Me and Reila - SasuNaru Yaoi - Best Friends or enemies? (And more from Naruto)

Nov 9, 2014
Please be aware this roleplay will contain spoilers for Naruto and Naruto Shippuuden. If you have not watch all of Shippuuden, do NOT read this RP from start to finish. You have been warned. This RP will follow the anime's footsteps while changing bits of the players amusement. Again, proceed with caution.

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xxxxxxxxxxxTESTxxxxxHis life had never been easy or something he had been particularily interested in divulging to anyone. He hadn't had such a good life in all honesty, but he wouldn't complain. Complaining was for losers, and he wasn't one. His eyes fell on a particularly annoying individual who he had realized he had been paired with, her an a female that seemed like he was some type of god or something. He never knew why all the girls wanted him so badly, and he honestly couldn't care less. This kid, he was a loser. He complained, whined, and cried like a child. His name was Naruto Uzumaki, and he was annoying. Sasuke didn't care much for either of his teammates, but given instructions to grab the two bells from their teacher was his only focus right now. The two other students sucked at grabbing the bells, sasuke had touched them 3 times so far but in every instance, his arrogance was used against him. However, Naruto was even worse. He was the one that ended up pinned to the post leaving Sasuke shaking his head. "Idiot..." he said, crossing his hands over eachother in front of his face as he sat down. They had failed. The mission was a failure. Only Sasuke and Sakura were able to eat and Sasuke looked at the food then looked at Naruto. As annoying as the kid was, he had to get the kid free... Teamwork, right? There were three of them... "We should work together. There are 3 of us." He said simply. He didn't go into details, they would likely know what it meant. He looked at his food and grabbed one of the morsels that was in the dish and held it up for Naruto to eat, Sakura did the same before the scene changed and Kakashi scared them. The dark made Sasuke a little spooked, but it freaked Naruto and Sakura out. The news the came next made Sasukes hair stand on the back of his head. "You pass." Kakashi finished in a grin.

Sasuke couldn't believe what he was hearing, they were now Genin. Their first mission came around and went, then they got sent on something even more important. A mission to escort a bridge builder. Naruto had some choice words about this project but Sasuke kept his opinion to himself as they walked along. He felt like things were way too quiet when Kakashi said the same thing. "It's too quiet..." He said. Sasuke glanced at his sensei then at Naruto who - like an idiot, was talking loudly as usual. Before he had a chance to draw attention to them Sasuke smacked his hand gently over his teammates mouth. "Hush..." he said quietly. Kakashi looked down and saw a puddle of water and kept walking. he couldn't tell them to be careful, they would have to think for themselves here. They were being decieved, Kakashi of course saw right through it - Sasuke seemed to as well. He kept his hand on Narutos mouth and put his finger to his own lips then removed it. Kakashi. This was meant to be a C rank mission, impossible. Sasuke spread his feet and his fingers curled around his Kunai, keeping himself on guard.
Naruto was never treated kindly like the other kids and it often made him seek out attention, even when it was in a bad way, which was usually the case. He was always crushing on Sakura hard, but it was really just a cover. He had little interest in the annoying girl. Always Sasuke this, Sasuke that. He kind of envied her for being a girl. At least she had a chance with Sasuke. Naruto thought Sasuke was super cool and he had a real crush on Sasuke, so when he got put on the same team he couldn't have been happier, but he couldn't let anyone know. He was always acting like he was showing Sasuke up, but really he just wanted to impress him.

Their first mission was simple, yet somehow Naruto was told they lost and he got tied to a post. He was so angry that they were so horrible together, especially since Sasuke was always so close, but kept failing. However Sasuke was still nice enough to share his food with Naruto and he was embarrassed, but super grateful at the attention. That's when they found out they had passed and he was so excited. They would be the top ninja in no time if it kept up like this.

Naruto wasn't too thrilled about their next mission, and complained the whole time. However at one point Sasuke put his hand over Naruto's mouth and he blushed at the touch. He couldn't help, but lightly breath in the scent of Sasuke's hand. He knew Sasuke wouldn't notice, or think nothing of it. When he pulled his hand away Naruto was filled with such disappointment, but he knew Sasuke meant nothing of the touch other than to shut Naruto up.

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He was surprised that Naruto shut up so easily when he was told to, but even Naruto couldn't be so stupid that he didn't see it coming. He didn't know Naruto's feelings for him and he hid the fact that he did sort of enjoy the feeling for the moment, however it was short lived. Something was around them that was dangerous, and he couldn't tell what. It was hard to see in the fog but Sasuke could tell something was up he wished Naruto was smart enough to pick it up as well. With his fingers wrapped hard around the handle of his Kunai, he braced for impact. Out of the shadows chains with long claw-like hooks attached to them shot out, straight towards Kakashi. They impaled Kakashi and the sensei collapsed. 'Dammit...' Sasuke thought to himself. He gauged the attacks paying close attention to where the attacks were coming from. What was their goal. Was it the gennin? Was it the jounin or was it the bridge builder. Sasuke saw through the attack as the ninja went straight for the bridge builder. Naruto and Sakura were standing in front of the man and Sasuke jumped between the claws that shot towards them both, pulling out his fuhma. He opened all four sides of it and blocked the claws, then with his other hand he grabbed two ninja stars and chucked them towards the men, catching both of the chains on top of one another. The Stars pinned the chains to the tree, immobilizing two hands of the 4. With another poison laced claw a third hand shot out from the ninja straight at Naruto. Sasuke blocked it from seriously injuring Naruto for the time being, but it did scratch him slightly. Sasuke used his fuhma to block two more attacks as he used his fireball jutsu to wound the two enough to distract them from his actual attack of him jumping into the air above them to slam his foot into their head. he didn't distract them well enough though because the man grabbed his ankle slicing it with his bladed fingertips before launching Sasuke away from him. Sasuke slid across the ground on his back, laying still with labored breathing.

The men unpinned themselves from the tree and lunged at Naruto, with the intent on killing him and then killing the bridge builder.

Naruto pulled out a kunai when he saw the clawed chains hit Kakashi. He watched from where the chains had come from and was shocked when Sasuke put himself between the men and his team. He however knew he couldn't get distracted. That one second of distaction got him knicked by the poisoned claw and Sasuke hurt. He was immediately filled with anger as he saw Sasuke get thrown. He let the men charge him before attacking them. He threw his kunai at one of the men and then punched the other off his feet. He would protect Sasuke and help with their mission. He knew he could do it, as long as Sasuke would be safe.

"SASUKE!" Sakura cried out as Sasuke slid across the ground on his back. She rushed over to him ignoring her obligation to protect the bridge builder and leaving Naruto to protect himself and the bridge builder alone. She lightly took his hand in her own, "It'll be okay, I'm here for you." she said softly with nothing but her own interest in mind.

Naruto was panting as one of the men held him and the other began to beat the crude out of him. Naruto struggled to get away, eventually kicking the one in front of him and flipping the other over his shoulder on top of the other man knocking the wind out of both of them.

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Sasuke was more annoyed with Sakura as she rushed to his side. "Dammit Sakura, Protect the mission, Don't abandon your comrade." He said, snapping at her and refusing her hand. He pushed himself up and ran over to help Naruto, who did have his head in the game. Most honorable, his friend, if he could call him that, was nothing but honorable. He realized Naruto was fighting the two alone, getting scratched and cut appart. Sasuke used his fuhma to toss it at the man while using his fireball jutsu to force the other off Naruto. He quickly rushed to his side grabbing his hand to drag him away from the flames into a standing possition, his hand wrapped around naruto's hand. "Baka... " he said playfully, yanking Naruto to his side by the builder. He pulled Sakura with him as well. "Manji formation, protect the bridge builder." He said, shouting orders as the Sensei for the moment seemed to be gone.
Naruto blushed at Sasuke's words and let him drag him away. He fell into formation with Sasuke and Sakura around the bridge builder. Naruto had to stay on his feet despite being in pain. He wanted to make sure they were all going to be okay afterwards. He watched in his area of view and held his kunai at the ready.

Sakura looked down ashamed, and did as she was told by Sasuke. She stood at the ready with Naruto and Sasuke hoping Sasuke was alright. She didn't really worry about Naruto since she didn't care much for him.

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Sasuke wouldn't notice it till they left manji formation, but naruto had ripped open the front of his shirt due to the attack and Sasuke's eyes would fall on the portion of it that was black markings. 'What is that....' He thought to himself, looking at the mark with curiosity. He ignored it from now and focused his attention back onto the men that were attempting to attack them. Just as they were thrown a jutsu that the kids couldn't handle, there was Kakashi. He had appeared out of nowhere and grabbed both of them hitting them with some type of blue attack that was making weird chirping sounds. He would later find out that the move was only learnable by those with lightning style Jutsu, and, that Kakashi made it himself. "Sorry you two, I never expected you to freeze up like that, Naruto." He said, looking at the blond. He glanced at Sasuke. "Good teamwork Sasuke, you're becoming a find Shinobi. You too Naruto. I'm sorry it took me so long, I had to see what they were aiming for..." His eyes moved to the bridge builder, narrowing slightly.
The builder swallowed.
"We have to talk..." Kakashi glowered at him.
Moments later Kakashi revealed the fact that Tazuna lied and that they would not be seeing the mission to completion, after a little whining from the builder and even more from the annoying blonde, Kakashi said they would continue only till they got to the bridge.
All of them continued until they got to the bridge, and just before they went to take off, suddenly a man walked up with a large, long sword with a rounded piece cut out of it near the hilt. “I’ll be taking the bridge builder…” The man said. “Get in my way, and I will take your life.” His face was covered and he looked like he meant business. Sasuke had been walking alongside them when they heard this man start to talk and Sasuke's eyes narrowed. The guy looked like he was dangerous, and furthermore, as he talked the air got thick and they couldn’t see him too well. Sasuke wouldn’t just let them take the builder, it was their mission after all so he stepped between the man and the builder.
Kakashi had a completely different outlook on what was happening, however. “Zabuza…” He said. “If you’re my opponent… I have no choice…” for the first time while with the others Kakashi moved his hand up to his headband and pushed it up, revealing a red eye with 3 black marks on it. Sasuke’s eyes widened and his body tightened up and he started to shake.
‘T-That eye…’ he thought to himself, swallowing. ‘No…. no….’ He shook his head and refused to look at the eye, the feeling of looking into an eye like that once again completely shattered everything he was at the moment. For the first time in front of Naruto he was showing signs of weakness, and not in a way that would be looked at as anything but paranoid. He started to step away, his hand moving to her kunai as the memories flooded back.
“Sasuke!” Kakashi said, pulling his student back from the deep end. “Relax. I will not let anything happen to any of you, trust me.” he said. Sasuke calmed down a little bit and he swallowed, looking at Kakashi. ‘ That eye…’ He kept saying to himself mentally.
“Don’t be so sure about that.” Zabuza said, vanishing where he was and ending up in between the manji formation that Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura had created around the builder.
Kakashi moved quick and teleported where Zabuza was, throwing the kids away from Zabuza - along with the builder.

Sasuke caught his footing and slid across the ground after flipping onto his feet, he braced himself with his hands and his toes digging into the dirt, his other hand securely on his kunai holder on his hip.

Zabuza laughed. “You’re Fast Kakashi… but can you counter this… “ He started doing hand signs, and to team 7’s surprise, Kakashi was copying them flawlessly.

Naruto didn't even notice Sasuke looking at him as he tried to focus on the fight that was in front of them. The Poison was making it fairly hard for him to focus, let alone stand on his own.

Naruto was startled by Kakashi appearing and was even more startled by being tossed aside. The poison making him stumble, but he forced himself to stand up and deal with it. He couldn't and wouldn't let his team down. As soon as Kakashi had gotten rid of the men and turned to Tazuna. He tried to listen as he forced the truth out of Tazuna and as Tazuna spoke Naruto tried his damnedest to listen. The poison made it difficult. He was swaying slightly as he remained standing.

As they reached the bridge he felt himself relaxing and letting the poison take over his body. Unfortunately it was too soon to relax. Zabuza appearing out of no where left Naruto on edge. He would do his best to prevent him from getting the bridge builder. He stood as best as he could with Sasuke and kept his eyes on Kakashi and Zabuza.

When Kakashi revealed his eye Naruto looked at Sasuke curiously as he became panicked. He worried about Sasuke and had to make sure he was watching him as well as protecting the bridge builder, just in case something happened that Sasuke couldn't handle.

When Kakashi threw them out of the way Sakura slid to a stop beside Naruto and pulled out a kunai ready to fight if need be. Naruto on the other hand fell onto his back the poison making his body stop working. He tried getting up, but he was too weak. He didn't like to admit defeat, but he knew it was no use in fighting to get up. Sakura looked at Naruto confused, "Naruto, get up." She said coldly assuming Naruto was just being lazy. Tazuna kneeled next to Naruto, "he got hit by the poison claw.... his body is going into shock." he explained to the kids.

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Sasuke had no way of knowing that Naruto was hurt, he knew he had gotten hit but until he saw the signs he was none the wiser. Sasuke himself also had gotten hit by the poison, but it was much less in his body considering his Keke G enkai also acted as a protection, despite it spreading just as fast. Kakashi was in the middle of a fight and he made the mistake to look over at his comrades.
"Your fight is with me Kakashi!" Zabuza said, catching him off guard​​ as he threw Kakashi down onto the ground and trapped him in a bubble.
'No... this isn't good...' Kakashi said, trapped in some kind of water prism.
Sasuke looked over at Naruto and realized he was bad off. "Sakura... I know you trained up a little with Medical​ herbs, by any chance do you have any of that with you?" He asked. Seeing Naruto collapse like that put the mission in the back of his mind. It was almost as if seeing his brother wounded, but, much less revenge was felt towards him than Itachi. He quickly moved in front of Naruto, standing to block Zabuza as Zabuza made a clone to come over to kill Naru in his moment of weakness.
"I don't think so." Sasuke growled a bit. "hitting a man when he's down is unforgivable."​ He braced himself in front of Naruto to stop him from coming closer. The poison in his own system was weakening him, but not completely. He waited for Sakura to answer his question about the herbs, she had to have something they could do for him. He remembered that it was Naruto's stomach where the poison was and if that was so, he would have to drain the wound or so he thought. Sasuke continued to stay in front of Naruto, directing the builder and Sakura to both stand behind him. "You'll be safer behind me." He said. His eyes were tracking the movements of Zabuza unnaturally.

"So... you have it too." Zabuza said, following Sasuke's eyes. It wasn't there yet, not activated, but it wasn't far off either. He could feel the boys chakra growing powerful when presented with people he felt he needed to protect, and in order to protect those friends he was required to be stronger. Zabuzas eyes narrowed. "Better stop your power right here..." he said, moving over to the water prism where Kakashi was. "Say goodbye to your Sensei."
Sasukes eyes narrowed and he pulled out his Fuhma and ran towards Zabuza, with intentions of stopping him, only to be slammed back first into the ground with Zabuzas foot pressing down into his neck. Sasuke's hands moved to his foot panting wildly as he tried to breathe.

"Friends are nothing but a distraction and a weakness on the battlefield."
He said, glaring at Sasuke, stepping on him like he was trash.

Sakura shocked Sasuke knew she had trained with medical herbs, "u... um I think so..." she stuttered dropping her bag in front of Naruto and kneeling down with Tazuna. She began to rummage through the bag finding the herbs she would need for packing. She used a Kunai to start draining the poison. Naruto grunted as the kunai dug into his skin, but he immediately felt himself feeling better. Sakura waited till his blood started to look normal before removing her kunai and began packing the wound.

"T... there... that should do it..." she said after wrapping it, she barely had time to finish her sentence before Naruto was on his feet. He saw Sasuke running at Zabuza and then Zabuza mearly trapping him underneath his foot. Naruto growled and his seal started to break slowly. It was only a little, but he was definately different. His eyes changing in color and appearance to match that of the nine-tailed demon inside of him. He rushed at Zabuza tackling him as hard as he could, knocking him off Sasuke's neck.

"I'll show you weakness you damned coward! Fighting little kids and blocking off the one whom can take you on alone." Naruto growled baring his teeth. Sakura took the opportunity to rush to Sasuke and pull him to safety by Tazuna, "Are you okay Sasuke?" she asked worried, as her eyes moved between Naruto and Sasuke.

Naruto was slowly becoming more animalistic as he paced back and forth in front of Zabuza, ready to attack him if he made a move, "Let Kakashi Sensei go or I'll rip you apart, limb from limb."

"What is wrong with him....?" Sakura asked scared of Naruto as he looked more and more like the demon inside of him.

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Sasuke only knew about the herbs because she had said something about it to Ino a while back in town. Sasuke could see that she was taking care of him and he couldn't let Zabuza just kill Kakashi, but he should have waited. He was at the mercy of the man until Naruto shoved him off growling. Sasuke was dragged away by Sakura in order to catch his breath. He glanced over at her and then looked at Naruto. He seemed to be taking control of the situation pretty nicely, but Sasuke couldn't let Naruto show him up. He quickly regained his composure after Sakura forcibly drained his wound too he started feeling better. He didn't thank her but the look in his eyes said thank you. "I'm fine." he got up and moved over to Naruto, putting his hand on the fox's shoulder. "Hey. Baka... don't think I'm letting you have all the fun..." he said smiling slightly.

Zabuza laughed at them. "You think a couple of brats can stop me? You have another thing coming."

Sasuke looked at Naruto. He had an idea, but he needed to confirm something. "Naruto, follow my lead." He said, pulling out his Fuhma. He would be able to call it back after throwing it. but he needed to see something. He tossed the Fuhma into the direction and went past the clone, missing it on purpose. It was on it's mark to hit the man in the back, however, it failed as Zabuza caught it. Perfect. He glanced over at Naruto and tried to tell Naruto his plan, wondering if he could figure it out. They were on each others team because both of the boys seemed to compliment each other in strength. He pulled out another Fuhma, and stepped in front of Naruto. Naruto hopefully would catch on with what he was planning as he decided to aim at him with a real shuriken and a fake one in the shadow of the first.
"You're wrong Zabuza... Strength is in your friends... " he said.
"Foolish way of thinking boy... you'll learn soon enough." he said, as the Fuhma came towards him, he dodged the first, dodged the second and smirked.
Sasuke smirked back. "Checkmate." he said, as naruto had figured out his plan perfectly and executed it.
Zabuza watched as the two worked together to force him to drop Kakashi, Kakashi came out fighting and socked Zabuza in the chin as hard as possible, then used Chidordi to attack him causing him to jump back. Just as he was about to fight back he collapsed, 2 needles stuck into the side of his neck.

Sasuke looked up to see a figure standing with an Anbu mask on. "The hell...?"

Sakura worked quickly to drain the wound Sasuke had before packed it and wrapped it.
"Are you okay Sasuke?" she asked worried about his safety. While Naruto was scaring her, she was too concerned for Sasuke to think about whatever she didn't know was happening to Naruto. Naruto paced around the Zabuza clone, animalistically growling at it. He wanted to rip him open and he was slightly scared of himself and his thoughts. He would never admit it out loud, especially in front of Sasuke. He was worried about Sasuke and if he was seriously hurt by the clone, which only made him angrier and desire to kill Zabuza and his clone.

When he saw Sasuke run up beside of him his anger lessened, but he didn't lose the appearance of the Kyuubi. Naruto heard Sasuke speak and nodded to agknowledge him. He watched at the fuhma flew towards the real Zabuza and was caught before impact. If Sasuke could distract the clone Zabuza it would make the real Zabuza not realize they were planning on going after him. Naruto used his shadow clone to attack Zabuza after the shuriken leaving no opening for Zabuza to regain balance, which broke his jutsu and let Kakashi free.

As soon as Kakashi was set free Naruto started to revert back to his normal self, his eyes changing back from the kyuubi's eyes. He leap back as Kakashi stepped in and stopped near Sasuke. He discreetly looked him over to check if he was alright. Then he turned his attention back to his fighting Sensei, ready to jump in if Kakashi told him to. Unfortunately it wasn't too long before 2 needles hit Zabuza's neck. Naruto's eyes followed the trajectory of the needles and saw the same figure Sasuke saw.

"I cannot allow you to fight anymore. We shall be back another day." Haku spoke slowly as he jumped down landing next to Zabuza. He kneeled down and removed the two needles from his neck before lifting his body and pulling one arm over his shoulder before disappearing.

"What the heck was that about?" Naruto asked irritated.

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Sasuke waited for Kakashi to attack and started to advance when the boy appeared, or he assumed it was male from the voice, and then grabbed Zabuza and vanished. That was an anbu mask, so naturally Kakashi assumed that it was an Anbu taking care of a rouge ninja. They usually killed the ninja and disposed of the memories, Kakashi had missed that they had said they will be back, but Sasuke didn't. he didn't say anything though as Kakashi shrugged. "Alright builder, you're here, you're at the bridge. You start building and we're going to take the time to train. We won't be far away, I need to teach these 3 some more advanced chakra techniques." he said, looking at Tazuna, then glancing over at Naruto and Sasuke. "You two mostly." He said.

Kakashi started walking off and suddenly collapsed, unresponsive. "Sensei?" Sasuke asked, moving up to him. "Hm... " He looked at Kakashi's left eye and moved his hand to Kakashis face to lift his eyelid. "As I thought..." he mumbled. "Lets get him out of here..." He looked at the bridge builder. "Can you help us? We aren't strong enough to lift our Sensei for obvious reasons." He said.
The builder nodded, "Yeah, I'll help out..." he said, leaning down to help Kakashi up. they had to take the passed out Kakashi back to the village for some much needed bed rest. Kakashi didn't want to just lay around though, he decided to go through with his original plan and teach them while they were here, promising not to overdo it or use the sharingan again for a while.

Kakashi spent the rest of the afternoon instructing Naruto and Sasuke and Sakura how to climb a tree. He told them if they focus the chakra to their feet, they would be able to hang upside down.

Naruto laughed at the task, as Sasuke expected - it was his personality after all. Sasuke however took it more seriously. "Climbing this means mastering Chakra... and without chakra mastery, you're not a ninja. Naruto, you're so dense." he said shaking his head, attempting to run at the tree. He got about half way before his Chakra became hard to manage and he plumeted slightly gracefully back to the ground but not before making a mark with his Kunai where he had climbed to. He did this over and over again till night fall, the only one to have completed the task and gotten to the top by the end of that day was Sakura. She was very gifted apparently. Kakashi smiled and looked over at Naurto. "... Naruto, is that as far as you've gotten...?" He asked, looking at how little it was compared to Sasuke. He guess he couldn't have expected too much, right?
Sakura watched the boy leave with Zabuza and then looked at Kakashi and Tazuna as Kakashi spoke. She felt so useless when it came to helping Sasuke and Naruto, but Kakashi's words made her feel even worse. She couldn't really do much when it came to the techniques that Kakashi could teach.

Naruto looked at Kakashi as he spoke then turned to look at Sasuke slightly, "you okay?" he asked trying to seem like he was just being a good teammate rather than showing his worry for Sasuke. He knew Sasuke was beat around more than Naruto himself. He hoped Sasuke would be alright, but he wondered since Naruto felt really tired from the poison and the Kyuubi's seal breaking slightly.

"Sensei!" Sakura cried out as she watched him fall in front of them. She rushed to his side, letting Sasuke see what was wrong. She doubt she had the skill to help with taking care of Kakashi even if she knew what was wrong. Naruto watched Sasuke and Sakura trying to take care of Kakashi, feeling rather useless and not really knowing what to do. As soon as Sasuke spoke to Tazuna, Naruto turned his head to look at Tazuna. He figured he could help carry Kakashi with Tazuna.

"This is so stupid...." Naruto complained after Kakashi told them what they'd be doing. He didn't see the point in climbing a stupid tree, "Do you know know what we just went up against Sensei? We could die if we aren't prepared, there is no trees to climb where we will be watching Tazuna..." he angrily stated. However when Sasuke told him he was dense he felt stupid and looked away trying not to show how hurt he was at Sasuke's words.

Sakura took all the information that Kakashi gave the three of them and worked as hard as she could wanting to prove herself. It took her the rest of the day but she climbed to the top and was so glad she'd pleased Kakashi. She smiled happily looking at her progress through the day.

Naruto was so frustrated by not being able to get as far as Sasuke. He punched the tree at Kakashi's words, "I'm trying my best damn it!" He hated that he was the weakest link of the three and it upset him to no end.

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xxxxxxxxxxxTESTxxxxxSasuke noticed how his words affected Naruto and he did feel slightly bad. "Listen Loser... if you want to climb higher, keep trying." He said. He wasn't really about giving up, and he knew naruto wasn't either. He wouldn't let him, even if he pretended not to care. He didn't want to have to protect him in fights, and if he didn't master this he wouldn't master anything past this. He kept on trying through the night till he finally ended up falling asleep at the base of the tree from being so tired. Night time rolled over them and Sasuke stayed asleep under the tree. Through the night he had fallen over and was laying on his side, exhasted. He had gotten to the top of the tree, only to fall to the ground and give up for the night.

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Meanwhile, Zabuza was waking up slowly from the stupor that Haku had put him under. "Did you really have to do that... Haku..." he asked, glancing over at his pupil. He moved his hand up to his neck and ran it over the spots where he had hit him. "Being brought under like that with no pulse is certainly not fun... ' He thought to himself, wonder if he pulled it off correctly so that those brats and their sensei don't know about our plans. He hoped Haku hadn't revealed to them their plan, in his foolish inexperience. "Haku." he said, as he glanced around the room. "Why are we here?" They were in the home of Gato, the person that had hired them to kill the builder. Gato walked in and scoffed. "At last you useless sack of shits, you're awake. Where is the bridge builder, I'm not paying you to sit around." he said. Zabuza hit his distaste of the man behind the mask. ' If I could... you'd be my next target.' He could take him out, but, Gato had a lot of money, and that would put a huge target on Zabuzas back, all he wanted was to provide for him an Haku, hence the mercenary missions. "I'll get him." He said, sitting up. Gato moved up towards him but stopped as Haku seemed to move in between. Zabuza glanced at Haku wondering what he was up to.
Naruto ignored Sasuke's comment wanting to prove himself. He wished he could just tell Sasuke how he felt without him being so mean to him, but he was afraid to be treated like crap and rejected again from someone's life. He stayed with Sasuke trying to climb the tree as hard as Sasuke was. He was still up when Sasuke had finally reached the top. He was up all through the night into the early morning before he finally reached the top. He moved to sit on the branch at the top and smiled, "I DID IT!!!" he cried out to the sky smiling as big as he could. His breathing was uneven and he felt his body become heavy as he leaned against the tree before falling asleep and tumbling from the tree. He managed to stop his falling and laid down by Sasuke and closed his eye, panting unevenly.

"I'm sorry, but it wasn't looking too good for you... I was only trying to help." Haku replied to Zabuza as he kneeled next to him. He watched Zabuza rubbing his neck and wondered if he'd seriously injured him trying to make it look believable. As Zabuza looked around and realized where they were and asked Haku why they were there.

"I wasn't sure where else to go...." Haku admitted since they moved around too much for Haku to really know a place to go that would be considered a safe place or home. He hated that Zabuza had to take care of him when it was a cost for Zabuza and despite Haku doing his part in every job, he still knew it was a lot of work. Haku deeply cared for Zabuza and did his best to please him in any way possible.

When Gato walked in and started talking shit to Zabuza. Haku hated most of the people they worked for mainly because of how they treated Zabuza. Gato started moving towards Zabuza, Haku moved between the two showing no fear. He would die for Zabuza or at least take any beatings to keep Zabuza safe.

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xxxxxxxxxxxTESTxxxxxSasuke woke in the morning to find Naruto next to him, and find himself below a tree. he tried to recall how both of them got there and he blinked, looking over at the fox. ' At least he's quiet... when he's sleeping...' Sasuke said, watching him for a moment before laying back down by him to look up at the top of the tree. His eyes widened when he saw what was above him. Two kunai, stabbed right next to each other. He glanced over and a smile widened over his face. "Nicely done Naruto..." he said under his breath. He closed his eyes and leaned back, waiting for a brighter sunrise. It was still too early for Sasuke, so he lay back down and fell asleep again. During his sleep he ended up rolling on his side, facing Naruto, only a bent-knees with apart from him.

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Zabuza sighed. "You're too nice Haku..." he said, just as Gato's men came in and started berating Zabuza. After the fight with Kakashi he was in no mood or position to bother with Gato right now, glad that Haku stepped in the way, however, Gato made a mistake that before, Zabuza wouldn't put a stop to, but right now, at this particular moment, Zabuza wouldn't allow it. Gato raised one hand and made to slap Haku across the face, but just before flesh met flesh Gato screamed and pulled back a broken wrist. "Hands off..." He said, his eyes narrowed on Gato. "Do not touch Haku. Do not touch me. If I don't make myself clear perhaps my executioners blade can tell you about me better, no?" He asked, his eyes still narrowed. "We will get your bridge builder, then, some day, I will come back for your life."
Gato didn't call his bluff, he would let them get him the bridge builder, then he would kill them himself.
Naruto slept exhausted from the night before. After a while he blinked awake and looked around. He found he was on the ground and turned onto his side to wake Sasuke and was startled by how close he was. Naruto stared silently, his breath hitching at how close he was to him. Their faces were so close he could feel Sasuke's breath on his face. He watched him sleep as he laid unsure what to do, he felt paralyzed by them being so close. He'd only been this close once before and it was when they had accidentally kissed in ninja school. It was the first time Naruto realized he liked Sasuke, but he couldn't admit it to Sasuke then.

Haku didn't even flinch at seeing Gato's hand moving to hit him. Not a lot scared Haku, besides losing Zabuza. He looked up at Zabuza as he grabbed Gato's arm. He didn't think Zabuza was able to move quite so quickly at the moment. He had definately taken a beating from Kakashi and his team. As soon as Zabuza spoke to Gato, giving him his warning Haku relaxed knowing Zabuza could handle anything Gato could throw at him. Haku lightly grabbed Zabuza's arm lightly, "we should go, maybe those ninja's are gone Zabuza." he said just wanting to get Zabuza away from Gato. He didn't like when people belittled or tried to hurt Zabuza and if they left at least they could figure out their strategies before they had to go back. Those younger ninjas may be kids, but Haku could tell they were a lot tougher than they looked.
( I finished Naruto and I couldn't be more disappointed >.>
Sasuke ends up with Sakura and Naruto with Hinata -.-' we all knew it would happen, but still wtf.
- you still gotta eventually catch up on the manga tho, read manga, not the anime. The anime is fuckin trash. I hate the anime now. I read the manga in half the time I watched half the anime. )

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Sasuke didn't know that Naruto was sleeping right in front of him, when he had fallen asleep he wasn't this close. When he woke up Naruto was looking right at him. he blinked a couple of times and shoved him away. "What do you think you're doing?" He asked, wondering why the hell he was so close to him. He didn't remember falling asleep next to him the night before

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Zabuza shook his head. "No, not yet." he said. he wanted to make sure both of them were strong enough. "It's going to be up to you to kill the two boys, while I focus on Kakashi." he said, "I know you can handle that but I'm asking you if you can." He looked at Haku with a different look on his face. He knew the kid was kind, extremely kind in fact. He didn't think haku had it in him to kill those boys. He would have to see.

(Short posts because I need to let you know the plan, they will go back after the boys have finished training, after healing, couple days, then, Haku is going to attack Sasuke trapping him in the mirrors forcing him to fight and unlock his Sharingan, meanwhile Kakashi fights Zabu outside, ontop of that, Naruto tries to come in the help sasuke and ends up trapped too, just to refresh your memory a bit. What happens is sasuke 'dies' and it lets out the fox side of naruto enough to smash the mirrors and almost 'kill' haku, but sasuke will stop him to save haku and Zabuza for another day. giving Zabuza a chance to heal up Haku - instead of both of them dying that day on that bridge ) Sasuke goes home to Kohana with Naruto, both extremely hurt and in the same hospital room, then he will hear some choice words from Sasuke that make Naruto feel good but sad at the same time, at this point, is where we change slightly more away from the anime into Non-cannon AU)

Naruto jumped startled by Sasuke waking up, "S... sorry... I... I woke up a... and turned t... to wake you up... b... but I um...." Naruto stopped himself from speaking to avoid Sasuke yelling at him. He looked away sadly, he felt like Sasuke hated him and despite knowing Sasuke was probably into girls, he wouldn't ever like Naruto.

"Of course I can Zabuza." Haku said keeping his stone cold front up. He would do anything that Zabuza asked of him even if it was to kill himself. He could only think of when Zabuza took him in and took care of him. He'd never felt so cared for in his life and he owed Zabuza that back. He would do his very best to help out.

(Okay sounds good :) )

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xxxxxxxxxxxTESTxxxxxSasuke raised his brow at the actions from the other and sighed, he didn't believe him but it didn't really matter he supposed. He looked up at the tree and wondered. "So, loser, ever make it to the top last night?" He knew he did, he was changing the subject. Naruto at least was learning a little bit, but, Sasuke wanted to try more. He stood up and started to readjust his body to his chakra then suddenly started to run up the tree, running higher than last night and standing on the tree limb, as Sakura had the other night. He smiled to himself but his face wore a completely different look, a challenge to Naruto.

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Zabuza was glad to hear it and he decided that it was best for them to lay low for now. "A few days, that should give them time to forget about us then we go in for the kill... sometimes... the wolf lays in wait till the rabbit falls asleep..." he said, looking over at Haku. "Haku, Do you remember what I told you when I brought you with me?" he asked. That day he found the kid kneeling in his own blood and the blood of his mother and father, after what he did. He told him that there were no handouts with him, if he didn't prove useful Zabuza would cut him down. Today, however, it wasn't that easy, he had grown to like Haku, and Haku was the only thing in his life that made him smile beneath that mask of his.
"I did reach the top!" Naruto said defensively, "I worked really hard!" He watched as Sasuke got up and ran the tree before he, himself got up and followed up the tree having an easier time than before. He stopped at the top of the tree next to the tree Sasuke was standing in. He looked at Sasuke for his approval. Naruto wanted to prove to Sasuke he could be as helpful as Sasuke and Sakura were.

"Right." Haku said understanding Zabuza's post. He looked up at Zabuza as he asked him if he remembered what he'd told him, "Of course, there are no handouts." he told Zabuza, "I won't let you down, and if I do, I will die knowing you deserve a better partner." he spoke so calmly, and he wasn't bothered by what Zabuza had told him. It wasn't something that Haku thought to be wrong or sad, he only saw that Zabuza needed someone that could help. He wanted to be strong for Zabuza, but if he wasn't he didn't deserve Zabuza.

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xxxxxxxxxxxTESTxxxxx Sasuke was rather surprised when Naruto followed right after him up the tree. "Well then..." he said. He didn't really aknowlege him as much as he did smile, but it would say more than ignoring him did. He then jumped to the next tree, then the next, then ran down half way on one tree and jumped to another, as if parkouring right side up with the trees laying on their side. He continued to focus the chakra to see which of them, he or naruto, would fall first.

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Zabuza decided to go to sleep instructing Haku to do the same. They had a long day ahead of them in a couple of days, so it wasn't going to do any use on either of them to stay up past the time that they were supposed to be sleeping, not to mention, that time came much sooner because of the injuries.
Naruto blushed when Sasuke smiled at him. He followed Sasuke through the trees quickly, trying to keep up with him as best as possible. He watched the back of Sasuke as he followed, he couldn't help but look him over as he ran. He wondered where Sasuke was running to, but didn't question not knowing Sasuke was trying to see how long it would take before one of them fell.

Haku agreed with Zabuza, "Okay, as long as you don't need any medical attention before that." he said softly watching Zabuza before laying down and curling up on his side.

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xxxxxxxxxxxTESTxxxxx Sasuke missed the blush from Naruto and was pretty impressed that he was keeping up, he decided to test Naruto's reflexes and spun on the spot holding out his Kunai, if Naruto kept running he'd end up with his throat just in range of said Kunai, if he stopped Sasuke would toss it towards him. It was almost fun playing with him like this, making his stronger by giving him a challenge, which would in turn make Sasuke work harder.

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Zabuza shook his head, he didn't need anything of the sort anymore. He closed his eyes and let seleep take him, keeping his mind on the battle ahead. That man Kakashi was strong, as were those kids, he wondered if the two of them would be enough to take down 4. He didn't doubt their skill, he just didn't want to underestimate his opponant.
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