The Road so Far: Supernatural Soulmates (Krystal x Madam Mim)

Castiel frowned. "What's an unsub?" He shook his head, realizing where she was going. "The mark is getting out of control, Krystal. This isn't the work of a serial killer, but a fae who can't control the magic. Other than his hatred of mortals we don't know anything about him; we've never interacted with him." He sat on the arm of a chair, frowning in thought. "I think we ought to scour the courts first."

Jude made a note to read these Carver Edlund books, but Dean had already moved on. She scowled in confusion, then when she asked about the Tree of Pain all he did was pull her close. With a noise somewhere between a grunt and a whimper Jude pushed away. She didn't want to be held right now, not when he was saying things like this. With a scowl she examined Dean's face.

"Did they suffer, Dean?" she repeated. "This fae, this...thing that murdered my made them suffer. And you're working with one of them?"
Krystal let out a soft sound. "Unspecified subject" she told him flatly to his first question, looking contemplative. While she agreed with her heart that the mark had gotten out of control, she wasn't so convinced it was accidental. She had smelt the magic on the last murders, and it was the strongest she'd ever felt it. The strange thing was, now that it was stronger, it didn't quite feel like winter court anymore. She took in a breath. "Yes, we should. But it will require some glamour. Can never be to careful, Cassie." She added, relaxing on the couch a moment. She needed to keep her head clear.

Dean sighed softly. He didn't want to tell her. He knew just how her parents died and it was heartwrenching. Even after being a hunter hus whole life, he had never seen anything so brutal. Whoever was doing this, had no mercy whatsoever. He let out a wimper as she left his arms, having needed some comfort himself. Well, he might as well get it over with..

"I'm not supposed to tell you this Jude, but.. yes, they did, at least a little your mother had a heart attack.. but your father? The rev.. bled to death..." his voice was quiet and strained, and he winced. He knew she wouldn't like him working with another fae, but she was only one who truly reverse the spell. He frowned softly, his expression unreadable before he spoke very quietly. "Krys had nothing to do with it.. but.. she's the only one who can truly stop it."
Jude's throat tightened. A heart attack could have been recovered from. The bleeding could have been staunched. Bleeding out, she knew, was slow and painful and dear God he must have been so scared. She sniffed but her tears had stopped; she had been wrung dry from the day and couldn't force more even if she wanted to.

"So it was her magic then." Her tone was accusatory. "If she's 'the only one who can truly stop it,' then it's her magic, Dean. Which means she does have something to do with it." Jude clung to her anger and nurtured it. The white heat of righteous rage blotted out the pain of loss, though she knew she couldn't sustain it for long. "And you're working with her. How do you know she isn't the one doing this? How do you know she isn't just insinuating herself into the investigation just to watch the stupid, hairless apes scrabble to solve the big murder mystery? If she's the only one who can stop it, and it's her magic, then I don't give a damn what she calls her fucking court, Dean, I'll have none of her." She couldn't do it anymore. She couldn't talk about this fae Dean "Trust Issues" Winchester for some reason trusted not to have murdered her parents in cold blood. It made her queasy just to think about it. Instead Jude shook her head and slid farther under the covers, turning her back to her lover and switching off the light. "G'night, Dean."

"Well then, glamour us and let's go," Cas suggested, looking expectantly at the fae. He wanted to help Sam and Dean, and the McKinnons and the other victims deserved justice. "I sense that we're running out of time."
Dean winced at the look on her face. He knew how badly this could hurt. He'd witnessed his father being ripped apart by hell hounds when he was just 19, and had seen so many other brutal things in his career as a hunter. He wanted to reach out to her, to hug her close and tell her everything was going to be okay, but.. deep down he knew that no manner of comforting would make this easier. He would just have to watch her greive, no matter how much it hurt him. Somehow deep down, Dean knew he was right to trust her.

Dean winced again at her tone when he spoke of Krystal. Even he didn't truly understand why he trusted her. He just did. In reality, the answer was a little more complicated than it sounded. When Castiel pulled Dean from hell, a mark and a profound bond were forged. Dean trusted her because Castiel did, and he could feel the bond between Krystal and the angel vibrating between them. He spoke softly again. "If there's one thing the folklore gets right, its that fae cannot lie. It maybe her spell that the other fae is using, but she's not the one using it. Cas believes her and he's known her for two milleniums, so I do too." It was a simple statement, but he knew she wouldn't like it. He'd bever beenbtrysting before.

Krystal nodded. With a snap of her fongers, she now became a sunner fae, and in a flash b they looked like a typical summer court couple. She kissed his cheek. "Okay, lets go"
Jude's jaw jutted out as she tried to bottle up her temper. She wanted to shake him, to shout at him that he was being stupid, but that wasn't her. That she was this furious was itself an anomaly. She closed her eyes in the dark and counted to ten. "I don't know who the fuck Cas is, but it sounds like he has some piss poor judgement." She didn't know that this tended to be a bit of an understatement, considering both recent and more distantly-past events. "Because I suppose she's the one who told you fae can't lie, hm? And folklore makes it pretty clear the Unseelie can lie to achieve their own ends. If she's so good and such a pure fucking snowflake then why did she need to make such a spell in the first place? Ruminate on that a little bit, Dean. Good night." Any arguments he might make would go unanswered; Jude had made it clear she was done talking.

She had noticed that she refused to say Krystal's name and she didn't intend to change that. The bitch didn't deserve to be recognized with a name; she was a monster for even creating such a spell, never mind leaving it just lying around where anyone could use it. It had taken Dean months to let Jude in and he was just going to take the glittery cunt on her word that she couldn't lie? No. That didn't hold.

Sleep took the edge off of Jude's anger. Her opinions on fae and on Dean's working with them hadn't changed, but she could never stay that furious for very long. She was up and about early making breakfast, setting freshly made crepes and a variety of fillings down on the table in front of Sam. Jude was quiet and not her usual self, though it was apparent that the tide of her anger had ebbed for now. She was just sitting down to eat herself when Dean awoke.

"Morning." Her tone wasn't full of vitriol but it wasn't its usual chipper tone either. "I'm gonna go for a run after breakfast; either of you are welcome to join me if you'd like. Then I think I'm gonna stop by the church. Sunday services are cancelled but I'm sure people are gonna be there and I'll be expected to make an appearance." She forced a small smile before taking a bite of her crepe. Normally she would have had at least three or four but today one would suffice. Jude had no appetite and ate only because she knew she had to; the crepes felt gluey and tasted bland to her despite being perfectly fine.

Sam nodded. "Thanks. I think I'll join you," he took her up on her offer, concerned but knowing that Dean wasn't likely to want to run just for the hell of it. Turning his attention to his brother he informed him, "Cas finally learned to just text. He said he and Krystal are going to the Summer Court."
Dean was a little jarred at the amount of anger Jude was expressing, even if he knew it wasn't unwarrented. He would say something, even if he knew she was done talking for the night. "Cas is.. Castiel. An angel. He's a friend." He voice was soft as he spoke, and you could just hear in his tone how badly he felt for both telling her and now for letting Krystal help. She did make some valid points. "It wasn't her that told us that fae cannot lie. It was Cas." He added softly, though he mulled over what Jude had to say in his mind. Why did he trust her? Was it just because of Cas? Cas had been wrong enough times to warrent him not trusting her, yet he couldn't seem to bring himself to not trust her. Was Jude right? Was he under the thrall or something? He didn't know.

Once Jude had stopped talking, Dean was left with his thoughts. He hadn't wanted to tell her, but she'd asked, and it was never good to lie to loved ones. Her anger at the situation was clear, and he didn't blame her one bit. He knew that trusting Krystal this quickly was out of character, but the elder winchester somehow felt he could. Wether it be by a spell, or just plain instinct, something told him she was trustable, even if he made a note to ask her why she created the tree of pain in the first place. He had been wondering about that anyhow.

In the morning, Dean was awoken to the smell of crepes and various fillings, and he walked out into the kitchen, sleepy eyed. "Morning Jude, Sammy" he replied with a yawn, stretching before grabbing a very large cupnof coffee. If he was being honest with himself, he would say he had only gotten a few hours sleep. Jude had raised som interesting questions, and they had plauged his mind along with a little self loathing. Even if he was getting better in that respect because of her, he still had chastised himself a bit. Told himself he deserved to be yelled at because he was stupid. He looked up from his coffee as Jude, and then Sam spoke. He nodded his head. "Sounds good. They're probably going to gather some more information, right?" He replied to them both at once, knowing that Jude probably wore a scowl at the mension of Krystal.

Meanwhile, Krystal gave Castiel a light kiss. "While we're at the summer court, I want you to call me Celeste. I will simply call you Cas. Hopefully we won't draw to much attention, but we'll need to be super affectionate. Summer court fae are very touch feely." She explained, sighing slightly. She hoped they would be able to pull this off, because if she were caught, the other courts would take it as an act of war and she couldn't have that. The investigating had to be sneaky.

When they got to the summer court, the first thing Castiel would probably notice is how in contrast it was to the dark court. Krystal's court laid in a small forest as well, but the forest she lived in conceealed a dark and metallic cityscape. The summer court was nothing like that. It was bright and happy, with houses carved into trees, large bridges made of wood and rope, and a castle carmed from the largest oak Krystal had ever seen. She let out a soft breath. "I've never been to one of the other courts. Its.. beautiful here." She muttered softly to Castiel, just staring in awe.
"Touchy-feely. I'm sure you won't have a problem with that." Castiel gave her a small smile. He might have a problem with it; as much as Krystal crawled all over him, Castiel himself did not tend toward displays of public affection. It wasn't that he didn't love Krystal with all his being, of course he did, but he loved her in his own, quieter way. He would need to keep reminding himself to show more affection while they were at the Summer Court.

The Summer Court was, in fact, beautiful. Castiel had visited a few Heavens which resembled something like this but the human imagination had never reached this level of harmony and beauty. He took a deep breath and the air smelled of an eternal springtime with the trees and flowers fresh in their bloom. The peace and sunshine of the Summer Court actually tugged a small smile from Castiel's usually dour expression.

"C'mon," he said after a few minutes, kissing the top of her head. "We've got work to do."

"Yeah. Something about going under cover or something." Sam shrugged. "I'm sure they'll fill us in when they get back."

"You'll have to meet them, then," Jude informed him calmly. "I'll not have anyone with a mind that vile polluting my home." She didn't say it with anger, but very matter-of-factly. To her thinking, anyone who could create a spell which was that imaginative when it came to torture and murder wasn't someone she wanted anywhere near her or her loved ones. She couldn't stop Dean from working with this fae, but she could control the sorts of people who came into her house. Sam exchanged a look with Dean, but said nothing on the subject.

"She didn't kill your parents, you know."

"I know." Jude panted a little harder than Sam did, but otherwise kept pace easily with the giant. "But she put the weapon in his hands. Who the hell thinks of stuff like that anyway? Psychopaths, that's who. If we turn up at that path it'll circle back around." Jude's usual route was seven miles round trip and they turned from pavement to the dirt path through the woods which would lead back to the street on which she lived.

Sam considered this for a moment as he took the inside of the curve. "People change. She could have been a different person when she created that mark."

"If she had that capacity for such evil once, she can have it again."

"Fair point." Sam tried to think of something else to take the edge of of Jude's distaste for the fae, but considering he himself didn't entirely trust her yet it was difficult. "Cas says we can trust her."

"So I hear. Root." She hopped over the root protruding four inches from the path. "Sounds like a nice enough guy. But considering the things I've heard about this Cas though, he doesn't sound like he makes the best judgement calls. I trust actions more than words, and her actions do not impress."

He couldn't think of anything to say to this. There was nothing Sam could do about Jude's judgement in character or the way she evaluated people, and therefore nothing he could do to change her mind about Krystal. What he knew was that she had helped them, but also that Dean was uncharacteristically trusting of her and that nagged at his mind. The final two miles of their run were mostly silence save Jude's occasional warnings about obstacles on the dirt path.

"Do you want to go to the church with me?" Jude gingerly pulled a comb through her wet hair after her shower as she addressed Dean. It wasn't her way to ask for help; Jude believed in self-sufficiency and had fostered the stubborn pride which came with that. When she asked Dean whether he wanted to go to the church with her, she was really asking if he would; she wasn't sure she could face the congregation alone. "I'll have to shake hands and kiss babies and stuff, but there are people who still remember you. They ask about you time to time, whether we heard anything from you. I'm sure they'd be glad to see you." She forced a weak smile. This wasn't untrue; in a small town like Keene everybody had heard of the boy the Rev had taken in and some still occasionally asked whether they'd heard from him. Jude didn't want Dean there for them, she wanted him there for her. She had always been aware of and depended upon herself, but knew that Dean might have to lend her some of her strength for this.
Krystal chuckled a little pecking his cheek. "No, probably not. But I know PDA is hard for you. Don't worry, it won't be so bad." She promised reassuringly, gently squeezing his hand. She hoped she wasn't asking to much of him. She needed the support. The other courts had never liked her because of who she was, so she was expecting them to give her dirty looks, even in glamour. Castiel gave her courage where she usually had none.

Krystal breathed in the air, closing her eyes a moment. It brough back memories of the nights she and Castiel would lay out in the gardens of her mansion. She hoped those nights would happen again. She relaxed into him, looking up at him as he spoke. "Of course Cas." She replied softly, following him further into the summer court.

Suprisingly, they were all very welcoming, and she hathered much information. "You're sure that General Cole of the court of order is dead?" She asked one of the summer king's girls, and she nodded. This was shaping up to be a very interesting visit indeed. It seemed that Roreck had been lying to them. She'd never had that happen to her before, and it was very worrying. Maybe it was someone in her court after all, and thr signs were pointing to the man she'd called friend for mileniums.

Dean retuned his brothers look with a loonbthat basically meant he would explain later, then nodded at Jude. He didn't expect the woman to want Krystal anywhere near her for awhile if she ever did. "That's the best way to get information. I'll text Cas and tell them to meet us atbthe diner in town." He replied matter of factly, eating a few crepes.

Dean knew by the tone in Jude's voice, she was asking for support. While he had never been religious or neen comfortable in churches, he would go with her. He ran a hand through his hair, glad he'd decided to wear at least some of his suit today. He gave her a soft smile, watching as she brushed her hair. "Of course, Jude. Nobody should have to do that alone."
A breath of relief. She smiled at him before picking the last tangle out of her hair. "Thank you," she said softly, kissing his forehead tenderly before slipping on some clothes. "They'll be glad to see you. I talked to Sheriff Parker to see if everything was done processing. After we're done at the church we can go to the house and start...going through things." Her throat tightened up but she cleared it and swallowed. "I just want to get it over with, y'know?"

No formal gathering to her knowledge had been called, but when Jude and Dean arrived outside the old stone church that had been there nearly as long as Keene itself, most of the congregation was milling about on the lawn. They politely pretended not to see Jude pull up and she took a few minutes to gather herself. Her heart started to pound, she tasted metal, and her vision started to fade; suddenly it was hard to breathe and the hyperventilating made her even dizzier. Although the car was off Jude maintained a white knuckle grip on the steering wheel and she managed to softly whimper Dean's name. The panic attack was over in a minute or two though it had seemed like hours, leaving her feeling exhausted. But the congregation expected her and so she would go.

"Give me strength and mindfulness," she murmured to no one in particular. Although Jude had long ago chosen her own path to spirituality, the superstition and ritual of Christianity had never quite left her. Stretching out the muscles in her neck, she looked over to Dean. "Alright let's go. Prepare for a lot of questions."

Out of the car Jude made a beeline for the door, fumbling with her keychain for a few moments and unlocking it so she could let everyone in. Instead of the surge she expected only few people filtered in to take their usual Sunday seats as though the Rev were just running late. Most were interested in her, offering words of comfort and sympathy, hugs and flowers. She tried to stay next to Dean for the most part, but kept getting pulled away by the parishioners. Even Father Morrin from the St. Mary's across town had taken time to stop by between his early and late morning masses to offer his condolences. He offered to give the service once the bodies were released, considering neither she nor the deacon were ordained, and she accepted with a grateful but sad smile and a half-hearted joke about a Catholic priest giving the service being sacrilege. She squeezed Dean's hand tightly when Father Morrin referred to her parents as "the bodies."

One young woman with tears in her eyes finally found Jude, she as fair as Jude was dark, and hugged her tightly. Jude nearly lost it but regained her composure after a brief shudder of emotion. "Sweetie I'm so, so sorry." The woman kissed Jude's cheek gently.

"Thanks Rach. He loved you too though, y'know." She offered a watery smile before they pulled one another back into a tight hug. With a sniff Jude seemed to remember Dean and turned to him. "I'm sorry. Dean, this is Rachel. Best friend, ex-girlfriend, pretty much all around amazing lady. Rachel this is Dean." They exchanged significant looks with each other and it was clear Jude didn't have to explain who Dean was. She glanced over Rachel's shoulder and patted them both. "I'll be right back guys. Mrs. Howard's a mess and now she wants to talk to me."

"Good luck." Rachel watched Jude go before turning to Dean and folding her arms across her chest. "Dean Winchester. The Dean Winchester." She didn't sound wholly impressed. "If you disappear again I'll hunt you down and gut you myself. I spent two years competing with the ghost of Dean Winchester. You broke her, you know." Her eyes flicked up and down appraisingly and though it wasn't entirely clear whether she liked what she saw, nor was it entirely clear that she didn't.

Work was done fairly quickly. Castiel stuck mostly to Krystal, holding her hand, occasionally peppering her with kisses though it made him blush thoroughly to do so. The court was welcoming and kind, but when they found that this General Cole Roreck had spoken of was dead it was cause for Cas to raise an eyebrow. It was odd to say the least, and the angel wondered how he had died but didn't think it appropriate to ask.

"It seems Roreck had bad information," Castiel suggested once they were out of earshot of the woman Krystal had been questioning. "He may want to check his sources; it seems one of them isn't entirely truthful."
Dean held Jude close in a hug a moment, kissing her head softly. He could only imagine how hard this wasbhoingbto be for her. He gave her a reassuring smile. "Of course, Jude. I'll always be here for you." And he meant it. He wasn't going anywhere this time.

When they got to the church, Dean could just sense the unease, and reached out to her as she had a small panic attack. He budded her back soothingly, voice soft. "I'm here, jude. I'm here. Don't worry. I'm here" when he saw that her panic was waning, he gave her a kiss. He wanted her to know how important she is to him, and that he would stay with her.

Dean nodded and followed her, giving her a reassuring smile. "Okay, Jude." He wasn't to worried. While church had never been his scene, he respected and loved Jude so much he had to go with her. He knew she needed support.

Dean offered as much touching and moral support as he could, evennif it made him a little bit uncomfortable in this big a crowd. He knew she needed him, and truth be told, he needed her too. Being in this church again, without the reverend? It took a toll on his heart he wasn't sure he could admit to anyone but her or maybe Sam. He squeezed her hand back, kissing her head. He knew how hard this was on her.

When a new wan hugged his lover, he raised an eyebrow. He watched the exchange quietly, a tiny tinge of jealousy there. Despite the fact that he probably had no right to be, he was.

When Jude turned to Introduce them, Dean smiled, even if he could tell the woman didn't look extremely happy to see him in Jude's arms again. "Its nice to meet you Rachel." He replied softly, holding his hand out for a shake. He gave Jude a kiss before she left, knowing the woman was sizing him up. He winced guiltily, lookingbat the woman. "I know I did. It broke me to leave her, too.. but this time.. If I do leave, I'm taking her with me." Her replied simply, sure of his decision.

Krystal was shocked to say the least that this General Cole was dead. The pieces were starting to make sense, and she didn't like where they were adding up to. If it really was Roreck doing all this, what were his motives? She knew he didn't hate mortals, so she didn't understand why he might be doung this. When they were out of earshot, she talked in hushed tones to her lover. "No, Cas, as much as I don't want to wrongly accuse Roreck, because he's my closest friend, I think it maybe him that's killed all those people."
Castiel's usual scowl deepened. "Roreck?" he shook his head. "He has no motivation and it's not his personality. The only indication that it might be him is that he gave us a name of a person who's dead. If it were him and not one of his sources, why would he give us a lead which could be so easily debunked?" He shook his head again. "It doesn't add up."

Rachel didn't shake Dean's hand. "Oh so you can drop her where she doesn't have a support system then?" she asked accusingly. She looked him up and down again with a look like she'd just tasted something rotten. "What's your game, Winchester? She was completely in love with you, or at least with the idea of you, and you disappeared. You stole her virginity. It took her years to get over you, then a decade and a half later you think you can just stroll back into town and pick up where you left off, no questions asked? Think saying you know you did her wrong and giving me empty promises makes everything alright? Huh-uh. I dried those tears, I healed those wounds, you don't get to inflict them all over again. I'll play nice for Judith's sake, but I'd trust a snake in a rat cage before I trusted you with her heart." It wasn't clear whether she were jealous or just protective, but if she were honest with herself it was probably a little of both.

Rachel seemed to make a connection, glancing over at the church then back to Dean. Being a good deal taller than Jude she was nearly eye-to-eye with Dean when she stepped closer to him. "I swear, if you had anything to do with the Rev and Shannon there won't be an investigation because there won't be enough of you left for the cops to find," she threatened in a low voice.

Where Jude was dark Rachel was fair; where one believed in the inherent goodness of people the other was suspicious and mistrustful; where one was forgiving and patient the other held grudges; where one was pushed to violence or anger only by the most extreme of circumstances the other would pull a knife in the blink of an eye. The dichotomy of Jude McKinnon and Rachel Warburton was a well-known one which had served them both well over the years and was somewhat of a joke amongst those who knew them. Nobody was surprised when they were caught making out behind the grain silo, nor when they broke up in a very public screaming match which had been talked about for months afterwards, nor when they resumed their friendship the month following said screaming match. Despite their disapproval of the lifestyle the McKinnons had always treated Rachel as one of their own and for past twelve years they had been one another's rock and solace, Rachel and Jude versus the world. Rachel in her grief for her surrogate family and her care for her friend wasn't about to allow that to change, not without a fight.
Krystal shook her head. "Actually, my heart it does. If there's one thing about Roreck that has never changed, its that he would bend over backwards to make me happy. That being said, I have a reason as to why he might've given us false and easily debunked information. It takes the suspician off of him and onto one of his sources." She explained, her face scrunchimg up to show she was thinking very hard. She hated to think badly ofbher most trusted friend, but she had a feeling. Something had been off with Roreck for awhile now, and she knew it wasn't good because his behavior just started to change when the murders started happening.

Dean kept his face nuetral. He didn't want to get into a screaming match with this woman he had just met. Nit only would that look badlh on him, they were still in a church, and he didn't wish anymore pain on Jude from having to choose between him and this Rachel. "Absolutely not." was all he said, listening to her spew. She had points, of course, but she didn't know the whole story.

Dean let out a soft sound. "I had nothing to do with that. I'm in town to find out who did." He said simply, not elaborating anymore. She didn't need yo know the whole story. The only person who did was Jude, and she, for the most part, knew. He still had ghings to tell her, but he had explained, at least, why he left. it was for his brother. He knew if Dean wasn't there, Sam would be hurt, and he couldn't besr that. Jude knew, and she understood. That was all that mattered to him.
Rachel folded her arms across her chest and scowled for a long moment. There was something Jude liked about him, but Jude had always been a little naive to the true nature of people--which was the only way Rachel could fathom why she'd care for someone like her--and she didn't trust it at all. She pointed a finger at him threateningly.

"So you just happened to be in town, show up for the first time in fifteen years, they day they got murdered? She's got enough scars on her heart, Winchester," she warned. "If you take her away from home and I stop hearing from her then so help me God I will find you no matter where you go, and if anything happens to her you will beg for death before I'm done."

"Hey..." Jude frowned and grabbed Rachel's hand as she returned, pulling her a few steps to the side. "Play nice, alright?"

Rachel turned her scowl to Jude. "I don't know what--"

She stopped her with a peck on the lips. "We've talked about this Rach. Let me make my own mistakes, okay?"

Rachel glanced over at Dean and squeezed her friend's hand. "I just don't want you getting hurt again. That asshole--"

"Is back and has explained what happened in high school. I understand why he did it and I've forgiven him and that's all you need to be concerned with, okay?"

She sighed and kissed Jude's forehead. "If he breaks your heart again don't come crying to me."

"You know I will hon." She gave her a small smile. "I've made my rounds here. Dean's brother-slash-partner is at the house so the door's open and people are welcome there if they ask. I ah...we're gonna go to the house. Start going through things. It's better to just rip the bandaid off all at once," she added in response to Rachel's concerned frown. "I'll see you later, okay?" With another hug she returned to Dean and took his hand. "C'mon. Let's just go through all the stuff at the house, get things ready."

At her childhood home Jude was unable to handle matters in the livingroom where a large bloodstain had seeped through the carpet and wasn't completely dry. Instead she started with her parents' bedroom upstairs, sorting things into donate, keep, and trash piles. She forced herself to emotionally take a step back from each item, to pretend that it was a couple of parishioners who had died and she was helping the family instead of tossing away her parents' entire lives. For hours Jude and Dean worked mostly in silence, moving room to room, trying to look at the things as just things and not memories. By 8 they were finally done, all that was needed was to call the church charity shop and the dump to get the respective piles of belongings; Jude had chosen to keep very little, mostly photographs and trinkets bought on vacations as well as a couple pieces of furniture. Back at her own home Sam was still doing research.

"Hi. Ah...lots of people came by today, seemed pretty disappointed I wasn't your boyfriend." He gave her a sympathetic smile. "I told them I was one of the agents working on the case, interviewed a couple of them but none of them threw up any red flags. You've probably got more casseroles than you can eat now though."

Jude forced a smile. "Thanks, Sam. Think I may just go to bed early though. Wake's tomorrow."

"Jude you need to eat something." Sam frowned and looked to Dean for backup. He didn't know that she'd skipped lunch, but he could take an educated guess.

Castiel shook his head. "It would only take suspicion off of him if you were suspicious of him in the first place, and you weren't," he pointed out. "And he knows that killing people doesn't make you happy. Quite the opposite. He knows you better than almost anyone and knows that you would be onto him if you had any reason for suspicion. Pointing us to a dead man would be suicide."
Dean kept a hand on Jude the whole time she talkedbto Rachel. It wasn't really because of the other woman he did it or because of jealousy. He just needed her near to assure himself she was still real. Even though it had been a few days, the elder winchester still couldn't believe his good luck. He was waiting for the metaphorical other shoe to drop. Anything good that happened in his life had come with a hefty price, so he worried for the love of his life. He stayed quiet the whole time she was talking to the other woman, waiting patiently. He knew now what a history they had, and he wouldn't pull her away until she suggested it.

Dean squeesed her tight, kissing her head. "Yeah, Jude. lets go." he answered simply, landing a hand atbthe small of her back and leading her back to the car. He knew she was struggling with this, so he kept as quiet as he could. giving her a kiss as the reached the house. "its going to be okay." He promised, smiling softly.

Dean helped clear as much as he could, saving pictures and photo albums and things he knew she would keep. He let out a soft breath, rubbing her back. "Things will benokay. the pain stops eventually" he murmurred, hoping to help her in any way he could.

Dean looked at his brother and then Jude. "He's right baby. even if its just a little something, you should eat. Especially since you skipped lunch." He pleaded, giving her worried green eyes. He hated seeing her like this, andnit was killing him. He needed to get her out of dodge as soon as he could. He could see how much it was killing her, and it killed him to see her like that.

Krystal still looked contemplative as she talked. "You're right, I wasn't. Now i'm not sure though. He's been acting very strange, and he treated you different than he normally would. I'm not stupid. something is up with him." she replied, before changing their appearences for the winter court. that was where they needed to be next.
Castiel smiled gently. "He treated me just as I would have expected him to," he pointed out. "To him I abandoned you in your time of need and now I'm back after centuries of absence. I wouldn't treat me very kindly either, from that perspective."

Jude opened her mouth to argue but closed it again when Dean chimed in and gave her those eyes. Those big, fanfiction green puppy-dog eyes. She swallowed hard and sighed. "Fine," she finally acquiesced. "But just so you know I do it under protest. I'm not hungry, and you know I'm not a fan of eating when I'm not hungry."

That was a lie and only something she said when she was distressed and looking for a reason not to eat. Jude ran every day because she'd always had a healthy, sometimes more-than-healthy, appetite and could often pack away as much as Dean did. Tonight however she only looked in the fridge and warmed up a slice of Mrs. Rizzoni's lasagna. It was a quick lasagna and not the one that had won first place at the county fair for three years in a row; that one took three days to make and Jude had no doubt that another of Mrs. Rizzoni's lasagnas would make an appearance tomorrow or Tuesday. Even though her "quick lasagna" was still delicious, it tasted bland to Jude and she had a hard time swallowing. Once she'd had enough of it to satisfy Dean--which was the entire piece and refusing to have a second--she quietly bid them goodnight. Tears didn't come after she'd turned off the light; it felt like she'd cried so much all of her tears had been wrung out like water from a sponge.

The wake began at two the next afternoon. Jude had tried to go into work at her usual time but the sheriff had sent her directly back home. Rachel showed up at noon to help clean and get everything ready, warming up casseroles that had been dropped off yesterday and setting out drinks, including plenty of alcohol. She was still determined not to give Dean a chance, but didn't seem adverse to flirting pretty openly with Sam. Jude asked her to stop but Rachel refused; it clearly amused Jude and was the closest she'd come to smiling all day.
Krystal sighed, hugging him a bit, just to keep herself stable. She couldn't explain it, but she knew something was up with Roreck. She didn't like the idea that Roreck may have something to do with all of this, but at the same time, she couldn't shake the feeling that he did. "You're right Cas. It was silly of me to think otherwise, even if can't shake this feeling I have." She admitted with a sigh, walking with him through the woods to the snowy winter court.

The winter court was explanatory mostly in name. While every part of the court was cover in fluffy white snow, there was a serene beauty to it. The chill in the air nipped at your nose, and the pretty queen, Donia, kept tge lightvin her domain all light pinks and purples, as if it were dusk. Krystal closed her eyes a moment, breathing in the crisp cool air as she rubbeded her shoulders. "Its so lovely here.." she commented, taking in another deep breath.

Dean crossed his arms as he watched her, showing his concern though remaining as stoic as possible. If he were to say anything more, he might break down. This whole situation was killing him, and he hoped it would benover soon. Once he was satisfied she had eaten, he gave her a light kiss and washed her playe quickly before getting ready for bed himself. When the light turned offbin her room, he stiod at herbdoor, letting out a soft sound. "Can I stay with you tonight, Jude?" He asked, somply wanting to snuggle her to quench his own selfishness to be near her.

The nextbday, Dean trued tobhelp Jude in any way he could. He grabbed extra chairs, her made her breakfast, he made her tea, just gennerally being sweet to her. Even if he knew no amount of sweetness would make her feel better. He just needed to take care of her. It was what he had always been good at. Taking care of people. whether it be a distraught victim or his own little brother sammy, taking care was what he did. He rolled his eyes at Rachel flirting with sam, but when he saw how it seemed to amuse Jude, he didn't comment. ifbit made her smile a little, he was all for it.
Of course Dean could stay with her. Almost every night for fifteen years she had imagined him laying with her, stroking her hair, holding her close. There would never come a day when Dean Winchester wasn't welcome in Jude's bed. It didn't matter the reasons for his wanting to be near her, she wanted to be near him. She needed him and always would.

Sam was an observant type and noticed Dean rolling his eyes at Rachel's open flirting, but when his brother didn't say anything he figured it was for Jude's sake and played along. If he were honest, had the occasion not been so grim he probably would have flirted back anyway. Rachel was vibrant and pretty after all, and reminded him a little of Jess. The three of them conspired to sneakily make Jude eat throughout the wake in place of the proper lunch she hadn't touched: a cocktail weenie here, a small piece of casserole there, she could never say no to cupcakes or a slice of pie even if they were small. Rachel kept trying to feed her whiskey but every time Jude set the drink down Sam would grab it up and dilute it, drink it himself, or pour it out; she needed to be sober for what came next and could drink herself into oblivion later. Rachel pouted prettily whenever she caught him at it but he would have none of it. It was four by the time he realized that she might be slipping Jude drinks so that he would drink it.

At 5:30 Jude announced that it was time and everyone--everyone including most of the congregation as well as friends and neighbors--trooped out to their cars and drove in a procession to the church. Father Morrin conducted the service and traditional hymns were sung as well as a few nontraditional songs. In the graveyard next to the church, amongst the rest of his family, Reverend James and Shannon McKinnon were lowered into their final resting place. Jude sat silent and dry-eyed through all of it, watching her parents lowered into the ground with a detached feeling, as though it were a dream or those weren't really her parents in there, as though they were going to come over later and ask her how the funeral went. She squeezed Dean's hand tightly as she watched the dirt shoveled over their caskets. Rachel and Sam waited and the four of them were the last to leave, after the last of the dirt had been shoveled back into the grave.

"Want me to stay the night?" Rachel had heated up some of the leftover food for the four of them after the funeral, but Jude only picked at it.

"I'm fine Rach," Jude insisted with a weak smile.

"It wasn't an offer it was a threat. Eat something. Actually put the fork in your mouth Judith." Jude looked at her and put the empty fork into her mouth. "Ha ha ha. Now with actual food, before I force it down mama bird style."

It was a struggle for them both, Rachel looking pained at having to force her friend to eat and Jude looking like she was about to cry at being forced to eat when she wasn't even hungry. Rachel settled for half and ate the rest of Jude's; another way in which they were complete opposites. Jude in her grief starved herself while Rachel would eat anything in arm's reach regardless of whether or not she was hungry. It was late before Rachel left after they spent the evening reminiscing, looking at old pictures and watching home movies. Jude fell asleep watching their high school graduation and Rachel gently disentangled herself, laying an afghan over her before heading for the door.

"You take care of her Winchester, or I'll paint your balls red and green and use them for Christmas ornaments," she threatened Dean before turning a smile to Sam and winking. "See you later, Sam."

Castiel smiled at the way Krystal looked in the snow. The eternal twilight of the Winter Court was just as beautiful as the eternal summer afternoon of the Summer Court. He put an arm around her shoulders and kissed her temple gently. "Almost as beautiful as you," he said with a gentle smile. "Come on, we've got some investigating to do."
Dean let out a sound, climbing inyo bed with her and pulling her close. He kissed thevtop of her head gently. "Everything is going to be alright, Jude." He whispered softly, gently stroking down her arm. He hated that this happened, and even though he knew it wasn't really his fault, he took the guilt on anyway. He would avenge their deaths, even if it meant his own.

At the wake, Dean tried to ignore the fact that rachel flirted with his baby brother. Despite the fact that she hated his guts, she seemed like a lovely woman. Not that he didn't blame himself for leaving, but he hadn't wanted his baby brother to get any more mixed up in the hunting life than he had to be. Dean was the grunt, the one whose life meant nothing. Sammy and Jude however? They meant everything.

Dean kept a tight arm around Jude at the funeral, trying to offer some sort of comfort. He held his own pain of watching next to her in, needing to be strong for her. Jude is the love of his life, and he fully intended to make sure she never had to cry like this ever again. He knew he had a major penchant for dying, but he always came back. someone always brought him back, and he would try his damndest to make sure the last time he'd been killed to be the last time.

After the funeral and the 4 of them were back at the house, Dean was at Jude's other side, holding her close. He watched the movies in silence, already in his own world as he kissed her head, remembering when they were young. It was hard to remember now that he knew he would never see her parents again. He had hoped back then that if he left he'd be sparing her this pain, but once again, he was wrong. He hoped life would get better now, but he was skeptical.

Deans eyes widened at Rachel's comment as she leaves. "Message received loud and clear, Rachel."

Krystal smiled and pulled Castiel into a kiss before taking his hand and leading him toward the court entrance. "Yes, lets get down to business. I want this to be over so I can do some devious things to you my heart." she replied with a wide smirk and a wink. She looked ever like a devious winter court fae.
Castiel raised his eyebrows when she promised to do devious things to him. "Just make sure you can keep such promises and I'm sure everything will be fine," he teased gently.

Rachel grinned. "Good!" she said before turning on her heel and leaving for the night.

The next few days Jude mostly ran and moped then went for another run. Sam usually joined her for her runs, though nothing much was usually said; he'd wait for her to start. Dean wasn't really great with words and they both knew it and Jude would need someone to talk to who wasn't quite so invested. Still they would come in panting and sweaty with nothing having been said between them but a quiet comfort and understanding. After a week Jude began to pack.

"What do you mean you're leaving?" Rachel and Jude were in the middle of a screaming match that ranged all over the house as Jude went around putting things into boxes and Rachel followed behind taking them out again.

"I mean I can't stay here Rachel!" Jude shouted back. "There's too much I...I can't. I just can't." She sat and put her face in her hands.

"You're talking like you don't have anything left here, like your whole life isn't here. You've got friends, you've got the congregation, you've got me--"

"Oh for fuck's sake this isn't about you!" she snapped, raising her head. "Maybe...maybe I'll come back I dunno, but I can't be here right now. I don't want to be here."

"So you're just gonna go off with Dean fucking Winchester, he of the absolutely fucking stellar track record, and do whatever across the country?"

"Pretty much, yeah." Jude shrugged.

"If you call me because he's abandoned you in the middle of the cornfield I'm not coming to get you."

"What, so you're the only one allowed to make poor life choices?" She rubbed her face. "Look Rach...I dunno I just...You know how I feel about him. I don't want to lose him again and I don't have family here anymore. Everywhere I go there's memories and that just hurts too much right now."

There was more fighting but eventually Rachel relented, though she refused to help Jude pack. Some things were put into storage, others into boxes to be loaded into a moving truck. Jude knew that Dean would leave eventually and she intended to leave with him.
Krystal smirked at him. "Oh baby, you doubt my power? I'm gonna take you back to our hotel room and I'm gonna ravage you my heart. You'll never know what hit you." she replied, winking as she took his hand and atarted walking through court. The winter fae were more subtle in their showing of affections, so a simple kiss or hold of hand was enough to show here. She was playkng her role perfectly. None were the wiser she was actually the murder queen in disguise

Dean watched the woman leave with a small smile. "You know what sammy? She may hate my guts but I like Rachel. she's got balls" he muttered thoughtfully, picking Jude up and bringing her to bed. He set her down gently, stripping down to his boxers before climbing in next to her and pulling the covers over them. He kissed her head. "May your dreams give you comfort my love." He whispered as a silent prayer to any angel listening, snuggling into her. Yes, it was bordering on a chick flick moment, but the man didn't care. Jude made him want to have this moments

Dean watched the exchange between the two women with interest, though there was slight guilt in his fanfiction green eyes. He didn't want to tear her away from someone he knew she loved and who loved her, but he also knew that being in this town was slowly killing her. He hoped that they could wrap up this case quickly and head back home to the bunker, where he could help her heal from the pain he knew she was experiencing, maybe marry her, maybe have a child. The apple pie kind of life had never been what Dean had though he deserved, but for her, he'd sure as hell try. She meant more to him than his own life, maybe even more than Sammy did.
Jude didn't want to wait for the case to be finished. God knew how long it would take for it to be finished, and locals didn't know anything that was for certain. She wanted to leave now, to stop seeing all the places she'd gone with her parents, all the memories they had. Rachel took over her house, convinced she'd return in a few months or so, and the sheriff accepted her resignation with a look of sorrow. Two weeks after the deaths of her parents, Jude left the only home she ever knew for a place where the only known factor was Dean. The moving truck followed the Impala across the country to what seemed to be just a field in the middle of nowhere Kansas. She raised her eyebrows when they opened up the bunker's front door for her, then showed her where she could pull the truck around. Eventually the truck was unpacked and a good portion of her things--furniture and whatnot--was put into storage for now.

"So um...some bunker you've got here," she commented, standing in the atrium and looking around. She rocked back and forth from heel to toe. "It's actually a lot nicer than what I pictured when you said 'bunker.' But assuming that field out there is No Man's Land I think I'm gonna start building. I need the sun." She smiled ruefully.

And for the next six months that was exactly what Jude did. There was no time to grieve, no time to feel pain, when she was hauling bales of hay, stacking them, plastering them, installing plumbing and electrical work with some help from the internet, a few volunteers from the nearest town paid in pizza, and more than a few Three Little Pigs jokes. When all was said and done the straw house was a cluster of circles backed up against a copse of trees in the field with a roof made of living plants where Jude had somehow already started an herb garden. The house itself had two guest rooms and an office upstairs which housed a pull-out in case for some reason two guest rooms weren't enough. Beneath the reclaimed wood floors, however, were painted devil's traps spanning most of the square footage of each room though there was a plank in each room she could lift to scratch out the warding if need be. She couldn't think of a reason there would ever be a need. Wood over each threshold and at each windowsill was infused with salt as well, though whether that would work as well as pouring salt in the same places. All in all it was sunny, purportedly eco-friendly, and very Jude. While the house was being built she'd also somehow found time to start a garden which was now giving up its abundance of summer fruits and vegetables and she only ever needed to go to the store for animal products, frequently bringing the boys food made from her garden. After losing a dangerous amount of weight over the span of two months she'd finally started eating regularly again--if nothing else because she couldn't build her home and not be starving--and was finally starting to look less drawn.

"Finally sleeping in the house for the first time tonight," Jude said cheerfully as she set lunch in front of Sam and Dean while they researched...she didn't know what. She hadn't really kept up with their cases lately. "It's been demon-proofed and everything. You boys are both welcome to stay, though if you're more comfortable in the bunker I get it." She still couldn't believe she was saying things like 'demon-proofed' in all seriousness.

Sam glanced at Dean while reaching for his lunch. "Umm thanks Jude, but I think I'll let you two break it in first." He smiled briefly before tucking in and turning back to the books. Six months and they still were no closer to finding who had murdered the McKinnons. They'd had other cases on the side, of course, but Dean had become obsessed with finding the fae who had killed Jude's parents.
Two weeks passed and Dean was no closer to finding the McKinnon's killer. Usually Sam and he could wrap up a Case in a week tops, but this one was still driving at him. He knew he had to get Jude out of there though, so he packed up the impala and brought her back to the bunker. Hopefully now that shevwas no longer in new hampshire she'd feel better.

"It's home for us, Jude. Be your home too as long as you want." He promised, kissing her head softly, not so self concious being in his own space with just jis brother around. He sent a short prayer to Cas, telling the angel that they were back at the bunker and Jude was with them too. He chuckled a little. "Of course Jude. Anything you want." he added, giving her a quick tour.

6 months later had Jude's little house done, and he couldn't be more proud of her. He sometimes couldn't even believe that she chose him to love. He couldn't believe that anyone vould love him as much as she did. He grinned at her. "yeah, first night! I'd love to help christen his house." there was a slight wiggle of his eyebrows, though his smirk gave way to say that he was mostly joking about sex in the new house. Only if she wanted to.

Krystal looked up from her book of wards, improving and strengthening the ones on her most private spell book. She wasn't taking anymore chances on anyone getting a hold of that spell and wreaking more havok. She sighed, wondering what Castiel was doing. She hadn't seen him in awhile. She set herbook down, walking down to the kitchen of her penthouse, hoping for a large raspberry pure leaf and perhaps to run into her love.

The two of them had been checking around the Fae courts for the past 6 months, but she still wasn't any closer to finding out who had been murdering those mortals. She grsbbed a tea from the refrigerator. "Cassie, I'm feeling very discouraged. I want justice!" she exclaimed, knowing that if the angel was anywhere around, he'd hear her.
"I know you do, Krystal." Castiel appeared behind her, looking disheartened himself. He had been pulling all of the connections he had left, had even managed to interrogate Crowley, but still nothing. He sighed and put his hands on her shoulders. "Have heart," he said softly, trying to sound encouraging. "The truth will come out eventually, we just need to keep working at it and helping the Winchesters where we can."

Jude rolled her eyes but smiled when Dean joked about "christening" the house. She had wanted to, but for the first few months she'd been here she'd been too depressed to do much apart from throwing herself into her work. Once she'd started doing that, she would most of the time take a shower then collapse into bed next to Dean, exhausted. She was still tired and sore from the past few days of putting the finishing touches on the house and keeping the garden going. Sex would be nice...but would she be up for it?

"Seriously Sam, you're welcome to stay," she said. "Straw bales are very thick and provide great sound insulation."

Sam only smiled and shook his head. "I'm good. I can hold down the fort here; you two go on." He knew his brother would be wanting "alone time" with Jude, with or without sex. The bunker was huge, but with most of their time spent in the common areas his tiny room with his tiny bed had really been their best shot at privacy. It still beat a motel room at least. Jude gave him a small smile before taking Dean's hand.


The inside of the house fairly reeked of Jude, though she'd held back in places she thought Dean might consider too "girly." Although the curtains were bright and the bed was clearly of her choosing, instead of painting the walls in bright colors she kept them their natural color in deference to Dean's more subdued sense of taste. Over the fireplace and in the bedroom were places where Jude had sculpted with clay and cobb, and in the naturally-colored bathroom saturated with natural light was a deep clawfoot tub. The living room, kitchen, and dining room all let in an abundance of natural light also, making the large, luxurious bunker seem like an enormous underground cell. Jude could have never done well there, not when it was apparent that all of this sunlight was how she thrived. From the kitchen and dining room there was a view of the garden which had grown seemingly unnaturally quickly and was flourishing under Jude's attention. After giving him the grand tour Jude sat on the couch she'd brought from New Hampshire, one of several articles of furniture which would be familiar to Dean in this unfamiliar setting. It was a comfort, even if it was her first time sitting on it in this new house.

"Well," she said tentatively. "This is it. What do you think?"
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