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Mine (ambiguouscaptain and miu_meowww)

"Kat I love you!!!"

He said he loves me.

he loves me???

He Loves Me!!!!!!

Charlie loves me.

Charlie loves me.

Charlie loves me.

Charlie loves me.

omigod omigod omigod!!!!!!!

"OH CHARLIE!!!!" I squeal, for all the world to hear
aw crap.

As soon as the words left my mouth I regretted them. I should have known I should have known I should have known...she'd overreact. She'd take it the wrong way. And watching her face light, not just light up: burst into a supernova...I was right.

She squeals, she sings my name. She reaches down, grabs my head in her two hands and pulls me in for a - WHOAH!!!

There are kisses and then there's this.


I can feel it, behind her lips, behind her kiss - this EXPLOSION of emotion and excitement that's just filling her, threatening to erupt, to shatter her, me...the whole building. Just blow us all to Kingdom Come. Oh god oh god Oh god what...MMMPPH!!!...what am I going to do?????
"OHMIGOD Charleeee you LOVE me!!!" I exclaim, having to break our kiss to let some of this EXCITEMENT out. I'm holding his head between my hands, staring deep into his eyes - deep into the eyes of the man who loves me! - and haha he looks a little freaked out. BUT IM SO EXCITED!!!

"I've waited so long for this, Charlie!" I say, heart racing, searching his eyes, wanting suddenly to just eat him. I'm trying to control myse- ah stopp kidding yrself Kat no yr not haha! "So. Long!!! And finally - you LOVE me!! I am going to make you SO HAPPY!!"

I hold his face for a long moment and stare into his eyes, which are wide and haha almost like a scared bunny's. "Oh Charlie!!!"

Heart still racing, I let his head fall back and I hastily start to undo the button of my pants...
Oh god, oh jesus christ. This is bad. This is really bad. I should not not not have said that, said something I really didn't mean. I should have know that this girl would flip out like this, that she would have taken that casual little aside as something much, much more serious. Kat has been waiting for a guy, someone, anyone to say "I love you" to her all her life. Specifically, she's been waiting for me.

And - moron that I am - I said it.

And of course I didn't mean it.

But now that I've said it she wants to fuck me.

I can't let this happen....

...can I?


”K-Kat, w-w-wait...what are you doing?” I say, reaching my hands up to stop her from unfastening her pants, "Stop..."

At that she looks back at me, eyes still wide, wild. Face fixed in a grin but a shadow of a question passes over it.

“Hey, I, uhhhh...I know wh-what I said..." I begin, as caustiously as I can, and her smile begins to fall, a fraction of a fraction, "...but, uh, like....what I meant was..."

Her smile falls more, and the eyes narrow. Late afternoon shadows creep from the corners of the room and begin to darken her face. Oh shit. Kat is a very...emotional person. I know that. Passionate. Quick to anger...

...and she's a lot bigger than me.

"...What I m-meant was that I..." I say, trying to sound positive and chipper but hearing myself backpedaling - and seeing that she hears it too, " I love some of the, uh....things that you do. Like, the things you do for me." Oh my god this is bad. "Like...the tickets...”

itz those grreeedy lil fingers that take evrythin good away from me a cold grip aroun my heart an now theyre blotting out the sun i just saw come over my horizon. I start to feel my pulse in my temples.

“The tickets???" I answer, at first able to keep my voice in check but then feeling the grrrrrrowl of anger surging into my throat, "You love THE TICKETS?!?!!!!"
“N-n-no..!" I stammer, starting - I can't help it, I'm not used to conflict - to panic in my defense, "well, y-yes...the tickets a-are gr-great..." I can see it in her, as she sits atop me - the anger, brewing, threatening to boil over or to cause the pot to blow. She's set her shoulders, her overdeveloped chest has started to heave with quick, impassioned breaths. Storm clouds brew turbulently across her temples.

“But WHAT?!?" I screeeam, the outrage finally fuming from me, face burning, "What do you love?!?" My gaze blazes into his and he struggles to keep it. He's starting to shake, sinking down into his pillows, but I barely notice.

"What do you love?? You love THESE?!?” I ask furiously, suddenly dropping forward, my hands landing on either side of him on the headboard, my breasts looming over his face, ”You love me for my BRA SIZE?!?”
My eyes goggle as suddenly any view of her is eclipsed by her enormous breasts, looming menacingly over me, inches away from my twitching face. She has me cornered on my own bed, she's so angry; I feel her fury blasting like a heat from a furnace.

”You love me for my BRA SIZE?!?

That makes me cringe. I realize that I'm starting, for the first time in more than a year, to feel a hint of actual fear. Fear of this overgrown, overdeveloped, unstable girl physically hurting me. She's threatened to hurt me in the past - but here she is, nearly a foot taller than she was and now probably fifty pounds heavier than me...maybe more. The threat is viscerally palpable, intimately imminent.

"p-p-please, Kat, d-don't..." I plead, eyes wide and fixed on her heaving chest, which swells mighty with each breath.

I know I have to try to calm her down, but faced with this - an overpowering wall of bosom, the black and white stripes of her top stretched tautly over huge breasts, eclipsing my vision - I don't have the presence of mind to even start to try...
'Don’t'?!?" I say, hearing him whimper, "Don't WHAT?? Don't smother you right here, you little shit?" omigod I am so mad!!! and I can feel him trembling underneath me.

"I totally should!"

suddenly images of it blaze into my mind - mental pictures of me dropping onto his face and smothering the shit out of him, his skinny body writhing under mine, trying to escape until he can't move anymore, until I've suffocated him. omigodd I can feel what it would be like, and I have an urge, almost a craving, to do just thattt...

But i've been here before...I know Im spposed to control myself, not supposed to let the rage burn hotter. ive done things Ive hurt people when ive been like this before...

i feel a sadness creep into me. "For all the things I do for you," I say, still hearing the anger in my words,
"why don’t you LOVE me???”
Smother me????

Oh my god this is...christ. I...I've...yes. I've imagined moments like this, fantasized about them, jerked off to them. I stare into her tits and can imagine what it would be like. And I...I just...

"For all the things I do for you...why don’t you LOVE me???”

At that I scoot back, pushing myself up just a bit inching out a fraction from under her. I hear that in her voice, that break. Maybe I can reason with her? I'm worried - my own blood is running fast, too.

“Kat, p-please..." I say, through the adrenaline, "L-L-Love is a b-big step. I...uh, w-w-we...have to be careful...."

I'm trying, trying to look up into her face, craning my neck as much as I can but still she blocks me with her imposing bosom. I can still feel the resentment and rage, but at least she's letting me talk.

"Love involves trust...." I continue...
"Trust??" I snap, pushing my big breasts closer to his face, making him retreat back the fraction that he can, "Don't you TRUST that I can take care of you??"

I can feel the edge coming off my temper, letting me think a little more clearly...I'm still pissed, I just want to hear what he has to say...
"N-no...That's...that's not it..." I answer. How am I going to get out of this?? I've got to try to explain myself...

"r-remember what it was like, last year?" I say, hoping maybe that she's level-headed enough to see where I am with all this. To see how I might be having trouble falling in love with someone who'd invaded my privacy, who'd made me fear for my safety. Someone who's an immature, irrational nutj- ...uh, maybe I'll leave that part out.

"can y-you see, Kat, how It might, uh, take some time for me?" I continue, not getting a sense yet how she's taking this...all I can see of her, really, is boob, "After last year, after all you've done-"
"Why??" I retortt, "What had I 'done', last year??"

I'm not even really trying to hard to look at him down therre.

"I seem to remember sucking your dick a lot...last year," I continue, ice starting to replace the fire in my voice, "Is that it? Is that what I'd 'done'??? Because you seemed to like it at the time..."
Oh my god does this girl have no memory? No recollection at all of the heaping piles of crazy she dumped on me last year?? How deep-end psycho she got? I feel my blood still running too quick, my defensiveness bristling, and should probably stop talking..but my tongue's running faster than my brain. It's all spilling out too quick

"K-Kat...c'mon," I start, inching up and back a little more, trying to escape the gravity of her still-heaving bosoms, "You've stalked me. You've...stolen my mail. Vandalized my apartment, my car. You've...threatened to hurt me..."

I still can't see her eyes, but decide to continue anyway...for better or worse...

"...You're crazy if you think I'll fall in love with you after all that..."

<a pin drops...>
The next thing I know, her face is in mine, suddenly scant inches away. I flinch, gasping in surprise. Her green eyes bore into mine with an intensity I've never seen and I can't help it...I cower...

"You're crazy if you think I'll fall in love with you..."



Suddenly my mind is a hot turmoil. A turmoil of memories of father, mother, lovers, teachers and doctors. Memories of homes and schools and hospitals. Therapies and medications. Behind bars and strapped to tables, fists and knives.

But mostly it's blood.

I look him in the eyes, and somehow my voice is placid:

"Charles, dear...don't ever call me crazy."
"Charles, dear...don't ever call me crazy."


To this point, Kat's temper had been fiery, aflame. There was a hot fury coming from her from which I recoiled, which had driven me back like the heat from a blast furnace. But in her voice, with these words - this is a different kind of anger. It's like a switch had been flipped. This is a voice I don't recognize in her. It seems to come from a person I don't even know. In this voice, the anger is different....instead of a flame, it's a chill.

I liked the other one better.

"K-K-Kat, no...I d-d-didn't mean t-"

But in a flash, in an instant, she's gone. She's up off of me, off of the bed, and storming out of the room.

"N-No, Kat...c-come back..." I call, my shaky, uncertain voice following her out the door.

I hear her down the hall, walking through the place for a few moments, and then - I feel it, eerily, like a thunderclap in my soul - <SLAM>. The front door closes, probably behind her.

She's gone.


Whoah. That was intense.

The episode makes me sit there, quietly, unmoving, for a good few minutes. I need to collect myself, and run through this again. Somehow that turned from a nice playful moment where she was so proud of the tickets to the convention to...this. I blame myself, for my offhand comment. It was me foolishly saying "I love you" and then the disappointment that followed when I backpedaled that set her off. And then I saw the side of her that I hadn't seen since I needed to break things off with her last year. The side that's prone to do irrational things. She's pissed...really pissed, that I couldn't say I loved her.

And she's crazy, I realize that again.

Despite the last couple weeks with her, where she's been acting at least relatively sane, she's obviously still the same person who stalked me last year. The same unstable girl who very well may be prone to violence. If anything, this episode has shown me something, proved something to me…that I have to start getting out of this. Quickly. For both our goods.

But mostly mine.

And so I resolve myself to that, laying there, disheveled. I'm just couple days away from being able to get out of this bed, walk on my ankle again. Then I'll be more independent. I can start my job search again. I don't need her in my life; she's unhealthy for me.

But why does this place suddenly feel so empty?

I think more on this later. In the meantime, I pick up one of the graphic novels she had bought for me and start thumbing through it. That'll occupy me, right? I'm able to read for, I don't know, half an hour? But then I get bored. I pick up another. Same thing. I pick up my phone…battery's still dead. I've got to do something about that.

Wow this place is cold. And the darkness that's starting to settle as the sun goes down - it's much heavier than I remember. The light from my bed lamp does a little to chase the weight of the shadows. Is this the absence of Kat that I feel? No, that's ridiculous. My feelings for her aren't that strong. I can do just fine without her. But if I hadn't screwed things up, said too much, she'd still be here, and she'd said she'd take her top off...

On a lark, looking for something to do, another distraction - that boob could be settled down onto my face right now - I open up the drawer of my side table. More books, lots of loose change. No charger for my phone but - aha!

My drawing tablet!


Note to our readers: I am going to be having to take a little while off, but Joshua67 has agreed to pick up the character of Charlie until my return so the thread can continue in my absence. Thanks to him!![/u]

Screaming like a fucking banshee sometimes makes me feel bettr but not right fucking nowww. i'm just glad i held myself together while gathering my thingz from his place i dont' even remember what i took


Neither does pounding on the fucking steering wheel or - oops i bent it. Still drivable? Yes. Fucking car was getting too small for me anyway.

"WHY DOESN"T HE LOVE ME?????" I yell, blood about to spurt out of my eyeballlls, windows of the car threatening to shatter.

Because you're a crazy person.

"I'm...Not...CRAZY!!!!" I shriek, hitting the steering wheel again and trying to keep my eyes on the road as they go in and out of focus as i hurtle down the darkening streets at too-many miles an hour.

I'll get him to love me...I think darkly to way or another.

Just fuck his brains out break his bones you'll melt his mind and he'll be ours.

"NOT IF HE DOESN'T LOVE ME!!!" I scream, "NO NO NO!!!"

Oh sweetie if he can't come to love you like that we have other ways of making him love us, making him need us. Look at your breasts...feel what's happening to them?

Smother him with them.

Oh, sweetie, yes....smother him with love. Make him need you. You can feel it happening already, can't you? How he's becoming dependent on you, on having you there? He needs you already...make him need you more.

Damn right ne needs you. He's getting so fucking horny that he can't go two minutes without being in your mouth.

No, sweetie. Make him need you in other ways know what I mean. Your body is changing, Kat. Growing for him. Make it his whole life, make it his whole world.

Or crush his head just take his l-

"SHUT UP!!!" I wail, "Shut Up Shut Up Shut UPPPPP!!!! ALL OF YOU!!!"

i'm crying, crying my eyes out and that's why I can't see when i almost hit that old man on the side of the road.

i've had to do this before, fight all these voices

We're not just voices Kat.

And you don't have to fight us, sweetie.

Yeah let's get stronger together.


i'm startin to calm down a little as i drive i can feel it this is starting to make sense i'm starting to gett an idea of what i havta dooo

That right sweetie, good. That will work. He'll see.

Let's see where this takes us.

God, gonna get so big.

I drive the rest of the way home with a smile on my face.

yeah thatll work great haha.
< Thanks to Ben Robertson and miu meowww for letting me pick up Charlie's character until Ben's return! >


I open my usual drawing application and start to doodle. Maybe this will get my mind off things.

I've always liked drawing, ever since I was a kid. In fact, back then I even wanted to be an animator when I grew up. But not wanting to worry about my finances, I eventually decided to make the "smart choice" and became a lawyer.
Gee, look how well that's working out for me now...

At first I start doodling hands, figures, and superheroes from my graphic novels..


But then... my mind starts drifting...

I start to draw pictures of women, their bodies. They're starting to become more sexual in nature... Hips, breasts, legs...


Wh-why am I so turned on?? I shouldn't be this aroused again...

I try to shake it off, but...


...still, I find myself drawing these impossibly curvy women.


I need to jerk off.

That's gotta be it. This sense of dread... It's not b-because of Kat, there's no way, right? My body just needs to release some tension. And drawing these pictures is only serving to turn me on more...

Even back then, drawing women's bodies was always a turn on, and shamefully, I admit, it was something I frequently used to jerk off to.

In fact, even now, I start to rub myself. To ease the pain. Anything to get out of this cold emptiness I feel.

Shouldn't be long now...


...what the..?

nnggh... it's not w-working...
....what's going on??
back at my place:

ok so somehow, unconsciously i guess haha, i had grabbed all the right stuff on my way out of his place: the little fabric doll, the new clumps of his hair, the blood sample i’d taken when he was sleeping. Because i know i’ll need them for all this, for what i have to do to strengthen this spell like all the girls at work suggested i do long ago. I'm so pissed he's making me do this, but it has to be done.

I know i have to use the doll, and these candles i have already lit on the desk i have set up in my extra bedroom and use as the little shrine. They smell really bad but i do like the herbs, the lavender and sage and cloves...and this weird lichen. I’m gonna have to mash them all up into a paste with some of that blood sometime soon so eww. There are a few passages from this manual i’ll need to read - my russian is haha so bad but it’s gotten me by so far. But the whole process is kinda confusing so i need instructions i have a text in to one of the main of the scientists. Hopefully she’ll get back to me with a .pdf

Oh! Speak of the devil! There it is!


N-no... not this again.

I can't seem to come... it's like before, when she was at the gym, sending me pictures... it's happening again... and it's keeping me aroused, blanketing me with a cloud of lust.

No! I've got to get a hold of myself. I'm not some horny teenager for crying out loud. I'm Charles Hogan, esteemed attorney! Or at least, I was...

bbut... I notice as I draw these pictures of a girl hugging a smaller, weaker man...


...that her figure is a l-lot like Kat's.

Wait... is... is that what I've been doing this whole time? Have I been using these drawings as a stand-in for Kat? B-because they're the only thing I have to keep me company..?

I can't actually want her here... I mean, the girl is unhinged! She's definitely not ready for a relationship, that's for sure... she was really angry... I've got to try to break it off with her, as soon as I can walk again.

B-but... for some reason I can't help but miss her presence. No, it feels like I need her here with me. It's like my body craves her.

But all I have are my sketches.

I'm still rock hard, and my thoughts are of nothing but Kat and her body. If I could just come, I'd forget all about this nonsense... That must be it. It's just my nerves. I'm still coming down from the shock of her big outburst, that's all. That has to be it, right?

I start to masturbate again.

<fap fap fap>


<fap fap fap fap>


UGH! What... hngh... gives?

I stroke and jerk, but it's only getting me more and more worked up.

W-Why is this still happening to me???
OK, I know this is weird but bear w me guys

I'm in my extra bedroom the lights are all off. It's so late, pitch black aside from the few candles I have lit. i'm not spposed to have any electronics w me but my phone doesn't really count does it? The smoke from all the herbs and blood along with a funny smell clouds the room. I'm feeling kinda silly kneeling on the floor with a circle of chalk drawn on the hardwood around me and the little gray voodoo doll. weird right?

But since I've been reading passages aloud from this old book for the past couple hours, i've been feeling energy start to coalesce around me. I have to go back every once a while to read the .pdf file they sent me on my phone to make sure I'm doing everything right haha. I don't want to make a mistake and summon some old Russian she-devil or make it rain indoors or whatever else they warned me about.

But yeah this is where it starts to get really weird, if I remember. First time i did this, however many months ago it was, i was in a room with three other women. Now I'm here by myself, and I'm a little freaked out. I have to remind myself why i’m doing this. i have to make him love me, and I'm worried the spell wasn't strong enough before. Or, it's just taking too fucking long an i dont have the patience haha. But either way after tonight, when I'm done here, things are going to be different…

"O bogini i materi! Privyazhi yego ko mne, ne pozvolyay drugomu. Sdelay mne vse, chto on kogda-libo khotel, zhelal. Sdelayte menya voploshcheniyem yego fantaziy. Sdelay mne vse, chto yemu nuzhno!"

so weird.
Davay Katya ! :D

Я не могу ждать, чтобы продолжить.
Каждый день я проверяю несколько раз.

Я не русский.
Я просто выучил русский язык до времени. :D

Can't waaaaiiiit !
This is probably the best moment so far !
P.S. feel free to delete my comment if you don't want to see it in the story.

<fap fap fap fap fap>


I've been rubbing my cock raw, for nearly an hour, trying to reach orgasm.

I'm so, so, sooo painfully close, but it JUST. WONT. HAPPEN.

The last time this happened, I was finally able to come once Kat came back... and then it felt so easy, so nice.

In my frustration, desperately wanting this feeling of lonely desolation to go away, I start drawing again. Giantesses. Girls with outrageous curves. Girls so tall they're bigger than buildings. And as I draw a giant girl, walking through the city...

RrOiwOD.png's then, I realize shamefully, that I want this to be Kat. I want her to be huge, b-bigger than me. I wwant her to t-tower over me...

Lost in the fog of my arousal, I keep stroking my hard cock, hoping in vain to get some relief.

If I hadn't opened my b-big mouth... she could be here with me.... w-with her top off... her m-massive breasts in my face...

I look at the drawing I just made, and I imagine it is Kat, towering over me in this city, bringing her right hand up to her mouth and giggling to herself....

And then, suddenly, I feel something.


All of a sudden, I start to feel tingly. Like my bones are being massaged from the very core. It feels as if Kat's aroma has wafted into the room, and I'm hit with a wave of relaxation that fills the air, wrapping around me like a blanket. It's making me dizzzy, sending me into a stupor.

Wha...? Whatzz going onn?

Suddenly it feels like Kat's next to me, like I can feel her presence... and I can almost feel invisible hands around me, Kat's hands. They start to surround me, spreading all over my body... They're enveloping me in comfort, and I start to lose myself in their embrace.


I'm about to come.

In this moment, Kat's all around me, her hands jerking me off, petting me tenderly, rubbing my body... It feels incredible. Mind-numbing. Ethereal. I c-can'tt take it anymore.


Pushed to the brink, I come.

Wave after wave of pleasure courses through my veins as I unleash my seed. Semen is flying everywhere, and my hips are bucking wildly out of control.


It feels like every fiber of my soul is being taken from me through my cock... The only thing my mind can process is this insane, carnal pleasure I'm feeling right now... My ejaculation seems neverending... H-how is this even possible??!

When it's over, a wave of dizziness washes over me. I see stars, like little fairies, dancing in the corners of my eyes...

As I fall to the bed, I am consumed with an exhaustion the likes of which I have never felt... I collapse, my tablet and pen dropping onto the bed beside me.


I can feel my consciousness leaving me as exhaustion takes hold... my vision slowly ebbing away, until...

...I'm out.
ok I admit it I'm a mess.

Here I am, sitting on the beach under a quarter moon all by myself, huddled with my knees hugged close, rocking. I don't feel the cold, the chill in the October breeze off the water, but I'm shivering. Looking down at my clothes I laugh at myself; I look like i've been through a tiger attack but I know ripped them with my own nails. I scratched up my legs and arms too but wow look how fast it's healing. I may have also torn out some of my hair, which I'm sure is a fright.

It was sooo much worse this second time, the spell. I don't remember half of what went on in there after the smoke started to speak to me but I do know I felt like parts of me were being ripped out, remade, and put back in again. I'm missing something I once had but now I've got something more. I also remember the images of him, laying on his bed, trying desperately to jerk off as he was writing or drawing something, and then images of him being wracked by the spell, by those invisible hands I felt on me too, and suddenly they were MY hands, all over him, many of them, bringing him to violent climax. Like the hands of all these voices in my head. I remember that from the initial spell, making him come from miles away...freaky.

Sitting on the dune I shake my hair out, sand and ashes. And I smile. It was scary. It hurt. And my apartments probably a mess haha. But it was worth it. “I'm gonna be his dream girl,” I say, aloud, in my own voice to the empty beach.

“no...we're gonna be his dream girl” they all answer...
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