Me and Reila - SasuNaru Yaoi - Best Friends or enemies? (And more from Naruto)

Naruto saw Sasuke stopping and then saw the kunai. With no time to stop he reached out and tried to move Sasuke out of the way, but instead ran his full weight into him. Naruto lost his control of the chakara and went tumbling down through the trees. He landed on his back with a thump. He moaned as he caught his breath and slowly sat up. He definatly felt the fall.

Haku fell asleep next to Zabuza not concerned about the fight they would be facing. He was immediately taken over by sleep. In his sleep he cuddled up against Zabuza like he used to as a child, though when he was younger Zabuza had always pushed him away from his body.

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Sasuke couldn't help but laugh as he lost control and landed on the ground with a loud thump. He jumped down and walked over to him, standing by him looking down. "Baka..." he said. "You can't do that on a mission... you'll end up dead." Without warning Sasuke climbed on top of him, knees on either side of Naruto's hips, and held his kunai to Naruto's throat. "See?" He pocketed his Kunai and sat up on his knees. "By the way." He glanced around to see if they were alone. "I have a question." he said, Moving off of Naruto. "What is that?" He asked, pointing to his stomach where the mark was. his shirt was still torn and he could see a bit of it. He recognized the pattern to be a curse mark, but unlike everyone else he didn't listen to rumors so he had no idea that Naruto was possessed by 9 tails chakra and that the mark sealed it behind a gate.

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Zabuza had fallen asleep first and he was jolted awake softly by Haku moving close to him and cuddling up like he tried doing when he was a kid. Zabuza looked down at him and resigned himself to the fact that this could be the last time that he got to be by Haku, so he didn't push him away. He pulled him closer placing his palm on Haku's back, his eyes sliding shut again. the feeling of the warm boy curled up by him was actually pretty empowering. He'd never been this close to another being before, and as strange a feeling it was, he was starting to enjoy it as he slipped off back to sleep.
"I know..." Naruto said looking away, "I didn't want to hurt you by running into you..." he explained. As soon as Sasuke sat on top of him Naruto's eyes widened and he blushed. He couldn't believe Sasuke had gotten on top of him, even if it wasn't because he liked him or anything. Naruto looked up when Sasuke said he had a question and looked down at his stomach when he pointed. Naruto lightly grabbed his jacket, "um... well I don't know much about it... but I'm learning... Like when we were fighting that guy.... It talked to me... lent me it's power... I don't know what it is, but it's been there as long as I can remember... It's why adults won't talk to me or let their kids talk to me..." Naruto said sadly and sat up turning away from Sasuke. He didn't want Sasuke to see how sad he was. He'd always been alone and no one had cared about him or told him about the seal on his stomach.

Haku nuzzled his face into Zabuza's side as he warmed up. He had no idea he was being held close, but he was happy with it. A light smile formed on his face. The first smile he'd had since his parents were killed. He felt like he was cared for, though he thought it was only in his dream that someone was holding him close and he was cuddling them.

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Sasuke noticed the blush this time around and that was another reason he got off and changed the subject so quickly. He looked at the mark that he could see and then back up at Naruto. "It?" he wondered what 'it' was even. "They don't talk to you?" He noticed he turned away and something kinda snapped inside of him that made him do something a little uncharacteristic. He put his hand on Naruto's shoulder. "Sometimes being alone is the only way to get stronger..." He said. "And sometimes it's better when you don't have anyone... because it makes it easier to fight knowing you could die one day, because you don't leave anyone behind." He removed his hand from Naruto's shoulder. "I'm alone too." He said. "That's why I'm going to become a Ninja... to kill a certain someone that took everything from me. I'm an avenger." He stood and started to walk back. "Lets go. You've gotta be hungry by now." he said. Sasuke seemed to be a little more friendly now, but he was still a bit somber and quiet. He walked back to their halfway house where Kakashi was still recovering. Ramen again. Naruto would enjoy it.

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Zabuza stayed asleep until morning light came, and even then he stayed next to Haku, thinking about a lot of things, but mostly the day he met Haku. Zabuza had never been one to care about anyone after his exams, he was a happy kid, almost too happy, but once he was enrolled things changed, it was kill or be killed in their exams and he killed everyone. He killed every last bit of kindness in his heart that day, or so he thought. Yet here he was comforting this boy... He'd lost part of himself and he didn't know if he wanted it back, he was enjoying this moment.
Naruto turned his head slightly to look at Sasuke when he felt his hand on his shoulder. His heart began to race and his hands got sweaty. That was the second time Sasuke had touched him since being teammates. He listened to Sasuke as he spoke and wanted to hug Sasuke and tell him he was sorry and that he would do anything to make Sasuke feel better. Being alone wasn't something easy, and he hoped it didn't hurt Sasuke as much as it did himself. When Sasuke removed his hand and got up, Naruto followed him to their halfway house slowly. He didn't want Sasuke to irritated with him for being too close.

After a while Haku shifted and began to stretch out and wake up. He opened his eyes and looked up at Zabuza, "morning..." he said softly, curious at why he was so close to Zabuza and not being pushed away. He wouldn't speak about it since he was glad to be this close to him. He enjoyed the way Zabuza's skin warmed him and he didn't want Zabuza to pull away quite yet. He pushed his own hair out of his face lightly.

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Sasuke pushed his hands in his pockets as they walked back, the visions of his mother and fathers deaths haunting him. Itachi had shown him everything, all of their deaths, and now, now it was even worse. He knew to get strong he would... He couldn't. He glanced at Naruto refusing to give into that thought. 'Kill your best friend.' That was the reason he couldn't be friends with Naruto, despite needing that power, he just couldn't do that. He ate lunch and ignored Naruto the rest of the day, that day rolled past with no action, the next one too, it wasn't till 3 days later when the bridge was almost done that the fog rolled in over the land yet again. Sasuke was getting vibes since that morning that today wasn't going to be easy.

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Zabuza wanted this to last but he knew it was foolish to pretend they could just stop being mercenaries and live 'happy' he was wanted in the Mist, and Haku no doubt was also hunted by Anbu. They had killed them, the mask proved that much. "Morning." He said, he was still holding Haku to him. He wanted to show Haku how he felt, but he felt that it was better to have Haku not know. Finally, After a couple days Haku and Zabuza set out to go take out the kids for good. Haku with his ice mirrors, and Zabuza with his prism and water techniques, they would take out Kakashi of the Sharingan and all his students, in order to kill the bridge builder and fulfil their task.
Naruto felt sad for Sasuke as they walked back. He wanted to comfort him, but honestly didn't know how. Naruto didn't know Sasuke had been alone, but he also didn't pay much attention. As the days dragged on he noticed Sasuke was ignoring him and it made him sad, he tried to pretend it wasn't bothering him, but it really was. He thought maybe he'd done something wrong and Sasuke was angry at him for it. Though he tried not to think about it, it was really hard. 3 days later he noticed while they were watching the bridge builder that the fog was gettng thick and he wondered if a storm was coming, not thinking clearly.

Haku smiled lightly at Zabuza and leaned against him as he held him. He was just happy to be held for the first time in what seemed like forever. He would live with all else if Zabuza would just hold him like this every night. Haku prepared himself to set out with Zabuza, all emotions set aside till he was the icy cold boy he always was since Zabuza trained him.

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Sasuke couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched today and as the fog set in he knew they were. Suddenly, Haku and Zabuza stepped from the fog. They didn't waste time separating Kakashi from the brats, leaving the 1 kid and the builder on one side with Kakashi, and the other two were kept on the other side by Haku. Sasuke ran towards Haku withdrawing his ninja stars to throw at him when suddenly giant sheets of ice appeared all around him. He glanced around at them as the temperature dropped and he started to shiver. He could see his breath now and he started to fear for his life by freezing to death.


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Zabuza attacked Kakashi, telling him if he tried to stop Haku, he would go for the builder and the girl and kill them both. He had them trapped.
"Sasuke!" Naruto yelled following him to help. He stopped and looked around them as the sheets of ice appeared, "What the hell is this?" he asked and looked over at Haku. He growled, "You're that kid that took that guy away..." he growled recognizing him, despite the mask.

Sakura looked at the ice sheets, "Sasuke! Naruto!" she called out trying to keep focused on the bridge builder, she looked at Kakashi worried. She wasn't sure if Kakashi could handle Zabuza alone and she couldn't leave the bridge builder alone.
"Sensei.... what do we do...?" she asked Kakashi looking up at him frightened by their situation.

Haku looked at the two boys, "I have no time to talk to you." he said as he vanished into one of the sheets of ice. He watched the two as he moved through the sheets using mirror images of himself to hide and throw needles at the two. He wondered why the two seemed so close, but he didn't care, he had to prove he could hold his own for Zabuza.

"Sasuke! Watch out!" Naruto called out as he dodged needles to avoid getting hurt himself.

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xxxxxxxxxxxTESTxxxxx Sasuke dodged the needles too and looked around at the mirrors. He didn't notice till it was too late that both he and Naruto were trapped inside. "Naruto, you need to get out, attack from the outside." He chucked some Kunai at the mirrors and just watched as they bounced off, more needles being shot his way. He yelped as a couple of them cut him, they were fast, and they came at them from all angles. None of them however were being aimed for vitals. He tried fireball Jutsu to melt the mirrors, but it did nothing. "Kuso...." he swore, glancing around trying to figure out how to fight this. He slowly started tracking the movement slowly as his visual kekegenkai slowly started to surface, nothing in his eyes yet, but it wouldn't be long now. "Naruto, use your shadow clones, attack every mirror." He knew they wouldn't break, but, there was a possibility he could find out more doing so.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Naruto tried getting out, but it was too late for him to get out, he kept dodging the needles waiting for Sasuke's instructions. When sasuke finally told him what to do he immediately nodded, "Shadow clone jutsu!" He cried out forming the hand signs before clones of himself appeared. They immediately attacked the mirrors as Sasuke had instructed.

Haku wondered what the boys were doing, but continued his attacking and avoiding the clones attacks.

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xxxxxxxxxxxTESTxxxxx Sasuke was starting to catch on, Haku started throwing more directed needles in attempts to stop him from finding out the trick, but Sasuke was too fast now. He looked over at Naruto - "Keep going!" he said, his eyes now a solid crimson with two black marks on them. He'd unlocked it, he could see the movements, even small ones. he could see the patch taht Haku was taking and slowly started to get accustomed to it. Haku would soon have to swap his target from Sasuke to Naruto because Sasuke was dodging everything. He used his fireball jutsu again and this time he hit Haku with it, just barely, but enough to rattle him. Haku Seemed to get more serious and started aiming for vitals, but couldn't hit any of them. He eventually turned his attacks towards Naruto attempting to bring down the fox first. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Naruto continued making clones and having them attack the mirror. When sasuke told him to keep it up he nodded. He wondered what was going on with his eyes, but he figured he'd ask later like Sasuke had asked him. After a little of Sasuke attacking Naruto saw needles heading his way and slid out of the way only to be faced with another set of needles that he couldn't dodge.

Haku continued his attacks on Sasuke as he avoided the clones onslaught of attacks. When sasuke used his fireball jutsu and nicked Haku he panicked. No one had ever come close to figuring out his pattern. Not even Zabuza who'd trained him. He began to aim for vitals panicked, but after being distracted by Naruto he decided if he got rid of him, he'd have a shot taking out Sasuke. He began to throw needles at Naruto swiftly.

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xxxxxxxxxxxTESTxxxxxSasuke realized that if those needles were to hit Naruto they would kill him, after Naruto was hit multiple times and seemed unable to keep up - collapsing. Sasuke made a choice to grab him up, holding him under one arm as he dodged the needles, one after the other. He had to drop Naruto to go on the Offensive, which is when Haku made one final attack towards naruto, aiming for every vital. Sasuke jumped in the way of it and stood there panting. "Y-You're always in the way naruto..." he said. The needles Haku had meant for Naruto pierced into Sasuke's body, hitting just above every vital spot. Sasuke fell to one knee panting and then soon after collapsed.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Naruto tried to keep dodging, but he couldn't see everything that Sasuke could. After being hit so many times he collapsed unable to dodge anymore. The pain in his body was too much to handle. After Sasuke picked him up he slightly lifted his head to look at him, too weak to blush like he normally would have. He felts Sasuke drop him down and he looked up as the needles hit Sasuke while he was trying to protect him. Fear filled him as Sasuke collapsed and he immediately moved over to Sasuke to check on him, "Sasuke..." he said and lightly shook him. Anger flooded him when Sasuke didn't answer. The rest was a blur as the nine-tailed fox took over and began to attack Haku, seeing what Sasuke saw and eventually shattered the sheets of ice around him.

Haku watched as Sasuke collapsed and he then realized what Naruto was. He knew he wouldn't be able to defeat the boy and tried his best to avoid being hit by the nine tailed fox. Eventually Haku had enough and collapsed his sheets of ice as he fell to the ground. He was in so much pain, but it was nothing compared to the pain of knowing he failed Zabuza. He had let him down and he didn't deserve to live. He only hoped Zabuza would find someone that would live up to what Zabuza needed. A single tear slid down his cheek.

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xxxxxxxxxxxTESTxxxxxSasuke somehow found the strength to get back up after everything had been shattered around him. He stumbled over to Naruto, the look of the fire around him was terrifying and he didn't know what it was, but none the less he stumbled over to him and wrapped his hand around naruto's fist as he went to punch Haku again. Sasuke didn't want him killing Haku, because if he did they couldn't take them in. Sasuke coughed up blood and shook his head, barely supporting his body weight on his own two feet. As soon as Haku had left, Sasuke fell against Naruto, collapsing half on him and half on the ground in front of them. The needles had touched the vitals just enough to cause extreme pain and impair his movement, had they hit Naruto instead, he would be dead. Sasuke had moved just in time so the needles hit certain spots that looked to be extremely vital.

Zabuza saw the scene unfold in front of him and quickly ran away from Kakashi, picked up Haku and took off. he couldn't beleve that haku almost lost to those brats, and not the battle, his life. He ran back to their halfway house where Gatou kept them for the time being, and he started nursing Haku's wounds.

Kakashi ran over to make sure Sakura was okay and then ran to Sasuke's aid by Naruto. He realized that they were both badly hurt, he couldn't keep going with this mission. He just couldn't.
Naruto felt Sasuke's hands on his and at first growled at him before realizing it was him. He calmed down, the kyuubi settling back in his cage. He looked at Sasuke worried knowing he was struggling to stand up. When Sasuke collapsed on him he caught him and held him close, "hang in there Sasuke..." he whispered worriedly. He had no idea how Sasuke was even able to stand long enough to stop Naruto.

Sakura saw Sasuke and her eyes widened, "Sasuke!" she screamed running to him and Naruto after Haku and Zabuza left. She was panicked, knowing it looked pretty bad, and despite not being on his vitals directly, there was a chance Sasuke could die.

Haku had passed out from the pain. When he awoke, Zabuza was nursing his wounds, "What are you doing...?" he asked confused, he wondered if Zabuza had finished their mission, but he wasn't sure why he'd bring him back since he had failed. He had almost died, yet here they were, Zabuza taking care of him despite Haku's failure.

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xxxxxxxxxxxTESTxxxxxSasuke's breathing was erratic, Kakashi put an end to their mission and took them back to Kohana where he had to talk with Jiraiya about sealing the curse mark, yet again.
Kakashi got them all home and made sure that Sakura and the bridge builder were safe before going in to see Sasuke and Naruto. Tsunade was working on him as quickly as possible. "18 points of his chakra shattered..." She said to him. "What did he do out there..."
Kakashi shook his head. Sasuke was looking up at the ceiling. "He was forced to unlock the Sharingan during a battle... put a lot of stress on him because he has no idea how to control that much chakra...What is his chances...?" he asked.
"Honestly... not good." she said. "He'll need bedrest, and lots of it..."
"No..." Sasuke said, sitting up coughing. "I won't just sit here and give up on the mission..." He said.
"You're going to sit here until we let you move, your injuries are bad..."
Sasuke growled softly. "I couldn't do it... I'm so weak..."
Naruto was in the bed beside him, just on the other side of the curtain, but Sasuke didn't know that. "I couldn't protect him... " he swallowed. "What is he...?" He asked.
Kakashi looked over where the curtain was, knowing Naruto was likely listening. "He's human. Just like you, just like all of us. Don't treat him any differently. He didn't mean to do what he did. You of all people should know that." he said.
"When I touched him to try to stop whatever was happening, it hurt, like my flesh was trying to melt off of my bones... that chakra isn't human... I don't know what it is... but its.... it's stronger than me..." He said. He lay back down. "It's stronger than all of us..."
He paused. "Why havn't I ever met Naruto's family... are they..."
"We can't tell you...Just know that he has suffered just as much if not more than you... at least you were looked up to... cherished, cared for... while he had no one. The ones who knew about him shunned him, and those that didn't like you, still had nothing to do with him because he was too busy being a 'nuisance' to the rest of you..." She said. "He needs friends too Sasuke." She said.
"Friends?" Sasuke shook his head. "I don't have any needs for friends... I will avenge my family... I'll kill Itachi for what he did... Friends will only get in my way. I don't want to kill anyone that isn't Itachi..." He closed his eyes and sighed, curling up on his side.

Tsunade and Kakashi left the room, leaving the curtain closed between the two boys. Sasuke had no idea Naruto was there. "Sorry Naruto...I didn't know..." He mumbled under his breath. "Not too different from myself..." he said, again very softly. He curled up and fell asleep shortly after, mending his body after the attack. It wasn't his fault that his chakra networks were shattered, holding onto the ninetails chakra was responsible for that. It was easier though to let them believe it was his fault, it would keep Naruto from sustaining anymore personal attacks for what he was. He was going to ask him, He wanted to know and Naruto would tell him eventually.

Zabuza looked at Haku and shook his head. "Quiet." He was busy taking care of his wounds he sustained. He wasn't mad at him, but he didn't want him talking and opening the wounds.
Naruto had been asleep until Kakashi came into the room. He looked up and listened knowing Sasuke was next to him, just a curtain away. He frowned when Tsunade started talking about Sasuke's condition. It had been Naruto's fault in the first place, if he had only done better to help Sasuke. He wanted to get out of bed and go to Sasuke's bed and hold him. He didn't want Sasuke to hurt like he was. However Sasuke started talking about Naruto. He looked down as he listened to Sasuke. There was something wrong with him, Sasuke talked about his chakara not being human. He didn't know if Sasuke would understand that he held the nine-tailed demon, but was clarified by him asking what he was. He teared up slightly as Sasuke said he didn't have any need for friends. Naruto knew it was just the fact that Sasuke had no need for him. wiped at his eyes quietly. Naruto closed his eyes and let the tears slide down his cheeks as Kakashi and Tsunade left. He only felt more tears as he heard Sasuke apologize to him, though he knew he wasn't there.

Haku stopped talking and watched Zabuza. He didn't understand why Zabuza was caring for him. Haku just wanted to watch him, he was so focused. It made Haku snicker slightly and then fake a cough to hide the noise. He looked away slightly knowing there must be a reason Zabuza was taking care of him. It must be so he could ask about the boys and why he failed. That had to be it, he just wanted to know before he killed him, himself to show him there was no reason for his weakness. Haku decided that was why he was still alive and would soon be dead anyways. He closed his eyes, feeling drowsy and dozed back to sleep.

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Sasuke couldn't stay awake anymore because of the pain and he ended up passing out. He couldn't stop thinking about that fateful day, wondering why the man killed everyone except for him, it still didn't make sense to him.

Jiraiya was called and walked into the room. "Hey, are you naruto?" he asked, he already knew because the boy had a spitting resemblance to the man that he one taught... his student Minato. "Course you are." he said. "come with me, I have a few things to tell you about." he said. "I'm Jiraiya, Kakashi told me you broke that seal on your belly, and it's up to me to not only reform it, but also to tell you about it and help you understand it more." He said.
Naruto jumped startled by Jiraiya's entrance. He looked at the man before him curiously, "w... what do you mean... what's there to know... I've got a monster in me and I'm a monster because of it...." he said and looked down ashamed. He couldn't get the works Sasuke said out of his head. It hurt him so bad, but there was something there that he knew Sasuke felt towards him.

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"I need to teach you how to control the power in you." he said. "If you don't, you will certainly let it out yet again." he said. "You also need to know about it.... and the truth... about it." He said. "Now come with me or we might wake Sasuke up." He smiled, walking out of the room. If Naruto followed him he would lead him down the cooridor to a place where Jiraiya was staying. He had a lot to talk about to Naruto.
Naruto looked over at the curtain where Sasuke was sleeping, while he was healing. Naruto carefully got out of bed and headed to follow Jiraiya and stopped with his hand on the door, turning back to take one last look at Sasuke. He didn't want to leave Sasuke till he knew he was okay, even though his words hurt him. He turned and stepped out of the room and looked at Jiraiya, "Okay... let's go." he said calmly.

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xxxxxxxxxxxTESTxxxxxSasuke continued to sleep as the fox left with Jiraiya.

Jiraiya waited for him to enter the room and he made a seal with his hand and slammed it into naruto's stomach after closing the door. "There we go." He said. "You had broken it." He pulled his hand back and then walked over to sit down, offering the seat across from him to Naruto. "Now... I'm sure you already know that the 9tails attacked the village a long time ago... and... when that happened it was sealed in you, but I'm sure you know nothing about why, or how... And that is what I'm going to tell you today..." he said. "So... your father is the one that sealed it in you, he had planned on you understanding how to control the fox, any time you feel hateful, angry, that fox will use it against you attempting to come out .. the only way to beat him however is to be positive, and learn to love... not hate." he said. "Your feelings have to be light for the fox not to be able to take you over."
Naruto grunted as Jiraiya slammed his hand against his stomach, "ow...." he complained and looked at him. He hesitantly walked to the chair and sat down, looking at Jiraiya.
"I really don't know much about the nine-tailed fox..." Naruto said in response, he listened as Jiraiya spoke about his father and how he'd sealed it in him.

"My father..... what happened to him....? I know he died, but he left me with this kyuubi in me and no one to explain it to me..." Naruto said sadly. No one cared to tell him nor who his father had been. He'd been all alone till Iruka sensei had saved him before he'd gotten his team made.
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