
Nov 30, 2010
Jared Padalecki paused in the doorway as he walked into the makeup room, tensing a little as Jensen nearly walked into his back. pausing as he considered what he was seeing, he snorted a little before stepping aside to let Jensen in the room, knowing that no warning of the nearly naked woman laying on her stomach on the table, was more then enough punishment for whatever prank Jensen had been planning to play on him. and his friend might deny it, but he knew Jensen. he'd had that thoughtful plotting face on since they'd arrived on set this morning, hopefully this would derail whatever thoughts the man had had.

"Morning, Angelia."He muttered to his own makeup artist as he eased into his chair, smiling as she started to work on his hair as he rolled his eyes to see if Jensen had noticed their newest cast member yet. he never quite trusted Jensen before noon, he was never caffeinated enough to notice things yet. but considering the sheer acreage of exposed golden honey skin, it was likely he noticed. they might both be married, but even with the bloody and vampire bite mark makeup going on, there was a beauty there. if she looked like this from behind, he had no doubt they'd found a equally beautiful woman to play the newest hunter on the show.

Jacqueline Daniels turned her head to the side to see who had come in, looking up in slight startlement at the man standing so near her, having not realized it was the winchester boys themselves that was going to be her first interactions with anyone on the cast. and while not quite star struck, she was still new enough on the scene to be nervous. "H-hello."
Jensen had been planning a prank, but everything went down the toilet when he heard her soft voice. A light pink blush painted his cheeks as he realized just how nearly naked she was. Jared had been right, all matter of what he'd been thinking before was gone. Even if he was happily married, it was normal to look right? His wife wouldn't mind, right? So many questions filled his head but he wasn't quite awake enough yet to even mprocess them. He was gonna need a minute here.

Jensen smiled softly. "Hello. Its nice to meet you. I'm Jensen, and the one giggling in the chair next to you is Jared. Might I assume you to be the new hunter on the scene?" He asked putting on one of his thousand watt smiles. With her around, he seemed to be waking up much faster than normal. Things were about to get interesting. Even Casteil wouldn't have been able to predict this.

Meanwhile, a woman with long blue hair sat in the next makeup chair watching them curiously. She was getting ready for her first scenes as well. Krystal had been picked along with Jaqueline as a new angel, and she hoped to impress Misha with her acting skills. She had long since been a fan, and Misha was her favorite character. Once her makeup was finished, she walked off silently, not wanting to disturb what hilarousbthing might happen next as Jensen tripped getting into the chair she'd just been in. He was pretty out of it. "Just the usual" he muttered absentmindedly, thinking of lunch.
"Hello."Jacqueline smiled."and yes. I'm jacqueline. Jackie if you want." "Jackie it is...and I'm not wiggling. You're just not awake enough yet."jared made a face at jensen, looking way to amused. It was a good thing jensen hadn't realized quite yet what they had planned for the new hunter, otherwise he'd be freaking out more with her nearly naked in front of him. This was gonna be great. Looking up at Krystal he snickered quietly."morning krystal."he said looking amused as jensen nearly fell over himself. Oh this was gonna be better thrn he'd thought
Jensen smiled as well. "Jackie it is then." He said with a smile, tripping over himself a little. It was a combination of him being half awake and because of Jackie's beauty. Krystal let out a small smile. "Hello jared." She was calm, just nervous about meet Misha, though it didn't show.
“So, has Misha been in yet?” “yea. He went back after coffee since out of us all, he needed the less makeup.”Jackie said sitting up carefully, holding her shirt in place so she didn’t flash them all before slipping it back on, the ripped and torn shirt showing off the ‘vampire bites’ and definitely was a fight scene right away. “You look good Jackie.”Jared smiled a little as he let the makeup artist work on his makeup and hair, before pulling away when she was done. Smirking a little at jensen, wondering how long it’d take the other man to realize that Jacqueline wasn’t just going to be one of the hunters that past through, but one of the ones that hung around, pretty much moving in wtih the brothers into the bunker, taking over for bobby’s research and work now that the man was gone. It was goign to be amusing. Slipping on her boots that were close to the boys' work boots, definitely a hunters boots instead of fashion, pure function in those boots.
Krystal frowned, but her eyes looked slightly releived. She had missed him. "Hopefully he ordered tea as well." She didn't know the boys to well, but when she'd met Jared and Jensen the day before, she had ordered only tea.

Jensen on the other hand, was watching Jackie. He was infatuated with her. He didn't want to say anything though, being as he was married and her costar. Jensen still didn't know that she was one of the hunters that stays. "Family don't end in blood, Jensen"
“He said he was.”Jackie nodded a little as she finished tying up her boots. “He only drinks tea usually, though being around Jensen has gotten him drinking coffee.”Jared snickered a little. “No, no it doesn’t.”Jared snickered a little, “It amuses me that you don’t read more then one episode at a time, Jen. We’re gaining a sister. Well. Not sure Dean’s going to keep her a sister, but you know.”Jared snickered, playing a prank on the other as Jackie headed for the door ,amused because he knew jensen would need a little warning, and considering the other had been pranking him before, he figured it was fair game.
Krystal made a releived face. "Thank the stars. I really hate coffee." She said, relaxing a bit. It was comforting that these people were so welcoming, and she already adored all 3 of them. She walked out after Jared, chuckling a little to herself. Oh, this season was gonna be fun, and in more ways than one.

Jensen chuckled. "I prefer being surprised by the episodesrather than knowing everything in advance, Jared." He replied nonchalantly, knowing the other was teasing him a bit. They would start filming in another hour.
“So does misha mostly.”Jared said smiling a little as he walked out with krystal. “Come on, we’ll go meet up with misha, you two should probably meet before we get to filming.”he said smiling as he headed for misha’s trailer, knowing the man would stop there first.

“Well, that explains Dean’s constant look of puzzlement.”Jackie teased looking amused as she slipped into her jacket, settling back into a chair to simply relax until they started filming. Wanting to get to know the other before things got quite out of hand, knowing what they were filming, and having been told what to expect, they hadn’t simply wanted to send her in there without warning, so she wanted to be comfortable with Jensen before they got there.
Krystal nodded, and Jared might be able to see the light pink blush forming on her pale cheeks. She really had a serous crush b on the man, and this was big for her. "Sounds good." She replied softly, following him off to Misha's trailer, looking nervous and meek, a complete 180 from her normal bubbly personality.

Jensen chuckled. "You have a point." He replied, running a hand over the scruff of his face. He sat in the makeup chair calmly as his hair dresser went to work, spiking his hair, and making him look as gaunt as possible. The last few seasons had been hell... literally for them.
Jared tilted his head a little, looking amused before noddign as he knocked lightly on the door as he saw the light on inside. “Misha?” “Yea,I’m coming Jackles...Wait. You’re not usually the one demanding coffee.”Misha said as he opened the door, looking amused when he saw it was Jared and not jensen demanding his addiction. “What happened? Did Jensen pass out in the chair again?”

“I always have a good point.”Jackie said blushing ever so slightly as her eyes followed the hand as he rubbed his face, before looking away. She knew he was married, she couldn’t afford to think beyond what the characters needed them to be. Fidgeting a little because she wanted to talk, to get to know him, but yet she felt awkward starting to talk, before starting to laugh a little. “You know. I have like the perfect real name for Dean, but they gave me something else. Jack Daniels, that’s just amusing.”
Jared chuckled a little. "No, Jensen is still in makeup with our new costar, Jackie. This is the new angel, Krystal Kobayashi." He explained, taking the coffee from Misha. He took in a long drink, small smile on his face. He always needed more coffee. It kept him alert and calm.

Krystal smiled softly s she watched the two men banter. "Its nice to meet you. You can just call me Krystal or Krystal. Do you have some tea by chance? Jared said you were more of a tea drinker." She asked softly, to meek right now to be anything but polite. She was nervous around people she likes.

Jensen laughed softly. " I'll take your word for it." He replied, simply sitting as the makeup artist worked on him. Filming would start soon, and he still hadn't gotten his coffee. He laughed again at his next comment, smiling She was witty. He liked her. Jensen chuckled again. "Well, he does love his jack Daniels."
“Ah. Yes. Ms. Daniels.”Misha said, looking amused, and as he tilted his head a little. “Talk about a perfect name for a Winchester.”he snorted a little, because while he knew her name was different in the show, it really was perfect. Nodding a little as he lifted the second cup of tea and handing it to her. “Ms. Daniels said you preferred tea over coffee.”He said smiling at her. “It’s good to meet you.”

“He does.”Jackie closed her eyes a little relaxing, before wincing as she realized he was going to be a bit still. “Stay put. I’ll go track down your coffee.”She said, more so because she had no idea what else to talk about before heading out the door. “Misha?” “Here, take it to the sleep walker. And tell him he needs to learn patience.”Misha snickered amused that jensen hadn’t been able to wait even a few minutes as he handed the cup to Jackie before sending her on her way. Smirking a little Jackie smiled as she held out the cup as the makeup artist finished up jensen’s makeup. “The angel asked me to inform you that patience is a virtue.”
Jared nodded, though his expression showed mild surprise. He hadn't known that they'd met. He snorted out a laugh. "I hadn't thought about it, but yes, it kind of is. I hope his wife won't be jealous." While they all knew howhappy Jensen was with Daneel, he could see sparks despite the parts they play. It was gonna be interesting.

Krystal smiled great fully as she took the cup of tea, taking in a long sip. "I'm glad she did. I really can only drink coffee in like a latte, even then very seldom." She admitted, small grin on her face. She was getting more comfortable with him despite her crush.

Jensen smiled at her, eyes closed. "Thank you kindly." He replied, simply waiting for the makeup artist to finish. He did need his coffee. When she returned, he chuckled. Misha was always like that. "Sounds about right" he admitted, still chuckling.
Misha smiled a little as he slipped off his regular jacket and started pulling on castiel’s clothes. “I met her on her way in.talked to her for awhile. She was nervous about being the new kid, so she was here at nearly dawn. I felt bad for her....and hopefully not.”Misha looked amused as he nodded. “Your welcome. And I know what you mean. Though Jensen’s starting to get me to drink more.”He smiled. “WE better get going.”he said not wanting to leave Jensen and Jackie to long, not if what he suspected would become a good friendship, and mostly cause he wanted to see jensen’s face when he figured out he had to film a sex scene in the near future.

“Yea, it does.”Jackie smiled looking amused as his makeup was finished. “Come on, Ackles, lets go see what surprises we can give you today.”She teased a little, standing next to him, she was nearly as tall as he was in her boots, and though there was a play of muscle and strength under her skin, she was slender and fine boned, a quiet vulnerablity that would be perfect against dean’s utter masculinity.
Jared chuckled. "Poor thing. I guess she's not a part of our fandom. Probably wouldn't have been so nervous ifnshe were. You have a point there, though. Who knows what Daneel might think." He repled, sipping his coffee. He smiled a little at Krystal, who nodded at misha. "I drink it occasionally, but I don't think even red hood could get me to drink more." She replied with a chuckle, referring to Jensen's role in the animated film "Batman: Under the red hood" where he played jason todd. Both she and he nodded at misha again, heading for the makeup trailer. She was gonna have fun riding in the impala.

Jensen got up, chuckling a bit as he ran an absentminded hand through his hair. "After 12 years of this show, i'm not sure there are any surprises left." Lord was he in for a surprise.
“No, said she’d actually only started watching after she got the part. Apparently she’s marathoned her way all to the current season, so she knows what’s going on.”Misha snickered quietly at that idea, it was a lot of years to watch in the span of about two months that she’d had to watch them. “he smiled a little. “Who knows. Though considering how much sex dean has on the show, it should be okay.” Snorting at Krystal’s words. “I’d forgotten he’d done that. We’re mentioning that today. He’s harassed me about everything under the sun.”Misha looked amused as he saw the two walking out of the makeup trailer, heading for the set for the bar set they were working on first, knowing krystal would catch up soon enough.

“I’m sure there are.”Jackie flushed a little, smiling slightly as she considered the man, looking at the other three heading for them. “ Ten bucks says Jackles nearly passes out.”Misha muttered glancing at jared, smirking a little as they all met at the set, pausing to look at the rest of the crew getting things ready.
Jared made an oh face, but you could see that he was impressed. That was alot of episodes to watch in such a short time. If she wasn't a hunter before, she sure as hell is now. Here both Krystal and he chuckled. Dean did have alot of sex. It was part of his charm. Any girl would be lucky to have him. She chuckled again, taking another sip of her tea, and following "Yep, he was real good in it too. But we can still laugh about it." She replied, following them.

Jensen smiled, just casually watching her as he sipped his coffee. "Don't worry. Jaredbis a teddy bear." He explained, changing his focus to the guys coming closer.

Jared smirked. "You got a bet"
Misha grinned. “I know right?She’s probably tired of staring at your face by now.”Misha teased looking amused. “We will.”Misha agreed. “He sorta looks like one. Even when he’s a moose.” “I’m a cuddly moose.”Jared said smirking a little, watching the two. “Awesome.”Misha grinned realizing it was going to be easy money. He should have bet more. “Okay, so who gets to tell Jensen his part?”Misha grinned as he held out a hand to rob, taking the script. “Here, Jackles. Read. The rest of us are going in there, and getting ready.”Misha said snickering as he headed inside the bar set. Jared smiling slightly as he settled onto his bar stool and the girls headed to their booth, absently listening for the dismayed squawking that would mean Jensen’d figured out he was supposed to have sex.
Jensen rolled his eyes. "Yours too, you filthy angel." He joked right back chuckling. He sometimes thought himself a little funnier than he really is.

Krystal pinched Jared's cheek play fully. "You are a cuddly moose" she stated, chuckling a bit herself. She really adored both boys, and was in the fandom long before being cast as the last daughter of god stationed on earth. Family had never ened in blood for her.

Jensen took the script, reading it as he followed the other 4 into the bar set. "Sex huh? Well, at least I don't have to do it with lillith like Jared." He joked, taking it pretty non chalantly. His character was kind of a man whore sometimes.
Jared laughed a little as his cheek was pinched, looking amused. “Good. I should be cuddly.”He looked amused before snorting at jensen’s words. Well. That was a lot calmer then he’d expected. Though, the hilarity of them actually getting to it was going to be amusing. “Indeed, man whore.”He teased. “okay guys, places.”The director smiled a little as he watched jared and jackie switch places. Jackie sliding onto the barstool next to Jensen, sipping her ‘beer’ that was thankfully just water. Settling easily into her new role, Bailey Stark. Glancing up at the other hunter, she smiled slightly, eyes flicking over the man’s face, amused that the episode opened with sex and ended with them hunting together. It was going to be fun, especially after she’d just marathoned through all of the seasons to know what was going on. “Winchester, good to still see you among the living.”She said her voice that soft husky tone that it normally was when she was slightly tipsy, just enough to take that edge off. Which made sense, since she had been supposed to be drinking for awhile with her angel’s disapproving look from behind her. Resisting the urge to rub at the ‘vampire bites’ as dean looked at her. Knowing she couldn’t otherwise she’d mess up the makeup, but feeling exposed in the slightly ripped up clothes, fresh off a hunt herself.
Krystal chuckled. "That's true, you should be." She said simply, smiling a little. It was nice to be able to joke. Jensen rolled his eyes at Jared. "While you're not wrong, I resent that Sammy, and the angel probably owes you money." It was no secret how the two were always betting on his reactions. He wasn't particularly phased. He'd gotten used to it.

Jensen took a sip of his beer water as well, quickky getting into character. "Wish I could say it was nice to be alive. Life sucks. You just get off a hunt?" He asked her, taking another hit of the fake beer while watching what the woman might do next. Despite being in character, he was still curious if her. They didn't have much direction usually. Only for fights.

Krystal got into character and looked at Jackie disapprovingly. "You should get your neck checked out, Bailey. That's a bad bite." She pleaded, ignoring Dean and Casteil for the moment. She could afford doing so given her station. She was Castiel's boss, but she looked after Bailey. She had a soft spot for her.
“Hm, he does.”Jared agreed looking amused as he settled into the table seat, amused as Misha slid the money across the table to him.

Jackie nodded a little, shifting in her stool to face Jensen more then the bar wall, wincing a little as the bar edge dug into the fake wounds on her side. “Yea. Nest of vamps out on the highway. Not fun, but they’re gone.”She shrugged a little. Looking back at jensen just as curious, and it wasn’t totally faked. It was a good thing they’d just met, it made the meeting of dean and bailey easier to pull off. Shifting to look at her angel, she sighed. “It’s not that bad.” “It looks like he took a chunk out of your neck.”Jared said leaning on the table so he could look, amused a little as Castiel reached out and ‘healed’ it. Filming pausing long enough to let Jackie wipe off most of the makeup.

“Better?”Jackie asked when they started filming again, sipping her beer before making a face. Flagging down the bartender to get a whiskey, and smiling as she sipped the small glass. “So. What are you two doing here?”She asked glancing over at dean.
Jensen chuckled at Jared and Misha before getting into character.

Dean made an oh face before taking another drag of his beer. "Ah, I get that. Vampires suck, no pun intended." He let out a small chuckle, concern for her in his eyes as she winced. Jensen was playing his part as Dean flawlessly. The years of practice had paid off. Jensen really was Dean winchester.

Krystal playing as the new angel Ananchel let out a soft sound. "Thank you Casteil, and yes, that is better. Someone should heal your side though, Bailey" she remarked, laying a hand on the woman's side to heal the wound. She was falling into her part well as the angel of grace.

Dean dighed, taking another sip from his beer. "Passing through. Cas here had a lead on a rouge demon. We thought we might capture it and torture it for information. You know the usual." He explained non chalantly, taking another sip of beer.
Jackie snorted a little at his words, “Indeed. If I’m getting bitten, I want it to be for a better cause then vampire chow.”She said waving off his look. “I’m fine. Just banged up.”She said slipping easily into bailey. It was weird, but after marathoning so much, she didn’t think she was doing half bad getting her head around the idea of being a hunter. Between the show, and the books she’d devoured on her roadtrip to get here, she thought she was going to doing well.

“You’re welcome.”Castiel said tilting his head a little as he watched Krystal. Bailey sighed softly, shivering a little as the healing mended her ribs. “Thanks Krys.”Bailey muttered.

“Aah. Well, stay in town for awhile, this is a weird little place. Maybe it’s cause the demons here. I dunno, maybe it’s just small town life.”bailey said sipping her whiskey, raising her eyebrows as she considered dean. It wasn’t hard to pretend to be attracted to the hunter sitting next to her, not when the actor himself was so easy on the eyes, and she had to work hard to ignore the twist of lust tightening her stomach.
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