouched over the bar as he raised his glass up for yet another of whatever he had ordered... He couldn't even remember at that point. "Not that I want anyone aside from my Luxy... Just... Not bad." He grinned stupidly, looking back before looking over at Vi, "Keep that between us bros Vi, you know how Lux is, she only gets a bigger smile when she's mad, maybe a crazy laugh, and then a week later we get matched against one another and she spends the whole game blowing me up with a single ult..." He shivered, Lux was scary. She was adorable and sweet, until she became mad, then she was scary. At least with people like Jinx you knew, Lux just smiled and plotted, that was frightening... That or Garen would come and defend her damn honor, and nothing hurt worse than some Garen spin to win followed by the ult from hell. Ez could jump around the rift but that pair of siblings were terrifying.
“Careful barkeep, Corki’s lookin’ pretty spooled up over there.” All of the ‘worst’ parts of Vi came out when she was drunk: her competitiveness, her cockiness, her loud, dominant personality, her butchy swagger…all of these things became full blown when she had enough hard liquor in her.

“Don’t tell –me- I’m spooled up, girlie! Hic! Yer just upset yer gettin’ drunk under the table by a Yordle.”

“Like hell I am!” Challenge accepted. Vi downed her glass of whiskey and ordered another. She was just about to down this one too when Ezreal spoke up, saying something about Jinx. Vi turned, trying to pick out the woman he was talking about…but all Vi saw was a grown up Ally Cat looking absolutely delicious. She was staring, she knew she was… so before Ez could tease her about it, she decided to take a poke at him.

“Still don’t believe a fuckin’ Crownguard is datin’ a poor piece of crap like you.” Vi shook her head in disbelief. Lux was basically a princess and here she was slumming it with a blonde tunneling mole who couldn’t even hold his alcohol like Ezreal. Well, she supposed that’s what happens when people go to magic college or whatever together…and when a girl is –really- into binding things with light, including her boyfriend. Ugh, Vi knew entirely too much about Ez’s sex life, the man couldn’t keep a secret when he was drunk. “I probably should tell her.” Vi dropped her voice and crowded a little closer to Ez. “I’m sure she’d love an excuse to punish your ass.”

Ezreal turned a bright shade of pink and his grin got even more stupid. Yeah, Lux was scary when she was mad on the battlefield, but when she wore those thigh high blue stockings with white garters and that blue corset in the bedroom…totally worth having to navigate the mindfield that was his love’s temper.

“But I guess I’ll keep my mouth shut because I know Garen will make you into an Ezreal kabob.” Vi smirked and took a sip of her drink, stealing glances over at Jinx whenever she could. Her concentration on Jinx was broken when she heard a young man order a grape juice from the bar. Who the fuck orders a grape juice here? Then she saw it was Ekko and immediately frowned. He wasn’t ordering –just- the grape juice, but a beer for himself and grape juice that Vi knew must be fore Jinx.
Jinx couldn't hear what Vi was saying but she could tell the woman was the life of the party for the few at the bar, each of the smiling and seeming to be having fun, even if Jinx didn't understand what was actually happening. Vi was like that, always enough charm to go around, getting along with everyone and making it seem easy. Jinx... She had never been able to wiggle her way in like that. She had been an outsider from the start, even to Vi back in the day they had been friends but only because Jinx had forced it. In fact, she wasn't so sure Vi had ever considered them the kind of friends Jinx believed them to be, and she clearly didn't have any of the same attractions Jinx had... That would change, she was sure it would, or hopeful enough to be excited and crazy enough to do something rash if it didn't. Not that her insanity played in to whether Vi would see her in a different light, but it definitely influenced what would happen afterwards, after she finished pouting for another few days and figuring out the best way to make Miss Fat Hands pay. A shame she only had one doughnut shop to blow up, unless she found out Vi's second favorite! Okay, dumb plan, but she liked it! It made her laugh, and there it was, the complete Jinx package, enough to remind anyone who had been staring too long that she was still as bonkers as ever.

Ekko was grinning like an idiot. To him, Jinx agreeing to let him get her a drink was a step forward, and any step forward was a good step as far as he was concerned. It didn't cross his mind at all that her change in attitude should have been seen as strange and not a sign of hope, or that he was being used like the grinning idiot he was. Jinx wasn't going to let him know either, because the more he believed it the more anyone watching would believe it, and her intentions were set in stone, it needed to look believable. So Jinx, despite her desire to throw the drink in his face or tell him she would never be attracted to a man, she kept her calm. She smiled, laughed when he made an awful fucking joke about time. His attempts to be charming were the real joke, and Jinx tried to think that to make her laughs seem genuine, all the while stealing glances at Vi, waiting for the woman to look, if she ever would. It was only when she finally noticed Vi turned that way that Jinx made her move, flirting with a gorgeous smile and letting her hand brush Ekko playfully. Then, as like her as ever, she shifted from flirty to telling Ekko she would see him later, that she needed to mingle and do a few things. It was a clear blow off and anyone who knew Jinx would be more suspicious than anything if she said she was going to mingle, but Ekko's clouded mind noticed nothing wrong with it and nodded like a cheerful puppy.

Jinx's plan, or what one could consider a plan, was to get Vi's attention, flirt with someone else in a ridiculous attempt to make Vi jealous, and then leave to give Vi a chance to follow her. It seemed like the dumb thing that someone would think about but would never work, but Jinx had a feeling Vi would come for whatever reason. After all, even if Vi didn't want to come because of jealousy, she had noticed Jinx, Piltover's number one pain in the ass, going off by herself where nobody was supposed to go, she had a duty to check it out. Plus, if her crazy plan that relied on so much conjecture and luck didn't work, she could blame it on the plan and not a lack of interest... It was nice to have a way out to fool herself with.
Vi was barely listening to Ezreal as he insisted that he wasn't afraid of Garen (even though EVERYONE in Valoran knew that the only reason Ez wasn't a man whore anymore was because he was afraid of being slaughtered by Lux's insanely overprotective brother...well that and -maybe- because he truly loved Lux...though it was probably more the first reason than the second.) She was too busy trying to steal covert glances at Jinx to really pay attention to what her friend was saying. Seeing her this way, looking like the girl that Vi had grown up with, definitely made the cop take notice. Not that Vi hadn't always found Jinx attractive, she had, but seeing her like this boosted her sexiness factor quite a bit.

Unfortunately Ekko was obstructing her view with his bad haircut. Mr. I'm-going-to-just-ignore-all-the-face-punching-you-did-Vi-and-go-back-in-time was flirting with -her- (probably the alcohol talking for that possessive bit) Ally Cat! What a jackass! Vi's free hand curled balled into a fist while the other poured the last of her whiskey down her throat. She was somewhere in the vicinity of eight shots of whiskey at the moment: drunk enough to want to get up and punch Ekko in the face but sober enough to know that if she got up off this stool she'd probably fall on the floor at least once before she got over to him. As wonderful as her gauntlets were for punching things, they were not good for her balance then she was drunk.

Vi would never admit to being the jealous type...even though she had a jealous streak about a mile wide. So she lived in denial for a few minutes, refusing to go over there and talk to Jinx because it was stupid. Jinx didn't belong to her, not even a little bit. So why should she care if the girl wanted to flirt with Ekko? Vi was here with Caitlyn anyways (even if Caitlyn was off somewhere doing her sheriff duties of talking up the department, it still counted!) If she wants to flirt with pretentious assholes that go back in time whenever they get a little boo boo, then fine, whatever, I don't care. Zero fucks given over here!

So she went to order another drink because Corki was looking entirely too smug over there. How the old Yordle was still downing glasses of straight liquor was a mystery to her, but she'd be damned if she let him win their little drinking contest. Ez had lost awhile ago and was now in blabbermouth and 'I have lost all sense of personal space' mode, telling stories about the crazy shit he had done with Lux and leaning heavily on Vi to keep himself upright. "Come on Ez! I just shined these." Vi slurred as her friend rested his head on one of her gauntlets. "Fuck, you are drunk." She chuckled and gave him a nudge to sit back up. Just then, she caught movement out of the corner of her eye, Jinx in that bright red dress, moving towards the outskirts of the room and towards one of the roped off areas. There were a few balconies scattered about the room and Vi could only assume that that was the reason certain corridors were blocked off: in order to keep drunken idiots from going up to the balconies that overlooked the ballroom floor.

"Scuse me. I'll be right back. Cork! Make sure Ez doesn't pass out."

"Aw you youngins don't know how to hold yer alcohol. Alright girlie, I got him, hurry back!"

"If he gives you any trouble, just threaten to call his girlfriend." Vi smirked and then got up on her unsteady legs. She straightened herself up, trying to pull herself together and not appear as drunk as she really was before heading off in the direction that she had seen Jinx disappear off to. Just as she had thought before, Vi found her in a dark stairwell that lead up to a balcony. "What tha hell do you think you're doin'?" Despite her best efforts to put authority in her voice and appear tough, Vi still slurred her words heavily and wobbled just the tiniest bit back and forth.
Jinx had been waiting for Vi, hoping if she waited for a few minutes that the woman would show up at the bottom of the stairs looking for her. The funny thing? It worked, and Vi showed up, a bit drunk from what Jinx could tell, but it was her and she had come just for her Ally Cat. Jinx couldn't help but break out in a wide smile, looking at Vi from half way up the stairs and giving a small giggle, excited beyond even the normal level, which was saying something. It was Vi, how could she not be excite!? Clearly her affections weren't entirely misplaced. "I don't know... Maybe I've got something nefarious planned, or maybe I told Ekko to meet me up here in a few minutes for a secret rendezvous... I guess you'll have to catch me to find out." She giggled before turning and bounding up the stairs, the agile young thing not missing a beat as she put some distance between them and headed out onto the balcony, leaving Vi to follow behind her, if the cop wanted to find out what Jinx was doing.

When Vi finally made it to the top of the stairs and to the balcony, Jinx was waiting. Leaned back against the railing with a sweet smile on her face, waiting for her Vi to make it to the top, a faint trace of adoration hidden in her bright eyes. "Glad you could make it." She chirped, pushing off of the railing with her hands and performing a few graceful spins under the moonlight, the already pitiful amount covered by her short dress revealed as she spun around, her long legs and flawless pale skin practically daring Vi to make a move. She didn't get close enough to let her though, giving a few spins before finding her way back to the edge of the balcony, like a sprite that stayed just far enough away to lure unsuspecting humans in. The image fit Jinx well, something dangerous looking harmless and innocent, especially now that she had reverted to her old appearance for the night, into Ally Cat. She looked more harmless than ever, like the cute pain in the ass that used to follow Vi around all the time, pestering her and doing anything for an ounce of attention. Okay, she hadn't really changed, her methods had only become more extreme, from ruining Vi's things to destruction on a larger scale. Deep down she was still the same person... Kind of.

After a moment of leaning into the balcony and watching the various people down below, the random citizens walking by, she turned back around with yet another gorgeous smile plastered on her face. Jinx often smiled, but these genuine, happy smiles weren't so common. These smiles were because of Vi. "So... Officer, have I done something wrong this evening? I think I've behaved quiet well so I can't imagine why you've followed me..." She trailed off, almost grinning at her own words but managing to keep a semi-confused look on her face as she looked at Vi, giving the woman some attention at last, Jinx done with her twirls and done shaking her tight little ass, which she had been doing as she leaned over the railing. Now she needed to rope Vi in. "Or are you here as Vi and not officer Vi? Because if it's just Vi... Perhaps I can just be Ally for the night..." She almost mumbled it, not being fond of her real name but knowing it held some nostalgia for the two of them, and both of them knew Jinx and Ally were the same person. She pushed off the railing to move closer to Vi and "fell" into her chest, Jinx's light frame not even budging the larger woman. At that point she leaned up, lips pressing against Vi's ear and hot breath teasing Vi's skin, and practically begged her to do something... She giggled, nipping at Vi's ear before turning around and pressing her ass back against Vi... Learning to flirt from porn and the occasional book didn't give her many options, but she was using what she knew on the drunk Vi.
For some reason, the mention of meeting up with Ekko made Vi more upset than the prospect that Jinx was up to something illegal. Hrrmph! Like that time traveling idiot would even know what to do with a woman if he got one. And not just any woman, -her- Ally Cat! That little punk wasn't going anywhere near the girl that Vi had inadvertently protected for most of their childhood by offering a safe place for her to go. With an annoyed growl (half due to the fact that Jinx was begging to be chased and half due to the mention of Ekko), Vi squared herself off and started up the stairs...must less gracefully than Jinx had just skipped up them. She swayed and stumbled, and when she finally got to the top of the balcony, she had to hold onto the frame of the entrance because things were spinning...well...maybe just Jinx was spinning.

"Hey! Be quiet and get back here." Vi hissed as Jinx twirled her way to the edge of the balcony. She grabbed at the girl...her inebriation made her depth perception all wonky and she missed. "Gah, damnit. I followed you 'cause you're not spose to be up here. Now get back here before you get caught." Technically Jinx had already been caught, Vi had found her doing something illegal: trespassing. Even though everyone was granted immunity at League of Legends functions, Vi could still probably work out a way to arrest Jinx because she was purposefully breaking the law. But right now it seemed that Vi just wanted to protect her, that she wanted to shield the mischievous, troublemaking girl from her past from getting caught.

After making a tempting offer, Jinx finally came away from the edge of the balcony and into Vi's arms. A shiver down the mechanic's spine as the smaller woman pressed up against her to whisper into her ear, warm breath spilling down her neck and pooled around her shirt collar. She bit her bottom lip, suppressing a moan...Vi loved her neck getting played with and it had been awhile since she had had any physical contact of the sort so she was a bit sensitive. Jinx turned in her arms, depriving Vi of the feel of her lips, but now she had that lovely little backside pressed snuggly against Vi's front. Jinx would probably feel something firm pressing back against her that didn't belong there. Sometimes the officer liked to pack...she never did when she was on duty, but when she was out and about she liked to. As silly as it may sound, wearing the toy gave Vi a boost of she had sort of been counting on getting laid tonight because she had come here with Caitlyn.

"Fuck..." Vi hissed softly as Jinx rolled her hips back into her, shattering the last of the officer's willpower. "If you're going to be Ally tonight...I spose I can be just Vi...." Her voice was a low growl by Jinx's ear, tongue darting out to flick the soft lobe before she began to nibble. While she had Jinx distracted with her teeth, she set her gloves on the ground and depressed a few buttons inside, causing the gauntlets to hiss softly as the hydraulics disengaged and the gloves loosened so that she could slip her hands out of them. Now free, her strong, calloused hands, the hands of a mechanic, grasped Jinx by the hips and pulled her back tighter against her.
The idea of not being allowed somewhere had never held much weight for Jinx, and she couldn't help but shake her head hearing those words from Vi's mouth either. They both grew up in Zaun, the amount of trespassing was beyond calculation, and Vi was just as bad as her when it came to non-violent crimes like trespassing and looting. After all, to someone as in love with all things mechanical as Vi, the only way to get parts was to loot, at least in Zaun, for orphans. Jinx didn't give Vi a hard time however, because she had caught on to a few things that made her smile and feel warm inside. Vi wasn't saying she wasn't supposed to be up there as a cop, she was already being Vi and not an officer of Piltover... Otherwise she wouldn't be warning her and acting like she wasn't caught yet, that only if someone else found out that she would be caught. It wasn't like a cop to say something... And Jinx couldn't help but grow excited, Vi may be a cop now but she was still the Vi she had always been, she still played around in the grey area... Intuitive good over stringent rules and regulations good. Jinx knew this was Vi as a person but she was imagining it was just for her, at least for the night.

What was truly surprising wasn't her attitude or the intoxication, it was what Jinx felt when she pressed back in to Vi, her body freezing momentarily as her brain caught up. Vi was... Jinx almost started giggling like an idiot, nervously for once. She had wanted to seduce Vi, but in her mind that led to a select few things, all first experiences for the little loner. Sure she was of legal age, not too much younger than Vi, but Jinx had never gotten close to anyone. Thus, as much as she liked to pretend to know, and as experienced as she was in many aspects, sex was an area she was lacking in. Porn and imagination barely allowed her to be flirty, it didn't provide much confidence, even with how vivid her imagination could be. So, when things went from her imagined scenarios of some kissing, maybe some licking, and the presence of a few fingers, to Vi already being equipped and ready to go, she had a moment of doubt and nerves. Jinx rarely had such moments and the adorable expression and jittery nerves only made her look more delicious.

Right when Jinx was considering what to do Vi said words that hardened her resolve. She was going to be Ally... And Vi was just going to be Vi. Not officer Vi, not Fat Hands, not some league champ, but Vi. Jinx no longer hesitated, giving a squeaky little moan as Vi growled and focused on her ear, the teeth against her lobe causing the smaller woman to shiver in delight. Imagination was one thing, but having her beloved Vi nibbling at her ear and pressing up against her was another. How many times had she imagined being with Vi? She couldn't count them. There was no way she would let the chance go.

Calloused hands gripping her hips and pulling her back caused Jinx to give out a deep moan, her ass grinding back against Vi with the natural grace and rhythm, which covered up the slight shaking she was experiencing from nervousness. Even though she wanted it as badly as she did, Jinx was still nervous, even the crazy daredevil she was had a weak point. Blowing things up, fighting, even dying in the Rift was nothing compared to the thought of what was coming, what Vi would do to her. She was even more excited than when she blew something up, which was very surprising to the pyromaniac... And if there was one thing about Jinx it was that she had a hard time resisting a thrill. With her mind made up she leaned back against Vi's chest, letting her head tilt back, and nipped at Vi's jawline, soft panting and flushed cheeks betraying her building lust. "I wonder if people would notice... If you bent me over the railing..." She gave a soft chuckle as she let her body grind back against Vi's, "I also wonder... If you're brave enough to try..."
Whiskey and a drop dead gorgeous woman in a dress were two of Vi’s greatest vices. She hadn’t really played the field much when she had been leader of a gang; there had just been too many things going on for Vi to worry about her blossoming libido. It was only when she had gotten older and gone solo had she started to take lovers…quickly realizing that the only people she wanted in her bedroom were women. It took her a few years more before she realized that strapon play and domination were what had been missing in her sex life and after that, the mechanic had started creating hextech sex toys. The attachment between her legs was activated by pressure, one of Jinx’s especially hard grinds backwards had turned it on, eliciting a hushed moan from Vi and an instinctive greedy snap of her hips forward.

She could feel Jinx shivering in her arms and chalked it up to it being a little chilly outside. Being the chivalrous type that she was, Vi decided to ‘help’ by cupping the younger woman’s breasts, wrapping her strong arms around the girl’s bare arms in the process. Her lips began to work lower, towards Jinx’s neck to nip and bite. Vi was always a little rough in the bedroom, but if there was alcohol involved, she could get downright animalistic. “I’d be careful if I were you, Ally Cat” wrapped in a seductive growl, Jinx’s old nickname sounded a lot sexier than when it was presented in Vi’s usual teasing tone. “Challenging me will not go well for you.” Another nip to her neck and a pinch to her nipple hopefully helped Jinx get the idea that Vi was the top and she wasn’t about to take any teasing.

With the challenge accepted, Vi urged Jinx forward to the stone balcony railing. A hand on the girl’s back pushed her down so that she was bent over, perfect ass wriggling in the night air. Vi wasted no time in rucking up the silken fabric of Jinx’s dress, pooling it around her hips so now the only thing her way were a pair of soaked panties that were easy to peel off and leave around Jinx’s knees. She marveled at the sight of Jinx’s beautiful pale, upturned ass and slick sex in the moonlight. Glistening thighs and a pink petaled open pussy set Vi’s mind on a one track path: fucking. Usually the cop had a little more finesse in the bedroom but right now, with her veins full of alcohol and an adrenaline high, all she wanted to do was plow into Jinx and skip the foreplay. Besides, the fear of getting caught up here was making her act fast, who knew how long it would be before her friends went looking for her (though it may be forever because they were all plastered).

She undid her belt and pants quickly, pulling down her trousers and a pair of dark blue boxer briefs just enough to reveal the addition between her legs. Usually the silicone of the dildo was enough to hide the interior hextech core, but in the darkness they could both make out the faintest glowing light that ran up the center of the shaft. The power crystal was connected to wires which were connected to pressure and heat sensors, then the whole circuit looped back to a transmitter plate that rested over Vi’s clit and sent certain electrical impulses, depending on what the heat/pressure sensors picked up. Of course such a design required a thick casing for safety (Vi didn’t want to accidently shock/blowup herself or a lover)…so Vi’s cock ended up being on the large side (borderline ridiculously huge). It fit her body type well though: she was a tall, sturdy, muscular woman after all, but once she nuzzled the flared tip of the toy against Jinx’s small sex, the vastly over-average size of Vi’s cock became very apparent.

If Jinx wasn’t already dripping, Vi would have been more hesitant and probably would have suggested lube, even in the drunk state that she was in. But she had confidence in her ability to arouse a woman and have her prepared to take the full length of her cock on the first go. Still, Jinx appeared much smaller than her, so she ran the length of her shaft through her bent over lover’s folds a few times, just to be safe, slickening up the massive toy with Jinx’s own juices and nudging her clit with every pass to help get her wetter. After only a few passes, Vi became impatient…it had been a long time since she had had sex and she wanted to be buried inside of her new lover right now. With one hand she guided the tip of her cock into Jinx’s welcoming hole, groaning softly as she pushed forward and was enveloped by tight, clinging heat.
Most women may have found Vi's seductive growls and rough handling intimidating, or got anything from it whatsoever, but Jinx was different from most people. All the growling and roughness did for Jinx was feed her desire, and the little threat only made her want to be that much more mischievous, and challenging. She wanted to see what would happen if she pushed Vi... That had been their dynamic from the start to begin with. From the very first day they had met Jinx had pushed the limits of Vi's patience, and Vi had chastised her, it was something she was fond of. Jinx was too busy moaning and writhing in Vi's arms to fight back immediately however, purring soon after as both her neck and sensitive nipple received much needed attention. "You know how it works Vi... We're both from Zaun, we grew up in the same world... If you want me to be beneath you... You're going to have to give me constantly reinforcement... And prove you're stronger." She teased, giving another soft moan as she moved forward to the balcony and allowed herself to be bent over. If there was one thing Jinx had complete confidence in it was her ass, and really her entire body minus her chest. She was gorgeous, with flawless pale skin, surprisingly considering how many explosives and weapons she worked with, and some nice definition. If anything she had a dancer's body, and at enough not to show her ribs like some underfed model.

Jinx had a feeling, that while Vi had taken a nice long look, that Vi wasn't looking to spend too much time looking. It wasn't so difficult to figure out, with Vi doing just enough to have Jinx bent over and exposed, not even bothering to completely removed the juice soaked panties, but it was enough to tell Jinx what to expect. Once again she felt nervous, excited but definitely some butterflies. That feeling increased when Vi undid her pants and revealed the huge strapon below... And it was not what Jinx had expected. She knew Vi was a great hextech mechanic, and that these types of things existed... But the glow, the size, and the very idea of it made the smaller woman shiver. Her first time... With that... It was as daunting as it was exciting, and Jinx didn't know whether to whine or giggle with glee. If she wanted Vi to take her... The huge toy would do the damn trick.

Jinx did consider telling Vi to go slow or gentle, she was crazy and excited enough to jump up and down but not so far gone as to think it was going to be an easy fit... But she never had the chance. Whatever words she was considering were caught in her throat as a deep moan escaped and her brain shut down as the toy was brushed against her clit over and over... Whatever mods she had done to the damn thing made it feel amazing and Jinx had to prop herself up on the railing as she quivered in nervous anticipation. Finally, with the one person Jinx trusted, she was going to lose her virginity. It was a bit embarrassing considering her age and what people probably thought of her, and it would be a rather hilarious surprise for Vi, but Jinx didn't regret anything. So, when Vi started pushing inside of her she grit her teeth, let a slightly pained moan out, and pushed back until she felt Vi's hips against her ass.

"F-Fuck..." Jinx was whining, her voice high as her arms clung to the balcony, a shrill cry/whimper escaping her lips. She was easily being loud enough to be heard on the streets below, even if not so obvious to attract attention. Her arms and legs were trembling slightly but she managed to hold herself up, a small pout on her lips and tears forming in the corner of her eyes. Vi was so fucking big... She could feel every hot pulsing inch of the throbbing toy, the internal core providing an experience she would never had expected. It was that much more intense inside her tight, virginal pussy. Jinx turned her head back to look at Vi, tears threatening to fall from her eyes and an absolutely adorable look on her face. "Meany... Such a big thing when it's my first time..." She gave a light grin and took a deep breath, "But don't you dare stop until it feels good..." She gave a little growl and a playful smile, wanting to act tough and try to make it less awkward... She still wanted it badly, wanted Vi.
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