Mutant Relations (Me & Tasinga Nightwolf)

Tensa waited and waited finally saying to them. "You are not leaving kidding me Remy would chase after you two like a damn dog on a fox hunt. I know him and I know when he likes someone. Trust me he likes you two. You leave him He will throw a fit and beg me to locate you." He watched Helios eat and said. "Trust me it'll help the IV feel less druggy when you eat." He then grabbed a book walking over and sitting on the bed. He looked at Helia. "No... no Wade... He is bad he has no trouble killing and if you say that name to Logan... well can you run faster than thirty five miles?" He smiled. "You are not the only Mutants with guilt. I am going to tell you a few things, but you repeat it to the students I am giving you three ten page papers each." He turned sitting cross legged, he had changed only in black sweat pants, white socks, and a white tank top fully exposing his metal arm. The cold grey silver of the steel a contrast to his fair skin. Finally he spoke once he was sure they were all set as well.

"Logan cannot remember who he is up to about ten or fifteen years ago, Remy used to be a thief in a guild where they fought and killed other men in a group called the Assassins. Rouge killed her boyfriend with her powers, Bobby and Pyro were a thing until Pyro left. Scott cheated on Jean with Emma... now that was a shit storm. Trust me there are many more painful things in us. Like the fact I could not save my father or the ten people that gun man killed. We all have our pains." He smiled though motioning in a circle around them. "This place though, this place is a place you can learn. Learn to help others and make good memories to out weigh the bad ones. A place where you can make a new, slightly dysfunctional but loving family. So, do not go. Stay here and learn. Emma and Jean put walls in your heads so you will have to relearn your powers from square one almost. It is so you can learn them the proper was this time and not have them all come rushing out."

Feeling tired Tensa stretched a little and yawned. "Now then you." He looked at Helios. "Trust me when I say it get's better." Grabbing a blanket he put it over the other man and rubbed it a few times to make sure Helios was warm. Then he went and tucked Helia in more as well being her feet were out. "You miss need to stay warm. Remy will murder me if I let you get a fever. Trust me he can live up to the name Demon Eyes if mad enough."
Helios blinked and wondered why Remy was so attached to the two of them already, however he kept his mouth shut as he let Tensa speak to him and his sister. Helia just stared at the man as he told them about a few things that had happened between the mutants in this academy. When Tensa was done speaking Helios reached his hand out and held gently onto Tensa's good hand. "I trust Wade more than I trust Logan but listening to you, well we will stay for awhile. But we have killed as well, we killed many an evil human or mutant and felt no guilt." Helios whispered as his eyes got more color in them. "I think Remy likes one of more than just a friend." Helia giggled after she had been tucked in and then smirked as she rolled over. She had felt the feelings rising inside Remy towards her but she had kept her mouth shut mostly.

"Please don't leave Tensa, I feel a lot more calmer when your around." Helios whispered and pulled the older male back towards him as Helia fell asleep, curled up in a tight ball. Helios rolled over and stared up into the older male's eyes a flush slightly on his cheeks. "I had nightmares when you were gone, but it seems when you are around me they don't attack anymore. Your a good mutant Tensa and I like you, I am glad we met." Helios whispered his cheeks going redder before he was forced to look away and let out a heavy sigh. It seemed to relax him whenever Tensa touched his body.

Helia began to snore and Helios suddenly broke out laughing softly. "Don't worry she won't wake up even if you laugh at her." Helios whispered fighting the urge to sleep. Helios's skin would be warm to the touch as he stared into the older male's eyes. "If you promise to stay, here with me on the bed then I will promise that I will go to sleep." Helios said softly. Helia meanwhile was dreaming about the time she had sent Wade flying into a boat where he had been harpooned through the ass cheeks. A smile came to her face as she continued to sleep, Helios blushed seeing the dream in his mind and he laughed. "So what do you say Tensa?" he asked and looked the older male over, seeing his metal arm as just a part of the man he was starting to care for.
Tensa shrugged and stated simply. "It is not our place to judge on whose life should be taken. Killing is a last resort here, but I am sure you will fit in just fine." When Helia mentioned Remy he chuckled and said. "Would not surprise me if he liked you like that, While it is fast for a normal person to go head over heals in just a few days. Remy is different. He knows who he likes, who he doesn't and who he loves within moments of meeting them." He let her go to sleep then and at her snoring smiled and said. "You think she is bad go camping with Logan someday guy sounds like a god damn bear." Moving over to the bed he sat down and smiled at the other and said. "Alright, but be careful people might talk." voiced filled with teasing tone as he spoke to the other. The he sat down on the bed book in hand. "Noe get some shut eye okay? I'm not going anywhere."

He did not leave he stayed there reading, a hand lightly tracing in the boys hair every so often. He called Gambit after six hours just to check on him. Remy came in a little later and switched the food trays out and said. "You go to bed Tensa Remy will watch em." Tensa pointed to the boy almost in his lap. "Kinda stuck." Remy shrugged, "Then sleep there better dan makin yourself sick no?" Agrruing to that Tensa let Remy take his book and carefully moved so he was lightly holding the other boy. Remy covered them and he sat to the side humming an old tune from home. Charles came and checked on their minds as they slept or what he could as Hank looked over their readings and said. "They'll be okay as long as they stay resting. Most they should do is maybe go out to the landing and let the sun warm them." Remy nodded his thanks to the two men and returned to just looking over the book. Leave it to Tensa to be reading a classic.

In his sleep Tensa was shaking a little only to full on about cuddle poor Helios. The young man clearly having some mini nightmare or maybe just needed the contact. He hid that need most of the time while most thought he hated being touched he wanted it. It was why it burned when he was touched, because he needed it so bad. Tensa wanted people he wanted to understand they were safe and let them know he cared. As a twenty five year old teacher he personally felt for all his students and the other Mutants in the X Mansion. How could he not? His metal arm was under the pillow his right arm over Helios and his hair was a mess to say the least.
Helia would slightly wince when Remy came in only to roll over in her sleep and bury her head in the pillows. However she grunted when she felt the warm hand of Charles on her forehead but it seemed to not bother her too much. Helios meanwhile just clung sleepily to Tensa only slightly awake when Hank and Charles looked over him. However he would fall into a deeper sleep once they were gone, his head resting close to Tensa's shoulder allowing the older male to pull him into a cuddle. It didn't bother Helios being pulled into Tensa's grasp, it felt right and comforting for him. He could also sense the need that Tensa had to be touched so he would allow it to happen. Helios muttered something in his sleep before he buried his head deeper into the older male's chest and began to relax.

Helia would wake up with a start and let out a heavy sigh, sitting up in bed she would stare around her feeling alone. She stared over at Tensa and Helios, a small smile came to her lips before she turned and looked at Remy. "Lucky bastard, not fair though. I am used to sleeping with Helios, I can't really fall back to sleep now being alone." Helia muttered as she sat on the side of her bed. She didn't try to stand up though, she was just getting the blood moving through her limbs. She swung her legs back and forth a bit before she shut her eyes enjoying the feeling of the blood returning to them.

She then would let out a sigh and lay back down, she pulled the blanket around her staring at Remy. "Can you take me outside Remy, its cold in here and I want to feel the sun." she asked him softly. Helia was not sure why but she wanted the Cajun close to her, touching her for some reason. She used to prefer only her brother's touch but she knew that had changed, now she wanted Remy's touch. As she thought about this a huge blush took over her face and she turned her head to stare out the window so that Remy could not see how red her face had gotten.
It was quiet and Remy had been making some food for when the two woke up. Hearing her he turned his head and said. "Don' worry Tensa won't go stealin your brother he too proper for that." Making two plates he put Helios' on the bed side table and paused when she asked to go outside. Thinking it over a few moments he finally nodded his head once and said. "Alrigh' but just give Rem a moment." Going back into the kitchen he took out a lunch box and put the food in that figuring he would try to get her to eat while out side. Next he took some hot tea and put it in a thermos to stay warm. Satisfied he grabbed a deck of cards last so they could possibly play a game or two. Walking into the side room he grabbed a wheel chair. "Got to use one of these Hank's orders until he knows you are not gonn pass out on us." Carefully he helped Helia into the chair and nodded once she was set to be moved. Then going behind the chair he pushed her outside to the flat patio area.

The stones on the ground were a range of browns, tans, white and black. There was a table to the side which he wheeled her up to. It seemed some kids were out on the lawn playing with each other some using their powers others playing more human friendly games so to speak. Giggling and laughing could be heard from them as they played. All this gave a feel to it as if it was truly real and a safe place that could not be touched by any outside forces. He set the lunch box down with a napkin and fork. "Try eatin some while we are out here. Need to try and get you off the IV." Sitting down to her left he took out his cards and just shuffled them to keep his hands busy. Hearing someone call from the lawn he looked down from the patio and saw two students. Both asking when classes might start back up. He explained to them not to worry and that the classes would probably start back up the following Monday if everything went smoothly.

Sitting back and facing her once more he said. "Some of them like it some of them don. Kinda cute to see different re-actions." The cards made a flicking paper like sound as he played with them in his hand and said." But Hank hopin we can get you two all set by Wednesday to at least walk around freely then maybe the Monday after start a few classes. It all depends on how you two feel though." That was true no one wanted to push the kids too hard least of all Hank he was a kind soul who just wanted to use his Medical skills to help. "So, is there any classes or like? I imagine you guys went to school a little."
Helia sighed not overly happy she had to go in a wheelchair but she did not argue or complain about it to Remy. However when the kids came over she pulled her blanket around her tightly and stared down at the table not wanting to speak to the other kids or have them stare at her. Once they had left she turned to look at Remy when he began to speak to her again. She bit her lip not ready to reply right away, she thought about what he had said for a few minutes then ran a hand over the bridge of her nose. "I wish me and Helios had stayed in Mexico, the flood is so blah and plain up here." she muttered and stared at what he had put in front of her.

She then looked down at the IV in her arm and let out another sigh, she picked up the fork and began to eat, though she wasn't happy about it. "Taste's like cardboard, I'd rather have bangers and mash like back home." she grumbled her accent becoming very thick. "And I am not worried about Tensa stealing Helios, I like him and know he is a good guy." she said softly. Once she had finished her plate she pushed it away and stuck her tongue out making a blah noise. "I rather have Mexican or Cajun. I am not eating anymore plain food after this." she said but a smile crept to her face.

"As for classes, well I am not we are gonna take them or not. Helios and me don't really get along with other mutants, our age very well." she said and looked away. "We were schooled though before our parents died and after that. My brother and me what you Americans call high school graduates. Helios wanted to college though, but having to look after me...he never got to." she said brushing her hair out of her eyes. She turned her head watching as some shadows crept towards her and seemed to surround her in a mist. "We rather stick to the shadows if you know what I mean." she said as the darkness faded.
Listening to her speak Remy chuckled saying. "Not all food is bad. You need the plain food until we know your stomach won't flip. Give it just a day, okay? After that Remy will go shopping and cook you up something a lil stronger." He was a little sad she mentioned maybe not staying for classes. He sighed and said to her. "Helia you can no go through life with just you and your brother. I'll kill you... Non all the kids get along, but we all understand that we need each other. Besides I am sure you would at least like Kitty or Magik. Those girls are friendly may' a little shy, but nice. Emma also likes you two. I know she will wanna talk to you at least. Rem knows he wants you to stay." He took the food back and closed it up. He would not beg them to stay, but he also understood how life alone worked. It was lonely, dangerous and filled with a lot of bad things. Brotherhood and the Government after you if you showed up on their radars and Remy had a feeling these two had both party's interest. Going to speak he jumped also when suddenly Kitty popped out out of the wall. "Gambit hide me." She wined and suddenly was behind them.

"You runnin from Hank?" Kitty nodded her head then smiled and waved at Helia. "Hi, I am Kitty Pryde nice to meet you." She looked at Gambit. "Yes, I am hiding Hank want's me to stay in bed one more day. I cannot I hate it in the medical wing all that white is creepy." Chuckling Remy said. "Kitty go back and try to calm down you know you cannot out run Hank. Besides he probably will tell Lady Frost he is lookin for you." Sighing with defeat Kitty nodded and walked off waving goodbye and slipping back through the wall. "Never a dull momen' here." Remy mused and started to set up a game of cards. "You know poker?" He asked her as he gave her some. "As for classes Remy suggest at least the ones for controlling your powers so you do not have an attack again."

Inside Tensa woke up and sighed. He would have sat up, but Helios was laying on his left arm. How the kid could lay over his metal arm and not be uncomfortable Tensa had no idea. Carefully he moved able to get up and opened the blinds along with the windows to let fresh air in. Soon he started to just tidy the room a little making sure the kids would not have to deal with the mess. His dark hair was in a ponytail once more though the long bangs were in his eyes a little.
Helia felt bad when she saw that sad look in Remy's eyes and she bit her lip. She was about to say something until Kitty came out of nowhere. Helia grunted then nodded to Kitty when she introduced herself. "Uh...hi...Helia." she mumbled and looked away. She watched as Kitty left then turned back and looked at Remy before taking the cards from him. "Fine...I will stay for you." she said gently and smiled weakly when he handed the cards to her. "I never really played any card games like poker before but I can figure it out." she said and slowly touched his hand a smile came to her lips. She slowly moved her hand back after and leaned in her wheel chair.

"I look forward for you to cook me something, I do love Cajun food. I wonder if you can blow me away with it like your looks do." she whispered her face going red. She then shivered and brought her cards up to her face and stared them over. "I will go to the power control classes as well but me and Helios do better being taught one on one." she whispered. She then groaned and stretched out in her chair getting sore, slowly she managed to use her shadows to help her stand for a few seconds. "Sorry my ass was getting numb." she said and sat back down in her chair.

Helios groaned and rubbed his eyes when Tensa got up, he then slowly looked about the room. "What time is it? Oh its morning already." he muttered and slowly pushed himself out of bed. "I was having such a nice dream Tensa, but when you woke up well you woke me up as well." he said as a flush came across his face. His stomach growled lowly and he flushed even worst. He reached over to his food and grabbed it, he then began to wolf it down. "I was wondering if I could walk around a bit, I feel numb in the ass." he muttered.
Remy nodded his head to her and said. "Remy can have it set for just you two in classes though Rem would suggest maybe at least a third student just for dynamic." Her words on his looks got a big old grin on has face and he laughed. "Okay, okay.... Just try okay? No rush, but would you not rather have at least a few good friends? Like me Everyone here is a friend, but I only trust a few with my back." Going back to the cards he watched her get up careful she did not get her IV caught and yank it out. Smiling at her as she made a comment about a numb ass a chuckled left him and he said. "Sounds like an invite to slap it." Teasing her he then said. "I guess a little walk won't hurt you non, but take it easy." Normally he would be yelling at her to get in the chair, but she seemed to have it under control and he did not want to seem pushy. So, he just kept close to her as she moved so she did not fall and hurt herself more.

Tensa listened to the other and laughed. "Sorry I did not mean to wake you." Watching Helios eat he nodded his head saying. "Good if you eat I am sure you'll feel better soon." He looked at the time and sighed. "Well you can walk down to the danger room with me I promised one of the students a spar so they can show my how they are improving. You will have to stay to the side but at least you can move about and stretch out your legs. Also I want you to meet a few kids. I know you and your sister are probably loners, but at least try to see if anyone seems like a possible friend." He stopped when a knock came on the door and walked over opening it seeing Emma Frost. He stepped aside so she could step in to the room. "Emma what is it?" She said. "The kids are planning to leave I was hoping to try and convince them to stay at least I mean.... I know you and Remy and I know you are pushing yourself as is." He was about to speak as she cut him off. "Do not say you are not pushing your limits Tensa. I may nit be able to get in your head but I know you. They do not call you Living Cerebro for nothing. You are spending countless hours trying to locate Mutants for us to help. You are going to hurt yourself at this rate."

Emma knew Helios was awake in the room, but she did not care. The kids in her mind were selfish and ungrateful to even think about leaving after all Remy, Tensa, Hank and the others had done. Tensa wanted to tell her to shut up but knew that was not happening. "Tensa I am not trying to be mean, but I rathe rnot get a call someday that you dropped in your class room." He sighed and crossed his arms. "And... will you stop messing with this?" She pointed to his arm. "You keep resetting the internal workings." He rolled his eyes. "You done mom?" She glared but smiled and said. "Yes, but try to at least take it easy. Also did you really give the kids all ten page papers?" Tensa shrugged and said. "Had to keep them busy." She laughed and left the room.
She flushed when Remy said it was an invite to slap her ass. She then smirked back at him and began to walk about with him at her side. She made sure to let him stay close to her and she stayed slow just in case she weakened and fell. "Hey Remy...I will try to make friends but with the life we have had, I don't trust anyone my own age very easily. Not to mention the last person my age who I thought was my friend ended up running me through with a piece of rebar." she said lifting the sleeve of her shoulder and showing him the huge scar she had that had just missed her heart. "They worked for the Government and tried to take me and Helios out." she whispered.

She then bit her lip and slowly took hold of Remy's hand as they walked and leaned in against him so that she would stop shaking for a bit. "Its really hard Remy, I hate most people and half the kids here well I sense them and they are all just a bunch of perverted hormonal teens." she said though a huge smile came to her lips. "Though...I think I know one of the mutants here, they call him Nightcrawler, he saved my life once. I wouldn't mind seeing him again, is he still here?" she asked and stared up into his eyes. She kept her hand gently holding his, a shiver running down her spine as she thought about how good he smelt to her.

Helios glared at Emma Frost as she burst in before he was able to reply to what Tensa had said. However when she had left and the door closed behind her he sighed. "I don't like her....anyways Helia had decided we are staying but she said we are only going to take the control classes for our power." Helios said and walked over to Tensa. "I think I will skip the sparring, since I won't be able to do it myself it will just make me frustrated." he said and hung his head. He then blinked and smirked softly as a thought of his sister's crossed his mind and he began to laugh. "Seems like Helia really has a thing for your friend Remy, sorry we can talk to each other through our minds since we are twins." he muttered.
Tensa blinked at Heilos and said. "Emma's heart is in the right place. She does not like you two because that time you were at the West Coast with Wade and killed a few people you killed one of her students in the cross fire. She saw it when she was trying to seal your sister's illness back and about had a mental break down. Wade has killed a few of our friends because we got in his way. Look I can tell you guys do not want to be here. I can see it whenever I mention the kids. You think they are stupid and dumb. It is because we are trying to let them be kids. You and your sister were forced to grow up and not have a childhood really and what you did have sucked. So, sorry if the kids bother you, that is our fault for not forcing them to be anything but kids." He shrugged and said. "If you go for a walk just be sure to not pull the IV out Hank will remove them later today." He paused when the door was knocked on again, cracking it he saw a student. "Just wait Mary I'll be right out." She nodded and backed up from the door. Setting the cloth he had been using to clean down he walked out in the hall.

Listening to her Remy frowned and said. "Wow you are harsh. Almost mean even to your own age group. Tell me something what is wrong with being a kid. Remy knows he wished he could have been a kid more. That why he and the others fight to make sure they can be as normal and let them be the slightly stupid an horminal teenagers they should be. Is that a crime?" He listened and said. "Kurt isn' here he takin a few weeks off be back later in the month." Normally Remy would be calm, but he did not see why Helia and her brother were so harsh on everyone for simply being normalish. Then again a crap hand had been given to them growing up. They just needed to learn not everyone was out to kill them he guessed. It made him shrug and sigh. He could sense they would leave one way or another it was a mater of time. As much as she tried to say they would stay he could sense the inner lie in her emotions and knew not to even try to attach to much. It was Tensa he was worried for. Tensa had gone out of his way to even find the kids after Wade gave them a heads up about the kids and their powers. Scott had been against it as had Logan, kids willing to kill just because they were in danger might go off and harm the kids in the building. Tensa though had fought to find the two and try to help them. Spending days trying to locate them and finally he had. Now they had found them and it seemed they anted to leave and not even take advise from the wiser Mutants like Hank and Charles. Remy could understand to a point where they were coming from, but he also was trying not to judge being he knew he never would know the full story.

Remy would have spent more time until a small phone buzzed. Looking at it he said" Remy got to go. Lilly!" He called to a blond girl who came over. "Make sure Helia get's to her room. Rem got to go." Lilly frowned. "What happened?" He sighed. "Brotherhood." She nodded understanding and watched Remy run off looking at Helia. Sensing Helia did not trust her or maybe even not like her at all she looked down instantly. "Oh um sorry." She quickly said. Tensa had looked in the room at Helios. "I have to go the Brotherhood is up to something. Jean is staying here so you need something just mentally yell her name. If you walk and such do not push it." With that Tensa ran off as well. Emma Frost, Remy, Scott and Logan were all in the jet when he got there they had to stop the Brotherhood though Emma could sense something was wrong with Tensa and Remy.
Helia and Helios just closed in on their selves and shut up instantly. They didn't look back Remy or Tensa when the men talked to them. They just stared at the floor and forced a block up so that no one could get into their mines or read their emotions. Helia allowed Lily to take her back to the room but she said nothing the whole while they walked. Once they were alone in the room Helia turned to her brother and bit her bottom lip. "Uncle was right, we will always be freaks no matter how hard we try to open up we will just end up getting hurt again." Helia croaked as tears ran down her cheeks. Helios hugged her close and ran a hand through her hair trying to calm her down. "You met Kitty Pryde didn't you, we should just give it a chance." Helios whispered. "I really don't know anymore, but she was nice and I felt I could trust her." Helia whispered.

However the twins suddenly froze as a presence began to loom over the mansion. Helia froze and Helios went wide eyed, a shiver ran up his spine. " how could he find we can't stay here we put them in danger." Helios croaked. Helia knew it was Megneto and he was here for the two of them. "Come on, lets go before anyone else gets killed because of us." he whispered Helia nodded and burned a note into the wall for them. "I am sorry to say that Megneto has picked up on where we are. We are leaving before he attacks the mansion. We are sorry for everything, however we won't let anyone else get killed because of us." she had written before the pulled their IV's out.

"P.S. Thank you for everything you have done for us, the Elementals." she had written at the end. Soon they vanished through the shadows only to shoot into the sky where Helia put a massive barrier over the mansion. Her brother shot past her and grabbed Megneto by his arm and they shot towards the bay. Helia was straining as the blocks began to break in her mind, she fought for control though. Once Megneto was away however she ran towards the bay with out looking back. They would be able to be seen fighting from the mansion windows out in the bay, things were not looking very good for either of the twins as they fought their hardest.

Helios felt tears streaming down his cheeks as Megneto landed another punch to his face, sending blood from his mouth and nose flying. "I am not going to join you and I am not going to let you hurt the mutants under Charles teachings." Helios spat. Helia joined him now her body aflame as her anger surged. Soon she began to battle against the metal shrapnel that Megneto was sending at her. They twins were being pushed to their wits end, bleeding and bruised, however after a few hours they had managed to dent Megneto up enough that he left only to promise that he would be back for them if they lived.

Helia lay on her side staring over at her brother as he plucked rebar out of his flesh. Helia sighed and slowly pushed herself up so that she was sitting, she stared around the bay. "I am just glad the city and the mansion is safe. But I don't think I have another fight left in me to go against Megneto." she whispered as blood ran down her lip. Helios couldn't stand, one of his legs was slowly trying to heal while Helia just had no energy left. "I have a feeling they took the other's away to come after us. I know we are going to get yelled at for not calling for help but I don't care, it feels good to help the innocent." Helia whispered.
Emma had sence the shift in the air and barked at Scott that they needed to go back. He looked like she had shot him and said. "Emma they are attacking the city."

"And Magnito is attacking them the stupid kids put a wall on the school and are fight-" She did not finishing as suddenly Tensa spun and used the emergency hatch to leep from the jet. Using his powers he changed the energy field around him enough to land though he was winded and his head was ringing. Landing he waited for the spinning to stop before running towards the school. Warning Charles who had already alerted Hank and Jean. The students were all told to go into the school and wait once they were in Angel and Logan also left. However when they got there Magnito was already gone, but not far. The kids looked bad and Tensa felt sick to his gut. Jean also looked sad and Hank looked like he was torn between scolding them and caring again. Logan just looked annoyed. "You two have a death wish don't you?" The gruff man said. "Wings can you heal them?" Angel nodded and went over to heal. Jean said. "He is coming back. They need to get to safety." Hank nodded then looked as they seem to be thinking.

Tensa spoke first. "Hank you need to treat them Angel can only heal enough to get them out of the woods, Jean and Angel can fly so they are best to carry the kids back. Logan needs to go to protect the school in case Magnito is stupid and attacks. I can stay here and hold him off." Logan barked. "Are you mad?!" Eyes flashing as two guns formed in his hands. "You got a better plan? No. So, get moving." Jean sighed taking Helia and using her powers to put the girl to sleep. Angel grabbed Helios carefully and made sure the kid could not slug him. Logan and Hank bolt to the Mansion as Jean and Angel flew above. They did not waist time though they could hear gun fire knowing Tensa was dealing with the other Mutant.

Once back they went to the medical room Hank called Kitty to help Jean while he worked to make sure Helios would be alright. Jean started to reform the walls over the two twin's minds as Kitty not taking no for an answer to help Helia as best she could her movements screaming for Helia to shut up, sit still and let herself be helped for once. Hank stayed focused on Helios and looked sad feeling he had failed the two somehow. It took three hours but by the end they would find themselves in their room once more.

When the other X-Men returned Remy went t the room to check on them and was happy they were okay. Glad to see them not in the medical wing he frowned not seeing Tensa. He called Jean wondering what was going on. Jean came in and moved Remy to the side knowing he did not want to leave the twins. She stayed quiet as she could saying. "Tensa is in the medical wing he is not good. Using his powers to track the kids and make sure they got back here safe then turning around and fighting Magnito got him badly hurt. His false arm was totaled and he is in a mental brake fever and all. We should have never left him." She looked upset and Remy said. "Shhh shh.. we got the twins back safe and now they no' with that mad man getting who knows what is done. Hopefully they can learn to trust us. Think I upset Helia earlier that might be why they left. Also Tensa wan'ed you to leave to keep em safe." Jean nodded and rubbed her face and left. Remy sat down on the couch and groaned.
Helios wasn't there really the whole time they had been worked on, he just stared into space like there was no sings of life left in him. He had felt what had happened to Tensa and he blamed himself for it, he felt guilt and sickness at the same time. He allowed them to put mental blocks on him but he would not let them any further into his mind, to feel how he felt or anything deeper. Helia didn't fight as well when she was taken and worked on, she just did the same thing as her brother, stared off into space with out a complaint or thrash of anger.

Her mind was on other things though and she had began to shut down the more she thought of all the people she had killed, though while she slept she would scream and cry out, tossing and turning but no one could comfort her. "You know you guys should be more thankful towards those two twins. They risked their lives to save every kid in the school, even though they had been scolded for how they had been raised." came a voice as a girl with shaggy blonde hair appeared. Her name was Lynx and she was a weapon X like Logan. However she had been at the school for two years not, however she had been away on a mission.

She looked Remy over and then walked towards the twins staring them up and down. "I don't think either of them will be coming out of that state anytime soon Remy, Jean." the feral said. She then turned and looked the two older mutants over. "Helios won't wake up until Tensa is better and Helia, her heart is broken and she has no self esteem left. Yet they risked their lives to save us. I wish I was hear sooner to help out." Lynx said as she pushed her hair out of her eyes, her fangs glinting in the late night light from the moon.

"As for those mental blocks, they are not going to last very long. I can ask Stark for the injections to remove their powers, it would be safer for everyone." Lynx said and slumped onto the couch and put her boots on the coffee table. "Oh and Remy, you might want to apologize to Helia if you want to wake her up. I heard from a little birdy with how harsh you were with her, not to mention with how harsh Tensa had been with Helios before he left." Lynx said as her face grew cold.
Lynx would get a shock as Gambit suddenly spun and left the room his mind sealed like a trap. Jean crossed her arms at the blonde. "Well that was nice of you make him want to bury himself more. Not like he does not already. If those walls in his head get any tighter we risk having him loose all emotional ability. As for how harsh they were on the kids. I do not care what the birdy said, but the kids were not nice to them either. They are safe here yet the moment they wake up they speak about leaving. Yes, I know that they want to protect all us thinking they are safer out there than with us. Remy was just being logical, sure he did not say it in the most graceful of forms, but he was trying to explain why the kids here do not act like the twins. It is because we try to let them act like they have a normal life. I remember when you came too. You were all stuck up thinking you did not need anything or anyone. Until the day Emma took a bullet for you from weapon X. You remember how much like shit you felt? We are trying to get the kids to understand they can trust a little, we are not asking them to jump off a cliff or anything, but damn it all Lynx you just have to go and make it worse right at this moment." Jean was upset, but only because she was witnessing her family rip apart.

"Why don;t both you ladies shut it and get out?" Came a voice and Jean jumped spinning to see Tensa. He walked in and looked mad as fuck. "Lynx go say sorry to Remy for being a royal bitch to him. Also stop talking down about both of us when you think we cannot here you. Sure what I said to Helios was not the softest thing but he needs to make up his mind as does Helia. If they wanted to be treated like adults then they need to be ready for the harsh words of an adult, but if they rather wine and bitch like kids then they need to get off their high horses and acting like they do not need anyone. They may have saved the shielded the school but trust me Charles would not have let Magnito near it or near them if they had just sat still." Tensa almost never got mad, but he was fed up with everyone acting like they knew what was best for everyone else and he would not taker sass from the blond because frankly she loved being a bitch to others and digging at wounds. "Now just get out I'll stay in here. Scott is looking for you Jean and Lynx it best you get out or I am telling X-23 to get up here and drag you out. You do not just come back from not telling anyone where you are and start barking orders and insulting us. I find it Ironic that the moment you come back the Brotherhood attacks." He then made sure she left. He hated this all of it. It was why he told Charles he was leaving once he knew the kids were safe. He needed to get away he needed time off and it was clear the kids hated Remy and him now.

Tensa stayed to the side just speaking not thinking they would listen. Why would they?"You two are rash and stupid you know that. But you're also incredibly selfless which makes you better than most. You were willing to just leave and probably get yourselves killed or worse experimented on just because you were afraid for people you did not even know. Look I am not going to simply say sorry for speaking my mind at all times. However I am not faulting you for yours. I just wish you could trust us or someone. It is clear though you rather just stay with one another. So, Charles is talking to Tony Stark nice guy a little bit of a dick but nice. Stark has a bracelet that can hide your powers and you from people like me and the government. You can leave and be on your way. We wont chase you, you made it clear you do not want to be here. I am sorry you have been hurt I am sorry you cannot trust even silly hormonal teenagers who think you guys are awesome by the way for keeping the school safe. Remy is sorry too he just cannot say it because the man is in the middle of trying to keep his brain from going nuts. Emotional empathy does that to him. Lynx is right though we were harsh. However you acted like you wanted to be treated like adults so we dished it out like such. We miss judged it and clearly worded it wrong."

"Tensa you should be resting." Came a voice he looked at the door to see Charles. He shrugged at the older man and said. "Could not sleep if I wanted to. I am worried over these two." Charles said. "They are strong and they have each other I, but I was wrong to ask them to come here and then think them to just settle in. I forget some kids are slow to the adjustment of a place like this. They clearly did not wish to stay from the get go so this time when they leave I will let them go it seems the best choice." Tensa nodded then watched Charles leave. He sat down and Remy came in later the Cajun looked like shit to say the least. He said nothing just went to Helia and held her hand and fell asleep like that his internal plee for her to forgive him clear in his emotional state of mind he just did not know how to say it.
Lynx let out a heavy sigh as Tensa snapped at her after Jean had just done but she shook her head and stared back at Tensa, she didn't leave however. "Look I am sorry as well Tensa, I was just speaking my mind. But I am willing to help the twins out, they had a rougher life than even I did. I asked Kitty and she and I are going to try and work with Helia to break her out of her shell." Lynx may be grouchy and bitchy sometimes but she had a soft heart inside. "Kurt has arrived and he is going to work on Helios, those two are not going to leave any time soon. Remember when I was like them and it was Logan who broke me out of my shell? Hell we may argue but I look up to him." she said and walked over to the couch and sat down.

She listened to Tensa as she spoke to the twins and watched as Charles come in but she said nothing to the Professor. She then frowned when Remy came in looking like shit and grabbed Helia's hand. "Remy I am so sorryp for snapping at you and being mean. Helia doesn't hate you though. Oh please...try to not be harsh on yourself." she whispered softly tears in her eyes. It would be a good four days before Helios would show signs of life but that was only because Lynx had been working hard with him and he had even stared to begin to trust her as well. Though he never made eye contact with Tensa, he stayed pale and lost a lot of weight even though he would eat.

Lynx now sat with him outside on the patio reading him a book as Kurt sat on the other side. "I wanted to ask you Helios, are you willing to stay here?" Lynx said softly. "I have no where else to go. And Helia is in worst shape then I am." he said and slowly nodded his head. Helios however would gently grasp Remy's hand before the man could walk past. "Remy....Helia doesn't hate you by the way. She took a worse pounding by Megnito than I did." he said gently as he fought back tears not sure his sister would ever wake up. Helios let him go and slowly stood up, he was no longer bed ridden or in a wheel chair anymore.

It would be a good two weeks and still Helia wouldn't wake up and Helios was very worried now. He moved and walked towards Hank in the medical bay and bit his lip. "Hank...she won't wake up, please is there anything you can do to her? Megnito hit her so hard...the shrapnel....please." Helios sobbed as he sunk into a chair and held his head into his hands. Lynx stood beside him and gently touched his shoulder and looked at Hank. "Hank I know its risky but I think you should do that surgery on her even if their is a chance." Lynx said softly. "Please Hank, for Remy's sake take that bullet out of her head." Helios said giving his permission.
Remy refused to leave Helia he would sleep by her and would just talk about whatever. Internally though his emotional sheilds were so tight he was running risk of becoming apathetic. he was trying to night rip himself apart trying to be strong, but he still felt like it was his fault. If he had watched his words more maybe the kids would have stayed and not felt they needed to leave. He just wanted Helia to wake up hell he did not care if she killed him when she woke up he just wanted her awake. Tensa felt just as bad. Helios would not even look at him and that just made him feel as if the boy hated him. Finally though he had to return to teaching classes and would visit during brakes though the fact Helios seemed to be doing just fine with Kurt and Lynx made the visits shorter each time. Forge had fixed his arm and he looked better than before which was a positive sign though he seemed distant. Emma Frost though had not come back at all she could feel that the kids did not trust her so she figured if they ever did trust her they would come to her. Mostly she and Jean just observed making sure the kids were safe. Lily even came back giving some flowers to brighten the room up.

When Helios came in two weeks into Helia still in a coma Hank paused. He blinked once then twice he said. "If I do surgery your sister could become brain dead for the rest of her life." He then grabbed an X-Ray. "The bullet is right at the base of her scull where the spine meets it. I cannot cut in there without doing damage. At the smallest she would be paralyzed from the neck down." He wanted to help the kids and had been looking for every way to help the girl. The kids had, had a sucky childhood and it seemed it was getting worse at the moment. Hank had called several high ranking Doctors as well for any advise, but it all came back the same. If Helia had the surgery she most likely would be a vegetable the rest of her life. That did not stop Hank from looking though he knew there had to be some missing piece some fragment he had missed. He was about to say more when running foot steps down the hall made him look up to see Kitty. "Miss Pryde what is wrong?" Swallowing she finally said. "Jean says hurry upstairs now."

Hank ran upstairs and knew Helios and the others would be close behind him. Getting upstairs to the room he froze. Jean was there, Gambit knocked out and Helia seemed like she had more color. He looked at Jean and she said. "Tensa... he got the bullet out without any damage but... Hank he just left I cannot sense him he wont let me find him." Hank walked over checking Remy over and finding the man probably would only have a headache. Sure enough when he scanned Helia the bullet would be gone." How?" He asked. Charles came then and said. "Tensa is much stronger than he let's on. He can brake down anything non organic minus his own body. He used his powers to link to the bullet then broke it down and forced it through her skin pores. She will have a rash nothing more... However Tensa is sick as is after the fight with Magnito and doing this has probably broken his mental walls which means he is sensing every living human and mutant all at once. Worse I cannot seem to locate him even with Cerebro which is a problem. Logan is out seeing if he can pick up the trail but something feels wrong about this."

Something was wrong about it. Moments after getting the bullet out of Helia Tensa had left the building the walls crumbling and his mind flooding with the sensation of every human and mutant. A fever spiked and he could not think straight he wound up walking right into Magnito who had been waiting in the nearby forest for the right time to get the kids again and hiding himself from Charles. Though he figured that Tensa was a fair trade for now. Grabbing the man by his arm he pinned him to the tree and snarled. "Where are the kids?" Tensa snapped. "Go to hell." Only to black out with in moments as Magnito sent him flying having him hit something and then impaled his good arm at the shoulder saying. "Let's remove the other arm maybe?" Before he could do more he was almost hit by lightning as Storm with Logan came up forcing him to leave. They radioed for helping being they were worried about moving Tensa. Storm knew just by seeing though Tensa would have to have his other arm removed.
Helia was fast asleep but her body had a slight glow to it when they had arrived up stairs. Helios had almost had enough and when he heard Tensa was gone he bit his lip hard. He turned and using a new strength picked up Remy and put him in bed beside Helia then turned to the others. "Don't try and tell me to stay. I have the strength to fight and I want to get Tensa back. I want to thank him for saving my sister." Helios whispered and shut his eyes. He hadn't really told any of them that he had been practicing controlling his powers and now he had perfect control with out passing out. However he suddenly cried out in pain and grasped his shoulder when Tensa was impaled. "Damn it...Megnito has, he wants me and Helia. He just got impaled through the arm." Helios said.

However before anyone could react he walked over to the other mutants and put his hand out. He grabbed hold of all of them the best he could as shadows began to form around him. "You can scold me later, hang on we are going for a ride." he said and they appeared in the clearing. However Helios stepped forward no longer his normal self as rage shot through him, his body glowing with black light. He stared at Megnito as hate raged through his heart and he clenched his fist, soon his body vanished in the mist of shadows, his sister lending her power to him.

"HOW DARE YOU COME HERE AND PUT YOUR HANDS ON TENSA, HOW DARE YOU ATTACK THE INNOCENT AND PUT A BULLET IN MY SISTER'S HEAD!" he raged as the air around him began to grow hot and staticky. He suddenly shot into the air and grabbed Megnito by the throat and ripped his helmet off his head, he slammed his fist over and over against the older mutant's face. He got hit here and there taking damage but he did not feel it, he loved Tensa and his sister too much. He was not even aware of the others as Megnito's men battled Charles's men around him.

"You come near Tensa, sister or the mansion again I will kill you." snarled Helios as he slammed Megnito in the ground breaking an arm and of of his legs. He then stood over Megnito his hand trembling as a rod of hard back cire appeared in his hand and he aimed it at Megnito's heart. Trembling he brought his hand back and was about to kill Megnito when he suddenly froze and slammed the rod into the ground next to his head. "That is your final warning you asshole." Helios hissed and turned walking back to Tensa.

"I can save his arm and I can help with his fever, my powers have grown and your own blocks had fallen but I trained in secret." Helios said softly to Charles and the others. He brought a dark blue glowing hand up and touched Tensa's arm and pulled him free only to heal the wound fully, he touched the man's head blocking the voices out until Charles and the others could help him. "Tensa please hang in there, I forgive you and...and I need you in my life. I owe you so much...I like you." he whispered into the older male's ear before he fell back stopping himself from couching up some shrapnel that had entered his lungs. He was alright though, his wounds slowly healing, though his heart stayed wounded.
Jean and Charles were in chock as was Hank though before they could get to Magnito
Scarlet Witch appeared to get her father away. They stayed quiet as they went back. Getting Helios to his room and in the hall outside the room was were the arguing started. "You saw what he did Jean! That kid is a damn time bomb! I know they said they had killed but he did not care! He is dangerous and so is his sister!"Scott yelled as Charles and Jean tried to get two words in. Logan said, "How many times has the tin head tried to kill us? Plus the kid stopped he has control." Scott returned with."You would say that you're just as bad half the time." The fighting stayed going while Tensa was out on the couch still his body shivering every so often from the yelling impacting his mind. He was growing in power at a rapid pace and it was clear he was going to need help or risk more attacks like the fever before.

Finally the group would stop when a female voice cut in. "Shut up all of you for God sake!" It was Emma the Ice Queen was not happy. "Look here the kids have control I know Helios was training I sensed it and I know he has total control. He is strong and we are not chasing him out what kind of family would that be? Hell he does not even like me and I am okay with him staying. You know why? Because Tensa fucking loves him and has been staying here only because Helios was on the grounds and same for the girl Remy has lost puppy dog love for her and if we chased them out those two would go after them. Now get out of the hall I have papers to grade." The sound of foot steps was all could be heard as everyone left minus Emma. She walked in the room and went right to Tensa's side and put her hand on his arm. "Tensa?" He sat up fast and instantly groaned from a headache. Looking at the blond woman he asked. "Kids okay?" She pointed to Helia asleep with Remy and Helios to the side. "Yep." Then she lightly hit him on the back of the head.

"When were you going to tell us what happened?" He frowned and shrugged. Emma went on. "Tensa I know it has gotten worse what is going on?" Tensa said. "I can feel them all Emma. I know where they are. I know what they are. Hell it gets worse I can change the structure of organic things now. I made a flower go from a rose to a lily. I have no clue what has happened." Emma nodded then said. "Get rest." She walked out and closed the door. Carefully he got up and said to Helios. "Why isn't your heart healing? Do not say it is because I can sense your powers and it is not." Getting up slowly he went to the sink soaking a towel and rubbing his neck. "Also last I checked my arm should be removed by now."
Helios was about to tell them all to shut the hell up until Emma said it for them, she was aware that Tensa was having trouble with the yelling. However he blinked and stared up at Tensa when he spoke to him. " heart isn't healing? is now after what you did for me. Thank you for it Tensa I owe you so much. As for your arm well, I healed it for you and calmed the pain in your head." he said softly and bit his bottom lip. He then stood up and made his way towards Tensa and touched his shoulder and turned him around. "Me and Helia are staying, over those past two weeks I have been training in secret for control and I have it now, I did it for you." he said shyly and looked away for a minute. "Thank you for saving Helia as well, I owe you my life." Helios said and then leaned up and kissed Tensa on the cheek before he stepped away.

"I also beat the shit out of Megnito, you missed it. I was so angry after I felt the pain he caused you, when he impaled your arm. I lost it and went berserk on his ass but when I wanted to kill him, well I couldn't bring myself to do it. But he will have a few bruises and broken bones to remember my warning. I will help Helia with her powers as well when she wakes up." he said and looked away feeling embarrassed. He was mad at Scott for attacking him and his sister but he let it go though. "I uh...well I want to tell you something...but...I am not sure how." he said and slumped down on the couch.

However he sat up with a start as Helia let out a loud gasp and groaned as she sat up in bed and then stared down at Remy beside her. She said nothing though and leaned over and planted a kiss on Remy's lips before she stood up. She looked powerful and healthy though and she turned towards Tensa. "Thank you for removing the bullet and everything else but please don't leave again. Helios loves you and it hurts him when you leave and get hurt, he hurts when your head hurts you." Helia said softly and gently shook Remy awake before staring into his eyes.

"Get out of bed Remy, and I don't hate you. I am not mad at you anymore either, I forgive you." she then leaned close to his ear. "I love you Remy." she whispered hotly int his ear before licking it. Lynx was aware of what was going on the other side of the door and spoke to Charles about getting Helia her own room. "I think it would be better for the two of them Professor, the twins are not going anywhere. Though you should give Scott a scolding. Helios worked so hard to gain control, he spent hours on it, even working past midnight to gain control." Lynx said.

She then ran a hand through her blonde hair and slowly turned and walked towards the Professor. "I am sorry about your friend though, Helios broke four of his bones at least, I heard them snap." she went on to say and grumbled. Lynx herself had sparred a few times with Helios and he had left her bruised even though she healed almost as fast as Wade. "I talked to Stark today, he wants the twins to work with the Avengers, what are you going to say about that, Professor?" she asked and rubbed her bruised left eye.
Remy grumbled clearly not wanting to get up and grabbed her pulling her back down. " Remy still tired besides you're hot." He cuddled closer just over tired. His eyes half shut already he had not been sleeping the best and he did not care what she said if she wanted him out of the bed she would have to kick him out. Tensa smirked a little and said. "Best let him sleep or get some of the spicy coffee he likes from the shop around the way. Remy is not a morning person." Looking at Helios he said then. "I am sorry I cause you pain... I think it best you block me out for a while then. The pain is growing and my control is staggered at best. Howeverplease do not hurt Magnito too much. Charles cares for him despite he is a royal ass hole. Last though... could you at least try to talk to Emma. She is the strongest Telopath here even higher than Charles we think but she never has used it before. I think if you two at least talked to her once she could make sure there is nothing blocking your heads and such. Just once." He sat down and then said. "I have to grade six more papers damn it all I forgot when I give them a crap load of work I have to deal with it too."

Charles looked at Lynx. "I think it best they stay with us be with other Mutants and away from Shield. I am glad the kids are alright at least gives them a brake =, We should try to let them be kids as long as we can for a little while at least. Also can you do me a favor? If you can go visit Kevin in the woods I need him to come here and I know he get's along with you." Kevin was a Mutant around twenty years old and had been part of weapon X. He was albino in appearance and his powers were slightly odd. Like Jean with the Phoenix he had he had one as well. That was called the Kindred Hound a shadow wolf that gave him knowledge of almost anything. Making his blindness almost mute. He lived in a cabin on the grounds to focus and would come only when asked or if the school wanted him. "I need him to tell me what he can about Tensa's power surge." Charles explained.
Helios felt a bit hurt that Tensa seemed unaware of how he felt towards the older male but he said nothing and kept his emotions hidden. "I'm not gonna block you out of my life Tensa, but go ahead and do your papers if that is what you seem to need to do. He didn't like Emma still but had softened towards her when she had stood up for the twins. "I guess I will talk to her, later though. Anyways I am gonna go and get a new room, see you later." Helios said as he stuffed his hands in his pockets and walked out feeling depressed again but he didn't show it. He just slipped into the new room Kitty had showed him and shut the door and slumped onto the bed where he lay half naked with his shirt off and fell asleep. He felt like he had nothing else to do now that his depression had hit him again.

Helia sighed when she had been grabbed but she didn't fight it. Though she was red in the face when Remy had said she was hot. "You think a punk like me is hot?" she grumbled then shook her head. She stared over at Tensa but bit her lip and looked away. "Your the reason his heart is always aching so much. He loves you Tensa, can you not see that. You don't even react to it and just go ahead and tell him. Now he is depressed again and won't be coming out of his room for three days unless Lynx drags him out." she said and shook her head. "He feels your pain because he is connected to you, he is one of the few things keeping you as stable as you are." Helia muttered.

Lynx scratched her head and pushed her bangs out of her eyes once more. "Professor, the twins...I don't think they will ever really act like the others, running around playing pranks, games and bugging the teachers. Helia won't giggle like a normal girl and Helios refuses to be a jock, its so hard to get close to them. Not to mention that with all the people they have killed, well the guilt is still eating them up deep down inside." Lynx said as her eyes softened. "They won't be able to take another bad incident well if we can not pull that guilt out of them." she said rumbling her hair and then shaking her head slightly, she would go get Kevin though, even though he creeped a few people out.

She froze though as an idea came to her and she turned around and stared down at Charles. "Do you think Kevin might be able to help the twins as well? I mean he saved me when I was about to shoot myself in the head because of my own guilt." she said. "Oh, I will grab Remy some coffee as well, he won't get is ass out of bed. And could you please send Logan or Kurt to get Helios out of bed, he is mopping now....please Professor." she said remembering her manners. She then left out of the office, grabbed Remy his coffee and gave it to Kitty to take it to Remy.

She then went and knocked on Kevin's door and let out a sigh. "Hey Kev, its Lynx. Could you please open up, Charles wants to speak to you. Tensa is in trouble and one of the twins will not survive if Tensa dies or is even close to it." she said when the door opened. She smiled and hugged her friend softly when he had opened the door. "And please don't tell me which guy I am gonna fall for next, those this time it may be a girl." she said and walked with him back to the mansion and into Charles office.
Tensa sighed at her words finding he could not focus on his papers and left the room and said. "Keep it down in the clothes come off." Remy shot up in the bed at that and said. "Shut up... I am ore a gentleman than that." The Cajun was now red in the face and said to Helia. "Honestly Rem is nicer than that mostlylike just sittin and talking right now." He was attracted to her, but was not looking for sex and rather get to know Helia more before hand not after. He then laid down and only moved when Kitty brought him coffee. Slowly he drank it going to the small kitchen and starting to cook Helia something Cajun like he had promised. Humming an old tune from home and tapping his foot every so often to it.

Tensa did not care if Helios did not want company he went in the room anyway and seeing the kid half asleep on the bed said. "Two things. Get up because it is a beautiful day and do not be mopey because I have the same damn feelings. Do not make me repeat myself emotions are a bitch for me right now because my head hurts." carefully he sat down by the other and rubbed the younger man's back. "You need to smile more anyway in general. I know the guilt you feel well more Remy does and he projects it like a damn radar because he wants to help your sister. Also from what i can tell is you two often feel the same so if she feels upset or guilty she does too. Look Helios I am not trying to push you away it is just I do not always do the best with others. I am sort of fucked up in the head. With this latest power shift it is worse and rather frightening and I do not want to stress you out as well." He laid down by the other then pulling him close. When Logan came to try and drag the kid out he retreated because Tensa through a dagger into the wall by his head.

Kevin smiled at her though a shadow like wolf snarled and he made it vanish with a wave of his hand. "Alright I will talk as we walk and I know better than to tell you who you might fall for. Though if you are not into girls you might want to make that clear to Magik" Magik also known as Illya or Colossus' younger sister was not a normal Mutant at all. Her powers originally just had been to be able to summon a mutant power if she could think of a logical reason why she needed it. Then she had gone missing in which time she had trained under Doctor Strange and learned magic of all kinds. Now she was Queen of Limbo able to use demon magic, summon demon armor and her sword always returned to her hand. Making her one of the only self made class five Mutants. Kevin stayed quiet seeming to think finally he said. "Tensa is different you see... He was like you and Logan. But it was not weapon X who tested on him. It was Shield his father pretended to be a cop but really was with Shield, When Tensa showed signs of being a Mutant they started running test. When his father died they stopped no longer having a cover up. However the walls they had him build to keep him weak are shutting down. His true powers coming out. He possibly will be stronger than the Phoenix as are the Twins and Cuckoos. Trust me when I say this Lynx the path the Twins, he and Cuckoos walk can either end in ruin or piece."
Helia giggled when Tensa yelled at Remy and the Cajun became very embarrassed, however she said nothing when he tried to cover for himself until after he had left. "Remy, I know your not a guy like that its alright. No need to be so angry." she said and then slowly pushed herself to her feet and walked over to watch him as he cooked. Her mind wasn't on sex either but she did not bring it up. "Tensa is just under a lot of pressure." she muttered and pushed her hand up and grasped his shoulder. She then leaned up and kissed him on the cheek and breathed deeply in the scent of the food he was making. "Oh that smells so damn good, finally some real food." she said and then her eyes wondered for a few minutes as thoughts came to her mind and she tensed slightly, things were going on with the twins that no one in the world could guess or see. Helios sighed and rolled over when Tensa spoke to him but he shook his head slightly. "I don't smile, its not what I do. I haven't really smiled since the day we became free." he said but gave a very weak smile. "I am glad to hear you feel the same way about me though. As for with what is going on with you, well we will figure it out." Helios said and sighed. He then flushed though as Tensa pulled him into a hug but he lay relaxed and just lay his head against the older man's chest. He bit his lip and slowly closed his eyes, his hands trembled and he lifted his head when Logan came in. He laughed as Tensa sent dagger at him but felt a bit bad for the mutant after that. Helios liked Logan and they were starting to become friends so he would apologize later.

"Tensa there is stuff going on with me and Helia too that no one else knows about or can even sense. I know that albino is strong like Jean but there are things his counter part can not see fully with us. Though I think sadly my connection with me sister is growing weaker before it will grow stronger. I am scared though, if it should break then I will go blind, not physically but mentally." he muttered and
pushed his head deeper into the man's chest and breathed his scent in deeply. "I will hang on and fight though for both yours and Helia's sake." he would say before he sighed and fell into a deep sleep finally relaxed once more that Tensa was there, his body glowing slightly. Lynx flushed madly and bit her lip as he spoke about Magik, she would have never thought that the woman was interested in her. "You know I am bisexual, but I would have never thought Magik was into a beast like me." she laughed but fell silent when he spoke about Tensa. She froze for a minute and then rubbed her temples for a few seconds. "You know when I get a rare gut feeling Kevin, only you and Charles know about them. Well I think you may be slightly right about Tensa but you are wrong about the twins. Something else is going to come from them, Jean said there is something inside their heads that no one can access. I think their powers are going to shoot up like those of Tensa's. However the only thing mainly keeping him stable is poor Helios, but you need to put mental blocks on him." Lynx said her throat going dry.

She clucked her tongue and then stopped with him inside of Charles office. "Professor, my gut is acting up again, we are most likely going to get three very powerful mutants if we do not act fast." she said and then put a chip down in front of him. "Please plug that into your computer, those are documents about the twins that with Kurt's help I managed to get from Scotland. The twins may have alien contact, they went missing for four years from this planet and have no memory of it." she muttered and sunk into a chair. Lynx then bit her bottom lip with her fangs, blood streamed from the cut gently. "Helia and Helios we can not lose them. They have the ability to cause black holes, destroy planets and even take down Apocalypse if we do not put a strong block on their powers." she whispered pale in the face now. Slowly Lynx leaned forward and rubbed her hair form her eyes. "I took weeks to get that info from a mutant named Karlo, he has his ways through the Scottish Government. They worst then what we have here in the States. They were actually the ones who made the twins kill their own parents against their own will." she said. Lynx thought about everything and then cringed as she thought about Megnito getting his hands on Helia and Lynx. "I think I am gonna go see Hank, I am not feeling to well." she muttered as she stood up. It was not a good sign when Lynx was sick which was rare, when she was it meant something was really bad.
Charles and Kevin stayed talking for a little while, but then Kevin froze. "Where is the Cuckoos?" Charles frowned. "Why?" Then he felt it as did Jean and Emma. The triplets mentally were attacking Tensa trying to blast the walls down. Remy sensed the suddenly flash of pain and said to Helia. "Do not fight them please." He swallowed the Cuckoos were X-Men but ever sense their time with Sinister they had a bad habit of trying to brake into other Physics minds and brake them. The three had once been five and now they trusted no one but Emma and themselves. Jean ran to Tensa and Helios while Emma bolted to get to the triplets and stop them. Though she then sensed Magik moving and stopped Magik had long sense gotten the respect of them and would get them to stop.

Twnsa had suddenly sat up holding his temples as his head flooded with what felt like information but it was like Cerebro had been opened with no off switch or filter. Jean ran in and instantly shut his mind off as best she could. Then it stopped, gone in less then a few minutes only to suddenly hear something brake and a rift came as Magik walked in she walked over to Tensa and gave him a charm to keep him safe. Then she stopped looking at Helios. "I know you." She did for the Queen of Limbo could also speak with Aliens and such and knew about them. "Come to speek to me later please Helios. Tensa will be safe now. The Triplets are sorry but they do this sometimes." With that the black clad girl walked to the lower levels. Logan and Hank were talking about trying to see if they could make an arm for Tensa out of the same metal as on Logan's bones. Forge was fixing one of the scanners.

Tensa thanked Jean as she left and then leaned down holding Helios once more. "I forget they still are having that problem. You should be safe but ever sense Sinister got to those poor girls they randomly surge attack. Do you think Helia will need a charm for now or are her walls mentally strong enough?" Tensa was holding Helios lightly now so not to make the boy feel trapped. He wanted to help he really did, but what should he tell a kid who did not even know his own power limits. He froze then when the shadows moved turning into a large dog and walked to the bed looking at Helios mentally the dog spoke to Helios. Destroyer of worlds.... No maybe more? Hmm.... best be careful. It vanished then. "God I wish Kevin could leash that thing."
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