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A Different Turn to Make (Alvis and Malice)

Esther outright laughed because she knew her best friend well enough to know that was really effing true. “It’s okay Jaime, we like you not having your insides on your outsides.” She quipped back, just as playfully. The conversation took a turning point though. Sure, she knew Harrison’s reputation and it wasn’t the most savory but it didn’t stop him from being a savory piece of hunka-hunka-burning-loins. But considering the circumstances of her involvement of one Harrison Trenton, it got her worried that now her friends, her favorite people ever, might think differently of her now. She would too...if she didn’t like it so much what he did to her.

The way Jaime answered, she was either really tired or just slow in general to the level of sarcasm he displayed because her jaw did drop like she actually believed him. But of course, it sunk in and she picked her jaw right back up and shook her head. “No, of course not. Well...maybe Mallory, but we love her.” She laughed a little. The way he put it had her turning a little red and she wanted to shrink. She didn’t even think of it that way. She forgot that Harrison was desired by more than half the female population at school. And he was doing her. “Right yeah…” She blinked her eyes. “No, I mean of course I know that. I just...the way you asked--and I wasn’t--” She shook her head, not about to get into a rambling fit. “I’m having fun. I’m a teen and I enjoy having no commitments. Especially after everything with Chad. Speaking of which, do you guys know where he went off to the night of the party? I haven’t gotten a chance to talk to Mallory, but maybe you know something?”


Ah, football jocks. They were as despicable as she thought they were. Kind of giving a bad name to all jocks in her mind at least. Because of the way they noticed her, all of them stopping one by one to take her in. She had to refrain from rolling her eyes at the very thought going through their heads. Just by the way she was dressed. “Maybe I am in the right place after all. If I’m dressed like this, I surely must be looking for attention.” Abby moved closer to the captain, but her gaze was caught by a few others. She recognized them from the track team. “But not by you.” She tapped the captain’s cheek and pushed her way through the throng of guys like they were meat to her and set her eyes on three in particular. “You three. I want you three.” She put her hands on her hips. “Question is, can you three handle me?”
Jaime snorted at Estehr's assertation about Mallory.
"If Mallory thought less of you, it'd be mostly out of jealousy than anything that Harrison didn't come knocking at her door." He observed. He nodded along as she admit that it was all about having some fun, and he knew that Esther was due for some fun times on her own terms. Or Harrison's terms, depending on how that was going to work out. None of his business really. "The way I asked Esther is becuase I'm curious. I like to know that my friends are doing well, and if you're having fun, then keep on rolling."

When she asked about Chad, he knew that he wasn't going to lie to her, but he might have to go with half truths.
"I've got some ideas, but I don't have any first hand confirmations yet. I want to be absolutely sure before I say anything, you know?" He admit to her. Even taht much was a stretch, and Jaime hated it. Esther was a good person, probably a better friend than he deserved in some ways, and she certainly deserved better than the treatment she'd gotten from Chad, but...He owed loyalties to more than just her, and he felt that it was far more up to those people to set thigns right or wrong. Now if only Abby could hold off for a little.

The football team all agve some faint hoots as she singleed out three fo the guys on the team. Abby might have pushed through them, but the team shifted their stance around, forming a ring around her and her chosen men. The three of them broke into grins.
"Sure as shit can. You wouldn't be the first chick to think they were up to the challenge of a couple of us at once girl. And she knew better what she was gettin' into." One of the track/football players asserted.
“Mm, you’re curious alright. You and Abby both.” She teased a little, but she had a smile on her face about it. She knew for a long while just how curious Abby was and if she wasn’t okay with it or used to it by now, she might not have stuck around. “Thanks though.” At the end of the day, she knew her friends were just looking out for her. She didn’t blame them. She was new to all this stuff in high school. Sometimes she wished she was still fat, it was certainly easier!

Unable to help in asking about Chad since he was brought up, Jaime’s answer was less than satisfactory and she frowned. “Yeah, I guess so.” She said with a touch of dramatics, rolling her eyes a little. “No, that’s good of you. I only want the whole truth and not the half truth or imagined truth.” She said softly and gave his shoulder a pat. “Thanks Jaime” She stood up though and sighed. “I should probably get home. Mom always makes a mean dinner after practice and I’m ravenous.” She laughed softly. Leaning down, she gave him a side hug and then bid him bye, heading down the bleachers. She first dropped off her equipment before making her way to the girl’s locker rooms.

Grabbing her things and deciding not to change because Harrison had half of her outfit, she took her phone out and saw a text from him. A stupid smile appeared on her face. He wanted to eat food with her? Well damn, wasn’t that nice?

“Whichever you’re more available for, I’m down with. For lunch, I’d probably wear jeans but for dinner, I’d be more inclined to wear another skirt.” So maybe she wanted to do dinner after all.


She noticed right away how the rest of the team didn’t disperse. They just hung around, circling her and her chosen three. This was very dangerous. But she had dirt on every single one of those players, half of which was good enough to get them kicked off the team, scholarships revoked or even suspended if not expelled. She loved being a reporter. She had more in her arsenal than might be expected. Abby knew better than to come into the lion’s den unprepared and unguarded.

Catching the grins on their faces, her eyebrows flew up and she stored that away in the back of her mind to revisit later. “Wow, impressive.” She wanted to gag. Who would do that to a girl, willing or not? “Maybe then you three can give me a fun time.” She stepped toward the middle one, sliding her hand up his chest slowly. “But I only want you three.” She looked back around her at the rest of the guys. “I don’t do audiences.” Looking back at the middle guy, she slid her hand up around his cheek. “Think you three might want to go find somewhere a lot more private? I’d hate to spill all my secrets and you guys suffer for it. The things I know after all…”
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Harrison heard his phone ping, adn he lifted it up, taking a look. Esther. He quirked a smile at her answer. He hesitated, thinking about possible answers he could send back. He had a reputation to uphold, so he answered the best way he could.
already going for another skirt? Wow, what I have started here?
He sent hat with a smile, and leaned back on his bed again, his back to the wall. He knew there was a bit of schoolwork he should probably do, but he just wasn't in the mood right now. Maybe later.

There were some conflicting emotions going around the team. No one wanted to cock-block a bro, but at the same time...there was a certain amount of pride on the line now. It had sounded a lot like Abby had just made a kind of oblique threat to the team, and that was hard to ignore. All of hte team was exchanging glances, except one, who stepped back, and just walked towards the showers, apparently now done with this whole situation. Probably one of the smart ones on the team.

"Guys? I think we should take this chick to the coaches office. If things don't go well with us three...suppose the rest of you can have what's left." The player that had spoken before form the track/football team said firmly. The rest of the team all cheered this on. The captain tossed the guy a key, adn he led the way through the team, unlocking hte coaches office. The coach himself was likely to be busy for the next few hours, starting with most of a case of beer. The office was fairly large, a standard issue heavy desk in place, with various trophies, showing the accomplishbments of hte coach as a player once upon a time, and then as a leader. There was a fairly open space in front of the desk, and two of hte players moved into that space as the last shut the door behind Abby. The lock cliked audibly.
Shutting the locker and making her way out, Esther began the small walk to the parking lot. She saw cars coming and going as parents were picking their kids up from various practices or older students who could drive legally left. She was waiting for her mom and one text from her let her know she was on the way, about five minutes. She didn’t mind waiting, although she did wish she had her flag pole back. It made for something hard to beat someone with if they tried anything.

Her phone buzzed and she looked at it again, a shy smile appearing on her face, more for what she was about to type back.
“Mm. I reckon it had something to do that with textbook...Really it’s all your fault.”


It was a gamble and thankfully one that paid off. She noticed the one that just separated himself from the entire pack. He seemingly had nothing to do with this which meant she didn’t have to pay him mind. The other three led her into the coach’s office after some vouching and if they only knew how easy this was going to be. But she couldn’t get cocky yet. The minute she did, this would all end and then she might actually be in a situation she didn’t want to be in. No story was worth the price of dignity and losing the only other thing she loved as passionately as her impending career. The ultimate guy.

Hearing the door lock behind her, Abby turned and made eyes with the guy standing at the door before facing forward, looking at the other two. She walked forward and slid her bag off her shoulder, letting it slide slightly under coach’s desk. The front tip of her shoe pressed on the side of her bag that was exposed and she felt the click of the tape recorder that didn’t make a sound because it was muffled. Turning, Abby perched herself on the desk and crossed a leg over the other. “Before we get started guys…” She pushed her hair over one shoulder and tilted her head. “I need you three to help me out with something. If you do, I’ll do anything you want. If you don’t...just be thankful if I keep my mouth shut.” She grinned. “Deal?”
Harrison smirked at the answer he got. Sure, his fault. That was probably true. DInner had appeal to it. He liked all the implications that came with it. But at the same time...all they'd done pretty much was bang endlessly. He'd read the work she handed in, adn that had been a reason that had brought his interest around. e should probably actually spend a little time gettign to know who she was beyond a good lay.
we'll do lunch. i know a place
He sent it, and tossed his phone aside. Sometimes you had to make a sacrifice in order to find a better option later.

There was that lingering threat again, the idea that she might talk to someone about something. Two of the three seemed discomforted by that concept, the last all but sneered at the very idea.
"Okay, let's play this game. What is it you want then? Hm? 'cause I don't think you're really being square with us three here, I think you're just being a fuckin' cock-tease and and veiled threats." He announced. The other two looked at him in bewilderment, seemign to be very surprised that he'd be willing ot risk what looked like a free-for-all with Abby.
Her eyebrow shot up reading his next text. For a second, Esther worried that he just didn’t want to take her out for lunch. The more she thought about it, the less upset she was about lunch. Lunch was during the day, probably on a weekend. Her mom was home on weekends which meant they could actually do more than a quick lay. Unless he was trying to tell her he was into public places, in which case Esther had no idea how she felt about that. What if they got caught? A shiver ran up her spine, the good kind. That was kind of hot. Oh no, what if they got arrested?! And her libido just took a nosedive from that thought!

Naturally of course, once the chattering monkeys began, it was hard to quiet them. So she focused her analytical mind elsewhere. Like what kind of dress code.

Lunch would be great. Just let me know when. I’m free on the weekend. Unless you meant lunch at school. But if you didn’t mean lunch at school, what should I wear? Nice? Casual? Nice-casual? I’m assuming PJ’s are out.

She pressed send before her mind then went into overdrive, scrutinizing her own text to him. “You’re such a loser.” She mumbled to herself because she couldn’t take that neurotic text back.

A honk sounded and Esther jumped a little, looking up to see her mom waiting. Tucking her phone into her purse quickly, she made her way over and got inside.

“So how was your day?”

“You wouldn’t believe me even if I told you.” Which she wasn’t going to do. Not even a fragment of the truth.


Her eyebrows rose and her lips twitched with amusement but she hid it well. Rather, suppressed it. “Believe me, they’re not veiled threats. They’re pretty unveiled because I know things. I know a lot of things. And you three especially know what I’m talking about.” She smiled sweetly. “But what I want is to know about Chad. You guys know Chad, right?” She tilted her head. “Heard he and Esther called it quits.” No need to tell them she had a direct confirmation. “But I also heard that he had a little side treat, if you know what I mean. You know what I mean.” She lifted her chin. “Who was he with?” All the while her right hand was up and her fingers pinched the zipper of her crop top, slowly dragging it down to expose more cleavage, but not unzipping it all the way.
Harrison lifted his phone up, quirking a smile at Esther's response. There was only one real answer he could offer.
*you can show up buck ass nude if you like. There's a great nudist colony not far from here with a good bbq joint*

It wasn't subtle, but it was a fun answer. Esther was a lot of fuin in a lot of ways, but teasing her, whether he was about to pounce on her or not, always seemed to make him smile. That was something he was going to have to consider at some point. It was a telling trait to have, and he wasn't stupid. But right now it was easier to just....let it go. Just doing what seemed like fun at the time was serving him well enough.


Two of the guys drew in a breath as Abby started to unzip. They were all but panting, and one of them was opening his mouth to answer when the last of them spoke up.
"Gonna have to be more specific than that. He's had a lot of side pieces going around over the years." He answered, standing up off of hte desk, and starting to stride forward towards Abby. His pace wasn't hurried, and it had some confidence. Chad might have been the 'Big Shot' ont he track team, but if anyone was going to take that place from him, it was probably this guy. Jake Townsend.
She started chatting on the drive home with her mom. They were caught in some slight traffic but nothing like the real traffic when school just let out. Esther felt her phone buzz even in her purse and she fished it out while her mom told her about a funny couple in the diner today.

Opening up her texts, she read Harrison’s message and her cheeks flamed. Talk about subtle. It took her a hot minute, trying to think up the best response she could give. Then she got it and a grin formed on her face.

I like sausage. I’d prefer yours grilled on the barbie ;)

Satisfied, she pressed send and set her phone down in her lap.

“What’s that grin for?”

“Hm?” She looked at her mom. “Oh...oh nothing.”

“A boy?” She teased. “Already?”

“, but it’s not like that, He’s just a friend?”

“You don’t seem so sure.”
“I don’t really know, to be honest.” She laughed.


Stopping the zipper right at the base, with just one more tug to go before her crop top was fully open and she was that much closer to flashing these horndogs, Abby paid no mind to the other two, even if they were eating out of the palm of her hands right now. Her eyes were straight forward, watching Jake Townsend like a hawk. She showed no fear as he began approaching her, although she did relax her posture some, lazily sliding the zipper half way up. Her head tilted to the side and she wasn’t surprised that Chad was a player. He had the reputation of one. Then again, what teenage boy, that was either feared or revered, wasn’t a player?

“About a month ago when Chad and Esther just got together. Who was he seeing on the side then?”
Harrison smirked at Esther's response. She was getting batter at being able to comfortably spar with him verbally, even if it was only over the texts. Progress! Enjoyable progress! What he knew about Esther for certain was that she'd struggled with self esteem for a long time, adn was only recently really starting to get herself into a better mindset. It was nice to see those moments rising to the surface.
*Something can be arranged, you've proved to have a good apetite, and swallow a load fast*

Over the line? Yeah, probably, but Harrison was famous for going over hte line. He'd crossed a lot of htem with Esther so far, and planned to probably cross a few more yet.


"Oh, the big one? That was-" one of them started, but Jake cuffed him in hte head.
"Shut up man. Are you really so fuckin' stupid as to not see what she's doing? You tell her, she zips up, promises to keep all of our 'dirty secrets' under wraps, and then saunters away. No, if she wants this info, which clearly matters to her..." He turned his gaze on Abby, vicious, cocky even. "...then we need to see some real goods from her, and we need 'em first."
There were many ways she could respond and a lot of them alluded to her prior overweight status. She’d rather not remind Harrison of that version of her, even if a lot of the time she still felt like the fat girl on the inside that no one wanted to give the time of day to. Whatever she sent him, it wouldn’t help the redness in her face. She might have a permanent blush at this point, Harrison Trenton was just that dangerously and sexily crass.

It shouldn’t be too surprising. I’m always hungry.


Her head snapped in the direction of one of them. What was his name? Austin? Drake? Vaughn? Bob…? He was about to tell her but stupid Jake stopped him. Resisting the urge to roll her eyes, Abby snorted. How desperate could they be? Were all teenage boys like this? Negotiating in the hopes of getting sex? It wasn’t even flattering at this point. There was nothing flattering about being that badly desired. It was just pathetic.

“You don’t control any part of this Jake. Step more toes over the line, I’ll walk away and you three will get nothing because of your desperate need to stay in control.” She taunted. Walking over, she pushed him back. “You shush. I’ll play with you in time. But just for that, you’re going to have to wait. Consider that your punishment.” She grinned, turning away from him and focusing all her attention on...seriously what was his name? Vaughn? Drake? Austin? Bob didn’t seem right…

Sliding her hands over his chest, she pushed him back against a near wall in Coach’s office and pressed her body against his. “Come on, you can tell me. And if you do, I’ll…” She paused and leaned up, her lips brushing against his ear as she whispered naughty sweet nothings to him of exactly what she’d do if he gave her the information she wanted.
*I don't know, I've seen you pretty filled up before. You seemed to be enjoying it a lot too*

Harrison knew he was going to have to stop this soon, else he'd wind up risking starting something. And that would have to come later, since he really shouldn't be out tear-assing around just to go and settle things with Esther. Again. In the same day. He was going to have to show at least a little bit of restraint. At least at this point. Maybe not as much later, but there were things going on that made him reluctant to leave the house.


Jake glowered as she pushed past him, having her look to overwhelm poor Alex with the sheer weight of promised sexuality, it looked like he might get off just from having her tell him what she planned. But while all eyes were on her and Alex, no one paid attention to Jake. He came up behind Abby and shoved ehr head forward. So close to Alex's ear her forehead bounced off the wall fromt he shove. Jake took that moment to grab ehr arms, adn shift, putting the much smaller girl into a full nelson, turning to show that he had her secured.

"She wants to fuckin' play, let's play. Gabe, get that shirt opened." Jake growled. The other boy leapt to obey the orders of someone clearly in more control than he was, and pulled the zipper on the front of Abby's shirt down, letting it fold outwards.
Not my fault that you feel so good, Harry. Also not my fault that it's so easy and fun to rile you up. I didn't know I had that in me.

They arrived home and she set her phone down to charge while she went to grab a shower before dinner. She needed to scrub off the sweat of the last three hours from practice and also evidence of her 'intraoffice' relations with Harrison.


All the stars are closer... Stars. That's what it looked like as she blinked her eyes rapidly. Or maybe just red spots. Trying to regain her equilibrium, Abby was too slow for the count and couldn't fend for herself; too disoriented. But the moment an arm came around her neck with impressive strength to hold her in place, adrenaline spiked and she started struggling. Her hands came to Jake's sides and she gripped, trying to utilize whatever leverage she could to get herself free.

Her body froze as hands came around her and unzipped her top completely and she had the stupid thought that not even still wearing her bra would be her saving grace. Push up bras were dangerous. They made everything all the more...alluring. Stupid! "Get off of me! What do you think you're going to do? Take me right here against my will? How stupid are all of you?!"
Harrison smiled. It had been a good round to say the least.
*Lunch on saturday, I'll pick you up. casual dress acceptable*
Once he;d sent it, he grinned to himself and tapped away again.
*slutty dress appreciated*

It was the simple things you treasured.


Jake tightened his nelson hold on Abby, forcing her shoulders tighter together, putting more strain on her arms, and actually forcing her chest to stick out more.
"I think you're in the office that's attached to a locker room full of guiys that wouldn't hesitate to jump in on this action, in an empty school with no one around to hear you. So keep in mind, the more noise you make the more...participants you might attract. Or are you that eager to be like your friend?" Jake hissed to her. "If so we can gladly accomodate you." Gabe moved back in, Jake shifting his stance to force a little space between Abby's back and his front. Gabe got the idea and reach back to unhook her bra, looking for a real unfettered view of what Abby was hiding.
After her shower, Esther walked into her room with a towel wrapped around her like a strapless dress, her long hair wet and tumbled messily down her back and over one shoulder after towel drying it. She checked her phone and was delighted to find she had two messages from him. Checking them both, her heart swelled a little in her chest with excitement and another blush covered her skin, flushed already from the hot shower.

I think I need to go shopping in Abby's closet then.


Her shoulders bunched together so tightly, her hands fell away from Jake's sides. Still, Abby was relentless in getting herself free but it was becoming increasingly difficult. Her efforts slowed down as Jake spoke but didn't cease altogether. Her mind went back to her tape recorder and she was relieved that they once again didn't know all of her tricks, but she was dismayed that she might not be able to get out of this.

Brought back into the moment, Abby focussed on something Jake said and froze altogether. "My friend?" She knew it couldn't be Esther. "Oh my god, Mallory..." It all made sense too, especially her current downward spiral. "What did you do--" She cut off when her bra was unlatched, now pushing harder from Jake to get free of his hold. "What did you do to her?" Being mindful not to be too loud. Although if her body could just handle Jaime, she was sure she could handle a whole group of pissants. Not that she really wanted to entertain that idea.
Harrison gave a snort of laughter at her assertation. He rememebred Abby clearly, the way she'd come at him over the project and the way she'd come across as being rather aggressive. He had little doubt that Esther might be able to find something that fit his description in her wardrobe. He hovered over a response. He'd been provocative, he'd been direct, but he had one last thing to try, one last side of himself to show her that she wouldn't see coming.
*Just show up with my favourite look for you. Remember to smile girl*


"ooo, look at that rack boys." Jake sneered. Gabe was right there to press his hands into Abby's breasts, squeezing them, and grinning. Jake dropped to his knees, the weight of him forcing Abby down to the same position, and he leaned forward to talk to her again.

"Didn't do nothin' to her that she wasn't askin' for." He hissed. "Now here's what's gonna happen. I'm gonna let you move a bit. And you're gonna suck Gabe's cock. And if anything goes wrong, I'm gonna throw you outside and let the team fuck you like a freight train in the showers. You get me?" As he spoke, Gabe perked up, working his pants down to let his cock swing out. The rough assault, the naked breasts, the promise of his own enjoyment was enough to get him hard and ready.
Her cheeks turned pretty red upon reading that text but she couldn’t help the way her lips turned up. The smile that graced her face was dazzling and brightened her. See how could he say things like that? He’ll start sending her the wrong kind of signal to let the wrong idea form in that hopeless romantic head of hers. But even so, Esther basked in it. Hard to believe such a thing came from Harrison Trenton.

Exiting out of her messages app, she pulled up her camera and made sure it was on selfie mode. Her hair was wet but it didn’t look bad and she still had a bit of a flush to her skin but maybe that was a good thing. Aiming a little low so the picture captured would also tease a bit with the hints of cleavage, Eshter smiled a beaming smile. She sent the picture to him and then set her phone down and away from her before she got self-conscious. Time to get changed.


On display for these pigs to see, touch and exploit. It’s humiliation to a whole other degree and all because she walked her stupid ass into this. How did she lose control? She had been commanding the moment. And these guys...ugh, they were going to pay! “This wasn’t part of the deal!” Her protest is weak but she was trying to grasp onto what she could. This was never going to be part of the deal to begin with. Her only saving grace was the tape recorder. Hopefully they didn’t discover it.

Even as Jake let her go after his firm warning, Abby felt her knees slide to the ground, allowing her up close and personal access to Gabe’s cock. She hesitated though, eyeing the door for a second and honestly trying to think if it would be worth it. Was three worse than a whole team? She felt hands on her again. If there had been any window of opportunity to run and risk it, it was gone now. She felt her torso be pushed forward and her mouth opened to receive the cock waiting for her. It was time to put her overactive imagination to use.
Harrison smiled as his phone pinged, a picture coming in. He cocked an eyebrow, wondering exactly what Esther might be doing, and if she was feeling more daring than he'd guessed. But when it came through, he just had to grin. The mroe he thought about it, he considered that he might actually appreciate things like what she sent more than the more...X rated pictures. This was something simple, but intimate, private, and he doubted there were many of these to go around for her. It was something she'd done just for him. And the smie on her face...just the sort of thign he'd been thinking of.

*That's the one. Looks gorgeous on you girl*

- - - - -

Gabe smiled as he saw his cock entering ABby's mouth, and he took his cue from Jake to put a hand on her head, and pull her face towards him. He wasn't going to stand for some kind of half assed attempt here, he was going to get exactly what he wanted from Abby, and she seemed to be ready to do it. Then again, the threat of getting ganged up on by the entire team likely had something to do with that.

"Come on, do him right, get some tongue in there! Let's see some action!" Jake goaded her, using his fingers to give her back a shove to try adn encourage her to take him deeper.
She didn’t come back to her phone until she was dried, head to toe, and dressed in her pajamas; a v-neck shirt and knit shorts. Her hair dry now, Esther tied it up into a messy bun and grabbed her phone before making her way downstairs to join her mom for dinner. On the way, she saw Harrison’s text and felt her heart soar. Get a grip, Esther. She seriously needed to.

“Thanks. I forgot what you look like. I think you need to refresh my memory.”


In her mind, she envisioned Jaime. In her mind, she envisioned her mouth was expanding a little wider than she was used to because he was so girthy, unlike this imposter. And when Gabe pulled her head toward him, forcing more of his length into her mouth, she imagined that Jaime’s hands were in her hair, coaxing her in French to take more. It was a nice little bubble to pretend she was in, allowing her to open her mouth some more and relax her throat, her tongue starting to rub along the foreign meat. And then Jake’s voice shattered it.

Her hands came up to Gabe’s legs and she started to push, trying to inch her head back against Jake pushing her forward. “You know if you want a girl to be into this, you might want to go about it in a completely different fashion, Jake, Not enough girls lining up to take your limp dick? I wonder why.” She haughtily spat, trying to give it one more shot. She wasn’t tenacious and resilient for nothing. Besides, he burst her fantasy.
Harrison smiled ather statement. There were a few ways he might do what she asked for, and he wanted to respond, it was fun. But he also wanted to do so in something that came close to being fairly classy. He nodded to himself, and found a stand for his phone so he could get a bit of distance so his shot would come through better. He moved back, and pulled his shirt off, tossing it aside, and standing tall, his arms held fairly close to his body, one hand in a thumbs up, and he flexed, putting hte extra tension and definition to his musclature. he heard the phone go off, and chekced the picture. He nodded. Perfect. He sent it to Esther without another word of text. After all, a picture was worth a thousand words.

- - - - -

Jake backhanded Abby in the side of the head, stepping closer to her, violence in his styance, when Gabe put a hand on his chest.
"Dude, chill. You beat her into the hospital, she's off the hook, and trust me, just from what I was getting, let her be into it." Gabe soothed.
"I don't give a shit if she's into it-" Jake staretd.
"I do man. Let her work. You can fight with ehr when it's your turn. Until then, I..." He reached down to right Abby, geting her back onto her knees. "...would liketo have her do whatever she has to so she can be at her best." He looked down at Abby, his memory racing as he tried to recall anything he knew about her. He remembered that she woudl talk in French sometimes if it suited her, and a lot of people didn't like it, sure she was shit-talking them. Gabe didn't care, and knew so very little of hte language, but he knew a few words.

"Sorry about that cherie. SHall we continue?" he asked, a smirk on his face, wondering if it'd help, or if he was just goign to have to turn it back over to Jake. He hoped not.
Esther sat at the dinner table with her mom after helping her set it. Tonight’s dinner was grilled chicken breast on a small bed of quinoa and a side salad. The food was delicious as Esther got a couple bites in before her phone buzzed. Her mom was updating her about some stuff and she was listening but multitasked, pulling up the messages. Her heart skipped a beat seeing the picture and she bit her lower lip.

“Esther?” Her mom asked, bringing her back to the moment. It prompted her to push her phone to her chest.


“Are you blushing?”

“Me? Blushing? What? No!” She dropped her phone in her lap to cover her cheeks.

“Come on, you’ve been so elusive about this new boy. I will admit, I’m surprised it’s so soon after Chad, but come on. Give me details.”

With a sigh, she picked up her fork, pushing her food about. “His name is Harrison Trenton. He’s a senior. And he’s…” She shrugged her shoulders. “Complicated but man, he’s so hot. He’s intimidating to a lot but then I think he has these rare moments when he’s so sweet, you’d never expect it of him.” She said softly.

“You really like him.”
“What? Me? No!” She covered her cheeks again, making her mom laugh.


She recoiled at the hit, glancing up at him and for the first time, fear resonated in her gaze. But the weirdest miracle happened and Gabe intervened, stopping Jake and his violent manner. She didn’t take her gaze off Jake, not wanting to turn her back to him, but she did lean toward Gabe, like he was her only ally in the moment. It was so strange since he was just being her ally so she’d be into it with him, but it was working. It was a lot favorable than what Jake had in planned. Although according to Gabe, she wasn’t completely safe from it. Just for now, while he got her attention. Thanks?

Looking up at him, he called her ‘cherie.’ Like Jaime and once again she was back in the fantasy. Nodding her head, her hands slid up his legs and she took him into her mouth, her hand coming down to the base when she couldn’t take more in. Her hand worked him, stroking him while her tongue teased along him, taking him in and out. Even as she got lost in the fantasy, she still looked up to meet his gaze. Her free hand on his leg slid up higher, finding his hand and laced their fingers together. If he was letting her then he was going to let her do this her way.
Harrison shook his head, heading towards the shower. He could use the time. He heard a faint step nearby, and stopped, leanign back out of hte bathroom to see Jane almost tiptoeing along.
"Jane? What's up?" He asked her. She started at his words, but calmed down once she saw him. She stared at him a moment, before seeming to make an effort to avert her gaze.
"Sorry Harry. It's's weird right now." She answered.
"Yeah, he's still on his whole 'heal thineself' trip."
"Do you think it'll last?"
"No. I hope it does, but I doubt it. You know what they say about old dogs."
"That they should be put down before they hurt someone?" Harrison blinked at her words. There was a great deal of bitterness and bile in her tone, adn that was a bit more shocking than he'd expected. He was starting to wonder if what had gone down with the fight and her helping him had done more to Jane than she'd let on.

"Oh Gods, I'm sorry Harry. I'm just...I'm worried about him backsliding, and I'm just so tired of being afraid all the time." Jane put her face in her hands, and Harrison saw the beignnings of tears forming around her eyes.
"Hey hey, none of that." He admonished her gently, stepping to her, and putting his arms around her. She unhesitantly hugged him back, the side of her face pressed into his still bare chest. It was like she was hanging on for dear life.

- - - - -

Gabe just sighed, willing ot let Abby do her thing. He put a hand on her head, not a harsh thing, just a gentle pressure, encouraging her. He was going to put his other hand on her when he felt her fingers laceing into his hand. It made him wonder what kind of mental gymnastics she was doing to let herself do this, but he also decided that he didn't care. He gave a faint grunt of appreciation as she kept at him. jake opened his mouth, but Gab shot him a glare, the look not really brooking any argument. Right then, Gabe was convinced he had a good thing going for him, and he didn't want to screw that up.
The more she worked him, the more it loosened up her resolve a bit to let her inner freak flag wave. He didn’t even take his hand away which helped. The more she did this, the more she could think it was Jaime but a niggle in the back of her mind reminded her it wasn’t. This just made it more tolerable and the fact Gabe wasn’t beating her to a pulp right now, also added to that aid.

Her hand left his and she brought it back to his leg, her hand around his cock leaving as well. Abby relaxed her throat and took him deeper, faster and tightened her mouth to create a tighter suction. Her eyes fluttered closed and she breathed steadily through her nose, a soft moan sounding from her. Not pulling back or ceasing her mouth’s work, her right hand reached back behind her, finding the waistband of Jake’s shorts and tugging him toward her.
Gabe gave a groan as Abby really went to town, the way he felt her throat around part of him was intense, far more than he'd expected. Even Jake seemed to be a little fascinated by what was going on, seeing some benefits to her being as into it as she was. Both of them seemed surprised when she reached for jake. Jake didn't fight her, and allowed himself to be pulled forward, even pushing his shorts down to free his cock. The sight of her going down on Gabe like she was certainly had him ready, and frankly he wanted a little piece of that for himself. Actually he wanted several pieces for himself, but this was a good way to start the whole thing off as far as he was concerned.

Jake also waed poor left out Alex over, the other guy approaching carefully, not sure where he'd fit into thius whole thing right now. But he also didn't want to be the only guy in the room not gettign some kind of attention from Abby. If he was honest, he'd had his eye on Abby for a long time, but she'd always been the kind of girl that was out of his reach. He'd thought maybe hte team might get him in hte kind of shape he needed to be in to attract some attention, but it hadn't done anything. But here she was, ready to go. Maybe this was the only way for him to get anything from her. Still, he hesitated at the edge of her reach. Not close enough for contact, not yet. He wasn't sure how this was going to go, or where he'd fit in. Or if he wanted to fit into it.
Shorts disappeared from her touch and she was met with warm skin, hard and velvety soft. Her fingers wrapped around the thick girth and she stroked, not ceasing her mouth’s actions around Gabe’s cock. But she did turn her body a little bit, allowing for Jake to come forward some more. Pulling her mouth from Gabe, she replaced it with her hand, stroking him as she turned her face toward Jake, trailing her tongue along him teasingly. Looking up at him, contempt and disdain bled through her eyes and she had half a mind to yank him too hard to make the fucker yelp like a little bitch. But then he might hit her again and Gabe might not be strong enough to hold him back. So she took him into her mouth, wrapping her lips around his girth and letting her tongue glide along him.

She didn’t offer the courtesy of looking up at him the way she did with Gabe. She closed her eyes and took him deep. Maybe this is all she’d have to do. Get the three of them off with her mouth, they’d tell her what she wanted to know and she’d be off on her semi-merry way.

Opening her eyes, she noticed Alex coming forward but he didn't seem to know where he stood. Pulling away from Jake, purposely cutting off his time short--he should have really been nicer--and even moving away from Gabe, Abby crawled toward Alex and looked up at him. Her hands slid up to the waistband of his shorts and she pulled them down along with his boxers, freeing him. Keeping her gaze on him, she leaned forward and trailed her tongue along him, hot breath hitting hot skin. Her fingers wrapped around him and stroke, her tongue teasing the very tip.
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