The Road so Far: Supernatural Soulmates (Krystal x Madam Mim)

"Dean..." Jude looked conflicted as Dean poured his heart out to her. "Oh Dean..." She took his hand in both of hers and brought his fingers to her lips, gently kissing each knuckle just as she used to do. The first time he was here she had found the crisscrossing scars on his knuckles from his many hunts, and at the time she had been convinced that he had come from an abusive home. That conviction only deepened when she saw how many more scars had made their home there in the meantime. She sighed. "Dean you've never left my heart," she admitted, "and I never stopped loving you. And you do deserve a second chance. Even if you didn't, I'd give you all the chances you need."

And here it came. "But I was shattered when you left." Jude couldn't look at him. She turned his hand over to kiss a line down his finger where, had he stayed, there could have been a wedding band by now. She continued that line of kisses down his palm to the inside of his wrist. "The life of an FBI're gone most of the time and I'd be left sitting and wondering whether I was gonna get the call telling me you'd died on the job. I'm not sure I'd be able to handle you leaving again, and it would break me to know you were dead. When you left, there was always the hope you were still alive." Jude pressed another gentle kiss to the inside of his wrist before pressing his palm against her cheek. Finally she met his eyes. "I want to try again, Dean. I've never loved anyone the way I loved you, and I doubt I ever will. But at the same time...I want a family. I want a husband, children, grandchildren. I want to have that sort of a life with you, but I know that it isn't fair of me to ask you to leave your job just for me."

She was quiet for a long time. Finally Jude sighed and swept hair back from her face. She hadn't let go of Dean's hand, almost as though she feared that if she did she would lose him forever. "Let's try it while you're in town," she said finally, looking up at Dean. "And until you've solved this case you can think about what you want. If you don't like it here I can move, I'll follow you anywhere; you've always known that. But I can't come on cases with you, and we both know that that's where your time will be. But until you've solved this case, we can try again. We can start over." She pressed another kiss to his palm.

Castiel shook his head. "You haven't known me in the centuries that have passed," he protested quietly. "The things I've done because I was following orders, or for the greater good. I killed thousands of angels. I'm not a good man or a good angel, I'm not a good brother...I'm not a good being." And it was true, to him at least. Everything he'd done with the best of intentions had turned to mud in his hands. Krystal had known a man different from how he was now.
Dean closed his eyes as Jude kissed his knuckles, head lolling slightly. His body language said volumes to what he was feeling. The closed eyes indicated pleasure at her show of affection, his shoulders rigid. There was still alot of guilt held in his heart for hurting her so, but he had hurt too. He almost got himself killed a few times on hunts because he couldn't take the pain any longer. He let out a soft breath, his free hand resting at her hip, begging to pull her closer.

"There were so many times I wanted to run back to you, Jude, but my life is the very definition of complicated. When my father died, I had to take care of sammy and make sure he got along okay. If I had ever thought that yoj wouldn't hate me like the trash Ibam, I would've come back. I was scared." He explained softly, and in his words you could definitely hear his father. John Winchester had said that getting close to someone meant weakness, yet his son couldn't imagine living his life with out Jude now that he'd ran into her again. He was breaking his dad's first rule of hunting. But he realized now that he'd broken that rule long ago when he'd muttered that first i love you at 16.

Dean stroked her cheek softly as she leaned into his hand, eyes closing again. It seemed like the more contact he had with her, the happier he became. She lit him up in a way that no woman ever had done before nor he thought any other woman ever would. He smiled softly as he enjoyed the moment, caught up in her soft feel despite listening intentlh to hear what she said. "I want that too, Jude, more than anything, but i'm scared. Anyone I even try to love dies, and I don't want the same to happen to you." His words were soft as he looked at her, intertwining their fingers and resting his forehead on hers. "Yeah. Lets start over. Can.. i.. stay here?" He added softly, eyes sgowing his quiet embarrassment, but needing to be close to her.

Krystal snorted a little, snuggling close to Castiel. "I don't believe that for a second, cassie. Well, at least the you not being good part. Even angels are entitled yto making mistakes. Nobody's perfect, my love." She tried y o sooth, kissing his cheek. While it was true she knew that people change change, she knew her angel. She knew that whatever wrong he may have done was for the right reasons, and that made him good too. Hopefully she could get him to see that.
Castiel shook his head. "You wouldn't say that if you'd been there," he insisted flatly. "If you'd seen what I've done, who I've worked with...who I've killed. It wasn't right and it wasn't good. Nobody's perfect, but that isn't an excuse." He sighed and shook his head again. "You don't understand."

The corners of Jude's eyes turned down as he talked about his father's death, about thinking she would hate him. When he called himself trash she smacked him gently, tapping his cheek with her fingertips. "Hey," she said seriously, looking into his eyes. "Nobody calls you trash, Dean. Not even you. You're not trash and I won't allow that sort of talk about you." A smile played at her lips but never quite made it. If Jude were capable of hate, she would have hated his father for making Dean feel this way about himself. At first part of her draw to him had been, like her father, to fix what was broken, but then she had seen the gentle soul beneath the gruff exterior; an exterior encouraged by John Winchester. The man was lucky he was dead or Jude would have found him and given him a piece of her mind.

"I'm not going to die, love," she assured him gently, leaning her forehead against his and running her fingers through his hair. "Not until we're old and gray and have lived long, happy lives, and if I go first then when I get to Heaven I'll stand at those Pearly Gates and I'll wait for you. I'll always wait for you, Dean." When he acquiesced to starting over, Jude's expression blossomed into a wide, bright smile before she leaned forward and placed the softest, gentlest of kisses on Dean's lips. "Yeah Dean, you can stay here," she murmured softly.
Krystal frowned softly, shifting herself so that she was now on top of him in the bed. She looked him straight in the eye, electric blue meeting glacial grey blue. "Cassie, stop. Its not the actions that make the man, its the intensions. As long as they were pure, you're still pure as well. I love you, okay? Just the way you are. Always have, always will." She promised, pecking both his cheeks, before snuggling back down into him. She hated seeing him so depressed. She knew that he was still her angel knight in shining armor.

Dean looked up at her with wide pained eyes. "Okay Jude." Was his hos only soft reply, and in his expression you could just see how much his father's words had hurt him over all these years. He maybe a brilliant, caring athletic man, but because of his father he thought he was no better than the dirt on his boots. Sammy had always been the smart one, sammy had always been the one who got everything. He was the one that was always giving. Don't get him wrong, he never faulted his brother for all this, no. He blamed the father that was so bent on revenge that he left his sons to the wayside.

Dean winced softly at her words. She didn't know what she was talking about. She didn't know just how dangerous her life would really become if she chose to follow him home. "I'm not even sure the angel would even let me into heaven." He muttered, and you could see in his eyes there was something that he wasn't saying. He'd seen it all. Heaven, hell, purgatory, and he honestly was so broken down by all the violence and death in his life that he almost didn't believe he was worthy of going to heaven. At Jude's kiss, his eyes widened in surprise, but he kissed her back, his free hand pulling her flesh against him.

Dean let out a soft breath, pulling her to his chest like he'd stayed with her so many nights before as kids. "Thank you, Jude. Love you."
Jude freely let Dean guide her down to lay down against his chest. Reaching over she clicked off the lamp, plunging them into darkness. "I love you too, Dean Winchester," she murmured back.

It was raining when she woke up. There were several reasons Jude would never forget that day, and later looking back on it the rain had for some reason stuck particularly in her mind. It wasn't the drizzle of earlier in the weak but a slow, steady downpour creating a curtain of grey just outside her open window. The smell of rain and the warmth of Dean's arms, the steady rise and fall of his chest, all combined to make her take several minutes to make sure she wasn't dreaming. No, she wasn't; dream Dean was usually younger, the way she had remembered him as a teenager, or slightly varied from this Dean who held her, the way she had imagined him growing up to look. Jude stretched luxuriously and quietly slipped out of his arms. It was Saturday and she didn't have to go to work, though she imagined he would have to be on his case today just as any weekday. Still, that was no reason not to start things off with a good breakfast. Quietly she slipped off her night shirt--actually it was a sports jersey he'd left behind years before but she just hadn't had the heart to part with it--and pulled on a comfortable outfit befitting the weather before padding out of the room on bare feet.

"Morning, Sam," Jude greeted him quietly with a smile when she found him on his laptop at the kitchen. "Sleep well?"

"Oh, very well thank you." Sam smiled though he didn't fully understand why they were communicating in hushed tones. "Looks like Dean got an early start on me." He certainly wasn't going to indicate that he'd been eavesdropping last night. Jude shook her head.

"Nah, he's still sleeping. Pancakes alright?"

"Sounds great, thanks." He smiled again and returned to his research while Jude got started on pancakes, warming up some of the leftover cherry pie filling to put on top of them.

Castiel could only shake his head at her assertions. She didn't know him, hadn't seen the things he'd done...and maybe they were better off for it. Still, he just couldn't forgive himself. Instead of arguing he merely contented himself to lay there with Krystal in his arms, watching over her as she slept the way he used to so many centuries ago.
Dean's face grew into the widest grin he'd had since he was 16 and he snuggled her close, falling into a the deepest, most peaceful sleep he'd had in years.

Dean frowned as he awoke to an empty bed. He had hoped to awake as she did so that he could kiss her good morning. Even though he wasn't usually this private around his brother, things were different with Jude. He shared something really special with her, and it embarrassed him to be overly affectionate with her. It wasn't that he was ashamed, no, that had nothing to do with it. It was just that for him to show his true feelings to someone like that, was rare and special.

Dean stretched and got out of bed, looking at the clock near the door. It was 9 am, and the hunter would need to get in touch with Castiel. It was to see if he'd come up with anything from the books that queen Krystal had said she had back at her hotel. He let out a soft yawn as he stretched again, padding into the the kitchen. He rubbed a habd over his face. "Morning Jude, morning Sammy" he muttered as he sat at the table, still in to much of a sleepy daze to keep his mouth in check at calling his "partner" by his own private nickname.

Krystal snuggled back down into Castiel, giving his cheek one more kiss before closing her eyes. Her head laid on his chest, and she was listening to the soft beat of his heart, simply relaxing. Before the pretty fae had realized it, she'd falling asleep, and dreams of him plauged her mind. Some were happy, recounting things like his proposal and dates they had, but others were more trying, like the night he'd left to help in a conflict that had arisen with the angels. "My Cassie. My angelbaby. My heart" she muttered softly with a snore, contented to be with him, even if they would need to get lots of research done in the morning.
Castiel held her through the night, content to watch her and listen to her mumble in her sleep. Whenever her face scrunched in anxiety he gently stroked Krystal's hair and murmured softly to her. Morning came all too soon. He watched the rain outside with his arm contentedly around the fae, knowing that they needed to do research but unwilling to get up and do it. Across the room his phone buzzed in his coat pocket, but he ignored it. He wasn't willing to disturb Krystal's sleep.

"Cas isn't answering," Sam said in frustration, setting down his phone and looking over at Dean. "Morning," he returned. "Think I may head over to that hotel, make sure he's alright." He still didn't trust Krystal, and Cas not answering his phone after going to her hotel was unsettling. Without waiting for an answer he stood and pulled his shoes on before grabbing a jacket, leaving the suit for plain clothes. "I'll text you when I know he's okay."

"Good morning, Dean," Jude greeted him with a warm smile and a warmer stack of cherry pie pancakes. "Sleep well?" She moved over to an ancient-looking record player-tape deck combo and put on a record that seemed to trickle along with the rain. Sam swept by her and she looked over her shoulder. "Drive safe, Sam," she called, answered by a raised hand just before the door closed behind him. She slid into a chair next to Dean, grabbing up her own fork and digging into breakfast. Jude was content to just sit and eat in the quiet with soft music filling the kitchen; she and Dean had never had to be constantly talking to be happy around each other.

"C'mere," Jude said once they were done. The song had changed to something a bit bouncier. With a grin Jude tugged at Dean's hand, attempting to get him to leave his seat. "Come on Dean. I've gotten you to dance a time or two," she insisted. When eventually he relented Jude pulled him into a bouncy sort of dance across the kitchen floor with the steps being made up as they went. "So...does your brother have a different dad, or did he just change his name so you could work together?" She smiled knowingly as she twirled slowly under his arm in time with the music.
The faint sound of the rain made Krystal stretch a little, opening her eyes. They were sleepy, but she was awake enough to remember that she wasn't alone. "Morning Cassie." She muttered groggily, giving him a kiss to the lips. It was what she had always woken up when he was with her before, and now that she was with him again, old habits died hard. But she wasn't feeling any adverse effects, nor did she remember anything more in a burst, so that was a good sign, she supposed. Maybe it had to be castiel who kissed her in order to truly break the spell?She stretched, yawning. "You know, I think i'd like some icecream." It sounded lIke Krystal's giddy randomness from him being near was coming through again.

Dean ran a hand over his face as he came and sat down, grinning at the stack of pancakes goven to him. He looked at shaking his head. Even it was a little worrying, Dean somehow knew the angel was okay. "Did you call him on both phones?" Dean asked with an expression that meant had he prayed to him, but when sam announced that he was gonna drive over there, he only nodded. He knew his brother needed solid proof, because he didn't trust the pretty fae yet. He smiled as Jude flipped some music on, giving her a kiss to the cheek before starting to eat his pancakes in silence. It was true that they didn't need to talk much to be happy in each other's company.

Dean groaned a little as she pulled at him, knowing what she wanted. He was stubborn for only a moment or two before yeilding to her. He could never say no yo her, no matter what she asked, he loved her to much to ever see her disappaointed. As they danced, he was startled by her question. "He changed his name. How lone have you known?" He asked back at her, looking curious and a little embarrassed. He hated lying to her, but as of right now, he was an FBI agent, not a hunter.
He asked how she knew and Jude smiled mischievously. "Wanna know a secret, Dean?" she asked in a stage whisper. "I knew it all along. I'm psychic; I can read minds! I just didn't want to tell you because I thought you'd freak out." At the look on Dean's face she laughed. "Ooor," she offered, "I used my very own reasoning skills. You said last night your brother's name was Sammy, and if I had a sibling and a partner with the same name, I wouldn't call them both by the same nickname."

She twirled under Dean's arm again and stepped closer to him, wrapping one arm around his neck and setting her other hand on his waist. "So is that what you guys do? Crossing the country, saving people, solving crimes? Quite a family business you've got there ducks." Jude smiled and pushed herself onto tiptoes to peck at his lips lightly. "Not a settled way to live, that's for sure, and knowing you you probably live off of bacon cheeseburgers and pie. Nothing homecooked, I'll bet." She shook her head in disapproval; Jude had always been about home and hearth, about being "one with nature" and all the hippie crap Dean usually ignored and she couldn't imagine a lifestyle worse than that of fastfood and asphalt. "This could be your home again, y'know," she offered meekly. "Between cases, I mean. A decent bed, a few good meals, familiar faces. Sheriff Parker would be tickled to have a big-shot FBI agent around all the time."

Castiel felt a spark when Krystal kissed him. Well, that had been...different. Perhaps there was hope after all. Still, he didn't want to rush it; maybe it would be a series of small little gestures like that rather than one grand fairytale (heh) true-love-conquers-all kiss. After all, what made a relationship in the long run was the little things. She stretched beside him and he smiled; he'd missed the little things, like the way she yawned or her sleep mumbling.

"Ice cream for breakfast?" he asked, half-teasing. "If you're going to pass as human you'll have to eat normal human things you know. Thought you'd have picked up on that the past few hundred years." Castiel nudged her gently, a small smile playing at his lips. Yes, the little things were always what had made everything so worth it.
Dean's eyes almost bugged out of his head. While he'd met mind readers before, the prospect of her being one was scary. It would mean she would've known everything, and he wasn't ready to tell her. At her admittance she used her deduction skills, he relaxed. His secret was safe. He hated keeping anything from her, but he really was worried about her safety.

Dean set a hand on Jude's waist, pulling her closer. "Yeah, more or less. We take pride in keeping people safe. Its what dad would've wanted." He replied softly, pecking her lips. He had really missed her, and being close to her like this made him feel happy. He gently swayed her, landing soft kisses all over her face, wanting to be affectionate because they were alone, and he had missed her, so so much. "Being with you would be amazing, no matter where we are." He replied softly, giving her another sift kiss. Anyone who knew him would think all this chick flicky moment lovey dovey stuff was out of character, but the truth was, with someone as close to him as Jude, he could let out all the softness he had. He didn't have to act all gruff.

Krystal grinned excitedly, taking her clothes of slowly. She was teasing him slightly, despite the fact that it had been centuries since they were last together. In her giddy mood, anything went really. When she was finished, she wore a simple pair of skinny jeans and fuzzy socks, with boots and a black veil brides t shirt. She was all for the casual comfort. She gave him another kiss.

Krystal chuckled at his teasing. "Its not that wierd, Cassie. Just.. pretend i'm your pregnant fiancee and I need pickles and icecream for breakfast!" She half joked, leaving a small hint. While she knew that they would have to build their relationship back up, she loved him. Loved him so much and wanted to be his forever this time.
Castiel's eyebrows rose mildly as he watched her change. God it had been so long! He'd missed the way his hands fit so perfectly on her waist, the sound of cloth sliding smoothly over her skin. All of the old feelings were rekindled as aroused as she shimmied into clean clothes. When Krystal insisted he pretend she was his pregnant fiance he couldn't help but grin. If only. Slowly he sat up and swung his legs over the edge of the bed.

"Well, I suppose we'll just have to find a grocery store then," he finally acquiesced. Cas watched her pull her boots on, wondering how much she remembered. The spell seemed to have broken just by their being together, but there was no way to tell which memories she might be missing as a side-effect.

As Dean peppered her face with soft kisses Jude closed her eyes and smiled contentedly. She loved public displays of affection, but was aware that Dean had always been a very private person whose public affection usually only went so far as holding hands. With a father like John Winchester she could only imagine such "womanly" things would've been discouraged and so she was understanding, though she hoped that in time he would come to realize that there was nothing wrong with publicly having feelings. Jude looked up at him hopefully as they swayed on the spot and he declared the idea of being with her to be amazing.

"So you'll stay?" she asked cautiously. "I mean, not quit your job obviously. I'd never ask you to give up your career for me. But I'd get transferred to Boston or something and move here?" She almost didn't dare to hope.
Krystal smirked a little as she changed. She knew he was watching. It took all her willpower not to just walk over in just her bra and panties and ravish him. It really had been to long. She let out a breath, zippering up her tall black boots. She would try to control her fae libido at least for a few more days. It would all be very worth it later.

Krystal let out a small chickle, walking over to where he stood and giving him another square kiss on the lips. "Yes, we will. But after Sam comes to check on you. Even if worrying about what he thinks probably makes me suspicious, I worry anyway. Those brothers seem to really love you. I just want to be liked too." She replied softly, snuggling into him a bit as she fingered his trench coat. She was definately getting him a new one and charming it so it could never get dirty. Somehow it just suited him. (No pun intended)

Dean pulled her close, peppering still more kisses all over her face and neck, smiling at her. He loved that she didn't force him to do anything he wasn't comfortable with. Though Jude's reasoning wasn't quite on the mark of why he wouldn't show to much PDA. It stemmed from his father, yes, but it was more about attachment then about not being mushy. His father had always told him that attachments could either get himself or Sammy killed, so he usually tried not to express anything to much more than the masculine feelings. The truth was though, that Dean would sell his soul again for Jude if he needed to. He loved her that much.

Dean smiled, giving her a kiss, full on the lips. "I'd like that. But i'll have to take it up with sammy. Sombody's gotta stay in kansas at the family home." He explained, holding her close. He didn't think he'd ever tire of being close to her.
Jude's face blossomed into a grin when Dean confirmed that he would stay. He'd have to take it up with his brother, of course, and she wouldn't have expected anything less. He kissed her fully and she slid one hand into his hair, deepening the kiss. It took several smaller kisses for her to finally tear herself away from him. Everything from that summer came flooding back and God but she wanted to have all of that again. All of it and more. Dean held her more closely and she leaned against him, still swaying a little though the needle had lifted off of the record several minutes ago.

"I don't want to scare you, Dean..." Jude said slowly, "but I still want everything we talked about."

She meant everything they had talked about that night just before they'd made love for the first time. She and Dean had almost from the beginning had the tendency to get into long, deep discussions about life. That night in Setters Field under the stars they'd talked about everything they might do together: about marriage, about their dream house, about pets, the way they wanted their lives to go. They had sealed that pact with what Jude considered the ultimate act of love. Of course, their lives hadn't gone exactly as planned, but there was still time for marriage and a house and a few dogs. They had never discussed children and Jude was afraid to bring up the subject now. She lifted her head off of his chest and looked at him.

"I want you to be in my life, Dean Winchester," she said softly, "for however much of it is left." Gently she pulled him down into a deep, gentle kiss. Jude couldn't get enough of Dean Winchester.

"After Sam comes to check on me?" Castiel asked with concern. "Why would he come to check on me? I'm an angel of the Lord." He wrapped his arms around her waist distractedly as she sat on his lap, puzzling out her meaning. He was much more powerful than Sam was; even if Krystal hadn't been trustworthy, what could Sam do that he himself couldn't? It made no sense; Sam would have only been putting himself in danger. Then again, neither of the Winchesters were exactly known for their self-preservation instincts. There was a reason they had died so many times.
Dean grinned back at her. It was hard not to. Jude's smile and laugh had always been so contagous that he couldn't ever be unhappy when she was around. He was her ray of sunshine in his clouded and bloody world. He was amused as it took a few more kisses to make her stop, but he grinned at her.

At her next words, Dean's eyes showed slight fear, but the he grinned again at her, pulling her closer. "I still want that too, Jude. So very much."

It was the truth too. Dean winchester wanted nothing more than to put his gun away for good and really become what she thought he was. He wanted so badly to love her, have a family with her, spend the the rest of their days together. She made him feel again, and while he loved it, it also terrified him. He loved her so much, he knew watching her die like sammy had watched jessica would break him. But he was tired of running. He wanted tk be happh for a change.

Dean smiled down at her, cuddling her close. "I feel the same way jude. I love you. I really do." He admitted, kissing her back deeply as he blushed.

Krystal chuckled, snuggling into her confused more or less boyfriend, smiling at the way he just instinctively held her. Even if he said he changed, it was moments like this that convinced her that he was still her Cassie deep down. "He's worried about you, Cas. He thinks that I might've killed you or something. He doesn't trust me." She tried to explain, trying to help her confused lover, even if the look on his face was to adorable for words.
"What makes you say that?" Castiel asked, still scowling in confusion. "You've only spoken to him for five minutes." He still didn't understand how Sam Winchester, former abomination, would have single-handedly rescued him had he been in any actual danger.

Jude had seen the fear in Dean's eyes. She'd seen it before, when they'd first talked about "forever" those many years ago, but she'd never sensed any falsehood from him and was convinced that Dean would never lie to her about anything, not even by omission. Of course, Jude had always been terribly trusting and naive when it came to him. Though she believed the best of people and often took things at face value she did harbor a healthy skepticism for certain types of people; those certain types of people had never included Dean and she was reluctant to admit her blind spot for him, even when her own instinct told her to question him. There was something he'd always hidden from her and she'd convinced herself that it would be prying and pushing to pursue that hidden part of his life. Speaking of hidden parts of life, however...

"Dean I do need to confess something," Jude admitted when their kiss finally broke. She cast her eyes down, ashamed to have to admit this. But a lie by omission was still a lie, and if they were to rekindle their relationship and actually go through with all of their plans this time she couldn't start things off with a lie. "Over the years I haven't exactly kept...pure," she admitted. She still couldn't meet his eyes. "I've had boyfriends, Dean...girlfriends...both..." She shook her head and shrugged. "You were gone. I was in pain and lonely and trying to get over you even though I never did. If um...if that's not acceptable to you then I understand." Finally Jude forced herself to meet his gaze. "I just couldn't keep that from you. It would have torn me up. I was just...I was trying to fill the hole you'd left. If you'll still have me though, I'll bet things will be better and less awkward than last time." She attempted a sly smile though it only came off as awkward and uncomfortable. "Since getting better comes with, y'know, practice."
Krystal rested her head on his shoulder. "You can tell alot about a person by body language. He was really stiff when we were talking yesterday." She admitted, drawing little hearts on his chest again. In all honesty, the woman hadn't really changed, aside from maybe the fact she had a daughter. She loved her daugter more than anything in the world, and had at one point believed that her father was her soul mate. She had absolutely no clue about Castiel at the time, even if subconsciously her heart called out for him.

Krystal had met Castiel when she was just 5 in human years, and was ripped away from him when she was just 400. She would be celebreating her 2,000thc birthday in a few weeks. Even though she'd mostly stayed the same, it had still been awhile since they were together. She'd learned much from observing humans through the ages, and had even came out and played in a few of them. She gave him a light kiss."Also, I heard your whole conversation. I usually don't like to eavesdrop, but you were close enough for me to hear even unitentionally. He doesn't trust me." She explained, looking curious.

For Dean Winchester, the thought of forever with Jude was both amazing and terrifiying. Not only was he keeping so much from her, he also knew that if evil found her, she could die. Even uf he desparately needed someone to talk to about his fucked up life, he preferred not to bring her into it if he could avoid it. If he did, it would be more blood on his hands that he couldn't face. The worst part of it would be though that the whole reason her blood would be on his hands would be because he wasn't goid enough. He'd promise to protect her, and then he'd fall short just he always did. Even if Dean knew that being with him was a horrible idea, with Jude, he still craved everything.

After they had broken the kiss, dean gave her a puzzled look. What might she have to get off her chest? It couldn't be any worse than the trail of bodies of loved ones he had left over the years, including his brother... and himself.. a few times. As he listened though, a chuckle was starting to bubble up from his stomach. He gave her a reassuring kiss. "Baby, you could be into voodoo and it wouldn't bother me. But.. as long as we're being honest, the thought of you with another girl is.. sexy." He replied, grinning at her easily. In a way he might be teasing a little, but the bottom line was that he would love her no matter what, and did.
Jude chuckled with him, relieved he hadn't thought worse of her for it. He thought that her sexuality was sexy. How very Dean. "Oh yeah?" she teased back, returning his grin and bumping him with her hip. "And what about another girl and another guy?" she challenged. "Things've been a little spicy since you left, Dean, I dunno if I could go back to just regular ol' vanilla..." She looked around innocently as she teased him. Dean could have wanted nothing but missionary for procreation purposes for the rest of their lives and she would have contented herself with it. Of course she knew he was likely more adventurous than that, but wasn't certain he'd be okay with ethical non-monogamy after finding each other after all these years. And that was okay too.

"You'll have to convince the Rev it's hot though," Jude added after a thought. "He caught me kissing Rachel Steinburgen once. Took him five years to realize it wasn't a phase and now he's convinced I'm going to Hell." She rolled her eyes. "He's just worried for me, but the sermons get old after a bit. I'm just glad you don't mind." She pulled him down for another kiss. "She was pretty good at a few things though...maybe we should show you so you can take lessons..." Jude winked and grinned conspiratorially. "Or maybe you can just show me what you've already learned. You can't tell me that in fifteen years Dean Winchester couldn't find a couple of women who couldn't keep their hands off of him." In her heart she knew that Dean had probably slept with other women, but it didn't make her any less jealous about it. Still, Jude knew that to be jealous over such a thing was hypocritical and a little crazy and wouldn't hold it against him. Perhaps he, like she, had learned a few interesting things in the intervening years.

"Well yes, I know he doesn't trust you," Castiel confirmed with a nod. "But why would he be on his way to check on me? I'm a far more powerful being than he is; whether he trusts you or not is irrelevant. Even if you weren't trustworthy there would be nothing he could do about it that I couldn't."
Dean raised an eyebrow at the fact she'd dated a guy and a girl at the same time, though he smirked. "Jealous about the man. But curious about the woman. Still pretty hot" he admitted with a chuckle, pulling her back to him. He could be all kinds of kinky for her if that's what she wanted. He chuckled, pulling her to him and giving her a lewd kiss. "How kinky do you want it? I can dominate pretty well, i'm told." He half teased her, an amused sparkle in his green eyes that showed he was mostly joking.

At the mention of her father, Dean's nose scrunched up. "Ooh, yeah, I can see where that would be tough. But trust me, there's no way I'd let you go to hell." There was an unreadable twinge of something in his eyes as he said that, remembering when he had willingly gone to hell. He could never forgive himself if she ended up there, especially not if it was his fault. He nodded his head at how she said her father's sermons were getting tired, kissing her back happily. He couldn't get enough of her kisses. He loved them -loved her- to much. Here he smirked wickedly, green eyes twinkling b with desire and mischeif. "Is that an invitation jude? Because i'd be happy to show you what i've learned... in bed." He replied, kissing her again lewdly.

Krystsl nodded. "Its a human trait, I suppose. Checking up on one's loved ones. Hopefully he'll see i'm not a terrible person" she admitted, sighing. It did kind of hurt that someone fidn't trust her, even if she knew it was warrented in this sitchuation. She tried not to take it personally, but after close to 2 milleniums of being treated like a villan not worth anything, it left scars on her heart that were being cut anew.
"The Winchesters have trust issues," Castiel told her quietly, rubbing her back sympathetically, "and for good reason, too. They've been betrayed many times by people they cared for, people they thought cared for them...including me." He hung his head. He still felt extraordinary amounts of guilt for working with Crowley, betraying the Winchesters' trust, and letting the Leviathans into the world. In a sense it was his fault their adoptive father was dead, and though they had never blamed him for it--at least not directly--it was still a guilt which would forever weigh heavily on his heart. "Give Sam some time. He'll come around." Cas kissed her tenderly, wishing he could just kiss everything all better and take her worries away again.

Jude laughed and shook her head. "Threesomes can get complicated sometimes, especially with switch dynamics," she said. "But yeah, it was all pretty hot."

Dean pulled her against him and she moaned gently into his kiss before asking how kinky she wanted it. Just at the very suggestion her warm center went up in flames and she was suddenly seized with the uncharacteristic desire to just rip his clothes off right there in the kitchen. The glitter in his eyes indicated a joke, but she had ropes and collars hidden in a box in her closet which were certainly no joke at all. Things turned suddenly very serious when she mentioned Hell and Dean quietly insisted that he would never let her go there. Concern briefly darkened her lustful gaze and she put a hand to his cheek.

"Hey..." Jude made him look down at her. "I believe in a loving God who lets you in so long as you're a good person. I'm not going to Hell just for being half-gay, I'm pretty sure." She leaned up to give him a reassuring kiss. "So don't worry, okay? She tried to turn the conversation around again by suggesting that Rachel Steinburgen could possibly show Dean a thing or two about making love to women. Dean asked if that was an invitation and when she opened her mouth to answer kissed her again. Jude moaned against his lips, sliding her tongue along his and gripping his shirt in both hands before releasing it and beginning to pull open the buttons on his flannel. "You never were too good at that whole subtlety thing, were you?" she teased, biting his lip gently and pulling off his shirt. "Make me have to call in sick Monday because I can't walk right," she invited before crushing a kiss to his lips then tracing lines down his neck, shoulders, and chest. Every now and then she left little love bites, red marks and tiny bruises betraying where she'd been as she slowly made her way to the waist of his jeans.
Krystal snuggled into him, feeling and tasting his deep anguish on her tongue. As a dark court fae, one of her many talents was the ability to survive only onbthe emotions of others. She rested her head on his shoulder, giving his hand a quick squeeze. She let out a doft sigh. "I can relate. I've been betreyed by people all through my long life. You were the only one who never had." She replied softly, drawing more hearts on his chest, tryingbtk make him feel better. She hated that he felt this way about himself, and she wanted to just kiss away the pain she felt radiating from him. "Okay. I will do that." She added softly, stroking his cheek as she kissed him back, surprised at the kiss, but not complaining in the least. She'd take any kiss he'd give.

Dean chuckled and nodded. "I can imagine how that could be tough. No less hot though. Guess you'd just have to have two switches and a sub to make it work best." He admitted, guessing. While the man had had plenty of one night stands in his time, he'd never had done it with multiple womenvat once. It was something he was defiantly up for, but for right now he just wanted her.

Dean caught the look in her eyes as he instinctively replied to the mension of hell, and decided to detract from it by kissing her. She didn't need to know about his time in hell. She didn't need to know how many times he'd died. He didn't want to scare her. That was the past, and she was his future. Despite being on a hunt now, ge would refrain from explsining how he knew about hell.

Dean relaxed at the mere sight of her. She had slways been enough to keep him sane, even when the memories of hell began to creep back. Whenever he was feeling down, he would think about her and their time together, and it was enough to keep him fighting. "You're right, Jude. It was silly of mebto worry." He replied, kissing her back feverishly, his eyes closing softly as he pulled her closer.

Dean smirked as she broke the kiss. "Oh.. i can definately do that." He replied, running his hands down her back. He could feel himself getting stiffer by the minute. He little kisses and bits made the gruff hunter moan out in a way thag he hadn't in years. It was always so much different with Jude. He fingered his hands through her hair, pulling her up roughly for a moment, tone strict. "I want you to suck me off"
As Jude made her way down his chest, sliding her body down his, she could feel him through his jeans growing harder against her body. The way he moaned sent shivers down her spine and raised goosebumps on her arms. She couldn't wait to make him crazy the way she used to. She could only imagine that now, with years of practice and multiple partners each, they could love each other in ways they had only dreamed of at sixteen. Dean's hand formed a fist near her scalp and he pulled her back up, a strict expression in his face though his eyes always betrayed him. He demanded that she suck him off and she smirked uncharacteristically.

"Yes sir," Jude purred. "What did you think I was doing?" Leaning in she kissed his neck before tracing her way back down his body. Jude knelt there on the kitchen floor and quickly unfastened his pants, pulling out his shaft and slowly running her tongue up his length from base to tip. She kissed his head lovingly, looking up at him from the floor. "I've waited so long to do this again, Dean," she murmured, keeping eye contact as she slowly took his length into her mouth. Jude closed her eyes briefly, moaning around his cock, before looking up at him again and sliding her mouth down his shaft then back up, running her tongue in a serpentine pattern on the underside of his cock.

Sam made it to the hotel--the only proper hotel, rather than motel, in town--and quickly ascertained which room Krystal was in. He kept his gun in his jacket pocket but the safety was on. For now. Striding quickly down the hall he rapped firmly on Krystal's door. "Cas? You in there?"

Castiel looked up at the knock. Quietly he kissed Krystal's forehead and stood, crossing the floor and opening the door. "Hello, Sam," he said plainly. "I understand you were worried about me?"

Sam raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Uh, yeah. You didn't answer your phone."

Cas nodded. "I was otherwise occupied. I apologize."
Dean moaned out as Jude called him sir. In all the years he'd been having sex, nobody had ever done that. He coukd feel his cock twitch in his pants because of it. Before she could slink back down to start on sucking him off, he pulled her up just a bit more by the hair and kissed her passionately. The need to feel dominant was ingrained in his DNA from being the submissive to his father his whole life, and he craved taking control. It made him feel powerful, and power was something the elder Winchester secreyly craved, though not in a monetary or magical way. He wantedbit in the bedroom, to make up for all the times he couldn't be. For all the times John had gotten stone cold drunk and beaten and abused him. He took the abuse like a man though. He had to, to keep his little brother safe.

Once Dean released Judes lips from his, he let out strangled moans as she kissed her way back down his body. Everything had always been heightened with her, and this was no exception for him. Each kiss and touch was making the man star to come undone, eyes gojng black. Even if he was no longer a demin, sometimes when he was wrapped in complete pleasure he could still feel his eyes change. Like that one thing had atayed with him.

Dean let out a breath he didn't know he wasbholding. "Oh god Jude, so have I. You have no idea how many times I jerked off thinking of you." He told her truthfully, moanjng out as she teased his cock. A low growl ofnpleasure escaped him as she took his large cock into her mouth, eyes rolling back as he thrust his hips toward her, jand gripping her hair.

Krystal grinned at the kiss, following behind him as he went to open the door. She wrapped her arms around castiel's waist, peeking her head over his shoulder from behind. "Come on in, Sam. I apolize, but we didn't get any research done last night. Are you hungry? I know he doesn't eat but.. I was gonna make some tea and call room service. I'm starving. And cassie.. I need more cuddles!!" She half whined, sounding a little like a chiled as she complained. She was hyper and happy, but also tired and hungry, and she really wanted sam to like her. She knew it probably seemed suspicious, and she was sad at that, but really, she was just happy to be close to someone again. She hadn't been close to someone like that since before her daughter was born, and she was feeling like a touch starved cat with thenpersonality of a 6 year old.
Castiel put one hand over the hands that had appeared around his waist. Sam raised a quizzical eyebrow, but the only response he got was a shrug and an "explain later" look. The eyebrow crept higher to his hairline when Krystal demanded "more cuddles" and Cas sighed wearily. He loved her, but her faults hadn't changed much; she could act like a child sometimes, when she was in particular need of attention. If she wanted Sam to like her, whining wasn't the way to do it.

"No thanks, I had breakfast at Jude's," Sam declined, not stepping into the room. He still wasn't convinced Cas wasn't held in thrall or something.

"I thought you wanted ice cream?" Cas prompted, glancing over his shoulder at Krystal.

"Ice cr--? Nevermind." Sam shook his head. "We got a little research done, but admittedly not much. Are you up for a little leg work today or...?" He glanced at Krystal, but Cas nodded.

"Once we find food I should be able to join you and Dean," he confirmed before looking to Krystal. "So do you want ice cream, or tea and room service? I don't think they serve ice cream this early."

One hand wrapped around the base of his cock, Jude's other hand slid up Dean's torso. Gently she pressed her nails to his skin and dragged them down, all the way down to his hips as she sucked him off, moaning around his thick length. The feeling of his hand fisted in her hair sent shivers down her spine as he thrust into her mouth. Still...while she would have loved nothing better than to swallow his cum, it wasn't exactly the magical reunion Jude had always envisioned. Slowly she slid her lips up his length one more time, kissing the tip before getting to her feet.

"What? You thought I'd give it up like some common slut?" she teased with a smirk.

She knew that Dean was about control and power. Although she had her suspicions they'd never had the time to discuss why that was. But in the end, Dean saw himself as the predator, the hunter, and a hunt was never any fun without a good struggle. With a cheeky smile, Jude turned on her heel and sashayed away toward the bedroom. Slowly, piece by piece, she removed and dropped her clothing in a breadcrumb trail leading to the door. On the threshold of her room she stopped with her fingers hooked in the elastic of her panties. Looking coyly over her shoulder Jude slid them over her hips, then appeared to change her mind and pulled them up again.

"Work for it, Winchester," she challenged playfully, disappearing into her bedroom. There she pulled out her "toybox"--full of restraints, gags, blindfolds, and other fun toys--and left it open for him to peruse. By the time Dean had followed her into the room Jude was on her knees on the bed, sitting back on her heels in nothing but her panties. She would absolutely let him overpower her, control her, dominate her...but she had every intention of getting uppity with him before allowing it. After disappearing in the middle of the night, Dean Winchester was going to work for it and he was going to love every second of it.
Krystal grinned, pleased at the contact, however small. She hated to think she was annoying Castiel by being so hyper, but she couldn't help her hyper mood. It was freeing to finallh have the other piece of her heart back. At Sam's eyebrow, she looked at him. "Ask him. You don't trust me enough to listen to me. I can taste it. You've suffered alot." She stated matter of factly, her giddy mood gone for a moment as she examined thw tall man in front of her. If she didn't love Cas so much she'd climb that boy like a tree.

Krystal gave him a soft smile. "Fair enough." She replied simply, squeezing Castiel's waist just a little tighter. She doubted she would ever tire of being close to him. He was hers, and she was gonna make sure that never changed again.

Krystal looked up at Castiel, grinning. "I do want Ice cream!" She replied, still hanging onto him. At his next question, she grinned and kissed him. "I want Tea and ice cream!!!! Ooh, how about gree tea ice cream!! That's not all wither! I want to help!!" She was excited, running away a moment to grab a large book, and she grinned as she handed it to Sam. She just wanted to be of use, and to be close to her angel.

Dean let out low growls in pleasure as Jude sucked him off. He was getting closer and closer to his limit with each time he bucked his hips into her, moaning. He groaned out on both frustration and lust as she came off him with a pop and a kiss. His eyes were lust blown, and he smirked. "Of course not Jude my love." He replied, moanjng softly as he watched her walk away. She was driving him absolutely mad!

Each drop of a piece of her clothing elicited a strangled groan from Dean. He followed her trail, not bothering to picknthem up. He was to wrapped in pleasure to care about sam seeing his dropped lounge pants, tshirt and underwear next to hers. His breath hitched as he saw her fidget with her panties, eyes darkening even more with lust his pupils so dialated he looked demonic. She did this to him. "I'm gonna, my pretty"

Dean watched her curiously as she pulled out a box, and his expression darkened with want as he realized just what the contents ofbthat box were. "Ooh, someone's been a naughty girl" he purred seductively, starting out with some handcuffs, and a blind fold biting at her neck as he secured her arms to the bedpost. He smirked at her, putting the blindfold on her . He kisses her hard, the all the way downbto her breasts. He would get to her folds later. He wanted her begging to cum.
"My love." Jude couldn't help but grin quietly at that. Still she continued into the room, setting out her box and sitting on the bed, ready for whatever he would do to her but also preparing to put up a fight. Only a token fight, of course. Dean examined the contents of her box and her smirk matched his. His eyes looked black in this light, clouded with lust.

"Very naughty, sir," she agreed in mock seriousness. "Naughty and undisciplined. I'm not sure how we'll be able to manage, really." Dean nipped at her neck and tried to secure her to the bedpost, but she slipped her hands out of his loose grasp. "Told you sir, very undisciplined." It was hard not to smile at the game. He managed to catch one arm but she squirmed away in an effort to evade capture, laughing in delight until he pinned her other wrist as well and cuffed them both to the post. Jude grinned mischievously and nipped at Dean's lip before the blindfold was slid down over her eyes.

"Mmm Dean..." she groaned quietly, squirming a little in anticipation. Jude sat with her knees tightly pressed together, in case he decided suddenly to slip from her breasts downward. Her nipples hardened and she groaned, pressing her breast against his lip...before squirming again. "Tolja you'd have to work for it," she taunted, squirming in a direction which was hopefully out of his immediate reach though she doubted it.

Sam took the book with a dubious look at Krystal. As she zipped about, he exchanged a look with Cas, who appeared a bit exasperated. "I think green tea ice cream will be hard to find," the angel pointed out, "and sugar never suited you. Sam, please come in. Room service may take half an hour or so."

Reluctantly the younger Winchester finally passed over the threshold and took a seat at a table. "So ah, you two have a bit of a history, then?"

Castiel was finally beginning to pick up on the subtleties of human conversation. He nodded. "She's my soulmate," he finally divulged. It sounded nice to say aloud to someone other than Krystal, but after so long the word sounded foreign on his tongue. "She's also a little over-stimulated right now. I'm sorry."
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