Thank You For Waking Me Up (Princess Pittooey and I)

"Hopefully he'll help." Tsubaki muttered as she pressed the play button on her MP3 player. She was done talking, now she would simply observe. She didn't trust Botan at all, she was being way too nice.
Jinji was true to her word in not talking to her sister, since as usual...she was being an apathetic, uncaring bitch about everything that didn't concern her directly. So the walk was thankfully quiet for Botan as they headed to his apartment complex and moved through their floor, glancing around. She was...kind of expecting something else? Maybe she had some image in her head of some kind of...demon slaying Yusuke Urameshi living in the woods or something, she didn't know.

"This is it?" Jinji said curiously.

"This is it," Botan smiled easily, moving to the last room on the floor. "I know, I wanted him to have his own place, but Keiko just insisted and...well, Yusuke was never very good at arguing with her," she grinned.
It didn't really look like a place some street thug would live in, but after listening to Botan she realized he must have had a girlfriend or something keeping him in check. That was good, she didn't have to worry about some older man picking up her sister, unless he was a real scumbag.

She didn't waste time, she was already at the door knocking. Maybe if he said no, they'd get out of this Spirit detective thing. Unfortunately, the person to come answer the door was not Yusuke, but a brown haired woman in her early twenties or so. "Oh, hello. May I help you?" Keiko asked with a smile. Who was this girl? She had never seen her around before.

"I need to see Yusuke Urameshi. It's serious." Tsubaki blandly said as she folded her arms. Keiko just stared at her for a moment as all kinds of questions started to fill her mind. Some strange girl she had never seen before, on her doorstep, looking for her boyfriend? It was hard not to get the wrong idea.
"Tsubaki," Jinji replied with a sigh. "God, you're about as personable as wet cardboard!" And she wondered why people didn't talk to her much, wait, did she? Probably not.

"Keiko!" Botan said cheerfully, embracing her in a friendly hug. "It's been too long, sweetie! How have you and Yusuke been? Mm? Enjoying your 'personal' time?" she teased with a playful grin.
Keiko didn't even see Jinji or Botan, so the hug caught her slightly off guard. So did the intentional jab at her intimate life with Yusuke. She blushed a little but giggled nonetheless, giving Botan a hug. "Oh, Botan, long time no see! Yusuke and I have been doing well." Keko answered before glancing at the two other girls. "What brings you here? Who are these two?" It was kind of a relief, but then again, this had something to do with the Spirit world, didn't it? Botan wouldn't bring two strangers with her just to say hi.
"Well, we're on official spirit detective business," Botan said, as serious as she could sound while smiling. "Where's Yusuke? I need to talk to him, it's important."
"Oh, he's here." Keiko assured, although the look on her face wasn't too reassuring. "Come in, I'll make you all some tea if you're going to be here for a bit. Yusuke, you have visitors!" She called out before ushering the three inside. Hopefully he didn't run off like the last time Botan was here on official detective business.
Unfortunately, there was no escape this time, by the time Yusuke knew what was going on, they were already in and Botan had spotted him with laser precision. He grimaced inwardly, but let out an easy grin either way. Dammit. Shit. Son of a bitch.

"Botan!" Yusuke greeted with a cheer that could only be described as painfully fake. "It's so good to see you again-"

"Don't you start with me about that, Mister!" Botan growled, barging past Keiko like a freight train as Jinji politely bowed to Keiko and headed inside. Oh boy...

"Do you know how hard it is to get ahold of you!?" she screeched. "Do you know how many times I've tried to contact you?! and now that I just stalk in, you're here, all swell and fine!?"

" know..." Yusuke chuckled nervously, hands up. "C'mon! I'm not a Detective anymore! Remember? I'm supposed to be living life and all that! That's what I'm here for, right, Keiko?" She'd...she'd help him out, right?
"Don't look at me, Yusuke. After everything Botan has done for you, the least you can do is keep in touch." Keiko scolded before looking at the two girls. "Make yourselves at home! I'll be back soon. You'd better be nice to our guests, Yusuke." Keiko warned, narrowing her eyes at him before disappearing into the kitchen.

Tsubaki couldn't help but smirk in amusement before she settled herself on the couch, but she made no moves to introduce herself or even aknowledge the ex spirit detective. He was actually kind of good looking, another reason for her to be glad he was taken. No older guy was going to seduce her baby sister on her watch!
"Thank you," Jinji said politely, sitting next to Tsubaki as she glanced around. The place was...remarkably clean, honestly. They couldn't have been any older than twenty, and they were already out on their own, living together. What a terrifying girl...that glare could shatter a diamond.

"Okay, okay!" Yusuke huffed, waving his hands. "I get it! I get it! I'm sorry! don't need to flip out on me," he grumbled, rubbing his neck. "What exactly are you here for? Who are these two-" Wow One was all height and all...everything and the other was all boobs. Terrific.

"If I can be pleased to announce that I've found your two students!" Botan cheered, shifting over to the couch. "This little bundle of beauty is Tsubaki, and the lovely vision next to her is her little sister, Jinji!"

"Yo." Tsunami casually greeted in a somewhat bored tone, although she saw that once over he gave them both. Like every guy would, honestly...boys were all the same. She didn't even try to hide her bust, she was already crossing her arms. "So Botan, how come this guy retired when the need for spirit detectives is at an all time high? What, with demons being able to come in and out of the human world as they please. He couldn't wait until a proper replacement was found?"
"Hold on, I'm sorry, my what?" Yusuke said flatly, pinching the bridge of his nose "My what?"

"Your students," she mouthed again, summoning a paper with a puff of smoke. Not exactly...impressive, but Jinji's eyes widened nonetheless as Yusuke yanked the paper out of her hands in irritation, while Botan remained unflappably cheerful while she explained: "Yusuke has done quite a bit for everyone already, Tsubaki. You wouldn't believe how many times he saved Earth, but he's very strong...a lot stronger than he looks," she sighed as Yusuke's heart sank.

"Hey, Botan!" he hissed. "What's the big idea about this!?" He said, waving the paper at her.

"Mmmm?" Botan said whimsically. "Why, whatever do you mean, Yusuke? I told Konema that I needed a little help, that's all!" Yusuke narrowed his eyes at her, while she smiled all the way through it. What...what a cruel, heartless woman she could truly be. He couldn't believe this!

"Ugh," Yusuke grumbled, burning the paper up with a flash of spirit energy. "Fine, whatever." he said, looking the two of them over. "The most impressive thing on them is their boobs, Botan. What's the deal?"
Tsubaki just rolled her eyes, although she was used to that sort of behavior from obnoxious boys. She didn't even have to say anything, because Keiko was already storming into the room with a tray of tea cups in her hands. "Are you serious, Yusuke? I just told you to be nice to them! Why do you always have to be such a perve?! Apologize!" She demanded as she dropped the tray onto the coffee table in a huff, ignoring the loud clattering of the cups that was enough to make Tsubaki flinch.

" need to apologize to us." She said with a shrug. "After all, he's your boyfriend...he should be apologizing to you for even daring to look at two other girls. If he was my boyfriend, I'd feel so hurt."

Checkmate. It wasn't going to be hard to make him look like a monster to her little sister. She was having a hard time keeping herself from grinning. This guy was a threat, she was going to make it a priority to make him look bad at any chance she could get. Maybe if she got lucky he'd just say no and they could go back to their normal lives.
"Hey, I'm supposed to train these two!" Yusuke huffed. "I'm just sayin' what's true, Keiko! Don't get all sour at me!"

"Don't worry about it," Jinji murmured. "We're a little in the dark, to be honest. Do we...even have the potential to do this?" she said as Yusuke glared at Keiko (unsuccessfully, Botan might add) before glancing at the two of them with a faint frown, eyes narrowing a minute. Hm.

Not bad, he supposed. No better or worse than how he started, he scratched his neck with a faint sigh. "Yeah, I think I can make it work," Yusuke grumbled. "So long as Konema doesn't damn my soul to eternal hell..."

"Nonsense," Botan laughed it away, waving it off, almost as if she had gotten caught. "It's uh...just a joke, you know? Koenma would...would never do something like that!"
"I'm surprised Koenma would even trust these girls in the hands of a delinquent like Yusuke." Keiko muttered, not that it said a lot about her tastes in men. She...she just knew Yusuke's softer side. Always had, he was more complicated than what people thought him to be. Still, she couldn't say she trusted him to be with these two alone. He didn't even know how to talk to girls! "So, how do you plan to train them, Yusuke? Hopefully you're not just going to beat them up."

"How else would he teach us? Don't worry about it, Miss Keiko. We're tougher than we look." Tsubaki gave her an innocent smile. She was worried, that was sweet of her.
"That's hurtful, you know," Yusuke sniffed. "And no, for your information...if they wanna do this, they're doing it how I learned, we're going to the old hag's place, if they're anything worth anything, we'll know there," he smirked as Botan paled, just a little.

"Hold on a minute, Yusuke! Isn't that a bit too far!?" Botan insisted.

"Nope," Yusuke said, that smug smirk never leaving as he crossed his arms. "Hey, you said you wanted my help, right? The best help you could get, right? So we do this my way, they sink or they swim. I can't have people trained under me sullying my good name."

"I didn't know your name was good," Botan said, faintly under her breath, much to Yusuke's chagrin as she grinned playfully at him. Whoops, did she say that out loud?
Tsubaki was still left in the dark. He was taking them to someone else? Dumping the responsibility on an "old hag" as he called her? Wasn't that just great.

"Well, I'll make the tea to go then." Keiko declared as she turned her nose up and folded her arms. She wasn't going to let him go off again on his own for weeks without her.
"Wait, what?" Yusuke said curiously, brow raised. "Keiko, you're coming along? Why? We're just going to be at Genkai's." Oh man, she had that look in her eyes...ugh, why? What possible reason could she have for wanting to come along?
"I know where you're going, and I'm coming along. The last time I let you out of my sight, you were gone for years. Plus, I'm sure Botan has better things to do than make sure you're doing your job. You're not going to ditch them at Genkai's while you fool around. Not under my watch." She would make sure he'd do his job, he had enough time to laze around anyway.

"Wait, years? How long are we actually going to be gone?" Tsubaki asked, the concern apparent in her voice, They had school, and lives, and kid brothers! They were joking, right?
"Not that long," Yusuke waved off with a sigh. "A few months, at least. She's just being dramatic."

"A few months?" Jinji blinked curiously. This was it, wasn't it? The real deal?

"Being a spirit detective takes dedication," Botan smiled. "You better get your affairs in order before you head out," she winked. "Yusuke's got a few more hours of Keiko bossing her around."

"Sounds like a plan," Jinji grinned, rising up. She was excited, she could finally do it! She could really make a difference! She could stop being so paranoid about what a good guy or a bad guy is, and be able to keep the city safe, too!
"Ummm, hello? Jinji, we have school! We would miss an entire semester! You can't possibly expect mother to agree to this." And yet, she knew somehow Jinji would find a way, and she had to be dragged along with it...
"This is more important, Tsubaki," Jinji insisted. "Besides, you don't even want to do it anyway, so why are you complaining? Just tell Mom that I'm doing something important, she'll understand. I can catch up later!"
Tsubaki sighed and shook her head. She wasn't wrong. Her mother thought both of them were absolute angels, only because Tsubaki constantly covered up for Jinji...

"Well you can repeat a grade, but I'm not going to. That doesn't mean I'm letting you do this by yourself though." She mumbled as she pulled out her phone and stood up. It was time to call in some favors. Homeschooling was always something Tsubaki had looked into, and perhaps if she hadn't become student president she would have done it sooner. "Do you have an address for us to meet you at when we're done or something?" She asked Yusuke in a more than irritated manner.

Her life as she knew it was over, she'd have no free time if this stuff was supposed to be as intense as it sounded. Plus keeping up her GPA, her spare time was ruined. This would be the worst few months of her life. Still, there was no question about it...she'd just have to deal with it until Jinji got bored, or until she convinced her that she could handle herself out there.
"...Would you excuse us for a moment, please?" Jinji said in equal irritation, grabbing her sister by the arm to lead her out of the apartment. She couldn't believe this bullshit, was Tsubaki actually going to go through with this and be a big sour bitch the entire time?
"Watch the shirt!" Tsubaki hissed as Jinji dragged her outside. "What's your problem?! I was trying to help!" God, she could at least have asked her before nearly yanking her arm out of her socket. She could already tell the hissy fit was coming, and honestly, she didn't have the energy for it.
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