Mutant Relations (Me & Tasinga Nightwolf)

Ryoma felt himself get hit with the truck or more be slammed into it. His head was spinning and his body felt no pain however he knew he was injured. Snarling a little he got up and when Sabertooth went to hit him he shot the other Mutant twice not killing him but giving himself time. Looking at Chaos he said. "Think I care about them? I have no emotions so I do not take sides. I just go where I want. Right now I want to be with Lynx so call the dogs off." Sabertooth snarled at being called a dog getting a third shot in the leg. "May I stay at least?" Ryoma asked his wounds already healing. He just looked bored clearly the lack of emotions would make it hard for him to show any interest in anything at all. He just stood there waiting for Chaos' answer and did not bother fighting it was clear who or whatever this was. He would loose and that would be no good to him.

Tensa and Remy both stopped as they sensed something in the air Charles did as well and said. "Get to the twins now." Jean ran but suddenly the twins, Remy, and Tensa would all vanish. When the light cleared they would seem to be floating in space itself but they were able to breath. "My you two young ones have been causing a bit of trouble haven't you?" A voice echoed around them and it said. "As for the green eyed one he seems to be the newest host for one of my children and the red eyed one I am not sure of." The stars moved and a dragon like form was there then. "I am Sol the balance maker for every force there is a balance and I make sure it is there. For example the Phoenix as you humans call it and the Kindred wolves are counters for Kevin and the wolves are death keepers and the Phoenix is life. However it seems one who is like me being a creature of nature itself is starting a war. Chaos. I intend to teach you two twins to beat him though your friend will need to help. Expect to here from me soon." It shifted human before they all would be back in the mansion and everyone seemed to think they never had left. Tensa and Remy went right to the twins though Tensa suddenly looked pale and he sat down Jean started yelling in her room as the Phoenix ripped itself from her and went into Tensa.

In the end all were moved to danger room being it was made to adapt to whatever was inside it. Tensa was staying quiet and he was rubbing his temples. "So much for normal anytime soon. Honestly I am taking about three years off after this shit storm is over." Remy chuckled at that and said. "The sooner this is done the better.... I just hope I dont end up triggering Death again." Death was the persona Remy had while under Sinister's control and it had been horrifying having no limits to his powers and having full control at the same time.
Chaos shook its head back and forth as they glared at Ryoma. "Your a useless bastard you know. I understand why Lynx wants nothing more to do with you. I understand why the twins think your a freak as well." Chaos laughed and began to move over to Viktor and smirked under his clothing, his head not even could be seen. "I have no reason to give the girl to him, no reason to let her be near him when he doesn't seem to care for her either. Emotionless he is then he wouldn't care for her either." Chaos laughed loudly before he turned his finger slightly and sent Ryoma into the brick wall of the motel now, the wall tumbled over and fell on him before Lynx appeared and Chaos grabbed her shoulder pointing to the pile. "There is Ryoma, he says he loves you yet he is emotionless, makes no sense child?" he asked her.

Lynx just shrugged as she let Chaos's hand wrap around her wrist and hold her closer. "Why should I care, he is emotionless, he won't be hurt then." she said simply as she felt a dark fire shoot through her body and suddenly her eyes glowed a black color. "There is your true power young one. Go out and take down those who hurt you. We will be behind you, protecting you." Chaos whispered into her ear. "Go with her Viktor, make sure they do not get their hands on her. If they do I will kill her." he whispered to the man so that Lynx could not hear. Lynx laughed, jumped onto the ruble, slammed her claws into it a few times before spitting upon it. "I have no need for someone who just call me names, fuck you, I hate you." she said and shot into the air and heading towards the city.

The twins seemed to just stare at the being before them but showed emotions as she talked before they were put down again. Helia shook her head saying nothing before she yawned and stood up. Helios did the same and they slowly took to a corner of the safety room and fell fast asleep. "I am so sick and tired of people fucking around with my head and trying to always order us around" Helia spoke into her brother's mind. "I have the same feeling, but we must listen to Tensa, Remy...Charles and the others." he said back, no one could hear their blocked messages, it was for a reason.

"I hate Kevin though and some of the others, they are stuck up ass hole." Helia would say. "Oh shut it Helia, learn show some trust, Remy loves you...I love you. Kitty like you and so many others." Helios would reply. Helia would growl and roll over in bed, Chaos's powers making her whole body ache as she began to track Lynx. Helios woke up and shook his head at his sister. "Damn it, so cranky because of the headache and body pains." he said allowed before he went over and sat beside Kurt and just stared at the floor. "Lynx is heading for the brotherhood and I am stuck here unable to help, can you teleport me out of here?" he whispered.
Tensa was listening to the others and said to Helia. "Kevin cannot help it a hellish wolf is sharing his being with him, but yes get some rest. We probably will be spending the night in here." He stayed cross sitting on the floor and just stayed quiet something felt off in the air and he did not like it. Even indoors he knew something was wrong. Remy could sense all the tension in the room and stayed quiet not wanting to anger anyone more than they already seemed. He sat by Helia and stayed quiet, she seemed ready to kill and he did not want to make it worse for her. Honestly he had no clue what was going on in her head. He wanted to hold her, but being touched seemed to be the farthest thing she wanted done right now. Leaning against the metal wall he looked at the ceiling and he jumped when Charles came in. Wheeling to Tensa and motioning for Remy to come over he spoke quickly and both men's faces went from calm to shocked and then sad. Remy was clearly upset and Tensa was shaking. With that Charles left them and Remy started pacing. " Rem?" Tensa asked the man was litterly a ball of sadness and rage. "Non right." Remy spat. Tensa said. "You need to calm down Remy." The red haired man shook his head and it was clear he would be pacing for a bit.

Kurt looked at Helios and blinked. "I... I cannot we are not permitted to be let of the grounds.... oh you do not know do you." Kurt looked upset and sighed figuring it best to tell Helios. "Charles was trying to track Ryoma because he was worried.... He is gone. His healing powers can only go so far and Emma said they only worked if he had the will to live. Well something clearly happened because..." Kurt got really quiet then and said. "He is dead.... killed, by who we do not know." Kurt himself was unsure of how to respond to it all. Sure Ryoma was a bit of a cold ass hole at times, but it was because he never understood emotions or pain his powers messed with it to much and no one very seemed to understand that. Still though to just die like that and be a former X-Men was something even Kurt felt sad over. "He was crushed by a building somehow. Charles says we need to stay on the grounds because it is too dangerous to be just going out alone. I agree I mean to just kill Ryoma like that it had or whoever it was had to be strong. Emma and Jean are both in Cerebro trying to keep a wall around the school up, but who knows how long that will last." The blue Mutant looked into the room and noted Remy still was upset by the news.

Outside Kevin sensed another mater and leaving the grounds with the wolf in close beside him he tried to figure out if what he was sensing was a danger or just something else. As he walked along he left the protective wall left by Jean and Emma. Then a feeling of hot pain hit him in the chest and he froze as a shadowed, different than the wolf suddenly was in-front of him and before he knew what happened he felt cold. The wolf force ripped form his body and nearly killing him. Both Emma and Jean sensed it and yelled in the Cebero instantly telling others who could get there in time. Magik acted first using her powers to teloport there and trying to cut the shadow was stunned when even her sword did not harm it. Instead the shadow just fled. Getting Kevin back he was given to Hank who spent the next hour stabilizing him. Although without the wolf inside him Kevin was now a normal human without powers that was if he lived the fact it had been ripped from him.
Helios stared at Kurt in shock, his eyes widened and suddenly he hung his head as tears came to his eyes and began to run down his cheeks. He slowly stood up and walked over to Tensa, he stared at his friend before sitting next to him. "I know we didn't know him well, Kurt told me...I am sorry about Ryoma." he croaked. He then blinked as Helia stood up and slowly walked over to Remy and grasped his hand and pulled him into a hug and held him close. "We need to get to Lynx, please Remy...please. I know Ryoma is not dead he can't be, I can feel it in my cut." she said her own tears falling down her cheeks as she began to tremble, she leaned up and kissed him softly to show she was sorry and she felt their pain.

Lynx on the other hand was heading for the mansion, she was not herself, she was not thinking straight, she was being controlled by Chaos at the time being. Helios couldn't take it any more, it was getting to much for him and he began to pound on the door wanting out. "I can't keep staying in here please let me out. I need to get outside...Lynx is coming, she is being controlled." he hollered loudly. Tears streamed down his cheeks as Helia came to his side and they both began to pound on the door until it was opened by Charles himself. "Please, please listen to us. We can stop this man Chaos, we can stop Lynx." Helios said panting softly, his eyes turning pure white along with his sisters.

"We want to help, its too much to just sit in that room the whole tile. Please Charles, please. Ryoma isn't really dead, I am sure of it." Helia cried trembling and shaking. Helios pushed past Charles and ran up the stairs to his room and pushed out onto the balcony and stared outside watching Lynx coming towards them. "Oh please no...." he croaked. He turned back and stared down the stairs at Helia who nodded her head and turned to Charles. "If you have a mutant who can restrict her movement, and with Hank's help we can keep her pinned. Helios can block her powers out, I can drain the link she as with Chaos out. I know its dangerous but we need to try." Helia cried as tears strained down her cheeks.
Tensa looked white as a sheet. "Ryoma was always more of an outsider it was why we wanted him to come here to talk to your guys.... We should have left him alone. he had just gotten a job on Wall Street and was going to be a little normal." Remy was holding Helia and now was a hundred percent confused. How could she go from hating a man and thinking he was a freak to crying over him? Honestly Remy was almost getting whip lash from it. He kissed her head and sighed. "I donno if he is dead or alive but... If he is dead then it means he wanted to go." He froze as did Tensa when the two started pounding on the door he was worried they would hurt themselves. Relaxing when the door open and Charles listened to them only to have them run off. Tensa got up his hands shaking and eyes turning a reddish color. Remy and him ran after the twins getting to the spot just as Helios asked if someone could pin her down.

" I can though I do not know how nice I will be about it. She willingly left us. I want to know why and she is a friend, but if she tries to kill more I cannot say what will happen." Remy was spinning his staff and said. "First she has to get through Emma's wall." That was true Emma with the added power of Jean had a force like wall around the place strong enough to deflect a missal so Lynx would have to fight for at least a few minutes to get through. Tensa then went full Phoenix Force. His eyes red clothes gone into a suit that was black with red coming off it his hands having red lines along them as several red swords formed. "If Remy can keep her in the air i can pin her once she is in the right spot. I'll leave the rest to you two." It was not just his voice it was the Phoenix as well. It hated Chaos it found his a monster and wished him stopped like the other elemental forces of nature.

Remy spun his staff and looked at the twins. "Ready if you are. Just remember you have friends." With that he jumped outside landing on both feet however when he stood up he was in his Death persona his outfit blacked out completely and skin ivory white. Cards ready in his right hand and staff in the left he waited for the twins words. Tensa was using the power of the Phoenix to stay in the air as wel planning to defend the twins if he had to. Charles on the ground said. "I will do my best to keep your minds protected and linked to one another, but I also must make sure the students stay safe."
"Helia, tell them what was going on with your head." Helios spoke before they were about to fight Lynx. "Chaos was trying to get into my mind, I am sorry about the problems, the emotions. I had three voices in my head and was fighting to gain control." she said rubbing her temples. "And Tensa you keep those damn blades out of her flesh, if they enter her, she will die. Chaos can make it happen with certain." Heila warned before she turned to Remy. "She didn't leave willingly, Chaos was speaking through her, forcing her against her will. She has gone through too much like we have, I saw it in her mind when I stabbed her, she saw why we are who we are in ours." Helia explained.

Helios prayed that poor Ryoma was alive, he knew poor Lynx would beat herself up if she had found out Chaos had killed him after what the monster had made her say. He shook his head his body trembling as he stared down at Lynx, her blackish eyes staring up at them. "I'm gonna go to her, someones got to show her pity." Helios said as he took off and shot through the barrier thanks to Cylo who had teleported him. He kicked Lynx hard enough in the stomach to send her to the ground. "I don't want to make this a big fight Helia, Remy...Tensa..." he shouted above him as he stared down at Lynx who was bleeding from the side of her head from where she had fell back and hit it on the ground.

Helia was trembling slightly, she knew this would be risky sine Chaos was holding Lynx's healing powers back, she was very unlucky now. Helia went next as Cylo made a whole in the barrier. "She ain't gonna come to you boys, you want to go through then hurry up. I ain't going to hold it much longer." He shouted up to Remy and Tensa. Helia and Helios surrounded Lynx the best they could, she was shaking with rage, she really was no herself. "Lynx, come on...we are trying to help." Helia said stepping forward a fire ball in her hands. Lynx dashed quickly enough to send Helia flying into Helios and they were knocked back, Helios skidded them to a halt.

"I know what your going through Lynx, please try to calm down some. I know your heart is broken, your bitter from not having your loved returned. I know you are angry at us. But I know you care as well, you don't want to leave." Helia said as she stepped forward and grasped Lynx's head tightly. Helios couldn't get close though as Lynx lashed out with a kick at him. Helia held on tight to Lynx feeling the claws digging into her ribs. "Remy, Tensa...Helios...hold her body down, now...hurry." she cried as she felt blood escaping from the sides of her mouth. Helia could feel the fight Lynx was having against Chaos in her head and it wasn't going well.
Both men did what they could to help the twins, however they were unsure of what was best. Tensa stayed moving trying to get her to change directions with the swords swing from one place or another. Remy though stayed quiet on the ground waiting in case Helios or Helia needed protection. When Helia went down with Lynxa he moved first Tensa close behind. Getting to the two girls Tensa could tell this was going to end badly. In his head the Phoenix said. "I can help just let me out a little and the fire can heal her." Tensa knew the Phoenix was not lying but still it could be a risk. Too Much of the flames would hurt the girls. Hands glowing he put some of the fire around the girls keeping their bodies healed. Remy held onto Lynx's shoulders and said to Helia. "Do what you have to, but do not get yourself killed please." He was worried Helia would try too hard and not know when to stop. Yes, if they lost Lynx it would be heart breaking, but loosing Helia would kill him.


Somewhere else in the city Logan and Scott had gone out to find Ryoma and see if he was truly dead. Getting to the motel they found the rubble and a lot of blood. On looking around Logan found a trail and started to track while Scott watched their backs. they finally found him and it was not good. The wall had done a fair amount of damage and his healing factor for some reason was not working. Not correctly anyway. Looking at the young man Logan felt a little guilty for yelling at him and starting a fight. However they had no time they had to get Ryoma to Hank and fast. Scott picked up Ryoma as Logan moved off to get the car started. The drive was quiet until they got to the Mansion and then at the sight of the fighting they both almost yelled but Charles stopped them and had them get Ryoma inside.

Down stairs in the medical room Hank did what he could for Ryoma, but the young man needed his healing factor needed to to work or he could die still. Outside was not much better Tensa and Remy felt powerless to help the twins the more it went on. It seemed it took all they had to keep up or even pin Lynx for a few moments while the twins just kept up wit her. Remy sighed though knowing they had to help even if it was only a little at a time. It was better than just giving up.
Helios felt a gladness take over them as they came across Ryoma, however he knew Lynx would beat herself up harshly when she was back to her normal self. "I will try not to Remy but its rather hard with the power she has at the moment." she said as Lynx thrashed about in Tensa's grasp. Helia then felt Helios grab hold of Lynx around the legs and shove all three of them into the ground. "Remy, damn it... please hold her legs down." Helios cried as Lynx seemed to be fighting, her strength growing more and more powerful with her rage. "I have never seen or felt anything like this before, from a feral." Helia croaked as she sat on Lynx's chest. Helios was being thrown about trying to hold Lynx's legs down while her claws stayed embedded in Helia's flesh.

"Hang on....I'm going into her soul." Helia said as her body glowed and went pale. Helios knew that he had to get up now and take his chance. He slowly made his way up to Helia's head then around as the air became very heavy with static and pressure. He grasped hold of Lynx's head his eyes glowing, soon that happened to Helia as well. After a good 15 minutes they worked but suddenly they were thrown from Lynx as a shock wave came from her body. Helio's spread his wings grasping Tensa's hand to keep him from smacking into a building, they landed a few feet away. Helia was standing now her shadows holding her up as she backed away fro Lynx.

Lynx was awake however but hardly opening her eyes, tears spreading down her cheeks. The feral pushed herself up after a few minutes and looked about. "Why...why...Helia." she would start to cry as the female twin clung to Lynx and held her tightly. "I'm sorry....blame it on Chaos, we will take him down together." Helia whispered rubbing Lynx's back. "I't my fault he came, my fault Chaos hurt him. I hate myself so much for being so weak to fight him." she sobbed harder. Helios began to approach and Helia held her hand up and he stood back. "The only one who I think can calm her may be Magik right now." Helia whispered to her brother softly. Helios nodded and called for Charles to find Magik who he knew Lynx cared for deeply.

"When Hank or someone is free, I need one of you to get help Tensa, Remy...Helios. If I move Lynx the wrong way, the shrapnel inside her body, might take her in the heart." Helia said as held carefully onto Lynx, the shadows leaving now. You could see blood seeping from Lynx's chest, from a wound under Helia's hand. "Tensa, don't try to heal her with Chaos's powers it won't work to well at the moment. If I break our connection outside the mansion, he will take over again." Helia said panting softly. Her smile was weak on her lips and she turned to Remy. "Don't worry Remy I am not going anywhere, it seems I am calmer than I should be, is that because of you?" she asked softly.
They were trying to move to hold Lynx down her physical strength alarming for her size. Remy and Tensa moved as instructed not being able to do anything else sense their powers clearly had no effect on her. The more Helia bleed the more Remy panicked for her and felt his chest get tight. Gods there was a lot of blood. Then something happened and a shock sent Remy backwards hard. Tensa felt it go up his metallic arm and it hurt, but thanks to Helios he did not go flying backwards like Remy had. That was when he heard Lynx was crying he blinked seeing she was herself now and felt a breath of relief leave him. Helios though told him not to try and help her and the other man frowned and nodded to Helios. "Oh, alright...." His glasses had been broken somewhere in the mess, but he only would have a sore arm for a day.

Charles sent a message to Magik, who was trying to find out what she could on Chaos on hearing her friend was injured she ran outside sword left in her room. Tensa was shivering as the Phoenix argued to kill Lynx before Chaos took over again in his head he told it several colorful words. Rubbing his temples for a moment it relaxed once it knew it would not change his mind. Which he was glad for a raging fire bird of life force was not something he wanted to hear yelling in his brain. Looking at Helios then away he realized how powerless he truly was to help the twins and Lynx. They had saved her and all he had done was struggle to help them. Sighing he just shook his head pushing the nasty thoughts away knowing they would do no good for them. They were there though and that was enough for the Phoenix to start growing angry as well. It did not like being powerless.

Remy got up and walked over covering both ladies with his jacket and staying close as Magik walked over hugging Lynx. X-23 ran outside to and instantly was with them her face a mix of sadness and worry. "You gave e a heart attack never do that again Lynx. Please." X-23 said as Magik just rubbed her back and said. "Relax shh... He is fine. Banged up a little but he is alive. It was that thing not you." Her hand hovered over the wound and she said. "I can use magic to remove most of it, but.... we might have to call Stark if Hank cannot get the ones closer to her heart." Carefully Magik took Lynx in his arms Remy's jacket now wrapped around her as she turned and moved slowly to the lab not to jar the wound any. Before Helia could protest Remy had her in his hold and said. "You too cher." He stated firmly wanting her sides checked.

Tensa knew that Helios would want to go with his twin so he just followed. Though he was in shock at the fact both Kevin was down here and Ryoma. He looked at Jean who had left Cerbro to help. She frowned and said. "Something ripped the wolf from Kevin. He will live, but we do not know what it did to his powers." Tensa nodded then asked. "Ryoma?" Jean said. "Not good a lot of his insides were damaged and for some reason he is not healing. His factor seems to be on hold. Charles thinks it is because he does not have the will to make it work." Tensa frowned at that and sighed. Remy sat Helia down and Kittycame over asking quietly. "Um.. Helia do you mind if I look at you while Hank treats Lynx?" Kitty still felt like Helia did not trust her yet so the question might be too much. Magik set Lynx down on a bed and with X-23 stepped to the side as Hank came in to start treating the young girl. He never liked it when his rooms were filled with injured friends.
Lynx would not stop crying, Helia trying her best with all that she was feeling and wondering what all she could do. She turned her head to stare over at Tensa before she bit her bottom lip. "Tensa, hey Tensa snap out of it." Helios said as he turned the man's head and kissed his cheek. "Don't feel like your useless, it had not been for you holding Lynx down Helia would never be able to get to her and use her powers. I would never been able to push on. If you were not around, well I lose the urge to fight when shit hits the fan and my strong one is almost gone with Helia I think." he whispered as he rubbed his bruised knee and leg. "Do you think you could heal some sore tendons by any chance?" he asked putting Tensa's good hand on his sore leg.

Lynx would finally fall silent as she was able to separate herself from Lynx who had passed out for the moment or two. She however sensed Remy's worry and she let out a sigh. "Its alright Remy, if Tensa had not touched me it would have been a lot worse. He protected my internal organs and she only got muscle." Helia said then blinked looking up at Kitty. "Sure go ahead and stop thinking I don't trust you. Your one of the few people I like a lot around here." Helia spoke up and lifted her shirt
under her breasts so Kitty could look at the claw wounds under her rips. "No lungs either or spine. Though I think there is nerve damage, I can't feel my skin very well around the entrance wounds." Helia said softly.

Helia then turned her head and smiled at Magic. "Thanks for fixing Lynx up mostly for me. You really do love her, I saw it in your mind and heart." Helia whispered softly feeling her strength growing for some reason. Lynx groaned waking up and becoming more are of where she was now. "I'm sorry about...about scaring you." she replied finally to X-23 before coughing. "I am so sorry for everything...everything." she said as more tears streamed across her cheek. Once Helios on the other hand was healed her held onto Tensa's hand for a few moments. "Come on Lynx wants to thank you before she passes out again." Helios said.

However Lynx was fighting to get up and see Ryoma again, tears stained her face. "RYOMA I AM SO SORRY, DON'T DIE PLEASE....I NEED YOU!" she cried as Cylo appeared nad shoved her back. "I called Tony, he is on his way. I think whatever is linked to Chaos sucked the mutt out of Kevin." Cylo said to the others. He sighed brought his hand down to touch Lynx's forehead. She calmed slightly but he guessed she refused to sleep unless she knew Ryoma was healing. "I will do it." Helios said as he walked over to Ryoma and gently touched the man's body, over his heart and head. He began to heal what damage he could repeating Lynx's words inside the man's mind. "You die, Lynx will die...she hates herself for what happened, please Ryoma...for both your sakes live or we lose both of you." he said in the man's head.
Kitty stiffened and stood up straight for a moment trying to remind herself mind reading was something the kids could do. Sighing she shrugged and said. "I know just still, wish I could help more." Remy sat behind Helia a hand on her shoulder without his Jacket it was visible that is arms were well built like the rest of him lightly tanned as well. Kitty stayed quiet as she worked stitching the deeper cuts also she had to phase a little into Helia's body pulling out a bone tip. Then she wrapped Halia in thick white bandages and said. "Well we will know more about the nerve damage in a day or two. I personally cannot fix it but Hank has a few tricks and so does Emma for that." She scooted back and asked Hank if he needed help he said he would be alright and she went to check in on Kevin.

Magik just shrugged at the scomment and said. "She loves someone else. Won't get in the way of that." Magik once she knew Lynx was okay simply left X-23 just hugged Lynx and said. "Just get better okay. I need someone to gossip with." She winked and left as well. Tensa stayed with Helios checking the boys leg healing it lightly with the Phoenix powers. He blinked at Clyo and said. "Easy with the pushing Cylo. She is still recovering." He sounded calm and was more just stating a slight warning. Lord knew they did not need a fight in the medical wing. "Also we only need Tony if we cannot get the shrapnel out but also we need him to help Fordge with a containment room." Then he felt something and jumped up holding his head. "Damn it. That still feels crappy." The Phoenix was trying to get out more to heal others but he was suppressing it.

Ryoma after a few moments took a loud and deep breath and his body shook for a moment. Hank came over to check and said. "He is okay the gasp for air was just him coming out of the coma more. He probably will be doing that a lot." Ryoma returned to quiet though he seemed to be breathing easier. Emma suddenly spoke. "That is not what Ryoma is struggling with." Kitty looked at Emma confused and the Ice Queen sighed and said. "Ryoma struggles to feel and understand emotions because he cannot feel contact or pain. So the idea someone cares is odd to him and he does not know how to respond to it. IT is why he seems to be an ass most times. When he does not understand what is going on he gets on edge." She then walked over to Kevin and checked on him as well. "As for Kevin we have to get the Wolf back if we can just to even him or we have to hurry and figure out what happened."
Helia blinked feeling bad and allowed Kitty to keep working on her. "I am doing my best, your a good friend kitty and thank you so much." she whispered before her eyes grew heavy but she refused to sleep just yet. "I might let them both help me if the damage is too bad and I can't feel." Helia whispered to Remy and gently lay her head against his chest hugging him carefully. She then let out a heavy sigh and let the tears stream down her cheeks softly. "I hurt Lynx, inside I mean. Showed her how Lgan feels and how Ryoma feels. Poor girl's heart is aching, her soul." Helia whispered to Remy. "She cares for Ryoma as a friend, hates herself for hurting him and she is angry at Logan. Not to mention I think she is bisexual...she is attached to Magik...I hope someone can love her like you do with me." she whispered softly.

Cylo shut his mouth and nodded his head as he simply vanished with a low pop and was gone from the room feeling like he was not needed, not that he didn't mind though. He was tracking Chaos down with some other mutants from afar. "I will try but right now its going to be hard. I love one man and a woman, why am I so fucked up?" Lynx said as the other two left. She just rolled onto her side the best she could and pulled her knees up against her chest, her wound had healed slowly but she knew moving around could make the shrapnel entered her heart. Helios bit his lip worried about everyone but smiled when Hank told him that Ryoma was alright.

"Thank God, that will keep Lynx hanging on now. She was thinking about letting go if he died, she hates herself so much right now. I would watch her she doesn't try anything." Helios warned and gently touched Ryoma's cheek. "Good man, hang in there. I want to train with you when you wake up and get better, maybe make it so you can feel some emotion and pain." he said softly. "Oh...Cylo headed to find Chaos with the others, he can help get the wolf back for Kevin." Helios said to Emma as she touched her hand gently. "Look I know we didn't get along before but your a good person, I thank you for standing up for us." Helios replied.

Helios felt drained but he would not stop until things had calmed down a bit, his body ached as well. "Emma, if you can help my sister if she gets nerve damage, it would mean a lot to the both of us. Also...your not an ice queen or any of those names. I think your as pretty as an angel and I don't say that to any women." He said honestly wondering if she could tell he was mostly gay. Helia meanwhile had wrapped a blanket around her and Remy, refusing to let him leave as she fell into a deep sleep, her mind closed out everyone but her twin or Charles if they needed to speak to her about something.

Helios let out a heavy sigh and slumped into a chair as close as he could to Tensa his mind wondering for awhile until he clamped his hands over his temples. "Ah...fuck..I found Chaos....damn it.....someone...get help. You can track him...through me." He croaked as he tried to fight of the pain. However he would not get taken over, he refused to do such a thing. He groaned as someone helped him up, feeling pain leaving his body and he started to relax even though his vision was blurry he was glad he was safe.

Remy was not going anywhere anytime soon as he held Helia he just nizzled up close and said to her. "Shh cher it is okay Lynx will understand. Poor girl is going to need you right now before her heart gets hurt again." He stayed holding her and went on. "I vote when this shit storm done we go to my home land and get some good food and drinks what you say?" His hands ran up and down her back along her hair also as he spoke wanting to keep her calm. He would skip her wounds his theif's hands skilled and not even tickling her. Remy only could let her feel how much he cared for her and wanted her to be happy. His eyes though closed a little as well almost falling asleep a few times. When he heard Helios ask Emma to talk to Helia and see if she could help her he made sure to sit up. The blonde listened to Helios suddenly flushing a tiny bit not used to compliments. Remy felt bad for her knowing how much she was trying to fit into their family.

Emma came over and lightly rubbed Helia she wanted Helia to be awake. With good reason. For to her doing anything that had to do with the mind or body the person having it down should give the consent. "Helia? It is Emma can you wake up a moment?" She was sitting by the bed. One thing was different though normally Emma wore slightly risky clothes, off the shoulders or short skirts and such. Right now though she was dressed in long pants and a long sleeved top her lips also were pail. Emma had gone too far trying to keep the wall up around the school and in returned had given herself a light fever.

Magik cane back holding a small orb and sat by Lynx. "Lynx... hey... This can remove the shrapnel from near your heart. It will hurt some and you will have to take it easy. No sparring for about a week or so depending on how you heal up. But I can get it out." Megik did not tell the part where it would shift the shrapnel into her. Magik though could not die from it even if it hit her armor. It would hurt but she would not die because of the fact she now had demon in her. Dr. Strange had assured her while she would be weak to more holy relics man made weapons no longer would kill her. "So what do you say? Wanna try it?"

Tensa suddenly lept up to Helios and grabbing the boys head suddenly also was in hsi mind the Phoenix and him using the chance to locate Chaos. The Phoenix though was careful not to hurt Helois saying simply. " Easy young human. I mean Mutant. I mean... Never mind" It sounded tired as it moved and Tensa stayed still as he forced himself to find Chaos. The problem it was as if he was astral projecting as well suddenly standing right by the entity.
Remy would see a smile come to her lips as she slept against him, listening to him speak as he ran his hands over her body in a comforting way. "I would really like that Remy." she muttered in her sleep, her head pushed into his chest. She was so glad that he was there and that he was holding her so close to him. She shivered slightly though as she felt herself being awoken by Emma and she lifted her head staring up at the older female. "What is it Emma?" she asked softly. However you could see that she did not have an angry look on her face. She had a more sleepy yet worried look about her. "My head kind of hurts a bit, does Hank have anything I can take?" she asked.

Lynx blinked and lifted her head staring at Magik, she bit her lip as a worried look came over her face. "Are...are you sure that is a good idea? It looks magical, should I be wary of it?" Lynx tried to joke but ended up wincing when she laughed. "If you think it will work then I will try it, just take it easy yourself as well. You may use magic but I care about you and it worries me when you push yourself to much for my stupid skin." Lynx said gently and slowly touched Magik's face. "How is he, how is Ryoma? I hope he is getting better." she said as tears ran down her cheeks, she slowly lay back.

Helios went wide eyed and yelped when he was grabbed, he squirmed as a strange feeling took over him. "What are you doing, stop it please. It hurts, my mind is starting to burn up!" Helios croaked as sweat began to run down his brow. He groaned and both him and Tensa would back up onto a bed. He would shutter and lean his head against Tensa's forehead. "Please stop straining Tensa if you can hear me Phoenix, I love him and want him back in one piece." he begged. He could feel a fever growing in his head and he grew hotter.
Emma smiled then laughed a little at Remy's bed head. "So, even tired you manage to look half good." Remy shrugged and moved to a chair slowly saying. "I am going to get coffee be back soon." With that he walked out of the room. Emma said to Helia." I am sure Hank has something." She turned going to the door to ask and Hank replied softly. Going back to the bedside Emma said to Helia. "He has something but would feel better if you ate a little too much medicine can start to eat at your belly and cause more problems. So, while he calls Remy to grab you some toast at least how about you tell me where you feel the numbness or pain. Hank and your brother are worried about nerve damage. If it is mild enough or at least in the right areas I might be able to help it heal though it will possibly take more than one time. Jean and I are rather spent after this morning and Scott is not helping." Emma kept most of that topic out Scott wanted the twins gone after what had taken place and he wanted Lynx locked up. Logan, Jean and herself had been arguing with him for hours while Professor tried to get control of it. Scott had been so angry he somehow broke the glasses and hit Emma. Lucky she had sensed it and gone diamond skin just in time though it hurt her chest none the less.

Magik looked at Lynx and said. "Well he is not in a coma at least but Hank is still worried. His healing factor is slower than normal. Logan says it is probably from the amount of damage or from the fact he cannot feel the pain. Pain would tell his body it needs to heal but because he cannot feel it his body is not moving as fast as yours or Logan's might. That and there is the emotional stuff. Honestly he got handed a shit tastic power. Cannot feel pain and thus emotional shit is hard too. His childhood must have been interesting. Do not worry though he does not blame you. He knows he is an ass hole." Magik made the orb go over Lynx chest concentrating. In a flash the metal would leave and the orb slammed into Magik's chest. She hissed and said. "Little harder than I thought it be but it is okay." She took several deep breaths and said to Lynx. "You owe me dinner or a movie for that. Also a thank you to Doctor Strange he gave me the orb." Getting up slowly she reminded Lynx. "So take it easy, rest heal and then we will find that basterd and deal with him." She wanted her claws on Chaos.

Tensa waited then let go the Phoenix knew both their limits and it was in partial control. "Found him. We know where he is now." Sending it to the Professor and Jean both ran to Crebro to get a lock on it. No one was in shape to fight Chaos but they could at least make sure he was not at the school. Tensa then laid down with Helios and pulled him close to keep him calm. "Sorry. Did not mean to hold on so long. I promise I did not mean to hurt you." He hoped Helios would heal okay not knowing how the boy would respond to the powers of the Phoenix,
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