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darkangel76 said:
nommable mandii is nommable!

X3 thanks DA~

xMILENKOx said:
Mandii! :mrgreen:
XD Yeeeesss?

Anansi said:
Mandi you look fine, who cares about weight. I spent all day in Jersey yest and didn't see anyone I didn't know who could relate to your looks.

>/////< Thanks~

Hero said:
Good gracious and wowsers, those certainly are some chesticles.

It makes bathing suit shopping very difficult. XD;

MarxistPanda said:
I like how you make this out to be my idea! Smexy though.

Haha thanks~

All gussied up.
My and my dog, Henry <3 He's a Schnoodle.
XD I was trying to make kiss noises at him to get him to stay in the frame hehe!


While I do enjoy dogs, I just couldn't seem to keep my focus there. Is that fair skin and kissy face I see?
Hero said:
While I do enjoy dogs, I just couldn't seem to keep my focus there. Is that fair skin and kissy face I see?

XD Perhaps it is! Hero, I think you're one of my biggest fans lol
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