Fallen Princess [Azecreth & FutaFanatic]


Aug 23, 2013
Ohio, America
Some might claim that Mushroom Kingdom was in a period of stasis under the rule of Princess Peach. She had the loyalty of her populace, then Bowser would attack, kidnap her or perform some other scheme, and it would be up to Mario to save her before affairs returned to how they had been before the invasion in the first place, the King Koopa defeated and left to lick his wounds for the next attempt. Some might see that as a problem, yet Mushroom Kingdom continued to be a happy and prosperous place in spite of the invasions and the like.

But that wasn't entirely true. There was, in fact, change inside the Mushroom Kingdom and out. At the start of Peach's rule no one could have imagined the vast amount of worlds in the cosmos that awaited, yet now they were part of a system, a network of worlds that seemed to sprawl on into infinity, all thanks to peach, Mario, and Rosalina. If offered plenty of opportunities, when one wasn't busy dealing with the latest attack by Bowser and his cronies, or various other villains that seemed to threaten the Kingdom on a near daily basis.

Recently, another change had taken place. A new kingdom had emerged from one of the newly discovered worlds, joining those already present in the stars. It was the Kingdom of Larythia, a strange nation whose world was remarkably similar to those already present, with ice, water, volcanoes, jungles, and cities. The people were the strangest thing of all though, humanoids who also shared the traits of monsters, both those from the Mushroom Kingdom, and creatures that were exotic and foreign. One could as how that had happened, but it had always been that way. Jut as the Toads had always been in Mushroom Kingdom.

The other oddity was that there only seemed to be females. At least, the only contact made between the Kingdom, under the rule of Queen Avrilla, and the outside was with female delegates, never males. It was something not commented on, but noted nonetheless.

But now the time had come for a special event. princess Peach had been called away to the Kingdom of Larythia, for the purpose of establishing diplomatic relations, and it was said that the Queen had wanted to see her in person. A great honor, and something that had not been the easiest to arrange. But now the time had arrived, with the delegation from the Mushroom Kingdom arriving in the ornately decorated castle which rose into the skies, made of marble and stone that cut quite the impression. The inside was as well furnished, brilliant crystal chandeliers hanging and reflecting light across the room, a granite floor with a red carpet leading to the resplendent throne, elegant tapestries lining the walls, all the things that one would expect of a castle.

And atop the throne waited the Queen. She wore a smile for the visiting delegation, with served to distract from the fact that the lower portion of her body was that of a snake, as opposed to a regular human. It didn't seem to bother her though. "Welcome, Princess Peach of the Mushroom Kingdom," she said aloud in a warm tone. "Welcome to my Kingdom. I hope you had a safe trip."
It wasn't long until the world, the Kingdom had been found out, as a few of its inhabitants had appeared, showing the same desire to kidnap her as Bowser had. But without much of a cause or leader they were all but simple nuisances to be dealt with. And with the recent invitation from Larythia's Queen, Peach couldn't help but accept and hope to resolve the problem as well as gain a new ally. So with the plan set she soon made her way out on her own, keeping the Mario Bros and even her own advisors out of the loop. The last thing she needed was a caravan or some sort of escort giving way the fact that Mushroom Kingdom's ruler was away from home.

So once she arrived, her plans unknown to most of her kingdom, Peach let out a breath and slipped inside, letting the odd looking females escort her to the Queen. She was eager to meet this woman, who seemed to be nothing but kind and generous according to her invitation. Not only that but she was surprised that the woman would want to raise an even just to meet her, as if she had been something special. How could that be when she was always a lady in distress, needing to be saved. Of course with th peace that currently hovered over her own Kingdom Peach would rather find out for herself then let her assumptions roam wild.

When greeted, Peach gave a polite bow, sending the woman a smile. Though when getting a better look at the woman she swallowed a bit."W-Well..You're not what I expected..."She pointed out, her eyes wandering over the woman, from her human upper body, down to her serpent lower half.
The Queen let out a burst of laughter, a good natured chuckle of sorts at Peach's statement, well aware of the roving eyes. This was nothing new to her now, and she appreciated the attention that she was getting from her fellow royal quite a bit. She had done the same, of course, and it seemed that the Princess was quite the looker after all, just like she had been told. It would make things all that much more interesting, once she finally got around to it. But she was patient and willing to wait. It would all come in good time.

"So I hear," she replied with a smile, shifting to let her chin rest against the palm of her hand, supporting it as she kept her eyes in Peach. "We've certainly learned a lot since we left our wold for the first time. That's why I'm hoping hat your Kingdom and mine can reach a state of peace that the both of us can agree on, for common knowledge and prosperity."
Peach listened as the woman made her proposal, the Blonde beauty standing peacefully with a smile, more than happy to come to terms and settle an agreement with the Queen. Despite her appearance, the woman seemed genuinely kind and more than generous. But then again she hadn't heard much about this woman, all she knew was the woman wanted peace and not to cause any problems. So with a smile the blonde nodded."Sounds like a wonderful idea..It would definitely make things eaier to have another ally..and maybe someone to help teach me how to take care of my land...especially with certain people always trying to kidnap me and all."
An eyebrow rose slightly as Avrilla listened with avid interest to what Peach had to say. Her smile widened, if possible, upon hearing her acceptance, her tail flicking in a happy motion as the Princess agreed. "Excellent. I'm glad to hear it. I'm sure that we can learn a lot from each other." That was for sure, though to what extent remained to be seen. But that was something to be puzzled out in the future. For now, there was just the business at hand.

A sigh then, coils twisting somewhat as she wriggled a bit in her seat. "Ah yes, this 'King Bowser'. I have heard his name mentioned a few times since joining the larger world. He sounds like a truly detestable creature."
Peach smiled a bit more with the excitement that came from the woman's voice in the idea of learning from one another. while Avrilla's people had a few things they could learn, Peach could only hope her own people could learn anything to help with the constant threat of Bowser, for a chance to stop him entirely. But when the woman mentioned him she shrugged."Not detestable necessarily..but just wreaks havoc in his many attempts to kidnap me and such..."
"Ah, I see," Avrilla replied with a hum of thought as Peach clarified what she had meant. Well, that was an issue for a later time. Silence descended for a few moments by her own volition before she perked up, shifting the topic once more to something that would be more agreeable to the both of them, without thoughts of the King Koopa. "So how long are you planning to stay here, if I may ask? I have had my people prepare a room for you, and I hope that it wil be to your liking."
When asked about her stay, Peach smiled more, eager to change the subject as she gave Avrilla a bit of a shrug."Not sure really, figured I could stick around for a few days at least..get to know abit more about the world that my kingdom will be allying with..." She pointed out, bowing her head a bit, a bigger smile taking her as the Queen assured her they had a room prepared for her."Hmm..Well a bit of rest would be lovely..."
Avrilla matched the Princess as Peach confirmed that she would be staying for at least a few days. "I'm glad to hear that," she replied confidently, leaning against the side of her throne as she gestured off to the side. At that one of the servants would appear, hurrying over to stand b the Queen with a respectful bow, before she did the same to Princess Peach. She was ready and willing to serve as need be.

Avrilla then gestured from the servant to Peach, allowing her to step forward. "Princess Peach, this is Oriane. She will tend to any need you may have, and will show you to your room when ready." Well, it was the truth, but there was a bit more to it. Such things could not be said though. Oriane knew what she had to do, and was more than ready to fulfill it.

The servant took a step forward before Oriane bowed once more. "It is an honor to be in your presence Princess peach. leave everything to me."
She smiled a bit at the woman's excitement, Peach relaxing a bit, ready to relax a bit before they went about going over the many papers and things to discuss about the arrangements that were to become permanent. So when the ervant was ready, the woman smiled, bowing back."Think I'm ready to go..get some rest before dealing with everything that needs to be done.."She assured Avrilla, waiting for the woman to lead the way to her room.
"Of course. I look forward to it," Avrilla replied with a nod, dismissing the Servant to go lead Princess Peach to her room .it was definitely going to be an interesting couple of days, if not longer. A slight smirk tinted her expression as she thought on that, plans ruminating and moving into motion. Oh yes, it was definitely going to be interesting. That much she knew for certain.

Oriane stepped up to Princess Peach moving to her side and flashing her a smile. "Follow me, please," she told the blond before moving past her, leading her on into the castle and towards the room that had been prepared for her ahead of time. It was a bit of a walk, but that was to be expected of a layout such as this. Oriane made sure to move at a pace that Peach could keep up with, glancing back every once in a while and flashing her a confident smile. Oh, she knew her part, and she was definitely going to enjoy it.
Peach gave the queen a bow, smiling as she followed Oriane to her room. The oman kept p, taking her time to look around and admire the scenery as they moved through the castle, oblivious to the plans the woman had set out for her during her stay, which would soon and surely making her regret going on her own. But nonetheless the princess followed, not aying much of anything for most of the trek through the building.
The plan went all too well, as far as Oriane was concerned. Though Peach had no way of knowing, ever since they had departed the throne room she had set a scheme into motion, letting the air become laced with her pheromones which would act upon the body, slowly pushing the human into a state akin to heat amongst monster girls. It would take some time to go into effect due to the foreign nature as well as their movement which served to dilute the concentration, but she was confident that it would sooner or later succeed.

At last they arrived at the room, Oriane unlocking the wooden door and swinging it open so that Peach could step inside. It was a large enough room, with two windows on the wall to cast light into the room, a large canopy bed in the middle that looked very comfortable, a dresser with a mirror off to the side, a small table and some chairs, some shelves, and a closet. "This will be your room," Oriane confirmed, stepping inside once Peach had.
Slowly her body began to heat up, Peach only noticing it as they stopped at her room, the woman swallowing hard with a smile as she followed Oriane into the room. Once she noticed, Peach let out a breath."Mmm is there a window to open...or something to cool me down..it feels a bit hot all of a sudden.."The princess pointed out, her legs rubbing together, her slit soon dripping with her arousal.
"Of course Princess," Oriane replied loyally, stepping over to the windows and opening them up. It wouldn't do all that much now that Peach had been put under the influence of those pheromones, but there was no way for her to know that. Instead the servant would return, entering into close proximity where the sweet scent she was putting off could be all the more effective. "Are you alright," she asked, taking on a frown of mock concern as she noted the blush. She knew the source, of course, but acting had to be held to.
(sorry for the wait, work had me busy and tred the pat few day but im back on track now.)

She took in a sigh when the windows were opened, but felt no relief as the heat inside her body still grew. Not only that but she coud now feel a wetness between her legs, her breaths heavier as she stood there. When the woman moved closer, Peach nodded softly, giving her a slight smile."I-I think so..Maybe just need to lay down and rest..for a bit.."
Oriane was hardly surprised that peach was still feeling bad, though she made no indication of it. Instead she walked up to the Princess, wearing her expression of worry as she looked her over. "Of course. Just let me see how bad it is," she agreed before lifting a hand to check her temperature. It was definitely hot, and she would slowly move around the Princess, brushing against her 'accidentally', the back of her hand slipping against her cheek, providing tantalizingly moments of contact before breaking off.

At last she stopped nodding. "Yes, it doesn't seem good. I'll have to let the Queen know. But please, lay down." At that she directed the Princess to the bed, laying her down with carefully placed touches intended to excite and mess with her. If Peach heeded them, anyway.
She shivered and grumbled as the woman touched her, be it accidentally or when trying to check her temperature and move her about. The woman took in slow breaths, trying to relax, unsure why she wa so suddenly feeling so warm, her body reacting in a way she herself had not known. She whimpered a bit as sh tried to calm herself down, her legs shifting uncontrollably on the bed as she ws laid down, watching the woman as she touched her."M-Maybe I just...need some sleep.."She reasoned as she lay her head back on the pillow, slowly closing her eyes, despite the drooling of her nether regions that dragged down her thighs.
While Peach went to try and get some rest, Oriane exited the room. She didn't go far though, forgoing her claimed desire of going to inform the Queen and instead waiting outside until some time had passed, either when Peach had actually fallen asleep, or she was stuck dealing with her continued problem. It wouldn't go away so easily after all, the maid had made sure of that particular fact.

At last she would return, quietly opening the door and slipping inside, before closing and locking it behind her. At that point she would make her way over to the bed, admiring the sleeping Princess before climbing on, moving over her and letting their bodies brush against each other before she began to gently strip the royal. She had waited long enough, now it was time to have some real fun.
When he woman would slip inside, Peach was fat asleep, her body moving on its own, squirming in want as she whined and whimpered faintly in her slumber. She groaned a bit a the woman stripped her, the cool air washing over her form once her dress was stripped from her, revealing her nude figure to the woman, her bountiful breasts and her shaven, drooling hole. The princess squirmed beneath the servant, her breath heavy, her head turned to the side, the woman helpless to the assault the servant had planned for her.
Oriane smiled as she entered to see Princess Peach still asleep, the human writhing and whimpering beneath the sensations that were being forced upon her. It made disrobing her relatively easy, giving the monster girl the access that she wanted as she moved over the woman. "Here, let me help you with that," she muttered to herself, dipping in for a light kiss on her cheek before hands dropped to gently massage those enticing globes, with pointed tips that drew her in like nothing else. It had been so long, and now she was definitely goin to enjoy herself.
she mumbled and moaned softly as the woman gropd and tended to her tits, the Princess taking in slower breaths, her insides burning more and more, her legs rubbing together. Slowly she opened her eyes, the pleasure and heat shaking her from her slumber. When she saw the woman on top of her she grumbled for a moment, half asleep and unsure what was happening at the moment."What..Are you doing..?"She asked softly, her voice soft and heavy.
Oriane was not entirely surprised as Peach stirred to wakefulness, but for the moment she didn't care. Supple flesh heeded to her wishes, soft and warm to the touch as she massaged her breasts. Really, this was something to experience, even if it couldn't compare to the queen herself. Not that she would let Peach know that as she flashed the sleepy Princess a smile. "I'm helping you out with your problem, Your Highness," she said in a husky tone, flashing her a devilish smile as a hand let go of her breast to rub between her legs, tending to her sopping wet core.
She groaned the moment she felt the hand move down and tend to her crotch. The feeling made her whine closing her legs even more. Her breath deepened, her hips rolling now as the woman teased her with pleasure, her body writhing in want. She was unsure what was happening, her eyes watching the woman."B-But you can't..t-touch me like this..."She stammered, trying to resist what obviously made her feel so good.
Oriane hummed, releasing another burst of pheromones into the air as her hand was trapped by Peach's legs closing, a slight giggle escaping at the same time. Regardless of what the Princess might say, she could feel how much she was enjoying this, with her hips rolling and body writhing. "Shh," she said, dipping in to give her a light kiss on the lips. "I'm just giving your body what it wants." That she would do indeed as she went to work, letting two fingers slip inside her needy sex to slowly thrust and get her off, while continuing with her breast. Peach was going to enjoy this, whether she wanted to or not.
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