Post Your Face!

Well I went through boot camp of course. I qualified sharpshooter with a 9mm. I'll receive combat training if I go into the field, and I still have to know my basic navy stuff.

But I'm in six months of training as a mass communications specialist. Photography, video, journalism, print and graphics.

I felt random while on a road trip. I decided to fuck up the picture.
Actually trying to pull a Back to the future...but then I realized...I was in a honda, not a DeLorean.
Hero said:
It's not a true DeLorean unless it has a FLUX CAPACITOR!

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Problem solved.
Yesterday, my son busted up my lip by hitting me in the face with a toy. The swelling has gone down, thankfully. But here's this morning's result of his lovely.... erm.... actions. T_T

An inside view.

An outside view (thank god the swelling went down!).

Me, pouting because damn... it HURTS!

Me, just regular... and grateful the swelling has gone down.

Kids!!! Gotta love 'em, but man...... they can sometimes pack a punch! DX
d'awwwwww -huggles you lots and snuggles-
no worry DA, it will be all better soon -gives a little kiss on your forhead and huggles some more-
H a r r i e t said:
That just means your song wont be a pushover like Dameon when he gets older! 8D

Yeah, I'm a push over because I don't hit girls.

Seriously, you're lucky you don't have a penis. am I, but for different reasons.
Dameon said:
H a r r i e t said:
That just means your song wont be a pushover like Dameon when he gets older! 8D

Yeah, I'm a push over because I don't hit girls.

Seriously, you're lucky you don't have a penis. am I, but for different reasons.

You know, I don't hit girls either* and no one's ever called me a pushover. I think there must be something more to it.

EDIT: * unless I'm asked to.
Thanks, Red! *hugs*

Silly Harri is silly... making me lol and all that.

Just so people know...... my son didn't hit me on purpose. Not even remotely. He's 2 yrs old. He was playing with a toy and started swinging it around, not realizing what he was doing. Then..... SLAP! Poor kid had no idea why I was crying and bleeding. He just stopped and came over to me saying.... 'Mommy. Mommy. Mommy.' And proceeded to give me kisses. It was an accident committed by a 2 yr old kid.
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