Post Your Face!

I see your guyliner and raise you my face just before watching/playing the demo for Duke Nukem Forever

Face may have been subject to change after demo =P

      • That's hilarious, I was just about to comment on the Duke Nukem
        similarity and that ends up being the purpose behind the entire
        photo ... eheheh !

I see your Duke Nukem likeness and raise you one douchey-looking facebook mirror cell phone pic


Plus! A zombification photo

I'm kinda new but uhm; just incase you see me around and wonder;

and AkumaTsuki I have the same goggles except my lenses are baby blue with a cross hair with a heart in the middle on them.​
Late, I know, but might as well...


Yes, I read A LOT. And the reason I got me-self a Kindle.
What's with the flood of fucking gorgeous peoples? I mean really? It's like this site is just a magnate to man pretty men and delectable womans... it's...just not fair. >.<

AkumaTsuki, may I ask where you got your gas mask. I've been looking for a good one for the next con I'm going to. But I can't seem to hunt one down that I wants.
x3 There were a couple clubs last night in downtown Dayton having foam parties. I was at the Goth one. The other one was at the gay club. :3

      • ... I probably would have went to the gay one.
        I'm always at gay bars. And I'm not gay. But they
        serve the best drinks, have the best music and best
        patrons. I love when the drag queens are there,
        they're so lovely.

This thread does not have enough boobs. I humbly request more.

I also like your piercings Zombie, they look good on you. I cannot look at your picture for long, though, as it gives me severely ungentlemanly thoughts.

Aku pictures are rare. I wish they were not so rare. For the longest time I just shrugged and imagined her as her avatar. Also, your pictures have done nothing to shake the image I have that you feed on small children.

And Shovel's a sharp lookin' dude. Looks like a fun party. Also, yay for the tables. Are you any good at 'em?
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