Post Your Face!



And now for me explanation for why there's a blanket on my head:

I had recently decided to donate hair, and, well, I "decided" to donate all of it. My "decision" was because of a lovely bet that I lost with a friend.

Note: Yes, I am a girl. Apparently it's hard to believe that on other forums I go on. -_-
Yoru said:


And now for me explanation for why there's a blanket on my head:

I had recently decided to donate hair, and, well, I "decided" to donate all of it. My "decision" was because of a lovely bet that I lost with a friend.

Note: Yes, I am a girl. Apparently it's hard to believe that on other forums I go on. -_-

I think the fact that you donated your hair is freaking awesome! I could tell you were a girl by the first pic by the way ;)
Snake Plissken said:
Yoru said:


And now for me explanation for why there's a blanket on my head:

I had recently decided to donate hair, and, well, I "decided" to donate all of it. My "decision" was because of a lovely bet that I lost with a friend.

Note: Yes, I am a girl. Apparently it's hard to believe that on other forums I go on. -_-

I think the fact that you donated your hair is freaking awesome! I could tell you were a girl by the first pic by the way ;)

Thanks. I don't know why others thought I was a boy. Maybe it's the fact that I don't usually wear makeup in my pictures? Or maybe it's because my facial structure? I'm just not sure...

OK so first I would like to say, Yes I am flexing my muscles but it's for a good reason. People who I talk to often here on BMR know that I have been working pretty hard to lose weight and today after I took a shower I got a good look at myself in the mirror and I felt proud because not only have I went from 215lbs to 165lbs in 3 months but I have also built up muscle in my neck and arms which means I am toning my body while losing weight so it means I have been working out the right way. I know I recently posted a photo here and I am sure you all are getting tired of me spamming the thread with my face lol but I just wanted to show all my friends here how good I'm doing. For once in a LONG time I feel good about my looks, hell I even feel slightly sexy and that is quite an accomplishment for me :)

AND.....There's more then just my face in the pic this time! :D

@Yoru- I think you have a very girlish face and you are really pretty I myself have been mistaken for a boy plenty of times so I know how that feels lol but I definitely could tell you were a girl as soon as I seen your pic and I personally thing you are very pretty :)
Both Yoru and Snake are pretty... so there! XD
And I could tell you were a girl too, Yoru. *nods*
Also, so awesome Snake!!! I think your accomplishment is most certainly something to be proud of, though I think you've always been really pretty. :) *hugs* <3
darkangel76 said:
Both Yoru and Snake are pretty... so there! XD
And I could tell you were a girl too, Yoru. *nods*
Also, so awesome Snake!!! I think your accomplishment is most certainly something to be proud of, though I think you've always been really pretty. :) *hugs* <3

Thank you DA :) Coming from you that means a lot because you are definitely one of my best friends here and I think you are totally beautiful and you so made me blush like 5 different shades of red just now :blush: :heart: *Hugs back and snuggles*
darkangel76 said:
Both Yoru and Snake are pretty... so there! XD
And I could tell you were a girl too, Yoru. *nods*
Also, so awesome Snake!!! I think your accomplishment is most certainly something to be proud of, though I think you've always been really pretty. :) *hugs* <3

*cue self-consciousness*
I'm not pretty >~<
fly-bi said:
Uh so I didn't know this was a thread! Sounds fun though so why not!

Took this in June so it was significantly hotter at the time.

I sort of look like I swallowed a bug or something bad happened. That's... kind of a general trend for me and pictures. Sorry for it being so huge too, I guess I should've cropped it.

Oh, seriously? You're gonna try that bullshit?

Don't be a coward, post an actual picture (OF YOU) or GTFO.
Well, I don't think you look like a boy. Clearly people are clueless there. Their stupidity if you ask me. And if any of it has to do with your hair, it'll grow back and before you know it, there truly won't be any reason for anyone to make the blunder. Though, really, I can't see how anyone could as it is. But that's me.
You are very welcome DA honestly you are one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen in my life and that includes celebs :) Just thought I'd let you know that like whenever you post a pic I legit bite my lower lip and my eyes widen you are truly beautiful hon ;) Sorry if I seem a bit forward right now but with the way I'm feeling right now I am totally able to speak my mind and I'm slowly but surely becoming the confident person I used to be, the person who wasn't afraid to speak their mind and let people know exactly what I thought and well DA I think you are completely and utterly STUNNING in every way, looks, personality, just everything. I am so fucking grateful to have been able to connect with such a wonderful person in my life and I just want you to know that hon and whenever you compliment me you boost my fucking confidence so much because you are so wonderful and I've honestly never met anyone quite like you in RL so I appreciate and am honored to have met you here on BMR and the way we started talking is even great to me (HP group you recruited me into) just ugh perfect friendship in my opinion.....and omg I am getting so sentimental and shit (Which is so unlike me) but right now I don't give a fuck I've learned to appreciate the people in my life that make it worth living and DA honey you give me so many reasons to be happy so I think it's about time to show you my appreciation. *Blushes at my own honesty and hugs you back tightly* :)

@Yuro- You shouldn't feel self conscious hon you are so pretty and I think you have done something so great by donating your hair that when I read your post underneath your photo my heart melted hon seriously I dunno if I'm correct with what I first thought but I had assumed you donated your hair to Locks for Love, if I'm wrong please feel free to correct me :)
Awww..... *blushes 100 shades of scarlet* That was the sweetest thing ever! *squeaks and hugs Snake* <33333 Thank you for saying all of that. Seriously. Because I know just how genuine that was. So, really, thank you. *more hugs...continues to blush*
I meant every single word DA I even teared up and let myself cry while writing it, you are truly amazing and I am and will be forever grateful to have met you and to have gotten to know you. I can honestly say I fucking love you hon (And I mean that in a friendly way) ;) *Hugs you tightly*
Aww... *more blushes and hugs for Snake* Seriously, so sweet of you to say that and I'm glad I've met you as well. You're a wonderful person too. Never forget it. :) <33333
darkangel76 said:
Aww... *more blushes and hugs for Snake* Seriously, so sweet of you to say that and I'm glad I've met you as well. You're a wonderful person too. Never forget it. :) <33333

*Blushes so hard my face feels like a fire pit* All I want to be is wonderful for you love, you are the greatest here is a song that I want you to hear cuz....well I'm gonn send it to you via PM so here ya go hon. XD
Well why the hell not?


On one of those days I have the time and energy to actually do something with myself. I have both sides of my head shaved, and I'll be getting rid of the lady burns here this week, I think they make the side shave look awkward. I'd have a full mohawk if my job would allow it


Basically what my hair looks like when it's down, yes, I still have that much hair lol This would also be the only time this year it snowed. We had a whole inch of the stuff on the ground for a total of two hours. exciting.
Hahvoc The Decepticon said:
Cute pics!

And H_onestly - THOSE EYES. Pretty. :3

kuro_bara said:
Haha I was thinking the same thing H_onestly. You've got beautiful eyes :3

oh please.. admiration.. I can't help it DDDD: ITS TOO POWERFUL have another ;D..

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