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The Either/Or Game

French Vanilla Cappuccino! 🤤

Drawing on a canvas or digitally?
Wrestling back then. I loved The Undertaker and Brat Hitman Heart. ^_^

Documentaries or Movies?
Rain all the way. I love rainy weather in general, and would even go as far as to say I hate snow. Snowy scenery is beautiful, but otherwise having to stand being surrounded by it for many months is just pure torture for me.

Winter scenery or early autumn/fall scenery (when the leaves change color etc etc.)?
Depends on the time of day: daytime, heat; nighttime, cold. I can't sleep if it's warm.

London or Paris?

apparently I wear a black suit so often that someone recommended I watch the Diplomat for relatability :rolleyes:

diving into the lake in the winter for 5 mins or cold shower for 15 mins?
Winter's lake for 5 minutes. Sure, the initial shock would be hell, but you'll have the chance to sort-of adapt.

10 minute blizzard, or 5 minute hailstorm?

A cozy fire in the middle of winter or a cold pool in the blistering heat of summer?
Cozy fire in winter. Not a fan of summer generally; blistering heat, less so.

Red wine or white wine?
I don’t like wine but if I had to choose I suppose red?

Sleeping in a cabin or 5-star hotel?
5-star-hotel ... I've slept in cabins before, but never in such a hotel, lol.

Vegetables or meat?
Vegetables. Sure, I’ll eat meat but I’m picky with the fat and gristle so veggies it’ll be!

Pies or cakes?
Cake. Specifically cheesecake if allowed!

Swimming at a lake or a beach?
Lake. Usually it is a bit more private and the ocean is a little more intimidating.

A nice Ferry over the water or a tunnel underneath?
Hmmm...depends on my mood. If there's no hurry and I want a bit of time for myself, then the ferry; if I need to be somewhere quickly, then the tunnel. I'd probably lean in favour of the ferry, though.

Lie down on the beach, or lie down in the park?
Sands a royal pain. Would prefer a nice park.

Hamburger or chicken sandwich?
Film, always film. I have a few favourite types for my cameras. Digital Polaroids have a lot more settings to play with too 🤗


» The ability to Undo or Fast Forward?

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