Welcome to Ikebekuro;; Handcuffs and Alibis xxcloud26xx and fluxarmageddon

Mizuki looked outraged. He cocked a brow and balled his fist, bringing it crashing down on the table. "Paycheck?!" He yelled, "you haven't presented us with shit!" Anything that had to deal with Izaya had him worked up. The man huffed and caught his breath, fist retreating from the table. His eyes were invisible behind his shades. Propping up in his chair, he straightened his sport jacket then reached for a brief case under his chair placing it open the table. 'Clank... Clank...' he unhinged each end popping the case open, obvious stacks of cash filled the whole lower chamber of time... each of them big faced hundreds. He reached in the case and threw 10 of them at her. "If you want the rest i insist you gather more information... now if you manage to kill him... there might be a half a million dollar bonus included," he shut the case and looked the girl in the eyes.
Sayaka didn't seem too upset that he was upset over her lack of information, but it was to be expected from those who were used to getting their way. She raised her hands once he brought up the brief case. "I would advise keeping your composure next time..." She stated carefully as she caught the stacks and looked them over. "Hm." She set them back down onto the flat surface of the table and grinned. That was more like it. "There is an apartment building that you might want to pinpoint. I haven't been able to find out if he has more than one, so whether or not he would be there if you decide to do anything, there is the chance you'd have to play the waiting game." She raised an eyebrow. "Kill? I'm not one for murder. Not really. You want him out of the game permanently, then?" If it wasn't on her personal agenda, that was. What to do with Izaya, however, was another story. She really hadn't liked Mizuki's reaction.
Mizuki's ears perked up at the word apartment. Pupils wide as he eyed the girl intently, "Apartment building? Where is this place?" Not even the Yakuza could track his whereabouts.. in fact the only thing they really knew about Izaya was he was a hacker and some sort of information broker, he never physically met people usually keeping his profile quite under the raider.. All they knew Izaya as was a cyber menace. The man sighed leaning back in his chair and folding his arms on top of the table. "How much would it cost you to kill him? Pick a number any number."
She shook her head. "Hold on, there. If Izaya is as dangerous as you say he is, it would probably be best to get a lay of his land, see where and how he works. That way we can pick up whatever pieces he leaves behind once he is dead... or, you know, thinking up a plan on how to kill him would take some time considering he is so damn hard to keep track of in the first place." She tapped a finger to her temple a few times. "I can try and see if I can get anything else. I have an opportunity to go sniffing around for a while, actually."
She seemed to be taking this whole thing slow, he on the other hand wanted Izaya wiped off of the face of the earth. Mizuki closed the brief case and tucked it under the table. "Ms. Sayaka, I'm not particularly after this guys land, wealth or whatever he has," he gripped the brim of his sunglasses, flipping them over his eye lids as the black orbs stared into hers, "I want him dead." Mizuki stood up from the table and grabbed the briefcase in hand, "That concludes our meeting and you may go."
Sayaka gave a curt nod to Mizuki and got up. She grabbed her bag and left the warehouse, wandering back towards the city area where she felt more comfortable. There, she turned and stood in place, watching pairs and groups of friends pass her by as she gathered her thoughts. She reached for her mobile and began to walk once more, before thinking better of it and reaching for a throwaway phone instead. She tended to use many of these on her business trips. She dialed in the number she had been given to get a hold of Izaya and smirked to herself. "Seem's I am going to be all in. If you have specifics, let me know." Whether or not he answered or went to voicemail didn't matter. Mizuki seemed to like to jump the gun. She thought otherwise.
Buzzzzz... Buzzzz... The phone on his night stand rung waking him up from his sleep. He grabbed the thing.... no number on the color I.D. and instantly hung up, but only to hear her voice in the voice mail. The man sighed, propping himself up in his bed as he began to type a text to the girl. "Don't call my phone under any circumstances... if you need me come to the suite. I'll give you details in the morning.. 4 o'clock sharp." The man tossed his phone on the floor, passing out in his bed as the time rolled by.

It was 4 already and the front door to his apartment was unlocked.. and Izaya...? Well he was snoring as loud as a well in the chambers of his room. So much for 4 o'clock sharp... His sleep pattern was screwed over.
Oh, that had apparently gotten his attention. Smiling, she took the battery to her phone out and tossed the phone into a trash can. She would crush the battery later.

Sayaka hardly got sleep as she arrived on time to meet with Izaya. However, when she peeked inside the apartment, the only sounds that greeted her was snoring. She rolled her eyes as she walked in and instead of bothering to wake him, she went to the kitchen area to put on some tea. She knew better than to poke a bear when it was sleeping. She also knew better than to peek around when said bear was a coupke rooms away.
She'd be by herself for about 30 minutes before the bear awoke from his slumber. Shirtless and crazy haired, the man walked out of the room hardly looking strung together. "Ahhh~" he yawned stretching as he went to go sit on the couch they first met on, waving at the girl along the way, "mornin' princess ~" The smell of tea lingering in the air.
"This is new," Sayaka merely stated as she pouted the darkened concoction into two cups. She didn't like the "princess" bit but she could excuse it for now. "Very professional," she said sarcastically before walking over and setting the two cups down on the table before them. "Am I going to have to wait until you actually wake up to start talking or are you good?" Honestly, she hadn't slept. It didn't matter to her.
"I try ~" he reached for the tea on the table, taking a sip before setting it back down. He got up from the couch and flipped on the light, yawning trying to get himself together. Wearing nothing but his thin-threaded pajama pants, the bulge from the remains of morning wood, dangled freely in his pants. The man rubbed his eyes and ignored her question. "You look awful," the bags underneath her eyes gave it away.
Sayaka tried to ignore the fact that he was rather well endowed in certain areas despite the fact that it was early In the morning, biting the inside of her cheek. "Sacrifices must be made. Even sleep sometimes." She reached into her bag and set forth a large stack of papers. "You wanted relationships, right? Families, friends, who is dating who... I have yet to get personal of course but it is a start. "
Once again he sat beside her on the couch, eyes wide, and took the stack. Thumbing through it and going over the first few names and relations of the first few page before tossing it onto the coffee table. Even for him, that was impressive and how she had that insiders knowledge almost seemed unreal. Black lazy eyes frowned as they looked into hers. "How the hell did you get this?" The man sprawled his hand out behind her once again, combing her hair to show his satisfaction.
Sayaka smirked at his reaction before sitting back with her cup of tea between her hands. "Typically people have some sort of hole through social media you can get into. It took some hours." She shut hers for a moment before slowly opening them again and frowning. "They want to kill you, you know. But they've stopped thinking. They are too eager to take action... and I despise those that have stopped thinking. They have proven to be too basic."
Everything held still when she closed her eyes. The petting stopped, the drinking stopped, and the talking ceased before she blurted out the threat. Her frown was met with his signature smile... Yes, that warm lascivious smile that was up to no good but always brought comfort during dark times. "They've wanted to kill me for years, but how did you know that..?" Izaya wrinkled his nose, his smile turning into a frown, eyes intently on hers. "You're not.." he dropped it.
"I know what you're thinking and I assure you I'm not having a part in it. They disappointed me." She crossed her arms and turned her head to look at him. "You said I was a tool right?" She grinned nonchalantly. "Well, even I have standards as a tool. Taking you out of the picture would make everything around here less exciting. I think teaching them a lesson in jumping the gun is appropriate, no?"
He put her arm around her this time settled on her lower back. "You're making a bold move," deep brown eyes stared lewdly at hers, breaking the gaze as he stuck his tongue out, "but now you're my pawn ~" The thought lingered before he let go of her. "Today, we'll go out and do some shopping," The man looked at Sayaka from head to toe, shaking his head, "no Yakuza would fall for those clothes." Yawning he stood up from the couch, leaving the tea and the list of names on the table. "I'm headed back to sleep.." he pointed down the hallway opposite from his, "There's the guest bedroom, but you're always welcome in mine," he dropped the last part nonchalantly; professional.
"Oh, ai have clothes. This is casual for me," she rolled her eyes feeling a little annoyed. However, the idea of bed was appealing and so she ignored his comment and got up, going to the guest bedroom with her bag. Setting it down, she opened it and pulled out some clothes that she kept with her in case she needed to hastily move out of town. She found her nightly wear and smirked, slipping it on. The silk was always so comfortable and so was the bed as she laid down in it, head hitting the pillow. She felt she made the right choice despite all the teasing. ((Outfit: https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRn53713iGwtak_DBfu2vvyp6aLb5aM_rsaD-9W76WnwgzbpvRCNQ ))
"Seductive ~ cupcake ~" that's what she needed to go for. He waved her off, making his way to his bedroom where he'd pick up on his overdue sleep. The problem between the two rooms... welllll once his head hit the pillow the loud siren of his snoring picked up. He slept like a baby, as for her, he couldn't say the same.
Unbelievable. Out of all days she couldn't just pass out, she was a light sleeper now as she heard the low growls of the snoresthrough the wall. The thing wss that she had a bed and one she needed sleep. She needed to Tak action. Grabbing one of the extra pillows from the bed, she slipped off of ut and made her way to his room, standing in his doorway, imagining herself suffocating him at first.

She opted for throwing it at his head quite hard for a pillow instead and retreated to the guest bedroom once more, covering her head with another pillow as she laid back down. "Annoying even while he sleeps..."
When the pillow hit him, it almost sounded like he choked. The man's body flailed with his arms and legs waving in the air. The snoring ceased immediately as Izaya woke up from his sleep with a pillow mounted on top of his face. "Sayaka....."

He gripped the pillow and made his way down the one story flat. Click... Clank...Clack.. Bear feet entered into the guest room one foot at a time as an unhappy Izaya stood at the frame of her door. "What the hell was that shi-" his eyes on her night gown as his eyes lowered lustfully looking into hers. The man found his way at the foot of her bed, crawling towards her almost cat-like, straddling on top of her in the guest bed. "What the hell was that all about?" Low, lustful eyes as he walked his fingers between the cleavage of her gown.
Sayaka shpuld have known better that that wouldnt be the end of it. Eyes snapping open as she heard the springs of the bed jostle a little and the weight of his form slightly pressed down on her. She looked up at him from her position, feeling his finger ghost along her flesh. It sent chills down her spine as she restrained herself from allowing color to rush to her cheeks. "H-hey, hands off... you were snoring like a damn bear." She brushed his hand away, pouting up at him.

And then her eyes narrowed. "So now I wear decent clothes? You're awfully clingy."
His fingers were brushed off of her chest, but that surely wasn't the end of it. "Last time I checked you don't pay rent here~" From the hollow cleavge of her gown to the fragile bines of her wrist, his fingers wrapped around them, pinning her to the bed on each side of her head.

He laughed at her tort remark, still straddling on top of her as he leaned in. Wet, smooth tongue moved across the hairs of her neck as his lips locked at her lower jaw, pausing to suckle to form a hickey. Now his sultry brown lustful eyes stared into hers as he licked her lips. "Yeeehh yehh, you've kind of become my new play thing~" he let that sit in her head for a while.
What was all of this? Sayaka looked to either side of her when he pinned her hands. Her attention was quickly drawn to how close he was to her again, feeling his warm breath against her throat before he leaned in and continued his ministrations. It was the last thing she had been expecting when crashing for the rest of the early morning but she couldn't deny that it felt damned good. She felt a hitch in her breath before he pulled away to speak to her again, the heat rising to her cheeks, dusting them in a light pink color.

"No fair... you compared me to a coffee table just a while ago..." Though, she couldn't help but to respond in her own way regardless of her predicament, giving a roll of her hips. Since he was straddling her, the friction the movement of her hips caused originated between his legs and she smirked a little.
"Even coffee tables need loving too ~ right?~" One hand let go of her frail wrist, giving her gown covered rear a light tap before clenching on to the gown itself. The fabric ruffled up in his palm as he pulled it over her bear bottom covered by her panties.

Her hips gyrating did do the trick... as his thin thread cotton pants hardly did anything to help. The sold fabric covered member poked against her belly. "Two can play at this game ~" He hopped off from on top of her, but gripped the frailly, lingerie panties by the brims. He pulled them... up ~ wedging them between her legs to outline her womanhood, other hang giving her panty covered clit a tap. "Nice selection in underwear ~" he nipped at her neck again.
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