The Gotham Connection (Applepoisoneer--MysteriousD)

"Move your ass, woman!" The joker yelled over the not-so-silent alarm that Harley had accidentally triggered. In all fairness, it was the first sound-activated alarm either one of them had ever encountered. He broke a window, rather needlessly, and leaped through.

Harley, with her arms full of bags containing priceless jewels of every shape and size, attempted to step carefully through the protruding blades of glass, but Joker was impatient and grabbed her by the arm. He ripped her through the glass, tearing her suit along the shoulder near the neck. Tiny strings of red rolled down her pink flesh. She cried out in pain and reached up to touch the spot, but Joker kept pulling her along.

"I ought to give you worse than that for tripping that alarm, you ditzy dope!" He hissed into her ear.


Bea tapped the lid of her ink pen against the glossy green surface of her coffee mug. The lig,t over the counter space in her apartment's sad excuse for a kitchen was abismal. But, squinting or not, she hadn't missed a "Raven's Writing Desk" challenge since she'd moved to Gotham and stumbled upon it in the paper. The sequence of riddles over the years had nose-pickingly easy most weeks, but she wrote in anyway. And often times, the answer would be printed the next week with her moniker, followed by "...again." But lately, not only had the riddles gotten harder, but a new name would often take her place. Who he or she was, Bea couldn't say, but she admired and detested them all at once.

"...thieves I consort. With the vilest, in short..." She muttered the riddle to herself one last time before it clicked. Sometimes with spelling riddles, it was best to hear them out loud. On the index card in front of her, she scrawled "The letter V" and signed it "Miss Anthrope", her nom de plume for the weekly occasion.

She slipped the index card into a little envelope, which was pre-addressed to the Gotham Tribune, and put it in her purse for later postage.
Gotham City... a dark and dank city among the most crime-ridden over in United States. However, Gotham was also home to one of the greatest heroes of the 21st century, Batman. Batman and his Batfamily has been watching over the city and clearing out all the corruption and problems that plague it while also dealing with international problems, especially with Batman being a finding member of the Justice League along with Superman and other heroes.

However, there were other heroes that while allied with the Bat, they were not members of the Batfamily and one of them just tossed a sharp card that cut the Joker. "You're no class clown, Joker. No class and you don't make me laugh, so you fail at being a clown," a voice said from above.


One of the more mortal heroes, Diego Vendrix was your normal intelligent dork until a bad bustrip to Gotham led to meet the Dark Knight and beign rescued. This inspired to improve himself. However, he did not possess any lfietime training, but he did possess an unusual sort of luck. It was this luck that led to him becoming a guinea pig to Ra's ah Ghul's experiments with the Pit to make 'supersoldiers'. Diego was a success, obtaining a good body and having his mind even better. Granted, he wasn't the level of the Batman or Green Arrow, but he could still keep up like those with the Question.

Having used his luck well, he took a gambling theme and became Cardshark. When Joker picked up the card, it also shocked him, which set off his joybuzzer to shock him. Having made his way down, he looked to Harley Queen. "I gotta say, you are quite nice-looking and I bet you're loads more fun than funzo here," he said before he dodged a fish smack from the Joker.

"Augh, I detest copycats. And you're not a good one either. Where's the gag?" the Joker said befoe he tried to spray with his acid-spewing flowers. "I ain't a gag and even then, I'm funnier than you are. I mean, knocking over a bank. You'd think the so-called Ace of Knaves could do better," he smirked under his mask.


Edward Nygma, formerly Edward Nash was sitting in his apartment, feeling somewhat uninspired. Mr. Nygma is not the ordianry sort; he was once none other than the infamous villain known as the Riddler. However, after a fight against the Detective of GOtham, Batman, he found himself wanting to fit back in society. He hated losing and in the hospital, found himself having no satisfication.

With Batman having taking more of an interest in the Justice League, he saw the opportunity to solve cases and accomplish more than the Dark Knight could ever do. Furthermore, it was probably due to the evergrowing Batfamily. Last time he counted, there were now five Robins and around 3 Batgirls he saw among others, such as Batwoman.

As such, he among others such as the Penguin decided to go straight... as well as they could.

One of his hobbies whenever not being a detective or being with his parole offier was to make riddles or solve them for the Raven's Writing Desk. He couldn't blame the paper for not coming with good ones. After all, he doubted there were many intelligent and sane individuals here in Gotham. Then again, the city was looking better everyday.

However, there was also Miss Anthrope... the woman whom has been answering his riddles well. It itrigued him. He had an idea.

He began working on his newest riddle. This one would be a layered one... a riddle within a riddle... after all, if she could catch it, perhaps they should talk.
Harley watched the exchange, finding the gambling theme interesting and even original. She hadn't thought he was copying Batman's style; Batman was stiff, harsh, and a real tight-ass. But this guy was loosey-goosey, even kind of funny. She blushed a little under her makeup, but raised a hand to cover her smile Harley stepped back and let teh Joker go toe-to-toe with this new guy, just to see how it played out. She wouldn't get involved unless the Joker demanded she do something.
Another day had passed, another dinner for one, another night in an apartment with no one but her poodle and her screenplays. She fixed herself a Tom Collins and flopped on the couch with the newest copy of the Gotham Tribune. Apparently, she'd gotten the riddle again. A warm sense of accomplishment mixed with the chill of the alcohol and set her insides to just the right temprature. But there was a new riddle to resolve. She looked it over and thought it was a little different than most of the others that had been in the paper in weeks before. She couldn't put her finger on it, but there was something there...
Cardshark disabled a gun the Joker got by throwing another card, this time with a superhot edge. "Sometimes the classics are the best," he said before laughing and throwing some exploding marbles. "Allow me to offer a rebuttal," Cardshark said as he dodged the blast and threw his own exploding die at the Joker. This caused the caustic clown to become sout once more. "Don't you have any original ideas, you hack?" he accused. " Yes. I just do this to mock you," Cardshark smirked.

"Harl, be a dear and take care of this imposter. I see we have a guest," The Joker said before a familair shadow swung in. Cardshark couldn't contain a grin. While now a pretty good hero, he was still young and still couldn't admire the titans like Superman and here with him, the Batman. "Hold her off. I'll deal with the clown," he said stoically to him. "Looks like it's just the two of us, Miss Quinn. We can save alot of explosives and such if ou just surrender now," he said to her.


The Riddler was awaiting to hear from Miss Anthrope to see the secret of his riddle. While the answer was somewhat easy to those smart enough, it contained a secret subtle riddle. A collection of numbers that were actually coordinates and a time. Granted, it wasn't one fo his best, especially since he didn't bother to check the weather beforehand, but he was patient.

"What's on your mind, Ed?" the gruff voice of his parole offier said, having cooked them some pasta. Edward usually didn't enjoy yhe company of those not of his mind level, but the parole offier was actually somewhat pleasant to be around. If nothing else, he gave Eddie some tips on plumbing and electrical maintance.

"A femme fatale has been on my mind. A small game of cat and mouse and I left the bait for her. Let's see if she is as smart as I hope," he said as he sat down across him.

"Gettin a girl, huh? Good for ya," he said as he placed some pasta on Ed's plate. "When will ya know?" he asked.

"It's a riddle within a riddle. The second riddle are a collection of numbers that reveal a set of coordinates and a time along with a phone number," he said.

"Speak of the deviol," the parole offier smirked as the phone rang.
"Ha! Dream on, Gamblin' Man... or whatever your dumb name is!" It was significantly less accusitory than the Joker, but it was absolutely a challenge. She pulled a little pistol from her hip and pulled the trigger. A BANG flag popped out, but in addition to the joke, there was a dart laced with Joker toxin strung through the flag. She aimed and fired toward his head and neck area.

As the dart flew toward it's target, she took the time to admore the young figure. There was something about the way he carried himself that was much more enticing than she'd counted on while facing him. Sure, he wasn't as dangerous as Joker, or even the Batman, but perhaps that might change with more experience.

This was the third combination of telephone numbers she'd tried. The time was clear and separate in the long string, but the coordinates and the telephone number were discombobbled. She found the area code for Gotham (there were actually two area codes, but one of the numbers was missing from the list) and re-ordered the numbers in a way that seemed logical. The first two people who answered the phone were thankfully pretty apathetic, but she was still a little nervous calling people up and asking them about a name she made up.

She waited for someone to answer the phone, it was a man's voice. "Hello, sir. Does the name Miss Anthrope, mean anything to you?"

When she found the person who'd planted the riddle, which she knew was meant for her to find based on the way the entire Raven's Writing Desk post was re-structured in the paper today; when she found him or her, she would omit all the wrong numbers.
"I was expecting a giant mallet," Cardshark said as he held a card and saw a dart get stuck onto it. "Well, that was pretty fortunate, wasn't it?" he said in a casual tone before he took it in a test-tube.

He responded by tossing a Heart suit card over at her, trying to give her a cut while also trying to knock the gun out of Harley's hands.

Each suit corresponded to a different modification. They were made out of a special light-weight sharp metal while have special adjustments on the edge. The Heart suit possessed a substance to knock out opponents, Diamond suits possessed an edge that would quickly heat up, very useful to cut out of things. The Spade suit would release large amounts of electricity which worked to deal with machinery or shock someone with volts. The Club suit possessed a rotating saw edge to cut through things.

"Are you sure? I mean, a pretty lady being left alone. Your boss is certainly not a gentleman," he said to her.


Edward picked up the phone. He didn't know what to expect, but he was happily surprised when she introduced herself as such. "Yes it does. Well done, Miss, well done. I was looking through Gotham for someone who can match wits with me in riddles... that read the paper and could speak Englush," he said, recalling the embarassing incident involving a Thai chef a week back. He was grateful the chef accepted the apology and made a note to learn more languages.

Making riddles in more languages would be fascinating.

"The coordinates are for a dinner tomorrow at the Iceberg Lounge, all on me. We have been bashing blows of the mind and it is time we meet face to face," he told her with a smile.
Harley deflected the card with her gun, causing it to slice deep into the barrel. She tossed the gun away, knowing it was useless now. "I'm more than just a pretty face, ya'know." She smiled and leaped in the air and hand-sprang toward him, landing on her hands just before him and kicking upward.

Perhaps Mr. J wasn't a gentleman, but he did treat her nicely sometimes. As far as she was concerned, the good outweighed the bad... even if "the bad" was "the worst".

"Face to face..." She caught herself repeating and tightened the muscles in her abdomin to keep from squealing. "That sounds lovely. I'll see you there and then." Her breathing came in little bursts, but she managed to catch it before signing off with, "Have a wonderful night. I know I will."

She waited for his goodbye and hung up the phone, then tossed herself onto the couch and squeaked into a throw pillow. Her dog sat up and looked at her with marked confusion. Bea scratched behind her floppy ear, and she wagged her fluffy tail in approval.
Cardshark took the kick, but he recovered. He also grabbed her legs to catch her offguard and swung to toss her aside. "I know. Dr. Harleen Quinzel. The white sheep of her family, you were a skilled gymnist back in college and a scholarship was enough to pay for your psychology education in unviersity. However, you weren't taken seriously and a couple of people spread rumors you slept with the professors, " Cardshark explauned to her.

"You're talented, intelligent, athletic and what not. you can do alot better than laughing guy," he said before he flung a suspicious thick poker chip at her. It seperated into three, attached by a rope and she was tangled up.

He turned to see Batman arrive with the Joker tied up and the police coming to pick him up. "Thank you again, Batman. And you Cardshark," Commissioner Gordon said to them when he arrived. "Also, I would like you to meet our newest detective, Sam Young," he said before the young Afro-American shook their hands.

"Pleasure to meet both of you and hoping we can do a good job protecting Gotham," he said to the both of them. Cardshark noticed Batman's mild change of expression before the police went off.

"Now I know what he looks familiar. I once saw her on a date with Commisioner Gordon's daughter, Barbara," he noted before he saw Batman had vanished. He sighed before he trekked to Arkham. By the time he got there, he'll be able to visit Harley, since she's kept on a different floor than the Joker.


"Iceberg... isn't that where Penguin works?" his parole officer said gruffly as Edward sat back down. "Well, he owns the location and it is a wodnerful experience there," he explained.

"Looking back, there's actually been less corruption and less of these maniacs in Gotham," the officer pointed out. The Riddler paused before looking back. "Youa re actually correct. The Penguin and I have reformed and I haven't seen much of my former... colleagues," he said, not sure which word to use.

"Well, I am curious. Who do you know is still around?" the parole offier asked.

"Well, Mr. Freeze was the first one to go straight, though I heard he was recruited by the government to do so. Two-Face is in the process of being reformed along with Scarecrow," Eddie said as he was looking back.

"Bane hasn't been seen in Gotham, but I heard he is working with some group called the Secret Six. Hugo Strange is dead and Poison Ivy is still incarcerated, but has no longer attempted to break out. Mad Hatter is dead and so a few others," Eddie said, as he couldn't remember anyoen else, but they seemed un important.

"Of course, the clown and his sidekick are still around causing trouble, but I suspect they will not remain as such forever," he explained.

"All right, Eddie. Here's a deal. The wife is wanting to me to take her out even though we're tight on money. So I'll lend you a spare suit and you help make sure I don't get to pay that much," his parole offier said. Edward nodded, finding it fair. His officer would accompany him anyway, may as well be a good cover.
"Spare me my life-story!" She shouted, growing impatient with the exposition of her own life. She didn't need to be reminded of the old Harleen. The only one who existed now was Harley, and that was who mattered. She righted herself and turned to guage his next attack, but was caught up in the poker chip net.

She fell to the ground and tried to squirm free of her constraints, flexing her muscles and bending her knees, but the ropes must've been made of nylon or something resiliant. Before she knew it, she was being hauled back to Arkham, yet again. But before she was thrown into the back of a padded wagon, she locked eyes with Cardshark. "Not bad, honey. Let's do it again sometime."

Bea zipped a green, double breasted dress over her petite, somewhat stocky form. It had a black velvet collar, which she pinned together with a faux perridot brooch. She wore a pair of matching earrings and tied her dark blonde hair up with a black satin ribbon. Her makeup was done, her shoes were buckled and she was ready to step out. Standing in front of the hall mirror for a few minutes, she decided it might not hurt to wear her glasses. If it were anyone else, she thought they would be turned off by them. But this gentleman was interested in what was on her mind, not what was on her face.

She took a cab to the Iceberg, answering the cabbies questions with one or two word replies. He remarked that the Iceberg was owned by some guy who he thought used to be a criminal. She nodded and informed him that it was Oswald Cobblepot, formerly the Penguin. She read the papers, and not just the Raven's Writing Desk.

The cab stopped outside the club, and she payed the driver. Bea waited just outside the door, near where the bouncer stood. Suddenly, she felt foolish. She had no idea who she was looking for, or how to identify him. She just hoped standing in some place obvious would draw him out. She didn't even know his name! She just realized, she'd never asked him his name! What kind of idiot just shows up at a place without any planning? Sighing deeply, she looked at the ground and clutched her purse.
"Hey sweetie, how you doing?" Cardshark said when he appeared in front of Harley Quinn. Her makeoff was off and she was in her blond pigtails and her Arkham wear. She was in a comofy looking box with a window for him to talk to. Cardshark only got permission to here namely because of his association with the Batman.

He looked around. He didn't see too many people here in regards to the Asylum. "Look, you nearly recovered several times and the Joker is not a good influnence on ya, at all," he said as he sat down and offered her something through the slot. It was already pre-checked by the people.

It was a PBJ with some fruit and a bottle of tea. He figured having something beides Asylum food would cheer her up.


"Yeah, the boss is offering a free dessert to anyone who can solve the dinner," the bouncer said before he offered everyone some cards with the riddle. While a few solved it and turned it in, when Bea solved it, there would also be a few missing numbers... that when lined up, gave a reservation number along with the intiials, M,A.

Perhaps he wanted her to rpesent her alias?

"You got a reservation, Miss?" another bouncer asked her politely.
"What the hell are you doing here?" She asked when he'd seated himself in the window across from her. She listened what he had to say, and watched him slip a few things through the slot. A sandwich and fruit, of all things. At first, she was spiteful, not even wanting to look at the sandwich. But the more she thought about it, the more it seemed as though he were just being nice. Still, she didn't like to be told what to do with her life and only held the bottle of tea in her hand.

"I don't need your charity, or your advice, toots. So, what're ya doing here? Why do you care what happens to some broad you just met?" She shifted uncomfortably in her seat. "Maybe you know who I used to be, but you have no idea who I am now."

"I'm supposed to be meeting someone here..." She answered, still glancing over the riddle on the card. The answer to the main riddle, there were numbers remaining. She took what she knew of the order suggested in the clue, and tried it on the numbers. "does 135, mean anything in this riddle?" She asked the bouncer, unsure if he knew the answer or not.
"Batman once told me how you had a bad day once. I know alot of people that have bad days and it's in my nature to try and help out however I can," Cardshark told her with a soft smile as he looked at her. "You're a good person at heart, Harley and you deserve to be treated better," he said to her.

"So do you have something you wanna talk about or get off your chest?" he asked her. Cardshark did this because he wanted to help people. It was in his nature, something he knew when he met his alternate unvierse selves a year back.

What a mess that was.


The bouncer looked over. "You're Miss Anthrope, aren;t you? The special guest is waiting for you," he said to ehr before the Penguin himself appeared. Oswald Cobblepot appeared and escorted to a private room.

Hee, the more wealthy patrons were dining... and Riddler's parole offier and his wife.

"Miss Anthrope, a pleasure to meet you," he said as he offered her the chair. He was in a nice suite with a green dress shirt and a black tie with a stylized question mark and his glasses.

"My name is Edward Nygma," Eddie introduced himself
She thought about it a moment and felt a little better about him. Not enough to open up, but enough to know he wasn't going to hurt her. Even if he was just sent here as some kind of ploy by Batman, just to soften her away from crime. At least he wasn't trying to bully her.

"Thanks for the food. The stuff here is terrible." She finally said after a long pause, taking a taste of the tea. "mmm, peach is my favorite! How'dya know?" She smiled through the glass, roses seeping into her cheeks.

She was swept away by the wealthy club owner before she could answer the bouncer, but he was right. As the Penguin led her to the back room, her eyes grew as large as dinner plates, and she had to struggle to keep her composure. There, at the table, was the Riddler... or rather, the former Riddler. She was an incredible fan of his traps and puzzles, though she respected his atempts to go straigh
Still, it was an honor for her to have been considered witty by someone who had matched wits with Batman.

"Good evening, it's such a pleasure to finally meet you." She told him, keeping her breathe even and sitting in the chair he offered. "These riddles were a wonderful way to, well, break the ice." Suddenly, she realized he still didn't know her real name. "Where are my manners, My name is Bea. Bea O'Shae."
"I took a guess," Cardshark told her with a smile, happy that she was liking what he brought her. "I imagine it gets kinda lonely here," he points out to her while he looks around. "At least you have me here and I am happy to be in the wonderful company of a lovely lady," Cardshark said with a smile to her.


"A pleasure to meet you, Bea O'Shea," Edward Nygma said when he saw her sit down and he sat across from her. From what he caught, she did recognize him, but the fact she did run away or such definitely was encouraging.

"I am impressed that someone has been able to be capable of being able to figure out my riddles and puzzles. Ever since my release, I have been trying to find ways to match wits and exercise my brain. Detective work pays the bills and it gives me the chance to exercise my mind," he said to her.

"But what brought you to Gotham?" he asked her.
Harley frowned, setting the tea down with a hard thump and putting her feet up on the little counter, leaning back in her chair.

"Sorry, pal. There's no congegal visits for crazies." She told him stiffly. Who was this guy? Just when she thought he was... she didn't know what she thought he was before, but now she couldn't see passed the flattery. Did he want her, the way other guys who pretended to be nice wanted her? She was so tired of being used that way! At least with Mr. J, she knew what she was in for. None of this "pretend we're sorry men fuck you over, because we wanted to do that" garbage.

"Quinn! Feet off the counter!" A guard shouted from somewhere behind her. Speedily, she put them back on the floor.

"Detective work sounds engaging." She admitted. "Especially considering you've been on both sides of the chess board now." She lightly touched the stem of the wine glass in front of her, just trying to find something to do with the pent-up energy she was building up.

"I came here to attend Gotham University a few years back." She answered his question a little distractedly. "I was an English and Theatre major, and now I write and act in films for a studio here in the city." She turned and looked to the people who were sitting at their table.

"I'm terribly sorry, but I don't believe we've been introduced?"
"I'm not interested in that," Cardshark said to her, his tone having gotten colder. "Well, I will leave you to savor your dinner alone," he said. He seemed a bit offended. If she really thought that way... Augh, reminded him of Poison Ivy... He shuddered, remembering what happen to leave her in her comatose state.

"By the way, sorry to hear about what happen to your friend, Poison Ivy," he told her before prepping to leave. He was wondering whether to keep bringing her food. He rolled his eyes, thinking probably so.

He was there with what happen to Poison Ivy. He didn't have much sympathy for her, namely because she brought it into her self. It also displayed her arrogance at its peak when it came to manipulating men and more importantly, on her mad goal in being some a gamer of Gaea or whatever.

Life is life and life is sacred.


"My apologies. My name is Edward Nygma and formerly known as the Riddler. Of course, that part of my life is the past," Edward told her. "I managed to get us a fine reservation here because an old friend of mine owns the place," he says to her as he looks around.

While the Iceberg was fully legit, it only recently quit dealing with srms and now served to employ the recently freed from incarceration. It helped brand loyalty to the Penguin.

"I am curious why someone who loves riddles would enter English. Certainly it doesn't like it would fit," he asked out of curiosity rather than maliciousness or anything
"Wait!" She stood, out-stretching her hand, even though she couldn't touch him. "What happened to Ivy? Is she okay?" There was genuine panic in her face and worry in her eyes. Pam had been one of the best things to ever happen to her. She was someone who didn't just want to hit it and quit it, who seemed to really care about Harley, even if she wasn't leafy.

In addition, she could see that Cardshark was upset with her. Again, she couldn't quite tell if it was because he wasn't getting what he wanted from her, or if it was because she jumped the gun and spoiled everything.

(Edward already introduced himself, but his officer and officer's wife haven't. She was addressing them. Aren't they at the table?)

"English is full of riddles, Mr. Nygma." A sly grin spread across her features, lighting up her eyes. This was her favorite kind of thing to talk about, and she was getting to talk about it with someone she'd admired from afar for quite a while.

"For example, there are lexicon abnormalities, as in the sentence; Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffallo, buffalo buffalo buffalo. It is a complete sentence composed of just one word repeated." She hoped he would be facinated instead of just confused, like everyone else.
Cardshark looked at her as he was heading out. She seemed genuine in her concern for her fellow villainess. He sighed, unsure of what to do. Telling her would only make the poor girl feel worse yet withholding information would just let her imagine unpleasant scenarios.

"Poison Ivy or 'Red' as you call her is not harmed, but she is currently comatose in the Arkham Maximum Holding Cells," Cardshark began. "One month ago, during the final days of the White Lantern incident, someone or something attempted to exploit the white light by combining the Red and the Green. The Green is the force that connects plants together and those who are tied to it, like Poison Ivy while the red is the force that does the same for Animals, like Animal Man," he explained.

"Both are conencted to life, which is what someone tried to combine by using the White Lantern power battery found here. Poison Ivy was among those who tried to claim the power, no doubt believing she could use it to try in some scheme in her so-called crusade for plantdom," Cardshark before he shook his head.

"But life is life... and all living things are sacred. While Poison Ivy did receive power from the Green, she was also forced to be connected to the Red and exposed to the White Light. After spending years tyring to deny her humanity, she was overhwlemed by when she was, for a moment, connected to the minds and hearts of people," Cardshark said. "Contrary to what alot of villains think, people are basically good. With good intentions and wanting to do the right thing. Pamela Isley's humanity was not just restored, but she was able to experience empathy on a massive scale. A scale that overwhelmed her since she could no longer deny physically. I suspect that the large amoutn of power and having to face one;s truaa cause her to shut down," he finished.

"When she wakes up, she will not be the same as you knew her. Pamela Isley will have her memories and such intact, bbut her days as Poison Ivy will orobably be over," he said as he shrugged his shoulders. While he didn't look as upset, he was in thought ad waiting for Harley to digest what happened.


"Certainly true," Edward Nygma said, her sly smile began to fascinate him. He was certainly fascinated by her example of lexicon abnormalities. He always followed more traditional examples of riddles, but this certainly opened up a world of possibilities.

"Very interesting. Word play was admittingly one of the later puzzles I got into as a child. I prefered the classical puzzle devices in my youth," he said, looking at her with genuine interest.

"Puzzle boxes, riddles, I spent plenty of time with them. Even if not most of my classmates did nto understand the joy it came with it, I dervied some pleasure from being able to outwit many a brute," he said. "Of course, theater is also admititngly nteresting. Let me guess, mystery theatre?" Nygma said almost jokingly.

He probably wouldn'y admit it, but he is grateful his parole officer was okay with letting him practice these sort of things with his sister.
Harley fell back in the uncomfortable chair, turning all the details over in her mind. From what she understood of his explanation, Pam had gotten a heavy dose of humanity and couldn't handle it. She took a shuddering breath and looked up at Cardshark from where she sat.

"It's kind of funny really... I was trying to do the same thing, only... one spoonful at a time. I guess it took the universe forcing an entire bottle of humanity down her throat to make her understand... if she does now. Or if it even matters, if she wakes up..." Harley faught back tears, sucked in a long breath. She wasn't going to cry for Pam. Not here, anyway.


She laughed at his recount of outwitting bullies, and a little at his suggestion of mystery theatre. "Actually, I write and act in primarily horror and psychological thriller. I find that the genre interests me the most."

A waiter finally arrived to take their drink order and she asked for a Tom Collins. After he'd taken Edward's order, he departed to fetch the drinks.

"So, how did you end up in Gotham?" She asked, feeling the conversation had been on her for long enough.
Cardshark looked at her, not sure what to say. "I imagine she'll wake up soon. She wasn't the only one affected, but she's probably the one who got most affected," Cardshark explained to her.

"I'll let you know when she's up that way she can visit you," Cardshark told her before the uncomfortable silence returned once more. "It's okay to cry. I won't judge you," he said to her.


"I'm surprised the genre thrives here considering the rather grin atmosphere of Gotham. Then again, perhaps that is why it makes an ideal location to work here in making that in the first place," Edward explained over to her.

He merely ordered some water; he didn't drink as he found it imputing. After all, one had to remain sharp in this place.

"I was drawn to it as a computer programmer. I would design s computer game and hoped to encourage others to think and to become smarter. Of course, money got in the way and I found myself robbed of my work. I suppose that was when I became the Riddler," Edward said. He didn't know how to feel about his past at this point.
"I'll... I'll be okay." She told him, summoning all her resilience. "But, I should go. We're about outta time anyway." She stood and turned to head back toward the inside of the asylum, but before she did, she turned her head to see him over her shoulder. She smiled and fluttered her fingers in a wave. "Come see me again soon, okay?" She wanted to say more, but couldn't think of the words. So, she disappeared through the only door with the guard at her side.

"The city is a very hospitable location for urban horror and the surrounding forest makes for some nice background as well."

She listened to him recount what brought him to Gotham. It sounded as though it was similar to why she'd come, only with screens instead of screams. After he'd concluded, she thought for a while about what had drawn her to the stories of the Riddler in the first place, and decided that he was still all the things that had attracted her, even if he wasn't using the name any longer.

"We don't have to talk about that portion of your life." She urged, rasing a finger to emphasize her point. "How do you feel now that you've come through all that? Are you aclimating well to life post-villainy?"
Cardshark smiled at her. "All right. Take care, Harley," Cardshark said to her. He was happy that he was able to help her out a bit. He will keep visiting her. She was a good person and he didn't her to die because of the machinations of the Joker... or have her work on the Suicide Squad. He sighed a bit, unable to help hismelf but picture her as a crime fighting partner. It would be very interesting to say the least.

The next day, Cardshark was there at night, albeit earlier and with a different packed lunch for Harley.


"Well, I would like to brag about my accomplishments. While I do some heists or high-profile acts of acting, I never went so far as to put anyone in harms' way. I am not like that madman," Edward said, referring to the Joker.

"Admittingly, it is refreshing to find new outlets to exercise my mind, but I do wish for my name to grow out," he said. "And I still have the chance to upstage the Batman," Eddie admitted.

"I do find it a bit surprising you are nto turned off by my past," he asmitted to her.
"Sheesh," Harley laughed, taking the new bag of food through the provided hole in the window. "when I said you should come back and see me, I figured there'd be a few days between visits. Aint ya got anything better to do than come to the nut-hatch? I bet your girlfriend misses you?" She teased, leaning into the window. She was glad to see him, even if she pretended he was lame.

"If... If I may say so," She leaned in and whispered nearer him, so no one might here. "I was always a fan of your traps and riddles. I think, perhaps, that's why I was so excited to discover you were the one whom I had been battling via newspaper for so long. It really means something now that I know you're not some..." She grasped for kinder words, but settled on what first came to mine. "... some moron who can use the internet."
"I don't have a girlfriend," Cardshark says to her honestly before giving her a food. It was leftovers from a homecooked meal froma few hours ago. He wa slucky he didn't patrol near as much as the Batfamily did. Made things somewhat eaiser for him.

"How have you been doing?" Cardshark asked her. Tonight was a somewhat ordinary night and the Joker was in a surly mood since he didnt try and escape this time, he thought to himself.


The Riddler leaned in and he couldn't help but smile to hear she was a fan of his work. He was very happy when people appreciated the thought and efofrt he put into his traps.

"I thank you for the complements and it is certainly very nice to find someone who appreciates my fine work and has a sharp mind of her own," the Riddler said before th waiter came to take their order.
"This smells really great, and it's still warm!" She dug into it like someone who hadn't seen food in days, rather than hours. "I'm doing as well as I was last time. Still here. How 'bout you, pud-" She caught herself, mid-word, mid-bite, and stopped. She had no idea where that had come from, but she stuffed food in her mouth to give herself some time to think it through. "So, how're you?" She finally asked.

The waiter loomed over them, and she realized in all the excitement, she hadn't actually looked at the menu. "Just a moment..." She held up a hand to stay the waiter while she scanned the menu. "I'd like the cedar salmon, please." She wasn't sure if that was what she really wanted, but it sounded good and she didn't want to make him come back, knowing she would just get distracted again.

After the waiter had gone, she refocused her attention on Edward. "So, do you find that it's more gratifying to solve crimes as a detective now that you've been on both sides for a while?" She asked, wanting to divert the conversation back.
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