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Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

"Are you exited for the wedding Adri?"

She frowned and nodded her head, "Of course I am. I'm happy to be engaged and get married. I just work a lot so I can't plan. That's all."

The therapist wrote something else down and looked at Jake and Adri, "Adri can you give me a time line of when you broke up with your ex to now?"

She sighed and thought about it, "I broke up with my boyfriend four months before I started working for Jake. Then like three months later we were dating. 6 months into the relationship we got max and a few months later we found about Owen. At the twelve months mark we got engaged and that's all the milestones."

"How did you feel when you found out about Owen?"

She laughed, "I was kissed and I had every right to be. But looking at the timing I know that it happened before Jake and I even met. But it was something I had to really wrap my head around."

"Do you feel like something was taken away from you when Owen was brought home?"

Adri looked at her and then picked at a nail nervously. "Yes. I guess." She softly and looked at Jake through the corner of her eyes. "But I know it's not Owens fault. I love Owen now. I just had trouble dealing with it." She said softly.

"Did you tell Jake how you felt?"

She shook her head and shrugged her shoulders, "I don't remember." She said softly.

"Jake,did you know she felt that way? Did she tell you how she felt?"
Jake gave Adri's hand a squeeze when the therapist asked about if she was excited to get married and then again when she asked the difficult question about Owen. Jake wanted to show her he wasn't mad with her answer. It didn't mean, it wasn't hard to swallow, but he wasn't mad.

He shook his head. "I knew she was upset. She had been trying to deal with it. Looking back I think I had an idea but wanted her to tell me and she didn't and probably because she didn't want to upset me or hurt me. I mean I don't blame her for being upset. I would have been if the roles were reversed. Especially when you start dating someone and you think of your future in the back of your mind. You don't picture that person having a child with someone else, but you in the future. I felt bad for taking that from her.Plus she told me before he was born that she wasn't getting up with him or taking care of him that he was my responsiblity." He chuckled a bit and looked at Adri, "Then she saw him and things changed. Now that boy wants her and no one but her sometimes, like this morning. She's an amazing mother, but she did get kind of throw into it." He looked down. "I think if I found out about Owen before we started dating thing could have been different, I don't know if she would have started dating me. And I can't be mad about that either." He looked back at the therapist. "She's had to deal with a lot being with me." He said softly but it still hurt a bit.

Jake was trying to blame everything on himself. But either way he was starting to see that they looked at their relationship differently. He wasn't going to say that, he'd let that come from the therapist, or maybe he was wrong. "Any of the problems we had because of Owen I take responsibility for. I can't be mad about certain things because some things aren't really her responsibility. I've told her that before. I've told her I'd never throw Owen at her. But in my mind she's his mother. She's been there for all the tears and diapers and laughs."
"How do you feel about Owen now, Adri? Do you think you have a problem with Owen now?"

Adri smiled, "That's my son, i wouldn't trade him for anything. I love him now. It was just a big adjustment to get used too is all. I'm happy to have him now." She said softly.

"Okay, Jake, now let's focus on you for a second. What was your life like before Adri and Owen? And how do you see your future with them?"
Jake smiled and nodded to Adri talk about Owen being her son. He knew that was the case, that it just took some time.

Jake made a face and looked at Adri. " life back in Denver was rough. My step father was abusive. So I started training and got into fighting to deal with my emotions and anger. It was a good healthy outlet. I turned out to be a good at it and got into the UFC."

He let out a sigh. "I got kind of stupid and partied a lot. Slept around. That's how Owen happened. I was rich and famous and thought I was invincible. That was before I met Adri. Then I met her and I didn't feel the need to be stupid and careless. My temper got better. She is good for me. She sees past the fame and sees me for who I really am." He thought it over and shrugged. "I think it's kind of obvious how I see my life with the two of them. Adri is my best friend and future wife. Owen is my son. The two of them come above everything else. Adri and I are a team. We're a family. I am a fight away from being champion in my weight class. When that happens, I want Adri by myside. I haven't lost a fight. And when I do, that's going to be a dark day. I also want Adri there for that. She is good at reminding me regardless she's proud of me and she will love me even if I lose." He looked at her. "I consider myself lucky." He said softly looking in her eyes.
"How would you feel if Adri wasn't by your side when you had your title fight? Or if you lost a fight?" She asked curiously and sat back.

"I wouldn't intentionally not be there." Adri said, butting in. "I'll do everything to be there and support him. I haven't missed a fight. I'm not going to start now."

The therapist raised her hand to Adri, "Let Jake express how he would feel." She said softly.

Adri sat back and looked at Jake.
That was a hard question to answer. This therapist didn't waste time getting down to business.

When Adri interrupted he let out a little sigh. "It honestly would kind of depend why whe wasn't there. It would suck. She hasn't missed a fight since I hired her. It would be weird fighting without her. I think it would be worse losing and her not being there than winning. But it would be disappointing to experience it without my fiancé."

He thought a bit more and shrugged. "We've talked about it. It's a possibility of happening. I wouldn't ask her to leave work for my work. Thats unfair to her. I would never do that. More than likely it would suck but I couldn't be mad at her for working."

"It was probably hard to do her fashion week without me cause I was hurt. That's probably some of the anger I u unintentionally got. She was probably just didappointed." He shrugged.
The therapists nodded and then turned to Adri, "Did you feel disappointed?" She asked.

Adri sighed. "I told Jake not go. He was willing to get on a plane and come with me but I told him not to come. Was I disappointed that he couldn't go, of course. I wanted him to be there but he needs to realize that his health is more important. He always sacrifices himself and then if something goes wrong, or happens to him while he's hurt, and he can't fight again it's my fault. Whether he wants to admit it or not it would be my fault. And he did it again to go to Tokyo. He has millions of people rooting for him to win the championship and I'm not going to let him do something stupid and risk it. He doesn't see the big picture. At the end of the day his dream is to win the championship fight. He can't do that if he can't fight and I'm not going to be the reason that he can't fight. And then when I say no don't come, it's automatically you don't want me there." She shrugged her shoulder.

The therapist looked st Adri, "Do you want him there?"

She paused and looked at the therapist and then Jake. "Of course I want him there. But at the same time he has to realize it's a work trip. I'll be busy all week. I won't have time to devote to him and if I do I won't it until I have it. But we also have other obligations."

"You mean Owen?"

Adri nodded. "Every time we go on a trip Owen and Max get pushed on my parents. And I know they love him but that's not fair to them. Max is a huge dog and takes a lot of work that they may not want to do but will do for me. And then if Owen comes with us, Jake's dad or sister comes to babysit Owen. I wanted to come here and have a real babysitter watch Owen while Jake and I went out and it turned into an arguement about how a nanny could abuse him and we nanny cams. And now John is here with us, so it doesn't even matter now. I just wanted it to be the four of us I picked the penthouse we are living in because it's dog friendly but Max isn't even here. I just wanted to be a normal young couple and we can't do that with out Jake seeing the worst case scenario." She finished and crossed her arms.

"Jake, Adri is obviously upset about this. I want you to take a second and then reply. Acknowledge how she feels and then tell her how you feel."
Jake watched Adri. Now it was definitely his turn to be at fault. At least now she really couldn't say he just attacked her. He listened and at the end really thought it over a moment before speaking.

"This whole fight frustratea me a bit. You want me to tell you my feelings and I did and you get mad and shut down. We've never left Owen with anyone but family or friends. Of course I'm going to be nervous and anxious about it. And that was a perfect opportunity for you to say we'd do our homework and not just leave him with anyone. And you did say then but still shut down. I said okay we could but you'd have to be patient with me cause I would be nervous the first time. I'm a parent. A lot of parents are hesitant the first time leaving their baby alone. But you just say it's normal and it will be okay. I was okay with it at the end. I just needed to talk it out with you. And we did. But then you were just too upset to go with it. I'm going to need your reassurance sometimes and you gave me that. But we have to follow through after though with what we discussed. And not just get mad and say forget it."

"I'm his father. The protector. I have to protect him...there was no one while I was growing up to protect me. So yes I'm a bit more paranoid with him. I can't help that...I don't want anything to happen to him." He spoke the last bit rather softly.

He sighed and shrugged. "Adri I couldn't have gotten Owen and Max by myself. Not after getting hurt. And you had no time to fly to Vegas to help. I am not even suppost to lift Owen up. How was I supposed to get him and Max on a plan? You had to be straight here for work."

"I can tell dad to just stay a week. Then he came to help get Owen out here and then it could be us. I'm sorry Max couldn't come. It's hard traveling with a big dog. And that's more of my injury stopping us. I'm sorry that it's making things harder." He put his hand that was holding hers on her leg.
"I'm a parent too thought and at that moment it felt my idea was pushed aside because I'm not his real mom. It was your idea or nothing and I just let you have it." She looked at him, "Your childhood is not going to happen to Owen. You know that and I know that. What happened to you will never happen to Owen. You know it but you don't believe it and I don't know how to fix that. I can't fix that."

She rubbed her lips together and looked at Jake, "Once again, I had an idea and you said it was to big a move in a short time. We have more than enough money to rent out a jet to get you, Owen and Max to New York hassle free. All we would have needed was your dad to meet us at the airport with Owen and Max and I would have helped get them on the plane. We could have left when we wanted; I would have been at work on time. It would have been super easy."

The therapist chimed in, "How can you word that in a way that Jake will understand and not feel guilty or upset?" She asked. "Start with, 'I feel like... and then tell him how you feel." She said and then let Adri continue.

"I feel like you don't listen to me sometimes or you always pick the flaws in my ideas and run with them. It makes me feel like you think that I am a young kid or something. Like I can't make a smart decision."
"Your opinion does matter, it always does. You are his mother Adge." Jake looked down a moment and shook his head. "Adri I really don't know that. I know you'd never hurt him and I'd never hurt him and our families wouldn't. But I don't know about Layla. I can't control who she may date or marry. I'd hope she'd pick a good guy and have good judgement. But I don't know. She's pulled crap before trying to come onto me. So I don't know who she would pick...I doubt my mom thought she'd marry a guy who turned out to be a piece of crap." He looked away and sighed. "I don't want you to fix anything. Just be patient and understanding about it. That's all I ask..."

He looked at her and listened to her talk. "That's not the case. You normally have good ideas. I just like to talk things out. Sometimes it helps me make a decision. So yes I bring up the cons because the pros can be pretty obvious. But about the house...we talked about it when we bought the house. You were the one that asked if it was a starter home or forever home. I said forever home. Then you tell me you want to build. And that is a big decision that I feel yes we should weigh the pros and cons. And I told just what in Tokyo that I thought it was a good idea. But it's not something you just jump out do. You think it through and make sure it's the right move. It's not impulse buy. Just like a plane. I was honest with you. I know nothing about an expense for that so yes I wanted to do my homework on it. I have no idea if we can afford it. So I wanted to do our home work. Most people can't just be laying in bed and thing...I should buy a plane. And then the next day, buy a plane. You have to have a pilot and crew. How were going to do that in less than a week? In Tokyo? Is that even possible? I couldn't tell you maybe it is. And can we even fly out of the normal airport? What are the rules and laws about owning a plane? I just think big purchases are things that we talk about and do homework on before we just buy regardless of what it is or who comes up with the idea. I just want to be educated. I didn't turn it down at all. I told you the exact same thing I'm saying now."

"You say sometimes you feel like I don't listen to you or just pick out the flaws. Or I think you're too young. Well that's not true. I actually feel like you think I don't listen and I'm just this stupid jock with an anger problem you have to hold my hand through everything. Or do everything for me. Like when I got hurt you automatically thought I would push myself and do something stupid because when I hurt my elbow I did do stuff or asked to. I know how bad this injury was compared to the other. Sometimes you tell me what to do with Owen like I've never watched my son before." Jake looked Adri over. He hoped that she still talked to him after this.
"You aren't listening again." She said softly and looked at the therapist, "this is why we fight. I have to repeat myself a million times and it's not until after the fact that he realizes, oh that's exactly what she said the first time." Adri sighed.

"We would not have rented a private plane from Tokyo to Vegas. That wasn't happening. We would have rented from Vegas to New York, just to see what it was like. I emphasize rented because that's not making a commitment to the plane. That's borrowing it for a few hours and then giving it back. Like when you rent out a car, you give it back. We wouldn't have to worry about anything, it would have been a test run. I understand that you don't want to jump head first into purchasing the plane. What's the point of going through all of the trouble if it isn't right for us? That's why we would rent to make sure that we liked it first and to see if it really is a good idea. And it just happened to be at an opportune time when we could have used it to its full advantage."

She scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Whatever." She said softly.

"Adri, why don't you answer him instead of blowing him off?"

Adri looked at the ceiling and bit her tongue, "I don't know how to say it." She said softly.

"Okay and that's okay. Sometimes it's good to take a step back and think, alright. So think for a second and then say it."

Adri took a deep breath and thought it over, "I feel like you fell like you need to do whatever it takes to support me. Even if it means being in pain and being uncomfortable and dropping everything for me. The New York fashion week, you were willing to travel with me when your cortisone shot wasn't working. You were dependent on pills to get through the pain and even those didn't work. You were not physically at your best but you willing to throw yourself into a painful situation for me and I don't need you to do that. I don't want you too. If you would have joined me you would have been miserable and tried to hide it. You miserable on the Tokyo trip and that long ass plane ride. It stresses me out. I don't know what to do with you sometimes. I would have been happy if you were at home on the couch with Owen. The fashion shows are recorded, I could have come home and we could have watched them all together. You need to sacrifice yourself for me. I don't want you too."
"What am I not listening to you about? What am I missing?" He asked her.

Jake shook his head. I didn't mean the flight from Tokyo to Vegas. I mean you would have set it up in Tokyo. I was fine with renting one. I even told you that. If we could afford it, that was fine. But before we bought one I wanted to research it more is all."

He looked down and processed it all. "So you would have rathered me stayed home and not join you in Tokyo or here? Cause I was in pain on the flight? It was a long flight. I would have probably been in pain if I was at home or with you so why not be with you?" He looked her in the eyes. "I know you don't ask...but I guess I thought maybe you'd want me to be there....but when you love someone and want to marry them you make sacrifices. Because it's no longer about you but the person you love." He looked at the therapist wondering if she thought they were hopeless.
"You would have been more comfortable at home. You would have the doctor at home. I don't know why nothing is working to help you with your pain and I wouldn't have known what to do if the pain became so unbearable that you needed to go to the ER. You have a nerve injury. That's a massive injury. Why would you travel out of the country knowing that your career, your health, your life is on the line. If something happens to that nerve you could never have feeling in your arm again. It could never be at 100% strength. You could never toss Owen up in the air and catch him like he loves. There are things more important than me and a stupid fashion show." She argued.

She rolled her eyes at his 'people in love make sacrifices' bit. "Yeah and my sacrifice would have been you not being there but at least I would have known, you were near your doctor if anything went wrong, you had Owen and he wasn't missing his parents, and you were somewhat comfortable because you were at home. Don't pull this person you love sacrifice crap on me. I know. I was prepared to make that sacrifice." She said with her voice getting louder but not quiet yelling. She took a deep breath to calm down and looked at the floor. "No." She said softly. "I didn't need you there." She said truthfully. "I didn't need you there because you were safer and better at home." She looked at him and felt better since she said the truth. "I wanted you there but I didn't need you there physically."

The therapist nodded her head, "Jake, people need support in different ways. You may need adri's support by her being there at every fight and cheering you on and seeing and acknowledging your accomplishments. But Adri may need your support in a different way. Is that right Adri? Why you tell him how he can support you."

"When you are in pain physically, I don't need you to risk your health even further to be by my side. I liked calling you at the end of the day and telling you how it went and knowing that you were doing what was right for your health. Because sometimes you need to put yourself first and if you stayed home, I would have understood. When you are healthy and uninjured, if you want to join me then by all means come with me. Party with me and have some fun. I knew going into Fashion Week that the chairs wouldn't be very comfortable, it would be a long show, and right after would be the after party where we would be standing for a few hours. I'm not going to force you to do that with me and I don't want you to do that for me if you aren't at your physical best. When I am far away, the phone calls at the end of the night to see you and Owen on the couch snuggled together are the best phone calls. I would have been than happy for a phone call like that."
Jake listened to Adri and tried to not get upset and let her share her feelings. He tried hard to not take it personally, like she just didn't want him around but that was hard to do.

"Maybe it was hard for me to sit back at home and have ny father be the one having to take care of me. Maybe I didn't want to miss it. Tell me you wouldn't hate having to miss one of my fights and being there for the excitement. Like a championship fight? Tell me you feel like you were missing out." He let out a sigh.

It felt like they were getting a lot out but then what...where do they go from here now? "I guess I should have just stayed home then...but how long would you have stayed out here? Now you don't have to rush home. It's a little unfair to throw Owen not having his parents in my face. I travel with you for your work mine is a lot less. But if you have issues with it, I'll just start saying home."
"Would you want me to go if I'm sick? If I'm hurt so much and shots and pain pills aren't working would you want me to go?" She retorted. "Of course is fee left out but you can't your ass that is be in the couch watching from afar cheering from the couch. No matter where I am I'm going to support you."

She rolled her eyes when he made himself the victim again. "Yes because that's exactly what I said." She rolled her eyes and looked away. "I'm done here."

The therapist looked at Adri, " I you don't get to decide when we finish. I do. You guys made a lot of progress today and I am proud of that. I won't see you again until the day after tomorrow. But I'm going to do things differently. You should both know that whatever is said will stay between us. We will touch on subjects that we discussed one on one but your partner won't know what you said unless you tell them. Jake you'll go first at 10 in the morning.." She told them. "For homework, we are going to begin celibacy. No sex for the remainder of the time you are here with me. This will help your communication you're using so you don't have to talk when you should. We are going to break that cycle. Any questions?"

Adri shook her head and grabbed her purse.
Jake shook his head. "No I wouldn't but you'd still want to go if there was anyway to be there. I'm the same way. Adri I love you and support you and want to be there with you during those moments in your career. You should be able to have your fiance beside you during those times. I know you'd watch from afar and when you were in New York, I did. I was hard though babe..."

"I didn't say that's exactly what you said..." He sighed and shook his head. Even here she's trying to run off when she's upset.

He wasn't exactly thrilled about the celibacy but if that's what they had to do, then that's what he'd do. "Okay." Jake shook his head and looked down. He got up with Adri and shook the therapist's hand. "Thank you." He wanted to ask if she thought they had a chance because he kind of felt like after that of going back and forth it didn't look good.

When they got by themselves in the hallway he stopped and grabbed Adri's hand and pulled her to him. "Hey...come here..." He said softly. His hands went to her hips and he kissed her softly and looked in her eyes. "I love you." He said softly.
"Somewhere in what I said you heard I never you want by my side so you'll just stay home from now on. So screw it, stay home. Sulk from the couch. I don't care. If you want to be the victim then be the victim from home."

She thanked the therapist as well before walking out of the office. "I don't want to be touched." She said pulling her hand from his. She pushed his hands off of her hips. "Stop, alright. Just stop. You don't get to make me feel like the bad guy and then act like it never happened. So stop." She said and looked up to stop any tears.

"Your dad is at Central Park with Owen. Can we just go?"
Jake shook his head. "That's not what I heard. Maybe you weren't listening to me. What I heard was you didn't want me to come and be in pain. That I can support you from the couch. And you don't like that your parents or my family have to watch Owen all the time when we are out of town. So what I'm saying is if it's a problem for them to watch him and Max then I won't go with you. But sorry I'm a little confused you don't want our families to watch him but a nanny or a stranger he never has met is totally okay. I'm not at all playing a victim of anything."

"I'm not acting like what we both said in there never happened. I'm not making you out to be the bad guy. We both shared our feelings in there. And it seems we both got upset. I'm not going to apologize for taking a moment and telling you that I love you and showing you with a kiss." He put his hands in his pockets since she didn't want to be touched but only for a minute. "I'm sorry if what I said upset you or hurt your feelings. That's not what I was trying to do. Maybe in two days when I come back she will tell me I'm way off base and if that's the case I need to know. But she needs to see and know what's going on babe..." Maybe part of his problem is he let's her leave too easily. He put his arms around her and hugged her.

He shook his head no. "Not until you hug me."
"I don't see why we can't travel with Owen and Max and gave it be the four of us instead of having it be the five of us or six of us. Your dad has a life outside of you. My parents have lives. Amy and Luke are married and have a life that they want to live. We can't just ask them to give up their plans and watch Max and Owen for us so we can travel. We have the money and the means to watch our family so why don't we?" She rubbed her forehead. It felt like they were getting nowhere.

"I'm not asking you to apologize. I'm asking for space." She put her hands on his stomach to stop him from hugging her and she rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Jake leave me alone for a second. Stop touching me. Just leave me the fuck alone for just one second." She pushed out of his arms and walked away. She got in the elevator and closed the doors before he could get in. She went to the lobby and let him get the other elevator down. That was the only way she was going to get space.

She stopped on some ran dome floor to get out of the small box and get some air. She wiped her eyes and got her composure back before getting back on the elevator and going downstairs to the lobby. "The car is waiting outside for us." She said softly and walked outside with him.
She didn't want their family to watch Owen anymore than fine. They wouldn't. He'd send his father home on the next flight out back to Vegas.

Okay so not letting her leave wasn't the best approach either. He sighed and just let her go. "Fine..." He held his hands up in the air to show he wasn't touching her. Jake waited and got the next elevator down. It was probably a mistake having his father there, he didn't need to be around the two of them like that.

He got in the elevator and went down. He didn't say anything to her as he walked by her and out to the car. The car he thought about not even getting in. He tried to collect both of them so they weren't so upset in front of Owen but now he was just pissed off too. He got on his phone on the drive to the park and started booking his father a flight home. "Find someone to watch Owen. I'm sending dad home." He said softly and let out a sigh. Jake was starting to wonder if they could make it work or if this would just be the end of their relationship.
"Why would you do that? I don't have time anymore. I wanted to look for babysitters two weeks ago so we could skype with them and interview them. I don't have time to sit down with a bunch of women and find the right sitter. Your dad is here. He's watching Owen. He might as well stay. You were putting up such a fight thinking I was going to leave Owen with anybody and now you're sending your dad home when we don't have anyone to watch Owen. If you send your dad home, you find the sitter. That doesn't fix a problem. It just creates a new one."

When they got to the park, she looked around and then started to walk towards the path. She had a rough idea where John and Owen were from a text John sent her but she would still have to look around for them. For Owen, she would be happy. He needed to feel as normal as possible.He was a smart baby and she didn't want his mood affected by her and Jake's mood.

"How was the zoo?" She asked John when she finally found them by a pond. She rubbed Owen's cheek and picked him out of the stroller to give him a kiss. She held him towards Jake so he could say hello too.
"Fine Ill do it myself." He said and looked out the window. "And I told you to do and you didn't..." He left it at that. He made a few emails to find someone good reliable. He could still Skype with them or meet with them. He wasn't making his father stay if she didn't want him around.

Jake was a few steps behind Adri with his hands in his pockets. She said she couldn't pretend nothing happened but yet they both had to in front of their son. "It was good." John said with a smile. "He loves the monkeys and horillas."

Jake smiled. "Probably because he is one." He kissed his head and said hi to him. Jake then gave his dad a look to not ask about therapy. Maybe it was better his dad left too, he may need the room to sleep in. He looked around the park and seeing people running made him jealous. A run to let out some steam looked amazing.

"Should we go find lunch?" Jake would let his dad know over lunch he should go home. He would explain that the two of them needed time alone and it was wrong of him to even ask him to come. But thank him for all his help.
"I'm glad he had fun." She smiled and kissed Owen's cheeks.

"Yeah. I think the little guy is hungry." John said. "I just changed him so he could be relatively calm while we walk around. Unless he gets to angry then he's a grumpy thing." He laughed and tickled Owen's stomach.

Adri smiled and walked with him to find a place for them to go and eat. She wasn't too hungry so it was up to the guys. When they picked a place, she set Owen in a high chair and dug through the diaper bag for food and a spoon. She ordered water and that was all she really wanted.

"Before he says anything, I do appreciate the help and I love that you are always willing to drop what you have planned to and come and help us. I really appreciate you." She told John and then let Jake take over from there. She wasn't going to willingly get thrown under the bus.
That was another thing he noticed Adri did or didn't do when they fought. She wouldn't eat. He wasn't going to argue with her or tell her she should eat. If she wanted to be hungry later that was on her. She was an adult.

He looked at Adri and his dad. "Pop, we appreciate you coming out. And I honestly probably shouldn't have asked you to. You're always dropping everything for us and that's not fair for you."

"Jake, its okay. I don't mind. I love spending time with Owen. Plus this gives me a chance to travel
" He smiled.

"But you don't get time to yourself to enjoy it."

"I get time with my grandson while I do it. It's better than time with myself." He smiled. Jake looked at Adri. It was like they would offend him if they didn't ask him.

"I understand that Pop. I do." He needed to be delicate about this. "We also need time as a family the three of us. We spent a week without Owen..."

He looked back and forth confused, "What are you saying Jake?"

"I just thought maybe I'll get you a flight home so you can have time alone for you."

John shook his head. "Who would watch Owen?"

"They have good nannies here...we would only need someone for therapy. It's dumb to make you stay out here for that." He was careful to make it sound like his idea and to help him.

"Jake that's stupid. Why pay the money for that?" Jake shot Adri a look. He wasn't the only one who thought John should just watch him. But now wasn't the time.

"Pop we can afford it...It's not about the money..."

"I know. But...I'm already here. I would just be at home doing nothing important. This gives me something to do. And how often can I say I've been here. Plus I get time with Owen. I can respect you need family time. I can. I won't intrude on that." He thought it over. "Why don't you use the money from a ticket home, get me my own room at a hotel or a small apartment. That way we both have frre time for our own thing but when you need someone to watch Owen. I can be available."

Jake looked at Adri. "Alright. Fair enough. I can do that. As long as you're okay with it. I didn't realize how unfair it is of me to just assume you'd watch him."

"You don't. I don't mind. I love spending time with him. He's my grandson."

Jake nodded and the guys ordered when the waitress came over.
"Jon I oringally had the plan to come here with Max, Owen and Jake so we could be the four of us. I just thought it would be nice if we could have some time as the four of us. But that was also three weeks ago when Jake and I had the time to sit down and look for someone qualified to watch Owen. At this point there is no reason to ask you to go home so we can be alone. I just thought it would be cool to have a little bit of independence." She told him.

"I am not going to kick you out or ask you to leave the penthouse and move into a small apartment. You're unpacked and you're here and you don't mind staying. Honestly just stay. There are more than enough beds for the four of us. Plus, Owen knows that you're staying with us. If you leave now he'll just be looking for you all the time." She smiled at John and fed Owen some more food.
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