Thank You For Waking Me Up (Princess Pittooey and I)

Tsubaki in that moment realized why Keiko had showed up last night. Botan was putting all kinds of thoughts into her head, causing trouble for everyone. What a mischievous, obnoxious woman.

Keko let out a flustered groan before leaving, slamming the door behind her. Botan was so mean! It was even worse now...Tsubaki was cute but Jinji was way more developed and...Keiko sighed. She trusted Yusuke for the most part..but other than Botan and Shizuru, he had never really been around girls. It was different.
"What?" Botan giggled, noticing the cold reception. "It's not my fault, Keiko's just so protective of Yusuke that it's just adorable! How can I not?" she said mischievously.

This was quite possibly the hardest thing that Jinji had ever done in her entire life. Getting the point of spirit energy took effort alone, but...balancing herself on a needle point? How did her sister even accomplish this? She was gritting her teeth the entire time, her energy stuck between there and barely there as Yusuke watched with a faint sigh.

"Come on, Jinji," Yusuke goaded, scratching his head. "This is pathetic! I was expecting a little more out of you when your sister could keep up! You're already starting to wobble on me!"

If she had the energy to reply, she would have...but she was trying not to fall on her face with the needle!
Keiko wasn't surprised to see them in the same spot she found Yusuke and Tsubaki in last night, but this time she didn't enter the cave to interrupt. Jinji seemed to be doing the best she could, why was Yusuke being so mean to her? Maybe he got his teaching style from Genkai...but it still seemed rather harsh.

There might have been a method to their madness that she couldn't see because she wasn't like them, but she just couldn't see it right now. Maybe if she kept watching..?

Tsubaki ignored Botan for the most part until she finished her school work. She still felt extremely sore from last night, but she could feel herself getting better as time went by. "Botan," Tsubaki finally said after she was finished. "Our assignments, are we going to be killing demons?" She asked, seemingly out of nowhere. It was hard to tell if she was truly interested, as always.
"Hmm?" Botan murmured, leaning back a little in thought. "No, of course not...not always," she smiled. "But...well, demons...they're kind of aggressive, you know? Not all of them take defeat very well. And I've heard that punishments when they get sent back to the Makai are very strict, but...that's being a demon for you," she said. "But some of Yusuke's best friends are former criminals, in fact! Who knows, maybe you'll get some handsome demon men trailing after you and your sister, Tsubaki," she said, her eyes as mischievous as a cats. "Human women are very appealing to them, you know."
Tsubaki grimaced upon learning that Yusuke was friends with a bunch of demon criminals, but somehow she didn't seem too surprised. "Feh, as if I would ever go out with a demon." She responded dismissively. She didn't even give her own species the time of day. Like some monster would be capable of garnering her affection. Besides, every demon she had ever seen was creepy and funny looking. "Don't doubt that they like human girls though, we probably taste good to them."
"They don't discriminate," Botan smiled, waving that off. "Besides, the demons you see are the ones you can sense. I bet there's more demons out there than you know, Tsubaki," she laughed. "You don't know everything, after all!"
"I don't," Tsubaki agreed, though honestly she was aware that she came off as a know it all. It was just how she dealt with people who always wanted to treat her like a little kid. Her height was always an obstacle in getting taken seriously, so she compensated with a proper attitude. "I just don't think that humans and demons should coexist, that's all."
"Well, sorry to tell you, but they have been for longer than you've ever been born," Botan grinned. "Not every demon is some troublemaker, although...most are. Some aren't. Now it's just like humans, the good and the bad are together."
"I'd rather take my chances with bad humans than bad demons." Tsubaki said with a shrug. Humans didn't go around gobbling children up as they pleased, they didn't have the power to just destroy a city if they felt like it. At least not as was just so annoying. Botan might have been speaking the truth, but she was stubborn. She'd believe in good demons when she saw one...
"There's not much difference, really," Botan said with a long frown of thought. "Just because humans can't shoot spirit energy out of their hands doesn't mean they aren't as dangerous...or even more dangerous. You shouldn't judge a book by it's cover, if that were true, then Yusuke'd already be beaten up and arrested by now!" she laughed.
"Whatever you say." Tsubaki said with a shrug. She'd believe it when she saw it. Then again, the way Botan said that made it seem like Yusuke had been assigned to handle humans as well as demons. "So...then you're saying being a spirit detective involves handling both evil demons and evil humans. Is that right?"
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