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The Life of Valor (Grave x Kat)

Scott watched her defeat the androids and nodded.
"Not bad, but your technique for using Grace is a bit sloppy. Let's work some more."
He sent out some level 20 androids who would be more skillful fighters. Jessica would need to learn control and skill when it came to using her Fist of Grace in an actual battle, especially since she could only use a max of three per day right now. The dome was a safe place to do that, and he had faith that she would learn quickly.
Jessica fought pretty well but was eventually knocked down by a droid. She huffed in frustration and kept trying, but it was like every time she got beat, she got worse, like her frustration was blocking her progress.
Scott watched carefully as Jessica fought with the droids. She was doing good, but she wasn't used to fighting groups of enemies and it showed. Each time she got knocked down she seemed to get frustrated, and that only impeded her progress. Scott pressed a button so that he could speak with her.
"Keep your focus, Jessica. Breathe and keep your mind on everything Alan taught you about fighting."

Alan had taught her to keep her mind free of distractions when fighting, to breathe with every strike and dodge, and never let her guard down. These lessons were more important than ever now that she was fighting multiple enemies. She would need to adjust her stance and rely on the martial arts she had mastered to come this far, especially utilizing the crushing blows of Muay Thai. In addition, she could use the Fist of Grace but would have to be careful about when. Jessica was more skilled than these droids, she just had to focus more. This was why he wanted to put her into an actual combat situation, so that if she fought with multiple aggressive enemies, she would know what to do.
Scott nodded with approval as she got better. Once the last droid went down, he cranked the difficulty up again.
"This time you'll fight level 30 androids. Remember to stay cool and focused."
After pressing a button, the androids appeared. However, Scott didn't tell her that he had thrown in one level 50 android, wanting to test how well she used the Fist of Grace in a battle against multiple opponents.
Scott nodded as Jessica took down the enemies. Her Fist of Grace was well-timed, and she used it well. Scott pressed the intercom button.
"Want to take a break?"
She was doing well, but he didn't want her to push herself too hard. She would have plenty of time to get stronger.
Scott powered down the machine so that Jessica could exit. After she had, he met her outside of the dome.
"You didn't do too badly in there. Let's get you some food."
He had noticed that she was a bit clumsy with the Fist of Grace still, but she would get better with practice. They went to the cafeteria and Scott let Jessica get what she needed.
Scott got a slice of pizza and sat down with her. His hand reached out and held hers.
"You're doing good in there. You and Grace are getting more in-sync."
He took a bite of his pizza. It was pretty good and he was enjoying the quiet moment with Jessica.
Scott held Jessica's soft hand in his.
"Do you have any ideas on how you want to train your power? I'd be interested in whatever you think could help."
Scott finished his pizza and moved over to sit next to her. Putting his arm around her, he snuggled her into him.
Jessica thought a moment. "Well, I already have the martial arts down thanks to Alan's training, so I don't think combat training is really helping that much, it's my coordination with Grace that needs work."
Scott nodded after she said that.
"True, you need to have a solid connection and work well with each other."
He thought it over.
"Your bond is strong enough, but you do need to practice working as one. Maybe an obstacle course would work better for you?"
This would probably help Jessica and Grace work together in a practical way.
"I was thinking that you would need Grace to scale a high wall or punch down an obstacle. If you have other ideas, let me know."
Scott had gained all of his mastery with Valor through combat, so he had been pushing that. But Jessica had other ideas and he was open to them.
Jessica thought a moment. "I don't think it's our way to do it like that... maybe meditation?" Jessica really didn't know what to do, but she could tell this combat wasn't really doing anything to advance her use of Grace's armor.
Scott nodded.
"I guess different pairs need different things. There's no manual on the process, so there's no harm in trying."
He stood up.
" You can use my old room to meditate in. I'll make sure that you aren't disturbed. "
Scott led her to his room and opened the door for her.
"Here you go."
He closed it and stood outside it to wait. Scott didn't know exactly how their bond worked, but he would be patient and let them do it their own way.
Jessica kissed his cheek before he shut the door and sat down on the floor cross legged. She closed her eyes and breathed evenly as she and Grace delved deep within her mind to begin a stronger bonding process.
Scott stood outside the door and waited. He knew that the two would need time to strengthen their bond. He sat down against the wall and thought about their future. It was still wide open to them, and he looekd forward to what it would bring.
Over the next few weeks Jessica and Grace spent most of their time building up their bond and meditating, at the end of the fourth week Jessica was able to manifest the armor.
Scott spent the next few weeks doing some of his own combat training to sharpen the fundamentals. He had seen how Grace and Jessica were progressing, and was proud of them. After she was finally able to fully manifest the Armor of Grace, he met her outside of his room and gave her a short but meaningful kiss.
"Congratulations, baby. You both worked very hard."
Scott led her to the cafeteria, where they could sit and she could tell him what had happened with their training.
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