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The Incubus ((Silver and Lordhack ))


Oct 5, 2009
Elie smiled into the mirror. She had just finished brushing her teeth and was checking for anything inbetween them. She nodded as she started to wash her face. She dried her face once she was done. She turned off the light in the bathroom and moved into her room. She was in a long pale blue night gown, that was form-fitting over her chest and stomach and flowing from the waist down. She walked over to her bed and pulled the covers back. She climbed into her bed and turned off the light. She snuggled into the bed and soon fell asleep.
As soon as the girl fell asleep, Kelrock appeared. A virgin, he could smell it from the moment he got in. And from what he understood in what little researched he decided to do, a rather innocent girl all around. Excellent. Her soul was safe from him, unless she offered, however, once his task was complete, the jealous girl who sicked him on her would belong entirely to him. Slowly, he sat at her bed, casting a simple spell, so that she would not awaken until he let her, and then he began stroking her hair, almost lovingly, and watched her sleep, watched her breath. As soon as he saw the rapid movement of her eyes that indicated she was dreaming however, he placed a hand on her forehead, and began to chant. Just a few moments later, he was in her dream. The dream would be hers, at first, and he would simply explore. As soon as he thought the oppertunity was right though, he would seize it for his own, twisted goals.
Elie's dream was a rather nice one. She was dreaming of being in London on vacation. She had always wanted to go there. She was at the Global Theater looking around when he entered her dream. She was down in the center looking up in the stage as she read from the guidebook in her hands. She was in a lovely red sundress and red flip-flops. She walked over to the stairs to the stage and walked up them and onto the stage.
Kelrock was an invisible observer, but he had quite a bit of influence on the dream, and at the very moment, her mind. Her snapped, and the stage transformed, but like in any dream, this would seem completely natural to her. It was still a stage, but at the same time, it was a bedroom, mostly barren, except for the four poster bed in the center, covered in red satin sheets and black pillows, equally dark curtains hanging between each post. It seemed to call to her, draw her to it. At the same time, he began searching her mind, looking for crushes, fetishes, and how often, if at all, she masterbated.
Elie slowly dropped the guidebook as she moved slowly toward the bed. In her mind, he would see that she hadn't masturbated ever and she hadn't even been kissed. She had a small crush on a boy in her class name Chris. Elie was almost to the bed now. She tilted her head to the side as she tried to see who was inside the curtains if anyone was.
No one within the soft curtains of that bed, not a soul, but she really wanted to lay down in it, feel those sheets against her skin. Maybe even naked, at least, the demon tried to impart that desire on her, there was only so much control he could have over a girl. And she... she was almost completely innocent, it made his cock hard, and he licked his lips, both invisibly in the dream, and in reality. The only person that seemed to be around for miles was Chris, sitting in the audience, not seeming to react to anything at all, but watching her.
Elie didn't notice Chris in the audience as she opened the curtains of the bed slowly. She looked down on at the sheets. She was far too innocent and shy to get naked. She did kick off her shoes and climb up onto the bed. She slowly laid back on her back on the bed. She smiled and snuggled into the sheets. They felt amazing against her skin. She snuggled her head into the pillows as she closed her eyes to enjoy it all.
Kelrock watched, dissapointed, but not surprised that she decided to remain clothed while she got under the covers. In reality, his hand went to her left breast, and gave it a gentle squeeze, his earlier spell preventing her from waking, and in the dream, the covers would seem to pinch for just a second at her breast in much the same way. Kelrock decided it was time to play with her, and licking his lips, he appeared, walking over from stage right. He wore only a black cloak, like a classic villian might, and a white loincloth to hide his crotch. He walked right up to her, so that he was between the curtains at the foot of her bed, and waited for her to open her eyes.
Elie gasped softly as the covers pinched her breasts. The gasp was both in her dream and in reality. Elie slowly slid her eyes open once she was comfortable in the bed. She glanced over at him and let out a soft squeal. "Who are you?" She asked as she set up in the bed. She moved back from him and pressed her back against the headboard. She was sitting on top of the pillows and she curled her legs to the side of her body.
"Now now, hush little Elie. There's no need to be afraid. I'm you." said the demon, looking over her body, relishing the fear with which she looked at him. The minute he finished his sentence, his body shifted, so he looked like her. Not exactly like her though, the other her seemed to be wearing a bit more make up, and rather than a red sundress, she had a low cut cocktail dress, and a nice pair of red pumps. Kelrock was just messing with her now, seeing if he could get her to give in to temptation. "Obviously not the you you. The secret you. The naughty little you that you suppress every day. The you that tells you what to do to him whenever you allow yourself even a few seconds to stare." she said in Elie's voice, though a bit darker, as she pointed to Chris in the audience.
Elie gasped as she watch him shift. She started to calm down. She looked the "secert" her over and shook her head, "No! I would never wear something like that. No! Your wrong. Stop it!" She yelled at the other her as she talked about Chris. She closed her eyes tightly and put her hands over her ears. "Stop it! Go away! Leave me alone! I am not like that!" She yelled loudly.
"No you're not." the other girl agreed, and even though she was covering her ears, the voice, her own voice, seemed to simply echo in her thoughts, as the other girl got in the bed as well, on the other side, lying down next to her innocent doppleganger. "Do you know how frusterating that is for me? You won't even let yourself feel your desires, let alone indulge them. No one's as perfect as you, surely you know that. For you to be this good and sweet, you had to make me, and lock me away, deep in your mind. You can't even think of touching yourself, but it's all I can think of, touching that untouched spot between your legs. Buying a nice dildo and shoving it up there. Riding some guy you can barely bring yourself to look at. It would feel so good, deep down, you know that. Deep down, you know you want to. Why won't you?"
Elie jerked her hands away, "Shut up! Just shut up!" She yelled at the top of her lungs. Elie started to crawl over to the edge of the bed. "I can't take it anymore! Leave me alone!" She yelled back as she jerked the curtain open and started to get up off the bed. She was annoyed and pissed. Elie had always told herself there was time for sexual things after she was married, that now was the time to focus on school and what she plans to do with her life.
As she tried to leave, two black tentacles shot out from under the bed, each wrapping around one of her legs, and slowly, pulling her back to the bed. "Now now, it couldn't possibly hurt to touch yourself. Just a little, you wouldn't even have to cum. Of course, if you insist that you won't, no matter what, I could always find someone else to fuck that pussy of yours. I'm sure plenty of guys are more than eager..." she said, her threat simple. One of the tentacles slowly began to move its way up her leg, stroking at the inside of it.
Elie screamed as she was dragged back onto the bed. "No! Stop it! Let me go!" She tried to pull her legs free from the tentacles. She gasped as she felt them moving up her legs. She reached down and tried to pry them off. "Let... Go.. Of.. Me!!!" She screamed at them as her hands worked to try and pry them off.
No matter how she tried to force them off, or how loud she screamed, they stayed tight around her, forcing her to lay back on the bed. The other girl moved her hand, even as Elie struggled, and began drawing patterns over her stomach. "One last chance..." she said in a sing song voice. "Masterbate now, and you won't take it in the ass the first time you have sex. Here, I'll help." she said, and gave a quick snap. With that, both girls were down to their undergarments, the sexier Elie wearing a red thong and matching push up bra.
Elie was left in her white bra and panties. "No.. please! Don't do this! Please! I am begging you.. I can't do it.. I just.. can't please.." She started to cry as she was held against the bed. SHe turned her head to the side and cried heavily. In reality, tears were spilling through her closed eyes. "Please.. " She pleaded.
In reality, the Incubus began to wipe her tears away. He really had a soft spot for a girl like her... he didn't think he was going to get her soul, it was to pure. So he'd just have to enjoy the tender little body right in front of him. "Tell you what." said a suddenly gentle voice, as Kelrock returned to his demon form, completely naked, and rolled on top of her. "I'll be gentle your first time. If you're still being a whiney little bitch after that, well, no promises." he said, hands moving down, slowly removing her panties, stroking her inner thighs as he did, while another tentacle came up over the bed and began to undo her bra.
Elie gasped as he shifted back. "Your... not me.. Who are you.. What do you want?" She asked in a shakey and scared voice. "No.. Please.. Please don't do this!" She cried out as he started to remove her panties. To his surprise her light pink pussy was shaved and was silky smoothe to the touch. Everything about Elie was pure and soft. She was so innocent and pure that making her a sex slave after breaking her seemed so tempting as her pussy came into view. Her breasts bounced a bit as the were released from the bra. Her perfect breasts were just the right size and perfectly round.
"Do shut up." he said, and with that, he planted a soft kiss, right on her lips. Even those seemed perfect, and he was almost certain that he was going to keep this girl. After all, he'd been summoned to prevent her from talking, a ball gag, his cock, both would do a fine job at making sure that didn't happen. Slowly, he broke the kiss, and moved to give her another, right on the ear. "I want you Elie. You're perfect. Completely innocent. And that body..." he stopped whispering now, in order to whistle right in her ear. "Do you know what it does to guys? How many masterbate every night thinking of you? And girls. Some wonder if they're lesbians. Some finally knew they were when they first saw you. I want your soft little body. Elie, and I'm going to take it. I want your pure little soul as well, but if it gives you hope, I can't force that away from you. Do keep hope please dear Elie, girls who have nothing left to live for are so boring. Though maybe with a body like that, you wouldn't be..." he said, removing her panties completely, they seemed to slide right through the tentacles. "Only one way to find out..." he said, his hard cock brushing against her left thigh.
Elie whimpered as he yelled at her. She tried to turn away as he kissed her. Her lips were so soft and they tasted like cherries. She cried harder as he started to whisper the things into her ear. Even in reality the tears were a flood down her face. Soaking the pillow under her head. She started to shake her head back and forth. "No! I will not be yours. I belong to no one! Get off me! Let me go!" She started to struggle greatly as she felt her panties leave her leg and his cock brush agianst her thigh. "No! I will not be raped! Get off me! Please! Please! Stop!" She screamed out even louder. In reality, she was whimpering as she cried. Beads of sweat going down her forehead.
In reality, he began to wipe away the sweat and the tears from her body, grinning as he did, and feeling everything within the dream. "That's right Elie. Fight. Keep me interested." he said, leaning in, and kissing her again. "You taste so good, God gave you such perfect gifts, but demanded you never share. Perhaps he made you as a little treat for me." he mused, grinning. His right hand moved up, his fingers beginning to move over her breast, his index and middle finger running over the nipple, as he lined his cock up with her wet pussy. "You may wish to close your eyes for this next part. And spread your legs." he said, as he thrust his cock, surprisingly gently, into her untouched lower lips.
Elie whimpered and cried as he moved his hand over her breasts. She gasped as she felt his fingers run over her nipples. "Please.. don't... please.." She begged as she told her to prepare and lined up. She screamed out at the top of her lungs as he thrusted into her. Even though he was gentle, the breaking of her hymn was really painful. Her back arched up and her head was thrown back. Her eyes were tightly shut as she screamed out. She cried even harder than before. In reality, she started to scream out.
"Now now Elie, it's going to feel good, I promise. Already, you're enjoying some of my touches, soon, every thing I do to you will feel wonderful..." he whispered, before he began licking at her ear. In reality, he snapped, and a scarf appeared tied around her mouth. It wasn't the most effective gag, not at all, he could still hear every scream and moan. However, it would be comfortable, not that she could tell that, and it would muffle any noise enough so her parents or any one else in the house would be oblivious to her cries. In the dream, he let his fingers very gently pinch her nipple, as he thrust his cock slowly into her once more, than slowly pulled it out, than slowly back in.
Elie felt him start to move in and out of her and she went limp under him. She cried heavily for a long time as she lay there under him, unable to stop him. "Please.. Please.. Stop.. Please.." She whimpered softly as the pain she felt slowly twisted into pleasure. Her back slowly started to arch up off if the bed again, but this time in pleasure. "Oh.. god ..please.. someone help me... please.. " She prayed softly as she started not to give up, but give in. Her body wanted her to moan and enjoy and she was slowly giving in to her body.
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