Thank You For Waking Me Up (Princess Pittooey and I)

"Ooh, looks like she's a fighter! I like that! Welcome, Tomoe. I'm also a third year! And this is our class president, so direct any and all questions to her. She may look like she doesn't want to be bothered, but she's nice. I swear." Haruhi said as she pointed to Tsubaki as giggles were heard across the room. There was just something about Haruhi everyone liked instead of finding it obnoxious, unless you were Tomoko and to a lesser extent, Tsubaki. The class president sighed and then got up, bowing her head slightly.

"Welcome to our school, Tomoe. Not everyone is as rude as Haruhi, so I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself. I will be here after homeroom to show you around, if you'd like." She smiled at Botan politely and then sat down.

"Friendly is not being rude." Haruhi whispered to her with a lazy grin.
"I would like that very much, thank you!" Tomoe said cheerfully as Mr.Hayashi shook his head with a sigh. "Alright, alright...Miss Tomoe, please find a seat."

"Yes, sir!" she said easily, finding one near Tsubaki. Hm, this might be more difficult than she thought. She wasn't like Yusuke, thank the heavens. She seemed to actually have friends in school and everything! Hrm, this would require a little bit more tact than she was thinking...but how was she supposed to show her it was important if she didn't seem to notice it herself?
The new girl found a seat directly in front of Rei, who was still secretly munching on what would have been Tsubaki's breakfast. "Nice to meet you Tomoe!" She whispered, though she probably should have finished chewing her food at least.

Tsubaki already seemed disengaged, but honestly she always looked like that. Off in her own world. Especially when most of the time she was, seeing things that her friends couldn't see when she looked out the window. She had long since learned that not everything would bother her, but the things that did, they were a problem.
"Likewise," 'Tomoe' smiled easily, either blissfully ignorant of the current state of food being launched at her like a shotgun. Her eyes, however...followed Tsubaki, and her eyes lit up at the prospect of a conversation starter. Ah-hah! Perfect! She knew exactly what she was seeing, such was the state of the world these days. Spirits and demons were not always evil, sometimes they were minor problems...or really, just somewhat creepy. Currently, it was a woman...looking pleased and serene. It flickered in and out of existence.

"Don't worry about her," Botan said, leaning over to Tsubaki's desk with a cheerful smile. "It's her last time on Earth. She's making the best of it."
"Maybe, yeah." Tsubaki agreed, although it took her a second to realize what the new girl was commenting on. Wait, what..? Did she see these things too? "Uhh...I mean...what?" She asked as she turned around to face Tomoe with a perplexed frown. Did she just imagine her saying that? No, Tsubaki had long since realized that she was not crazy. She was different, but she didn't hear voices. "You..saw that too?" She continued on, her voice barely above a whisper.
"Of course," Botan smiled. "If you want to know more, I'll tell you...later," she said playfully, fanning it away. "We can't have you miss your studies, can you? Trust me, you'd know if you had to worry. You can sense it too, can't you?" The feeling, she supposed. The way that you knew everything was okay.
Did she really want to know more? Of course she did. She had never met anyone before that had the same talent as her. "Yeah, it's fine. I suppose we'll talk afterwards then." She seemed unenthusiastic to stay the least. But she didn't really know how to feel about it, really.
"Good," Botan smiled. Well! That was easy enough, wasn't it? Now it was just hoping that Junji would be just as easy, but...she had a feeling she would be, even more so. "And bring your sister too, okay? I think this something both of you need to hear." She had known a few ways to be crafty, hopefully at least one of them would agree...and she had a feeling if one did, the other would come along anyway.
"My sister?" Tsubaki was confused. Why would she want to talk to her sister? Unless...

Crap. Of course, that would definitely make sense. If she could see spirits, wouldn't that be something that ran in the family or whatever? She actually didn't want that to be true. She wanted her brothers and sister to live normal lives, but earlier this morning...she saw that, didn't she? Fuck, she'd have some explaining to do before she took her sister to see this strange girl. She wouldn't want her to think the both of them were crazy if she were wrong.

Class went by painfully slow, as homeroom often did. They didn't have much time between classes, but Tsubaki didn't think whatever this girl had to say would take up their free time. She could only hope investigating whether or not Jinji saw spirits wouldn't take long.

She told her friends to go on to the next class without her. She had something she needed to take care of, and no one questioned it because of the new girl.
Botan was all sugar and smiles when Tsubaki joined her in the hallway later, hands behind her back. "I knew you'd be curious," she smiled eagerly. "You're making the right choice, you shouldn't be so grumpy about it, this is a very important gift, one that could help a lot of people." she hummed, turning to head down the hall. "Your sister, too. Just trust me, okay?" Hm, she wasn't expecting Tsubaki to seem so...uninterested, she got a better reaction from Yusuke.
Trust her, yeah...the girl who just suddenly popped up and figured out her sister could see ghosts too? She was honestly weary about it, but...why? She would have probably been less worried if her sister wasn't with her, but she followed nonetheless. She wanted to know who this girl was, and what she had to say. She felt funny, Tsubaki noticed that when she first came around. Was she human or just another demon in disguise? There weren't any horns though, there was nothing that indicated her not being human. Other than the strange aura. But she didn't comment, she just followed silently with a blank expression on her face.
"You're just no fun, are you?" Botan sighed, shrugging her shoulders. But it didn't matter, she supposed. She made her way to the nearby door for the stairs to the roof with an easy smile. "Well, I'm sure your sister is going to be more interested, she seems like the more lively of the two of you. Maybe she's a better sleeper?"
"Maybe. Look, I don't even know what you want to tell us. I just know if it has to do with ghosts, it can't be anything good. Nothing good has ever came from me seeing what everyone else can't. Knowing that my sister is also cursed and can see them just makes this even worse for me." Tsubaki signed and sunk her hands on her pockets. "You know more about us than you're leading on, don't you, new girl?"
"Maybe," she drawled out like a mischievous cat as they headed up the stairs with an easy hum. "You'll just have to keep up if you wanna find out!" she laughed, moving up the stairs with remarkable agility. Playfulness aside, there was some urgency to this, they needed new people, immediately, if not sooner.
"Wait...wait damn it!" Too late, she was already gone. Damn it, this was such a bother! She didn't know why but she automatically started chasing the blue haired girl, having remarkable agility herself. Ugh, she hated running!
It wasn't that Jinji hated school, she just...didn't like certain classes. That was all, that was much to the chagrin of her friend who had come up just a few minutes ago, noted by the footsteps that she chose to ignore. She was trying to get a nap going, because history class bored the ever living crap out of her. But that was her, wasn't it? The 'delinquent' sister. It wasn't like it showed on her grades...a lot.

Okay, sometimes it did, but...

"Jinji," Amari muttered in a voice that sounded as unsurprised as it did disappointed. Jinji opened one dark eye to stare up at her friend, her hair always a bleached blonde and a disparaging frown on her face. Amari was half american, but she never got the full features. Just the green eyes.

"Nice panties," Jinji remarked dryly.

Amari sighed heavily, hands on her hips. "Honestly, Jinji!" she groused as Jinji said up, scratching her head with a yawn.

"What?" she muttered. "I'll just copy off of your homework, no big deal."

"It is-...ugh," Amari huffed. "Come on, Jinji! You promised you'd try harder this year!"

"I am!" she protested. "History is boring! What am I supposed to do?"

"...Go to it?" Amari said dryly, brow raised. "Like everyone else?"

"I'll just read the textbook later," Jinji shrugged. "What's the big deal?"

"Ugh," Amari grumbled. "You're so-"

"...Ahem," Another voice said, as Jinji glanced over curiously. Blue hair? Red eyes? What in the...

"Am I interrupting something?" Botan said cheerfully. This seemed oddly familiar, didn't it?
Tsubaki was close behind, but she was a gasping stuttering mess when she finally caught up. Geese, who was this girl?! She didn't even look tired! "Tomoe...ugh...what's the freaking deal..?" Tsubaki sputtered as she struggled to catch her breath, hands on her knees. She then looked up and saw her sister and her friend. that's where she was. Skipping class...again. Maybe it was her fault for joking about it earlier.
"...Tsubaki?" Jinji said curiously, glancing at the two of them. "What's going on?"

"Oh, you're the new girl, right?" Amari greeted with a polite smile. "It's nice to meet you, Tomoe, Tsubaki said?"

"That's right," Botan smiled, moving closer to Amari in a friendly greeting, before she moved her hand in front of her confused face and snapped her fingers. Just like that, Amari was frozen in place. Jinji's brows shot up into her hair in concern, moving to her friend. What...what the hell!?
Tsubaki blinked before she protectively stepped between her sister and the new girl. Her demeanor changed within an instant as she no longer appeared fatigued in any way. This girl was definitely not human, and she didn't know what just happened to Amari, but she wouldn't let it happen to her sister. "So what gives..? Who are you? Explain yourself." She demanded as she folded her arms. What did she want with her and her sister?
"Relax!" Botan waved off easily as Jinji narrowed her eyes. "I said I'd explain, so I name is Botan, and I'm a grim reaper!"

"...You're a what." Jinji said flatly, brow raised in surprise. She didn't even have the energy to muster the question in her voice, a blue haired, pink eyed girl was...a grim reaper?
"You're joking, right?" Tsubaki asked as she simply tensed more, her stance becoming extremely defensive. Sure, she'd believe that she was a grim reaper, but that didn't mean she was going to relax. "I'm not going to relax around a Grim Reaper. If that's true, then you're here to take our souls, right?" Fuck, she was being too calm about this, but she didn't want Jinji to panic or start freaking out. This was...this was so messed up! Because she was playing along with this madness, because she knew that anything was possible in the world she lived in. Jinji though? She didn't know anything about stuff like this!
"No, of course not," Botan grinned. "Seriously, you two...relax. I'm not here to do any of that, if I was, I would have done it already!" she laughed.

"...This girl is broken in the head," Jinji muttered faintly.

"Nonsense," Botan smiled. "I'm here for a very important reason, Tsubaki, Jinji...I would like to formally offer you a chance to join the Spirit Detectives!"
She supposed Botan was right, but she didn't have to even think about it to decline her offer. "Yeah, no thanks." Tsubaki answered, although she knew she couldn't leave with Amari like this. "I don't know what a Spirit Detective is, but it sounds like trouble. Trouble I don't want or need. Neither does Jinji. So, can you like...undo whatever you did and get out of here?"
"I can answer for myself, Tsubaki," Jinji muttered in annoyance. "What's a Spirit Detective?"

"I'm sure you've noticed," Botan murmured, pleased that her gut was correct. "You can see things, can't you? My fashionable hair color? Strange horns, things that you think aren't there, but they seem to be? It's the job of a Spirit Detective to keep an eye on that. We've been a bit overworked since the gates between Makai and the human world have opened, and we could use the extra help." she smiled. "Demons are forbidden to do any evil in the human world, but...well, you can't control everyone!"

"So," Jinji mumbled. "We'd be doing...what, exactly?"

"A lot of things," Botan admitted. "I'm not going to lie, it's dangerous work...these demons can be very powerful, but more and more kids like you have been exposed to spirit energy, and it can be as much of a problem as demons. But it's a good cause, you'd be helping keep people safe."
Tsubaki didn't seem very thrilled at the entire explanation. She had already made up her mind, but Botan's explanation just made her want to nope the hell out of there as soon as she could. At least she knew why she had been seeing more of them lately, and why her and her sister could see them in the first place.

Still, Jinji looked interested and that wasn't good. "Please tell me you're not actually considering this, Jinji. I didn't even know you could see spirits until just an hour ago! Do you have any idea how dangerous demons are?"
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