The Road so Far: Supernatural Soulmates (Krystal x Madam Mim)

Feb 26, 2013
Crystal Palace and Egypt
The lights were dimmed in the bunker as Dean Winchester squinted at his computer. Could what he was seeing really be true? A mystery was brewing in a place he hadn't set foot in since High school. As he looked more closely at the pictures in the Keene, NH paper, he could clearly see this was no case the the police could solve. Each victim had that same tattoo. He'd seen it once before, in a place called moondor. He didn't like the looks of this at all. If it was truly a fae doing this, he and his brother would have a tough time killing them. He was going to need more iron. A lot more.

Dean intook a sharp breath as he finally stretched back into his chair. "Fate has a cruel sense of humor, as usual" he muttered to himself, going to grab a beer from the refridgerator. As soon as Sam woke up, they could start on their way, so he took a big gulp of his beer, packing the things he'd need and stuffing them into the trunk of the impala, set on getting himself some sleep before he went to face his past. There were few happy moments in Dean's chilhood, but being in Keene was one of them. It was the place he'd lost his virginity, and it was also the place where he'd met a girl he still had feelings for now, and ironically enough, she was the preacher's daughter.

Queen Krystal Kobayashi sat in the living room of her New York City penthouse. She stared at a mirror, her nose scrunching and eyes beginning to squint she looked at was unfolding in Keene. "Hmm... murders. A curious thing for that place. It bears checking into" she muttered to herself, moving some stray blue hair from her face. She used her mirror as a breach in the worlds, getting herself a look at the police reports. She immediately frowned, eyes narrowing. Someone was using her spell for evil, and she didn't like it. Fae from other courts had long been using her magic as a means to paint an unsavory picture of the dark court, and this time they had gone to far. This time it was personal.

Krystal ran a hand gently through her hair, letting out a sigh. She looked to her advisor and oldest friend, Roreck. "I'm going on a trip. You are in charge while i'm gone." She told him softly, and Roreck only nodded. He was used to this by now. Often the queen disappears and leaves him in charge. He chalks it up to her looking for her heart, but that's only half the truth. The pretty fae queen enjoys taking the time to hunt down her enemies and make them suffer. Whoever was causing the disturbance by killing innocent people was in for s major surprise. Not only did they have the Winchester brothers on their trail, they had her too.
"How can it be the same thing? We took care of that guy," Sam insisted from the passenger's seat as they rolled through downtown Keene. "Think maybe somebody stole the spell?"

The closer to Keene they'd gotten, the more agitated Dean had become. Really he'd been agitated since he'd found the case, but Sam couldn't for the life of him figure out why. He'd probed several times, trying to read Dean as he mentioned the town, the police force, the case. All of it seemed to have his brother on edge and he visibly tensed as he clammed up whenever the topic of Keene or anyone in it was touched. Whatever was wrong about this town, Dean wasn't telling his brother.

"So..." Sam glanced sideways as they strolled through the parking lot of the sheriff's station, "who do you think we'll be getting this time? 'Stupid feds leave us alone we can handle it,' or 'thank God you're here'?" It was an old bet they had, one Dean was usually good at unlike rock-paper-scissors. When they entered the receptionist was gone from the front desk, so they stood awkwardly in the lobby and waited.

"Any luck, Sheriff?" Jude sat a box of Dunks on the table with the coffee and their hot plates. She had been the secretary, receptionist, and general gopher extraordinaire at the Keene PD for years now.

"Nope, nothing." Sheriff Parker's fingers were buried in his hair as he pored over the case files. There had been another murder last night and still they had no leads.

Jude sighed sympathetically and put a hand on his shoulder. "You'll get there. You are New Hampshire's finest, after all." And she meant it. Jude believed in the inherent goodness of mankind and the potential for greatness in everyone. With a gentle squeeze she got herself a cup of tea before returning to her desk.

And there he was. Judith McKinnon would have been certain she was dreaming again, were she not in her workplace with a cup of tea steadily burning her fingertips. She'd had this dream many times, but it never took place in her office and was usually much more...interesting. Of course he wouldn't look the same as he did when he was sixteen, but it was definitely him. The wind had blown Dean Winchester into her life fifteen years ago and they had raged like a wildfire for what she still considered the best six months of her life. And then he had shattered her heart, leaving without so much as a goodbye. She'd written a lot of terrible poetry and cried an ocean of tears, but she'd forgiven him long ago. With a shaking hand she slowly set her tea onto her desk, staring through the reception window, not taking her eyes off of his lest he disappear again.

The receptionist was draped in gauzy, billowy shawls and a flowing dress more fit for summer than for the drizzly, chilly spring morning. The forecast was calling for snow later in the week, after all. She stopped and stared, mouth slightly open, and Sam figured she'd probably never seen an FBI agent before; they often didn't in small towns like this. He cleared his throat and flashed his badge.

"Morning, ma'am. Special Agent Hendricks, this is my partner Special Ag--"


Sam stopped midsentence, eyes widening a little. "You two know each other?"

She ignored him. "Oh. My. God. Dean Winchester!" With a jangling of bangles she slipped her shoes back on and hurried around to the side door. Hair flying, jewelry jangling, the smell of lavender and orange trailing after her, Jude came flying out after fumbling with shaking hands at the lock that separated the lobby from the station proper and barreled into Dean with an enormous hug.

Sam tried really hard not to laugh. "I ah, I see you've met," he all but snickered as the tiny slip of a woman hugged his brother tightly around the middle.
Dean frowned, focusing on the road as he drove to the sheriff's station. He took in a breath. "I dunno, Sam. It could've been, or it could be a rouge fae. When they get angry they can get nasty." He replied, knuckles whitening as he gripped the steering wheel. He hadn't ever wanted to come back here, but he couldn't ignore people in need. He coudn't ignore the fact that if he just passed over this case, he'd see Jude's name on the list of dead. He had alot of guilt, but even he wouldn't be able to stomach not doing anything when he knew he could help, especially in her town. Saving people, hunting things. The family business, back in swing, even if it meant possibly facing a woman he hadn't seen in 15 years.

Dean still remembered this town like it was yesterday, and he could still hear the shouts of his father. "Fine then! Try making it on your own! But don't come crying home to me!" John winchester had raged, leaving Dean in the last town he came to after a case he'd taken the boys on. He could still remember the hurt in his brother's eyes as they drove away, leaving him with a 20 in his pocket, his gun, and some clothes in a duffel bag.

Dean was shook from his memory as Sam spoke again. "I don't know. Probably happy to see us. I doubt they have any leads." He admitted, shuffling a bit as they stood in the lobby. He could remember sitting here, waiting for the town preacher to pick him up. The family had agreed to take him in while they looked for his father. It was surreal to find himself in this station again after all these years, but here he was. He sipped on the coffee he'd brought in with him, almost spitting out the hot liquid as he saw just who the receptionist was. He hadn't expected to run into her this quickly, even in a town as small as this.

Dean was at a loss for words as he followed her with his eyes, his posture showing his surprise, slight guilt and just a hint of love. He made a small oof sound as he was hugged, breathing in her sweet smell once again. He hadn't thought he'd ever be this close to her again. His words were just above a breathy whisper as he looked at her, though there was a smirk curling its way up on his face. "Hey, Jude. Been awhile"

Meanwhile, Krystal had already checked into a nearby hotel and was researching. She had a few of her fae magic books, and she practiced the reversal spell in her mind. She wouldn't let innocent people die because of magic she created, no, she wouldn't. It wasn't something the pretty queen would ever let happen. She coukd sense something big on the horizon, but she didn't realize just how big. She was about to find her long lost heart. The only problem was? She didn't remember him. Castiel would have his work cut out for him in order to break the spell Raphael had cast to keep them apart.
To Dean's clever smirk was an open, wide grin on the receptionist. Jude seemed a friendly woman but on strangely familiar terms with Sam's brother. He watched Dean's posture change and frowned a little as he watched them. As Dean gingerly returned the hug Sam tilted his head slightly to one side and watched them. Dean had had plenty of one-night stands, of course, but if and when he ran into them he tried to avoid them and they weren't usually quite so friendly with him. Was she a friend then? A hunter his brother knew that he hadn't met?

"Look at you! FBI!" Jude stood back with her hands on his arms, looking him up and down. "This is incredible! I'm so glad you didn't waste your talents becoming a mechanic or whatever your 'family business' is. I knew you had more in you than that!" She grinned and reached up to gently touched his cheek, which was as far as she could reach; he'd grown so tall while she'd stayed much the same height. "I'm so proud of you, Dean," she murmured. "And now I can sleep at night, knowing what happened to you. Disappearing in the middle of the night, no note, no goodbye..." She shook her head and tapped his cheek gently. "Worried me sick for a decade and a half! Dad'll be glad to know, too."

"Uh...Dad?" Sam's eyebrow arched higher and he looked at Dean.

"Oh!" the receptionist looked as though she'd only just remembered that Sam was there. "Sorry, yeah...your partner here spent some time with my family back in the 90s. I'm just glad he's safe, and an FBI agent to boot!" She beamed proudly again. "I'm Jude, by the way. Jude McKinnon. Well, Judith, but everyone calls me Jude." She pinkened fetchingly for a moment. "Sorry, I'm babbling; you're probably here about the serial killer. I'll go get the sheriff."

Jude hurried away and returned a few minutes later with the sheriff. If she were honest with herself, she was torn between picking up where she and Dean had left off, and not letting him get too close again; the life of an FBI agent probably didn't leave much room for a personal life. Sheriff Parker strode up to the two FBI agents and stuck out his hand.

"Gentlemen! Glad to see you. We could use a little help on this one." He wasn't about to reveal that he was desperate for a lead, any lead. Sam glanced sideways at his brother with a knowing look, but Dean was a million miles away.
Dean winced slightly at her admittance that she had worried about him, and his eyes showed a mixture of emotions as he looked at her. You could tell by the way the older winchester stood that there was a whole lot he was saying about his relationship with this woman. "I didn't mean to worry you, Jude, but my dad and little brother Sammy needed me." He replied softly, a tone to his voice he only used with those who he was very close with. He leaned his head slightly into her touch, eyes closing for only a few seconds, but it was enough for Sam to have noticed, and he knew it.

Dean dreaded going back to the motel now, because he knew that his brother was gonna drill him relentless until he told him. That was not going to be a conversation he would enjoy, only because Jude and he had shared something even more special than he'd had with any other girl he'd known. He and she had been each other's first.

When she turned away to go get the sherriff, Dean gave his brother a stern look. "It's a long story. Don't even ask, Sammy." He half muttered, half growled, and you could tell that there was absolutely something more there that the elder winchester wasn't saying. There was alot of unresolved feelings there that he had tried to keep down for years, but at seeing her again as beautiful as ever, the careful wall he had built up around his heart was starting to crack.

When Jude came back with the sherriff, he shook his hand, hos free hand runnkng through his spiked hair. "We'll do all we can to help, Sherriff." He replied, smiling cordially, though his eyes never really left Jude's. Even if he had expected to bump into her, nothing could have prepared him for the reaction he received. It reminded him of all the reasons he had fallen so hard for her at 16.

Meanwhile, Krystal was looking around town for clues, sipping on an iced tea. She often drank as much as a gallon of tea when it was warm, or she was trying to get some work done on her novel, which she didn't know was actually an autobiography. It was the story of a brave soilder angel who fell in love with his charge... a beautiful fae princess. "There's gotta be some clues around here somewhere" she muttered to herself, hopping back into her dark blue lotus sportscar and heading to the next crime scene.

If there was one thing Krystal loved about being Fae, it was the ability to go invisible. She floated soundlessly around the crimescene, watching as forensics did their work. She found a severed arm in a bush, andbthe mark was clearly there. She sniffed at it, trying to discern which fae court may have tried to use her magic on humans, and what she smelt made her swear outwardly. This time it was the court of order who was trying to frame her for treasonous acts against humanity. Well, she wouldn't be having that. She was determined to find out just who'd done this, and why.
Sam just shrugged when Dean instructed him not to ask about what had happened. He wasn't going to obey that instruction, obviously, but for now he acknowledged it to avoid a fight. There would be plenty of time at the motel to suss out exactly what Jude was to his brother. In the meantime he kept one eye on the case file and one on his brother. Dean didn't seem able to stop looking at the receptionist. She was pretty, but not that pretty; not the open-mouthed, beam-of-light, chorus-of-non-douchebag-angels pretty Dean seemed to think she was. He was lucky they'd already had a similar case or he would have missed a few of the key details.

"Well then, let's go check out the crime scene," Sam suggested. "We'll probably get a better idea of what's going on seeing it in person." They started to the door but were stopped by Jude's voice.

"Oh hey, Dean? Agent Hendricks?" Jude stood in the doorway to her office, watching them leave. She'd been agonizing the entire time they were going over the case with the sheriff and had come to a conclusion: she couldn't watch Dean Winchester walk away again. She didn't know what exactly she wanted from him now, but she knew that whatever it was it wasn't the radio silence she'd endured. "If you want, you guys can stay with me. I've got a spare room and a couch; it just wouldn't be right for you guys to get put up in a motel or something, not when you could stay for free in a bed you know is decent and clean. I cook," she added as an incentive. "Betcha don't get much in the way of home cooked meals while you're on the road."

Castiel was already at the crime scene when the brothers arrived. "Hello Dean. Sam," he said flatly. "Looks like it's definitely the Tree of Pain again. We're dealing with a rogue fae, I think; it's not really a common magic."
Dean nodded at his brother. "Yes, lets go. There's bound to be clues there that will help us solve this case as fast as we can." Even if he wanted to stay around and maybe rekindle some of the fire that he and Jude had had as kids, at the same time he wanted to run away. He couldn't risk falling back in love in the line of work he did. It was to dangerous for her. He wouldn't be able to bear the pain of seeing her die because of him. Being a hunter was a lonely job, and he had convinced himself that Sam and copious amounts of one night stands was all he needed.

Dean's expression showed his shock as her words hit his ears. He could feel himself getting red, and he hoped to god if there was one that his brother hadn't noticed. He hadn't stayed with her since they were kids, and he was nervous, though he tried not to show it. He smirked slyly at her. "You promise to make one of your mom's famous pies? Cause then I'm in. I'm not sure about my partner though" He replied with a raised eyebrow, nudging Sam in a way that said he'd rather his younger brother stay at a motel. Yeah, there was definately alot more going on then the elder winchester was saying.

Dean ran a hand through his hair as he looked at castiel, unaware that they were being watched by a curious blue haired queen. He frowned. "Great, so how do we kill a fae, Cas? You seem to be the expert." He grumbled, emotions still raw from seeing Jude so he was lashing out a bit. If Sam didn't already know that there was something between that woman and his brother, he sure as hell did now.

Krystal couldn't help but over hear thier conversation as she watched the blue eyed man in the trench coat, scratching her head. It was here that she chose to descreetely appear to the boys, smiling softly. "You have to stab them with something pure iron. Anything else will just piss them off." She muttered softly, looking at the three men and making eye contact with the trench coated one for only a few seconds, once again scratching her head. There was a sillouette of a memory brewing in her mind, but she still had no idea why she felt so drawn to him.

Krystal let out a soft breath. "I'm Krystal by the way. Queen Krystal of the dark court fae. Someone's been using my spell. Now they must pay the consequences." Her expression was fierce and annoyed as she talked, but Dean could detect no lies coming from her mouth nor any ulterior motives. He let out a soft breath.

"Sam, Cas, I'm not sure why, but I think we can trust this woman."
Another bright, easy grin bloomed across Jude's features. "Cherry pie it is then," she agreed before looking at Sam. "Agent Hendricks?"

There was no way Sam was giving up this opportunity. "Yeah! Pie sounds great! Thank you; your offer is very generous." He smiled back at her despite the Dean's glare, which he could feel burning into his neck.

"Awesome! I'm off at five so whenever you guys are done you can hang out here," she offered. "See you then, Agent Winchester." Jude grinned fondly. She was immensely proud of the boy who had broken her heart.

" I get to know what happened?" Sam asked in the car, glancing over at his brother. "Because no way I'm sleeping in a skeevy motel bed and not watching how this plays out, you know." He'd already resigned himself to having to needle it out of Dean slowly over time; a decision he only confirmed when Dean got snitty with Cas. He opened his mouth to say something in the angel's defense, but was cut off by a quiet murmuring nearby. Sam raised his eyebrows at the blue-haired woman who had clearly heard their entire conversation. "And...who the hell are you?" he demanded.

The newcomer introduced herself as a fae queen, but Castiel already knew that. He knew she wouldn't remember, but why wouldn't she look at him? He stood like a marble statue for a few moments, mouth slightly open, hardly daring to believe it; if he'd had a physical heart it would have stopped. All these centuries and now fate or destiny or God, whatever it was, had brought her to him again. Castiel resisted the urge to grab her up and hold her in his arms, to smother her with kisses; socially inept though he was, even he knew that that would scare her. Still, he had to make her remember somehow. Trying to do it all at once surely wouldn't work, but how could he slowly remind her of who she was? Who they were? Dean announced that they could trust her and he nodded slowly, still hardly daring to look away.

"Uh, sidebar guys?" Sam pulled both of them aside and murmured in a low voice, "Have you both completely lost your minds? A random fae shows up out of the blue, announces she's a queen--and oh, by the way, it's not her using this fae magic to kill people--and you think we should just...believe her?"

Castiel set his jaw. "We can trust her," he insisted. "I know her; I've been searching for her for centuries. I...she...I was her guardian." The angel's relationship with Krystal was deeply personal and he was hesitant to divulge it, even to the Winchesters. "Things happened, we were both caught up in a conflict and got separated. But I assure you, we can trust her; she would never do something like this."

"Centuries? Cas, people can change a lot in a few years never mind a few centuries."

Castiel shook his head. "Not her," he insisted stubbornly.

Sam pursed his lips, cast another dubious glance over at Krystal, and huffed. "Fine," he said finally. "But if she turns out to be the killer, or if she betrays us or something, it's on you."

"This is a responsibility I'm willing to accept."

The boys and Castiel stepped back over to Krystal and Sam smiled tightly. "I'm Sam, this is my brother Dean, and Cas. So um, you know who's been doing this?"
Dean grinned back at her. "Perfect. Cherry pie was always her best." He replied back, his body relaxing as he looked at her. Once she was back in her office, he glared at his brother. It wasn't so much he minded that he would be there, he just didn't want to explain yet, and he knew if Sam was with them at her place, it would become obvious fast just what was going on with the two of them. They a really intimate connection Jude and he, and dean didn't want anyone to know about just how close they had been during those 6 months he spent on his own.

Dean stayed silent for a moment, glaring out the windshield of baby. He looked like he wanted to murder something. "No. You don't, Sam." He replied simply, tone harsh. He wasn't gonna tell his younger brother anything about it until he absolutely had to. Jude was soecial to him, and the short 6 months they had spent together were the best of his life. The elder winchester couldn't admit it to himself, but he was still very much in love with her. It scared him shitless too, because anytime he'd tried to get close to someone and love them, they had been killed. He was a brave enough man to be able to admit losing her would destroy him, which was why he'd stayed away the last 15 years. To keep her safe.

As the 3 men conversed, Krystal couldn't help but stare at the one wearing a trench coat. She had only just saw him today, and yet she felt as though she'd known him her whole life. She held her head, flashes coming quicker and quicker the longer she watched the three who had only strayed a few feet from her to talk. She perked up st the sound of a gravelly voice. She knew that voice. She knew she did.

Dean spoke lowly to his brother. "Normally I would agree with you, Sammy, but if Cas trusts her, we know ahe is at least somewhat good. We'll play it by ear for now, and watch her, but I really don't think she's behind this."

Krystal smiled softly as she looked at the 3 men again, focusing on the blue eyed one despite answering the tallest man's questions. She shook he head, her spiked hoop earrings jingling. "Its good to meet you all. But, No, not specifically, I can tell you two things for sure, Sam. It wasn't someone from my court. It was a fae from the court of order, and it was a noble. No run of the mill fae has quite enough power to cast my spell, at least not in this way. It takes alot of power." She tried to explain, her eyes showing her hurt that this man didn't trust her. Despite being a dark fae, she wanted nothing but peace. She would never hurt a mortal. She loved them to much.
Castiel kept glancing at her, trying not to stare. What should he say? How should he address their shared past? He shifted uncomfortably as she spoke with them, not sure exactly where to start.

"That's a pretty big pool of suspects," Sam admitted, still not quite trusting her. If Cas trusts her. Because Cas had trusted Crowley and Leviathans and the authorities of Heaven, and look at how all of that had turned out.

"Not as large as you might think," Castiel countered. "That actually narrows down the list quite a bit. The problem is the fae courts require absolute proof of wrongdoing before sentencing anyone. If we take out the fae ourselves, it would bring the wrath of the Court of Order down on all four of us." He looked at Krystal to include her, hoping something in his glance would seem familiar to her.

"So...hit the books?" Sam suggested, looking between them. What was with everyone today?
Krystal blushed a becoming shade of pink as she noticed this "Cas" was looking at her. She couldn't put her finger on it, but she knew that she knew this man. She was drawn to him, and she wanted so badly to kiss him, even if she didn't know quite why. She was so confused, and yet at the same time she knew that she was meant to find him. To love him.

Krystal intook a breath. "Cassie is right. That does narrow the suspects by alot. It is probably someone who has a grudge against me personally or the court. We're not well liked. The other courts regard mine as mud they scrape off their shoes." She explained softly, blushing. She didn't know where the nickname came from, it just popped out of her mouth like it was the most natural thing she'd ever said. What she wouldn't know was that that was one of the nicknames she had given him when they were together and he was still her gaurdian.

Dean wasn't quite sure what tk make of all this. "Cassie?" He asked, looking more at the angel then the blue haired woman in front of him. She didn't look as though she knew why she'd said it either, so he looked over to his friend for an answer instead. He rubbed a hand over his face, looking curious. Research probably was the best route in their present situation.

Krystal nodded at Sam. "Yes, that's probably wise. Cassie, I have some books back at my hotel room, and I could use some fresh eyes. Maybe you could come with me?" She asked, once again the nickname popping out of her mouth like it was no big deal, despite her blushing. This time she did have an ulterior motive. She knew he knew something she didn't, and she would get it out of him, even if she had to kiss it out of him.
Castiel felt blood rise in his face when she called him "Cassie." Of course she'd called him that for years, before they'd been separated, but it was a thing done in private. Angels were typically very reserved by human--and fae--standards, even when as deeply in love as he had been. He rolled his lip over his teeth and ignored Dean's question, pushing down the quiet embarrassment.

"That seems like the best course of action," Cas agreed, avoiding Sam and Dean's curious gaze. "I'll go with you. Sam, Dean, I'm sure you've got books of your own?" He looked at the brothers and Sam was torn. Usually he didn't enjoy being nosy, but there was so much going on in one day. would probably be easier to get secrets out of his brother than out of a wave of celestial intent.

"Sure Cas," he finally agreed, glancing at the blue chick again. He still didn't trust her, but Cas was an angel; he could take care of himself. "Be safe, alright? See you later." With that he waved goodbye and went back to the Impala with his brother. "Well...that was weird," he commented before looking over to Dean. "So...we gonna go find Jude now?"

Castiel shifted uncomfortably, looking at Krystal. Where to start? And what would be the consequences once she remembered? "You...don't know me at all, do you?" There. Confirming that she didn't remember a thing would be a decent way to start, perhaps open a conversation.
Krystal's face turned up into just the slightest slightest smirk as she noticed the blue eyed man blushing. She didn't know why, but it gave her an intense sense of joy to know that she had that power over him, however small. Dean raised an eyebrow again at the angel, but didn't push further. Somehow he knew it would all be explained sooner rather than later.

Krystal's slight smirk turned into a full out grin as Cas announced that he would go with her. She was delighted to have alone time with him, despite not knowing why she wanted it. Dean nodded at Cas. "Yeah, we got some books. We'll research the courts more. You two try and figure out who might be doing this" he replied, takinv on the aithoratative role he was so known for when hunting.

Krystal and Dean both knew that Sam didn't trust her, even if he did. Even he didn't really know why he trusted her, even though Cas trusted her inexplicably, and he trusted Cas. He nodded at his brother" Yeah, it was. There's definitely more there between thise two than Cas is saying. I mean, did you see the way he blushed?" Dean remarked, trying to keep the spotlight off himself and Jude, even if he was heading back to her now. He nodded as he started the car. "Yeah. Lets go find Jude."

Krystal blushed as she got in her car, motioning him into the passenger's side. "Yes and no. I know some things. I know your name is Castiel and I call you Cassie. I know that you're not mortal, and I know that I want to fuck you senseless, but I don't know why." She explained flatly, but he would be able to tell by her expression that she knew that knew what was going on, and that she would get it out of him. She wantedbto just pop them to her penthouse, but decided not to. Atbleast in the hotel, they had equal ground.
Castiel slid into the passenger's seat before asking Krystal what she remembered. At her frankness he raised his eyebrows in mild surprise and shifted again, clearing his throat and adjusting his trench coat to play for time. "I ah...well, that's more than I expected," he admitted. "And...well, rather accurate. But I'm not sure how good for you it would be to remember everything all at once." He looked down and found a thread on his sleeve and began winding and unwinding it around his finger, fiddling nervously.

"What do you remember of your childhood?" Castiel asked cautiously as she drove, glancing sideways at her.

Jude was locking up just as the Winchesters came back into the lobby. A bright smile greeted them before she hurried back into her office to grab her purse and her keys. "Let me just lock up..."

Out in the parking lot she spotted the Impala, the only car left apart from her own. "They let you drive your own car when you're on official business?" she asked, looking it up and down. "She's nice." And Jude was stalling. With a deep breath she looked over to Sam and Dean. "You guys can follow me back to my place. I'm out near Manadonock, on the outskirts of Jaffrey."

Jude lived in an old, converted stone barn, but once the boys had parked around the side and stepped in, everything spoke of home. From the slightly cluttered kitchen to the sunny though somewhat cramped living room (with no TV, Sam noticed), everything was designed for comfort and warmth. Once they had shed their coats there was the unmistakable New England feel of a warm, home-cooked meal combined with the slight, damp chill of windows left cracked on a spring day to let the air circulate. Jude kicked her shoes off at the door before going around to close windows.

"I've had a stew in the crockpot all day, so that should be ready if you're hungry now," she called from the kitchen before emerging in an apron and bare feet. "But if you want that pie I'm gonna have to charge you in some crazy FBI stories, Agents." Her smile turned sly before she slipped back into the kitchen to begin work on dessert. "So want me to tell Mom and Dad? They were pretty heartbroken when you left, y'know..."

Sam glanced curiously at his brother as they went through to the kitchen. "Should she tell Mom and Dad?" he echoed with a raised eyebrow. If she was going to charge them "FBI" stories, maybe he could finagle a few stories out of her as well.
Krystal kept her eyes on the road as she drove back to her country club like hotel, watching him fidget from the corner of her eye. She smiled a little, her tense shoulders relaxing a bit as she drove. She let out a breath. "Well, its good to know I wasn't completely bonkers. The Dejavu at seeing you cassie is strange, to say the least." She explained, taking in another breath.

Krystal's hand on the steering wheel tightened slightly as she kept driving, taking in another breath. "I remember having a protector. He was an angel with big black wings, and I loved it when he'd wrap me up in them, hold me tight. I remember I loved him. I loved him so deeply, but he was ripped from me. There was a war going on inbetween the fae courts, and it took the lives of both my parents, leaving me as new queen. I remember praying, Cassie. Praying so hard for my angel to come back and comfort me, but he never did." She muttered, her story finishing just as she pulled into the parking lot of the hotel. She smiled a little at him,, but there was a sadness to it she only ever showed someone close to her, getting out of the car, grabbing her laptop.

Krystal smiled at him again, starting to walk into the hotel. Her room was on the top floor, and they would need to take the elevator to get there. "A few years ago, something snapped in my head and I started writing a novel. Its the story of a brave soldier angel who falls in love with his charge. Whenever I picture the angel in my mind though? I see you. Its almost like my character came to life." She explained, watching him.

Dean smiled at Jude, just discreetly watching her. "Of course." He replied, waiting patiently for her. Even with Sam around, he couldn't get his mind off kissing her. He had missed her, even if he didn't want to admit to himself.

Dean grinned at her at the compliment to the car. "I have to ask permission most of the time, but yeah. She's my baby. Wouldn't have it any other way on the road." He replied, unlocking the door. He grinned again, adding "is it anywhere near that Ice cream place we used to drive out to when we were young?" He remembered several dates where the two of them would take her dad's car and drive to the parlor, share a milkshake or two then see a movie. It may seem pretty chick flicky for the gruff hunter, but nights like those with her were some of his most treasured memories.

When they got to the house, it was just the kind of place he would expect her to have. A cozy stone house that reminded him of a cottage he had to burn down once on a hunt. It definately screamed new england, and the inside of the house screamed Jude. It wasn't just because it was the kind of homey place she'd always dreamed of living in when they were young either. No, it was also the slight messiness of the kitchen, the living room stacked to the ceiling with books. It was just all very her.

Dean could smell the stew the second he came in the house, and he was caught in a memeory for only a moment. He remembered her mother had made something similar the night he had come to live with them. He was shaken from his reverie as he heard her yell, and he came into the kitchen. "Mm, smells amazing Jude. I could definately eat. What about you, Sam?" He asked, smiling just a little.

You could see the hurt in Dean's eyes at her question. He frowned at his brother, knowing he was thinking of asking Jude about her and him. He cleared his throat, looking a little guilty. He really hadn't meant to hurt them, but his dad and brother had needed him back. "Yeah. You should. I wouldn't want them to worry about me any longer" he replied, sitting at the nearby table, just watching her cook in fascination, much like he did as a teen.
Jude smiled at the memory when Dean asked whether she lived out by Kimball's. It was among some of the best dates she'd had; a lot of people wanted to complicate things with expensive dinners and indie art shows, but Dean had always known just how to spend time with her whether it was ice cream and a movie, hiking, or just laying in the back of her dad's pickup and stargazing while the peepers and crickets sang them to sleep. Of course, after a certain time those dates had rarely ended with sleep. She shook from her reverie when Dean said he could eat; she had been remembering the taste of his skin.

"Yeah, I'm starved," Sam agreed eagerly. "Um, is there anything I can do to help?" Jude waved him off.

"Just sit, I'll get it," she insisted, pulling mismatched stoneware from a cupboard and ladling stew out of a crockpot on the counter. After setting the bowls on the table near the fireplace she washed her hands and set to work making the dough for the crust. She didn't have to see the hurt on his face to hear the guilt in his voice. "Okay, I just wanted to make sure. We looked for you for a long time; they always wondered what had happened, hoped you were safe."

Sam saw his opening and took it. "So ah, how did you two meet?" he asked casually, ignoring any looks from Dean. "My partner's never told me he grew up in Keene."

"Oh he didn't," she said with a casual shrug, measuring out flour and dumping it into the mixing bowl. "He was only here about six months. Showed up lost in the woods and my dad took him in while we tried to find his family. The Rev's always had a soft spot for lost sheep." Jude threw a smile over her shoulder at Dean.

"Uh...the Rev?" Sam raised an eyebrow and glanced dubiously at Dean.

"Yeah. My dad's the Presbyterian minister in town. There's really only that and the Catholics or you have to go somewhere else for your services. I'm Unitarian, I only make it every other week. Tell him that and I'll murder you dead," she added, brandishing the dough hook of her stand mixer at Dean for a moment. "Disappeared one night though, haven't heard from him since." There was no venom or accusation in her voice, only sadness. Sam fixed his brother with a look behind Jude's back. He remembered Dean disappearing for about six months after a huge blow-up with their father, and when he'd come back for a particularly nasty hunt he refused to talk about where he'd been. This was almost certainly the missing gap in Dean's life, and he'd spent it with a preacher of all things.

Castiel listened quietly as Krystal recounted what she could remember. So her memory had been slowly trickling back for a while, it seemed. When they parked he slid out of the car, still silent, and followed her into the building. The angel chewed his lip for a few moments, staring at the back of her head as he walked behind her.

"You remember almost everything, then," he finally said. Once they got into the elevator he hung his head. "I did look for you, you know," he insisted quietly. "I've been searching for you for centuries, even through the apocalypse and civil war in Heaven. Raphael, the angel who did this to you...he's dead now. He can't hurt you again." He lifted his chin to watch her. The elevator dinged and he stepped out, waiting for her to lead the way to her room.
Dean smiled. Of course she would have a place over in that area. The woman had always loved the shop, and they went there often. It was some of his happiest memories being with her, and he missed those days. Now that he was with her again, he just wanted to kiss her senseless, love her deeply, and pick right up where they left off, even if he knew that being with him could be a death sentence. Every person he'd loved that wasn't family, and even some that were, had died on him, and he didn't want the same thing to happen to her. He loved her to much to have to watch her die, even if he was fairly sure Cas could bring her back.

Dean watched as she served them, his eyes showing a mixture of emotions. He rubbed a hand over his face, silently glaring at his brother for asking, even if he knew it was gonna happen. He still didn't want to talk about it. Those months away from all the death and violence of his childhood had been the best he'd ever had.

When the impala came rolling up in the middle of the night, he almost didn't go. He had wanted so badly to just stay, and truth be told, if he had, he'd probably be married to Jude right now. It was a thought that made him internally smile. The prospect of marrying her was very appealing, even if he worried about her saftey in and because of his line of work. He nodded, though she might not have seen. "Of course Jude." he replied softly, voice still guilt ridden. He felt terrible about worrying them for so long. The McKinnon's had been like a second family to him, and he'd just left. It had weighed on his heart for 15 long years.

Dean stuck his hands up in mock dramatasism, looking scared, even of he wasn't really. "And risk him killing the messenger? Are you kidding? I'm to pretty to die!" He stated, though his tone and expression said he was just joking a little. When she turned, he froened at his brother, and youncould just see how much he didn't want to talk about it. Her sighed, pouting slightly, though his expression showed that once Jude went to bed, he might be inclined to explain. Still, his relation ship with her was very personal, and he was still feeling pretty reluctant about telling Sam.

When they got into the elevator, Krystal looked so pained. "I'm sorry you had to look for me. After we were ripped apart, I started building an empire in the himan realms. Kobayashi inc. I found it fitting since the dark court lies in a small forest. I think subconciously i was hoping if I built an empire, I might run into you. I'm glad that he is, even if i'm sure it mist be hardnon you, Cassie. He was still your brother. A civil war in heaven? Damn. That must've been hard." She talked in a jumble, comfortable with him even though she was nervous. Now she knew she wasn't crazy. She had finally found him again, her heart, her soilmate.

Krystal looked at him, leading him to her room, which was just across the hall from the elevators. Once inside, she looked at him, going to make some tea. She remembered how even if he only tasted molecules as he put it, he still liked tea. "I really want to kiss you." She admitted softly, almost as an invitation. She wanted him to make the first move, because she wasn't sure he'd want her to. She knew he could be old fashioned sometimes.
Cas listened. He'd heard of Kobayashi Inc. and had thought it was just a coincidence. He felt suddenly ashamed for not having looked for her there; the fae didn't usually meddle in the human realms and he hadn't dared to hope she would have built a corporation so large for risk of exposing her race. He nodded when Krystal commented that a civil war must have been hard.

"It was quite difficult," he confirmed. "Raphael, however, has been dead for a long time and I've done my mourning. In the end, it came down to him or me...and I still had to get back to you." He looked at her meaningfully, watching her as she made tea. She wanted him to kiss her. He wanted to kiss her. Castiel took a hesitant step forward. "I'm not sure what that would do to you," he admitted. "I want to, more than anything. But I worry that Raphael may have put safeguards in his spell, and kissing may just undo everything." The corners of his eyes turned down as he gazed at her longingly. "I'm sorry."

Jude chuckled when Dean joked with her about being too pretty to die. It was true though. "They'll be glad to see you, Dean. They really will." Her heart cried out for him, but she had no way of knowing how he felt about her still. She wasn't sure if she could handle that heartbreak twice. Instead she stifled her emotions and put the pie dough in to chill while she started on the cherry filling.

"So Agent Hendricks, how long have you been working with Dean?" she asked casually.

"Oh, quite a number of years now," Sam answered just as studiedly casually. "And you can call me Sam, if you want."

"Okay, Sam then." As she crossed the kitchen and passed him Jude ran her hand lightly through Dean's hair and across the back of his head, the way she often had while sitting in the passenger's seat or cuddling on the couch with him. Too late she realized what she had done as she drew her hand back and blushed fetchingly, but didn't say anything about it. "So Dean, Sam...what's the craziest case you've ever had?"
Krystal smiled sadly as she listened to him, pouring the tea and setting it on the nearby table before walking over to him. She nodded softly. "I can understand how that would be trying. I'm so sorry you had to go through all that, angelbaby." She muttered softly, the more private of the two nicknames coming from her mouth. She was remembering even quicker now that she was so close to him, and with each moment she wabted more and more to be close to him.

Krystal stroked his cheek softly, stepping in closer to him. She gave him another soft smile, pressing her body against his. "I understand, Cassie. Don't worry. But just... cuddle me awhile? I've been alone so long." Her voice was meek and and soft as she spoke, not wanting to overstep any boundaries he may have. She craved his touch though. Every fiber of her being was screaming out for him as she wrapped her arms tight around him, head resting on his chest. She needed him.

Dean looked contemplative. "I hope so, Jude. I feel so aweful for just leaving, but.. when John winchester calls.. you run. I'm glad you never had to know him." You could hear the slight bitterness in his tone, but it wasn't directed at sam. He never blamed sam fo making him come home. He blamed John, who only seemed to love him when it was convenient for him.

Dean blushed lightly as she ran a hand through his hair. He had always loved it when she did that, and it always encited moee pleasure than he let on. If they were all alone and she did it, he would pop up like a jack in the box. It took him back to the last night he spentwith her, and tried hard to keep his cheeks from turning crimson as he felt his pants tightening. "Sammy, you tell her. I need to.. take care of something." And with that he ran away into the bathroom.
Jude watched Dean go into the bathroom and raised an eyebrow, a knowing smile playing at the corner of her lip though she simply grabbed the cherries and said nothing. Of course she remembered what that did to him sometimes, in their more intimate moments. Often, though, it had been a simple gesture of affection he had over time associated with her and how it was when they were together. Quickly Jude pitted the cherries and began to simmer them with some other ingredients. As Sam told his story she took the chilled pie dough from the fridge and began rolling it out, pressing it into a pan and weighting it down with beans before sticking it into the oven to bake.

Sam wound up telling her about the apocalypse...sort of. Instead of actual angels he told a story of two serial killers who believed it was their destiny to meet and face off, which really wasn't quite off the mark for Lucifer and Michael. When she dusted her hands off and sat at the table while the cherries simmered and the dough baked, Sam studied her. What was it about this woman who threw Dean off his game so much? "So Jude, how was it when my br-- er, partner stayed here with you?"

Jude smiled knowingly. "Oh I think he'd rather he tell you himself. Dean's always been a pretty private sort of guy."

"Fair enough." Sam nodded. "What about you then? What've you been doing since?"

She shrugged. "Eh. Went to college, got a job at the station. Drank a lot, wrote a lot of bad poetry, had some boyfriends, some girlfriends. Joined a band, impersonated David Bowie semi-professionally for a while. Life stuff. Pretty boring compared to the life of an FBI agent."

Castiel leaned into her hand as she stroked his cheek. It had been so long since she felt that soft touch. When Krystal pressed herself against him one hand drifted to her waist, the other taking her hand gently as he turned his face to press a gentle kiss to her palm. "Alright," he acquiesced. "Come on then. We'll cuddle."
Dean closed and locked the door behind him, quickly pulling down his pants and boxers. "Ugh.. Fuck.. now i'm really gonna have to explain myself." He grumbled, stroking himself slowly, head lolling back as he remembered Jude doing this back when they were kids. It made him shiver to know that he was in her house, and he was doing this in her bathroom. It felt naughty, but totally right at the same time. He started out with slow strokes, getting his player to full attention. It didn't take long at all. Not when he knew jude was only a few rooms over.

Dean grunted as he worked at his erection, pumping it, remembering the last night Jude and he had. It was just the two of them, and the had just finished their ice cream cones. They laid under the stars in the back of her dad's pick up, and he kissed her freely, pulling her close. He could never forget that last night. It was the night he uttered 3 words he'd never whisper to any other girl again. "I love you"

As Dean remembered, he sped up his pumping, wanting to get this over with so he could get back to her and his brother. Even as lost in the moment as he was, he knew if he left them alone to long Sam would ask questions he wouldn't answer. At his quickest thrust, the sticky white liqyid dripped out and into the toilet, and he let out a relieved sigh. That had been a doozy. He hadn't masturbated that hard in years. It was different with Jude around. It always had been.

Dean let out a breath as he returned to the kitchen, well aware that Sam was likely really gonna start asking him questions now. He couldn't help it. The way she touched him, while not sexual, it brought back a flood gate's wort of memories. He sat back down, averting his gaze from both of them, though he spoke. "So, what story did Sam end up telling? I can probably elaborate."

Krystal snuggled into him, squeezing his hand as he took hers. "I see your vessel hasn't changed much. Whats his name this time?" She was half joking as she popped them to the bed, not wanting to leave his side long enough to walk over to it. She finally felt complete again with him next to her. She planted a soft kiss to his cheek. "My Cassie. My heart." She muttered, snuggling as close as she could.
She wanted to kiss him so badly, to talk freely with his partner of their shared past, to pick up where they had left off. But they weren't kids anymore, and they'd both led very separate lives in the past fifteen years. She thanked the Higher Powers that the wind had blown him back to her, of course, but it was so much more complicated than "hey I still love you." Jude moved hair out of her face as Dean came to sit between them and she smiled a little. Under the table she briefly put a hand on Dean's knee and squeezed gently, another old sign of affection, before withdrawing it respectfully and leaning on the table.

"Oh, I told her about those two serial killers a couple years back," Sam said with a look, trying to communicate with Dean with his eyes. "You know, those two brothers in Detroit who called themselves the Angel and the Devil?"

"You never told me they were brothers!" Jude exclaimed, though just then her cherries needed stirring.

The rest of the evening passed in pie and pleasant conversation. Around ten or eleven Jude showed them to the guest room and provided them with plenty of pillows and patchwork quilts for the other to sleep on the couch. Dean would recognize the quilts from her bedroom fifteen years ago, ones that had been made by her grandmother, along with a few new ones which were also clearly handmade. Sam held out his hand for rock, paper, scissors and as always he won. Naturally, he picked the bed and claimed he would give Dean "time to talk" with Jude.

Jude had shut up the house and retired to her own bedroom where she had left the door open not only out of habit but also because she frankly didn't care. A woman's body wasn't an object to be owned or shamed and she saw no reason to hide it, despite her open bedroom being in easy view of the living room couch. Once she had changed she crawled into bed, grabbing a book off of her nightstand. She was trying not to dwell on the fact that Dean Winchester was under her roof but wouldn't be sharing her bed. They weren't kids still, as she kept repeating to herself, they couldn't just pick up where they'd left off.

Castiel was slightly surprised to find himself suddenly in the bed, but it wasn't too disorienting. Instead he snuggled down with Krystal, holding her gratefully against his body and stroking her hair gently. "Jimmy Novak," he informed her with a small smile. "He's dead now, actually. In Heaven. But I admit I've grown rather sentimental about his form. It's had to be rebuilt several times, but I'm rather attached to it.
Dean smiled at her affectionate squeeze to the knee under the table and squeezed hers back. He would not pass up any opprotunity to show her that he still cared. While he knew they weren't kids anymore, he really just wanted it to work out this time. He wanted to be with her, he realized this the moment she stepped though the door to hug him back at the station. His life was beyond complicated and he might die more than once on her, but being her with her, in her house and so close, made him feel human again.

At Sam's reply, Dean made a knowing face at his his brother. "Yeah, those guys were humongous dicks, and they were obsessed with us. The older one wanted to be inside me, and the younger one wanted Sam. Honestly, I don't swing that way. The younger one did manage to kidnap Sam for awhile, but my other partner, Cas and I saved him. They have another brother too, who's rich and eccentric. He took us on a wild goose chsse in a tv studio. We ended up in all kinds of shows, including a japanese one called nut cracker, and yes, its how it sounds. We're lucky nobody was taping. The guy just paid the actors to keep us busy. He didn't want us to find out he was their brother." He explained kind of in a jumble, eyes showing his annoyance. Sam would know that the elder winchesterstill hadn't forgivrn Gabriel for the mystery spot.

Dean smiled and took the quilts from Jude, noting that some of them were ones he and she had often slept under. He quickly made the couch up so he could sleep on it, then went out to the impala to get something more casual to sleep in. He changed quickly in the bathroom, folding his suit back into his duffel. He didn't waste time when it came to thingd like changing.

Dean sat on the couch, blushing a little bit. While he had seen her body many a time when they were kids, it was different now. She had grown into an even more beautiful woman than he had ever imagined. He tried not to oggle her as she changed, but from his position, even lieing down he'd be able to see her. He let out a soft sigh, reminding himself again that they weren't kids and that if he let himself love her again she could get killed, but it didn't work. Once she had settled with her book, he darkened her doorway, preparing to confess. "Jude, can we talk?"

Krystal smiled as he stroked her hair, drawing absent-minded hearts on his chest. She was so happy to have him back, even if she didn't quite remember everything. She knew though that being in his arms quieted her soul and made her feel more complete than any other person ever had since him. She smiled again, scooying closer to him. "This "Jimmy" fits you well. I am glad that he has peace, though I never met him." She replied, sighinging happily. Nope, they probably wouldn't get to the research for at least a few hours.
Castiel nodded, his skin tingling with the little invisible hearts. "He was a good man, a good father," he confirmed. "I hope to one day be as good as him." Research could wait; Krystal was back in his arms as though hundreds of years hadn't passed, as though nothing had ever separated them nor ever would again. Life was good. He would have fallen asleep with her in his arms, if he were capable of sleep.

Jude looked up from her book and gave Dean a soft, sad smile. Marking her place, she closed the book and set it on the night stand before scooting over and patting the spot next to her own. "Is this where you say it was all for the best?" she asked, no trace of venom in her voice. "You've changed and it'd never work out? We were kids? We can't just pick up where we left off?"

In the guest room Sam listened hard through the open door, curious about what sort of conversation they would be having after he was supposed to have gone to bed. It was entirely likely Dean would be much more open when he thought Sam wasn't listening.
Krystal snuggled closely, continuing to doodle little hearts and tings with her fingers on his chest. She let out a soft, contented sound. "You are a good man, and you will be a good father too, Cassie. We'll have a family someday. Maybe not right now, but someday." She mused softly, imagining boy and girl twins. Somehow she knew it would all work out for them.

Dean's expession showed an array of emotions as he sat next to her. Yes, he could do this. He could, and he would. He'd made his decision. "No, we're not kids anymore, but I didn't want to talk to recount the reasons why we couldn't work again." He replied as he took a breath, fidgeting with his t-shirt a little. He was nervous. She made him nervous for so many reasons, yet being with her made him feel alive like nothing else had. He didn't think anything ever would. She awakened a wonderment in him he didn't even remember he had.

Dean took another breath. "I know its not as simple as just saying that I still love you and want to be with you, but its the truth. I know we've lived vastly different lives, and I know i probably don't deserve a second chance after the hell I probably put you through when I left, but I do. I want to try again." He blushed the whole time he talked, and she would be able to see the sincerity in his expression. Seeing her again had reminded him of how much he missed her, and he wanted to put in his bid for another try no matter how much his head screamed it was a bad idea. He was following his heart for a change.
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