Thank You For Waking Me Up (Princess Pittooey and I)

Jinji had little choice, because she didn't want to argue, and Yusuke's posture said he'd take no bullshit. So she hung her shoulders as they headed off. Well, long as they were safe?

"Your first test isn't going to be a fun one, but none of them are," he smirked, opening the door to a room that was fairly dark, only the rectangular windows at the very top of the surprisingly high room offered any sort of light. There were only two items within: A pair of spikes resting on cushions.
"What the hell..?" Tsubaki couldn't keep the exasperated look off her face. Was this a torture chamber?! "What am I supposed to do in here?"
"This is your first test," he said easily. "You're going to focus your spirit energy onto a single point...and prevent yourself from falling on the needle," he grinned. "If you can't be expected to do that, then you've got no use being here, and your sister is going to be better off without you." he said, pressing his finger on the needle and lifting himself up without much pause, his energy was focused and even, a tiny speck on the needle as he slid his hand behind his back, grinning at her. "Ta-da!"
Tsubaki narrowed her eyes at that, feeling the irritation burning at her neck. She wasn't about to leave Jinji out here alone with this bastard. "Fine, I'll do it." She grumbled as she lifted her hand again and tried to focus. Somehow that really pissed her off. She thought that would make focusing even harder, but sure enough, she finally was able to bring out her spirit energy in the form of a tiny, slightly unstable ball. That was the hard and slightly scary part...
"That's step one," Yusuke smirked. "C'mon, get up here...or are you chicken?" Ooh, look at that...some real fire in those eyes! Maybe this would work after all!
"You sound like a ten year old. Step aside." Tsubaki muttered with slight disinterest. Then again, her ten year old brother was a little more mature than this guy. She had some trouble getting into the proper position and focusing on keeping the energy right above the needle so she didn't fall on it. It was hard to keep her balance this way and concentrate, and not even a minute later she was covered in sweat. This position was hard enough, but for her to concentrate on that spirit energy that was keeping her from falling? This was torture and he knew it.
"Hey, look at actually are capable of doing something useful except acting like you're a boss of anything," Yusuke smirked. "Good, now hold that until I tell you to stop," he said easily. "Your spirit energy is your lifeline...if you can't hold yourself up doing it, you may as well just spare us all and fall on it." he said dryly. It was a rough lesson, but...Genkai's teaching had taught him more about himself than he ever would before. She ripped her open, and maybe he wasn't her...but he knew that he couldn't trust any lesson that he couldn't handle himself.

This was an extreme lesson, maybe. But if his time taught him anything, it's better to have the best training for the worst situations.
Tsubaki couldn't even, she wouldn't. She wouldn't let him piss her off...but when she tried to ignore him, her spirit energy crackled and became more unstable. She swallowed hard and tried to focus more. She didn't want to fail at this...if she did she couldn't help Jinji! That thought alone was enough to make it stabilize again. That was good, but...ugh balancing like this was hard. Her heavy breasts were making this a lot harder than it should have been!
"Getting quiet now, huh?" Yusuke smirked. "Good, if you can hold that for a few hours, maybe you'll be worth teaching something." Well, look at that...goad the sleeping cat and some claws came out, like he expected.
"A few hours? You're kidding me, right?" Tsubaki was already covered from head to toe in sweat from this balancing act, and talking only threatened to break her concentration again. Ugh, this was unreal...she had a passive interest in getting stronger, but this? This just wasn't fair!
"You want to help your sister, or not?" Yusuke said flatly. "Or do you just think you can boss her around?" he sighed, reclining in front of her. "S'gonna backfire on you, you know, don't you guys have a parent for that kind of thing?" he said, scratching at the inside of his ear with his pinky. "Or do you just like to be controlling and think you're doing everyone a favor?"
Of course he'd take her side, that was really fucking annoying. "I don't boss her around, for one..." She growled, although her energy nearly fizzled out after that. She nearly panicked as her finger nearly touched the tip of the needle, but she managed to get it back just in time. "..Just leave me alone!" If he kept talking to her, she'd end up failing because of his big mouth. Sticking his nose into things that he didn't even know about! Jinji must have been talking to him or something, because anyone who had a shred of common sense instead of a victim complex would see that all she was trying to do was protect her, not control her!
"Really?" Yusuke smirked. "So why is Jinji so upset about you coming along, hm? You don't think she can do this on her own? Must be a pain in the ass, having some shortstack boss her around like she knows what's good for her, I'm surprised she hasn't put you to the ground yet, I know I would." She had focus issues, serious focus issues. She liked everything in it's place, didn't she? "But you wouldn't know, would you? Because all you do is assume, without asking."
"That's not true!" Tsubaki knew if she tried to block him out, she'd fall. Then it was game over. The real reason why she came, she didn't really want to talk about it, she didn't want to think about it, but she had no choice. "I came because I'd never forgive myself if something happened to her! I know how strong demons can be," The concentrated energy began to grow more, but it was stable. All she could think about was how afraid she was. Not of the weaklings she had faced until now, but the demon that she had been saved from. It was...a monster. She could feel the fear that she felt even back then. If that person hadn't come along and killed it, she'd be dead! "Not even I can handle those kinds of demons...I didn't want Jinji to be involved in any of this, but I knew I couldn't stop her so I did what I could and just came along. Now leave me alone so I can do this!" Fuck, her eyes were stinging and her arm was getting numb, but she didn't care. She would do this!
"No," Yusuke said flatly. "You know what you're doing, don't you? You're controlling her life, that's why she's so angry...but you always think you're in the right, maybe you should stop thinking you know what's best and let her decide on her own, huh? Or does she need to ask permission to do that from you, first?" Now she was wasting energy, but it was stable. An improvement, he supposed. "She's going to grow up one day, you know, and she won't like your opinion anymore, so where is that going to leave you? Alone and miserable."
"If you think you know her better than I do, fine." Tsubaki heaved as she continued to struggle with her concentration. "But there's no way I'm going to listen to some asshole who I just met two hours ago. If I was really ruining her life, if I was really controlling her than she should have just told me. Because that's not what I wanted to do. I cover for her all the time with our parents, and I watch out for her as much as I can, but this is the thanks I get? I have to be the bad guy? I'm only doing this for her, and I'm still bad? Whatever...I don't give a fuck!" Why wouldn't he just leave? Why wouldn't he just shut up?!
"Yes you do," Yusuke smirked. "You know she won't say anything because you two just argue whenever you talk, don't you? Did you even let her get a word in when you talked to Botan?" Honestly? Yusuke had zero idea whatsoever what he was talking about, but he was goading, and it was working, so he obviously hit a nerve that was right. He didn't have Genkai's perpetual wisdom to know how everyone ticked, but he had a solid gut feeling.

Everything about her from the way she acted to the way she talked was comfortable, now she was out of her comfort zone. She wasn't in her own little bubble anymore, and she'd never be now. "So maybe now you should start breathing in the fresh air around you, or are those watermelons sucking up all the brainpower you have?"
It shouldn't have been possible for her face to get any redder than it already was from the position and the effort she was putting into her concentration, but she turned redder than a tomato at his words. Whether or not it was from anger or embarrassment, she didn't know. Every time she tried to block him out, she would lose concentration on her spirit energy and she'd feel it growing smaller. "You're so annoying, if I'm going to do this for hours than the least you could do is shut up! Pervert!"
"No," Yusuke smirked. "Can't handle someone staring at you? Are you even wearing underwear underneath those things? I'm not seeing a line," he leered dramatically. "Man, you're just flashing me all your goods, aren't you?" She was so easy to distract, he was surprised that she hadn't fell yet. But they had barely reached an hour.
"I'll get you for this!" She growled, though the red in her face didn't go away. Great, this was just great. She couldn't do a damn thing about any of this, and if he was going to do this to her, than how would he treat her sister? It didn't sit right with her, it just made her even angrier, yet still she didn't lost her balance, even when she shifted her legs together uncomfortably to hide anything he might be staring at.
"Oh really?" Yusuke smirked. "You can barely keep yourself on the needle, and you're threatening me? That's hilarious, you better start focusing more on getting better before you ever think you're in my league, sweetheart." He laughed. Ah! It felt so good to train people! No wonder that old bird loved bossing people around and telling them they were crap!
"I'm going to tell Keiko you sexually harassed me, teacher." She was not above being a brat...she was well aware he was stronger than her. "But first, I'm going to finish this stupid training and prove that you're wrong about me!"
Yusuke laughed, which was about the most grating thing in the world when you wanted to hit him in the first place. "Yeah? Good luck with that, your arm is looking a little shaky there, girlie, am I going to have to tell Jinji that her sister couldn't cut it?"
"You wish." Tsubaki answered through clenched teeth. "This is nothing...if you think you can break me with this stupid shit, you're mistaken..."
"Am I?" Yusuke said flatly. "Man, I wonder if Jinji even knows you're capable of looking like you have feelings," he smirked. "Or are you just dull and boring around her? I wonder what she'd think about that, do you just suck the fun out of you so you can be her mother?"
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