Teen Titans: Return of Terra (Naomi David & MysteriousD)


Star Fudge
Mar 9, 2014
Jump City... a relatively well-known city, it is well-known for being a strong metropolis in the northwest United States. Found just south of Oregon in California, they are also known for being the home city for the adolescenet superheroes, the Teen Titans. Robin, Beast Boy, Starfire, Raven and Cyborg, this team of five along with their allies have been helping to protect the world alongside forces like the Justice League and so much more.

Currently, the team has been dealing with the recent economic boon having resulted in the closing of some of their favorite local stores, new enemies they are unfamiliar in fighting with, and most of all: the mysterious return of a blonde girl who looks like Terra, their former comrade who was once manipulated by the supervillain Slade, formerly mercernary Deathstroke. Right now, the team has been dealing with a new supervillain who was causing trouble in town, Sun Girl. One of the younger villains who were taken in by Slade, she struck out on her own and causing chaos.

Watching the five vs one battle from afar was a young man. Dressed in a modernized ninja outfit, but the color of a light gray with some pale blues, he looked at the whole thing with intrigue. He certainly didn't look like the average ninja, if namely due to the stocky bodyshape he had compared to the short lithe one most have, but the cooling air around him showed he wa something else.

He was Ninjice.
It had been a very wearing past few months. The past few months Raven and her companions had been dealing with much harder villains than usual. Not the average super powered idiot running around Jump City, but really difficult bad guys from the Brotherhood of Evil. It had all culminated in one final battle, with all of the allies victorious and most, if not all of the bad guys being destroyed. Now they entered a time of relative peace, a time where they need not be constantly looking over their shoulders, a time where they need no worry about having massive targets on their backs. It came with the territory of being a super hero, but it wasn't a pleasant thing to have a target on your back.

It was sad that when they finally returned home to Jump City, many of their favorite places had been closed. She was unhappy that the bookshop had been closed, that place had some excellent reads. They returned home to new villains that they didn't know before, and much to everybody's shock, a girl that looked just like Terra but didn't have her memories. Later on, she had checked where Terra's statue had been underground, and it was gone. Even with all of her best magics, she couldn't confirm yet if the new girl was indeed Terra or just a doppleganger.

Right now, they were all fighting against a new villain, Sun Girl. She had incredible pyrokinetic powers, and judging by the name, her powers were derived from the Sun, and indeed, the girl's flames were incredibly hot. She was really fast, too, it was hard to keep shielding everybody with her magic from the girl's powerful blasts. They needed to get her out into the Bay and get her wet.
The team was doing their best to try and capture Sun Girl, namely via Cyborg (carried by Beast Boy) blasting her with some support from Robin and Sunfire to have her head out to the Bay area or at least have Raven be able to grasp her and plunge her.

"What else ya got?!" Sun Girl said with a maniacal grin before something hit her... hard. It was a large block of ice. "How about that, you annoying hothead?" an unknown voice said. Ninjice stood on a building, getting the attention of the team and the villainess. "Who the heck are you?!" she asked him befor eblasting him with flames, only to be countered by a concentrated blast of snow.

"My name is Ninjice," he said before he began making his way down the building. Robin immediately noticed and picked up on the various moves and ways he did, recognizing them as ninjitsu. Ninjice would throw snowballs at Sungirl, who found it a menance, even stopped blasting them and letting them hit her... onyl to realize some of these were filled with rocks or chunks of metal, which did hurt her. He headed toward her and grabbed her, his hand glowing blue... and an icy ayra around it. He threw her... and she was temporarily put out.

"Now's our chance!" Robin said as Beast Boy turned into an elephant and sprayed some water at her from a hydrant that Cyborg opened for him.
Raven was dearly hoping Sun Girl didn't notice that she was slowly being herded out to the Bay. The moment they finished her off, she definitely was working on long distance telekinesis. That way she could grab people and things from a great distance away and be able to bind them in that way. Her concentration almost broke when she saw a massive block of ice get thrown at Sun Girl. She most certainly didn't throw it, or summon it, or make it. It was summer, too hot for it to even be around. Then she saw who had thrown it, this new guy said his name was Ninjice. She studied him for a moment. Probably be able to take Robin on in a physical fight and maybe win. But he was a massive help, the little pyro was slowing down for sure, giving them all the opportunity to deal with her! Once the boys were done with her, she telekinetically got a hold of her, and threw her into the Bay. That would keep her out for a good long time.
Ninjice began taking note of everyone on the team. His first thoughts were on Robin, the famous protege of the legendary hero and a founder of the Justice League, Batman. There was also Beast Boy, a young hero who formerly belonged to the Doom Patrol. He also saw Cyborg and Starfire, both whom he saw had alot of amazing potential to become powerful heroes in their own right. Lastly, there was Raven, whom he couldn't help but stare at. She was beautiful and she was definitely a powerful heroine. He was looking at her a fair bit longer than the others. He did look back at Sungirl and he saw her trying to get out. Ninjice went and jumped on the wate,r the water forming into ice on his feet before he placed his palm and sent a freezing blast, encapsulating her in a frozen block of watery ice.

Ninjice then smelled something... smoke.

"Uh oh! Looks like she caused a lot of fires!" Ninjice said as he turned toward them. Robin went into leadership mode once more. "Titans! Commence search and rescue! Starfire, Raven, get as many innocents out as you can! Beast Boy, help Cyborg as well. You... Ninjice, can you help us out while also getting Sun Girl?" he said. Ninjice couldn't help but smile a bit. Robin was respected and admired by the younger heroes, Ninjice included. "Of course," he said before Beast Boy got Sungirl out, pushing her as a large wooly mammoth.
Raven was going to keep Sun Girl down in the Bay for a long time. Not long enough to drown her, that would be a bad thing, but if anything, she probably deserved it. All the fires and mess she caused, she probably killed plenty of people just today. Sun Girl was resisting her powers, and trying to get out of the Bay, but this Ninjice did a good job of keeping her under control. She spoke,"On it!" She went towards the first building on fire that she saw, and she telekinetically smashed out the windows to make it easier to get in and out, and dove right in.
Robin utilized his training to escort plenty of people out of the fires while Cyborg modified his sonic cannon to shoot out pressurized aire to help put out the fire by distorting the oxygen it was feeding off of it while Beast Boy used his water as an elephant. Starfire would aso grab onto as many people. Ninjice kept an eye on the frozen Sungirl until the police arrived. "Keep her on ice," Ninjice couldn't help but joke at them as they took the frozen supervillainess.

Ninjcie turned to see a burning building and he went in to use a blast of snow to help put it out. He took a breath and one by one, he pulled each person out to safety though as Ninjice saw, the building was old and burning fast. He managed to get the last person before he heard something snap. "Uh oh," he said before the building ebgan collaspign. He managed to create an ice slide that lasted for the last children to escape befre the building collasped.

"Dude!" BEast boy shouted as he went over to help along with Cyborg. Ninjice's instinucal training kicked in and he covered himself with the aura. His supernatrual ice abilities affected his bodies and he lowered his temp to help prepare his body fro recovery. Even then, he could still feel the injury on his legs and he was coughing from the renmants ofthe smoke.

"Hey, you okay?" Cyborg asked as he pulled Ninjice out of the ruins.
So, so many people to save. Raven was a realist, and sometimes it annoyed everyone because of their optimism. She knew that it would be impossible to save everybody, but even with that knowledge, it sure as hell wouldn't stop her from trying. She managed to clear a whole building with Starfire, but then it suddenly collapsed. It was all a blur, Ninjice was hurt. Damn. He wouldn't be able to help any more. He'd need to heal. But he was alive, and that was what mattered. She made sure everybody was safe on the ground and went to help Ninjice.
"My legs hurt... or they would if I didn't use my ice powers... btu I'm okay," Ninjice said as he coughed extensively. As the last of the fire went out, it was a relief to hear that there were no casualities. Some people were burned and injured, but everyone was alive. Furthermore, the Justice League helped established special insurance in areas where heroes were located to help deal with supervillain problems.

"Thank you for saving us again. You always do that," a rookie cop told them with a smile. Robin merely nodded.

"I'm so happy our new friend was able to help," Starfire said in her usual perky mode while Cyborg and Beast Boy agreed. The doctors came by to inspect the damage on everyone, including Ninjice.

"I don't know about how your abilities work, but it seems that they prevented any nerve damage so you are not disabled. Nonetheless, your legs have been broken and they will need to be reset. Do you have a place to stay in the meanwhile," the doctor asked him.

"He'll stay with us," Robin told them, much to the mild surprise of the others. They didnt have people stay with them since... Terra. Furthermore, Robin and Ninjice did notice one of the cops looking at them with an analytical look, somethingt that BB picked up, but shrugged off.
Raven stayed quiet throughout the whole affair. Her eyebrows were raised when Robin announced Ninjice would be staying with them. That didn't ever happen since Terra. It was a logical choice for him to stay with them. Hospitals were quite equipped to take care of injured super powered individuals, and a place like Titans Tower was equipped to take care of super powered individuals. She finally spoke after studying him with her magic,"We must hurry. Any further delay and he risks losing usage of his legs."
"Don't worry Raven," Ninjice tells her with a bit of an awkward smile. Nonetheless, he was on route to Titans Tower on the motorcycle with Robin while the rest of the team followed. "Oh wow... this is amazing," he said in awe as he was at the Tower. "Welcome to Titans Tower!" Beast Boy said to Ninjice with pride. "We got all that some kickbutt superheroes need!" Cyborg added. Ninjice couldn't help but smile mirthfully at their goofyness and such.

Robin took them into the medical room to be examined by Cyborg and Raven. "Well, you were right. Whatever ice powers you have did protect you, but I'm wondering what is it? It looks like some sort of ice magic? That's possible, right?" Cyborg asks Raven. Ninjice was lying on a table while al sots of scanners were looking over him. He would occasionally look at Raven and blush before looking away.
Thankfully, they all took her seriously, not that they ever didn't, and were on there way to Titans Tower post haste. He was in awe of the Tower, a lot of new people were, when they got inside. She was glad she and Cyborg were taking care of him, the science in medicine and 'magic medicine' went hand in hand and made healing a person much faster. She studied him some more, and spoke,"Yes. Innate power does what it can to protect itself. Were you born with the powers or did you come about them some other way?"
Ninjice looked over at her. "Well, I guess that since you guys are helping me, I'll tell ya what happened, though I don't know if you'll believe me," Ninjice told her before he saw the others. "Back a couple years ago, I went on a field trip back early in high school. It was either to a museum in Japan or the Smithsonian in DC. I chose the program in Japan and one of the things was seeing the ancient artifacts and strange things found in a museum. Being the natrually curious person I was, I snuck off for a moment and found myself touching some sort of.. thing. I can't remember what it was, but it sent me back in time," Ninjice told them, waiting for them to overcome the surprise.

"I don't have any idea how or why, but I ended in the warring states of era of Japan, Ninjice explained to them. "Of course, I stood out like a sore thumb, but one of the Shinto preists or what not was able to cast a spell that allowed me to understand them and vice versa. Course, that was after I saved the life of some ninja clan leader because I knew first aid," he said shrugging his shoulders. "I was an outsider child and they owed me so while they looked for a way to help me, they trained me as a ninja," he said. "The physical training, the techniques... all of it," Ninjice added.

"I was there for a couple of years before they found something. They prepared an elaborate ritual to seal me in ice over in Mt. Fuji. They hoped that the people of my time could thaw me out. So that's what happened. Of course, nothing went as planned as the ritual was experimental and heavily magical... the symbls on the ice and of the cold around me mixed with the magic and I absorbed it through the centuries until I thawed out in the time period that I was, a month or so after I disappeared. Of course, I was thought dead and couldn't go anywhere else, so I went on the road," Ninjice finished to them.
Raven listened well to his story, and she found it fascinating, and she could tell he was telling the truth. It was almost a pity that the mundane world stopped believing in magic a long time ago, but it was also a good thing, magic in the wrong hands could be very dangerous. And his story about the artifacts got her even more interested. She was interested in collecting all these artifacts and locking them away so no innocent got hurt and so no bad person could abuse them. She spoke,"And your powers haven't gotten weaker since then? You haven't gained or lost strength in them?"
"Nope. I think they might be getting a bit stronger over time, but I'm not sure," Ninjice told her before they saw him make something liek a kunai of ice. "Also, since the ice and snow I make seem to have some sort of supernatural origin, it's not normal. THen again, maybe the magic and cold just triggered a metahuman gene I had," Ninjice commented as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Well, your legs will be better in a couple of weeks, though you should probably keep off of them," Cyborg told Ninjice. He smiled and nodded before he was helped up and put in a wheelchair while his legs were in casts. "We're getting a blank room for you to rest in for the moment," Robin told him. Ninjice nodded before he looked at them all.

"Thanks for this," Ninjice told them with a big smile as he adjusted his glasses. "Who wants to give him a tour of the tower?" Robin asks them. "Well, Cyborg's gotta update the place and I'm on watch duty," Beast Boy notes out.
"Anything is possible these days. From studies of archives, there are way more meta humans now than there were about 25 years ago or so, and so on." Raven spoke in response to his comment on a hidden meta human gene. Personally, her theory was that with the rise of the meta humans, the Earth itself was trying to prepare itself for a fight against a great and terrible threat, a threat that only metahumans coud face off against. When it was asked who would give the Tower Tour, she spoke up,"I'll do it." He seemed likeable enough, Ninjice.
The team looked a bit in surprise at Raven volunteering. While she has been doing better in socializing, especially with the fall of Trigon, she was still pretty secluded and kept to herself, so this was interesting to say the least. Ninjice smiled though as it meant he could spend time with her.

Beast Boy went out to look over through the city as a bird and keeping an usual eye for anything out-of-the-ordinary while Cyborg was updating the systens. Ninjice didn't know where Robin or Starfire went otuside of out of the Tower, but he did notice how close the two were so perhaps they needed time alone as a couple. It wasn't his business to say anything on the matter.

He wheeled alonside Raven as he showed him the Tower. "I gotta say that this is a really nice place," Ninjice said as he followed Raven around the tower.
Raven wasn't surprised by her friends surprise. This was what they wanted, right? For her to be better at socializing. She watched Ninjice wheel himself around as she began explaining everything about everywhere as they went along. She spoke,"Much hard work and time has gone into the Tower. It has been destroyed and rebuilt more times than I can even bother to remember. The one real rule of this place is to avoid my room. Nobody ever goes in it except for me."
"Duly noted," Ninjice told her as he was following her. "Although, I reckon some of your friends have tried to get in if they thought something was the matter, didn't they?" Ninjice asked her, seeing how close everyone was and he figured they would probably break into her room should they fear something to her.

He kept looking around during the tour and enjoying looking at the Tower. "Any of the other rules I should know abot while I'm here or any other important bits of information?" Ninjice asked Raven as he was tkaing in the sight of the place.
"Not necessarily. Starfire tries to talk to me sometimes, but Robin prevents it, especially when he knows I'm really moody or when I'm working hard on something. It's a bad idea to interrupt me when I'm busy. The wrong word or saying a word wrong with my magics can be highly disastrous. As for other information, the big weights in the weight room are Robin's. The biggest ones belong to Cyborg. Don't mess with how the music is organized. I do not understand the system, but Beast Boy seems to and he doesn't like it when it is disturbed." Raven spoke, thinking of things off of the top of her head.
Ninjice was listening, knowing that Raven was being serious about all of this. Nonetheless, he knew that he would probably go in and check up on her if something was wrong or serious. It was an impulsive sort of thing and he was an impulsive sort of person, who dove into danger if a friend was in trouble.

He took note of things regarding everyone's stuff and so on.

"Well, I'm pretty easy to get along with though I'm a pretty huggy guy, so I'll try and control it," Ninjice told her with a smile. "Well, since yu guys did save me, how about I invite yall for dinner?" he said to her.
When he said he was a huggy guy, she gave him the evil eye. She was not the 'huggy' sort. She spoke, eyebrows raised,"How? Your legs are busted. You aren't really going anywhere unless you have a credit card or debit card to order food with, which I doubt, since you are believed dead. By the way, if anything, order vegan for Beast Boy. He refuses to eat any animal products that I know of."
Ninjice just smirked at her evil eye before she questioned how he would do it. He spun around with a wheelchair. "I guess on here. Besides, I have been able to earn some money. Back when I was a ninja, I would get paid with whatever treasures were found and I kept it in a hidden box. I gave the treasures to a museum and earned some good money that way," he explained to her.

"I just want to do something nice for all of you," Diego told her. "I heard ya'll like pizza," he suggested to ehr before he smiled. "Unless... I can make it for yall," he said. He had a very slight southern accent, not surprising considering he was Mexican-American, but still interesting.
"I wouldn't touch anything from the fridge. We haven't gone grocery shopping for a while." she spoke, then she continued,"You have a name. A mundane name. What were you named before you became Ninjice?"
Ninjice took a mental note. She then went and asked about him. He gave a bit of a shy smile at her. "This is the first time a pretty girl has wanted to know mroe about me," he said as he rubbed the back of his head in a bit of embarassment.

"My name... it's Diego. Diego Vendrix," Ninjice told her shyly. "I was raised in a town kinda close to Atlanta over in Georgia," Ninjice told her as he was wheeling next to her. "I would like to grocery shopping or at the least go and being able to help y'all and such. Look, just go and tell the team I have a surprise for them in the evening," he said to her with a smile. "Anything you need me to get you?" he asked her.
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