` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - OOC/Main


May 25, 2009
Here in Your Arms...Stabbing you with Glee



� оwи�я ¦ »­» Princess of Darkness213 »­» Previous on BM ¦ prettylySIN
á?¦ яоâ??â?®Ñ?â??аγ gâ?®Ð¸Ñâ?® ¦ »­»Fantasy
á?¦ â??ιÑ?â?®ÑÐ°ÑÎ³ ¦ »­»Literate to Advanced-Literate

This is going to be a fantasy roleplay filled with violence,
romance, love triangles, chaos and much, much more.
So, prepare for the great adventure that is waiting for you.
Get those wheels in that noggin of yours turning and do a
couple finger exercises to prepare for this, because it's
going to be the adventure of your lifetime!​
Book 1 - The First Shard - P L O T
  • Left in ruins, the world of Marosia tries to survive under the King of Darkness' reign. The people wonders where the noble knights have gone, and while some blame them, some would open their homes for their protection. While the knights trek on the journey to where the first shard is said to have been sent (to the West, through the mazes and towards the Elves), it is rumored that the Treacherous Knight has been sent on a hunt for that shard as well. How many times will their paths cross roads? What dangers lie in the path towards the Western kingdom, and who will achieve the first known shard?[/list:u]

    * I know we're still working on some profiles and some openings are still available. However, this is to get the ball roll. The 2 posts per week requirement will start the coming Monday, 12th of October.
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - Searching for One more ~!

Middie will post soon...
Working on K.O.D's profile
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - Searching for One more ~!

Nice. And When this is over, Xion's going to backhand Gandrian hard enough to make the twig boy go flying for that little stupid act of his.

Xion: where is that moron's brain at? would he rather be lost in these damn woods or have someone that knew the area to guide us there?
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - Searching for One more ~!

Speaking of beatdowns, the king isn't pleased with their overt aggression towards a race he hasn't conquered or even made aggressive actions toward. Gandrian should get that memo.
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - Searching for One more ~!

  • Hm...well, perhaps the KoD could make a post or something about that? Kind of like sending either messenger to tell him, or whatever you can think of? I don't want to god-mod an action that Gandrian does, since RP-wise, we have no way of knowing if the KoD is mad at that.

    On another note...I hope Nymph returns in health soon O.O
    *stuck again* xD[/list:u]
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - Searching for One more ~!

Just have Gandrian recieve a bad feeling from the earring to let him know his leige is not happy.
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - Searching for One more ~!

His liege needs to get laid I think. Badly.


and I'll wait to see the other reactions to it before I post yet again.
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - Searching for One more ~!

  • I'd predict a Nekar-raep coming from his liege, I do, I do... :shock:

    And perhaps...we'll see how his post comes out.
    KoD is playable now, so he has the right to be emo'ing,
    but without indications in the story itself, it's a bit of
    god-modding for my character. I'll just play it by ear
    and see what happens.[/list:u]
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - Searching for One more ~!

Time for me to post.
Both Lynn and Gerrit.
I'll try to get them both in tonight.
And then I have to do one for Dudeguy. xP
Barely. xD
My life just sucks.
And WoW is eating up my time again...
> >
< <
I'm addicted.
  • Meeps~
    I think everyone's life sucks just a bit...
    but the key is to suck it right back >8U
    *om nom nom!!*

    WoW is a dangerous thing...>.>

    But going OCD on you, could Nymphie remove the "// OCC \\" in your post?
    I've placed in the rules to avoid doing that, so I don't want to be mean,
    but I'm going to stick to the rules. No moving rules and all to keep
    us all on the same field. ^_^[/list:u]
I need to place another post as Malak...

Kingie is going to wait for the group to get back to his castle before any beatings/raepings commense.
  • Back to the castle...?

    Well, some of Team Dark would probably go back, but with the way it has been led up to, it doesn't look like everyone would be going back any time soon. XD The beatings shall have to wait~ *runs screaming*

    @ Nymph: Oooh..."homophobic puppy"?....>.> Makes me want to raep him.
    Gandrian: *gives some luff to the puppy* <3[/list:u]
Bestiality much.
Yes. Gerrit is a homophob.
He'll prolly end up raeping some chickies when they pillage something.
It'll be hot.
  • Ew, not while he's in wolf form.
    And...who's "they"...?
    Is Malak, Nek and Gerrit grouping up? ^o^
    *groups flinging all over the place?* XD

    BTW, everyone~
    Chapter two is coming up soon~
    Or whenever Z makes his next post. <.<;[/list:u]
I've not been paying that close attention, it seems.
Meh, he's a crazy puppy.
I'm cool with that.

I talk to myself.
That's normal?

They tell me that's normal....
  • I talk to myself.
    Out loud.
    In rooms full of people.
    And I get funny stares.

    They're the freaks though!
    'Cause they don't talk to
    themselves. >>[/list:u]
I do too.

but when you start replying in funny voices... people are generally right to stare.
I talk funny normally.
My voice is actually really high, but I talk lower on purpose.
And sometimes I talk too low.
I dunno. It's confusing.
Really matters on my mood...
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