Curses! Foils again! (Applepoisoneer - MellowYellow)

(OOC: Haha, how's THIS for a first post revision?)

Jinx straightened a lock of her petal-pink hair with her free hand. The other clutched a small box of her possessions to her chest. She didn't have much to bring to the tower, just a few outfits and a box of books. There were a few sketch books and some novels, as well as a notebook she kept for little flirtations with poetry and prose. Neither was something she chose to share with her former H.I.V.E team mates, but it was becoming more and more prevolent the more she learned about herself.

She had been invited into the tower, though she still felt like an unwelcome intruder. Her eyes shifted as she moved from the entrance at the base of the tower, through the elevator and up into the living quarters.
Raven didn't like this, not one bit. Jinx might've claimed to have changed her ways, but Raven was sorely doubting that bad luck thief had much altruism on her mind. It didn't help that the last time they'd let someone onto the team, they turned out to be a traitor that nearly killed the whole team. As ever the purple-haired goth was displeased, but she'd been outvoted on the matter. So instead she resolved to keep an eye on her.

Once the elevator halted, Raven wasn't too far from the door with her back floating up against a wall. "Jinx," she said, sounding much like her usual self. "I suppose I should show you to your room."
"Unless you want to show me to yours first." She teased, clutching the box a little tighter to her chest. She could sense the floating woman before her did not find this whole juxtaposition as amusing as she did. And, despite her best efforts to surpress her nature, Jinx couldn't help but want to stick her finger in the sore spot and twist. Even if it did get her banished to another dimension.

The lobby area just outside the elevator was dark, and as such, Raven was barely visable. But her eyes caught the elevator's light and shined from under her hood. Jinx had to admit, she'd always thought they were pretty. Like, pretty enough that, if they were jewels, she wouldn't have hesitated to take them.
"Hilarious," Raven replied, dry as ever. Regardless she led the way along the hallways. They did have some spare rooms, mainly as a precaution, and Jinx would be getting one of those same rooms that she could customize at her leisure. Much to Raven's continued displeasure, Jinx's new quarters were just down the hall from her own. But, if Jinx was less than sincere in her aims, then Raven would be the first to know.

She stopped at one of the heavy metal doors, sliding it open with the push of a button. The bed was plain, the walls yet to be painted, and as with other rooms it had a personal bathroom and a window overlooking Jump City. "There. Brand new, never been used."
She stepped just inside the door and wrinkled her nose just a bit. The room was a little musty, proving that not a lot went on in the room. But her eyes caught the open door to the bathroom. "I get my own bathroom? Killer!" She set her box down near the bed and dug a few things out of it; laying her sketchbook and notebooks off to the side and putting her normal printed books on the shelf provided. She stood back and looked at the drabness of the space. "It's got... potential." She smiled a little, more inwardly, planning what she might do with it.
Raven continued to observe her closely. Was she really being genuine about this, or was the whole thing just a scam to get free room and board from the tower? Perhaps Raven was just paranoid, but the coquettish witch before her was known for being tricky. "Well, I suppose I'll leave you to settle in. If you have any issues, feel free to talk to me or Star about it. Oh and, one more thing," she stopped in the doorframe and gave Jinx a thin smile.

"I'll be keeping a close eye on you." With that she made her way down the hall to her own room. Jinx... why did the pinkette punk always stick out so vividly in Raven's mind whenever they met? It was something the goth couldn't account for.
Jinx shrugged and watched raven go, thinking that if anyone was going to keep an eye on her, it should be the one with multiple sets of them. Somehow, the thought made her smile.

She fell back on the bed and looked up at the ceiling. She couldn't wait to take charge of this room. This blanket was already prooving to be scratchier than she'd have liked, though she wasn't sure where she'd not the money for redocorating now that she'd gone straight. Why did the law always get in the way of her good time?
The day had been hectic, as was often the case, with the return of Plasmus. The goo monster was someone that could be dealt with given proper coordination, after all it was too mindless to learn from past mistakes, and having an extra hero on hand had made the process quicker than normal. Raven was wondering if she was perhaps wrong about Jinx. A brief wonder, mind you. The bad luck girl still had a lot to make up for in Raven's mind.

Still, the thoughts had kept her awake. Forgoing her cloak, as it was the dead of night, the purple-haired goth floated from her room. Every time the moonlight caught her, it illuminated her pretty face and dark purple locks. She made for the living room, figuring a little late nigt tea would be enough to ease her mind.
Jinx lay on her stomach on the couch. She wore a purple nightgown with ruffles around teh neck straps and hem, and kept her striped socks on her feet, which swung in the air. A cup of cocoa steamed on the coffee table next to her, and she was sketching something. There wasn't much light in the room, as she was working from the TV's illumination. She really had no idea what was on anymore, as she'd lost track when she started to draw. The slender witch didn't even notice Raven floating through the room, as she was used to footsteps indicating someone's arrival.
It didn't take long to realise that the TV was on, but Raven had initially brushed it off. After all it was not uncommon to find Garfield up at this hour. However after brewing her tea, Raven floated over to the couch and felt her eyes widen at the sight of Jinx... a very scantily clad Jinx at that. Her grey cheeks turned a little pink quite quickly. "What are you doing?" Raven asked, her cup of steaming tea floating at her side.
The little dots of rouge that usually marked her cheeks were unnecessary now. They grew naturally dark, having assumed she was the only one awake. Jinx clutched her sketchbook to her chest and shifted her eyes. "Uh... nothing! Just... y'know, drawing a little. Why?" She asked, not meaning to sound as defensive as she did. "Am I in trouble, again?"
"Hm? Oh, no. Not in trouble, I was just curious." Her cup floated into her hands, and she gave the steaming liquid a modest sip. "Never took you for an artist." She didn't even get a decent glimpse from the sketchbook, but she imagined they were good. Had to be if they were enough to keep Jinx up at night. "I wanted to congratulate you though. You did well on the job today," she said, speaking in her usual husky tone.
"Thanks, though I hope it's a long while before we have to fight something that gross again." She cringed, shaking her hands as though trying to dislodge some goopy particles still lingering there. "I mean, I don't mind getting my hands dirty, but I prefer to do it metaphorically rather than literally."
"Well, on that we can agree..." Cleaning sentient muck off her hood was never an easy task, and no matter how hard she tried, some always seemed to find a way onto her. After a moment she floated down and took a seat beside Jinx, once more sipping her tea. If she was being paranoid, then perhaps getting to know Jinx would smooth things over. "Can I see what you were drawing?" she asked, evidently intrigued.
Jinx sat up to gave Raven more room, but looked nervously from her sketchbook to Raven. "I... I don't think you'd find it so interesting. Most people don't." Reluctantly, she tilted the sketchbook toward Raven. She thought, perhaps Raven wouldn't make fun of her in the same way the other Titans might. Not so much for any emotional reason, but because it wasn't within her to do so. If she didn't like it, Jinx figured she'd just say it was stupid and go away.

On the page was an MLP-stylized unicorn with a plum-colored body and a wavy pink mane with a single black streak. One of the ears looked a little ragged. On it's flank was what looked like a broken mirror framed by a horseshoe. Mentally, Jinx held her breath, and waited to hear how stupid it was.
Raven inspected it, and felt a bit of embarrassment grow within her. She didn't laugh or look with any particularly contempt in her eyes, but she was mildly surprised. "You... watch Pretty Pretty Pegasus too?" she asked, looking to Jinx. She smiled faintly "I have to admit I never took you for a fan too. I can understand you not telling anyone, I keep it to myself too." With that she took another long sip of tea.

Perhaps Jinx wasn't so bad after all.
A mixture of relief and excitement swept over Jinx's face, like getting off of a theme park ride or out of an exciting movie. "Whoa, I had no idea you were a fan! I just... it's a great show and the music is super catchy. This is my original pony, Lucky Steak." She smiled, her cheeks a little flushed. "It's kind of an ironic nickname I used to have, and I guess I thought it'd make a good pony name."
"Lucky Streak sounds appropriate," the young woman replied. "It's actually a pretty good match for the shows style... Butterscotch is my favourite," Raven said. She smiled warmly and settled a soft hand on Jinx's back. "Well, don't worry, your secret is safe with me, I won't tell anyone. Though, if you wanted to, we could always watch some episodes in my room." it was strange to offer, she would admit, but she'd never actually known any proper fans like herself.
"I'd like that." Jinx smiled with her eyes, The touch had left her almost melted, and she was happy and warm, all the way to her core, for the first time in what felt like a lifetime. "And, I won't tell anyone either, if you don't want me to."

She knew what it was like, to have an image to maintain, to have people expect things of your character that don't meld with an interest. People assumed a lot of things about her, and aboult half the time, those assumptions were correct. The other half, she mostly kept to herself. But maybe Raven had something similar to carry around.
"Let's keep this just between us... I uh, kind of have an image to keep up." Raven smiled faintly. While she didn't need to fear her father's influence these days, she still liked to put up the front of a cool and aloof girl. "Hm... you know, maybe you're not so bad after all. And I suppose I'm not the person to judge others for how they live. So, if you've got any issues I'd be happy to help you out."
"Oh no, I'm still pretty bad." Jinx smiled coyly. "I was the one who ate the last of the cookie dough." She laughed and settled back against the couch with her feet wiggling in the air. "And I'd do it again too, mwahahahaha!" She broke down into actual laughter.

"Oh, and you can tell me if you need to vent or anything too."
Raven smiled faintly "Ha. Cyborg's not gonna like that," the young woman replied. Her reaction was tame, but anyone who knew Raven at all knew that so much as a smile was quite an accomplishment. She took another long sip of tea and sighed before telekinetically floating the cup back toward the kitchen, and into the dishwasher. "Well... I better get to bed." With that she made for the door, and if Jinx turned to look she'd be able to catch sight of one sweet ass making for the door, the latex covering gleaming in the moonlight.
Indeed she did turn, and had to keep her lip buttoned. Her first instinct was to whistle, but she didn't want to scare the half-demon off with too much playfulness. Not when they were steadily building a friendship. Instead, she put the finishing touches on Lucky Streak and packed up to go to bed.
The next day was proving to be a dull affair. No villains had chosen to emerge from the undergrowth, and it left Raven with little to do. She had taken one of her spellbooks up to the roof of the tower, and began to leaf through the leatherbound tome in the warm light of the afternoon sun. It was both good light for reading, and gave her a chance to see if anything emerged in the city. A good vantage.

Old pages of arcane lore went by her vision, strange terms and words written in a script unknown to the human race. She browsed each word and letter individually, checking through the terms as she added a few new spells to her memory.
Initially, Jinx had been going to take a little walk on her own, but decided that perhaps some company was in order. She asked Robin where she might find Raven and he'd indicated that she sometimes spent time on the roof.

Jinx took up her purple parasol and headed to the top-most tier of the tower. When the doors slid open, she stuck the parasol out and popped it open, stepping beneath it. She spotted Raven, reading what looked like an ancient spell tome.

She stepped a little closer and in a voice barely above a whisper, she asked. "Are you busy?"
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