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Post Your Face!

Ahahaha, oh right, you were the bitch that fled to gaia to slander me after trying to evade me three times and failing miserably.

Oh, and by 'a few months shy of 18' you mean over a year, right? I was wondering why I remembered you being 16.

Your attitude's not gonna do you any favors here. Nevertheless, welcome back to BMR. Have a good time, and please try to lighten up.
From the PM I just sent to Trinket. She is indeed 18 - Barely. I think she'll make a wonderful addition to our site, though - Especially PVP, if she keeps this up.
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Not a photo and I'm not in it, but that's one of my cats.
Did I mention my video is of my cat using it's tail as a pacifier?

And it was on icanhascheezburger? 'cause that totally means it's awesome. >_>

Also, what is this skittles thing we're speaking of.
Dameon said:
Do we have a forum specific chat or something?
Word. But the actual site one is down atm (toggled with the black/gray triangle in the upper right yada yada), so we're using chatzy. There's a stickied thread at the top of General Discussion.
Seraph Nicholas said:
Ahahaha, oh right, you were the bitch that fled to gaia to slander me after trying to evade me three times and failing miserably.

Oh, and by 'a few months shy of 18' you mean over a year, right? I was wondering why I remembered you being 16.

Your attitude's not gonna do you any favors here. Nevertheless, welcome back to BMR. Have a good time, and please try to lighten up.
From the PM I just sent to Trinket. She is indeed 18 - Barely. I think she'll make a wonderful addition to our site, though - Especially PVP, if she keeps this up.
No. I was 17 going on 18.

And I'm not tying to be mean, I'm trying to avoid confrontation and I'm failing quit nicely at it apparently. And I did not slander you Mishta. I didn't even argue with you. You hunted me down and dismembered my soul in my Rp thread. Albeit I deserved it but I did not try to slander you. That, my friend is a bit of a stretch.
Buddha > chinese rabbit >.>

Did you take that photo at school or something? The only reason I ask is because I noticed the weird ceiling trim. I never see those other then in like...really old people's houses or schools.
Dameon said:
Did you take that photo at school or something? The only reason I ask is because I noticed the weird ceiling trim. I never see those other then in like...really old people's houses or schools.
i'm at work. its an all console gaming center

-noms DA-
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