Post Your Face!


It's like a million degrees in my house and what do I decide to do? 25 push ups and like 40 situps....this is the end result a really hot, really sweaty Snake and I plan on doing more later lol I wanna get rid of this gut so bad! :p
Looking good Snake, despite the hot sweaty irritated look.
What does your workout look like? I've lost 25lbs in two months.
Thank you :)

So far I've lost 45 pounds in the last 2 months I went from 215 and now I'm down to 165-170 I usually do push ups and sit-ups and push myself to do as many as I can. I started off with doing like 10 push ups and 13 sit ups a day 3 times a week now I'm doing about 20 to 25 push ups a day and about 100 sit ups a day broken into two parts like I'll do 50 in the morning and 50 before bed. I also walk around a lot and sometimes I'll jog. As soon as I get a gym membership I'll probably be doing a lot more but right now I make due with what I got lol carrying kids around the house helps too lol
Snake Plissken said:
Thank you :)

So far I've lost 45 pounds in the last 2 months I went from 215 and now I'm down to 165-170 I usually do push ups and sit-ups and push myself to do as many as I can. I started off with doing like 10 push ups and 13 sit ups a day 3 times a week now I'm doing about 20 to 25 push ups a day and about 100 sit ups a day broken into two parts like I'll do 50 in the morning and 50 before bed. I also walk around a lot and sometimes I'll jog. As soon as I get a gym membership I'll probably be doing a lot more but right now I make due with what I got lol carrying kids around the house helps too lol

That is awesome! Yea, the weightlifting with the kids helps out a lot. I always mix it up between cardio and weightlifting, that way I won't plateau, and I get toned and fit, instead of just losing the weight. That way it helps to also get rid of the extra skin from losing excess amount of weight.

I honestly need to get my butt back into the gym, I haven't been in about a month. Got depressed and all of that crap again. Now I just need to get my motivation back in order to try and get beautiful and sexy.

I also dance too, it is great cardio. Not that zymba or whatever thing that I've heard about, I just put on some good music with an awesome beat and start dancing. I can shake my ass and hips like there is no tomorrow. I've really been into Ciara lately and Rhianna has a few good songs to dance to as well.
You look damn good hon :)

I'm also getting back into wrestling and going to be training for MMA with a friend of mine possibly next month so that should help with cardio and I can hit the gym to lift weights to bulk up a bit. I'm a female but I don't want a super model body I like being muscular lol and although I know I'll never be able to look like I did when I was 17 I can hopefully get a good solid build to my body.
Thankies, thankies.

I just want to feel and look attractive, as it stands, I don't really think I am, but oh well. Or at least let me rephrase that, I don't think that other people find me attractive, I can look damn good if I try.

And look.... oooh.... no make up.

And my new tattoo. Wouldn't you love to know where it is?
Snake Plissken said:
You are very attractive in my opinion and very nice tattoo :) I would like to know where it is actually :D

Hehe, you're just looking at the boobies. :p
Thank you.

Its on my... oooh... three letter word. And I have one on the other side mirroring it as well, but that one is a different tattoo.
LOL I was actually looking at your face you're very pretty not saying I didn't notice the boobies but they weren't the first thing I noticed :p

Nice. Very. Nice :D
Haha, sorry, I just look at that picture and even though my face is like RIGHT THERE... I still notice the boobies first. Cause they entertain me. But thank you. <3

Hehe, it isn't my ass, if that is what you are thinking, but it is very, very, close.
Yep, its on my hip. I have a tattoo on both sides. I'm weird about it, everything has to be symmetrical. I cannot just get one tattoo on one side of my body, otherwise I feel off balance. The only thing that really annoys me though is that the positions of the tattoo are different. One is actually on the side of my hip and the other is more towards the front of my hip. OH well, not like I can do anything about it now.

I just hope one day, I will find someone that will enjoy tracing them with their tongue. >.>

That is when you are just like "fuck it, lets get 'em all." XD

I say that, but like I really hate people who just get random ass tattoos that have no significance or meaning. All of my tattoos have a meaning and I have quite a few of them.

I think... a fluffly bunny with sparkles and stars all around it... or.. or... unicorns!!
Ari wants a fox; but she doesn't know where or in what art style to get it.

And yeah, meaning is important. It's going to stick with you for a while so it better be important.
Me getting my groove on at Detroit Electronic Music Festival!

Me last Saturday in Indianapolis for Zumba Instructor Training!

Notte said:

That is when you are just like "fuck it, lets get 'em all." XD

I say that, but like I really hate people who just get random ass tattoos that have no significance or meaning. All of my tattoos have a meaning and I have quite a few of them.

I think... a fluffly bunny with sparkles and stars all around it... or.. or... unicorns!!

I feel the same way about tattoos. That being said, I recently got my first one. I can honestly say I'm proud to show it off.
Millenium Joker said:
Notte said:
I say that, but like I really hate people who just get random ass tattoos that have no significance or meaning. All of my tattoos have a meaning and I have quite a few of them.

I feel the same way about tattoos. That being said, I recently got my first one. I can honestly say I'm proud to show it off.

What is it of? You should totally show it!
Compared to everything else that's been shown here? I dunno, I don't think people would understand the significance of it. I'll still post it if I can take a nice pic though.

It's an all-black logo of the Cerberus group from Mass Effect, and it while it seems superficial to most, I've already decided most of my tattoos will be gaming related and mean something to me.

Much better than the idea I had for giving my gay friend.
Yet again, I'm wearing a sundress. But I like how this one accentuates my hourglass figure. XD
Plus, I get to show off my freshened up hair again. :)


And, to spare you the pic spam, the rest are behind the spoiler:
My hair, hehe.

More of my hair. XD


More hourglass!

And this one, I just kinda sorta liked.
darkangel76 said:
Yet again, I'm wearing a sundress. But I like how this one accentuates my hourglass figure. XD
Plus, I get to show off my freshened up hair again. :)


And, to spare you the pic spam, the rest are behind the spoiler:
My hair, hehe.

More of my hair. XD


More hourglass!

And this one, I just kinda sorta liked.

This one here is just DAYUM
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