Thank You For Waking Me Up (Princess Pittooey and I)

She didn't have the energy to talk back to him, or more like she felt like she was going to cry. She refused to, but the burning in her nose was present. She didn't even want to entertain his bullshit, yet here she was, starting to believe his words. If feeling like shit about herself was part or the training, he was doing a damn good job.
"What's that? You gonna cry?" Yusuke said dryly. "Is that all you're going to do? Just blow hot air and cry at me, or are you going to do somethin' about it? You just going to give up when someone calls you on your bullshit, or are you going to prove me wrong?"
"I will prove you wrong. You'll see." Tsubaki answered before closing her eyes. If it kept going like this, she wouldn't be able to keep it up for much longer. "In fact, I'll stay like this all day if I have to if it means you'll get off my ass!"
"That's good, because you're going to be up there for longer than a few hours," Yusuke mused. "Twelve, actually. If you can last that long...maybe you're serious," he said lazily, rising up to put a hand on her stomach...and push. "Assuming, you can stay up that long," he challenged with a grin.
Tsubaki hissed in anger when he pushed her, feeling herself falling to one side. Somehow all it took was kicking her legs to get back in place and stay there. "Fine, twelve hours. Then you can shove it up your ass! Just quit trying to sabotage me!"
"What, you can't handle this?" Yusuke said dryly, giving her another push. "You know what I had to deal with? A cranky old bat throwing punches at me. So suck it up, if you think this is hard, you're going to get nowhere, fast."
"Fine, keep messing with me and don't get mad if I hit you back!" Tsubaki snapped at him while she struggled to stay upright.

Keiko wasn't too keen on the fact that Yusuke had just taken Tsubaki to do some private lesson all on their own. She thought for sure that he'd be training them both at the same time. She tried to keep Jinji company so she didn't feel too left out. Botan kept putting doubts in the back of her mind, and it had been well after sunset before she decided she had enough.

"That idiot, I'm going to go find them..." Keiko grumbled despite the fact that it was pitch black outside. Good thing she brought a flashlight!
"Hey, Keiko!" Botan yawned faintly. "Where are you going? Yusuke's still training Tsubaki..." she said, rubbing her eyes. What had gotten into her all of a sudden? It was early! Why was she up still? Did she even sleep?
"I know, that's what worries me! They were gone all day and night. I'm going to find them." Keiko muttered as she went through her hiking gear and got her flashlight. "She needs to eat anyway, so I'm bringing her some dinner...breakfast." She didn't even really know what time it was, she just couldn't sleep.
"Oh...okay," Botan mumbled sleepily. "Scream if you need anything! I'm sure Tsubaki and Yusuke are doing just fine together," she mumbled, flopping back down to sleep.
Keiko always wondered why Botan needed to sleep, she wasn't human or anything. Either way, she packed up everything she needed and left the estate. She had an idea of where they had gone, but everything looked way different in the dark and it was eerily quiet. She would have been scared, but she had dealt with much scarier things than a quiet forest. She'd just do her best to retrace their steps and figure out where Yusuke had taken Tsubaki.
Oh, she found them alright. She'd find Tsubaki standing on a needle, the entire room smelled suspiciously of sweat and oddly of ozone, spirit energy, perhaps? It was dim, dark...dank, and Yusuke was circling Tsubaki. Her position was...not entirely favorable, the girl was resting on a needle by a finger, and exposing just about everything to Yusuke's eyes as he circled around her. Honestly? He was impressed with how she was holding up. She was fairing no better or worse than he first did, which was impressive considering he had to fight a few hot messes before he could be trained, guess she did know her stuff a little.

"You got five minutes," Yusuke smirked. "If you can hold out." Still, her mood was going to be a problem. Something that he'd have to iron out.
Keiko's mouth practically dropped at the sight. Tsubaki's clothes were completely soaked all the way through in sweat, and her shirt had become untucked at some point so it was loosely hanging from her breasts, her lower stomach exposed. She was panting heavily, her entire body felt like it was on fire, yet she refused to stop until she had proven to him that she was worth keeping around.

If it wasn't for the fact that Tsubaki looked like she was concentrating, Keiko would have already been over there to scream at him. Instead, she just steamed at the entrance of the cave. This was just...was this really the kind of training Genkai put him through?!
"I'm surprised you've held out," Yusuke smirked. "Maybe you will get that chance to sock me when I'm done teaching you not to be some bossy little brat." he said, checking his watch. "And...done." he said. "You're done, take five."
One last push of energy was what Tsubaki needed to get back to her feet...and then immediately collapse because she couldn't feel a damn muscle in her body.

And that was when she heard Keiko storming in like a freight train. "Yusuke, don't tell me this was what you've been doing for the entire day and night?!" She demanded as she got in her face. "Are you trying to kill her?"
"Keiko?" Yusuke blinked in surprise, glancing at her. "Whoa whoa! Easy!" he said, hands up. "I'm not doing anything but training her! What, you think I learned through push-ups and meditation?" And this was why he didn't want her to come along, she didn't really know how he got trained, and...he didn't really want to share with her the details.
So this was how he learned? And Kuwabara too? could any human withstand something like this?!

"I'm okay," Tsubaki's voice was quiet, but Keiko could hear her. "You didn't have to come all the way out here if you were worried about me, it's fine."

She wasn't sure what it was, but something was different about Tsubaki. She looked like she was in pain, but not from being upside down for twelve hours. It was a different kind of pained expression, like she was thinking about something that hurt.

"...Can I at least give her something to eat? And when are you going to train Jinji? You made her feel left out." Keiko told him, though she seemed to be slightly more calm now.
"She's next," Yusuke sighed. "Besides, the next leg I'm going to train them together, I think it should work," he mused. "So go ahead, Keiko, be the Mom," he smirked. "Where's my food? Don't I get it delivered to me?"
"You can starve." Keiko said coldly as she moved to Tsubaki. If she could be honest, she reeked and definitely would not feel better until she took a bath. "Here Tsubaki, I made you some rice balls for dinner." She smiled warmly at her. The difference was night and day.

"I can't really move my arms, so unless you want to feed it to me, I guess I'll just have to starve. I appreciate it though." Tsubaki wasn't even hungry anyway...she should have been, but she wasn't.
"What?" Yusuke sighed. "What the hell did I do!? Don't get mad at me because you don't know how I was trained! How is this my fault!? This is what Botan wanted me to do! If you should be mad at anyone, be mad at her!" Ugh, why did she want to come along? Honestly! Why was she so upset about it!?
"Maybe you should have told me you were going to be gone for twelve hours so I didn't have to worry about something happening to you two?" Keiko rolled her eyes and then put the food up to Tsubaki's lips. "Or maybe, just maybe you could have told me what kind of stuff you were doing up here when I asked you about it, instead of avoiding all my questions like you normally do."

Tsubaki really wasn't in the mood to listen to this, but she ate anyway since...well Keiko had came all the way out here.
"Maybe you shouldn't think that this was going to be a walk in the park," Yusuke grumbled. "I know what I'm doing, Keiko, if we were doing something more, I would have told you. The hell would happen, she'd be fine. I am here, after all."
"I'm sorry if that doesn't exactly make me feel better." Keiko sighed a little. "I just don't understand how any of this works, because you never told me how it did. I want to understand, but you just keep me out of it..." She had done her best to learn, but it was hard when she wasn't like him, or even these girls.
Yusuke sighed heavily, hand running through his hair. "Because I figured you had enough of this crap," he grumbled. "Besides, none of this training is going to get prettier, I'd rather not have you worry about nothing, I can't slack on this if they need the help. And the last thing I need is you being grouchy at me for doing what I know to do. C'mon, trust me a little, please?"
Keiko was quiet for a moment before sighing. "Fine, I trust you. You're dinner is in my bag." She mumbled as Tsubaki started to move...slowly. She needed to, otherwise she was sure she wouldn't be able to walk out of here. Plus, it was kind of embarrassing for Keiko to feed her. "Anyways, next time just tell me how long you're going to be gone, okay?"
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