Mutant Relations (Me & Tasinga Nightwolf)

Helia grit her teeth together and narrowed her eyes as she felt the urge suddenly to lash out and wring those girl's necks. However she turned and looked towards Remy when he told her not to fight them. She bit her lip and turned away her own mind ached from what she had felt from her brother and slowly she slumped into a chair. She said nothing as she took her time and made her anger calm down. "Do they not know that attaching Tensa, attacks Helios which hits me? And I thought me and my brother were that stupid before we met you." Helia snarled and then took another deep breath and rubbed her head. "We used to be just elementals, then now things are happening to our heads....minds...what the hell are we? I know why now most mutants think we are freaks." she grumbled softly. Helios froze as Magik walked into the room, helped Tensa then spoke to him. His mouth dropped open and he cocked his head to the side. "I don't know you, who the heck are you?" he snapped before she left. Lynx was curled up on a bed asleep as Hank and Logan talked, though she picked up what they were saying. "Just take a sample of my mutated Adamantium, remember its almost organic and it is living. You always forget when I get impaled that the metals numbs me and helps my healing process." she said as she woke up and slowly made her way towards Hank lifting up her sleeve. She grabbed a syringe and jabbed it into her arm down to the bone and handed it to Hank after pulling it out.

"There you go, remember its in my blood as well." she grumbled her head throbbed from how her gut clenched. "Logan, do you still have those cigarettes I gave you?" she asked him softly. Tensa would feel Helios tense slightly but relax as the older male held him once more. "Helia's walls are strong enough at the moment but that Magik girl being here made both of our minds waver. I am really confused at the moment." Helios said. When the dog came in however, Helios froze and began to tremble as strange feelings shot through her. "DAMN IT..." he snarled and clenched his jaw. "Why the fuck did that stupid animal threaten me, call me a destroyer of worlds, the he said maybe more? What the fuck is going on....god damn it." he muttered as he broke down crying tears of frustration. "That mutt and then that girl in the leather, what the hell have me and Helia done? Why can't life just be peaceful...almost normal for us for once. Do we really deserve to be punished for what happened so many years ago. We have feelings, we care about people if they get killed." he cried his body shaking and he his his face in Tensa's chest now.

"We didn't mean to kill any innocent people, even our parents....even if father was cruel to us. I never wanted him to die..." he broke down. Helia was doing the same thing at the moment since she could feel her brother's emotions. "Why won't this madness just stop....will we never have a home?" she croaked and rubbed her temples harder. Though suddenly a vision sailed through both their minds and the twins curled up into a ball trying to process what they had just seen. "Monsters...we are monsters...its true." they croaked. Lynx lifted her head and ran down the hall and up to Kevin and Charles, she grabbed Magik on the way up. "The twins...they know...they saw...Magik...please explain it too them, you know the best." Lynx said. "You just need to talk to one twin and the other will hear it." Lynx said as she pulled her into Helia's room and sank to her knees pulling the girl against her. She hardly felt any pain as Helios's shadows took hold and grasped onto Lynx. "Shhh is here, some help I think." Lynx said and smiled. "Its ok Remy she is not in too much trouble." she said trying to be calm.

She then turned and looked at Kevin, she glared at him slightly. "Can't you keep that stupid mutt of yours on a leash, he was the one who triggered this." she growled more at Kevin's other part rather than him himself. Helia was fighting and fighting hard, it looked like she was not going to lose the battle however. However when she became aware of a hand on her forehead, she allowed it to happen no matter who it was. She had given in and learned to even trust Emma now, with the pain she was in she didn't want to push anyone away. Helia managed to open her eyes, push herself up and look at Magik then over to Charles who could see she was fighting. "Professor, you need to know." she croaked as Lynx got up and moved for Charles to touch Helila, so far he would only see something dark from another world, capture the twins, control them like puppets for four ears, then it would go blank until Magik appeared saving the twins then it went blank again. Helia's memories were blocked and releasing to many at a time instead of slowly could kill her and Helios.

"What was wanted to speak to" Helia asked Magik as her brother spoke through her to the woman in black. "It has to do with something about why we are struggling so much." Helia would say before she fell against Remy and relax. The memory had faded away again, her eyes opened and she smiled. "Tell me, are we really Queen?" she whispered softly before suddenly able to relax. "Well I am impressed with their control of their minds and the mental blocks now breaking." Lynx said as she slumped back and crashed into the coffee table. She had been wounded by Helia, though she was unaware of it. Helia's shadow was hard like a spike, blood dripped from it and Lynx's wound wasn't healing. " didn't....Lynx." Helia whimpered. "Its alright, it snot your fault, its...the...darkness's fault.." Lynx said before she passed out cold.
Tensa had run in when both twins had shut down. He looked at Magik and Remy with Helios held close. Magik sighed. "Remy get Lynx to Hank. Tensa help me with the kids. We will fix this and hopefully bring this to an end. Remy meet us in my room." He nodded his head and took Lynx to Hank who started treating her wonds as KEvin stayed close the large dog and him yelling in his head. She would live that was good, but he had a bad feeling about what Magik was planning. Hands folded he hoped it would go alright.

Magik's room was covered in runes and glypes she had Tensa sit in one set keeping a hand on either twin. Remy came in and she made him sit holding Helia. Then she stood in another eyes closing and suddenly all three would be in a white room their bodies still in the normal world, but the room was in their minds. Magik looked at them. "Look the only way these attacks will stop is if you face the walls in your minds. You will have to relieve horrible things and learn to forgive. If you cannot do this you will stay suffering or worse turn into demons that I will have to end as my role as Queen to Limbo. Same for you Tensa and Remy your powers are walling and you need to smash them. Any volunteers for who is first?" Remy shook his head and backed up he hated his past and did not wish to face it. Not wanting the twins to face their horrors yet Tensa said. "I'll go first." Magik nodded her head and the room started shifting.

The room was dark suddenly then it would by clear They were looking into the room a young Tensa maybe eight was in a chair helmet strapped to his head and he was shaking. A person said. "We are ready. Now remember Tensa find the person in the picture we showed you and you can go home." The young boy said. "I can't I told you I can't control it." The voice responded. "You will do as told. Not focus and tell us where the man is." It was a picture of Magnito and suddenly Tensa seemed to try to be focusing the poor kid shaking suddenly a jolt was sent through the helmet and he yelled. "I said find the man." Fear in his voice the boy said. "I am trying my hardest." Only to get zapped again. Tensa was shaking by Helios remembering this his eyes pulsing with each zap sent into the boy.

Then it shifted again to somewhere in a warehouse. A man looking like an older Tensa and what had to be Tensa at seventeen facing down a man who held a gun and trigger. Tensa looked at Magik then the memory. "Not this one..." He groaned knowing it by heart. The older man barked for the other man to drop his gun only[/i] to be killed by a metal disk being sent at him. The attacker's eyes purple now showing he had Telekenetic powers. Tensa went to shoot his bather dead and anger boiling over. Suddenly a crate dropped making him drop crushing his arm. Instinctively as he saw the moment his arm was ruined Tensa grabbed his arm. The man laughed and then one by one started executing the hostages right in front of the man's eyes.
Helia and Helios watched the whole thing set into motion but Helios was trembling as well as Helia, they had no memory of what had happened in the past. Their minds had been closed and blocked off by a being from another planet. But the both felt sick and sad for what had happened to poor Tensa, he could feel their pity and their love towards him. Meanwhile Lynx's wound was having a hard time sealing and she had been fighting of Hank screaming in a blind rage from the agony she was in. Though it was Charles and Logan who were the only ones who could calm her down, Charles who had knocked her out so Hank could sew her up after fixing her ripped muscles. When Tensa was done his turn, Helios was the next to stand up and taking his twins hand. Slowly they straightened and stared around them as visions began to swirl and pass above them. Them as children as young as three, their father already experimenting on them, cutting them open and adding strange elements to them. More crashed forward of the same thing until it came to them at the age of 11 where they had killed their father for what he had done to them. Then them losing control of their powers and killing innocent people and you could feel their guilt for that. However something dark creeped into their sight, a huge being with the most black of powers you ever felt.

The twins were still eleven but they had been taken from earth, their powers pushed past normal and the being still adding more to them. He broke the barriers of their limits forcing the twins to always grow more powerful. Soon they would be shown basically as puppets destroying planets, galaxies even. Screams of billions of dying races ringing in their ears. Then there was silence as the twins were freed, falling back to earth, images of more innocence killed along with evil, guilt raged through them as well. Then finally it came to them being found by Tensa and it ended, the twins slumped to the ground and just sat there staring blankly from what all had happened. The being's words "You will never be alone from me." flowing through them and the air around them. Helia was the first to move, tears kept streaming from her eyes but she said nothing. Helios was next and he turned to look at Tensa sadly. "It will be hard to forgive ourselves for what kind of monster's we are but we must try." he said and grasped Helia's hand and pulled her up. "I know there are still other memories that will unlock later when the time is right." he said turning to Magik. "Even the most powerful of mutant can not remove some walls." he whispered.

Helia would then nod her head and walk over to Remy, she gasped his hand and pulled him to his feet. "I will be here with you, I won't let go. You are not alone Remy and I love you, remember that. Many people do and will never hate you for what we are about to see and face." she spoke. Helios was exhausted though and he fell against the wall of his mind and shut his eyes as he began to rest. He reached out his hand to Tensa and pulled the other male beside him. Lynx was sure that Magik could help but she knew the twins would still grew more powerful after this. Though she would know they would be a lot more stable thanks to the woman as well as remy and Tensa, and the rest of the mansion. She had woken up and was glaring at Hank, for strapping her ankles to the bed and making it hard for her to get up. Though she had not argued with him, she was too weak and too tired at the moment.
Tensa felt hot anger at what he was seeing the kids had never asked for this. This was cruel the wrong in some many forms of the word. He paused though seeing Helios needed him and went over pulling the boy close to himself as if keeping him safe. His head resting in Helios' hair almost as he nuzzled close. The steel of his arm still felt cold even in this realm. Magik stayed in-moving she did not let her emotions show. It was not her place as Queen to say what was wrong and right. Remy though was shaking knowing it was his turn even when Helia said she loved him he shook." I know cher.. but Remy doesn't want you thinking he dirty." The room was changing again.

When it ended they were clearly in the French Quarter lights, music and everything else. A group of men sat in a bar all had one thing in common a mark on there shoulder, marking them as Theives Guild member. They spike in French and English. There was Ryan maybe fifteen or so young marry and clearly the life of the party. His eyes bright as he hung with friends. As the night great later though Remy in Helia's arms started shaking more and more to the point he was shivering. In the memory Remy was clearly buzzed at his emotional walls dropped. That was when it came crashing down all the men looked at him at once, but not like friends no their eyes held lust. Remy was oblivious to it until two men brought him upstairs. He felt sick to his stomach seeing this this felt worse than any amount of killing he had ever done. He did not stop shaking even as the memory faded into other's of killing or steeling. That one though was the worst.

When they were done Magik returned them to their bodies. Getting up she then dropped to her knees. Tensa went to help but she shook her head." Out." Tensa knew what was coming and picking up Helios as Remy took Helia they ran from the room just as Magik shifted into a demon like monster and started pacing the room. Tensa said." She will be okay it happens when she uses a lot of magic. She just like us seeing the horns, or tail or hooves." He and Remy brought each kid back to their room. Tensa sat holding Helios as the TV played. Remy though was still shaking some. Setting Helia on her bed he went back to cooking wanting to finish what he started.
Helios stayed close to Tensa but kept his mouth shut and then slowly turned to look up into his eyes. "I really don't know how or what I should feel anymore. With those memories...with out what I might have done...its hard for me and Helia. Lynx on the other hand...well I don't think Hank will be done with her. Helia used a posion shadow, I am not sure how Lynx will react to it." Helios said and then turned to watch Remy move away and Helia shook her head and frowned, she stood up and walked over to the Cajun.

"Stop being so silly Remy, I do not think you are dirty. I am a monster...a demon compared to what you did. Come here and stop worrying." Helia said and suddenly kissed Remy hard on the lips after she had pulled him down to her level by his shirt color. She stood on her tip toes as well trying to reach him. She then pulled away and smirked before she slipped her hand into his and helped him finish making his food a very happy smile on her face and in her eyes.

Helios yawned and lay back in his bed, his hand moved and he gently held onto Tensa's hand. "One thing that still bugs me is Megnito will not give up coming for us, I don't want him to harm you again. Even if they tried to put a block on our connection it won't work. I feel your pain now for the love I have for you and that will never go away." he said and slowly leaned up and kissed Tensa's cheek but was to shy to kiss the man on the lips.
Remy smiled at her when she kissed him. Returning the kiss he then pulled her close hugging her tightly."Thank you." He said and then finished cooking. Grabbing a few plates he made one for her and one for him. "Sun's still up wanna go outside?" He offered wondering maybe if the sun might do her a little good. He knew it always helped him after being sick or stuck inside for a long time. Besides why would she not want to go outside? She seemed to like it before. Tensa was still with Helios he sighed trying to think of what they could do. "I will talk to a few of the others. Though I have a feeling it might be up to Emma or Jean to use Cerebro to make a mind field around the space so to speak." Holding the other still he smiled lightly though and said. "You know Magik is gonna kick your butt right?"

Chuckling he explained. "She does not like people seeing her demon like form, trust me Logan saw it once and I never have seen him be put on the ropes like that. She had him down in two moves before she was calm enough to stop." Tensa knew Magik would never hurt someone unless she had to, but the girl had a flame like temper. Well she, X-23, Lynx and Kitty all did making them a group of four no one ever wanted to make mad. Pausing though Tensa then opened a window a little. Looking outside he rubbed his temples feeling a slightly headache, but he could live with it. He was more worried for Helios and Helia the kids past had been bad and that still had not been all of it.

Magik left her room and went down to the medical room. Hank nodded as the woman then walked to Lynx and healed the wound for the most part. "Have to love fucking shadow skills. You feeling okay Lynx?" She asked her Russian accent still slightly ringing as she spoke. A slight smile was on the blonde's face, but mostly because she knew that X-23 would give Lynx and ear full for this and the semi clone of Logan always was funny when mad. "You need to be more careful you know. Why did you not come here when she first hurt you? The toxin in her shadows could kill you if you are not careful."
Helia blinked and stared up at Remy a smiling coming to her lips. "Your most welcome my handsome mutant." she whispered softly. She then took his hand and a plate herself and nodded her head when he suggested going outside. "Sure it sounds like fun, I like being outside in the sun. But I like it even better when I am with you." Helia said and stretched her body. Once they had found a table to sat up she began to wolf down the food that he had sat before her. "God damn it, you cook like a God my Remy." she cried out and turned her head to smile happily up at him. She licked her lips and swallowed the food before she finished her plate and leaned back in her chair with a huge smile on her lips.

"I am worried mostly about Helia's mind." Helios muttered and shut his eyes for a few moments. "I am more worried about Lynx giving me an ear full than facing Magik's temper." Helios suddenly spoke up. He looked at his lover worried and bit his bottom lip, slowly he pushed himself to his feet worried about Tensa's headache. "Are you feeling alright, do you want me to go get you some help for the headache?" he asked and cocked his head to the side. He then walked over and hugged Tensa gently around the middle and buried his head into the older male's chest and breathed his scent in rather deeply. "I like when you hold me, I feel safe then." he muttered.

Lynx stared up at Magik in shock and bit her bottom lip when the women healed her. "I think she had hit a kidney but it takes a longer time to kill me then most mutants." she muttered softly. "It hurts like fuck though." she muttered and sat up in bed. She frowned however when she was getting scolded some but she let it go and shook her head. "I couldn't just leave Helia, Helios...Remy and the others just because I got stabbed. You know thats not the way I work anymore." she said and shut her eyes. "Thanks for healing me though, I owe you one I guess." she whispered and ran her hand through her hair feeling a bit embarrassed with herself.
Chuckling at the comments she showered him with Remy followed her outside and sat down. "Well you are two kind, because you the one who would win a beauty pageant before Remy." Sitting in the chair cross legged so that his right leg was over his left leg he ate slower than her for two reason, one he knew to not rush when eating he rather enjoyed a slow meal and he also knew if you rushed it your stomach hated you about ten minutes later. Some people did not get the second part, but most did so he never risked it even though he grew up on the stuff. A soft smile was on his face when she mentioned him cooking like a god and he said. "Mer'ci, but you are too kind." Reaching to the chair beside him he handed her a napkin in case she wanted it. "It nice out for now winter up here gets mighty cold... Despite it Logan still can go shirtless, then again sometimes me think he brainless as well. Are you two used to the cold? Will we need to get some warmer things before end of fall?" Remy knew they two were from Scotland which could get chilly, but he did not know how Helia and Helios handled it personally. Just because a person was from one place or another did not mean they were like everyone else. Getting up after a little he took the plates inside and set them in the sink before coming back out with a few cans of ginger ale. Handing her one he took his place in the chair once more.

Tensa listened to the other explain he was more afraid of Lynx than Magik which was wise in it's own way. Laughing a little when Helios asked if he was okay he nodded his head saying." Yes, I am fine I just have to learn to deal with the constant headache for now. It should fade once everyone learns to relax and calm down. Then again it could just be so bad because I am currently keeping constant tabs on Magneto's location. So, we do not get another lovely surprise." Rolling his shoulder again he then smiled as the other hugged him. Carefully he hugged back and picked Helios up slightly before setting him back down. "I know just remember I do have to teach so the only way around it will be to either come to class or go hang with your sister." Tensa had a feeling that Helios would pick the second option it as clear the kids were not too set on classes and Tensa would not try to change their minds. Their powers concerned him though and he wondered how long until one of them snapped or worse got hurt. Deciding not to think on it that moment he asked the other. "Do you want to just sit down and watch a movie for a little?" It was something calm and relaxing and nothing had to come of it. Tensa was relaxed when it came to relationships mostly because he did not know how to respond to them half the time. So, he let the other person lead.

Magik just shrugged and replied to Lynx. "Yea i know, but try to be more careful next time." Smiling slightly she then walked out moving aside as Ryoma came in. Ryoma was a mutant who unlike most did not know his class. Even Emma was unsure of where he fit in due to how strange his powers were. Able to ignore pain and heal as well as Deadpool he was also military trained so not a fun cookie to fight. Coming down the steps to Hank he said to Hank."Charles told me to get back from Rome what is going on?" Hank said to Ryoma. "We have two new students, but they are a bit different maybe you with all your FBI attachments can figure out a few things." Ryoma paused then asked. "I would need some time and to know what I am looking for." Ryoma's dad worked for the FBI while his mother was CIA. He always dressed nice and often could get into the database they needed for information.
Helia blinked and stared at Remy when he asked her about winter and she cocked her head to one side. "Me and Helios don't get cold ever really, we can heat ourselves internally with our power, but maybe it would be a good idea to get some clothes for here, we would fit in better then. However we were in Canada for awhile I think, I remember lots of deep snow and melting it when we walked through it." she said and rubbed her mouth clean with the napkin. Helia thanked him for the ginger ale then cocked her head to the side and bit her lip as she picked up on her brother's emotions but she only smiled. However she froze when she became aware of a new mutant on the grounds. "I sense a weird mutant here, he has strange" she fell silent and froze like she was picking up on some other things.

Helios bit his lip and then shook his head before rubbing his forehead. "I guess we could watch a movie if you want. I am just worried about going to class right away. I don't want to accidentally hurt any of the kids. I would feel horrible if something bad went happen. I would sooner train with the more experienced mutants than the other kids." he said and ran his hand through his hair. You could see he meant it and that he really was worried. However he would freeze suddenly as well as he picked up on Ryoma as he made his way onto the grounds. He then narrowed his eyes and turned to look up at Tensa. "Who is this strange mutant I feel, he is like us in a way." he muttered before rubbing his temples and slumping back on the couch and shutting his eyes, his sister doing the same a few minutes later.

Lynx flushed and looked at Magik before she left. "Why does she always make me feel so strange." she thought to herself and slowly pushed herself up from the bed. "Hey Ryoma, long time no see? How have you been? If you want to meet the twins and learn about them I can take you to them. But please be careful with them, they are very sensitive and highly dangerous if you provoke them too much." Lynx said rubbing her side. "Magik healed me." she said to Hank so he didn't worry. She smirked at her old friend and gently grasped his shoulder before looking at Hank. "Can you tell Logan I want him to help me with tracking later on? I think I am getting a bit rusty with my nose skills." she teased and pulled Ryoma out the door with her and into the hall.
Remy nodded and said to her. " Alright then sometime this week we can run into town and grab some clothes for you. Though warnin Emma will wanna come. Woman is stuck here so much she looks forward to getting away. She cannot drive because of her green card so yea." When she mentioned a strange mutant he paused closing his eyes and trying to pick up a new set of emotions so he could tell who it was. Eyes flashing red for a split moment he said back to her. "That'd be Ryoma. Not bad man, but different for sure." He was worried though Helia seemed like she was stressed suddenly. Was Ryoma's lack of emotional understanding and feeling causing her some kind of pain? "You alright cher?" He asked her putting a hand on her arm and waiting for her to refocus or just respond Ryoma was somewhat of a loner so maybe she was picking up on that. Still though Remy waited for to respond, his eyes scanning her face for any signs of pain or discomfort.

Tensa nodded to the other and grabbed a movie. Listening to Helios explain why he did not want to go to classes right away he said to him. "I understand Helios, I am not saying you have to go. Maybe we can work on one on one classes just to make sure you guys are set. You said you had graduated high school and we do not have many college level classes. So, there is no need for the academic side of things unless you want to do them for fun." Siting by Helios he rubbed the younger man's neck lightly trying to help him calm down. Though the moment a new mutant was mentioned Tensa closed his eyes trying to focus. "Oh, that is Ryoma. His powers are an odd but deadly combo. He cannot feel physical pain and he heals almost faster than Logan I would say his healing is near Deadpool's level. However this is bad for him at times because he cannot feel touch he knows it is there but if you were to let's say hug him he would only know it was happening because he saw you. For some reason this gives him a short temper in a fight." Tensa asked Helios then. "Why is he bothering you some how?"

Ryoma let Lynx drag him out and asked her. "What is going on anyway? I mean Charles made a rule of me not coming back here unless I was needed because of what happened with Logan." A year ago Logan and Ryoma had been sparing and about destroyed the danger room, because between Ryoma healing and not feeling pain along with Logan's feral rage and healing they litterly had no limits. "It is good to be back and why is Magik healing you? Cannot Hank patch you up? What is going?" Ryoma was caring he honestly was, but he struggled t show emotions properly and often all emotions came a crossed as anger or annoyance. However he also respected the others Lynx, Logan and X-23 more so because they could keep up with him and training.
Helia blinked and opened her eyes staring up at Remy and shook her head. "No pain, just the new mutant is strange. I can not pick up on too much about him but he is stressing my brother out a lot worse for some reason. Anyways as for shopping, well sure. However I want you to be there still, Emma makes me tense when I am around her." she said softly even though she liked Emma. Helia trembled a bit and moved her chair closer to Remy and into the son. She rested her head on his shoulder and let out a heavy sigh. "I think maybe once we meet this Ryoma things will get easier and we can understand him better, he makes my powers burn inside me though." she said trying to explain to him what was going on and how she and Helios were feeling. However for now she just leaned into Remy's touch a small and relaxed smile on her face.

"I wouldn't mind learning a bit more about mutant history if you teach those types of classes." Helios suddenly spoke up and shook his head slightly. "Your friend...well his lack of things and his powers just throws me off a bit. It kind of gives me an ache to the stomach. I am not sure how to explain it but its nothing too bad. I would like to meet him when the time is right however. Maybe he could understand me and Helia better with what is going on with our powers." he would go on to say before he leaned back in the chair and rested his head on Tensa's shoulder gently as his mind began to think things over. Both twins were worried but they were staying calm only because of Remy and Tensa being beside them.

"The twins came to us weeks ago, Remy and Tensa brought them here because Megnito and the brotherhood want them. Magik healed me because Helia the female twin stabbed me in the kidney with a toxic shadow attack. Hank was having trouble doing so." Lynx replied and ran her hand through her hair. "Helios and Helia are very very powerful and their powers keep growing, I think Charles wants you to help them. However we are going to see him first before we meet the twins." she said and pulled him him gently around another corner and brought Ryoma into Charles's office. "Look who is back Professor, oh and please stop worry about me, Magik fixed my kidney. However we need to make the twins meeting with Ryoma stress free or they might be set off, any ideas?" Lynx asked sitting down and rubbing her side.
Charles had been reading in his office when the two came in. Looking up he smiled faintly at Ryoma and Lynx after she was done talking he said to her. "I am glad to hear you are alright though I must say you scared us a little. Also hello Ryoma good to see you, you look well." Ryoma was just blatantly confused at this point. "Good to see you as well Professor you look well also." He sat down in one of the many chairs Charles had for his classes in the room. "Can I ask one thing?" Charles nodded his head and Ryoma asked. "Why do we think it is good for me to meet these to new students? I mean I have no problem with it, but what about me makes you believe I should speak with them. From what little Lynx told me they sund like they control shadows. How would that work with my powers?" Ryoma was calm as always though his eyes showed he was confused about it all. Looking at Lynx he asked her. "Are you sure you are okay? I trust Magik, but still I worry." A kidney shot would be painful he knew that much though he had never felt it himself. Ryoma had spent years reading on emotional and physical sensation to understand what others felt and why. Even with that though he struggled at times to understand people.

Tensa held the other and said. "Oh, well he is odd, but do not worry he is kind. Are you sure you should meet him? I mean with you already in discomfort is that wise?" Tensa wanted to be sure the two twins were safe and if Ryoma set Helios off somehow that would get bad fast. Smiling he said to Helios. "Well I do not teach Mutant history that would be Jean or Charles. I teach normal history and help Emma with her control classes. Remy teaches combat with Logan. Scott teaches Mathematics, Hank is Science and Storm teaches just normal day to day things like how to live with your powers and such." He figured it was best to explain who taught what that way the two would know who to expect for teachers. I know you would want me probably for control not Emma, but she could help if needed her powers let her freeze your powers momentarily and also unlock them completely. Though it can be scary."

Remy listened to her and said. "He is harmless for the most part. " When she mentioned she was okay with shopping and her slight fear of Emma sighed. "You know she never means it she is rather lonely to be honest. She hates de nicknames of Ice Queen and such. The entire thing that she trained kids to be killers was a lie. That was Magnito taking her students and twisting them without her knowing. Then de thing with Scott was a shit storm. Honestly me thinks the reason she is so cold and distant now is she is tired of being hurt." Remy shrugged his shoulders and then went quiet on it. As Helia rested on his shoulder he moved so he could hold her with one arm. Inside he was hoping she would be okay and same for her brother. It seemed things were better, but for all they knew it was the calm before the storm.
She bit her lip and stared at Charles as she looked from one to the other then back again. She then let them speak for awhile why her mind went over the shot to her kidney and she was a bit worried. "You can answer him a lot better than me Professor so I will leave it up to you to remove that confusion from his mind. I am sorry for causing it Ryoma." she said gently to him as her hand landed on her side again. "I am fine Ryoma, stop worrying about me so much. Remember I took a bullet to the head yet nothing bad happened to me like Logan. Not to mention that shrapnel that Megnito sent to my heart, my metal is organic unlike that of the other weapons that were made before me." she said and stretched out in the chair. "Did Hank tell you though that her toxin can change to effect the person she injects it into." she said.

"My gut is telling me that I have to and should meet him. But I will wait for him to come to me if that would be better." Helios said then sighed. "I rather have you to train me over control, Emma freaks me out too much and I don't want her in my head again." he whispered. "Maybe I will take history from the Professor though, I like him. He is always so nice to me and Helia." he whispered and bit his lip. He stayed cuddled up against Tensa thinking things over for awhile. "Is Storm as Lesbian? What is with her short hair cut? Helia was wondering about that." he whispered as a flush came over his cheek and a smile came to his lips. He breathed in Tensa's scent and he relaxed fully just wanting to hold the other close.

Helia blinked and nodded her head while she listened to Remy speak about Emma. "Its just freaky when she is inside of my head, that is all." she muttered and kept her body pushed against his own. "I am more worried about Lynx and how badly I hurt her. I couldn't control myself to well and got really scared, that is when I stabbed her. I got her right in the kidney." she said softly and lifted her head. "Do you think that she will forgive me?" she muttered and shifted to sit closer to him. She stayed calm though and knew that she would just wait and see what Charles had planned for her to and her brother that included this new mutant.
Looking at Ryoma as the young man sat hands folded right foot resting on his left knee. Yes, Charles noted Ryoma was different than most and that was why he might help. "Well to put it simply you all struggle with feelings and attaching to others." Ryoma frowned at that, Charles knew the young man hated being reminded of his problem. " The children were taught to be disconnected from everything they did and others. While I can understand not trusting everyone they need to open up more. It is clear that if they do not some of the other students or even teachers might take offense to it. I just want to them to understand that they can be open here and that we do not need walls. You were the same so maybe you can help." Ryoma sighed and felt a slight tinge of pain inside. It was only like a pin but still he knew that this meant Charles had not called him back, just because he knew he could trust the man, but because he needed him to do something. Most might feel this was being used, but Ryoma just let it slide away and did not mind. "Alright I will try my best though it my not go that well." He got up and said. "I can meet them whenever for now I am going to the cherry trees in the green house." With that he left.

Looking at her Remy nodded his head and said. "Well if that is how you feel then you can meet him, just be warned he is not the most empathetic person. He can be rather harsh at times. Mostly because logic runs his brain the most." Then as she asked about Lynx he hugged her closer to him picking her up into his lap. "Lynx will understand you are not the only person here to hurt someone by mistake. Many of us have. She might be a lil tense at first, but she will be fine." Nuzzling her slightly he smiled a some and said. "You smell sweet cher" Then chuckled and pulled back. "You look tired a little you alrigh?" Maybe he was just worrying to much it had been a stressful last few weeks between the twins and Ginoza about loosing it. Sighing he stayed just holding her letting the sun keep them warm and comfortable. "I know Emma is scary but Charles in most put heads ninety percent of the time and same for Jean. At least Emma butts out if you ask her."

Tensa listened to the other explain several things and chuckled. "Okay I will tell the Professor and Emma will understand." He about laughed out load when the other asked about Storm." Storm Lesbian? No, she is Bisexual yes but not lesbian her hair changes on a monthly basis because it grows fast. It is only short right now because a mutant burnt her head a little while ago and she is waiting for it to heal." Sitting up more he let the other cuddle to him and smiled saying. "If you need to sleep go ahead and rest. You and your sister have been through a lot."
Lynx grunted slightly and listened to Charles before she nodded to Ryoma as she let him walk away. She bit her bottom lip feeling bad for her friend and slowly turned to look the Professor deep in the eyes for a few moments. She then winced slightly and ran her hand over her sore side, even though she had been healed it ached a bit. "Sometimes I think you are a bit harsh with Ryoma you know. Everyone seems to be, he isn't a bad guy at all. But I trust what you are doing, the twins might open up a bit more. But they all have opened up more than before to Kitty, Kurt and even Logan. Wouldn't you say that is a good enough start?" Lynx asked and cocked her head to the side and bit her lip. "And not to mention they opened up to me as well, and you if you would talk to them more often when not busy." she said fumbling with the zipper to her jacket.

"I will wait until tomorrow though until I meet him or whenever he is ready. I really do not understand people much yet. I am just glad that things have gotten easier for us now." Helia said gently. She then giggled and shivered as he seemed to sniff her as he held her close, she smirked at his comment. "You smell good as well Remy." she purred softly. "I am not that tired if your wondering I just want to be close to you at the moment." she would say. However she would jump as Lynx, who was finished talking to Charles walked over. "Before you say anything Helia, I want you to know that I am not mad nor do I hate you. I forgive you for what happened and your still my friend. Take care of her Remy, your doing very good." she said and walked away.

Tensa would see Helios raise his brow then smirk slightly before he looked away. "Hmm well I can tell you that Helia is bisexual as well, I think Lynx is too...I find it interesting." he said and smirked. "I am fine though even though I look tired. I am sorry we everyone through a lot this past while. Even though we have gone through a lot me and Helia know you all have as well." Helios spoke and stretched his body out. He felt strange in his stomach and slowly he leaned up and kissed Tensa on the lips timidly. "I love you Tensa and I thank you for everything you have done for us, we owe you so much." Helios said as he shifted a bit uncomfortably in the older male's lap, something hidden in Helios's pants.
Remy was confused by Lynx then again he was confused by anyone whose words said one thing and emotions just seemed constantly calm. Watching her go he blinked and just stayed holding Helia." So.... is we you know? Datin?" Remy was not one to just go and date he struggled with his empathy and he never seemed to know the finer details, though he would love to try with Helia she was sweet and lovely. Maybe it could work between them they were just crazy enough. Staying quiet he listened for her answer though staying cautiously hopefully. She might not wish of date. She might not like him like that, that could happen too.

Ryoma was outside just sitting in the green house. Storm as always kept it beautiful never missing a single plant. He knew she was away and decided to do a little bit of care as well. Storm has taught him knowing he struggled with others and needed a quiet place. She was one of few who trusted him and never judged the fact he lacked the normal emotional understanding of others. Now there were two kids he had to try and help? Charles sure know how to surprise him. Hearing foot steps he turned looking to the door of the green house and saw Kitty waving she walked in and said." Your room is ready when you are at anytime of and Logan wants a rematch sometime." Ryoma nodded and she sighed leaving.

Tensa flushed red when kissed the tops of his normally white cheeks a bright redish pink color. It took him a full two minutes to properly respond suddenly pulling the other into a hug and laying on the couch with him. Tensa stayed quiet though not sure how to say what he felt. Finally he said." I love you too." Tensa was not openly gay in-fact few knew about it. Remy because he could sense what Tensa liked, Logan because he could smell it and the mind readers for that reason. Staying like that though Tensa wanted to just hold the other for a little while.
Lynx grumbled slightly feeling bored so she decided to go and play around with Logan for awhile. When she came across him in the grounds she snuck up behind him going through the trees. "Got you, you big lug." she snarled as her claws shot from her hands and she ran at him, her fire wrapping around her body and she suddenly slammed her teacher and friend into a tree smirking. She able to land a few punches on him before he had time to react. "Your getting old Logan, you didn't even to smell me coming for you." she teased as a smirk came across her lips. She wondered if Charles had thought over what she had said, it seemed to her he kept the poor twins at a distance.

Helia blinked and stared wide eyed up at Remy when he asked if they were dating now. She was rather shocked since she had never dated someone really before. "Sure I guess you could say that? I wouldn't mind dating you, would be an interesting and fun change from what I am used to." she giggled softly and stared up at Remy. "So if you want to take me on a date, where would you like to take me? Just so you know, I don't care much to be in crowded areas and tight places." she said to him gently as she lay her head against his chest and slowly closed her eyes. She felt so calm and peaceful now, her mind was not worrying about her brother much at the moment.

Helios smiled softly as a strange warmth flooded through him and he felt a new strength flood through him. "Your so cute when you blush. Anyways...would you be willing to train me for a bit today? I suddenly have a new strength and I want to use it to get better control of my powers more." He would say as he gently sat up and stared out the window. "Haha...I see Kurt, come on lets go." he said dragging his teacher and lover outside by his arm being careful not to hurt him. "You are always telling me that I should get out more and be around more people." he teased and stood outside.
Logan did not jump, but he dropped into a role to get her off his back. "Honestly, you are down wind and it is Ryoma who I am more more concerned with. Professor is mad letting him back we all know he can be set off by anything." He was at the ready now in case she wanted to stay fighting though he could smell Ryoma was on the move. Sure enough in about five minutes the well dressed man was looking down at then and Logan snarled a little towards him. This never phased Ryoma he just smirked and shrugged like it was nothing. In truth it did not mean anything to him he was use to the looks and bad attitude of the other man. Walking down to just simply watch he stated. "Lynx in honesty you did jump him and he could have hurt you if you had not been careful." Ryoma was worried for Lynx a lot of the time though he ducked when Logan took a swing at him. "Rematch kid." Logan said and Ryoma sighed and nodded. "Fine." Ryoma stated walking forward and then took out two smaller hidden knives. "Rules?" Logan said back. "None"

Remy said to her. "Would not go no where unless you wanted. Would let you pick. Remy does not leave the mansion too often." Truth was he did not like leaving alone the emotions of all the people often became too much for him to handle and his head would feel like a mace hit it and that was what he hated the most. Staying quiet as he held her he suddenly sat up sensing anger from Logan. "Oh, dear come on... migh need your help." He took her hand leading her outside and finding where Logan and Ryoma was he stayed back with her. Logan felt close to his edge and Remy knew it was because Logan strongly disliked Ryoma. Leaning forward he said to her. "If Logan losses it Rem will have to stop him. Be ready to run." A few cards in his left hand ready to charge and throw if he had to watching the two. Logan was moving in a circle around Ryoma, the brunette seemed un-bothered by the more animistic man. When Logan lundged Ryoma side stepped quickly still no emotions on him or sensed from him. This made Logan more angry and he snarled at Ryoma.

Tensa let himself be dragged out and when they got to Kurt he noticed the blue man watching something. Looking down he saw the fight starting and sighed. "Oh dear this wont be good." Rubbing his temples he laughed a little. "Speaking of Ryoma dear God this will be a mess." Kurt said. " Ten bucks says Ryoma wins but Logan does more damage." Tensa nodded his head. "He has been wanting to rip into Ryoma sense Ryoma nearly bot them both killed." This was ugly but everyone knew it would happen. Tensa wished it had been later rather than sooner.
Lynx growled slightly when the two men broke out into a fight. "Your so boring Logan, and way to ruin my fun Ryoma, you jack ass." she growled as she watched. She however was not going to let this happen grand she suddenly stepped between the two and frowned. "Logan get your fucking head out of your ass. I don't care if you hate him or not. Your going to end up in a cell again if you don't calm down." Lynx growled back at him. All six of her claws were out now, the air around her began to fill with heat and static. "Shit...Lynx is going to pop....her angers worse than Logan"s." came a voice as another mutant popped into view.

His name was Cylo, he was like Emma and Jean in a way but he could take over someone's body if he chose too. He was floating beside Remy and Helia upside down. His long white hair grazing the back of Remy's neck. "You need to stay out of this Remy it won't be good for you or Tensa, let Lynx deal with it." he said in warning and grasped Remy's shoulder. Helia blinked worry on her face and she jumped down from where she was standing and headed over to Lynx not caring what anyone said. She stood in front of Ryoma her arms spread. This made Lynx freeze, she knew the twins were very dangerous and Logan would be in danger.

Helios frowned and didn't look back at Tensa as he ran over to Helia grabbing her hand and holding onto Lynx's shoulder. "Easy, we can deal with him." Helios said. Lynx shook her head and ran at Logan slamming her fist into his shoulder, her claws ran through his muscle and dug harshly into the concrete wall behind them. She then slammed her other hand into his other shoulder keeping him pinned, her powers lending her strength as Helia shook her head and grasped Logan's head and began to enter his mind, pulling at his anger and making it vanish. Helios then brought up a barrier of dark black shadows as he grasped Logan's arm making his strength leave his body.

Helia would drain him as well of his strength until Logan had passed out and then Lynx would step back pulling her gut from Logan's claws, her would dripping blood on the ground until it healed. Helia was trembling and so was Helios and they turned to look at Charles and Hank as they came out. "Hank, please tie Logan up when you put him in a bed, we took his strength but it will return in a days time." Helia said feeling sick to her stomach. Helios nodded and watched Lynx as she slammed her fist into the wall behind them before she stormed away with out looking back at anyone. This made Helia cock her head to the side and sigh softly as her brother touched her shoulder. She turned whispering into his ear and he flushed softly.

"Not a good idea to mess with The Lynx, she is going to be angry for days. Remember last time Tensa, when she was walking around with a shattered shoulder and would even turn on Hank when he tried to help her. When she is angry her powers go wonky and she can get hurt depending on what she does." Cylo explained when Helios and Helia returned back to their partners. Helia was shaking though and Helios shook his head. "I told you, let me take that part next time, your gonna puke one day if you keep doing it." Helios snarled at his twin before pulling her into a hug and rubbed her back. "Don't worry Remy she'll be ok, her soul got sucked from her though, its back in her though." He said.
Ryoma stayed quiet though eyes un-readable it was Remy who looked upset and it was leaking out some through his empathy. Tensa did not look much happier at what was taking place but he had good reason. Ryoma was the last of their problems right now the man never went anywhere without one other Mutant close behind. Problem was Tensa could not find him and that was starting to make him stressed. Kevin like Ryoma was an outcast first and foremost. Many of the students feared the Albino mutant. Tensa could feel something shift in the air and shook a little. Kevin got along with very few others Emma, the triplets, Lynx and Cylo. Tensa then moved fast grabbing the twins and forcing them both to the ground as a massive shadow loke cloud hit the air nearby killing the trees. Turning though it looked at them, for it was not a shadow but a ghost like wolf with a skull face and blue eyes. Before it could move again it turned looking as Kevin walked out. "Honestly enough." He was not alone Emma suddenly came down with Jean none of them looked happy. Tensa stood up and Ryoma was looking at Emma while Remy went to Helia.

Oh if looks could kill then Ryoma would be dead from Emma she looked like she wanted to murder him. However she just turned and with Jean helped Logan. Kevin forced the wolf to vanish his normally red eyes black as it was not happy about it. Turning he walked off. Tensa spun on Lynx. "Are you nuts? I know you can take Logan but honestly getting between him and someone he sees as prey? We are lucky he did not go Feral on us." Remy touched Tensa's shoulder and he instantly relaxed. Ryoma spoke then. "Does it mater anyway? Next time Lynx do not stop him I rather be injured than you." Then looking at the twins he said. "So these are the dynamic duo.... They remind me of Serenity." Serenity was a female mutant who had died years ago, but her powers were always shifting causing different things to take place. Remy looked at Ryoma then and said." You're hurt." Ryoma paused at that and nodded his head.

Tensa blinked and looked at him confused. "Logan did not hit you though." Ryoma shook his head. "The internal damage Remy can tell I have is from a fight a few weeks back. A group of Brotherhood attackers went after me looking for someone and I got myself pretty banged up. Normally I heal faster but the wound in my side is from Scarlet Witch herself so it takes time to heal." Remy sighed and then nodded as Ryoma stayed quiet. Tensa had a hand on the shoulder of his false arm and looked tired. "Can we go?" He asked softly to Helios his eyes were bright green now as a headache was fastly building and he did not want to have a crash in-front of all the others.
Lynx rounded on Tensa this time after he had yelled at her. "YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU DON'T KNOW WHY I ACTED AND UNLIKE YOU CARE, YOUR A FUCKING COLD ASSHOLE. LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE, I AM DONE, DONE WITH ALL OF YOU!" she growled as her eyes glowed. "You want feral...I'll show you fucking feral. There is a reason why I am known to be worse than Logan, fuck all of you." she hissed and ran off before another could say another thing to her. She walked right past Jean and the others with out a look back at them, the twins stood shocked but said nothing to anyone for a few minutes. "Poor Lynx, she loves him." Helia whispered to her brother softly, she knew what was going to happen next.

Helia just shrugged and turned to Tensa. "Go ahead, me and Helia are going after Lynx." he muttered as he straightened up and walked with his sister hand in hand. Lynx was gone however, a backpack slung over her shoulder as she took her motorbike and left the school. She was a mix of emotions at the moment, not to mention in agony as her bones began to heal themselves in her left arm and hand. Cylo vanished with a pop and there was an awkward silence knowing that things were going to get worse as he appeared on the roof watching as Lynx rode off into the sinking sun. The male huffed and crossed one leg over the other sitting down and running a hand through his hair.

Helios and Helia left through a back gate, heading through a bunch of alleyways and into the country side out of town. Helia was tracking Lynx who seemed to not be in her right mind. "We have to be careful, Remy wants you back before things get dangerous." Helios reminded her. "Ah shut up, I know already. I am more worried about Lynx, Megnito is tailing her from on high." she said to her brother who nodded and they picked up pace turning into flaming figures they took to the sky. They would follow Lynx to an old barn where she had threw her bag to the ground and slumped into a pile of straw grasping her arm as the bones snapped together.

However before they could even approach the barn Megnito attacked wrapping metal bars tightly around Lynx as she tried to fight it off. The twins were sent flying into the trees by a burst of light, they however didn't know where it came from. Lynx had stopped fighting however as Megnito lifted her up and brought her to eye level. "Fine just kill me, I'm so done...sick and tired of this world...mutants and humans alike. People don't need me, I am useless to them." she hissed as her head dropped against her chest and tears streamed down her cheeks. Helia was aware of this but she had been ripped away from her brother, arms held her tightly, she knew they were caught.

Helios stood though like a ticking bomb and soon they would hear a hissing noise and a flash of black light as the boy took on a new form. Massive black wings shot from his back and he took to the sky. He slammed his fist into toad's chin grabbing his sister. "Don't touch my sister you freak!" he screamed as Helia held onto his shoulders. Once in the air he sat her on top of a tree and flew towards Megnito. "Give her back you asshole." He snarled but was stopped by a barrier. He looked around wondering who was causing it.
Remy while not with the kids could sense their pain and hurt. Tensa was ignoring his head ache and sighed figuring they should go after the kids. Ryoma wanted to be sure Lynx was alright grabbing one of his fire arms from his car and a few other things Tensa located the kids knowing if they found Liynx they would find the twins. Remy grabbed his bow staff and cards with that the three men left. Tensa leading because he knew where to find them. His head was screaming in pain as he moved along and it started to burn behind his eyes for some reason. Forcing it down though he stayed focused on the task at hand, get the twins and Lynx. Getting to the barn he was at first frozen though Ryoma bolted past him towards the barn not using his gun knowing Magnito could block him he went right at the man in hand to hand combat. Magnito dodging and moving up though still seemingly stunned that Ryoma would just run at him. Remy hit Toad hard and said. "Get your hands of her." His eyes bright as he hit Toad with a few cards. Looking at both twins his face said he was mad, but also happy to see them." Stop thinking you can do it on your own you have friends." He was hurt they still did not trust them enough to ask for help. Honestly Remy was running out of thoughts on what to do. It was clear the kids would never trust them enough or at least it felt that way.

Remy then froze sensing a shift in Tensa and turned just as he saw Scarlet go for Tensa but before she could hit him he spun knife in hand stabbing her in the side. She screamed and Magnito spun helping her though when he went to attack Tensa the man side stepped it as if he knew where it was coming from without seeing it. His eyes were a solid neon green almost blue color. The worse part was when he spoke it sounded like more than one person. "You won't hurt us. We know your mind." Turning he glared at the two and Scarlet Witch instantly started screaming and holding her head. Remy swallowed hard seeing red form in Tensa's hand. " Why? Why is it in him?" He knew this power it was the Phoenix Force and it clearly had Tensa in it's hold. Remy knew all Telopaths linked to Cerbero and Jean were at risk ever sense the thing started to hit the grounds. Even Remy had been hit once, however Tensa was always careful why had he snapped? That did not mater Tensa was in danger of it taking over all the way. Magnito seeing he did not have a winning fight dropped Lynx and picked Scarlet up leaving. Toad ran off as well into the nearby trees.

Ryoma went to Lynx instantly checking for wounds. Remy grabbed both twins and snapped. "Do not even think about going near him. It will just make it worse he will be fine." Remy knew the moment the Phoenix got any of that dark energy into Tensa he would be lost in part to it. Taking a few minutes of trying to pin it out Tensa finally got himself under control. Taking a deep breath his arm and chest hurt and he walked over to Lynx. " You happy now? See what running away from your problems does? Magnito could have gotten the twins or worse killed all three of you." He turned and started heading back to the school as Ryoma picked up Lynx and Remy let the twins go. His arms also crossed as he looked at the twins. "You ever plan on trusting us?" Asking them he then refused to move until he knew they were heading towards the mansion.
Helia let out a sigh, Helios was annoyed with Tensa and Remy but more annoyed with Lynx aswell. Lynx however suddenly slammed her fist across Ryoma's face, flipping out of his arms she landed on the ground. "I'm not going back with you, I'm sorry but I am sick and tired of the fucking drama going on back at the mansion. Charles isn't doing anything about it. No one is and they are just letting shit play out and happen. The man I love wants nothing more to do with me, he ignores me as well. I have no more reason to stay. Sorry that you wasted your time saving me. It would have been better if you let Megnito kill me." she spat before glaring at Remy then Tensa a huge frown on her face, her fangs showing under her bottom lip before she shook her head and closed her eyes.

"I am sick of Tensa and his bullshit, always getting his fucking headaches, blah blah and both of you and your stupid emotional problems...fuck you both." Lynx snapped again as she turned around after flipping them the bird. She simply slammed her claws into the wall of the barn, grabbed her bag, jumped on her motor bike and turned and zoomed past them until she stopped at Ryoma. "I'm going to see Viktor, you know...Sabertooth. I don't care if the brotherhood gets me either." she said simply before she turned and sped off with out looking back. She loved Logan, always had since he had found her. But lately he was so cruel and gruff with her, she had been having enough. She felt no guilt or remorse for what she was doing, her feral side taking over.

She vanished down the road and from sigh only leaving a dust cloud behind her. threThe twins stared up at Remy before Helios looked to Helia who suddenly threw up on the ground holding her stomach. "We sent Tensa a message for help but whatever is in his head blocked it out." he said as he grabbed Helia and held her close, his black wings folding around her. "You idiot Helia please don't push yourself. Its bad enough that Lynx got into your head, but your Back to Hank you go." Helios said pulling Helia onto his back as he began to walk past Remy his head hung low. He stared at the ground as tears ran down his cheeks wishing things would calm down for once. He wondered why Megnito was such a pussy as well but he did not say this.
Ryoma sighed watching her go then said. "I'll go after her." Remy nodded his head and said to him. "Be safe." Ryoma then turned as soon as he was at the mansion he got into his car and then drove off. Emma Frost would send him updates on her location. It was dark though before he caught up pulling up to a motel he got out of the car and walked towards the the building only to be grabbed by his neck and slammed into the wall. He knew who it was without seeing it. Sabertooth also someone he could not just fight. He felt pressure knowing the other man was digging his claws into his side. Ryoma though did not flinch. Sabertooth seemed amused. "So it is true you do not feel pain. Fun." Ryoma said nothing just waited for a good chance to get the other man off him. Viktor said. "She does not want anything to do with all of you anymore. Got it?" That got a snap from Ryoma. "Oh, shut up. You think I care if she wants to go back or not? No I do not I just care if she is okay. Stupid girl is so hung up on Logan she never noticed I cared for her. Sure I never said it because emotions are useless to me, but I saved her ass more than once now just because he is treating her like an adult and not a kid anymore its all boo whoo." He shrugged a moment then spun so he was away from Viktor his side ripping more as he just looked at the other man arms crossed as he waited for something else.

Tensa stayed quiet he felt like crap and not just in his body emotionally. He felt like he was being cruel, but did not know how else to respond to the childish behavior of Lynx. She knew others cared, but just because those people were not Logan she acted like nothing mater or at least that was how it looked form the outside. Sighing he got to the mansion and Jean ran out to him putting a hand on each side of his hand and said. "Charles knows he is willing to help." With that Tensa left and went to Charles office. Remy followed the kids to Hank's medical room then left going to Helia's not knowing what to do he just cleaned. He had to keep busy if he did not the emotional pain the two were in would start to crush him or worse he would start to let it into him. He wondered to himself if things would ever be normal again or was this the new normal? The twins running off and Tensa and Remy chasing them to make sure they stayed safe. He hoped not, but he knew it might just have to be that way.

Kein came back to the grounds and sat in one of the trees the wolf at the base as he just looked at the sky or well it seemed to be that way. "Cylo?" He called knowing the other would hear him. Kevin wanted to understand more. Lynx was mad over the so called drama, but this seemed like normal family drama to him. Logan and Ryoma did not get along. Sure while Logan wanted to beat Ryoma he would never kill him. Worse so on finding out that Lynx was gone both X-23 and Magik became overly sad within the hour. Neither went to dinner and Magik about killed her brother when he tried forcing her to go. Emma also seemed upset lately, was it because Scott had been overly cruel to her lately taking out his anger on her verbally. He clearly did not trust the twins noting how ever sense they came the school had not gotten a moments peace. Emma though refused to tell the twins and just took it. She was used to it being called ice queen and such. All Kevin knew was if they did not all start to get long there would be a brake and Tensa would be the one left worse. They had thought it was the Phoniex, but Kevin knew other wise. Like Jean Charles had put walls in Tensa's mind to protect him now they were shattering all at once and the three level of his powers were coming to light. Not only could he sense where you were he could teloport there and get into your head from anywhere as long as he knew who you where.
Lynx was not far away, she was in the bedroom behind where Viktor stood blocking the door. Lynx had heard Ryoma but she shook her head and turned her head towards the window, leaning her head against the glass of the window she was looking out. "Well if you say emotions are useless to you, then she wouldn't be able to notice you loved her. Lynx is a person you need to be up front about, and don't go being an asshole just because she loved another man and only saw you as a friend. If she wants to leave she is free to do so. You will never understand what its like to be a weapon like her." came a voice as a dark figured stepped into view, covered head to toe in bandages. "I am Chaos, I am the one who as been playing with your twins and your kitten in there. But now that Logan won't return his feelings well, her hears broken and she is pretty much feral now." the figure said neither male or female.

Lynx scoffed and headed into the bathroom and shut the door where she turned the shower on and washed herself. "The girl does not want anything to do with you or the X Men, she will be staying with us. Viktor here is more than happy to take her in." Chaos said before vanishing with ease then sending Ryoma slamming into a truth as it drove past on the robe. "She is ours, end of story." the mutant spat. and Helios was feeling worse with every passing moment and his head began to pound, he bit his lip and returned to Charles's office and opened the door. "I found Lynx she is close to going feral, Ryoma was thrown into a truck by a very very powerful mutant named Chaos. They are more powerful then anyone you have here in the mansion or the X Men." Helios said rubbing his head before he sat down in a chair and sighed.

Helia was sinking back and forth in and out of her body, she was passed out in Hank's lab now. She seemed to see Remy under her, her soul floating about. She was struggling to get back into her body. However she managed in a few minutes and gasped sitting up. "Remy....Remy..." she groaned and straightened up in the bed. "I know what is causing all our brother told Charles. If we can destroy the source, things will get better." she cried and grabbed his arm. "Hank...Hank do you have a containment field or chamber strong enough to take on a multi class mutant?" she said her eyes wide. She touched Remy's head and he would see Chaos and all the power and darkness the mutant hand running through them.

Cylo head his name called and he appeared before Kevin floating upside down his head cocked. He stared at the mutant for a few moments before speaking. "Not sure if your stupid wold told you but this is all starting with one multi class mutant more powerful then anyone here at the mansion, even you and Jean, or Tensa. They go by the name Chaos, they want the twins and Lynx, they will stop at nothing to destroy this planet you know. The twins or loyal to us though, they will not turn, they rather die, just so you know. I saw this through my portal." he said as he poked Kevin in the nose. "You want this all to end, take out the center of the problem." he said and zoomed into the air.
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