Shaken Apart (Avengers/supernatural) Fox-Lady


Jan 20, 2011
in the realm of lust and seduction
Steve Rogers was nervous. Very nervous in fact. It hadn't been so bad when they where out fighting blue aliens with funny faces and chasing an alien claiming to be a god. Everything had seamed so dulled then, the pounding of adrenaline, the rush of fighting real enemies instead of invisible opponents in a dojo. Now he was sitting in a kitchen wearing clothes he'd packed the night before, wondering when his life had flipped so completely around.

He had been born in 1912 to a wonderful woman named Sarah Rogers. His father had died in war when he was young, he couldn't remember now how old. It was now 2012 and he knew he could no longer hide that Steve Rogers was a bit of a freak. People had been perfectly content thinking that ninety four year old Steve Rogers was sitting in a nursing home, tending to his investments with the help of nursing staff. Steve was fairly sure that the general populace would continue to think that until Steve Rogers became too old, they would then simply assume Steve Rogers was his grandson, just as elusive as his grandfather. For the strange, eclectic collection of so called superheroes now being called the Avengers in the newspapers, there was no hiding. He felt exposed, even naked under the watchful gaze of the being known as Jarvis. Jarvis, Steve had learned, had always known who Steve was as soon as the man had bought stocks in the company since Jarvis's birth. Jarvis had been watching him intently as Steve's ownership of the stock went from fifteen percent, to fifty after Tony was kidnapped, came back, and declared he was no longer making weapons. As the majority shareholder, Steve could have a voice in the company and Jarvis had waited for something to come up, waited for Steve to make his voice heard as was his right. It had never happened save the once. When Pepper Potts was announced as the CEO, the Board of Directors had contacted all the shareholders to vote. Steve, by then, owned fifty two percent of the company and had indeed Voted. In favor of pepper Potts. Since he owned over half the shares, his vote rendered the others all useless, that was the only time Steve had ever given an opinion or registered a vote in the company. Steve just didn't feel like he had any right. Tony ran his business just fine without him getting in the way and Pepper did an even more impressive job.

He sighed and looked down at the page he was sketching. His artwork was more a passion now, than a job but back in the nineteen forties it had been the only thing that kept him going after the last person he had left died in the war. Steve had killed himself after he had learned of Bucky Barnes death. He had actually tried to kill himself four times but somehow, the death had never stuck. He drowned himself in work after that and since he didn't care if he died, he spent no money on heat or food, paying for his electricity only because he needed light to see by. He was pretty sure he'd died a few times of hypothermia and starvation but by the time he was thirty, cold had ceased to bother him and his stomach stopped calling out for food. He ate, only because he liked it, not because he needed it. He slept for the same reason. Mostly he drew, watched T.V. Listened to music and tended to his investments. Now, he was fighting aliens in the busiest city in America. He wasn't sure his brain could handle such an extreme shift. He was also very sure that now that Tony had him there, he wasn't going to be allowed to go back to his quiet lifestyle. So, he sighed, finished his sketch of Bucky, and took a sip of coffee and stared at it. Bucky, and sometimes Sarah, where the only people he ever drew. They where the only people who had ever truly mattered to him. maybe, maybe seventy years was long enough to grieve and he could make some new friends. After all, with the freaks he had fought next to, who would care that he was the freakiest out of all of them? At least they couldn't kill him, he didn't think.
Sam Winchester, the youngest of the Winchester siblings, and currently the only sober one, considering Dean was upstairs trying to drink a god and a Stark under the table, stepped into the suite, knocking lightly against the door, even if Steve had said they were welcome to visit him anytime. Journal and book tucked under his arm, brown hair tied back out of his face, the small bun tied at the nape of his neck. “Hey, Captain. You got a second?”He said moving across the room, fidgeting a little as he slid into a seat across from the man. Book and notebook balanced on his knees. Because while he was usually the nicer one of the brothers, he was actually fairly afraid of offending the man in front of him.

“You-you are not human!”Tony listed a little to the side as he leaned against the bar, well on his way to being plastered, but much like that time in sweden, or any conference he went to really, he was fully functioning and utterly able to talk, which considering Thor was watching both him and Dean winchester in amusement as they tried to outdrink him, and the fact that they were still coherent after pouring that many drinks down their throats, just said how much they normally drank. It was amusing accusement coming from him to Dean, considering just how much he'd been drinking himself.
Steve paused at the knock and turned to look at the boy who had very randomly appeared. he still hadn't figured out why the Winchesters where there but he wasn't about to argue with Tony. or rather, with Jarvis who probobly knew everything there was to know about them. "god... don't call me that." Steve pleaded. "i have no idea why they started calling me that..." yes he did. it was all Phil Coulsons idea. there had been a comic about a blond haired blue eyed man in the war who had let some German scientist experiment on him. he had been the worlds first superhero. he had died on his first mission but there had been comics galore to fund the war. Coulson had been an avid fan and even had all the cards. he had been the one to recreate the idyllic image. he hadn't been Captain America for a whole week yet and people where still insisting on using it. ugh. "what's up?" he asked the other, pouring him a cup of coffee, examining the book and notepad. "here. let's move to the table. wouldn't want to drop something." he admitted.

"A-Are too!" Dean snapped right back, hefting his glass into the air in a toast before slamming it back. "If. If anyone isn't humans it's, it's, it's him! he's... he's... Goldylocks!" Dean said, pointing at Thor accusingly. "i'm... i'm one of the, very best drinkers, ever! no one, should be able to, out drink me!" Dean complained before blinking when he dropped his glass and it split in half. "look! the glass agrees! it's ashamed!" Dean said, laughing wildly, ignoring the other occupants in the room. namely an archer who was cuddling with a red headed woman who was super hot but super, super scary.
Sam smiled a little, looking amused at the other’s protest before nodding. “Okay then. Steve then.”He said before snickering a little. “I used to read that comic it came from. It’s amusing really.”he said amused because even if it wasn’t based on him, Steve did indeed look like the world’s first superhero. Smiling slightly as he took the coffee, sipping it for a moment before holding up the notebook, before setting it against the table. “Two requests. One, I’d like to go over the last couple decades with you. Being well, weird yourself, I thought maybe you noticed some weird stuff going on elsewhere to. I mean, we might have already taken care of it, but it’d be nice to see if we missed any long standing cases.”Sam said before fidgeting, because well, he hated to ask. He really did, but he so rarely got pictures of Dean, and having lost him so many times, he wanted this. “ Well. I know you only draw for yourself. But. Um.”He stuttered a little, awkward. Where was dean’s bluntness when he needed it. “I wanted, to ask if you’d draw dean. I mean. I know it’s odd, and easier to just take a picture,’re a good artist. And...I don’t know. It’d be nice to have a know what...never mind. It’s a stupid idea....”The man frowned a little as he sipped his drink.

Tony grinned dopely as he slammed his own shot back, before laughing, waving a hand at the god who was looking so very amused. “He i-isn’t human. He’s as-ass-gardian.”Tony said in a singlong tone that meant he was so, so drunk. “Goldylocks?”Thor shot natasha and clint a look, looking thoughtful. “he is so goldylocks!And it hsould be ashamed.”He decided. “....think we should stop them?”Natasha muttered looking vaguely worried, but mostly amused.
Steve smiled a little at Sam, he really liked the younger man. "it's horrible. i blame Couls..." he paused and then. "well. never mind." because Coulson was dead and for a moment Steve had forgotten. he was just so used to.... being alone he wasn't sure how to handle death anymore. being alone for seventy years left a person a bit nuts but Steve was still doing mostly okay. "sure, but again, i was pretty secluded. i was terrified of people finding out what i was..." he paused. "i still don't know what i am." he admitted. "but if there are other people like me, people like Bruce and Thor and Stuff, well... i guess it's silly to keep hiding isn't it?" he asked with a smile before watching the other. "i'll tell you what i can... i'm. ah, well. i don't write very well." he was nearly illiterate. he had a tablet that read to him. he had known how to read and write once, he thought, but after forty years of disuse he had forgotten most of it, well no he couldn't ever forget what with his impeccable memory, but even with photographic memory, without practice the knowledge had faded until it was nearly useless. he had asked Howard Stark for a reader that would speak, to fill the lonely hours and the man had come through. over the years the design was improved and Steve hadn't touched a book or typer since. oh he still knew his math and his numbers. he had gotten very advanced about that, but he had all but forgotten how to read and write. he figured it wasn't all that important anyway.

"A Drawing?" Steve asked, perking up a little. "that's a delightful idea. it gets boring drawing the same two people over and over again." he admitted. no matter that he had filled two suitcases with different drawings of them. it wasn't like he could forget them. "Let me get my Tablet and a fresh pad. this ones all filled up." he admitted, nudging the finished picture of Bucky Barnes. he was back within seconds, his personal tablet in hand. it was the very best on the market and wasn't even available to the public. as majority stockholder, Steve got special perks like that. plus he always had some pretty good feedback for the people designing the things. he handed the tablet to Sam and settled back down with his pad and started sketching, as he always did, from memory. he'd do a few of Dean, let Sam pick which one he liked, and maybe do a few of Sam too. "so. what are you looking for, in the case of 'odd things?' " Steve asked with a smile. maybe being around people wasn't going to be so bad.

"He's... He's... He's Loreal!" Dean gasped with laughter, making Clint snort and tuck his face against Natasha to hide it, tensing a little when the pale fragile form of Loki strode into the room. no one was sure what to do with the godling, who had been mind controlled like Clint, albiet willingly because Thanos had held his children. "Brother." Loki said, setting his fingertips on Thor's shoulder. "stop teasing the mortals." he ordered playfully. "You know they could never withstand asgardian ale." "You! You! That's... is that a challenge!" Dean demanded, thumping his hand against the table, making Loki laugh. "No, it is simple truth. because of our physiology it takes a brew ten times as strong as this to have an effect on us. i am very impressed with how much you can drink but you do need to stop. the alcohol levels in your systems are reaching dangerous levels. you'll get alcohol poisoning if you keep going like this." "yep. time to stop them." Clint admitted, when Loki said the dreaded words 'alcohol poisoning' Clint knew it was time to break up the party. he didn't know how to handle Loki but any idiot would realize the man was one of the very best healers in the universe. as well as the high sorcerer of Asgard. whatever that meant.
“...You can still blame him, even if he is gone.”Sam said his look gentle. “It’s not easy is it? I mean....with as old as you doesn’t get any easier. I hoped it would...”Sam frowned thinking about jessica, before nodding a little. “I know you were. But you’re still old, you probably know different urban legends then we do. I mean, every generation has different stories. Even though Jarvis is doing a good job at helping me compile them.”Sam said like a overeager puppy, which he was. At least concerning stuff like this, and finally, finally he was having a chance to upload all of bobby’s books onto the computer, make it easier to find and search for things, even if dean still perferred hitting the books, when he had to. “Yes, a little silly. And...”He studied the other, tilting his head a little. “I could help you. I mean. If you want to learn again. I’m better at teaching then Dean is. I wont make you do shots everytime you mess up or something. Which he would.”He teased a little, mostly joking, though as he’d gotten older, and especially after he’d joined up with him again, dean had taught him things as a drinking game when they had a night off or so.

“Yes, a drawing. I have photos, a few anyways, that we’re stationary mostly. That we have a base of sorts, I thought.....”Sam blushed a little. “I want a home. Since we were small, we haven’t had that. Doing something personal, like a drawing....seems like claiming the space for ourselves, even if Stark’ll eventually get tired of having us I’m sure.”he said making a face, before looking amused at how eager the other was, watching him for a long moment before nodding. “Yes. I don’t know....I mean. Urban legends, hauntings, things that go bump in the night....I don’t know really. I just thought, you are old enough you might know things we didn’t. And....well, our friend who’s older then you, is not a.....”Sam paused considering how to word it. “He is not a good people person. If I asked Cas for help, he’d give it, but he probably wouldn’t understand what I was looking for....even though I really don’t understand either.”Sam sighed a little, shrugging. “I’m just trying to get a record of odd things, to help us, and others.”

“No!He’s Thor-eal!”Tony giggled. “.....time to take the alcohol away.”Natasha muttered tensing when Clint did, tense and ready to defend clint even if Loki hadn’t done anything aggressive since they’d found out he’d been controlled. “....They are drinking their own Ale, Loki. But yes, I think it is time to stop them.”Thor said as he reached out to take the glasses from dean and tony despite their protests. “Loooookkkiii!You’re no fun. What happened to the trickster!You’re supposed to be fun. I think you should be fun.”Tony sulked looking up at Loki with wide sulking eyes, looking so much like a puppy, so much more so then normal standing next to the scruffy world weary dean.
Steve frowned a little. "i... don't know." he admitted. "back before... i only ever had two people. my mother Sarah and Bucky. they where all i had and the only people i was close to. after they died i just... stopped. i haven't spoken to a real person in... in years and years and i never got close to anyone because people just... scared me. what would they do to me when they found out?" Steve mused. "it wasn't until that one eyed man, Fury? showed up on my doorstep saying they needed my help... you, and the Avengers are the first people i've had any real contact with since Bucky died." he admitted. "Phil was... i liked him, he was sweet and nice and kind of hyper. passionate. he made me think of my mother." he admitted. "i'm just, dull. i think. the emotions... after spending so long alone, your emotions kind of, settle. it's hard to feel things." he admitted. "it's not something i would recommend. sure it's nice for grief and anger and all the bad feelings but... the good feelings get settled too so it's hard to be happy. hard to laugh. hard to really get excited about anything. the only passion i have left, is drawing.... and investing i guess, does investing count?" he wondered.

"oh! You want the ghost stories! i have lots of those." he admitted with a grin. "me and Bucky, we where fascinated with 'true' horror stories and we'd go look for ghosts and bogeymen." he admitted. "i guess it would be a good idea to learn. if i'm going to be around people again being able to work a typer would be for the best, at the very least. writing might come a little harder for me but as long as i can type it should be fine. no one uses pen and paper in this generation anymore anyway." he admitted, his pencil stroking against the page as he drew Dean, laughing as he hugged an arm around a flushing Sam. it was the first memory he had of the two, having come down to wash off the grime of battle he had come across Tony teasing Dean and Sam in the hallway. "there's a person that's older than me? would his name be James Howlette?" he asked. he remembered that name from Bucky's letters. they had served in the war together. James had trusted Bucky so much that he had admitted that he was incapable of death. just like Steve, only very different. he had somewhat kept an eye on the man. he was living with a man by the name of Charles Xavier in a school for the gifted right now. "let's see. ghost stories...." Steve mumbled before he began telling all his and Bucky's old favorite stories. ghosts and grims and legends and tales. many of which, of course, Sam had never heard of. Steve also told him about murders that became legends in his day and a story about a beast called a Bogeymen, not to be confused with a boogeyman. the Boogeyman was n entity that frightened naughty children. the Bogeyman was a being that sought out evil people and attacked them in their dreams, making them suffer their worst nightmares and fed on the dreams, the pain and the terror they caused. Steve had never been afraid of the Bogeymen, but Bucky had once said that his younger brother, who liked to go out and beat up the fags, oops that was a naughty word now wasn't it? would suffer from violent nightmares until he stopped hurting people. proof enough in Steve's opinion.

"I am well aware they are drinking their own Ale or i might have to punish my brother for being so irresponsible. most Asgardian Liquor is poisonous to Midgardians." Loki admitted. "had they drank the wrong kind of asgardian ale, i would have had to spend several hours purging their systems... as it is, i might still have to do so. how could you let them drink so much!?" Loki demanded of Thor, looking very cross. "the only reason i'm here is because Jarvis expressed a worry. you are supposed to be the crown Prince Thor, not a child. you're supposed to be more responsible." he scolded, turning the drink in Dean's hand into water, looking smug when the man slugged it down and didn't even notice it wasn't alcohol. way too drunk to notice when Loki filled his glass with more water. "oh. i am plenty of fun, so long as alcohol isn't involved. i truly cannot abide the stuff." Loki sniffed, turning all of the alcohol in the room to juice and water. if Tony was going to insist on drinking then he was going to get hydrated while doing so. "Fenrir is much more advanced in that look than you are." Loki informed Tony.
“Yes....I can see how it wouldn’t have gone well if they found out. And yes, fury....I’m sure Phil would have liked to know he reminded you of your mother.”Ah....yes. I could see how the emotions dulled....I worry about dean. He’s been....since hell...he’s been closed off. There’s just some things he wont talk about...and I’m afraid he’s going to simply let everything go....”Sam bit his lip, because he really was worried about his brother, who was also his best friend most days. Though he knew Cas was Dean’s. A world weary man for a world weary angel. Who both tried to do the best, and sometimes screwed the pooch, but always got back up and hit back twice as hard. “And yes, I think investing counts.”sam laughed a little.

“Yes, ghost stories.”Sam grinned at him before laughing out loud. “You’d be surprised how many of those ‘true’ horror stories, really are true.”He snickered a little before nodding a little. “Okay then. I’ll help you learn again as thanks for that picture.”he said looking pleased at having a way to pay the other back for it, and for telling him stories frowning slightly before shaking his head. “No. His name is Cas. And he’s....if we hang out here long enough, he’ll show up. He sorta follows Dean around.”He said well aware Cas followed them both around, but it was Dean that got the angel flinting about in a worried tizy if he couldn’t find him. Grinning as he settled in to listen. Utterly fascinated and glad that despite he was making notes, that jarvis was recording all the stories for him

“I would not be that irresponsible. And you should not. They seem well. And they said they could handle it.”Thor frowned looking very upset that he had endangered his friends by believing that them. “...That’s not fair!F-fenrir doesn’t count, he’s a puppy. Puppy don’t get puppy looks.”Tony sulked as he sipped his drink, not even aware of it actually, but it was good for him to taking water, not that he noticed that he was.
"he's repressing his emotions i'm sure. he'll end up letting it all out. this group of people, they all seam to be.... affectionate and emotional." he admitted. "they always touch and smile... makes me a bit nervous but i think i'm getting used to it." he admitted. "especially poor Bruce. i don't think he's been touched in years." well neither had Steve but that had been his own choice. Bruce just hadn't been able to trust anyone and he had gotten so overwhelmed when Tony hugged him and Clint leaned against him at the same time that he'd had started shaking and crying and had to go sit in his quite room to calm down. Steve could sympathize, but he was handling it a lot better, most likely because Steve ad not been abused all of his life the way poor Bruce had been. "i think if Dean was going to open up to anyone, it would be this group." he admitted. "even i've been admitting things i never even knew about myself... to be honest, i had no idea i was lonely until i set foot on that helipad and people started talking to me." he admitted.

"oh i have no doubt." he admitted. "i was always more than willing to admit that ghosts where real. my mother was a firm believer in angels and ghosts and the like." he admitted with a smile. "you don't have to thank me for the pictures. it gives me something fresh to draw and that's really nice." he admitted. "Cas huh?" he asked, looking amused. "i'll look forward to meeting him." he admitted, talking as he drew. by now he was very good at drawing, so by the time he had exhausted all the stories he knew, he had several drawings of dean which he handed over to Sam. the one of Dean and Sam in the hall, one of Dean flung over the living room couch, taking up as much space as possible and one portrait of dean, intense eyes staring into Sam's soul.

"Whether they can handle it, or not, Thor, no one should drink three bottles of any king of hard liquer by themselves!" Loki scoffed, indicating the bottles littered around the boys. they had indeed drank just about that much. "Fenrir does count because his pupp dog eyes don't work on me either." Loki stated. "now. have a few more drinks." Loki ordered, refilling their glasses with a swirling green liquid. "and go to bed." "what is that?" Clint demanded. "it's a potion that will mitigate the effects of the intoxication and prevent poisoning." Loki explained. "it's basically a sobering potion. as far gone as they are though i doubt it will do much more than prevent them from having to go to a healer... ah, hospital."
“ bad as it’d be, I think he’ll feel better if he let things out.”Sam sighed softly, because he had always been the more emotional of the two, not as locked down. Though he’d gotten better at the hiding emotions over the years, it still came harder to him then it did to dean. Nodding a little. “Yes....I got my own cuddles from Bruce. It was nice.”Sam said smiling a little, because while he wasn’t advertising he was bisexual, he didn’t go out of his way to hide it either. The fact dean hadn’t noticed, was more dean’s fault then his own. “Probably. They have a way of getting people to talk.”he snickered a little.

“....well. you might not enjoy knowing angels exist.”He muttered making a small face at that, before smiling a little. “I still want to. And it’ll be fun teaching you. I’ve always been good at it.”He said tilting hsi head because despite dean being the better tactician, the better warrior, sam had always been the one to read dean’s homework, make sure there wasn’t any mistakes, and when dean dropped out, make sure his brother had the smarts he’d need to get by. “Yep, Castiel, but he prefers Cas. Well. Dean prefers Cas, and the name just sorta stuck.”Sam snickered a little looking amazed as he looked at the drawings in his hand, turning his head down to hide the tears for a moment as he stared at his brother. “Wow.”he muttered swallowing thickly, before smiling. “Thanks Steve.”He said glancing at his watch.”I probably should go see what mischief dean’s gotten into...”

“....Well.Maybe.”Thor frowned a little having not thought about that, before snickering at tony’s whining. “Nooo. He’s a puppy, puppies giving puppy eyes don’t count.”Tony grumbled even as he took the drink, not even waiting to see what it was before drinking it. “Tony!What have we told you about drinking things random people give you?”Natasha said frowning a little. “Not to?”Tony muttered even as he sipped the drink, humming lightly. “It tastes like apples.”
"im sure he would. but people rarely think so." Steve admitted. "if i'd had someone to talk to about Bucky, i likely never would have tried to kill myself..." he paused and winced, realizing he'd actually said that. "sorry. i know people don't like to hear about things like that." well, they didn't used to. it had been a long time, things might have changed but Steve kind of doubted it. "now that he's realized touch can be a good thing, Bruce is craving it like a drug. i think it's nice that he can hold people and not have to be afraid." Steve admitted with a smile. "now if i could just get used to being around people i think everything would be just about perfect." he admitted with a chuckle. "i've always known Angels existed." Steve admitted. "i met one. before Bucky died. he was a curious fellow that seamed a little too interested in me." he admitted. "but he moved on soon enough." he admitted. "i'm assuming Demons exist as well. Micah didn't outright say it, but he hinted at it." Micah was an Archangel that was on par with Micheal and Cas. what he had been doing on earth hovering around Steve was a mystery but Steve didn't know that. he didn't care either, nothing had come of it after all.

"Good. i'll be glad to learn." Steve admitted. "i used the tablet there to read to me, just to hear another voice, but it might be nice to read a book while others are chattering. cozy like. i used to do that back when i was younger. i'd sit in the living room while my mother and Bucky chattered on and teased each other and read books." he admitted with a smile. "it would be nice to do that again." he looked at Sam. "you make me think of Bucky too. he was sweet, always stepping in to help someone." he admitted. "no problem Sam. i should probably go up too, before Tony comes and finds me." he admitted with a chuckle. "he's such a fussy fellow. i think he really wants me to stay because he keeps asking me if i like it here or if i need anything. it's sweet." he admitted.

"Moron." Loki huffed at Thor before chuckling at Tony. Loki startled at Natasha's sudden snap and he blinked at her. "is that a problem he often comes across?" he wondered. "Yeah." Clint admitted. "he has a lot of people who would love to drug him and drag him off." Clint admitted, watching Loki warily as the man adopted a thoughtful pose. "i might be able to fix that." Loki admitted. "in the meantime they are going to puke in.... three... two... one.." Dean went first, leaning over the table and hurling. a snap of Loki's fingers had the mess cleared up before anyone could even react and a second glass as set in front of them. "to help with the nausea and to freshen your breath and clean your mouth." considering Loki had done this for Thor, and Thor's friends a hundred million times, Thor would be able to validate that. "good. now they should go to bed, the first potion will kick in once they settle into bed and close they're eyes. they'll sleep through a good chunk of the nasty hangover they're going to have." Loki admitted before looking over when Same and Steve stepped into the room, Steve blinking at all the alcohol bottles strewn around. "are we getting drunk?" Steve couldn't get drunk, but he did like the taste of the alcohol he drank.
“I’ve found that to. No matter how much it’d help, it rarely is what people wnat to do.”He smiled a little before his eyebrows raised at the idea of steve trying to kill himself, but not having a strong reaction either. “No, but we’re not most people. Dean’s talked me off that ledge a few times. I’ve talked him off it....I’m sure there’s probably a few in the tower who’ve tried to. If you want to talk.”Sam smiled slightly, before nodding. “It’s good to cuddle. I haven’t had anyone since Jessica died.”he said sighing quietly, before looking at the other interested. That was curious. And a little worrying, if he met a archangel. He hoped cas showed up soon enough, having not been praying to him simply because he knew the man was drowning in human and angel blood, and he was drowning in a war. It wasn’t good to distract him.he’d ask, when the other showed up. “Yes. They are. Black eyes, and they don’t like hearing ‘Christos.”Sam said.

“Ah, yes. I did that alot growing up to. I didn’t....I was the black sheep of my family. It was easier to simply read then get in dean and dad’s way.”He said making a face before snickering. “I’m not that sweet. And I think Tony’s not used to having people actually wanting to stay. So he’s trying to make sure we all have things we want, because he really wants us to want to be here.”

“Very. It’s happened a few times.”Natasha said frowning a little looking at Tony sternly as the man squirmed. “I wont take anything!”he whined before groaning as he went down to, groaning as he threw up. Glaring at the glass as he nodded, taking the glass. “Thanks.”He muttered feeling fairly horrible now. “They will sleep well, and not feel to sickly for this.”Thor said watching the two before looking up at the other two. “They were. I was not.” “They were trying to drink Thor under the table.”Sam said shaking his head a little as he moved over to dean, catching his arm. “Come on, Dee, to bed.”He said.
Steve relaxed and smiled at Dean. "it was over seventy years ago now. i don't much worry about it anymore." he admitted. "you have a point though, i know that Bruce tried. i know that Tony's tried." he admitted. "i guess we're all well suited to each other, huh?" he asked with a smile before shaking his head. "Jessica was your girlfriend?" he asked softly. "it's hard to loose someone so close." he admitted. "Bucky and i where never... that way." he admitted. "but he was the closest i ever had." holy shit, Steve was a virgin. "even with my emotions as dull as they are now, i can still remember how.... how painful it was. hw it sucked at everything until there was nothing left." he admitted softly. "you know, if you ever need anything more... intimate...?" Steve offered Sam. "i won't have sex with you, but i'd be willing to, you know... do other things." he offered. "and i'm sure the others wouldn't hesitate in offering , or accepting if you asked them." he admitted with a smile before looking amused. "Cristo, Latin for Christ? i'll have to remember that." he admitted.

"yes... i'll have to fix that." Loki admitted, looking very disgusted at the idea of people drugging other people. another snap of the fingers and Tony's mess was also cleaned up. "...Seriously?" Steve asked, looking amused. "they really should have known better." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head as he set about cleaning up everything before pouring himself a drink an sitting dwn at the bar to savor it. Ton had some damn good booze. "So. it was Loki, right?" "indeed." Loki admitted, offering Steve a surprisingly gentle smile. "i wished to thank you, for speaking in my defense. i was... i was certain i would loose everything." "well, when Thor asked you where your kids where and you started crying, i just couldn't help it." Steve admitted, fidgeting a little. "i've seen people do even worse to protect their children. Nazi's used to do it all the time. most of the scientists that did the experiments and the like, only did so because the soldiers had their families. i can understand trying to protect the ones you love." "...not everyone would think so..." Loki admitted softly. "Thor does not know. but Odin has banished and disowned me for my actions. in his words, i should have let Thanos slay my children." h sighed. "he was always a piss poor father." he admitted, not even sounding bothered by it. he had long ago gotten over any lingering love for the one eyed god of gods.
“I think so. Well suited for each other’s company I think.”He smiled a little before nod slightly. “She was. She was killed a few years ago.”He said tilting his eyes, eyes widening as he stared at steve. Now that, was a surprise. And totally made sam want to defile the innocent little virgin. Swallowing thickly before he nodded. “I’ll keep that in mind.”he said looking a little wide eyed at the idea of steve offering before nodding. “Indeed. They don’t like Christ either, but since I’m usually doing a excorism around them, latin is normal.”Sam said shrugging a little.

“Good.”Natasha said looking pleased at the idea. “They really should have. But no one’s ever accused Dean of being the smart one.”Sam smirked a little at his brother as he helped him out of the room. Smiling a little as natasha helped a protesting tony to bed, the genius seeming certain he didn’t need bed. He was fine. “I am sorry Loki....”Thor muttered looking sad, tilting his head as he considered his brother, because he hated how uneven their raising had always been, even if he had been to stupid to realize it until recently. “....You all should get some sleep.”Natasha said looking at them all as she walked in, frowning as Sam walked back in to get himself a drink, and while no one would ever accuse her of it to her face, she was such a mother hen,
"I think so too." he agreed before he grimaced. "a oogy boogy?" he asked softly. his way of asking if it was a preternatural being or a human that had killed her. he wasn't sure if it really mattered, but at least f it was an oogy boogy then maybe Sam had been able to get some closure, if not revenge. he smiled at Sam, as if he knew what the other was thinking. "Like i said, no sex, but i'd be willing to let you defile me a little." he teased with a grin. "Latin is, from what i understand, the first language. it makes sense they would be hurt more using the first language then a watered down collection of various sounds that the English language is." he admitted.

"Well. it's not like Asgardian's are well known either." Steve admitted with a smile, feeling warm inside that he knew to be as close to contentment as he could get. he liked this. a flash of red inside that was anger when Loki spoke. no one should ever be told that they should have let their children die. "i am beyond caring of the actions of that... being." Loki sneered, making Steve's lip twitch. "i don't sleep." Steve admitted simply. "if i get tired i can lay down and rest and pretend to sleep, but i don't actually sleep." he admitted, taking another sip, smiling as Clint settled in with a drink of his own. watered down with ice because unlike Tony, Clint was a lightweight to the extreme. a single drink was more than enough for him and he preferred it dose with a bit of water or soda pop. "Sit own and join us?" Steve offered Natasha.
“A oogy boogy. And one that Dean put down. So...yea.”Sam shrugged a little, because while it hadn’t been him, it helped to know Azazel would never get a chance to hurt someone again. Not that he’d dealt really with the guilt of getting jessica killed for being with him, but it was some closure. “....Sounsd good.”Sam smirked a little before snorting, “You know. That makes sense.”He said looking thoughtful.

“good.”Thor muttered though he still looked worried about his brother, because no matter what odin said, Loki was his brother. “...Truly?”Natasha said looking interested as she crossed the room, snickering a at the sight of clint sipping his watered down drink. Settling onto the barstool next to him, “One drink I think. A martini please.”She said looking amused as sam set about mixing both her and his own cocotail
Steve nodded. "it didn't help much, did it?" he asked softly. "i wouldn't know much, since i never knew what actually happened to Bucky i wouldn't know if it helps." he admitted. "but from the look on your fce, i would sy not much... just... you'll never forgt her. i've never forgotten Bucky or my mom. but, in time, and it's different for everyone, you'll start to think about her and you'll smile, instead of wanting to cry." he admitted with a small smile of his own. "because you'll remember how happy she was, how happy she made you and it will be pleasant, instead of painful." he admitted. "my mother was pretty religious, she knew all kinds of interesting things. she used to pray to god in Latin." he admitted. "she wasn't churchy though, she didn't like the way the pastors where all fire and brimestone and sin and and stuff." he admitted. "she worshiped from home. honestly i think she was more christian than the women who went to church three times a week." he admitted.

"all of them are here on earth now anyway, Odin can no longer touch them. the one, Fury, was very kind in offering them sanctuary." he admitted with a smile. Fury was a hard ass but even he drew the line at threatening people's families, especially children. as soon as Fury got the whole truth from Loki, he offered all of the 'human citizenship' meaning Odin couldn't touch them anymore. all of them where pleased with the arrangement, especially as Jörmungandr decided to join Shield as an Agent. "yeh, really. can't get drunk either. i tried to once." Steve admitted with a grin. "i drank three bottle of Everclear..." Clint spit his drink. "and didn't even get a buzz.... oddly, i still got sick." Steve admitted. "though that might be because i drank three bottles of something that tasted like piss." he paused, blinked at Natasha, struggled with himself and then seamed to give in. "Shaken, or Stirred?" he aked, wiggling his eyebrows at her, making Clint choke this time. Captain was ballsy!
“No, it really didn’t help. Not when the demon was there because he was after me.”Sam sighed softly, running a hand through his hair, before smiling slightly. “yea....that’s what dean tells me. At know, in that gruff and sarcastic way that you have to read between the lines to understand.”He snorted a little as he thought about his brother before smiling. “Good. The pastors like that sorta freak me out really.”He said snickering slightly.

“Good.”Natasha said as she sipped her drink, glad that the children and loki were well protected, amused because it greatly amused her to watch the agents try to say jormungandr. “.....truly?”Sam stared at steve before shaking a finger at him. “You’re never to tell that to dean or tony, they’ll make themselves again trying to outdrink you.”He said amused as he made his chocolate martini, mostly he drank cocktails cause it totally annoyed dean that he did. Much like he still gave the man a hard tiem about listening to the mullet crew of classic rock. “Do I look like bond to you, captain? Stirred of course.”Natasha smirked as she took the drink from sam, sipping it slowly.
"I'm sorry. that super sucks." Steve admitted with a grimace. "i wish i could help with that one but the only death i can place blame on myself is my goldfish rich...." he admitted flushing a little. "i stole him from coney island and he starved to death because we couldn't afford to buy fish food so i tried to feed him potatoes instead.... it didn't end well." he admitted. "Well, Dean is, you know? Dean." Steve agreed with a smile. "he might be your brother but i think he's kind of emotionally constipated." he admitted.

Loki offered her a small smile. "i've also agreed to work on emergency situations." he admitted. "it will really be spitting in Odin's eye when he realizes that i'm spending all of my centuries of healing knowledge and magical mastery to heal mortals." he admitted with a snicker. "Te best part is when he realizes that my Titles as Master Healer and Head Sorcerer are still mine even if i'm no longer Asgardian. they are titles that span all the nine realms." Loki admitted, looking very smug. "being perfectly honest, all he did was give me exactly what i wanted most." Loki admitted, sitting down and examined the nearest bottle, his head tilted. "I won't tell." Steve promised, looking amused. "No. not like Bond... but a Bond Girl wouldn't be too far off the mark." Steve teased, making Clint snort and try to hide it because if he laughed he was pretty sure Natasha would hit him.
“Yea it does. But it gets easier with each day.”Sam sighed softly, before laughing softly. “Now horrible to laugh at. But that’s amusing to.”Sam said snorting a little, “Yea. He is. Don’t worry, I tell him he’s emotionally constipated all the time.”

“Really?Cool.”Sam said looking interested in the idea, and wondering just how well loki and cas would get along. That would just be amusing really. “Yes, indeed. Mother was very proud when you gained both titles.”Thor said looking so very proud of his brother for being so good at it. “No, we wont tell.”Natasha agreed before snorting at Steve’s words. “Well. Maybe.”Sh esaid before turning to look at her boyfriend when she heard his snort, “.....You are not cool enough to be Bond. And you are not getting laid.” “.....I feel like this is a common punishment for him.”Sam looked amused and interested, the man really was a whore sometimes, it seemed dean’s bad habits were rubbing off. “It is.”
"Well, most asgardians don't care much for learning and arts. they take their time learning anything there is to learn. i didn't have the patience. i wanted to know things, i devoured books and practiced incessantly." he admitted. "i didn't waste my time like so many do and so i rose in power, skill and knowledge very quickly." he admitted, looking quite pleased with his accomplishments. "As i recall, Mother threw me a party despite Father's protests." he admitted with a snort. "he sulked for a good long while." he admitted before watching, curious as Steve flirted with one of the few things on earth Loki was rather timid of. Natasha Romanoff. "oh. and here i was thinking i could be Bond." Steve admitted with a sly grin, Clint laughing. "that's okay Nat. i'll just be Steve's Bondgirl for the night instead. or maybe Sam? he's sexy enough to be a Bond, don't you think?" he asked with a smirk. "it is a common punishment." Clint sighed. "i'm so abused." "Well. i don't do sex on first dates, but i'd be willing to snuggle naked with you and watch movies." "seriously?! no sex?" Clint asked, looking a but surprised at Steve who just shrugged. "hand jobs at least?" "sure, why not." "Sweet. Nat, my love, i'm bunking with Cap tonight." Clint teased. mostly because he knew she was possessive and it would make her punish him. that was always fun.
"That's awesome. You'll fit in here well. Tony has a insatiable thirst for knowledge."natasha said smiling a little. "She did. It was quite a good party."thor said smiling a little."hmmm. You know rogers, you'd make a good bond. Maybe I will let you take the heathen off my hands. Clints girly enough to be a bond girl."natasha said eyeing her boyfriend before huffing a little, looking at sam as the hunter blushed."he's more a bond girl. It's the hair."she said teasing him, just amused to watch him blush. Smirking at clint at his declarationshe ahrugged."that's okay. I'll bunk with sam tonight."
"Well, being honest here, all humans have a deep thirst for knowledge. humans are, without a doubt, much more advanced than asgardians. you might be behind us by a few centuries but considering we are a good trillion centuries older than you, you are advancing at an extraordinarily rapid pace." Loki admitted. "i give it another thousand years or so and you'll be well beyond anything Asgard has. they are just too immersed in their false superiority to notice it. i for one will be eager to see what humans are capable of." he admitted.

Steve laughed a little and grinned as he watched Clint who was pouting at Natasha in-between trying to see if Steve was actually being serious before he studied Natasha, his eyes narrowed. he knew she had a thing for a certain type of guy and Sam and Steve both fit the bill perfectly. Steve wouldn't go all the way though, apparently so Sam was the next viable option and Clint had to admit, he rather liked the idea. "You'll record it for me though right? i haven't been that naughty?" he asked, pouting at his lover and laid his head on her shoulder and looked up art her with those adoring eyes of his. his way of saying 'i won't be upset if you fuck him but i want a play by play later'.
“Ah.That’s awesome.”Sam said fidgeting a little because he’d actually refrained from quizzing the gods about things, and asgard, simply because he’d met gods before. They tended to not be happy with the questions. He figured since he’d already set about questioning steve for the day, that he’d settle for that and maybe ask questions of them later. “It’ll be intresting to see. Not that we’ll be around to see it, but it’d be cool.”Sam snickered a little, because technically him and dean would have been able to be around, if only in body, not soul, if they’d said yes to michael and lucifer, though he had a feeling they wouldn’t have cared about humanities advances if they had.

Natasha smirked at Clint as he pouted, raising her eyebrows at the look she was getting from Clint, glancing at Sam who looked a little at a loss for what to think. “...Do I get no say in this?” “Nope. You look like you need ravished.”Natasha said smirking as he nearly choked on his drink, that was just adorable. Looking down at Clint as he laid his head on her shoulder, she smirked, pressing a kiss to his forehead, but not answering. Teasing him. “I thought you were flirting with a super soldier to much to notice what I was getting up to.”
"You are curious about the Agardians?" Loki asked, smiling at Sam. "when your not so distracted by the opportunity for sex, come and see me. i don't care if i give away Asgardian secretes." Loki admitted, strutting off to play with magic in his rooms. "oh. i'm sure a number of you will be around." Loki admitted, as if he knew something that they didn't know but he was gone before they could question him. "he still freaks me out..." Clint mumbled as he sipped at his drink. of course he was weirded out. he had been connected to Loki's mind while they had both been under the mind control. out of everyone Clint had been the most affected by the events of the Chitauri invasion. not even Loki had been so affected. he was doing much better, Natasha had mostly fixed him but he would never be the same again. then again, none of them would be.

"He totally needs to be Ravished." Clint agreed, Steve looking amused. " no. the super soldier was flirting with you and i was trying to get attention." Clint responded with an impish grin because he was always trying to get attention. "Maybe, since you and Steve are so intent on ignoring me, i'll just go snuggle Sam instead? i bet he'd like a good snuggling." Clint teased, wagging his eyebrows at Sam. Steve just laughed and stood up. "i am going to go make sure Tony is still asleep." Steve informed them. "Make sure to set your room to 'silent'" he teased with a snicker, draining the last of his drink before heading off to make sure Tony was actually sleeping and not in bed playing with his science.
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