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For nightsorceress

Lily hand came up and tenderly stroked his cheek "please tell me know, i want to totally enjoy this moment but i won't be able to if i know later we will have to talk about something" She spoke gently not wanting to push him to hard.
"Well, all right then...if you insist. Do you know of my previous lover, Amaterasu? Well, what if I told you that she has found me after all these years that we have been apart, and that she wants me back?"
Lily sat up in shock and just looked down on him "what no, please tell me you don't want her back to." the pain already clear in her purple eyes
"We haven't seen each other for 20 years, give or take. She wants me back in her life...and I do too..." He hung his head, not sure what else to say.
Lily was trembling like a leaf st his words. He wants her back. "i thought you loved me, i thought you wanted to be with me, so did you lie to me then just to get me to marry you?" Tears streamed down her cheeks now. "you know how much i love you, how can you do this"
Kuro wrapped his arms around Lily, letting her cry into his shoulder. "I do love you too! I...I want to love both of you, but you're pulling me in opposite directions!"
"i want to be your wife, i want to love you forever, in every way you deserve. But i also want to make you happy, and if you can't be happy with me then i will have to let you go as much as i don't want to let you go. I don't want you to be unahppy forever" Lily cried on his shoulder. Her reaction was so different then Amaterasu. Lily wanted nothing more then to be with him, but she would let him go if thats what he wanted, where as Amaterasu wanted him to get rid of Lily so she could be with him.
Kurokami frowned. "If I stay with you I'll incur the wrath of the Sun Goddess. If I go with Amaterasu I'll leave you sad forever! What do you propose I do?"
Lily arms still wrapped around him. Her body still shaking. Of the two of them Lily was differntly the sweeter and gentler. "I want you to do what make you happy, and if Amaterasu would make you happy then i have to let you go. I just wish i could be the one to make you happy"
"Hmm...all right. I have made a decision. I will talk to Ammy in the morning." He said, after something had suddenly clicked in his head.
Lily had a feeling that he had choosen Amaterasu and her heart was already breaking "Kuro please can you just hold me in your arms tonight, as we sleep" Lily thought this would be the last time he would ever do hold her.
"Hmm...didn't you want some fun, though?" Kuro asked, trying to pull off her nightie with his hands.
Lily closed her eyes a swallowed hard, tears still running down from her eyes. "i did, when i thought this night would be the begin of of our new life together night the end of it"
"Did I say I was going to leave you?" Kuro asked. Holding her tightly in his arms. "Don't cry...please..."
Lily's eyes looked at him, they started to look happy again "but i thought when you said you were going to talk to Amaterasu that ment you were going to go be with her. so does this mean, your not leaving, that we can still be married?"
"I...I don't know...I'll have to talk with both of you...or have the both of you talk to each other about this..." Kuro said. It pained him so much to see Lily sad, as he had been separated from love for so long as well...
The happiness once again faded from her beautiful eyes. "so you still might be with her. why would i have to speak i mean, this isn't my choice. its yours to make you happy. Its not like we could share you, i can't. It would hurt to much"
"I would NOT be happy no matter what I chose! I would either break a girl's heart or make enemies with a goddess! Do you understand?" Kurokami's voice was becoming increasingly distressed.
"i'm sorry i don't know what to do. I mean if i have to share you with her to make you happy then what choice do i have" the thought of it was already breaking lily's heart. And she could never be truly happy, but she was out of option.
"It's okay!" Kurokami exclaimed. "I...I'll stay with you, but I'd like to visit Amaterasu once in a while if that's all right." He went to kiss her on the cheek.
"Yes...I hope this will work out..." Kurokami said, beginning to pull at her nightie.
As he began to pull at her nightie Lily giggled. "oh you still think i want you, after you made me cry" Lily teased a little, the happiness returning to her voice.
"Well, I do hope so." Kuro said softly. "Or perhaps you should read the Kama Sutra first. Then again, I could write my own..." He smiled deviously as he said this.
Lily giggle "just think i know nothing about love making you can teach only the things you like, almost like your own person sex slave"
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