Mutant Relations (Me & Tasinga Nightwolf)


May 13, 2016
Helia looked over at her brother Helios and cocked her head to the side, her hair falling slightly into her eyes. "Are you sure that he said we needed to be here at five pm? I mean we have been waiting for four hours." she said to her twin brother. "I don't know, that was just what the note said that Koran had left." Helios said pushing his blue hair from his eyes. He laughed slightly though as his sister pouted, the two siblings sat on a roof top staring down at the people pacing below, they looked like ants on a side walk in Helia's opinion. After a few more minutes the female stood up and began to pace back and forth on the rooftop shaking her head slightly, her brother ignoring her antics.

"You know the more you worry, the longer its going to take." Helios said as he walked over to his twin and hugged her close. Helia and Helios were a pair of elemental twin mutants originally from Scotland, however they moved to America ten years before, their parents were dead however leaving them to raise themselves. The twins however were not heroes or villains, they preferred to stay as loners, on neither side of the law. "I guess we should not bother staying anymore since he is not going to show up, lets go down to the club below and get a drink." the male said as he and his sister vanished in the shadows and reappeared in a back alley outside of the club.

"Foam, what a lame name for a Scottish club in this quarter." Helios muttered to himself as he held the door for his sister. The two mutants walked inside and took a seat at the bar. They knew the owner so that is how they always got free drinks. "The usual then, Helios?" the bar tender asked the male. "Sure thing Max, anything knew around here tonight?" Helios asked. "Nah, other than a strange Cajun who made his way in here an hour ago, been keeping an eye on him, seems like a trouble maker." the tender said putting two shot glasses down with bright spirits in them, the twins took them and swallowed them down fast. Then Helia turned and looked out into the crowd, her glowing brow eyes watching along side her brother's red ones.
The night was young and Remy needed to get away from the Mansion like a rat in a cage. The house was a full blown hot spring of anger that day. Scott and Logan were arguing again and Jean was un-able to brake them up. He had even tried forcing the anger out only to be almost slapped by Emma Frost for using his Empathy on teammates. So, he did what he normally did on such nights, left. He was was behaving though not wanting to have the team come and get him. Finding the bar just by simply wondering the streets and not caring where his feet took him. The music was nice and everyone seemed friendly. Yes, this is what he needed right now some place the people did not have anger and hate rolling off them. The people here felt warm and friendly making his head hurt less and the negativity of the empathy go away.

There was only one person who did not seem to trust him and that was the bar keeper himself. Remy did not blame him though, he was a Cajun in a Scottish bar kind of out of place so to speak. His eyes went up seeing two kids walk in they could not be proper drinking age and if they were they looked good. Not that he was one to judge. One though did catch his red on black eyes. The boy had red eyes like him and that made him wonder if they possibly were Mutants as well. Shrugging he paid attention to the billiards game once more. The other man was good and it was just a simple clean game no bets. Remy did not want to piss off a bar full of Scottish warm-bloods and have to get picked up by someone. He was tapping his foot to the tune of the music and smiled a little to himself.

However his empathy only noticed more about the two kids. The boy he could not read any emotions off of, though the girl clearly cared for the other. They had to be related something about how they interacted told him that. "Hey red head your turn." The man he was playing with suddenly said snapping him out of his thoughts. "Ah, than' you cher." He said and returned to the game. He got two balls in before the other man's turn again and said to the other. "Pretty sure you gonna win." The other looked at him and the table then said. "Maybe though you do not strike me as someone to loose. You alright?" Remy shrugged in response and said simply. "Cards more Remy's game." His voice silky like with the mix of French and Spanish.
Helios became aware of Remy staring at him and he cocked his head to the side slightly then blinked as the older male looked away. Helios just shrugged it off and turned to look over at Helia who was talking to the bar tender. "You know its rude to judge a book by their cover or how they make you feel. If you mean that mutant over there at the pool table, well your an ass." Helia muttered to the bar tender who eased back a bit. "You know how we feel about you getting your bloody knickers in a knot all the time" Helios said and smirked at his friend the bar tender before the two stood up and made their way closer towards Remy, though Helia payed him no attention as they walked past, her mind on other matters at the moment.

Helios smiled softly at Remy but said nothing as they took a seat in the back on an old leather couch that was rather worn out. Helia however suddenly blinked and looked up as she caught the sound of Remy's accent and she smirked softly, and waved a waitress over and whispered into her ear before the women nodded and walked off. Soon she returned with a glass of whiskey and put it down beside Remy on the side of the pool table. "You have an admirer love." she said in a thick accent before she nodded towards the twins, winked and then walked off. Helios was speaking with his sister when Remy would look at them, the two not really paying much attention to him at the moment, they spoke in Gaelic as well which confused a few American born people around them.

Helia suddenly flinched though and Helios ran a hand through her hair and touched her forehead. His sister sometimes had the worst migraines and he knew it was do to the newest power of her's manifesting. He took their beers from the waitress and handed one to Helia who saw up and sipped it while her brother put his down on the worn out table beside him. Helia watched Remy, her eyes would flash a strange bluish color every once in awhile, everyone else around them seemed to not be aware or they were ignoring the twins out of respect. Meanwhile the bartender was at work hanging out rounds of shots to a few old timers at the bar.
Remy had noticed the kids moving closer, but paid no mind. When the drink came and the waitress gave a hint it was the girl he smiled slightly though not right at her not wanting her to be embarrassed. That was when he sensed a flash of discomfort from the girl and winced slightly his eyes the only sign of pain. It seemed the kids wanted to be ignored, but leave it to his inner French to be too nice. Excusing himself from the game for a minute he grabbed a towel and ice from the bar tender bring it over to the kids and setting it by the boy before turning to let them be. Going back to the game he played and drink the whiskey down though it was short lived the other man won in the next three rounds and Remy nodded his thanks. Putting the sticks away and resetting the balls before returning the whiskey glass. Normally he would have left, but the sound and sense of someone coming in paused him. "Remy." said a calm and soft voice.

Turning his head just slightly Remy nodded to the dark haired man who just walked in, Tensa Emiya. A fellow X-Man and A strong one too boot. Remy nodded then paused when Tensa whispered to him. "Brotherhood is near by two of the members we should go." Remy shook his head and said, "Non Remy thinks he knows what they are after. Lets stay get a drink." Tensa paused and nodded his head. Then asked the bar tender taking is ID out. "Do you have any Black Malt?" He paused though sensing two new Mutants and turned to look around before figuring that was why Remy would want to stay. Normally Tensa did not interfere, but if the older X-men wanted to stay it more often than not was a good reason. Where as Remy normally dressed like a street rat Tensa wore a pair of black dress pants, a white shirt under a black jacket and a tie. The only other things were is black leather gloves and glasses. This made him look like a business man or someone official. His hair was in a slight pony-tail maybe about three inches though giving him a slightly different quality.

He also knew about eight languages including Greek, Latin and Gallic giving him a edge up to others when eves dropping to find out information. Remy sat back and ordered a beer while taking his cards out. Using his powers to charge them only enough to do mid air bridges and such, having learned how to do it without the cards blowing up. Tensa sat next to him and they discussed classes for the next day. Though it was all coded. Remy taught martial arts in the danger room which they referred to as Self- Defense classes and Tensa taught Focused Control or the ability to control the level of powers which they called Math.
"Thanks mate." Helios would whisper to Remy before he left again after dropping off the towel and ice. He put it to his sister's head and let Helia lay it on his shoulder while they watched the bar around them. Helia shuttered again and her brother held her closer a worried feeling growing in the pit of his stomach. He finished his beer along with his sister's beet then narrowed his red eyes watching as a new mutant came in. He could sense strongly that this new man was a mutant. However he tensed up as he felt something evil lurking outside of the bar, he narrowed his eye as his anger began to bristle inside of him. Helia shook her head and put a finger to his lips to calm her older brother down, this seemed to work on the male and he sighed.

Helia soon shook off her pain and slowly stood up and made her way into the back of the bar for a few minutes, she would come back over to her brother however and whisper something into Helios's ear. "Are you sure they are X-Men?" he whispered back and she nodded her head. Helios said nothing more and nodded his head to his sister before they both stood up and made their way over to the bar tender. "Yah, I already know, you know only good mutants are welcome in here. Any of that rif raf come in here from outside, well they have me to deal with." the bar tender said, he was a mutant himself but you would never guess unless you knew him well enough like the twins did.

Helia looked over at Remy then Tensa for a few seconds, grabbed her brother's hand and allowed Helios to drag her over to the two men. He cleared his throat polietly and then sat down in a chair, his sister sitting on the arm. "I am sorry to bother you but you don't happen to be staying because the two of us are like you and your worried, are you?" Helios asked gently as he looked over at Remy. "I am aware of the other's outside but they know better than to come into this place, when Max is here." Helia said nodding towards the bar tender. "He is a high class mutant himself but when the X-Men come around he behaves himself." Helios said finishing her words.
Tensa looked at the two moving along and sensed something shift in the air again he could sense something from the tender but was not sure what. It was when the two finally came over he understood. Remy and him looked at one another the demon eyed Cajun putting his cards away. Tensa then stated to the kids. "You are at least rank three if not four class. That makes you wanted and targets. We are simply staying, because we know the others and let's just say.... Some could care less about who stood in their way." Remy nodded knowing Tensa had experience when it came to such things. Remy then said in French. "Going outside Tensa be right back." Tensa nodded and watched the other go outside. He sighed and drank more of the drink Max had given him. Looking at the twins he said. "I am not saying you are not safe, but call it instinct now. We are so used to dealing with these guys that we naturally will stay around to protect not just for others like us but for normal people too."

Tensa looked at the two and said. "Name is Tensa Emiya and the other man... well we just call him Remy or Gambit. He may seem shifty but his heart is in a good place at all times." Then he switched to Gallic, "May I ask your names?" He was not doing it to sound like a smart ass, but he knew sometimes people did not like saying things out loud in the common speech. His eyes were dark green almost black under his glasses. Moving his left hand up he pushed some of his hair from his eyes and the slightest glint of metal could be seen at his wrist. He could sense the girl's pain a little and asked to her. "Is it normal?" The sound of foot steps made hi stop and he looked over his shoulder so see Pyro walking in the blonde fire controlling man was being rather braze or stupid, that left one other outside and knowing Remy the Cajun would probably deal with him if he had to.

Looking at the twins then at the blonde again for a half moment he decided to be safe not sorry. Eyes glowing suddenly a dagger was in his hand and then lines formed up his arm and the blade. When the lines faded he then turned and walked t Pyro and the blonde stopped. Tensa said quietly. "Out now." Pyro smirked and said calmly. "No, I am looking for something move." They looked at each other for a moment, but the sound of something going boom outside told Tensa, Remy had been pushed to fight. A second man ran in and said. "Pyro we need to go know there's a..." Seeing Tensa he hissed. " Shit there's two of them." Before more could happen Tensa grabbed the smaller blonde and pushed him out the door with the other. They took it as get lost being Remy was also there eyes fully glowing.

Tensa watched Remy go back in and the Cajun was mad no he was feeding off the anger around him and it was causing the empath discomfort. "Rem calm down..." Remy said. "Remy is head is on fire though." Tensa sighed and paid Max. "Sorry he get's high wired. No, damage outside he simply blew a trash can lid to scare them off. He acts firth thinks later." Tensa grabbed Remy's coat lightly and the Cajun followed him outside and was pacing out on the side walk Tensa leaning on the wall close by.
The twins just stared at Tensa as he introduced himself and then they looked at one another when he spoke to them in their native tongue. "I am Helios and this is my Sister Helia." said the older twin as he held his sister close to him. However she did not answer him when he asked her if her pain was normal, she was uncomfortable with her private problems. "We already know what we are classed as but thank you anyways." Helios spoke as he watched Remy leave. He then scanned the bar as things grew a bit more interesting, however neither of the twins reacted as Tensa removed the Pyro out of the bar. Max shrugged and took the money from the mutant and watched as the two of them began to head out the door. Helia stood up and walked out with her brother behind her, they stared up at the sky as it began to pour rain down on them.

However the water seemed to move around them, neither one of the twins ended up getting wet as they headed across the street and passed the two other mutants. Helia however was growing more and more pained and Helios ended up having to pick her up as he stared up at the sky. "Time for a short cut, your fever is getting worse." he said to his sister. Suddenly his body burst into black flames along with his sister and they shot off into the sky making their way to the far end of town. Helios then entered their run down apartment and lay his sister down on her bed and tucked her in as her fever grew worse and he let out a sigh. "I wish that Cajun was here, he seemed to calm it down when around you." Helios whispered.

Helia would manage to fall asleep a few hours later, though she would cry out every once in awhile waking her brother up. Helios was at the end of his leash not knowing what really was wrong with his sister and he wanted to get help. "Damn it...I don't know who to turn to. I don't want you to get hurt or taken away from me either." he said as he held his hand against his sister's forehead. He grew angry and his body trembled, Helia touched his hand. "Maybe...maybe help will come at the right time." Helia managed to whisper as her brother placed another blanket over her. "I want you two to go and pick up those mutants you ran into last night." Charles said as he looked over at Gambit and Tensa a worried look on his face.
Remy had calmed down with the rain and soon the two left to go home. Though as they moved Tensa could sense the pain and Remy became suck from sensing it almost. Sighing Tensa wished he could tell them to come along but it was not their place nor did he feel they would want to. He looked at the shadows they had vanished into for a few moments. Then joined Remy once more back home. Charles' words made him pause but he shrugged as Remy said." Not our place to force them to come sir. Besides they knew who Remy and Tensa were." His voice still the normal drawl.

Tensa left the room rubbing his arm he felt sore where the metal met skin at the shoulder. Grabbing a digital computer he started to ficus on every aspect of the twins he remembered starting with their looks and voices, then their energy or the sense they gave him. His hands going up he then used the computer to pinpoint their exact location. Then grabbing a long black trench coat he walked to the car. Hearing the locks click open he got out and drove as far as he could to where he felt their location. He stopped when he got to the building getting out he locked the car and went up stairs. Closing his eyes he focused and knew what room they were in but that was when he sensed the third danger.

Bolting forward he suddenly grabbed a man and pinned him to the wall." Get lost Frog and tell your boss the kids are off limits now go." The other mutant bolted not wanting to fight Tensa. Walking to the door then Tensa made sure he looked straightened out and knocked on the door." Hello?" He called quietly though he half expected an attack or being ignored. Arms crossed the false arm hurt like hell and it was getting worse. Was it the girl? Was she projecting her pain? Was it just stress and the weather? He wanted to get back to see if Hank could figure it out
Helios turned his head and looked towards the door sensing Tensa before he had even knocked on the door. He kissed his sister on the forehead and walked towards the door and slowly opened it. He let out a sigh, stepped to the side and allowed the other mutant into his run down apartment. "I know why you are here, Charles Xaiver sent you. We will come willingly with you on one condition, you promise to help my sister." Helios said softly and brought Tensa into the bedroom where Helia lay curled up in a ball on her side. "I think a new power is trying to manifest but its making her really sick, its happened before but not this bad." Helios said to the older male with a look of pure worry in his eyes. He bit his bottom lip and pushed his spiked up hair out of his eyes and made his way back over to Helia and gently wiped some sweat from her head away with a cloth.

"That friend of yours, he seemed to be able to keep her calm. The Remy Lebou I believe his name is." Helios said as he wrapped his sister up in a blanket and pulled her up into his arms. "As for your arm, it might be better for you to keep a distance from her once you take us back to the mansion. She seems to be really inflicting on you, she doesn't mean it though. Its something Helia can not control." Helios said a sad look in his eyes. Helia whimpered and her brother kissed her forehead again praying that Charles Xaiver would be able to help her. "Please Tensa, I need your help to try and keep her calm, any violence at this moment and her powers will sky rocket." Helios warned him as he headed towards the door his sister in his arms.

Meanwhile Helia had passed out in her brother's arms, her head against his chest. She was fighting her hardest against the pain and holding back her powers, her body felt like it was on fire. "Please...please...hurry brother. I want to see the Professor.....the....other..." Helia croaked weakly. "I know....hang in there dear sister." Helios whispered to his sister as tears ran down his cheeks. However he was not ashamed if Tensa saw them, he was proud to cry. He only had Helia left for family and she meant the world to him, she he did to her. "Please hold on...Helia." he whimpered and bit his bottom lip as he looked back over at the older mutant for help.
Tensa was un-readable face wise as the other spoke to him. All he did was nod at the end." You tell know one about my arm." Only four knew that Tensa had a false arm and he hated trying to tell the story of how it became that way. He walked closer to the twins and took his coated off covering the girl and said." I'll drive right there, but I'll have to take the dirty path to avoid the harsh traffic." Guiding them to the car he handed a blanket from the trunk to them as he got in the front seat. He turned the heat on, not enough to roast but enough to keep them warm as he drove. The young man had eyes that were old under his glasses. Tensa was a different one for sure.

The drive was smooth and an hour later the pulled in. He radioed Hank that they were coming down and texted Remy and Charles to meet him in the medical wing. He brought the two right to the medical rooms in the basement level with white walls and beeping of service machines. Hank met them and told Helios to set Helia on a bed and turned the lights low to avoid her eyes from hurting. Then Charles came down as did Remy. Charles let Remy go to Helia's side and putting a hand on her forehead Remy let her pain go into him and let go once he felt her relax. Charles said to Helios." I know you wish to stay with her but let's talk in the gallery a few moments. Tensa join us let Remy and Hank work."

Following the man out Tensa sat his arms crossed eyes half closed. Charles stopped and waited for Helios to join them as well. Tensa then felt uneasy, it was not the boy that made him upset it was something more and without a word he clenched his shoulder so tight th . Sound of something grinding could be heard as the metal refused to give to his grip. Charles knew it was because Tensa was in pain and a large amount. However Tensa never shared his pain with others he held it in and that worried the older man.
"I saw your arm today, I can sense it too. Its non of my business though so I will not ask." Helios said simply and allowed them to be driven to the mansion. However when Hank came forward the teen bristled slightly feeling a bit of anger towards the great blue beast. However he relaxed seeing Remy and let out a sigh once he put his sister down and watched Remy take her pain away. He then turned and looked at Charles taking in his words and he slowly nodded his head but said nothing as he followed after the Professor. He felt sick in the stomach leaving his sister behind and he looked back over his shoulder until the door shut behind them. Helios let out another heavy sigh and walked straight towards Tensa and put a hand on where his arm connected to his real flesh.

Slowly shadows clouded around the area and the pain was brought down to a very dull low. The boy then looked up at the older male his red eyes flashed. "I can heal others through my shadows and heal myself when I am injured. "One of the pieces in your arm is going to need replacing that is why it hurts so much. You however won't feel much pain anymore for I have healed you mostly and dulled it. Its in return for helping my sister." Helios said then flushed slightly and walked away to stare at Charles his red eyes blazing. "I want to speak to Remy after this, there are things that you all need to know though. I am just not sure where the best place to start is." he said looking into the Professor's face, the older mutant unable to enter his mind.

"I can't really explain everything in one sitting but I am willing to let you in my head Professor, however be careful I do not want to harm you." he said then tensed up when he heard Helia cry out. "Fuck...." he growled and ran past them and out the door to see Helia's shadows creeping around the two other men in a dark cloud. However he relaxed suddenly aware that her powers had only just gotten stronger. "Are you able to sedate her? So that she will be able to rest while her body recovers?" Helios asked as tears threatened to stream down his cheeks as his worry grew heavy for his little sister.
Tensa had about jumped out of his seat the moment he was touched he clearly was not used to contact and it showed. Then he relaxed and stayed silent. Charles said to Helios. "I will not enter your mind unless a great need arises though as for starting anywhere you fell comfortable with is good and we will sort out the rest." At Helios' put cry though he frowned and watched the young man run off into the room. Hank seemed tense though Remy was completely relaxed and calming her as best he could. The red eyes flared almost neon pink how strong he was trying to help her. Charles wheeled closer and putting hand on Helia's hand he put walls up to block the pain of her powers and lower them from harming her."That will keep them under control and Sir Helios please refrain from cursing in the school there are yong people and some have perfect hearing. I must go to my office for a few though Remy and Tensa can show you to your room while Hank get's ready to move your sister." He wheeled away then and Tensa looked like he had just been bumped with baby-sitting while Remy looked happy.

It was not that Tensa did not like the kid, but his powers put him on edge and the thought he had so easily manipulated his arm made him a bit worried. Remy stopped though suddenly ran to the bathroom Hank sighed and called. "That is what you get for over doing it Remy." Remy snapped back something colorful in French and came out five minutes later looking a little paler, but okay. He then looked over at Helios and said. "Come on Remy will show ya where your room is at." He then turned leading the way while Tensa helped Hank guide Helia's bed. Hank said. "I am going to go the more quiet route so she does not get stressed You go the normal way and get the doors unlocked." Remy nodded and Tensa hit the button on the elevator going to the third floor. On getting out Helios would first see a class room to the right with Jean teaching while suddenly Bobby Drake spun hearing something. He saw Tensa and smirked getting up. Jean snapped something and he just moved faster. Tensa said to Remy. "Five buck I get him down in two hits." Remy nodded and said. "I say for he has been practicing." Bobby though paused seeing Helios confused only to suddenly be grabbed by Tensa who flipped him and said. "Back to your class Drake." Bobby backed up and bolted while other students giggled at the sight.

Remy explained. "That be normal. Kids think they can one up da teachers." The rest of the walk was quiet and they stopped at a set of double doors. Remy unlocked them with a key. The room was bigger than the apartment they had been in. Two twin beds, two full dressers. two bathrooms, a new leather couch, coffee table, television and a lot more. Remy said. "Tensa's room is the one two the right of yours, Remy is at the end of the hall and Miss Emma Frost who you will meet is a crossed from you. No one else in the area.. yet." Hank arrived then with Helia and brought her in making sure she was set up and that the room was not too cold. Then getting ready to go he handed Helios a small button and said. "Press it if you need me I will be flying up in a heart beat or miss Grey-Scoot will be up." He took is leave and Remy said to Helios. "Should we leave ya with her for a bit?"
Helios didn't answer Charles when he was scolded for cursing however, he just nodded his head. "Thank you." was all he said because Charles had helped his sister. He then watched the man leave and watched things happen between the other men. He stayed silent the whole time as they made their way up stairs, it was hard for him to be away from his sister. He stared back over at Tensa but kept his mouth shut wondering if the man hated him or something. But before he could apologize they were in front of the class. He would just nod to Remy when he explained what was happening between the student and Tensa, however his mind wondered back towards his sister and he bit his bottom lip, he was very tired himself.

Once they were at the room he took the button and thanked Hank for helping his sister. He then blinked and looked at Remy then over at Tensa. "You don't have to leave, shes asleep now and a lot better. I wouldn't mind the company." Helios said a small flush coming to his cheeks. Once they were in the room he would turn and look at Tensa and then walk to him. "Look I am sorry if my powers are making you uneasy and I am sorry for helping you. I didn't know I would creep you out that much. I just want to be friends, is that too much to ask?" he said sadly before he looked away and ran his hand through his hair before sighing and walking back over to Remy.

"Hey Remy, thank you so much for helping Helia, it means a lot. She seems to really connect well with you as well. I owe you and the others so much, with our history friends are hard to come by when even other mutants think we are freaks." Helios said and sat down on the couch. As he moved his head both Remy and Tensen could see the start of a massive scar on the back of the boy's neck while the rest was hidden under his shirt. Helios then would sit running his hands through his hair while he hung his head. "Its hard you know, feeling so alone. With only Helia as my friend. Most mutants we run into think we are freaks as well, it hurts." Helios would whisper as tears streamed down his cheeks, all his worries starting to spill out.
Tensa and Remy looked at each other then walked in Tensa sat while Remy half laid on the arm. "Remy you should eat you know what your powers do." Remy glared at Tensa and said. "Baby-sitter." That made Tensa flush not his fault he was like that it was ingrained in him to respond to other's needs. Tensa though blinked at the boy's words and sighed. "Helios it is not you I have a problem with or your powers. It is this." He pointed to his arm. "There are few who know about it' Remy, Charles, Jean, Emma, Hank and Forge along with you." He pushed his sleeve aside so Helios could see it was also covering part of his scapula and shoulder blade. "My father was a cop when I was Seventeen I watched him get gunned down and I tried using my powers to help only to push it so far I destroyed my entire left arm and still I was not enough to save ten hostages and my father. So, when people touch it or look at it I get upset because it shows my mistake." He rubbed his temples and took off his glasses. "Plus cold weather does not help." Remy smirked and said. "Old man." Tensa said back. "Swamp Rat."

Though Remy smiled hearing he had helped Helia. "She seems sweet enough besides Remy knows how powers can be a handful. Remy used not to be able to go around people because their emotions would be too strong and hurt or he touch something and it go boom." Taking a card out and charging it and after a few moments removing the charge, "But now Rem can control it. Though you want to get taught control... this man here is the one." Tensa shrugged and said. "My power only requires high amounts of focus gambit not so much control." Tensa got up going to make tea though he did listen as Helios spoke feeling sad for the boy and sorry that he had lived such a hard life it seemed. Mutants should just get along, so should people, but it seemed everyone turned on each other these days. Coming over with the tea he said, "It is green tea good for a head ache and sleeping. Plus preventing fever."

Remy said to Helios. "Well the good thing about here is we are all like family and we do not need you to tell us everything at once. There is things only a few know about me and same for everyone else. You tell us in your own time." Getting up Remy said. "Going to go grab some food, you or your sister allergic to anything?" He would grab them something simple and not too stressful on their stomachs, but they did need to eat one way or the other even if he had to force them to eat protein shakes. Tensa was sitting tea in one hand and eyes half closed seeming to day dream a moment.
Helios froze and stared up at Tensa as he shared his story with him, he flushed and looked away feeling bad for the older male. "I am sorry that happened to you. You didn't have to tell me but I thank you. I won't tell anyone your story or about your arm either." Helios said before he fell silent and listened to Remy talk as Tensa went and made some tea. "Me and Helia accidentally killed our mother when we were 4, our father threw our of the house after that. However we were raised in an orphanage a for awhile until we blew that up, everyone died in it. Our father would then come and kidnap us at the age of 11 where he would experiment on us, place things inside of us." he whispered as pain shot through his mind at the memories.

Helios would slowly pull his shirt up and show the long scar that ran down his neck and over his spine. "My father transplanted darkness into use from another mutant and both me and Helia have the same scars and may more." he whispered. "Helia ended up getting into a fight with our father a year ago, she lost control and vaporized him when she didn't mean to. She still hates herself to this day for everyone she has accidentally killed." he whispered so that only Tensa and Remy could hear. He then thanked Tensa for the tea and slowly sipped at it while Remy stood up to go and get them some food. "No, we are only allergic to stupid people." Helios joked to Remy.

"Helios....where...are we...?" Helia suddenly spoke up and her brother rushed over to her side. "Easy Helia, we are in the Professor's mansion with the X-Men. We are are safe. Charles blocked your powers, are you feeling any better?" He asked his sister. "Yes I am...where..where is Remy?" she asked. Helios helped her sit up and smiled when Helia looked at Remy. "Thank you so much Remy...Tensa for helping me. Please thank the Professor and Hank as well for me." she said softly. Helios hit the button for Hank to come, he wanted the blue beast to check his sister out while she was still awake.
Tensa and Remy looked at each other hearing what had happened to the boy and both with out warning in anger tossed something. Tensa a throwing star which it the wall and Gambit made a card blow up mid air. Tensa was shaking now he got up and paced as Remy waited hoping he would calm down. Hearing Helia though made both look and relax seeing she was awake. Gambit nodded leaving while Tensa said to her. "Just take it easy. You could hurt yourself still without meaning to Hank did not want to poke for internal damage unless he had your consent." Tensa then moved to the couch as Hank came in a bag in hand seeing her awake he smiled and walked over. "If at any point you wish me to stop please say so. Fist let's check your lungs and heart I can listen through the shirt or if you want to slide the scope to where I say that works as well." He was standing and doing his best not to scare her. Hank knew he could be a sight for some and made sure to stay calm unless friends got hurt. Forge poked his head in and walked over to Tensa. "Shirt off now kid I ne-" He froze when Tensa glared at him daggers. Forge realized a girl was in the room and awake. " Crap." Tensa then dragged Forge to the off shoot room to the side.

Remy returned about ten minutes into the check up with tomato soup and grill cheese. "I promise no Cajun spice in it." Hank said."Good the young lady here is at least five to ten pounds under weight and I bet you young man are just as bad off as your sister. I want you two on a high carb and high protein diet until we can get you back up to a good weight. Also nothing to spicey until we know you do not have any viruses." Gambit set a tray on the bed side table for Helia and then set Helios on the coffee table. "We do not have any of those portable tables for now." He knew he might have to drag Helios to his food, but he was okay with that if the kid ate. Hank finished checking and said to Helia. "Well nothing too bad, but if you will let me I need blood sample maybe in a few days and make sure your vitamin count is alright. Until then rest and such if you truly wish to start school we can talk about classes in the room or outside on the deck until we know you are healthy. I am afraid a class room setting could stress you."

Tensa returned and he looked like he might kill Forge, who about ran out of the room. Remy frowned he knew that the pain was more emotional and mental now, but he could do nothing for it being Tensa had forbidden him to every change his emotions. Sitting on the couch with a half sigh Tensa looked like he was full on somewhere else mental wise though he would stay in the room unill they knew the kids were alright.
Helia and her twin tensed slightly when the anger vamped up in the room, however when the men calmed down Helia cocked her head to the side. She then went wide eyed as Hank made his way into the room. She smiled though as he began to speak to her. "Its fine, I have had worse, and your not scary to me at all." Helia said as she allowed the big furry blue beast to check her out and use his instruments on her. Helios never took his eyes off of the two of them though, even when Forge had come into the room, his eyes stayed on his sister. Helia then smiled wide when Remy made his way back in the room ten minutes later, he seemed to make her very happy when he was around her.

"Awe no Cajun food, I like that kind of stuff." Helia pouted but smiled when Remy brought her the food. She frowned though when Hank told her that her and her brother where underweight and could not have spicy food. She puffed her bottom lip out but did not argue as her brother smiled and patted her head. "Its fine Hank, thank you for checking her out." Helios said then turned to listen to Remy. Helios then nodded and looked down at the food on the coffee table. "Thank you Remy, its alright." Helios said and looked back at Hank when he was done. "You can take my blood when your ready." Helia said happily as her eyes stayed on Remy the whole time.

Helia frowned though when she said she could'n't be in the class room but she nodded telling him that she understood. Helia began to eat her food slowly as Helios did the same, his eyes landing gently on Tensa. Helios then turned to Hank and shut the door to the room so the five of them were alone. "Go ahead and check me out if you need to as well, get it done and out of the way I guess." Helios said as he pulled his shirt off, his scarred chest showing, a recent wound to his side bright red and healing still. Helia went pale now that she was finished eating and looked her brother over. "Helios, are you sure you want...well...Megneto did impale you rather badly a week ago." she croaked her mouth going dry.
Hank smiled at her re-actions to the words though seeing them as a good sign. "Only until we know it won't hurt you then Remy can blow your taste buds all he wants." Remy smiled. "I like the idea of that." He said and chuckled. Hank nodded and said to Helia. "All this is temporary until we know you kids are not going to open a wound or cause long term damage of any kind to yourselves. You can go to a class room once I know the stress won't send your lungs or heart into a panic." He paused though at the blood comment. "Well I am not comfortable with it until you have a few full meals in you. Then I'll come up and take some. Keep the button in case." Thinking he might leave he stopped when Helios mentioned being checked and looked at the scars. He felt his fur bristle just a little knowing some of the scars were surgical. Someone had used the beauty of medicine to harm these children and that was a crime in his eyes. Quickly though he forced himself to calm down as not to frighten or bother the kids or get Remy worked up.

Though they all got a shock when the young lady mentioned Helios had been impailed by Magneto. Remy gasped in French "Bon dieu." which meant something along, good God. Hank looked sad to hear his friend was falling even more. It was Tensa who would suddenly respond un-unexpectedly. He was standing and the sound of his left hand hitting the wall was heard. Luckily not breaking it the wall though hand lines in it as Tensa had made it hard enough not to brake from his blow. Pulling his hand back he relaxed and pulled his glove back over the metallic hand. Hank nodded then motioned for Helios to sit as Remy tried to calm Tensa down. Something was wrong with the stoic looking man. He looked drained and Remy could sense that Tensa emotionally was snapping somehow in his head. Though because the man was so fucking stubborn he would not talk about it to Remy.

Hank took about thirty minutes and said to Helios. "You will heal well I almost can not tell there is an internal injury. Best advice limit your powers, because they probably are stressing your body, sleep, eat and no physical work outs that will strain your core. I can check when I come back up tomorrow afternoon and see if it is better." Putting his things in his bag he said. "I must go now and check on a few others remember hit the bell if you need me." With that he took his leave shutting the door behind him.
Helia jumped when Tensa hit the wall and stared wide eyed at him, however Helios shrugged it off and then watched as Hank left a bit later. He then turned to Tensa and gently lifted his head and stared into the man's eyes. "You need to let your feelings out, speak to someone about what is bothering you. You are going to hurt a lot of people soon if you do not. I had the same problem awhile ago and I almost killed Helia because of it. If you ever want to speak to me I am here to listen Tensa, please go and get some rest." Helios said in a calm voice and looked over his scarred body. "Do not feel anger for what has happened to us either, its over and in the past. We must live happily and think of the future." he would continue to say.

Helia had snuck out of bed and made her way over to the others, she was a few inches shorter than her brother only 5'4 and 1/2. "Please Tensa, my brother doesn't like see you hurting. He can pick up pain as well and it draws him to help people. Please think about what he said." she would say gently touching his hand before she went pale and Helios grasped her and made her go back to bed. "Remy, I am going to try and get some sleep, could you please stay here over night and watch Helia for me? I hope that isn't too much to ask." he said handing Remy the button.

Helia kissed her brother's cheek before he walked away and stripped to his shorts, he slipped into bed and was sound asleep in the other room. "Its not going to be easy to wake him. He has been awake for four days, it might be a few days before he wakes up again." Helia said and cocked her head to the side. "And don't worry about his healing, he heals rather fast like Wade Wilson, you know Deadpool." she said and then leaned back in bed. Her own body covered in scars but she seemed to not even be bothered by any of them, she smiled happily at Remy then to Tensa, her tired eyes refusing to close to sleep.
To say he had zoned out was an understatement that was until someone touch him and he had to force himself not to lash out. Touch burned at him he was so unused to it and was worried it would hurt. Remy though watched as Tensa relaxed a little. The dark haired man was un-able to speak as Helios told him to rest. Remy though was stunned suddenly seeing Helia out of the bed and helped Helios get her back to bed. Once though she was in bed and Helios said he was going to lay down Remy simply took and button and said. "I'll make coffee." He went to the kitchen and started making a cup. Seeing Helia was up said. "You miss sleep. You force yourself to stay awake and I'll get Hank to give you a shot." He sat at the coffee table and started playing solitaire to pass the time. Though it was mostly to also let his mind relax, he could listen out for her as well as play the card game being a thief had taught him to multi-task in such a way.

Tensa was in the room still as well having told Remy to wake him if he needed a nap. Removing his glasses and letting his hair down he laid on a blanket and pillow on the floor. His face about berried in the pillow and he soon was out cold. Gambit knew Tensa would let the emotions build until they broke him. Remy had witnessed it before normally once a year the buried would just over power the man and make him sick. The screaming though was the worst even Charles could not figure out what caused it, but the snap always brought on at least half a days worth of just heart wrenching screams that only stopped either when Tensa's voice broke or he passed out. It also brought a fever and a week of bed rest. During which only Forge and Hank were allowed in the room. Remy sighed going back to his card game pushing the thoughts out of his head. Sipping his coffee every few minutes to keep any signs of tiredness away.

Tensa though woke around mid-night and got up needing to just get some air. Getting out of the room Tensa felt like his head was spinning and held it on both sides. He could feel all of them, every mutant, every human not just in the building but it was like all of the ones in the area of around ten miles were flooding his senses, he could locate them, hear them and feel what they felt. Grabbing his head he tried to force his powers into control but it felt worse the more he tried to control it.
Helia said nothing to Remy as she lay back down on her bed and stared at the wall the whole time, pretending to be asleep. Meanwhile Helios was growing more and more restless and he suddenly woke up with a start and made higs way out of the room when Tensa woke up. He could feel what was going on inside the man's head and he wanted to help. "Tensa, let me help you please." Helios said gently as he brought a glowing hand up and touched his own head with it. "I can help with the pressure, the pain and the noise of them in your mind." he said and then leaned forward. "Please, its not going to hurt you when I touch you I promise. If it does then you can kick the shit out of me later." he whispered softly, his black glowing hand gently touched Tensa's forehead.

Soon the older mutant would hear the noises dull and the pain leave and flood away. Helios narrowed his eyes and then pulled his hand back, he smiled weakly as his face went pale. "It should last until Charles might be able to help you." he croaked as he slumped weakly down into a chair. He soon would slip from his chair and hit the floor, the fever taking him over as it had his sister. His powers began to surge and he curled into a tight ball his eyes shut tightly. He was sweating badly as he held off the worst of it, he was a lot stronger than his twin sister was, but not by much. The sound was soon cut off in Tensa's head, though his pain would be very dull now as Helios surged.

Meanwhile Helia sat up and stared down at her brother, she bit her lip the pain shooting through her as well do too their connections. "HELIOS!" she cried and jumped down and pulled her brother into her grasp. Her body was trembling as Helios let out a cry of pain. " he just wanted to help. Helios....damn it." she said looking about, her own fever returning but a lot more mild. He slammed her hand down on the button as it lay on the coffee table before she herself fell next to her brother trying to be a conduit for his our of control power. "Tell was Megneto who made us unstable." she called before she passed out.
The voice of Helios made Tensa startle, but he did not fight mostly because he could not think straight and he just wanted it to stop for a little while. Feeling the cool of the pressure leaving his brain he re-acted as Helios fell. Remy hit the button and instantly had Helia in his arms before she even went fully out. Putting her in bed as Tensa got Helios to his. Hank was in the room and so was Charles both working most of the night into the morning to stabilize the kids. Remy was like a kicked puppy with worry for the to and Tensa felt like he had done this. Their responses to it all were like the sun and moon. While Remy stayed to help Tensa just vanished it seemed having gone to one of the cabins by the pond they had on the grounds he stayed there feeling he had hurt them. Just like you always do a voice said in his head and he flinched looking out at the water.

Charles put walls up with Emma's and Jean's help they sealed away as much as the power they could and they all agreed the walls would only come down one at a time until the twins had full control once more. If Remy was not fondling over them like a mother hen he was being forced to sleep by Jean who had to relent to letting him sleep on the couch in the room. The red haired woman sighed and sat down. It went on for at three days to be honest she lost count. Classes had been cancled and the students were all given task, to keep them out of trouble. Emma came in at one such time Remy was sleeping and stood by Jean. "Tensa is still refusing to come back here. Jean I know we do not always see eye to eye... but do you think something happened?" Jean nodded and said. "Tensa hides a lot from us he feels he must be perfect and calm and I think he is at the cabin because he is trying to get some self control again. Emma... do you mind grabbing me some coffee though?"

Emma nodded her head and left the two were still reforming their friendship, but they were long past the Scott thing. Jean made sure there was warm food for them to wake up to and woke Remy as she left. Remy also would order good food if the food got cold. He simply put it in the fridge as left overs. Also he changed the towels over their eyes and made sure they were not to hot or cold.
Helios was still out and would be out for awhile but Helia woke up with a start and stared around her. Her eyes landed weakly on Remy and she groaned her head pounding, however she looked around for Tensa. "How, how long have we been out?" Helia asked him as she looked over at her sleeping brother. She then stared down at the IV in her arm and let out another long and angry sigh. "Damn it....this is all my fault. It all started with me and my powers going out of control. Then it effected your friend after Helios, now Tensa blames himself for what happened. It is not his fault it is Helios's fault for pushing himself to damn much." Helia said more to herself than too Remy, however she ignored the food that sat beside her right away.

Helios would wake a few hours later with a start and look about him, his mind felt fuzzy while his inner mind and head hurt badly. "You stupid idiot, thanks for making Tensa blame himself." Helia spat at him. "I'm sorry...I just wanted to take his pain away, he is a nice guy and I like him." Helios said and pouted. "When you are better you are going to apologize to him for being an idiot." snarled Helia before she smacked Helios across the face, but not enough to cause him much pain. Helios sighed and slumped back into his bed and and stared up at the ceiling. "Maybe it would be better if Megneto had just killed us, then we wouldn't be such burdens." Helios said.

Helia shook her head ignoring her brother as she started to eat some rice and whatever else was on her plate. She ate slowly and made sure not to over stuff herself. Though she grew annoyed and glared down at the IV in her arm wanting to pull it out but she stopped herself. "I am bored, can we please get out of bed and do something." Helios muttered. "Shut up, you have done enough damage." Helia growled at him as she looked over at Remy. "Thanks for the food, do you think the Professor knows we are awake now?" she asked him sweetly. Helios sighed and rolled over turning his nose up to food. "I won't eat a thing until Tensa comes back so I can say sorry to him." he stated.
Remy watched and listened to the entire thing though it was testing him like a damn time bomb. It did not help he was tired as hell and had slept like shit the last few nights. Finally when he could get a word in he spoke calmly, but his voice full of a tone saying they better damn well listen to him and listen good." Okay for starters you have been out for five days. Next you pull the IV's out Rem'll have Hank tie you to the damn bed and put it back in because hell if you let yourself get dehydrated. You are not to leave bed again until Hank checks you both or you got to use a can. Also Rem is not moving you with all those cords Hank will kick his ass and as much as Hank looks like a big blue teddy bear he is not called Beast for nothin." He took a breath and waited once they showed they under stood he sat up in his chair more. Red eyes on black looking them over he wanted to make sure they were paying attention to the next part, because he was only saying it once.

"Now stop blamin yourselves for everythin and blamin each other fuckin hell you two are acting like lil kids. Sorry, but you are eighteen and start acting it please. This is no one's fault it is called fate, just like when Remy use Tarot it all falls in place. Remy has one frien who hates himself for bein born don need two more. Understand? Good. No more talk of wishin you was dead, no more blamin each other. You rest, you heal and you move forward." He rubbed his face and mumbled. "Remy needs coffee...." He sighed and looked at them and smiled lightly then adding. "Tensa will come when Tensa is ready no point makin yourself sick over it. He will come aroun." Remy went to stand but felt dizzy needing sleep. Groaning he jumped when someone said. "Don't you look like a morning bird Remy?" Tensa walked in and said. "Bed and I mean on a bed Remy not the couch go lay down and stretch out. I'll wake you later." Remy did not argue and left the room looking much like a zombie.

Tensa took a seat then facing both them. Sighing he said. "What we going to do with you two? The kids love you though they have not had school in a week. Charles is busy at the current moment and Hank is checking on Kitty who you will meet soon enough. She went and got hurt and now has Hank worried." He looked at Helios. "Eat something." He ordered sounding like an older brother more than anything. "It is one thing for me to go and beat myself up, but you two go and start in I'll have to bang your heads together."
Helios just growled in one of his moods and said nothing as he listened to Remy as the mutant scolded them. Helia nodded her head as well as she watched Tensa come in and Remy leave. She yelled sorry to Remy before he left and let out a sigh feeling sad and lonely now that her favorite mutant other than her brother was gone. Helios grumbled at Tensa when the older male told him to eat. "Before you go scolding us, I want you to know it not your fault were hurting, it was our powers nothing more." Helios said to Tensa as he rolled over to face him. He pushed the food away feeling sick to his stomach at the smell of it, he pulled the blanket up and over his nose with his left hand, his IV glowing slightly as he shifted himself in his bed.

"I am sorry that we caused the kids to miss their classes, me and Helios are planning on leaving once we are better. That way things can go back to normal then once we are gone." Helia suddenly spoke up. They were twins and they had a strange connection, they must have been speaking to each other inside their minds while they were out. "It would be safer for everyone else as well if we leave. I heard SHIELD is willing to lock us away." Helios muttered but Helia slapped him. "We are not going to get locked up idiot, now stop sulking and eat your damn food." she snapped at her older brother. Helios sighed and did as his sister told him, he slowly ate half his plate before laying back down again.

"Helios turns into an idiot when he gets depressed." Helia explained as she la back down the two twins staring at Tensa. "We have had problems with hate against ourselves since we were little. Every time we hit a low point the feelings come up. It will take a bit before we get better." Helia went on to say. Helios rolled over and pulled his knees up to his chest, his hand resting on his side where he had been impaled. "I wish we were hanging with Wade again, at least he makes doom and gloom funny." Helios laughed softly before coughing. Yawning Helia lay back down and soon was fast asleep under the covers.

Helios turned over and stared at Tensa with pale eyes, you could see he had lost his color and pep, he was filled with depression. "I feel like my heart is broken again, last time it broke was when my boyfriend dumped me, betrayed me and joined Megneto." he said and yawned softly. However he just kept staring at Tensa a small smile on his lips. "It made me very happy though that I was able to help you. It gives me something to look forward in life when I help people." Helios said as his smile grew a bit wider. "So you stop beating yourself up and we will do the same thing, deal?" he said and coughed again while he laughed.
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