Fairy Tail (CaptainNexus616)


Jan 4, 2015
On the out skirts of a large town lives the well known wizarding family the Godmore's. The family live's in a large house with acres of land. Mrs Godmore has been featured in many issues of witchly weekly. Mr Godmore is famous for his medical research where he has written many research papers and books on many matters meaning he was well connected with many powerful families, including the Heartfeal's even throw they hadn't been in contact since his wife had died. All of this helping his wife and daughter live a wealthy life style.

What his daughter Katie didn't know was that the family had a secret and things weren't all what they seemed as she will soon find out on her 18th birthday. She was talking a walk around the gardens but what she found when reentering the house turned her whole life up side down.
Did her family have some kind of connection to the dark guild not to far from there home?
Upon entering her home Katie would find two individuals descending down the grandstair case and towards the main doors. "Are things truly growing that bad Alistar?" Katie's father, A man with blond hair pulled back into a ponytail dressed in an expensive blue suit asked his friend as his deep blue eyes looked at him concern as he ran a hand through his short blonde beard.

"Perhaps. The Lullabay incident at Clove a several weeks ago has not been without ripple effects." Alistar spoke, a man in his late fifties with short grey hair a small moustache and dressed in attire fitting a man whom has spent his life in military. "I'm returning to Magnolia tonight. May I offer my advice old friend? Pack some things and take a vacation. Or move...it...somewhere else." he urged before both men caught sight of young Katie entering the home. "Ahh young Katie!" Alistar said as his grim features morphed into a warm smile at the sight of his goddaughter. "Happy Birthday my dear how are you?" He asked as both men reached the bottom of the steps.
Katie heard bits as she walked throw the door like Lullabay but she had no clue on what they were talking about. It just sounded like something what her mother use to do to get her to sleep when she was little. "Hello Alister. Thank-you. I am doing well how are you?" She said as she looked at her god father. "You working away from home again father?" She asked as she was use to living in this large house by herself.
"Not today. Its your birthday after all." her father said with a smile before looking at Alister with a nod of his head. "Plus we may be taking a vacation pretty soon to celebrate." He said looking back at his daughter.

"I would stay to celebrate but I am needed back in Magnolia. I'm sorry my dear." He said before pulling out a bag with a considerable amount of Jewels inside of it. "Happy Birthday Katie. Don't spend all of it at once." He said kindly before turning back to his friend. "Until next time Roland." and with that he took his leave through the doors.

"Speaking of presents...follow me." Roland said as he led his daughter down the halls of their home to his private study. "I have something very important to give you today. Now that you are old enough it is time you had it." He said opening his desk drawer and pulling out a small box. Presenting it to Katie he smiled as he opened it revealing it to be a black key with a strange symbol on the end.

(Cant get it to work properly google Spawn Mask Logo)
(thats cool sorry for the late reply went and got tea)

"Oh ok but you have to stay long enough to have a drink next time". Katie said to her godfather "thank-you i won't" she promised after taking the bag off him.

she followed her father then frawned at the key he gave to her "What is it".

(sorry doing this one handed and finding it hard to type)
(Your fine lol )

"It is a key Katie." Roland said in a soft voice removing it from the box revealing it to be on a chain. "A very special key perhaps even more important than those of the Celistial. This key unlocks our family's darkest secret." He said before placing both of his hands on her shoulders. "Listen to me carefully. There will come a day when all hope will seem lost and when the hour is at its darkest. Goto the Godmore family crypts here on the grounds. Enter the lowest chamber, and there you will find a coffin with a lock. This key opens it. Promise me...until that hour to never use this key." He cursed himself for being so cryptic over something so crucial.

Roland feared though if she knew more. It would hamper her judgement and cost her, her own life. The setting sun in the distance glared through the window and shined upon the young woman and middle aged man. Displaying his more than serious expression as he gazed down into thst which he loved more than anything in the world.

"Promise me." He repeated
"I promise". Katie said she thought it was a little strange that she would have to go and unlock a coffin. It didn't seem right some how. "How is it more important? The gold keys keep a balance of things in one way as they repentance everyone's birthdays?" Katie asked trying to understand a little of what her father was trying to say to her. She picked up a picture of them with the Heartfeila family off his desk placed in a golden frame. "Sure has been a long time. I wonder what Lucy looks like now". She said looking at the small blond girl next to her both of them with short hair and wearing princess dresses, Lucy's was a deep pink with her little sister doll in her arms and Lucy's was a light blue. She placed the photo back on the desk where it belonged.
"Because what is inside that coffin will change your life more than you realize." Roland said watching as his daughter picked up a photo of them with the Heartfilla family from many years ago. At the mention of her childhood friend did Roland frown. "I am not sure, I haven't spoken to her father for nearly a year now." he said before smiling. "Still enough serious talk. Its your birthday and you deserve to enjoy it. Come dinner will be ready soon and I'm sure the cook has worked tirelessly to prepare your favorites while your mother made your cake." He said escorting his daughter out of his study.

(Do you want the attack to start now or after dinner?)
(you can do it now if you want)
"A year ago". Katie said a little surprised she was only small when she last saw them around the time that photo was taken. "How was he coping?" She placed the key around her neck still not sure on what her father was talking about with the key as she followed her father to the dinning room. She quickly dashed out throw the back doors and come back with a pink rose placing it in the golden vase on the shelf next to the dinning room heavy oak doors what belonged to her grandmothers who died when she was 8 years old. "Just think a few years ago you had to pick me up to do that". Katie said to her father.
Roland smiled as he ruffled his daughter's hair. "Yes I remember. You've grown up so fast Katie, your no longer a little girl. Your a woman now and I'm so proud of you." He said as the sounds of heels clicking against the floor was heard.

"Both of us are proud of our little girl." a woman with lighter blonde hair compared to her father's and with nearly identical facial features said. "Not just you old man." Maria, Katie's mother said teasingly.

"Hey I'm not so old I can't keep the boys away from my little angel." Roland chuckled as Maria smiled. "Come on let's not keep the cook waiting." he said as they began to head down the hall as dusk had nearly passed over the landscape. After seating themselves inside the dining room and listening to the servants and cook sing the birthday song to young Katie did the family prepare to eat. Only for the sound of the dogs outside beginning to bark and snarl at something outside prompt Roland to frown.

A knocking at the front doors was heard before the sound of the hounds yelping and going silent followed. "Maria, Katie get out of the house." he said suddenly rising from his seat. Then it happened as an explosion occurred blasting the front doors off clean. "there here!" Roland said as a magic glyph appeared within his hand. A group of mages garbed in black cloaks and hoods entered through the ruined threshold. These were members of the dark guild Night Hand, usually hired to assault others, assassinate, smuggle, and any other form of illegal operation that could be conducted in Fiore. "Get Katie and get out of here now!" he said hurrying to the entrance hall.
"Dad i can't leave you and the puppies". Katie said not quite sure on what was going on around of her but she had little choice as one of the younger maids dragged her out throw the kitchen and into the gardens along with her mother. "Mother the puppies there is no way there mother can protect them all". Katie said rushing back towards the kitchen and throw the servants quarters so she was in one of the large studies. She managed to call two of them to her what there mother couldn't move then went outside. "I don't know where she has done with the other four pups". Katie said hugging the two tiny husky's. "What did father mean they are here?" She wanted to go back in there to him but the puppies were only week old and couldn't open there eyes yet so they couldn't be placed on the ground.
"The Night Hand guild are here Katie..." Maria said as they moved through the gardens in attempt to get off the grounds. "They are dangerous sweetie we have to contact the town guards." She said knowing they had a spare Communication Lacerima in the garden shed for whenever a situation arose requiring the staff to communicate with the family across the grounds. As they moved through the shadows however two figures in black noticed them.

"Well lookie what we have here." one of the men said in a cocky voice as they approached the women. "Where do you two ladies think your off to?" He asked with a grin as a glyph appeared in Maria's as she casted a smoke spell to distract the guards.

"Run!" Maria said to her daughter as she prepared to cast another spell. "Run Katie!" she ordered a fire spell hit her in the side causing her to cry out in pain as she launched another smoke based spell at her attackers.
The Maid grabbed hold of Katie forcing her to run to wards the shed she set off the distress signal and dragged her throw a trapped door right to the family cematry. "You need to get to the oldest part and wait there, your parents will meet you there while the police arrive from the magic council". The young maid said making sure that Katie got down there by opening the door and locking it behind of her with the emergency key. Since Katie had hold of the puppies there wasn't much she could do. Katie notice where they were. looked around for the coffin her father told her about placing the puppies on one of the pillars she opened the coffin quickly grabbing the pups before they walked off.
As Katie departed however she would hear the sounds of the coffin hissing as it opened releasing a gust of wind in the process. Upon her departure however Katie heard the sounds of the maid that had helped her screaming before the sound of magic and the screams stopping. Then footsteps were rapidly approaching Katie. "Come on that brat said she's down here." the member of Night Hand said as they turned the corner in the crypts before catching sight of the young woman in front of them. "There you are." The Night Hand wizard said with a grin as he had four soldiers following him from behind. All of which blocked the exit out while behind Katie the coffin was now wide open. One of the Night Hand Wizards was holding a ball of light in his hands to provide illumination as the men grinned moving closer to the young woman.

"Don't be afraid love....you look lost. Why don't you let us help you." another one of the wizards said grinning his eyes filled with lust at the sight of Katie. "We don't bite."

"Or we could stay here and have some fun." another one of the wizards said with a smirk as he rested his magic sub machine gun on his shoulder as something was seen moving through the shadows. "So what will-

"Take your head off." A new deep menacing voice finished from the shadows causing the mages present to nearly jump out of their skin. Chains emerged from the shadows grabbing one of the wizards by the ankles dragging him into the darkness. His screams audible for several seconds before the sound of him being punched were heard and silence.

The ball of light quickly illuminated the scene only to find there friend unconscious. Then another set of chains flew out and grabbed one by the throat silencing his attempts to panic before he was pulled into the wall hard face first sending him to the ground and out cold. "What is happening!" The man with the smg panicked ignoring Katie as he had his gun aimed at the darkness trying to find their target before turning and coming face to face with a set of glowing green eyes.

"Your worst nightmare." the figure said grabbing him by the face flicking him to the side with ease while his chains grabbed the smg and reeled it into his hand. As final man with the ball of light turned towards him the illumination made his form clear. Standing there was a tall figure over 6'4. His body was all muscle beneath a skintight black suit that had a white v shapped patern on the chest with red details. Red gloves and boots with spikes adorned his hands and feet. A red flowing cape covered his broad shoulders as his face was covered in a black mask with white patches around the glowing green eyes that drilled into the wizard's soul. "Run" the figure ordered as the dropped the ball of light as the spell was designed for it to continue to burn without his presence before fleeing.

With the wizards incapacitated the figure turned his glowing green eyes upon Katie. "Are you the one that awakened me from my slumber?" The figure asked as his red cape formed and covered the entirety of his body.

Katie nodded. "My name is Katie Godmore". She said in a quiet voice almost at a whisper. The key dangling from her neck, she wondered why someone who was clearly alive was doing down here. Keeping hold of the puppies in her arms trying to keep them safe. "What's going on? Your still alive everyone elts in here from the Godmore family died years ago. "My parents the other servants I can't hear them coming". Katie said panicking a little. "I am so sorry I need to see if they are alright. She said to the figure in front of her. She was so confused and couldn't quite posses what was going on around of her. Slowly she started to walk towards the exit she couldn't do anything reckless what would put the defenseless pups in any harm.
"Then you will require my service master." the figure said walking past her. "Do you wish for these attackers to perish?" the being asked turning to face her as his glowing green eyes focused on her once more.
"I need to find my parents mother is in the garden and father was in the house trying to hold them off. I don't know what happened the just attacked us while we were about to sit down for some food. Father gave my your key said only to use it when everything was all dark we sat sown for dinner the dogs barked and growled what isn't like them one bit, they went quiet the attacked. Father acted like he was waiting for there attack". Katie said all confused on what was going on. She had no idea on what to do what they were after or anything. "Does Lullabay ring any bells?"
"No." the figure said concerning her question regarding Lullaby before turning to the door. "I will take you to your parents Katie." he spoke as his cape moved on its own pushing the doors to the crypt wide open as a dozen wizards stood before the entrance all ready for them.

"There it is!" the one Night Hand wizard from before cried out in panic as the figure narrowed his eyes.

"Since you were not specific. I will not kill..." The figure spoke as his cape parted revealing his form once more. Chains ripped out frpm his body with claws at the end grabbing each of his opponents with ease throwing them away as if they were but sticks as he continued to move forward.

"Kill it! Kill it! Kill it!" the wizards all throughout the estate panicked. The figure quickly cut a path through the opposition. Vanishing each time someone attempted to attack him. Bashing the heads of wizards in, utilizing his chains slam his enemies into the ground, all the while he moved forward towards the gardens.

As they approached however what they discovered would be a sad sight. Sitting against the wall surrounded by fallen Night Hand wizards was Maria covered in wounds as she coughed up blood. "K-K-Katie?" she asked weakly taking in the sight of the figure with her. "A-a-Azrael?!" she said in shock
"Mother". Katie said rushing over to her. Tell me what to do. How do i stop the bleeding". She said tears rolling down her cheeks, she placed the pups next to her placing her hands over her mothers wombs trying to stop any more blood from pouring out of her body. "Father where are you?" Katie screamed at the top of her lungs hoping he would hear her and come running to where they were.
"I-it's too late..." Maria said as tears began to streak down her cheeks. "I-I-I've lost too much blood...." she said as the color began to leave her face. "Your fat...father is in the mansion.. Her eyes slowly gliding over to Azrael who only watched in silence. "A-A-Azrael...plea...please keep her safe..." she said as her eyes turned to Katie one final time. "I...l..l..love...you..."She said as her eyes slowly drifted shut and released a final breath.

While this happened in the distance a light was seen coming from the manor as it was currently ablaze before the youngest Godmore's eyes.
"Father". Katie yelled she had no time to cry over her mothers death. "Tear". She said making sure the two pups were safe. "I have to find there mother they are only a week old and they are a litter of four so she won't leave the pups as there is no way she can move them all, the problem is i don't know where she went hiding or if father and the remaining staff are still inside, Stay there". She told the two hiding them among the flower bed as she ran towards the kitchen, she knew there mother wouldn't be too far from where the pups were found. plus her father headed off in the same direction.
"I'll find your father..." Azrael said turning towards the burning inferno as Katie rushed off to find the dogs. Entering the burning inferno throwing pieces of burning lumber out of his way the being scanned the environment. Only to find nothing but dead bodies everywhere his glowing green eyes roamed then he heard someone groaning. There with heavy burns covering his body was Roland trapped underneath rubble. "Master Roland." Azrael spoke his chains lifting the wood out of the way as he picked the man up in his arms.

"Azrael...your awake...did..she?"

"Yes she did." Azrael spoke as his cape wrapped around his body to shield his former master from the fire as he rose into the air and out a nearby window. Flames streaking across the red cape as he emerged from the building near Katie and the dogs.

"K-K-Katie..." Roland spoke wincing in pain from the excessive amount of burns covering the entirety of his body.
"Katie found the mother and her pups they had been killed by there attackers she grabbed the photo album placing it into a wooden box using her magic she turned it into gold, she could hear Azeael going outside so she went back to the surviving pups. "Father". Katie said rushing over to him while she pulled the pups out of the flowers. "Your on fire". She said to her new protector as she turned her attention to father, she didn't know how to tell him about the dogs or her mother,
"Katie....." Roland said his body was hurt everywhere as his hand trembled as he reached out to his daughter as Azrael still held him while the fires on his cape slowly dissipated. "You did exactly as I instructed of you......." He said with a small smile cupping his daughter's cheek. "I....I don't have much time..left..." he groaned out weakly. "Listen to me" He said looking up at Azrael. "T...this is Azrael your greatest ally and your protector...he will keep you safe from now on my child...you...need to go to Magnolia and...find Alister.....tell him..of what...Night Hand...did here......." Roland said as his breathing began to grow more ragged
"Dad hold on we can get some help". Katie said crying her eyes out by now she couldn't take any more death tonight this was defently one birthday she wanted to forget. "I will go and get him but you need help first." She wondered why no one has responded to the stress signal what got sent out as there lives could have been spared. She got hold of his hand to let him know that she was next to him.
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