Handle Me (Marvel) Lady-Fox


Jan 20, 2011
in the realm of lust and seduction
It was late, or maybe early depending on who you asked. It was about three in the morning, a time when sane people where in bed unless they needed to be at work. A Time where even the busy streets of New York, Manhattan where nearly silent. The Tower of Stark Industries, or Avengers Tower was dark and silent and still and that was good. It was dead like he was. He liked the darkness. It didn't hurt his eyes so much. Who was he? He didn't rightly know. He had been called many things, in the past and more recently. So far he was content with naming himself as he had been named in the past The Asset. Though he had been called other things, the Weapon, the Boy, the Drone, the Winter Soldier. Recently he had also been called Bucky by one, a Target. His Mission had called him Bucky and this had made him hesitate, falter though he did not know why. He was Steve, he knew. The name of his Mission, though he knew nothing else of the man who had made him fail his Mission, had mad the pain come, had made his training and programming useless. Logically he should have hunted that One down and finished the Mission. Instead he was in the middle of Stark Tower, waiting silently in the dark.

He had done as all Assets where trained to do, Black Widow, Winter Soldier, or others. People who where dangerous, controlled, trapped but could break loose and turn on their Handlers like the wild beasts they where. He had placed a gun, his favorite on the table out of reach for his handler to take and use against him if he ever snapped free and tried to kill the one who had handled him. His SIG-Sauer P220ST lay on the table, glinting in the light as if mocking him. Laughing in the darkness as it urged him to pick it up and use it on someone, anyone. He could not use it without permission from a handler though, and that was why he was there. To see Tony Stark, a possible new handler. He had tried others, but they all told him to go see Steve. He could not go see Steve, he didn't know who Steve was, he could not go to Steve until he knew. So he went to his last option, and was now sitting in his kitchen with his gun mocking him just out of reach, waiting. He looked up, wincing when all of a sudden, too bright, lights came on. Tony was there.

The Asset wondered if Tony was afraid as most of his handlers tended to be. He supposed his appearance didn't help much. He hadn't bathed in...years? Months? Weeks?he was covered in grime and dirt from sleeping in parks and on the streets, trying to find a handler. His hair was ratted and matted and hung around his face, shadowing his already gaunt, too thin appearance. Eating out of garbage cans did not a healthy diet make. He was thin, sickly pale and gaunt. Shadowed and bruised and filthy. The Asset compared himself to a stray dog, or one of those poor mongrels in the hoarders house. Matted and filthy and half vicious from fear and pain, not used to being handled but willing to put up with it if it meant food, a bath and someone to tell him what to do. “The others all said no.” Asset managed to say, voice hoarse, barely a croak. Not used to talking anymore. He'd had no one to speak to. Before, he'd had to maintain good vocal functionality to speak to his handlers, giving reports mostly or voicing discomfort. There where times in the field as well when he spoke, giving orders, asking for orders or just telling someone to get the hell out of his way.
Tony was muttering to himself as he made his way out of the lab. His dark hair sticking up every which way as he worked on the question of what was needed done with extremis. It was ridiculous that he couldn’t get the stupid tech to work with it. Pausing as he stepped into the kitchen, whimpering softly when hte light flicked on, looking annoyed that jarvis had turned the lights on him before blinking again. Staring at the man at the table. Pausing. Looking confused.

“....sad no to what?”She asked staring at him. Trying to remember where the weapons were, though the man didn’t look quite ready to try and kill him yet.
The Asset stared at the man, blinking slowly as he adjusted to the light. he knew what the other was doing the second Tony started doing it and he indicated the gun on the table. "that is for you. to stop me." James explained. "They said they could not be my handler. they always say to go to Steve. i don't know who Steve is." the Asset explained. "my Mission cannot be my Handler he informed Tony, staring at him, his voice dusty but getting better. "I need a Handler to tell me who to kill." that was his primary function after all. to kill. he knew Tony was a good enough person that he was sure he wouldn't be murdering innocents. he needed someone to tell him what to do until he could figure out what was right and what was wrong and who he was. he didn't say anything else but his eyes begged, pleaded with Tony to not send him to Steve because he didn't know who that was, he didn't know why everyone wanted him to go to him and he sure as hell didn't want to get too close to his Mission lest he forget himself and kill the guy.
Tony stared at the other man, tilting his head a little before nodding slowly. “Okay. Weapons are good, considering I thought you’d try killing me if we ever met....”He said eyeing the gun, and looking vaguely surprised he hadn’t been shot yet. Definitely time to call Steve. Yea. Totally. Before pausing, frowning as he considered that. Okay, maybe not telling steve. Making the split second decision because he knew steve. Knew that steve would want him to take care of bucky, no matter what. And at this moment, that meant not sending him to steve. So he’d do it. “...We’re not killing anyone. Not now anyways. Maybe robots later.”Tony said slowly before picking up the weapon looking it over, making whiney little noises that said that no matter how good the weapon, the former weapons manufacturer was finding problems with it.
he Blinked at Tony, his Handler. "Why should i kill you? you are not my Mission."he stated simply. "Yes Sir." James said, watching Tony. "Robots?" he asked, his head tilted. "Is the weapon unsatisfactory?" he asked, un-clipping anther gun from the small of his back and set that down and slid it over to Tony, the Glock 12 now in Tony's possession. his second favorite gun, but Tony was his Handler and his Handler was to remain armed at all times. "I am in need of Maintenance." he informed Tony. he needed a lot of maintenance. food, clothes, a bath, a hair cut, and his arm was barely functioning. thank god he couldn't get infections. still, it hurt like hell and he knew that Tony could probobly fix that without having to call in special smart people and doctors.
“Yea well, I tend to piss everyone off, and get along with the captain. Thought this would be a violent conversation if we ever met.”Tony babbled a little before nodding. “yes robots. Robots happen. Robots take over the world. We dealt with them, but they could always be back.”Well, it seemed tony was sitll having some weird hangups about ultron. “No, well yes it is. But no. It’s fine. I just don’t like other people’s weapons. I can always make them better.”He huffed a little before tilting his head as he considered the other, deciding what was most important. “Okay, food. Jarvis, get some food ordered. While we’re waiting for the food, we’ll go and get you a bath and cleaned up. Let’s go.”Tony said looking anxious as he considered what the other needed most.
He blinked a little at Tony. "Captain America, my Mission." he agreed. "Is he still my Mission?" he wondered, thinking that might be where Tony was going with this. "Robots that picked up the island." James agreed. "i was there." he admitted. "i fell off." he'd been standing on the edge, completely unaware and the Island had lifted up and it had rocked hard and shuddered and he'd fallen off but he'd destroyed any robots that stayed behind, for the most part. "i like the way they spark when you rip their heads off." that was astonishingly childlike thing to say really. if your child was a vicious robot destroyer. "If you wish to arm yourself with better weapons i will stay here." James promised before blinking a little, wondering what a Jarvis was and why Tony was talking to thin air? still, he followed Tony like an obedient puppet up tot he bathroom. thank god he didn't need any help with this part, he just stripped down, stepped into the shower and cleaned himself, uncaring if Tony stayed or left. washing his skin hurt a little bit after being filthy for so long but once he was fully clean he felt better than he had in months and dried himself and walked out of the bathroom naked, since his old clothes where insufficient. Nudity didn't bother him in the least so he just stood in the kitchen and waited for Tony.
“Yes. And no he’s not your mission anymore. I’m working on your mission. It’ll be a bit. Your task at the moment is to rest and be prepared for the mission.”Tony said, at least he had a idea on how to handle this. He totally wished bruce was around. Bruce would be able to talk right?He could totally talk to bruce. If only his science bro would come back. Sulking for a moment before startling, staring at the other. “....Are you hurt?From falling?”He asked, and wondering if and when steve found out that he’d nearly gotten james killed, how long it’d take Steve to bury him himself. Swallowing hard before snorting. “Yea me to. That was fun.”he said before shaking his head. “No, it’s fine. I’m okay with these weapons.”He promised as he made sure the other was okay before going off in search of clothes. Well, at least steve had left some thins behind, he had some clothes for the other super soldier. Even knowing the others didn’t want to live with him, made his chest hurt some. Sighing softly as he walked into the kitchen, smiling slightly as Jarvis announced that the food was there and on it’s way up before holding out the jeans and t-shirt he found. “Here, dress then we’ll eat.”
He nodded. "Yes Sir." he said, relaxing at the promise he would have a task soon and that he could recover first. "No Sir. i am currently undamaged. Arm is nonfunctional." he admitted before letting his lips curl into a smile. it felt unnatural but he liked the way people looked with their mouths smiling. "Yes Sir." he agreed, though he wasn't convinced at all that his Handler was satisfied with the weapons he had handed him. too bad, he didn't have any others, save a few knives and some throwing needles. he blinked at the clothes because those where not his normal clothes but pulled them on anyway. he'd wash his armor later. he watched Tony, his head tilted before sitting down and waiting obediently. after food, he would show Tony the Arm. he couldn't remove it on his own, someone else had to do it or nothing would happen. it was another way of controlling him. he was glad that there was a Steve sized portion delivered because he was hungry and he needed to eat almost as much as Steve did. he nearly inhaled his meal and then offered his metal arm to Tony and stared at him expectantly.
Tony frowled a little, wincing as he remembered seeing that on the news. “Okay, we’ll take care of the arm to. I’ll just have to make a new one.”Tony said thinking that over and how he could best make it. Feeding the other as he started scribbling out designs for the arm even without seeing it, glad that jarvis had ordered them all alot of pizza, watching the other. “Come on. Downstairs, we’ll see what we can do for the arm.”He smiled slightly, looking vaguely worried, because he knew he could make the tech. But attatching it and making it work would require a softer hand. Not for the first time, he wished he knew how to find bruce. Bruce would know what to do. Settling the other down into one of the lab chairs, he started asking questions about the arm, and how it felt and what he could do, even as he started designing a better one, wanting to improve on what he already had.
James nodded. "Yes Sir." a new arm! he was very, very careful not to let any excitement or happiness show on his face. if he was happy about it he wouldn't get it. he got to keep nothing that made him feel anything other than pain or rage or nothing at all. "Yes sir." he agreed, getting up and following Tony. he answered all the questions with answers like 'it feels nothing, sir.' and 'Yes sir it hurts' and 'No sir, fine motor control is redundant. it's a killing tool'. answers that must have gotten him praised in the past because he was loose and relaxed when answering them but got very tense and uncertain anytime Tony asked for an opinion. he always answered, yes sir, or no sir, or i don't understand sir. the more he answered these questions the more relaxed he became, realizing Tony wouldn't punish him for answering. it was nice, he liked this. "Sir? can i..." he paused, swallowing thickly before going for it. "May i have an arm that doesn't hurt when i use it?" he was tense again, waiting to be punished, scolded, hurt.
Toby whined a little, only upset because it was hard for him to not be manic at inventing a new thing. Frowning softly as he recorded the answ3rs, because even if it wasn't in depth answers, it was a good thing to hear. At least he could figure it out a little. Looking up he tilted his head before startling."it hurts when you move it?even if it's not busted? I'm not sure, but I'll try to make it not hurt. I think I can do that."he promised
"Yes Sir. always." James admitted, watching him. "It is, as i was told, a constant reminder of whom i serve and the pain that will come should i disobey. it works very well." he admitted. "i don't want to Disobey you." He admitted. "you are a good handler." he admitted. "It can be removed Sir." he admitted,showing Tony where the release hatches where, ones that had to be twisted in a very specific way that James, with his right hand, wouldn't be able to manage on his own. it was easy to see why it hurt, the arm was just a little too small, cutting into the skin like a belt that was on just a little bit too tight or a wedding ring that had gotten too small for the finger. the arm was red and chafed but it wasn't bleeding, cut or infected. just aggravated, bruised all too hell and a little swollen. there was no sump when Ton removed the arm, just a socket, a dip into the arm where it had healed with no arm. the metal arm settled into that socket and tiny micro-needles attached to nerves, muscles and tendons that read the electrical signals and moved the arm just like a flesh and blood one. it was th height of technology, which meant they upgraded the arm occasionally. Tony could still do better probobly.
Tony frowned shaking his head. “okay. Well, that’s no longer the rule. No more hurting to teach lessons. If you feel pain, you’re to tell me okay.”Tony said even as he did the hatches, frowning as he worked on getting the arm off. Looking thoughtful as he checked it over, making sure it wasn’t to bad, before huffing to himself. “Well. I’ll do better then this.”He decided starting to work before pausing. “Hey Jarvis, can you put in a call to natasha, and ask her to stop by when she has a moment?”
James frowned a little. "Yes Sir... how will i be punished?" he wondered, his head tilted. what other way was there but pain? "i feel pain, Sir." James admitted, setting a hand on his stomach. he'd eaten too much and had a tummy ache, though he didn't know that really. all he knew was that it was a pain, a small pain but his Handler had said to report, so report he would. "Of Course Sir." Jarvis agreed, James gasping, cringing in his seat. Cowering like a frightened dog, trembling all over, just from the sound of Jarvis's voice. it was a shocking reaction, considering how composed he had been up until then.
“Uh, you’ll sit in the corner or something. I don’t know. I’ll think of it.”Tony said tilting his head a little, frowning as he looked at the other’s stomach. Thinking it over before smiling uncertainly. “You probably ate to much. Just rest and it’ll stop hurting.”he hoped anyways, before startling as jarvis cringed, eyes widening as he looked at him. “James?Are you okay?”
James blinked at him a little, how would standing in a corner teach him a lesson?ah well, Tony was the Handler. he was Sir, so James would do as he was told. "Yes Sir." he agreed. he had eaten a lot and it had been a while since he'd eaten at all. he just had a tummy ache, probobly not a pain he actually needed to point out but oh well. it took him a long time to respond because James hadn't realized that Tony had been talking to him. "The Programming." he whispered. "The Zola. he makes the Pain come... he makes the blankness." he admitted softly. "the Programming, the Zola, the Voice in the Screen.... he makes the rules and when you break the rules he makes the pain..." James whispered, his voice low in the hopes that maybe Jarvis, or as he thought of him as Zola, couldn't hear him.
Tony was waiting patiently, watching him. Simply waiting to see how he was doing, and anxious because it scared him that he couldn’t help. Couldn’t fix this. “Oh. It’s not this Zola, James. This is my AI, my friend, best friend really, he wont hurt you. He’s here to look after me, and now you.”Tony reassured looking worried about him, and not sure how to make him believe that jarvis was okay.
James blinked at Tony. "it's the voice in the screen." he murmured. "doesn't matter what it calls itself... it will bring 'them' here..." he whispered. "i don't want to go back Sir. please don't make me go back." he pleaded. too scared to really understand that Jarvis was unable to hurt him. Jarvis, instead of saying anything, texted Tony. informing him about Zola and Steve's reports on the man's mind trapped in a computer. a quick Hack yielded information that Zola was in direct control of the Winter Soldier. it was Zola who gave the Targets, Zola who told them when to wipe James, Zola who issued the punishments unless Zola wasn't there and then the Handler handled those. there wasn't going to be much that could calm James down other than reassurances and time, though Tony's promise that he wouldn't be sent back was enough to sooth James enough that he stopped cowering like a kicked dog.
“Oh. Okay. Well, I wont be sending you back anywhere. I promise, you’re going to be staying with me. And with Natalia, you like Natalia right?You said she refused. Well, she likes me, so she’ll help me look after you. You’re safe James.”He promised, nudging the other. “Come on, you need to rest, and I need sleep.”he said setting down the work, fussing and upset because he had no idea how to fix what had been a accidental mistake as he read the text message, hoping Natasha would have a idea on how to help him fix this. He needed help. And fast. He was afraid he’d drown when trying to help the other.
James nodded, relaxing a little at the promise that he wouldn't be sent away, that he could stay with Tony, his Handler, his Sir. "Natalia..." he mumbled. "she told me to go to Steve. i don't know who Steve is." he grumbled before looking at Tony, wide eyed and frightened but calming down. "Yes Sir." he whispered, getting up and wondering if Tony would want to handcuff him to the bed? some Handlers did that. he never admitted that it made him feel better. feel safer. knowing he couldn't attack his handler if he was tied down. cuffed. if he admitted that, they would stop doing it. they thought he hated it, he let them think that. "Will you be cuffing me Sir?" James asked as they headed up the stairs to the bedrooms. "Sir?" James asked, looking at Tony. "May i relieve myself before rack?" sometimes his handlers wouldn't let him go to the bathroom before rack, letting the discomfort of needing to piss keep him up. it was cruel so he didn't think Tony would, but he liked to be sure.
"Well she knows steve is worried about you, but she also didn't force you to go to him either. So sending you away was a compromise for her."Tony said well aware that natasha had sent him away actually thinking he'd go to steve or at least stay close by. He also had a feeling she was going to be pissed tony hadn't sent james to steve. BUT he'd deal with that later."...yes I will be."Tony said studying the other for a long moment. Debating on it, but to well trained as a dom to not pick up the desire to bee cuffed. Nodding slightly as he waved a hand at the bathroom door."go ahead. There's toothpaste and brushes in there to if you want before you go to bed."Tony said already digging through his toy chest to find a appropriate pair of cuffs.
James frowned, not entirely able to comprehend what Tony was saying but nodding anyway. "Yes Sir." James said. his handlers had never noticed, but Tony did, the note of relief in James voice because he could relax when he was strapped down and sleep knowing his nightmares would not lead him to damaging his Handler, where he would be then punished violently, brutally, cruelly and completely. "Thank you Sir." he said, heading into the bathroom to pee and brush his teeth as he had been commanded before waiting, kneeling next to the bed because there was no guarantee he would be allowed on the bed. sometimes there was only one bed, and the bed was for the handler if there was only one. someone who might not have known better might have sworn James had been trained as a sex slave on top of an assassin, but Ton could tell that James hadn't been touched in years. it was the way James leaned into any touch that didn't hurt, the way he watched Tony's hands, waiting for anything that might come, even if it meant pain. desperate for it, yet fearing it the way a neglected and abused kid might do. hopeful for a gentle pat but expecting a vicious slap.
"Your welcome."Tony smiled a little as he changed into sweats and a tshirt, wondering how in the world he ended up in these messes. Snagging a extra blanket he looked up from where he'd been fitting the cuffs around the head oard, he considered the man. Frowning slightly as he looked at the other, clamping down on the anger that he felt at seeing the man like this. From his father's stories, and steves, and aunt Peggy he knew the man that knelt at his feet wasn't james barnes. And hoped steve could come to terms with that. 'Come on then james, bed you go. Get in."he ordered quietly. If he was going to hell for looking after him, he might as well make it worth it. And even if they weren't doing anything, sleeping in bed with james barnes was worth it.
James watched Tony as he fitted the headboard, feeling so relieved. a bed, a real bed for the first time in weeks, months really. "Thank you Sir." James said, because Asset was always supposed to thank his handler for any kindness they gave him. such things where rare privileges. he settled into the bed, let Tony attach his arm to the headboard and paused when he realized Tony was getting into bed with him. "...Sir?" confused and not sure if he was supposed to move to the floor. as far as he knew he had never, ever shared a bed with someone. he wasn't sure what he was supposed to be doing.
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