The Zeltron pilot was covered almost entirely by bandages soaked in bacta, burn cream, topical antibiotic, and pain killer. Dry bandages covered that, making a mummy of the normaly scantily clad pilot. She smiled easily at Dani and leaned in to kiss her on the corner of the lips. “It's okay, Dani,” She replied softly. “Thank you for coming to see me. I'll have to get better fast so I can see this planet soon!”
Nyxia Vors
At first, the precautions seemed anticlimactic. Despite two of them flying fighters and every station on the shuttle manned and ready—including Yai on the guns—they made it down with no sighting of airborne—much less spaceborne—threats.
Coming out of the cloud cover—but well before they got to their landing point—they could see one of the massive stone cities on the horizon, surrounding a pyramid who's sheer scope was awe inspiring even from 15 kilometers up and four times as many away.
Not much later, the girls landed their ships in the jungle. They locked down the ships and covered them with vines for camouflage.
Guided by Nyxia, the girls made their way through a few miles of pristine rain forest, with chameleonic lizard-monkeys dancing through the trees to watch them. They avoided toothed frogs the size of ewoks that guarded bundles of colorful and beautiful bromiliads high in the trees.
“Oh, here!” the young blond exclaimed softly after a while, crouching. “This is more than just a game trail,” she explained, indicating some elaborate prints with one hand. “Bipedal,” she explained, “But with taloned feet. Five of them moved along this trail last night. Maybe their sapient...”
She followed the trail a little ways before a grin spread across her lips. The blond indicated three little branches folded inside one another and tied together. “They didn't grow this way,” she explained. “It's a trail marker.”