It's team RWBY, not RWBYS! (MoFo x DuxT)


Apr 28, 2015
The members of team RWBY had an unpleasant surprise waiting for them. No it wasn't a Grim attack, nor the White Fang or anything like that. No, the unpleasant thing at least for their fearless leader Ruby Rose, was that their room had been cleaned up.

'"Bu...bu...but..." The young miss Rose stammered, standing in the door way, looking at where her mess used to be. It was all tidy, put away, even the bed was fixed. She hated it!

Her older, not necessarily wiser sister, Yang Xiao Long stood to the side of the girl, patting her shoulder. A smile remained on the girls face, she wasn't too concerned about Ruby here. Her half-sister would be grumpy for maybe an hour or two before he attention was taken by something else. Then she'd be over it and create her mess again. "There there sis, you can fix it again in no time."

"Personally I think it's much better like this." Weiss Schnee chimed in, settling down on her bed, quite happily. On her end of things, nothing had changed, she had been good and kept everything tidied away and organised.

"Well of course you would! You don't even care that they took Zwei's bed!" Ruby was gesturing to the empty spot where the little dog bed used to, put away neatly no doubt, the fiends!

"Ruby, Zwei went back to dad weeks ago..." Yang trying to bring just a little logic into the argument here.

"It's the princa... princi...princama.... bah that's besides the point!" Ruby quickly giving up on trying to say principle.

"Guys..." The Faunus girl, Blake Belladonna finally spoke up, having remained quite during most of the conversion. "Has anyone else noticed that?" Pointing to one end of the room, where a bed had been set up.

"Well that's new?" Ruby looked at the bed, scratching the top of her head at the sight. As predicted she completely forgot about her mess being tidied up and now had a new problem to focus on.

"Allow me to explain..." The sudden apperence of Ozpin shocked the two girls infront of them, sending the two quickly spinning to face him. He gave a calm smile, cane held behind his back as he stood straight. "There has been a slight miscalculation with the new students. We weren't able to get an even split, as such we have one young man without anyone left to partner with. We are of course trying to rectify the situation, but until then he needs a place to stay and someone to support him in his combat training. As such I'm putting him with you girls, until we can get him a team of his own." He looked over each of the girls, before proceeding to ask. "Will that be an issue?" Seeing no complaints, he gave a quick nod, before turning to leave. "He will arrive shortly, I hope you all get along." Leaving the girls to digest the news of a temporary team member, sharing a room with them, a boy to boot.
Right as Ozpin departed, a slender young man with silver spiky hair, a black tank top with a grey vest over top, a pair of grey green cargo pants and combat boots. Entered the room shortly after, a duffle bag over his shoulder, and a look at each of the girls was passed. Attached to his belt were two holsters containing a pistol each, the weapons weren't much to look at, but the one bit of customization they had, were two silver bells tied to the butts of both guns. The boy was only a hair taller then Weiss and Blake, but still shorter then Yang. His eyes assessed them, those silver blue eyes of his. "I am guessing he just told you now correct?" He said his tone boyish and slightly monotone, his facial features were a little rounded giving him more of a cute face rather then handsome.
Each of the girls looked the newcomer over with varying emotions, from general apathy from Weiss, Blakes quiet curiosity and Yang's warm, welcoming smile. Ruby on the other hand.... In a blur of motion, she was in front of the young man, eager smile on her face. Gone was her being upset about the tidied room. "Hi, Mr Ozpin just got telling us, but didn't say your name, my names Ruby and this is my big sister Yang, back there is Blake and Weiss and we are team RWBY! Not like Ruby as in my name, but RWBY as a ano...ana.." The girl having barely stopped to breath, least until she tripped on a big word again.

"Anagram." Blake chimed in, looking down at him from her perch atop the bunk bed.

"Thank you!" Ruby exclaimed, turning her head to Blake for a second before returning to face the young man again. "Anyway.. hi!"

Yang shaking her head slightly, walked on over to the two, giving a light chuckle. "Relax sis, you'll scare the poor boy off." Stopping just ahead of her sister, the blonde held out a hand in greeting. "Pleased to meet you, welcome to Beacon."
The boy watched the red girl prattle on and on - and on... His face pretty much registered as calm and still, it was likely amazing to witness someone looking completely unphased by Ruby jumping around. Then the big blonde one approached her huge tits hanging before the boys face, he looked there, then to her hand. Then in a calm moment he spoke again, "Name's Silver..." He said moving to where his bed was and carefully setting down his duffle bag, which made lots of heavy metalic sounds once set down. He unzipped it and inside was revealed a bunch of bullets, revolver barrels, replacement parts for his gun, a few combat knives, and some dust grenade. The last item inside of course was a toothbrush, no spare clothes to be seen.
Yang frown as Silver just walked off, leaving her hanging. 'Well fine then...' She mumbled not like his attitude right away. To be fair it was the first day, needed time to get to know him, but not a great first impression.

None of this seemed to phase Ruby at all, who latched onto the sight of all the gun parts. She was a hardcore weapon nut and the potential of someone as profcient as her or uncle Qrow was exciting. Course no one would ever be as good as uncle Qrow, but they could come close! So the little red head bounded over, smile wide still. "Nice collection Silver, did you make it yourself, looks like you maintain it yourself anyway. I made my Crescent Rose myself, want to see?!"

Through out all this, Weiss and Blake remained quiet. Weiss let Ruby prattle on and likely annoy Silver further, leaning back against her headboard. It wasn't that Weiss wasn't interested in Silver, but this wasn't how one introduced oneself. Blake for her part was just silently watching, laying lazily on her front like a cat as she listened and watched the conversation.
The moment Ruby approached he would make a quick manouver and both of the guns of his were drawn to hand. The two weapons now in view, were a pair of sleek long barrelled revolvers. The bullet wheels for each of them was ejectable. The preloaded wheels in his bag would likely be the method he picked to reload. "The are hand-me downs really, and they tend to be moody old things." He actually responded, then looked past Ruby making note of the other two. The moment he moved around the guns the two bells ring. "So, looks like we are a team for a while then?" His tone seemed to relax a little. Silver sat back on the bed doing some maitnence on his twin weapons.
Ruby inspected the weapons, wide eyed and interested, fact very few weapons lost her interest. "Cool! Mine I made myself, though uncle Qrow helped me do it." Quickly she reached behind her and pulled out Crescent Rose, extending it into Scythe mode next to her. "Can't wait to show you her in action!"

Ignoring Ruby's continued excited yammering, Weiss spoke up. "Indeed we are, I do hope you can handle yourself, I wouldn't want to slow down to carry you along." The white haired girl looking directly at Silver now, briefly noting how close their hair colour was to matching. But she pushed that aside as irrelevant information.
Watches Ruby showing off her weapon while he was cleaning and preping his weapons should they be called to battle suddenly. It was clear in the expression he wore that Ruby's weapon didn't impress her, it was flashy and unwieldy, not his taste. "It... is a nice thing you have there..." Then came Weiss's remark. "Funny.... you don't any more fit for combat either princess..." It was his first day and he may have just picked his first nerve with Weiss. The jingling of the bells became apparent the more he moved the guns as he cleaned them.
Ruby seems to be oblivious to the look, she'd show her weapon off anyway. In fact Silver's comment only encouraged her, no matter how he meant it. Course most of the other girls picked up on his tone, well Yang and Weiss, Blake was being distracted by a certain jingling. "Thanks Silver, can tell we'll be great friends already!" Ruby exclaimed excitedly, putting her scythe away.

Weiss glared at Silver when he shot back, daggers in her eyes. "Listen here Mr, just because Ozpin put you with us doesn't mean anything. You'll have to prove yourself just like everyone else did! Secondly, you better keep to your own bed tonight, if I catch you in ANYONE else's bed there will be hell to pay!" The three other girls went very quiet at Weiss' outburst, somewhat surprised too that she was being protective over everyone.
The outburst didn't seem to phase him in fact to react to her outburst. He simply kicked off his boots and set them down by the foot of the bed. Then went back to assessing that his guns had their sights and settings correct, he unloaded both bullet wheels and then slipped two new ones into place. "You make a fair point, but you jump to assume I would wake one cold lonely night and decide I'd slip under the covers with you.... when if such a case should occur, I think of the four of you I'd pick last, as it looks to me like you'd make the night colder..." As his eyes drift to her breasts. "Besides if I were to desire a warm bosom to snuggle my face into.... I'd think your blond friend there would be the better choice" He said all this straight faced and when finished he tosses his pointing screwdriver away and zipped his bag up.

"But fret not I know how to handle myself."
Weiss went silent, her face turning red at that comment, gritting her teeth. Everyone could see the silent rage building up in her, like steam starting to vent from her ears. She was about this close to snapping, then Ruby did what Ruby always did. "Ooh, burn!" The chipper young read head grinning, she liked pushing Weiss' buttons and it really worked here.

"How dare you!" Weiss let her rage out, hands balling into fist. She wouldn't hit him, it wasn't very lady like, neither was getting angry like this, but she wasn't perfect. Getting to her feet she began to storm out of the room. "I'm going for a walk, maybe I can find someone with a modicum of respect!" Slamming the door behind her.

"Wow... Don't often see Weiss get that mad, kudos." Yang was leaning against the wall, arms crossed as she watched the scenes. Her cheeks were a little pink, seeming maybe a slight blush had come over while Weiss threw her fit.
Wasn't afraid of the woman at all, she clenched her fist, yelled and threw fits when someone challenged her air of superiority. He had no reason to feel bad, he said what he wanted to say and wouldn't regret it. If one looked closely the holsters of his guns had his symbol which looked like a monochrome church bell. "Well, a walk and a clear head are good things to look for I suppous." Silver hadn't intended to upset her, he simply never learned tact. "So...... who wants tea?" He asked looking through his bags side pockets producing 5 tea bags. "I wager a cup will calm everyones nerves."
"Huh, also wasn't expecting that. Sure, let's all have some tea." Yang, stated, pulling out one of the side tables to use followed by five chairs, effortlessly moving the furniture.

"Tea... ick..." Ruby commented, before getting a look from her sister. "Okay, fine, fine, I'll drink the tea." The girl settling herself down on one of the chairs.

Blake was soon to follow, settling herself down in one of the chairs after silently stalking down from her perch. Never the big talker, though spoke up to thank him. "Tea would be lovely Silver, thank you."


Weiss of course was gone, having stomped off into the academy grounds. She was grumbling the whole way too, mainly about Silver, then about Ruby and Ozpin and really anyone who had annoyed her lately. She wasn't really watching where she was going, so it was no surprise that she ran right into another person, falling back onto her butt. "Ow, I was walking here!" The young heiress looking up, right into the face of an amazon of a girl and her trio of companions, who seemed unphased by the impact, built like a brick wall.

"I noticed heiress, you should of been watching where you were going. Just because you're daddy's little girl means nothing." The main girl said, her companions providing a cruel giggle for her. The three spread out, cutting off Weiss from getting away without a confrontation, something she really didn't want to do right now...
The moment all was calm again, and everyone had gathered at the table for tea. He went to work, sure he wasn't the nicest of guys wasn't going to ever be a gentleman, but atleast he could offer to boil some tea for their first night together. As he went to put the kettle under the faucet he turned it and... drip..drip...drip... Silver looked at the inside of the kettle a moment just seeing the little droplets... and not a full enough kettle to make tea.

"Looks like the waters out... or the sink is clogged.." He looks over at the girls, if his life with 3 sisters during his time in his other life taught him anything, girls tended to use hair products and stuff that gunk up the works.

"Well, looks like I will have to go get a bottle or two of water from the vending machine a little ways out... by the way for those who don't want tea, I can probably buy some juice or something while I'm out..." He was being nice for a little bit, seeing as he was treating this as an initiation for himself.
At the mention of the sink being clogged, the two sisters immediately turned eyes on Blake. The dark haired girl looked nervously between everyone, bow actually twitching a little with the ears under them. "It's not always me..."

"Suuure it wasn't..." Yang grinned, before the grin went wider and she looked over the Silver. "By the way, hope you don't have any allergies." Immedietly getting a punch in the arm from Blake for her trouble. "What? Zwei's fur might still be around." Grinning at Blake, giving a knowing wink. Wasn't at all what she meant and Blake knew it.

"Oooh, juice sounds great!" Ruby chimed in, sometimes acting like a girl half her age, much to Yang's displeasure.


Weiss had gotten to her feet again, glancing around at the four girls, all of which probably had the size advantage on her, one way or another. She didn't have her weapon on her either and didn't fancy her chances at summoning it from her scroll right now. "Well, I'm sorry for that. Now, if you'll excuse me..."

"Oh so proper, but nah, not going to 'excuse you' yet." The main girl said once more, holding their ground. They weren't doing anything to Weiss yet, just keeping her penned in and pushing her buttons, seeing where it'd lead.
Seeing the girls interacting among-st themselves... He couldn't help but pay attention to the motion of the way Blake's bow moved. Then he looked to Yang who was joking about allergies and the like " allergies to speak of...?" His tone clearly now questioning why she asked, the monotone tone of his actually dropping and the more boyish tone was more audible.

Silver let his eyes slant a little out of curiosity. Then looked to Ruby, who as he expected would opt for Juice. But the look on Yang's face told him well enough not to let her take advantage of his kindness. "Vegetable juice it is... then." Silver said looking to Yang to see if he did a good thing or not. But he ultimately was likely to just get her whatever was in stock.

Then with a nod towards them, he heads out to the hall. Making his way down he would stop by the vending machine. Inserting a few bills, and getting a couple bottles of water, and a strawberry milk.. 'this stuff was good for kids right..' He said, already notching Ruby up in his mind as the baby of the group. Then he could hear the sounds of people in a bit of an altercation a little ways down. Holding the waters and milk in his arms he moved to investigate the sight of 'the princess' as he had marked in his mind as Weiss, in a bit of a situation. Four big girls surrounded her, it was like watching Gorillas picking on a much smaller ape.

"Wonder what this is all about...?" He stood back a bit to listen to what the altercation might be about, after all Silver didn't know Weiss much, and for all he knew she may have deserved what looked like the start of a gang styled beat down... The girl clearly didn't have any advantage over the three girls surrounding her.
Blake turned to Silver, hands held up. "Nothing, nothing. Just Ruby's pet dog ends up here, just wanted to give you the heads up!" Blake spoke nerously, the most she'd said around the young man up to this point. Meanwhile Yang was snickering, watching Blake try and cover up, the Faunus having become much more clumsy about hiding her identity recently.

The look of joy turned to horror on Ruby's face, mouth gaping. "Bu... but.... ick, no!" The young girl exclaimed, acting as expected. This got an approving smile from Yang, who let her eyes roam up and down, seeming to reevaluate him. He could be fun after all and wasn't a bad looker to boot.


Weiss didn't notice Silver yet, more focused on the three thugs around her. "Well fine then, if you won't move I'll just stand here, sure you'll get bored far before I will." Despite her outburst, Weiss was all talk, sure she'd fight but not over something so petty...

The bullies, unperturbed by this, jut began shoving the heiress as she stood their. It was clear they wanted her to throw to first punch for one reason or another. Perhaps to prove a point or try and get Weiss in trouble with the school, either way, they didn't do anything more than shove and annoy her right now.
Silver watched the scene, it brought back memories. Of when he was in his other life before this. The others around him were bigger and stronger then him, and he was often pushed around much like that. Seeing that Weiss wasn't fighting back.... strangely urked him deep within his subconcionce. He moved forward, dropping the items. The sound would distract the bigger girls just enough for them to hear the sound of a coin drop at their feet. Which would thus resound back by where once Silver had been standing and was now where he had tossed the coin standing between the bigger girls and Weiss. "You three are quite eager to push someone why not push me, see what happens next?" He saw one reach out to try resulting in him grabbing the wayward arm, and twisting it a bit watching the girl who looked like the ringleader.
The bigger girl was taken back by the sudden appearance of Silver, taking a step back with a frown. Unlike her friend she wasn't stupid enough to try hitting the guy, she could see the aura of confidence, power, danger. She was not going to fuck with this guy, not here, not now. Glancing to her friend her frown deepened then she regard Silver. "Back off girls.... We'll settle this later, Schnee." With that she headed off, the girls following as quickly as they could. Well, one quickly and the other when Silver let go of her am.

Weiss watched the display in shocked silence. Of all people to come and help her, she had a list of candidates, not a huge one, but a list. Near the top was Neptune, but that was besides the point, point is Silver wasn't on it. So to see him here and handling himself so well, she was there speechless for a moment. "I uhh... I didn't need saving, I had them handled..." Weiss then looked at her feet with a sigh. "Thank you Silver, I mean it...."
Silver looked to Weiss after the girls leave. Watching them walk away like whipped puppies. "You owe me a little debt after that one..." He said towards her, and then the sound of a coin hitting the ground was heard as he switches place with the coin. "I haven't any doubt you could've handled them, but it would have resulted in you in the infirmery judging by the looks of it...." His 'warping' seemed to be his Semblance. "But we can work that out later on how you can repay me.... come on promised to make tea for everyone, had an extra tea-bag just in case." He said grabbing the items and turning to walk back to the room, and glanced back. "Don't let people walk over you, it breeds nothing but frailty.." Silver said. "Now come on, best to not be caught past curfew."
Weiss was quick to note his semblance, she wasn't just a pretty face after all. Just this encounter alone told her a lot about him, enough to breed respect. "Of course I owe you." Weiss said without really thinking about it, moving to accompany him. Owing favours was a familiar concept to her so she seemed to latch on without thinking, too late now. "Tea would be quite civilised, thank you Silver." Not responding to his other comments but giving curt nods, she knew he was right.

Upon returning to the room, Silver and Weiss were treated to the sight of the three girls chatting away at the little table. In the time between leaving and returning, the three girls had gone ahead and gotten changed into their pajama's, none of which were too revealing, besides maybe Blake's. Heck in Yang's case she showed less of her bosom, though it wasn't being held back by a bra anymore.
Well, she accepted that she owed him. That was good, seems she wasn't as stubborn, and haughty as he thought she was. When they arrived Silver got a good look at his 3 other temporary team mates in their pajama's it was late and nearing curfew so that made sense. He looked to the nightstand by his bed a second and thankfully it seemed his other bag, which had his clothes in it had arrived. "Well, found our princess surrounded by some Ursa, but she is fine now." He said in his straightfaced way, no one could tell if this was a total fib or not save Weiss. He sat the strawberry milk down at Ruby's spot, then went to work making the tea.
"I could of handled it myself, but was nice to see what Silver could do." Weiss chimed in quickly, she didn't want the girls knowing it was just school bullies. No matter how much Yang would love to beat them up, it would still be a little humiliating for the heiress. Before the girls could question, she took her own pajama's and moved to the bathroom to change. The fact a boy was here did not change her dressing habits one bit.

Ruby happily took the milk and was about to dive into it, before getting a small smack on the back of the head from Yang. It wasn't hard, just to give her little sister a rebuke. "Ruby, it is polite to drink together." Shaking her head, Yang rose from the chair, bounding over to Silver and began helping him make the tea for five. "Here, let me give you a hand." Yang wasn't being too subtle with him about pressing herself a little into him as she helped. She knew what she liked and right now it was Silver.
When Weiss said she got to see what he could do, there was a moment of a milisecond a shadow crossed over his expression. It was thankful to him that he had been looking away from everyone so they couldn't read into his expression. 'I haven't shown her anything... and I don't wish to show any of them what I can really do if I can help it....' He thought to himself.

Silver was then snapped from his rather brooding thought the sudden he felt Yang's bust pressed up against him. She of all people had managed to surprise him, and the affectionate undertone in her voice was not dismissed... This was... strange to him. "I guess I don't mind the help...." Suddenly, that tough brooding attitude was replaced by the sound of a perfectly healthy young man surprised by a woman brushing up against him, there was hesitation actually in his tone.

"Ummm your... things are... on my..." He clears his throat, then got back to his brooding tone, "You can get the water heated up I should wash up once Weiss finishes up and change into my pajama's as well, was a long trip to get here... and I'm probably smelling sweatier then a pig... it was hot on that airship." He seemed to be speaking more, it was weather anyone chose to listen would be of their own volition.
Yang grinned, giving a slight giggle to his response. She was hoping to see this from him, after all she liked having this effect on boys and was a sign all hope wasn't lost. "Will do Silver, go on, get changed." Moving a little off him to get the water going, giving him a brief moment of respite.

Weiss soon came out in her own set of pajamas, her dress nowhere to be seen, having already put that away to be washed. She went and took a seat next to Blake and what would be Silver's seats. By how the girls had picked, it seemed Silver was going to sit next to Yang and Weiss.
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