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Post Your Face!

All gussied up for AnimeNEXT :3

But I'm not gonna show the rest of the outfit till later. until then, YOU ONLY GET STRAPS, HURR!

Sorry, I'm really hyper right now. Running on less sleep than I should and mango juice.


Oh yeah, Black and white. I'm so cool.... *eye rolls at self*

Also, no work this weekend!!!
O.O The glory of fapping? –hands Panda a napkin-

It’s been almost a week since the beach though, so now I have dirt-tanned skin and white tan-lines T_T –just can’t win-

Oh well~ saw this cute dress that goes to my knees o3o Bought the hat, but I’m not sure if I should go back and buy the dress and belt.


      • Thank you, sir ~

        Man, it was super hot here today. I had no choice.
        Or I would have completely MELTEDDD.


LOOK how smexy I am in this shit ;D so hot... cept for the punch in the chest...
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