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Hoard of the Dragon Queen IC

"Yup. My friend is taking care of it now." Belle replies earnestly.

"Are you two okay?" She asks concerned.
Jasmine goes limp, gasping for air as her own climax hits her as hard as his did; her continued helplessness only enhances the experience.
"I'm Belle." She says, leaning in to give the woman a kiss on the cheek.

"And this is my friend Bran." She says gesturing to him.
"Glad to see people safe," Bran nodded to Lian. "Will everyone know to go to the keep? If there are still people in danger, I want to help."
Lian recoils slightly from the kiss, still on edge with her hometown being raided. "Y-yes,"she says. "But not everyone will be able to get there. The raiders are seemingly everywhere. I'm sure if you make it to the keep, the governor will know what you can do to help."
"Okay," Bran agreed, his momentary relief fading at the news that there were raiders alongside the dragon. "Come with us. We'll be safer together." Slinging his bow over his shoulders again, he drew his claymore instead, beckoning to Belle and Lian and turning to head for the keep.
Belle pouts adorably adorably at the recoil.

"Just trying to be polite." She mutters as she falls into step behind Lian, admiring her curvy behind.
As you two travel along with Lian, a kobold appears from around the corner. "Ack! Mercenaries!" it cries upon seeing your arnament, and turns tail to flee.

Roll initiative.


In the sky, the dragon calms from its orgasm, his slowly softening cock still partially stiff inside Jasmine. "You have pleasured me greatly, human." he says.
"Wait!" Bran calls. "He's running. We don't need to make this a fight." Just in case, though, he raises his sword, bracing for an attack.

(9 initiative.)
Belle moves in front of Lian.

And then with a twirl of the body, a shake of the hips, she blows a kiss at the creature, as a pink heart flies from her lips and impacts the creature.

[Casting Charm person, must make a wisdom save DC 13 to avoid being charmed.]
Belle leans over to meet the creature in it's eyes. Which also gives it a nice cleavage view.

She beckons it over excitedly, and if/when it comes over, picks it up and gives it a huge smooch.

"My name's Belle, what's yours?" She asks at the creature in her arms.
"F-Fickle," it says, a small bulges in his loincloth clearly visible.

Lian says to Belle "What on earth are you doing?"
"Getting info, and making friends!" She says brightly, adding it a little hip shake to Lian that seemed to make some humans more agreeable.

"So what are you doing here Fickle?" She asks.
"We were raiding for treasure, for the Cult of the Dragon," Fickle says.

"Get info as we move," Lian says, stepping forward. "We need to make it to the keep."
"Okay." Belle nods to Lian. "Let's go!" She says to Fickle and Bran.

Contiuning to carry Fickle, she starts playing with her hair.

"Can you tell me more about this cult of the dragon?" She asks.
"Not much, pretty woman," Fickle says, placing a kiss on Belle's cheek. "They're a Cult dedicated to our god, Tiamat-but the local cult just recruited us recently."
At the kiss and the complimant, Belle noticeably blushes.

"Why don't you tell me about your god?"
"She's a grand five-headed chromatic dragon! The most powerful of all the gods, and she will return to this world one day, and then dragons will rule with kobolds as their loyal servants!" Fickle says.
"Most will probably be eaten. But I'll take pity on you-if you keep me happy," he says, gesturing rather rudely to his crotch.

"Disgusting," Lian says.
"It's how it will be. Perhaps if all elves are willing to please the kobolds and dragons, they might survive," Fickle says, musing a little.
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