Post Your Face!

So, while visiting my parents, I managed to get my hair done by my old hair stylist... twas awesomeness to see her!!!
I honestly needed this and I'm so happy I was able to fit this in... :)

My hair freshened up--the entire look. I so love my natural curls. XD

The extreme close up.

Glancing over the shoulder... Or, a slight view of the back of my hair.
Tehehe.... that would be quite a sight. People would be overwhelmed, lol. XD Though something tells me they'd be entertained as well. >.<
Time to change the hair!
Don't want to be so drab and outta style!

Boom! Guess who just got struck by the sexy bus?
(Before - After)
Notte still looks nice. Missed you love, I should text you randomly some time, if the number I have is still good...

Nihilistic_Impact said:
Notte still looks nice. Missed you love, I should text you randomly some time, if the number I have is still good...


Yep, number is still the same, or should be, I haven't changed it in forever.

Yay! I missed all of you.

Loves and thanks.
Look at how big he has gotten! I didn't know his teeth started coming in, so adorable. And you look beautiful as always.
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