Me and Reila - SasuNaru Yaoi - Best Friends or enemies? (And more from Naruto)

[td] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxTEST TEST [/td][td]
xxxxxxxxxxxTESTxxxxx"I am explaining it to you, He was my student. His name was Minato and you look just like him. He had faith that you would be an amazing boy one day, but you have to learn how to control that fox inside of you." he said. "Do you know what a jinchuriki is?" He asked. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Naruto shook his head when Jiraiya asked him if he knew what a jinchuriki was.
"Honestly, I probably don't know anything about any of it..." Naruto explained, "I don't even really know who you are...." he added and looked up at Jiraiya knowing he would most likely have to explain just about everything.

[td] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxTEST TEST [/td][td]
xxxxxxxxxxxTESTxxxxxJiraiya laughed softly. "Alright, let me tell you a story then. Before you were born I taught your father... Minato... everything he knew for the most part, he grew up to become the fourth Hokage...People have hid this from you because they don't want the past repeating itself. We have tried to keep the information sacred, but you need to know, they likely won't like me telling you this but it can't be helped. Your friend Sasuke is part of a rival clan, now, his clan, the Uchiha wasn't bad per say, but something happened." he said. "A man by the name of Madara Uchiha set the 9tails on the village hidden in the leaves 15 years ago. on that day, you were born. Your mother possessed the 9 tails before you and because of childbirth her seal was weakened, allowing for the 9 tails to be pulled from her body and controlled by Madara. The Jincuriki go back a long time, back to before there were ninjas, in fact, the story is so legend that no one even talks about it anymore. And it's honestly such a convoluted story there are too many holes in it to explain, long story short Sasuke is from the Uchiha clan, and you, you're from the Senju. The Senju and the Uchiha clans have fought for centuries, and each time they clash a great ninja war breaks out, destroying everything. The reason your past was hidden was to hopefully stop the past from repeating itself. The world is full of hate and if I could I'd stop it in it's tracks, but that's simply not possible." He said. "Or at least no one has thought about it before. See, I'm also a descendant of the Senju distantly, and my rival growing up was a man known as Orochimaru, he was originally from the Uchiha side, again, a distant relative. What the Senju and Uchiha bloodline is is essentially two types of ninja, one who believes in peace, and the other who relies on stronger feelings, love and hate. Love and hate go hand and hand with the Uchiha that are gifted like Sasuke is. We were hoping to stop you and Sasuke from being on the same team, but, as fate would have it it happened anyway." he said sighing. "Well, anyway.. come to today, you have one of 9 jinchuriki in you, which originally were given to each of the cities to preserve peace, but they eventually started being used for war, if a city had a jin churi kiat it's disposal, they were "safe" from the war... Follow so far?" He asked. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
"My father was the fourth hokage...." Naruto said shocked. He couldn't believe someone so powerful could be his father. As Jiraiya could spoke Naruto put his face in his hands, "I can't hate Sasuke... I could never, so there won't be any fight between us." Naruto promised still holding his face in his hands.

"I follow...." Naruto said, "What happened to my parents...?" he asked looking up at Jiraiya. He didn't want to believe any of it. He wanted more than anything to be friends with Sasuke despite what he'd said when he'd been in the room.

"How can I control the nine tailed fox? How can I make it stay where it's locked up?" he asked worried he would hurt someone he cared for.
"Yes, your father was the 4th hokage." he said. "You already hate Sasuke, at least, you're supposed to, but don't let it happen that way. Your love towards the Uchiha family is going to be the only thing to break the constant fighting." he said. "You need to convince Sasuke to give up on his revenge quest...ontop of everything." He said. "If he goes through with it, it's only going to get worse." He said. "Contoling the fox will come later, I have to teach you other things first..." he said. "You're still barely starting out as a ninja, just, be certain to keep your hate and anger in check." he said.
"How can I stop Sasuke, he is so determined..." Naruto said sadly, "Why can't I just help him...?" he asked not sure what Sasuke getting revenge had to do with it all. He worried about Sasuke, but he didn't think he could stop him from doing what he had to do. Sasuke had lost his family and if getting revenge made that better Naruto wanted to help.

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xxxxxxxxxxxTESTxxxxxHe didn't know what to really say about it, "Well, Sasuke isn't too much different from you." he said. "He has to want friends, even a little." He said.

Sasuke finally woke up and sat up in bed, his hand running through his hair shaking slightly. He looked around and opened the curtains noticing the bed next to him. He noticed how the bed was a mess and then noticed the ramen bowl next to it. His thoughts went back to the conversation he had about Naruto prior and he wondered if Naruto was in fact in the same room as he was. He got up being careful with his wounds and moved over to the bed picking up the pillow to bring it to his face. He smelled the pillow and he realized it was Naruto that was next to him. He smiled softly and put the pillow back down, his smile fading. He removed the IV from his arm as well as many other things off of him and he got dressed. He walked out through the hall and walked past the room where Jiraia was talking to Naruto.
"He thinks it's a nus..." Naruto started, but saw Sasuke, "whys he out of bed...?" He said aloud before getting up and heading for the door.

"Sasuke!?" He called running after him to catch him, "where are you going?" He was confused as to when he even woke up and why no one had stopped him.
Sasuke glanced over as he left the room. "What's it to you... " he asked, brooding that the blonde was following him, but at the same time hiding a smile behind is frown. It was fun to keep Naruto at arms length, but at the same time close. "Those two are still alive, I'm gonna go kill them before they can come after us..." he said. "You coming?" He'd never offered Naruto a chance to come with him before. But, regardless, the mission he was embarking on was dangerous, and Kakashi would likely have a few choice words about it.
"Sasuke stop!" Naruto said catching up and grabbing his arm, "They aren't going to come after us.... just stop..." He looked at Sasuke worried, if Sasuke was so ready to kill the two ninjas they had fought he would never back down from getting revenge.

"Just let it go.... come on, you need to go back to the hospital bed and rest. Tsunade said you need the rest and I won't let you hurt yourself anymore." Naruto said revealing unintentionally that he'd been in the hospital room with him when he had spoken about Naruto.

[td] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxTEST TEST [/td][td]
xxxxxxxxxxxTESTxxxxxSasuke turned and looked at the other ninja. He grabbed his arm attempting to stop him and he turned and looked at him, a small glare on his face. "What's it to you if I sleep or not..." He said. "And - you heard me, didn't you, back when they were talking to me?" He pulled his arm from Narutos hand gently. He felt the need to reach to him but he refused it. "Naruto..." He said. "Fine... I'll go back, but you're coming with me." He said, grabbing his wrist and dragging him with him back to the hospital room. He honestly couldn't believe that he was actually listening to Naruto for once.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
"I... I want you to get better...." Naruto said looking down. As soon as Sasuke figured out he'd been in the room when he'd spoke about Naruto. He jumped when Sasuke grabbed his arm making him look up. He was shocked Sasuke agreed to go back the the hospital bed and he watched the back of his head as he was dragged. He wanted to hug Sasuke, but he didn't want to make him angry so he just walked, not pulling his arm away from Sasuke.

[td] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxTEST TEST [/td][td]
xxxxxxxxxxxTESTxxxxxSometimes it was true, Sasuke couldn't stand this kid, he made him so angry because of how many times Naruto came at him trying to be friends. Sasuke made it clear in that room he didn't want friends, and still this kid... persistent. He walked back into the room and sat down on the bed, still holding Naruto's wrist, the hold tighten slightly before letting go. "Why do you want to befriend me so much, you don't understand me much do you?" He asked, this would be the first time he actually talked to naruto, instead of talking down to him.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Naruto twitched at Sasuke's grip tightening before letting go.
"I... I just do..." Naruto said looking down. He couldn't tell Sasuke the real reason why he would want to be friends if not more. He shifted slightly, "c... can we talk about this later...?" He asked trying to get out of the conversation.

[td] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxTEST TEST [/td][td]
xxxxxxxxxxxTESTxxxxxHe pointed to the bed behind Naruto. "Nope. We're talking about this now... it's either this, or we go after that guy and the kid.." he said, clearly his mind was made up on the subject. He was starting to feel strangely about Naruto, the vibes, the inability to ignore his childish quips, just how he acted towards just about everything. "What do you know about me, Uzimaki?"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
"Really nothing more than you're family is dead... and you want revenge on some guy..." Naruto said looking up at him, "I swear I don't know anything more about you..." He said not wanting to tell him what Jiraiya told him.
Naruto was clueless and he couldn't help but look at him with a small smile on his face. "I don't know your story, either." He said. "What was that Chakra?" He asked. "It's stronger than me, stronger than... him... even..." he said. "I felt it when I touched you and it physically hurt to touch at that moment in time." He said. He didn't know much about Naruto, only that something was weird with him.
Naruto looked away sadly, he didn't realize it had hurt Sasuke to touch him when the nine-tailed fox was aiding him.
"I... It's a long story.... I.... I have the nine-tailed fox sealed inside of me... but it's okay, they made sure to reseal it so it can't get out like that again." Naruto said panicked, "so it can't hurt you anymore."
He had looked up at Sasuke for a second then looked away. He figured that would be a good enough explanation for Sasuke and that it would end the conversation.
"The 9 tails chakra?" He blinked. "I'm more concerned with it hurting you." He said. "I wasn't phsyically affected, you were though." He admitted. "I only felt the burning, but, your flesh was starting to burn off, I saw it." He nodded. "That's likely a good thing... I hope it helps." he said. "We'll probably have to go against those guys again... and when we do... I'll be ready." He looked over at him.
"It didn't hurt.... I didn't feel anything... just anger...." Naruto admitted not looking up, "But we have it under control now so It'll be fine." When Sasuke said they would be fighting the two that went after the bridge builder he looked up, "We don't have to fight them, I don't think they'll come back after us...." Naruto said worried about Sasuke. He didn't know how to make him stop from trying to get revenge.
"If you don't think they will come back, I can understand why it took so long for you to pass the graduation exam... A ninja must SEE THROUGH deception. That boy, that was no black ops. he was not a ninja soldier...he was a manipulation user, using the guise to take Zabuza away... Naruto, even I could see through that... how do you expect to be hokage one day if THAT fools you? You should reconsider that goal... if you're goin to be so stupid...." He said, laying back. "Meanwhile... we can't just sit here and let them come back to kill us." He wondered how long it would take them to come after them. They had to be ready.
"We don't have to go looking for trouble Sasuke. That's not what being a ninja is about. It's about protecting our village. You just want to get revenge and that worries me. You're not on your way to being a good ninja. You'll be no better than the one who you want revenge on." Naruto said looking up at him worried. He couldn't help but be upset with Sasuke. He thought Naruto wasn't aware of anything that walked their way when he was just thinking about what was best for the village and his team.
"Please just stop and think about all of this Sasuke." Naruto said sadly.
Naruto's comment ticked a nerve, a big one with sasuke. He moved fast and grabbed the others jacket, slamming him against the wall. "You have no idea what that guy did to me." he said. "You want to know? Do you? Itachi was my older brother, I thought he loved me, loved his clan, until one night he slaughtered everyone, and he left me with the words 'you aren't worth killing, if you want to kill me hate me, only then will you get stronger, and when you get my eyes then come find me.' He slaughtered my entire village when I was little. Everyone I ever loved, Everyone that meant anything to me, dead! right in front of me! And he showed me it, everything, using that eye of his. Don't you dare say that I'm like him." He slammed him into the wall again and let go turning to storm out. That right there, that showed him that he couldn't trust anyone, that Naruto couldn't be his friend. No one could. No one else understood him.
Naruto looked up at Sasuke as he was slammed against the wall. He growled slightly as Sasuke yelled at him, "At least he doesn't live inside of you. No one hates you from him, do they?" He snapped at Sasuke, "You're not the only one who suffers from things, if you ask anyone here what happened to them, they could tell you their issues and what they live with." he added before Sasuke slammed him against the wall again before he let go and went to leave. Naruto grabbed his arm to try and stop him from leaving.
Sasuke glared at Naruto as he said that everyone here had issues, problems that were too hard for them to solve. He knew that but he also knew most of them hadn't seen what he did. Itachi didn't live inside of him, but it sure haunted him day and night. He moved to leave the room and felt a familiar feeling around his arm. His eyes glanced down on his hand on Sasuke's arm and he turned to face him. "What?" he asked, his eyes partly narrowed.
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